Stucky QOTD: Manipulation

There’s an article on the Daily Bell titled “5 Controversial Books That Teach You How to Manipulate People  “.  Here.   The basic premise is;

“It’s not bad to study how to manipulate people. We study plenty of things that you shouldn’t do: war, crime, genocide. Understanding how these things happen is key to avoiding them in the future.

We need to study manipulation to make sure others cannot wield that power over us.  That is why no information should be off limits.  Learning how to accomplish evil deeds allows us to prevent ourselves from becoming the victims, or tools, of evildoers.”

I actually have the first book listed — “48 Laws of Power“.  I actually bought it in order to be more successful in sales.  Yup, sales is mostly manipulation —   and I wanted to be an expert in it. Really.

Image result for manipulation in sales funny

QUESTION:  Have you EVER used manipulation to achieve your ends?

—- If “YES” — please give a concrete example(s).  Perhaps we can learn from you!!

—- If “NO” — how lonG have you been a friggin liar?

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 5, 2019 4:37 pm

When you manipulate, is it more effective to use the left hand or the right hand? Inquiring minds want to know.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 5, 2019 9:28 pm

Manipulating him into asking a stupider question, or just one you can pretend doesn’t leave potato prints on your pantyshield?

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 10:07 am

potato prints on your pantyshield

Next time we go out for a beer, I want to hear more about that expression. Have you been dating mygirl?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 11:11 am

One does not date mygirl. Instead, her targets become better acquainted with their local sheriff while filing a restraining order.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 12:31 pm

Seen on a t-shirt: tragedy finds us all.
Then it spelled out C.U.N.T. but I couldn’t read what the acronym stood for and how it related to the observation about tragedy.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 9:39 pm

Can U Not Talk?

What they say is the easiest way to identify them. They should have their
tongues cut out.

Mine was.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 7, 2019 9:22 pm

That was laugh -out-loud funny. Did you come up with that one yourself? If so then kudos to you sir.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 8, 2019 2:36 am


May 5, 2019 5:09 pm

So is comedy. I don’t like listening to Carlin for too long because I have been listening to preachers for so long that comedy is almost predictable. Like a good hypnotist, a comedian leaves you with your mind reset to his way of thinking.

I missed the show or routine where people learned the expression ‘drive nails into my head’ but my buddy John used it and not knowing the context of it, the idea sounded stupid to me, who would ever think of driving nails into his head?

Aside from comedy, fear is also a tactic. Then there is the plain old questioning of your faith. But that’s another topic. Let’s stick to the topic of the use of comedy. Good preachers use comedy to drive home a point and seal the opinion in your mind, anything contrariwise is laughable. Laughter bypasses the logic synapse, no thought required once you get them laughing, making them think they are too smart to need an explanation.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 5, 2019 5:33 pm

I did not see your comment before I replied below. Spot on.

BTW, I finally found a comic I can enjoy who delivers his set in a way I find both intelligent and really disarming.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  hardscrabble farmer
May 6, 2019 4:59 am

“Does anyone remember laughter?” – Robert Plant singing “Stairway to Heaven”

May 5, 2019 4:53 pm

The series must have been written by a woman. Women are the most manipulative of creatures. From the first instance in the garden of Eden, we see the woman manipulating Adam. Manipulation is unmanly, it is satanic almost, and which sex is associated with the devil? Witches were considered more common than warlocks for a reason, they are hell-bent on getting their way by hook or crook. Clammy revealed a sister secret that I Love Lucy was a secret seminar for women to learn how to manipulate men.

May 6, 2019 9:24 pm

I believe the series was written by a freemason actually.

May 5, 2019 5:22 pm

The short answer to you enquiry:

I do it all the time. Usually with positive reinforcement and sometimes with the negative (and you could ask Ms Freud – and I do hope she is doing well – if you are not familiar with Skinner’s Operant Conditioning). And sometimes a little flattery goes a long way to get my way.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 5, 2019 5:25 pm

I know I’ve discussed it before, but all those years on the road working one audience after another, night after night taught me beaucoup about manipulation of people. Human beings are herd animals and they are far more easily manipulated in numbers than they are as individuals. Crowd dynamics disarms the average human being and makes him far more likely to behave in ways that are counter to his natural interests or inclinations. Over time you become so good at it that it really makes you cynical about human beings because they are so malleable and unaware of what is taking place. Of course once you are aware of it, it’s becomes obvious when someone is trying to pull it off.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 6, 2019 1:50 am

Many moons ago I attended an art auction. Now, I had never been in an auction and didn’t really understand how it worked, but, something came up and I got into a bidding war over something that I really wasn’t that crazy about. The group dynamic, the competition, the pressure and the feeling like I was going to lose something if I didn’t bid cost me $350 for what was essentially a $35 print. Lesson learned? Stay out of auction houses and crowds. And yes, I was easily manipulated at that point in my life, today, forty years later I am a very distrustful, sceptical, cynical and wary person.

