The Safe Space

Guest Post by The Zman

The “safe space” on the college campus is a place for “individuals, who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with marginalization.” Alternatively, it can be the area around someone in authority, like a teacher, who “does not tolerate violence, harassment, hate speech or dissenting views, thereby creating a safe place for all people.” Another aspect of the safe space is that those, who should be excluded from it, react scornfully or negatively to the idea of the safe space.

It is a good example of how insider language works. To those into left-wing identity politics, the term makes perfect sense. A part of how they define themselves, even though they hold the whip hand on the college campus, is in terms of their victim status. The more you need the safe space, the more marginalized you are from the imaginary core, which is supposedly dominated by guys named Chad and Dylan. On the other hand, the outsiders find the whole idea weird and amusing. They don’t get it, because they don’t need it.

Of course, like everything with the Left, the opposite of what they say is always a good place to start when trying to understand what is really happening. In this case, the people who need the safe space are those with the dissenting opinions. If you are a one-legged trans woman of color, the campus is your safe space. If you are a normal person, you have to live like a white guy in a black ghetto. Everything you say and do is watched, as they look for a chance to pounce. You have no safe space, even in your head.

The idea of the safe space gets scoffed at by the so-called right, because that’s the role designed for them, so they play it enthusiastically. They never bother to examine it in any detail or wonder if there is more to it. Their cartoon existence is entirely reactionary and uncritical of the world created for them by the Left. The chubby, blue-haired lesbian starts screaming about the need for a safe space and Ben Shapiro callously mocks her. That’s the choreographed drama that pretty much explains all of our politics.

The thing is though, this safe space idea is not just a goofy college campus thing. It is spreading across the ruling class layer. For example, the left-wing cable chat shows are almost entirely free of dissent these days. What little is tolerated, must strictly adhere to that role of the callous, unfeeling face of the core, sneering at the marginalized. That person is the all-purpose foil for the other players on the stage to point, hiss and show their moral indignation. That person is never allowed to ask a useful question.

More ominously, our politics has become a safe space. No left-wing politician is ever exposed to a dissenting opinion. The closest we get is indignant chattering skulls giving someone like Ilhan Omar the business from a great distance. Maybe they try to have a proxy challenge someone like Tulsi Gabbard in a fake town hall meeting. You’ll note that these town hall style candidate forums are a safe space for the participants. The whole point of the event is to make sure no one utters a discouraging word.

The so-called conservatives are getting in on the act too. The intellectual dark web is really just a safe space for the NPC’s and stock characters of the so-called Right to mingle with one another. It’s like the hospitality tent for the never ending drama, but reserved for the non-liberal characters and their fans. They get to play make believe, pretending they are challenging conventional wisdom and disrupting the status quo, when in reality they are just warming up their lungs for their time on the main stage.

That’s another aspect of the safe space. It’s not a place to hide. It is place where those inside get to play make believe. Chad and Dylan are not just outside the door. They are banished from the earth. That leaves the freaks, weirdos and dullards to frolic in the sun, without fearing the ogres of normality. If you want to believe you are a unicorn, you are free to do so. If you want to pretend you are an intellectual challenging the status quo, you can do that to. You’re free to pretend to be what you like in the safe space.

Take a look at the intellectual dark web. Claire Lehmann is one of the intellectual leaders of this group. According to their talking points, these are people “determined to resist parroting what’s politically convenient.” Lehmann is probably a nice person, but her opinions would feel at home on most left-wing websites. In her favor, she is not demanding we burn down libraries and execute biologists, which is now the default position of the Left, but no curious person would confuse Lehmann with a dissident intellectual.

Consider Ben Shapiro, who markets himself as the super-intelligent right-wing slayer of liberal pundits. There are lots of clips on YouTube of Ben supposedly “destroying a liberal” in a debate. Yet, all of the clips are of him smacking around a dopey coed or maybe a third tier cable airhead. Everything about him is manufactured, but he is able to thrive because he exists in a safe space. He’s never going to have to sit across the table from someone, who can handle themselves, forcing him to defend his positions.

Of course, this is why the “opponents” of the Left are just as enthusiastic about defending the safe space as the Left. It’s not the money or even a fear of the people outside the walls of the safe space. That certainly plays a part. It’s that the people inside cannot exist without the safe space. They are hothouse flowers, who would wither and die if exposed to the outside world. Ben Shapiro is the assistant credit manager at a mid-sized company in real life. In the safe space he is an intellectual giant.

