Trump Russia Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Image result for liberals crying over mueller report

The Mueller report dropped and the liberal elite experienced the kind of intense, agonizing disappointment usually reserved for a Fredocon’s bride on her wedding night.

It’s important to remember exactly what nonsense the elite liars were trying to stuff down our throats, because in the aftermath of their humiliation they are busy trying to hide it via their goalpost-shifting three card monte act. Behold their original assertion:

Donald Trump was a willing agent of Vladimir Putin actively acting in concert with Russia to betray the United States and steal the election!

Wow. Those of us who are neither shameless liars nor blithering idiots – or, such as my congressjerk Ted Lieu, both – never bought into this transparently ridiculous notion. But the Democrats, their slobbering media suck-ups, and their conservagimp submissives did, or at least pretended to. Why? Because the dumpster fire ruling class they represent was outraged that we, the People, rejected its divine right to govern us when we chose a brash, pugnacious outsider over their designated monarch to-be, Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

This sham investigation was not anything like the administration of justice. It was part of, as people say but we’ve stopped being shocked when we hear it, a soft coup. It was a deliberate attempt by the powerful to use the levers of government to eliminate a threat to the ruling class’s hold on political power by manufacturing a false narrative with the active assistance of those in government and media whose whole job is to prevent these sorts of fascist shenanigans. 

The damage to our country is hard to calculate right now. It will take a while to fully appreciate how this betrayal by our alleged betters has undermined the foundations of our Republic. But the signs are ominous. Normal people, those of us who build, feed, fuel and defend this country, have been awakened to the utterly incompetent and thoroughly venal nature of what Instapundit Glenn Reynolds correctly identifies as the U.S. franchise of a useless trans-national elite that prioritizes its own power and perks over the welfare of those is purportedly serves.

We’re woke now. We see that the people we’ve been electing – the people they allow us to elect – are really all the same. Only the labels are different, but the objective – their own money and influence – is identical. Except for Trump, who neither respects the elite nor plays by its shabby rules. And that’s why they threw away any pretens of honesty, integrity or respect for the rule of law to drive him out of the Oval Office they covet.

Let’s briefly touch on all the lives ruined on the way to this flaccid finale, especially the people swopped up in the search for a crime, any crime, in the neighborhood of the Bad Orange Man. How many people naïvely thought, “Gee, I’ll go serve in government for a while” and found themselves saddled with six figures in legal bills and their reputations ruined by the media’s breathless lies?

And what collusion crimes did Mueller uncover? None. This was such nonsense that his pack of Democrats couldn’t even manage to frame anyone near Trump for Russia stuff. But they had their man so they found some crimes, or what are more or less crimes, among his associates. Manafort was dirty long before Trump morphed from punchline to president, but does anyone imagine he would have been jammed up if had not dared cavort with the unapproved POTUS? In fact, the feds had looked at Manafort before all this and given him a pass. Yet now he’s doing hard time while his Democrat partners are uncharged and free as birds, enjoying their plunder. Is that justice?

General Mike Flynn got arm-twisted into pleading to lying even though the FBI agents who talked to him said he wasn’t lying while the Three Stooges Brennan, Clapper and Comey lied their lizard hearts out to Congress and … nothing. What about Felonia? Everyone knows that anyone of us doing a tenth of what that Looming Doofus Comey said she did right before he gave her a pass would still be making large rocks into small ones. Oh, and now Americans can rest easy knowing that our government is ready to face the menace of a PJ-clad Roger Stone with its SWAT teams.

Congrats. This whole fiasco has convinced Americans that there are two sets of rules in America, one for the elite and one for us, and that the justice system is just a scam designed to help the elite hold onto power by punishing those who would challenge its rule. That’s poison to a free country, which is probably okay with our scuzzy elite since it does not actually want a free country. It wants a happy-face dictatorship, and it wants to do the dictating.

So, what next? What do we do?

