Your Fair Share

Guest Post by John Stossel

Your Fair Share

Do you pay enough taxes? What is enough?

When asked on “60 Minutes,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t seem to have a specific tax rate in mind, but then she said, “back in the ’60s … you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 percent.”

Suddenly, 70 percent tax rates are a progressive plan, although Rep. Ilhan Omar added, “We’ve had it as high as 90 percent.”

She’s right.

That was the top tax rate when I was a kid, and today, many Democrats say if we’d just raise rates on rich people, government would have plenty of money to pay for our wonderful programs.

But it’s a myth. What progressives don’t say, perhaps because they don’t know it, is what economic historian Dr. Phillip Magness explains in my new video: “No one actually paid anywhere close to those rates.”

For more than a decade, Magness has researched old taxes.

He discovered that America’s 90 percent tax bracket didn’t bring in much extra money. That’s because rich people found loopholes.

Then, because of that, and because the high tax rates discouraged work, President Kennedy backed a bill that lowered the top rate to 70 percent.

But it turned out that the 70 percent rate wasn’t very real either.

“A millionaire on average would pay 41 percent,” says Magness, because of “all these deductions and exemptions and carve-outs that are intentionally baked into the tax code.”

If you look at newspapers of that time, you see ads promoting things like free $2,499 ocean cruises.

“(B)asically take a vacation around the Caribbean,” explains Magness, “but while you’re onboard the ship you attend, say, an investing seminar or a real estate seminar, and then write off the trip.”

Some rich people bought musical instruments for their kids and deducted the cost because, say, a clarinet would supposedly provide “therapeutic treatment.”

Instead of investing in ideas that might create real wealth, rich people hired accountants to study the tax code.

“Who can afford the best accountants? It’s always the wealthy,” says Magness.

Today, our top tax rate is 37 percent. A dozen years after President Kennedy’s tax cuts, Ronald Reagan proposed reducing the 70 percent rate, saying, “Our tax system could only be described as un-American.”

“Democrats actually agree with him,” recounts Magness. “Reagan goes to the table and says, ‘Let’s make a deal … cut the rates … and in exchange, we’ll consolidate the tax code.”

They did.

Surprise — the lower rates brought in just as much money.

It turns out that tax revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product stays about the same no matter what the top bracket is. Higher tax rates don’t necessarily get rich people to pay more taxes.

“They’ll change where they earn their income,” economist Art Laffer told me about what he’d once said to President Reagan. “They’ll change how they earn their income. They’ll change how much they earn, when they receive the income. They’ll change all of those things to minimize taxes.”

President Trump, who in some years paid zero income tax, understands that. Before he became president, I asked him about a proposed tax hike. “Look, the rich people are going to leave — and other people are going to leave!” he told me. “You are going to end up with lots of people that don’t produce. And then, that’s the spiral. That’s the end.”

That happened in Europe, recounts Magness: “France attempted a massive tax on its wealthiest earners. … the business people left in a mass exodus from the country.”

But today’s progressives are selective when they look at history. On TV, Ocasio-Cortez said, “Under Republican administration … Dwight Eisenhower, we had 90 percent marginal tax rate.”

I asked Magness what would happen if the U.S. were to return to those rates — while also eliminating the deductions that came with them.

“You’re asking for an economic disaster,” he answered. “I ask the question: Do we leave (wealth) in the private sector where the market decides? Or do we subject it to corrupt politicians?”

Please, let’s leave most of America’s wealth in private hands.

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March 13, 2019 12:56 pm

Your fair share? When it comes time to rebuild every building in America (something like a gazillion), your fair share of the renovating comes to a gazillion buildings divided by 350 million people so you, AOC, had better STFU and get busy by picking up a hammer. Ummm, do you know what a hammer is? There are going to be an awful lot of sad young folks out there when they find that renovating a building isn’t an app. BWAHAHAHA. Two things, I am not helping and my house is done! SO, STAY THE FK OFF MY PROPERTY!!!

