Dear Liberals, Enjoy Xmas 2019… You’re Gonna Hate The 2020s

Authored by Graham Noble via,

Christmas is here again. We went through all this just a year ago, but this time it’s different. For millions of Americans, Dec. 25, 2019, will be their last chance to have a truly merry Christmas for many years. Why? Because the millions in question are leftists, and 2020 promises so many bitter disappointments that, by the time next year’s holiday season rolls around, they will be so crushed, so bereft of hope, so numb with pain that not even a free Prius and a year’s supply of abortion coupons will lift their spirits.

The first hit coming their way was the awful realization that Donald J. Trump is still president. Following two party-line votes in the House of Representatives, impeaching the president for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, a mob of lefties took to Twitter to gloat and celebrate. The problem is – and perhaps this can be attributed to Common Core – these geniuses celebrated because Trump was no longer president, or so they believed.

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Trump Russia Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Image result for liberals crying over mueller report

The Mueller report dropped and the liberal elite experienced the kind of intense, agonizing disappointment usually reserved for a Fredocon’s bride on her wedding night.

It’s important to remember exactly what nonsense the elite liars were trying to stuff down our throats, because in the aftermath of their humiliation they are busy trying to hide it via their goalpost-shifting three card monte act. Behold their original assertion:

Donald Trump was a willing agent of Vladimir Putin actively acting in concert with Russia to betray the United States and steal the election!

Wow. Those of us who are neither shameless liars nor blithering idiots – or, such as my congressjerk Ted Lieu, both – never bought into this transparently ridiculous notion. But the Democrats, their slobbering media suck-ups, and their conservagimp submissives did, or at least pretended to. Why? Because the dumpster fire ruling class they represent was outraged that we, the People, rejected its divine right to govern us when we chose a brash, pugnacious outsider over their designated monarch to-be, Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

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