Mr. President, pardon the people who are collateral damage to this witch hunt. Pardon General Flynn and Roger Stone and George Papaplatypus. Manafort? Communte his sentence to one consistent with the sentences given others of the elite guilty of similar crimes – which effectively means commute his sentence to nothing. There cannot be two sets of rules. They must apply equally to everyone or no one.

Next, order Attorney General Barr to clean house at the DoJ. Fire anyone associated with any of these antics. Then direct an investigation of the investigations – another special prosecutor, this one not bestest buddies with the guys he’s investigating. If we want the rule of law, we need to enforce the law and do it without the elite shoving manifest conflicts of interest in our faces.

Next, order Barr to sue the state of New York to enjoin the threats by its ridiculous AG of bogus investigations not based on actual crimes but on purely vindictive politics. We cannot have a system where an out-of-control leftist prosecutor in some moral backwater like New York City can prevent the elected POTUS from doing his job by tying him down with endless, aimless fishing expedtions without any probable cause of a crime.

Do not cooperate with the House’s promised Russiagate re-do. No more patty cake with these creeps. The proper response to Mueller 2: Electric Boogaloo is “No” – as in no documents, no cooperation, no nothing. And if someone gets called to testify, repeat after me: “This proceeding is a sham and a kangaroo court and I refuse to be part of it. I assert my right under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution to remain silent, and you can all go to hell.

And as for the rest of us, we need to embrace two other amendments. We need to exercise our First Amendment rights to speak out and organize to prevent these aspiring fascists from returning to power unopposed. We need to be militant and loud in defense of our liberty. 2020 is coming; start now if you like being free.

And if this attempted coup, with our elite running roughshod over the rule of law and using the force of the government to oppress political opponents, has taught us anything, it is the wisdom of the Founders in enshrining the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. It is absolutely essential that we, the American citizenry, remain armed and ready to protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our elite has demonstrated beyond any doubt that it is morally unworthy of retaining a monopoly on armed force within our society. Do you have any doubt about what these people would do if we foolishly allowed ourselves to be disarmed? Just look at Britain, where the people bought into the lie that being civilized means being defenseless. They now get arrested for mean tweets and their masters are poised to ignore the people’s vote on the Brexit referendum. Buy guns and ammunition and train with them. Be a citizen, not a subject.

The Mueller report marks the proverbial end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end, of this grave crisis. It’s a crisis where our Republic is in danger of becoming something very different, and something very much less free. Eliminating the Electoral College, letting in millions of illegal aliens, packing SCOTUS, banning guns – these are all leftist policies designed with one singular purpose, to dispossess you of the power to participate in your own governance and to ensure that we can never again elect someone like Trump who might challenge the elite’s stranglehold on control. We won this battle, but there is a long campaign ahead. Get ready, because if we let up then we will lose our liberty forever.

The Trump Russia Treason!!! lie reinforces the essential message of my novels People’s RepublicIndian Country and Wildfire, about an America split apart into red and blue nations and at each other’s throats. Recently hailed by formerly-prominent cruise-shilling Conservative, Inc. grifters as “appalling,” these action-packed and hilarious tomes must be onto something because all the liberal collaborators and pudgy conservaquislings you despise are demanding that you not be allowed to read them. So check ‘em out!

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March 25, 2019 8:01 am

His name was Seth Rich

March 25, 2019 8:16 am

That would be a good place to start.
“…lest he die in vain”

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
March 25, 2019 9:17 am

What’s next? Nothing of any substance. More talk, more prevarication, blarney and obfuscatry pretension from all sies.

What should be next? What would be (might be) effective at discouraging this sort of behavior in the future? Killing a whole lot of the people involved. double taps to the head, nothing torturous. Just tell the constable corps to take a couple days off. After we took out a hundred or so of the wrst malefactors, everyone else would straighten up for a while. As one of our founding fathers said “The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants, and patriots.”

March 25, 2019 9:27 am

The people who did all of this need serious prison time. The country is damaged by these idiots who can’t or won’t accept the election results.