As to using manipulation to get something or have/make someone do something? Well, hell yeah. Of course, you betcha, anyone who says they don’t is lying.

May 5, 2019 6:04 pm


1.) Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you (Stalling)

2.) Have you? (Switchback)

3.) I know lots of people that manipulate to achieve their ends (The Old Switcharoo)

4.) No (Lying. And, yes, all lying is manipulation one way or another)

5.) Stop asking questions and get back to work. Or – None of your business, F-off, et al (Deflection)

6.) Ask me that again and I’m gonna’ manipulate your face (Intimidation)

7.) Ask me that again and you, and at least two other people you hold dear, will suffer severely (Intimidation + blackmail)

8.) Is this another assignment from your therapist prior to your sex change operation? (Ridicule)

9.) What is manipulation anyway? In a sales pitch, we call it “closing the deal”. When the Mormons come knocking, it’s called apologetics. I suppose it depends on the definition of “is”, Dipshit. What the fuck is wrong with you? Still trying to get your GED or something? (Semantical Parsing + Ridicule)

10.) It’s just that when you ask me questions like that, I feel like I’m the one who’s being manipulated here, ya know? (Gluten Free Transference)

11.) How about I give you ten bucks for lunch if you don’t talk to me anymore? (Bribery)

May 6, 2019 10:07 pm

If you really cared, you would’ve mentioned guilt.

May 5, 2019 6:50 pm

In business, I very rarely tell, or even directly ask, anyone to do anything. Typically, it goes something like this: “Harry, we have this issue. X needs to be done, I need help with that. How do we go about getting that done?”

Usually, Harry comes up with a workable plan when he is involved in such a way. If Harry’s plan is not what I consider viable, I gently redirect it, hopefully in such a way that Harry still believes it is his plan. Believe it or not, I am really good at this stuff.

In the end, because it is Harry’s plan, or he believes it is, he is invested in it, and works diligently to achieve the required outcome. Here is a generally unknown truth: that an average plan (or even a poor one for that matter) well executed is better than a great plan poorly executed. And the best way to get a plan executed it for the person doing the work to believe that it is their plan.

Occasionally, Harry might resist, be obstinate, etc. In those cases I tend to switch tactics, and then things go something like this:

“OK, then Harry, this is how it is going to be. You are going to do X, and you are going to do it this way. End of story. And you damn well better do it exactly as I say and when I say? Got it? Good.” I almost never have to resort to this, but I will if the other technique does not work.

Another thing that happened pretty often is one of my managers would come to me saying “Harry refuses to do such and such. He simply will not do it!” I will talk to him, I say. I then go to Harry, put my arm around his shoulders (literally), and explain we need his help, that he is important, and that I will remember his efforts. To my recollection, I have never failed to get any employees’ agreement when I have done this. It is Godfather stuff – I am making an offer they cannot refuse, but in such a way as the pill is not entirely poisoned. I am pretty sure the arm around the shoulder plays a part, to be honest. I omit that part with female employees of course, but the result tends to be the same.

So folks, there is my Management 101 lesson for the day.

Oh, and those very few times when an employee has refused an instruction, I fire them on the spot. As I said, I almost never issue instructions, but failure to follow them means dismissal.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
May 5, 2019 7:25 pm

“48 Laws of Power” was my bathroom reading material.
It was good info-tainment and an eye-opener on historical sociopathy. Cool parables, too.

May 5, 2019 7:34 pm

Looking at sales techniques as “manipulation” is absolutely the WRONG way to frame it. In sales, the salesperson’s job is to pair prospects to whatever it is they’re selling. Now if you’re selling something useless, illegal, harmful, etc. etc. this doesn’t apply and you should find another product/service/whatever that’s legit. But for those selling, let’s say, a product, it’s not manipulation to overcome any objections and move the prospect nearer the close. As a salesperson, your goal is to get clients happily involved with your product/service, not to “trick” them into buying it. It’s all positive and no negative; otherwise you won’t be in sales for long.
For the record, when I managed Radio station ad sales staffs I used Tom Hopkins “How to master the art of selling” as a guide for my sales crew. I asked each rep to read it, know the basics of it by heart, and yes I did quizzes on it. Those who learned it made money. Those who didn’t I didn’t keep.