This concept of the safe space has evolved to the point where the political class now lives within a safe space, at the center of the larger safe space of the media. Two decades ago, your congressman would show up a few times a year to hear from constituents. Then he would show up and be interviewed on stage by some media people. Now, if he has any influence, he does not show up at all. Instead, you see him on TV or read about him being asked questions by someone from the media. Politics is now the ultimate safe space.

This is why our political class is immune to what’s happening far outside their safe space, where the voters live. Most Congressman, for example are unaware of the damage caused by indentured servants. They have no clue about how companies replace their American workers with visa holders from over the rainbow. That never makes it into the media safe space, so it never penetrates the political safe space. It’s also why Trump seemed like a howling lunatic when he used to talk about these subjects.

Can the global world be run by people living in an insulated fantasy land? It seems unlikely, but the very notion of a safe space seemed ridiculous not so long ago. Perhaps when the West passed the post-scarcity threshold, none of this matters anymore. The system is now a form of defense in-depth, so even delusional morons can run it, without causing the whole thing to collapse. Perhaps it is just a matter of the right crisis coming along to breech the walls of the safe space, so reality can pour through.

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March 13, 2019 9:13 am

Separate might not be “equal”, but no person is “equal” to anyone else. The so-called civil-rights laws and their enforcement should have been limited to blacks dealing with government–not the destruction of “freedom of association” (but only for whites) that these misguided “civil-rights” laws have destroyed.
When a Christian baker can be forced to bake a cake for homosexuals, but moslem bakery owners are not, THAT is a problem. THAT is but proof that the “equal accommodations” laws are used against whites and conservatives which much greater frequency than that of certain minorities.
It is true that blacks were denied hotel accommodations in the past, but so what? In the day, whites were also denied hotel accommodations in black-run establishments, as well.
If I am told that I am not welcome in a private establishment, I will simply go and take my business elsewhere. It is their loss.
Using military troops to enforce “civil-rights” statutes against whites was in itself not only unconstitutional, but did more to set back the cause of TRUE civil-rights.
Blacks were coming into their own, many of them adopting white culture and behavior. Those that conform to white societal norms were and are more than welcome. Sadly, there is a black “underclass” that insists on following its own path of criminality and dysfunctional behavior. All one has to do is look at the urban public schools, which spend twice as much as suburban and rural school systems while delivering dismal results. You see, excelling at education is considered “acting white”; those blacks who attempt to excel are not looked upon highly by most of their black peers.
We have come full-circle, with blacks demanding blacks-only segregated facilities, black teachers and professors, and other blacks-only preferences, but only by their own kind.
Self-imposed segregation is a good thing for both blacks and whites. As long as voluntary segregation is not enforced by any governmental body, there is nothing wrong with it. We would be better off…

March 13, 2019 9:15 am

I still can’t believe that people pay $100 a month to be brainwashed and monitored, for the likes of “left wing cable talk shows”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 13, 2019 9:37 am

I think best way to deal with all of this PC, SJW shit is to pretend to be sensitive according to the Left’s rules while really being an obnoxious boor.

Wayfaring Strang3r
Wayfaring Strang3r
March 13, 2019 9:59 am

You make some good points, certainly about how scripted our “national discussion” all seems. But I am sure you haven’t gotten the point of the “intellectual dark web”. It’s kind of disappointing that you have that hit-bit buried in the way you do, and have absolutely nothing to back up your claim. You lay your stinker and then sail right on.

Whether you like their individual styles or not or the tone of the IDW group as a whole, almost all of them are people who were tagets of the screaming blue-hairs, to the point where they either lost their jobs and were put in the public stockades over acting normally. It’s not like they were a buncha bros sitting around sipping craft beers and decdied to create A Brand to “eventually take over the main stage” or whatever your unsubstaintated claim was. They are ostracized and in some cases, abused people who have since devoted their lives to telling others how to cope when the guns swivel around to them. In short, the antidote the IDW is “selling”is fortified INDIVIDUALISM and not buying into any kind of ideology or mob to counteract the blue-hairs. The answer is, re-commit to being individuals, who deeply understand what they stand for (hopefully the preservation of western civilization) and not to become a base brain mob yourself.
How can this be bad? why would it inspire a cynical simmering anger?