March 25, 2019 9:46 am

Russian collusion? Not likely. Israeli collusion? Absolutely certain. His name was Seth Rich and he was a Jew. Who here is surprised that all of this Golan Heights drama hit the front page right after the Muller report was released and cleared Trump?

What really has the left so frustrated is they can’t go after Israel, because nearly all of them are in the bag for Israel. Have your doubts? Take a look at Trumps 1st state of the union address, where he mentions his intention of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Every house member stood and cheered. When Trump mentioned his plans to MAGA only half the house stood and cheered. Everyone stood for Israel and only half stood for America. That’s our leadership-bought and paid for if not blacked mailed.

March 25, 2019 11:26 am

Why is Israel the only country that has so far benefited from a Trump presidency? Trump never mentions the 30 billion+ we gift to Israel every year, but he is quick to mention all the trade imbalances with our EU friends. With the risk of the Muller report discovering what happened behind them, Bibi and Trump are about to make their move and Iran is in the cross hairs. Remember, our EU friends still support the Iran nuke deal, so the EU can expect more tariffs and Israel can expect extraordinary aid.

Obama has been hard at work leaking info about Bibi that appears to have Bibi in a little hot water, so I anticipate Trump and Bibi will act soon as it is clear that Bibi will be reelected and all corruption charges are dropped.

The reason Seth Rich was murdered was to force an investigation into his links with Israel, but they promptly shut the “murder” investigation down. There is only 2 entities that can have a murder investigation shut down. Saudi Arabia and Israel-2 peas in a pod that want to see Iran taken out.

March 25, 2019 12:07 pm

Watch the miracle happen. Watch the left and the right put all of their differences aside and come together behind Israel. Is Israel the only thing in this world that can bring our country together? Why?

March 25, 2019 12:12 pm

Bibi and Trump just openly stated that “they will do anything” to protect Israel. The key word is “ANYTHING” and they mean it. A rigged election is child’s play. Wait to you see this unfold.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 26, 2019 9:05 am

Incredibly good question.

March 25, 2019 10:38 pm

Bollocks. The entire Russiagate was created to cover for Clinton. Seth Rich was murdered because he gave the ‘not-hacked’ evidence of her criminality in conjunction with the DNC to Assange and that got spread all over. Couldn’t have that so instead Hillary’s campaign came up with Russia, Russia, etc ad nauseum.

March 25, 2019 10:11 am

Somehow, after all these years of obvious corruption, people some how still believe that their votes count and they elect their leaders. Nothing is farther from the truth. If you can’t understand or accept this truth, then you will never understand how Trump ended up President. If you can accept this truth, then next logical question to ask is, if the people do not elect our leaders then who does?

March 25, 2019 11:17 pm

Well, lets see here…Hillary was supposed to be the shoo-in for president. She was already re-decorating the Oval office and had her acceptance speech memorized. The FBI, DOJ and State Department were all in the bag for her, they had pulled out all the stop and yet….Trump got elected. Despite all the efforts of the various stooges in the aforementioned offices, despite the voter fraud, despite the media collusion and fawning over Clinton, despite Bernie falling on his sword for her (and a lakehouse) Madame “It was my time’ lost to a man whom the media had all but dismissed as a clown and a joke. His rallies were huge, massive, in fact. Why? Because Hillary is an unlikeable sow and part of the establishment and people were tired of the Clinton dynasty just like they were tired of the Bush dynasty.

As to Israel, well, America has always been Israel’s bitch. From way back. Obama wasn’t a friend of Netanyahu because he was a Muslim pimping for the Muslim Brotherhood.

March 26, 2019 1:49 am

The Iran nuke deal is at the center of why Trump was able to overcome a “rigged” election. In order to overcome a “rigged election” one would have to “rig” the election in ones favor. Otherwise, Hillary would have won her rigged election. Due to the Iran Nuke deal, the last person Israel wanted as Americas president was Hillary. Seth Rich is a Jew. Wassermann is a Jew. There are more Jews at the center of all this drama and illegal activity than is demographically realistic.