May 5, 2019 8:09 pm

Big Injun Chief , what if said employee comes back and says this was my plan ,I did it well and I want a raise and I want 10 % more on my yearly bonus plus a life time percentage of the profits.

Do I use manipulation to get what I want. Yes ,I tip well.
Plus I’m thinking about learning a little witchcraft. I heard it works for woman.

May 5, 2019 8:24 pm

beebs – if they want percentage of profits, they can buy or start their own firm. If they make me a lot of profit and their skills are unique, I pay them well. If they simply do their job, then the reward is they get to keep their job.

May 5, 2019 10:39 pm

Tom Hopkins said in that book: “The pain of change is forgotten once the benefits of the change are realized”

I always liked that quote

May 5, 2019 8:37 pm

When I read “48 Laws of Power” it made me ill. I couldn’t help but think everything described in the book was exactly how the DNC and MSM operates.

I would recommend Cialdini’s “Yes” as a palatable alternative on persuasion without being a scumbag fuck-o.

May 6, 2019 12:04 pm

Not true, man. Many people I know operate with integrity. There’s also a fine line between persuasion and manipulation.

May 6, 2019 5:29 pm

The article parses the difference between persuasion and manipulation based upon:

1) The intent behind your desire to persuade that person,
2) The truthfulness and transparency of the process, and
3) The net benefit or impact on that person

I believe these would also apply to assertiveness vs. selfishness.

The intent / motive is foundational (#1) which manifests via actions taken (#2 process) resulting in the outcome (#3).

Thanks, Stuck. That actually helped me solidify something I’ve been working through over here; sorting of coming together as:

Assertive Persuasion vs. Selfish Manipulation

The key to judging actors is by their process and outcomes. Actions over words. It’s how they’re known (i.e. identified).

May 5, 2019 8:45 pm

Use it all the time….

As for an example….

One thing is clear
To be courageous
Means being ignored
Embrace the victim
And reap the rewards.

I jest… just a bit
Could write moar
But I’m done with it

May 5, 2019 8:49 pm

Rabbi Bergshaftowitz of the ADL: Would America like to import infinity muds, or are you an awful racist?

comment image

May 5, 2019 9:23 pm

Yumbo , shit like that makes it hard to tolerate people in my own family Especially two of them . They are about as liberal progressive as you can get. Will not listen to reason ,facts from history or anything else. When they come over if I’m at home I go to another part of the house or just leave . I keep the peace for the sake of my mom but it’s hard. They are on my mom’s side so I live and let live for now but I hate them .Don’t know how else to say it.

May 6, 2019 2:21 pm

Muds. What do you call yourself, dirtbag?

May 6, 2019 12:01 am

Speaking of Netflix and manipulation, someone I know recommended Dr. Brené Brown’s “Call to Courage” pep talk so I watched it over the weekend. She’s a social researcher and author who comes across as a combination comedienne and self-help guru who appears to have cornered the market on “vulnerability” as it relates to courage.

She was extremely likeable, even charismatic, and I watched for about an hour as she made the soccer moms and single ladies in the audience laugh and cry in a Tony Robbins meets Oprah Winfrey sort of way.

Evidently, she had a TED (I guess that’s a thing now) talk (about vunerability) that went viral and also indicated she had addressed business leaders around the country; including the Titans of Silicon Valley.

At the very beginning, Brown joked she did not want to have a white man on the cover of her latest book and I know I heard her use the word “privilege” at least once.

Then, right around the 58 minute mark, she said something like: “and there are so many important movements going on right now, ones that I really hope change the world…. Black Lives Matter, MeToo, Times Up…

Bam. There it was. Every damn time, just like clockwork.

In the end, it turned out she’s another social justice prophetess sermonizing on the new religion; shilling selective “tolerance” and likely thrilled that Alex Jones and James Woods have been banned from Facebook and Twitter.