Well the only reason I can think of, and there may be more of course, but perhaps they’re so goddam annoying to people humkered down, waiting, biding your time with canned goods and guns until you have enough momentum for a mob of your own. The Great Civil War Fantasy. Which of course (after a decisive victory) will cleanse the nation, all the blue-hairs will be either dead or in total submission. Forever. The globalists will acknowledge the innate moral superiority of their victors, women will don aprons, and happy children will slam screen doors again. If you have that scenario knocking around in the back of your head then yeah, JBP’s grim solitary message will annoy the shit outta you.
Whoever you are and whatever your personal circumstance, if/WHEN the cannons swivel around to you or a loved one, I suggest you take a second look at Peterson. In this siege, people are attacked and taken down individually, so as individuals they will have to withstand, escape, fight back, or drown in soy. Peterson is trying to give any individual willing to listen the mental armor they will need when their time with the Inquisitors comes. It’s like 2nd Amendment For The Mind and his goal is to arm everyone.

(p.s. on the other hand, I do feel that Shapiro and Co. are in fact building a brand, or rather have already built that brand, goofball commercials and all. I don’t see it as bad though, for me it’s good. Shapiro’s site tends to pretty faithfully echo the big stories of the day but you don’t have to go to the Times, Post etc and give those fuckers any clicks and get that Don Lemon goddam attitude either, but you can get a clue about the daily bullshit from wee Ben)

!!!!!!! HOW DOES A PERSON GET TO POST ON THIS SITE? I have some interesting stuff I’d like to share but I’m not doing the link-in-the-comment bullshit. Admin: you should be seeing my email in your behind the curtain stuff there, since I comment. Contact me with the rules please 🙂 or tell me to FRO, your call.

But, Peterson….give him another look. You never know.

  Wayfaring Strang3r
March 13, 2019 2:00 pm

Peterson? Jordan B. Peterson? The guy who makes $$$ off people for his YouTube stuff as well as getting paid to be a psych (BS) prof in Toronto? Spare me, he’s a fraud — he risks absolutely nothing in anything he says or does, he just keeps collecting paychecks for spouting stuff that frankly I agree with, but you could get the exact same answers by reading the Stoics and Erich Fromm, for a lot less money. Does Peterson reach people who otherwise can’t be bothered to read and/or think for themselves, to tell them that they should be reading and/or thinking for themselves, and people will now start reading and/or thinking for themselves because Peterson gives them sanctioned permission?

Peterson appeals to mental pussies. And maybe Canadians. People who have never read voluntarily read an actual book in their lives, anyway (that covers your average psych student). 😉

Oh, if you have interesting stuff you’d like to share, do what I and this site admin does: Make your own goddamn site, nobody owes you an audience, jerkweasel. 😉

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 13, 2019 4:11 pm

Books – totally overrated.

  Wayfaring Strang3r
March 13, 2019 2:30 pm

Send email to [email protected] and if it is readable Admin might post.

March 13, 2019 11:56 am

I’m wonder what % of virtue signalers believe in what they espouse?

Certainly helps in (((Holywood))) to make your sole (((emplyers))) happy.

March 13, 2019 2:12 pm

My suspicion, born out of my experience working on a university campus, is that no matter if people believe in their own BS when they start, over time they continue to lose any grasp on objective reality — they have to, otherwise they’d go insane for the cognitive dissonance of their lives — until after a few years they’re pretty much just blathering idiots, and you just pretty much ignore everything they say as they don’t know, themselves, what they really think anymore.

Possible exceptions — and I’ll dangerously count myself in this small number — are those who do technical/mechanical support, the IT people (the day-to-day IT workers, not the managers) and your various custodians/painters/mechanics. These types of workers have to show actual real-world results on a daily basis; if your computer won’t boot, I can’t give you a song and dance about the intersectional safe spaces that are preventing your PC from operating, I just have to get the damn thing working again. This awareness, hopefully, keeps me from believing too much of by own BS.

But on the manager/admin side … it’s just insane out there. I seriously don’t know how some (most) of upper management stays out of prison, much less how they keep getting their jobs.

March 13, 2019 1:12 pm

They should create a space for putting on your “Big Boy/Girl Pants On” . This is the crap you get for the “Everybody Gets A Trophy” mind set.

Jesus…when I came home one day after a bully popped me in the back of the head my mom told me to get back out there ,pick up something and hit him with it. I did…laid that bastard out with a coke bottle….he didn’t touch me again and his mom said he deserved it !

March 13, 2019 1:18 pm

The easiest way to spot one of these “safe spaces” is to look for a dispenser filled with these:
comment image
They allow the student to safely wet themselves without creating a dangerous slip/fall hazard for other students looking to shield themselves from the reality of life.

March 13, 2019 2:30 pm

Safe spaces are a done deal. Next up “Happy Places.” ‘Cause I have a right to be happy and you have to give me what I have a right to.

March 13, 2019 3:59 pm

Safe space?Tis about 800 yards max on a very good day,usually me safe space can regularly be maintained to about 350-400 yards.