Trump is going to make what Bush and Chaney’s Jewish Kaaba did to Iraq look like child’s play. You vote does not count and it never will. Get over it.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
March 26, 2019 9:07 am

Luke 4:5-6 KJB… “And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

March 25, 2019 12:26 pm

2/7/2018GOP senators raise more questions about Steele and dossier

2/17/2018Dissecting the Grassley-Graham Letter’s Criticisms of the Carter Page FISA Application

7/22/2018Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On “Garbage” Steele Dossier

12/8/2018Lindsey Graham Says He Will ‘Get To The Bottom’ Of FISA Abuse As Senate Judiciary Chairman

3/7/2019Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

3/14/2019Lindsey Graham Just Issued a FISA Abuse, Clinton Ultimatum on the Release of Mueller’s Special Counsel Report

3/24/2019Graham hints at further questioning of Comey in wake of Mueller findings

Riddle me this: How hard would it have been for Mueller to frame Trump in his report and have him convicted in the court of public opinion? Can you image in the media and political firestorm had that happened? But, instead, he ended the investigation on collusion while claiming Trump was not exonerated on obstruction; thus, allowing the Democrats the opening they needed to continue their efforts in investigating Trump while the Repubs get real serious on FISA Abuse.

The show goes on. Tick tock… tick tock… tick tock… Are you entertained? Well, are you?

comment image

March 25, 2019 12:38 pm

More like annoyed actually. The shows run has overstayed its welcome.

March 25, 2019 12:40 pm

Not yet UN, I’ll check back with you at a later date.

Meanwhile back at the ranch……..Russian planes loaded with troops land in Venezuela. Ruskies giving DC the finger.

March 25, 2019 2:09 pm

Uncola, BL,

Outside of his Spiritual beliefs what do you both think about his views on the Mueller ending?

I thought much of what he said about the various Crime Families and Trump made perfect sense.

Has the New World Order Been Transitioned to the Trump Administration?

March 25, 2019 3:00 pm


I watched that on a thread of one my prior articles. If Trump checkmated the globalists at Pappy Bush’s funeral, then all of what we are seeing now is still theater; even as Trump preserves the swamp instead of draining it, ya know?

He just said Mueller was “honorable”. Think about that.

Even if the Bush clan, Clinton’s, deep state, et al were checkmated, they are all still, at best, middle management.

1.) If Trump were real: The dark powers still control the money, the media, the tech grid, and the war machine. But now, the Donald owns the optics of the economy in the minds of the masses. He did this on his own accord when changed gears from his campaign “economic bubble” positioning to now being on the record as completely taking credit for the stock market highs. All while exploding the deficits and perfectly lining up his tax cuts and trade wars to (optically) pick up the Fed’s tab.

It is Trump who is checkmated.

2.) If Trump were NOT real. See above paragraph. Checkmate, again.

It all truth, if Trump were real, he would have unsealed all of the FISA documentation prior to the midterms and the Swamp would have been more than halfway drained by now. He would have done so on behalf of the American public; especially for those who voted for him.

But that didn’t happen, did it? Not even close. Instead, all we get is Reality TV & Tweets.

Of course this season’s episodes will will play out for a while until eventually, the next scenes to play out in queue (post 2020) will be similar to these: First, “Grapes of Wrath”, followed by “The Checkist”.

Just my opinion even as I now wish I were wrong.

March 25, 2019 3:07 pm

# 2 addendum:

Checkmate, again.

Except, this time, on us.

March 25, 2019 4:18 pm

Unc said it all very well. Meh, I never saw Trump as anything but a creation of the Kosher Nostra so I don’t buy into the undercover super hero savior story line. I could however be extremely entertained by some decent theater.

You can ask UN, I’m a hard sell.

March 25, 2019 5:18 pm


I just put a follow up to Uncola’s answer.