May 6, 2019 12:15 am


I didn’t want to go to the club but it was my friedn’s brithday. Usually, they don’t dmit a guy on a wheelchair into the dance club. With no legs and only one arm, it’s hard to meet a girl. I sat way in the back while my friend mingled, he wouldn’t need me until much later when the pretty gilrs wanted to hear of my war experiences. Then I could play the hero, talking about stepping on a IED.
I looked around the back and there was this beautiful girl resting on a pillow. I said hi and joked about asking her to dance if only.. She replied that she had no body to dance with. We became instant friends and I noted how she didn’t have tats all over. I have no body, she repeated.
Finally her friends came by and said they’d take her away. I understood, I wasn’t right for their friend, crippled and all. I hollered out at the last minute, a desperate move, I’ll call you! She asked her friends to wait. It’s better if you come by, I have no body to answer the phone.
You think you’re fucked, with no legs and only one arm until you meet a girl with no body, just a head, and suddenly life is worth living again.

May 6, 2019 2:12 am

Hoho, so what do you call a guy with no arms and legs lying in front of your door? Matt.
What do you call a guy with no arms and legs in your swimming pool? Bob.
What position can a guy with no arms and legs play in a baseball game? First base.
What do you call a guy with no arms and legs hanging on a wall? Art.

May 6, 2019 9:53 am

I swear, you sound like a guy. Are you lez?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 11:15 am

sHe’s Uncle Fester, screwing a light bulb in your winker to illuminate your mirror

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 6, 2019 12:03 pm

I always suspected Unsuspected but now I’m not sure

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 6, 2019 5:02 am

Hey Stucky, you’ve started something now – lots of great comments, much more than I get!

I was trained by Xerox Corp in the 1970s and learned many lessons about ‘selling’. In fact Xerox said we aren’t selling anything; “we are helping people to buy!” That stuck in my mind ever since and has proved of great value. Also we were encourgaed to display HAGS behaviours: “Honesty, Authenticity, Genuineness and Sincerity” this has worked well too.

I said at training that I wasn’t a salesman and the trainer replied that “EVERYONE IS A SALESMAN”. We were warned that the pyscho tools we were given could be mishandled and become manipulative – so be very careful how you use them! Great for pulling chicks though!

  Austrian Peter
May 6, 2019 9:51 am

Riiiight. You look like you could pull chicks. Stuck was a chick magnet too. He had three girls under each arm one spring break.

May 6, 2019 12:01 pm

AP, I’m only messing with you because you seem to be my age. I’m just jealous since I never ‘pulled chicks’ anywhere. I usually had to wait until they passed out drunk.

May 6, 2019 8:29 pm

Lobsters and lots of them next weekend..

Just throwing it out there…


Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
May 7, 2019 6:10 pm

Yep Mistico, I guess we are Boomers and the 60’s, drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll was the best time to be alive – ‘F*ing A man’ as they said in Nam! Drunk or not – it was still fun as far as I can remember – it was a long time ago!

May 6, 2019 11:46 am

As one who deployed manipulation on potential victims everyday, I found it was better to hypnotize them, to create a positive experience while having dental surgery. I drugged the biggest babies before hand to make them more susceptible to my verbal cues.

My favorite hypnotic manipulation was on the gaggers. Many more female gaggers than male. Something about controlling what goes into their mouths…I suspect many female gaggers had had bad experiences. The bulemics were impervious to our simple stimulation of the pharyngeal gag reflex.

To take an dental impression with the goop we use was often a great challenge.
Do not ask me why it worked but it was my fail safe “manipulative” technique to record accurately a negative representation of teeth to create a positive working model.

After a few failed attempts by the dental assistant I would be called in. I exuded confidence I would get them through it. When the goopy tray hit the soft palate and the heaving began I would suddenly say with alacrity. “Raise your hand” as I grabbed their hand and held it up high. Stopped it every time. Sometimes on hard core cases it might reemerge. Another round of stretching their arm upwards took care of it.

And most people appreciated I manipulated instruments with great skills.

May 6, 2019 1:24 pm

I dropped the moniker for a bit because HR was beating me badly over the head about Maggie and mygirl being EC. I know who Maggie is but I have no idea who mygirl or mygirl…maybe is.

I have to live in the doghouse for a while, vacate EC for a bit, until HR collects his thoughts.

May 7, 2019 9:36 pm

Is this Stucky? One of the old dogs who always would Dopplegang to confuse, distort and infuriate others along eith the conversation bitching about people changing their names and doppleganging?


Oh how we’ve come full retard circle!