March 13, 2019 4:59 pm

Your property? Unfortunately, none of us owns our own property. Federal, state and county governments own all the property. Stop paying the various property taxes and fees or fail to meet whatever regulations are in force where you live and one of those government entities will take your property.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 13, 2019 10:26 pm

Treefarmer we are all going to find out what we don’t own soon . Taxing any of us left standing into the street is the plan to cover the $7 trillon dollar shortage in public employee pensions nationwide . Destroying us financially is allthey have left .
Keep your powder dry !
Forget me not !

March 13, 2019 12:57 pm

Reps. Omar and Tlaib would also like to add a Jizya tax for all of us Infidels. And the rest of the money grubbers in Congress, Nancy Pelosi and AOC especially, would probably think it a swell idea to increase the revenues available to the Gubbermint.

Then it could be earmarked for some nice mosques in NYC, Chicago and everywhere else that requires some Islamic cultural enrichment, and converion programs for the schools. While such appropriation would ensure continuing programs for bringing the U.S. Muslim immigrants and refugees while at the same time “bringing them Democracy” (C) (TM) to Shitholistan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq…

March 13, 2019 12:59 pm

I’ve developed a metric that will show how much it costs to live in the US & your state. You can get this info from your 1040. It’s called “How much am I getting screwed index”.

(Federal Income Tax Liability) + (State Income Tax Liability) + (State Property Taxes) + $2000 (for sales tax / gas tax / etc). / 8,760 hrs/year.

Mine: $20,000 Fed + $10,000 MN + $8,000 Hennepin County Property Tax + $2,000 = $40,000

$40,000 / 8,760 = $4.56 my wife and I pay every hour to live in this great county.

$40,000/ 365 = $109 a day!!!!!!!!!!!

We are both 70. Require no government services.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
March 13, 2019 1:08 pm

Somalia should thank you except from what I saw in Rochester they most likely hold you in contempt.

  Harrington Richardson
March 13, 2019 3:37 pm

Somalis are arrogant, stupid, lazy, stinking, stone age fucks.

March 13, 2019 4:30 pm

Nice way to look at it. I did the calcs for if I lived in Say Chicago. My bill was enough to employ a set of full time butlers/gardeners, 24/7. Instead, I guess I have to pour my own Scotch and mow my own lawn. Taxes suck.

I have far less net worth than total taxes I have paid. And it is not close.

1661 Old Dutch
1661 Old Dutch
March 13, 2019 6:29 pm

Dutch, you have found that it does cost to be a slave (though I know you already knew that!).

Let’s say you decide to move to a different state that better meets your needs, however you define that. Let’s also say that your current state is listening to all the discussion about other states levying “departure” taxes (thank you cali and ny) and enacts a one time 40% tax on the departing person’s net worth (thank you, sandy o).

Under this scenario, for every $100K net worth the departure tax would be $40K, or $109.59/day for the year in which you are charged the one time tax. Or, $400K tax on a $1MM net worth, which works out to $1,095.89/day.

Are we paying our “fair share” yet?

March 13, 2019 9:29 pm

bring your ass down here,we can use you–

Frank Johnson
Frank Johnson
May 13, 2020 9:31 am

Same here in WI. Nobody seems to add in the additional and when you add in sales tax, telephone taxes, etc the note is even higher. When tax rates were higher we had many additional deductions!

June 11, 2020 9:14 pm

“…Require no government services …”

I am not going to argue that you don’t pay enough in taxes. We all do.

But as far as not requiring government services…

Do you collect Social Security? Are you on Medicare/Medicaid?

Does the city/county/state maintain your roads? Do they provide police protection?

Hopefully you get my point. Those of you that “don’t require any government services” usually end up using more of them than you realize.

And yes, I know that you paid into Social Security for your entire working life. As have we all (unless you’re an illegal alien/undocumented “citizen “). But thanks to improvements in healthcare / longevity most people collect far more Social Security money than they ever paid. By a lot.

Don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself. Google is your friend.