I was curious what you two felt about what I thought was a remarkable 26 minute slice and dice from a fearless Christan pundit I am now following closely.

March 25, 2019 5:15 pm


Thanks for the detailed answer.

I was taken with Rick Wiles’ video (that Mary had put up when I first saw it) and his description and reason for the remarkable scene at President N.W.O’s funeral…and the Bushes former CIA AG Barr coming in to broker a ‘truce’. It all fits together, especially considering *Trumps’ past with the Rothschild’s.

I also liked how Wiles phrased the various Crime Families AKA Game of Thrones groups jockeying and battling for N.W.O. control and or regional positions internationally in the context of what is going on.

It also fit to me that Mueller’s report was defanged because he was ordered to back off because of the truce…Georgie W has had enough. But…that means the truth on 911 will not becoming out and a lot of other crimes and sins.

It also fits that the hard core Commie ideologue Crime Family (Obama and his ilk) are enraged over the truce and Georgie W backing down.

It also fits the Zionists are on a roll because of the truce, the threat from their guy gone hence Trump coming out with the Golan Heights cock a doddle do crow.

Just my two American Eagles.

*How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump

*Meet Wilbur Ross, who once bailed out Trump in Atlantic City and is now his pick for Commerce secretary

March 25, 2019 9:58 pm

Although there may be factions competing in middle-management, I believe there’s an upper ring of power that coaches all of the teams. At the same time, there are divisions in the upper chambers as well – between the neophytes and the old guard. I thought the neophytes may have won the day back in 2013 with O’Barry’s red-line in Syria and then again in Ukraine early the next year. So close.

But, in the end, it was the old guard who held the reins all along; and they are running the countdown in perfect sync with the devil’s clock. Nice and easy. Slowly at first and then suddenly, as all of the puzzle pieces fall into place with a few blips and adjustments along the way; like Mexico plopped into kingdom # 1 once again.

comment image

It’s not a conspiracy because it’s all been published.

Even so, the power at my place shut down as I wrote this comment and I had to type it all again. Weird, huh? Probably just a coincidence

March 25, 2019 11:20 pm

Yea Uncola…the clock is ticking…stay frosty buddy!

Revelation 17:13
Berean Study Bible
The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast.

March 25, 2019 11:49 pm


The Club of Rome

Founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist, Aurelio Peccei, the Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Originally, the Club of Rome had defined the three major concepts that have formed the Club’s thinking ever since: a global perspective, the long term, and the cluster of intertwined problems they called “the problematique”.

Some would say they specialize in “crisis creation,” using the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish their goals.

The Club of Rome

March 26, 2019 12:05 am

Mark- Fifty years ago the Birchers were screaming this material from the mountain tops. GOOD link, a great starting point for researching who controls the theatrics.

March 27, 2019 2:23 pm


I read ‘None Dare Call It Treason’ in 1970…as a 20 year old Marine…it was a passed around the barracks.

It was agreat primer as is this!

David Erickson
David Erickson
March 25, 2019 4:54 pm

I believe the TruNews anchor has it figured out. Trump has never been who he pretends to be (although for a long time I thought he was). Trump is part of the Deep State, but a different faction of the Deep State from the Mueller/Clinton/Bush faction. The war between Trump and Mueller was very real up until about the time of papa Bush’s funeral, but it was essentially a war between two different crime syndicates. Around that time a truce was declared (for whatever reason) between the different crime syndicates. Mueller could easily have framed Trump in his report if he wanted to, but he didn’t because of the truce.

  David Erickson
March 25, 2019 5:19 pm

David, well said we are simpatico!

March 25, 2019 11:45 pm

Mark and David- It is so exciting for me to see you guys actually GETTING THIS. I have been posting for eons that there is nothing left globally but mafias. Praise Jeebus that it is finally becoming clear, this is why I refer to them as the Criminal Cabal or The Pirate Class. Just understand that friendlies are actually part of the club and watch your step.