May 6, 2019 12:08 pm

Stuck, I mentioned how the beautiful blonde will never say the word ‘yes’ but only ‘that’s correct’. It is a good response when dealing with car salesmen who get you saying yes too many times. If you only reply that’s correct, they can’t get you to say yes so easily. Do you agree?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 6, 2019 12:42 pm

“Thanks for getting this thread started with such an intelligent question, ya fucken wanker.”

I downvoted this one yesterday, because, and I may be wrong, it seems like a bit of ‘pot calling the kettle black”

“Virtually all preaching is pure mind manipulation. So is most witnessing.
So, it would be nice to hear from those people.”

And, I downvoted this one shortly after, much for the same reason as above, but a bit more explanation would be needed to accurately describe ‘why’.

“It’s Friday, but Sunday’s comin”

I have made a few responses/references to or about your posts in the past, but elicited no response. Add to it a sort of an ‘agreement’ I made to you a while back, and my efforts to uphold it.

I would agree somewhat with the comment in theory, I also don’t quite make the correlation with stating one’s BS by ‘witnessing’ with a conscious effort to ‘manipulate’…….but that’s just my thoughts.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- constant hammerin on this motto….Manipulation ? Probably so, but I didn’t make it up or have the power to place it on a piece of paper and use military might to back it up

From about the time I finished the first nickel’s worth of time, I’ve been manipulated, used, and judged batcrap crazy my entire life by my mother AND seester. I have been indoctrinated into that system by being the target of it.

When I hit my teen years, I manipulated every skirt and pair of daisydukes I wanted gain entry to. I’m not going to reveal any ‘trade’ secrets (lol), but details won’t be following because I’m ashamed of my MO in committing those offenses.

I’ve not done the same ‘job’ for more than about 5 or 6 yrs. at a time, while I remained in similar industries much longer. Meaning, helping to frame a garage/home is not to be compared much to helping build scaffold around refinery crude towers or ‘hanging’ it inside the chillers of a nuke power plant- but both are ‘construction’…..I just did what I was told to do while in that field.

Been in sales, both insurance and automotive…..manipulation methods were a bit different, but both began with an attempt to “get into bed with” the potential client/customer. With insurance, it was more of a ‘needed’ industry, and having a price competitive market in which to place their coverage was paramount. Once ‘outside’ the lower dollar deal, it then began to be a situation where, once I was deemed ‘trustworthy’, policies were written.

In auto sales, the ‘getting in bed with’ consisted more of active listening. When the wife commented about the color, or the dual climate control, then the ‘manipulating’ consisted of accentuating the attractive features. Same for when I ‘read’ that the husband was the buyer…….or it the college aged kid was involved.

You’ve been in sales, so here I am ‘witnessing’ again……preachin to the choir.

  ordo ab chao
May 6, 2019 1:35 pm

“When I hit my teen years, I manipulated every skirt and pair of daisydukes I wanted gain entry to. I’m not going to reveal any ‘trade’ secrets (lol), but details won’t be following because I’m ashamed of my MO in committing those offenses.”

Guess I’m never going to write that article on women but I have been parceling it out in the comments section.

I told this story before and the more I observe, the more I agree with it: Our youngish substitute coach told us freshmen that we ought to enjoy the girls now because “once they turn 21, they turn into bitches.” In fact, girls are a lot of fun from 12 to 19, they are spontaneous and not too manipulative. After that, they might as well wear a burka so that we don’t have to see them or hear them. I hope the Kartrashians are reading this, they severely need to wear head to toe covering.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 7, 2019 5:39 am


When I was 18, I had started dating a blonde haired blue eyed cheer leader who was 15, goin on 16. I had ‘taken’ her from (or so I thought) a mexican dude that she had been with for several years, much to the disdain of her parents. He was a good lookin guy that was very athletic, and as ‘things’ would have it, his family moved out of town about the time I hooked up with her.

Not long after, she told me that she was pregnant, and my folks were very worried about her’s possibly charging me with statutory rape. Her folks were insistant on an abortion. Mine went along with it. My dad, at the time, even asked me if I was “sure it was mine”……which pissed me off.

On the scheduled day of the event, I had decided I was going to stop it; to hell with the results. As I jumped in my ‘hot-rod’ and headed to the city 60 miles away, I blew a clutch about 20 miles out from the ‘big city’ hospital, and the procedure went as planned.

We stayed together through her college yrs, and married for about 5 yrs. The whole time, I was a two timing “Rico Suave”….About 10 yrs. after our divorce, I ran into her old mehican boyfriend, had a nice visit, and then he asked me “Did you ever know for sure the baby was yours, and not mine?”

I was like ‘WHAAAAAAT?’

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

that’s been on my mind for a loooooong time. I don’t hold any ill feelings towards either of them…because I was a connivin little puke myself !

My wife I’ve had for YEARS, met during my two timin days, and I was with her before our divorce…..all I’m sayin, is that I’m not so sure your coach was right, only because this little Cherokee/Sac and Fox/ white ‘three-breed’ wife of mine was over 21 when we met, and there ain’t a bitchin bone in her body, but she was/is “spontaneous and not too manipulative.”

Now, about that “pick up a dime” with a forklift……..

  ordo ab chao
May 7, 2019 9:45 pm

I’ve been attacking women hard and can’t get a decent reply from anybody. I guess they have heard every accusation in the book from disgruntled husbands or ex-husbands. At least now I have read an alternate ending to Last American Virgin. What a suck ass movie!

May 6, 2019 8:23 pm

Stucky, I’ve not got time for manipulation. I’ve been hauling this dead raccoon all over the Ozarks to get some photos to use for a promotional ad to raise some money for TBP by auctioning off Flat Stucky at the Festival for Free Speech at the farm in New Hampshire.

I sent Admin an email and am hoping to get T4C’s address because I told Flat Stucky he just might get to sleep in her lingerie drawer before being sent to his next destination, to be determined by Admin depending upon how many “NOT RAFFLE” tickets we sell for 50 bucks a pop.

A certain suds-monkey in Michigan has already paid forward enough caramel fudge topping to get the first ticket after T4C finishes whatever she wants to do with this very soft raccoon pelt. So, the raccoon will arrive at T4C’s with a postage paid envelope sending him on to Southfield, Michigan, where a certain suds-monkey just might get him a visit to something related to Bob Seger as a special favor to a girl he sang We’ve Got Tonight to in St. Louis, Missouri, Busch Gardens, 1978. If Flat Stucky gets near the man’s hand that was a’shakin’ you will make me the happiest bunny whacker in the Ozarks. And Stucky’s handwarmer can travel on to its next destination as Admin lets you know… the raccoon could probably make four or five trips in the Continental U.S. before being hauled to New Hampshire one way or another.

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Flat Stucky paid tribute to the Grand Matriarch of my clansmen, Fannie Catherine Hasty, who married her cousin Elzie when she was fourteen years old and proceeded to have eleven shanty-Irish children, of which one was my mother.

This was one Holy Moley trip, pal, and it doesn’t get more surreal than the video where I walk into the river and claim your next rock of ages from the pure driven stream. It is in final draft form, in for final edit, um me. I have also requested graphic input for photo selection to best tell Flat Stucky’s story. Again, me.

I have contacted every family member who is or was a veteran and told them to start following my blog. If I can get the few hundred hillbillies who follow my blog to spread their wings a bit and tap a few friends on the shoulder, I might introduce them here.

Oh, and when I got home from letting Flat Stucky touch some of those 1900 guns? Nick shared a story about Ted Nugent with me that chills my bones.

Sure thing, Ted. We will shut up and jam once we get some decent target ranges built.

Flat Stucky knows where the guns are stored. And Ted Nugent types are always more than welcome around these parts, for all kinds of jamming. With or without 1900 guns.

  M G
May 7, 2019 9:44 am

Had not seen either vid, M G. Appreciated both.
Funny, how many anti-Teds think they know what makes the guy tick.
He has the balls to call ’em like he sees ’em.

  M G
May 7, 2019 10:50 am

“I sent Admin an email and am hoping to get T4C’s address because I told Flat Stucky he just might get to sleep in her lingerie drawer before being sent to his next destination”

Considering Stuck’s disposal of a notorious raccoon, I would imagine you would be familiar with the cause; he documented the threat. Please do not propose to taint the dainty lingerie of our favorite nurse with a raccoon carcass, Private Benjamin. (I call dibs on her tiny Victoria’s Secret black thong for my truck mirror – preferably unwashed and definitely uncontaminated by dead raccoon germs.)

May 7, 2019 9:49 pm

I read somewhere that women confuse anger with love. I guess I can’t manipulate T4C into a furious reply.