Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links

Guest Post by John Wilder

“Have you any idea how successful censorship is on TV? Don’t know the answer? Hmm. Successful, isn’t it?” – Max Headroom


11:45pm – fifteen minutes to midnight.  Yes, it’s subjective, and it’s based on the countdown, published last month (Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming).  We’re still at CivCon 6 – People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Censorship Update– John Mark’s Video and Criticism – Updated Civil War II Index – Who Benefits? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the second issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts will be a bit different than the other posts here at Wilder Wealthy and Wise – they will consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War II.  My intent is to update these on the first Monday of every month.


John Wilkes Paintbooth (Idea via user Miles Long at The Burning Platform)

There has been a pretty significant interest in Civil War II – it has generated more emails to me than any other topic I’ve written about, with a great number of links to relevant information that you’ll see below.  It’s also resulted in about a dozen book suggestions, and I’ve bought or downloaded every one of your suggestions.  I haven’t had time to read even 10% of the books yet, but I can tell the suggestions are rock solid.  Thank you.  Please feel free to contribute more suggestions of links or books either in the comments below or directly to me at [email protected] – I won’t use your name (from e-mails) unless explicitly given permission, and I won’t directly quote your email unless explicitly given permission, but I may quote my answers in a way that doesn’t violate your privacy.

Censorship Update

Why is censorship an issue in Civil War II?  Censorship is a measure of how those in power (either political or economic) fear an idea and how polarized they have become.  Most censorship in the past had been based on the sexual content of the book or movie.  Now it’s based on ideas that are dangerous.  Which ideas?  Depends on the day.

I know it says “Update” but this is really the first version, so technically the first “update” will be next month.  There has been more censorship in the United States in the past year than at any point in my adult life.  This level of censorship is more frightening than anything I’ve ever seen, except for the latest Democratic presidential debates.

YouTube© is the real star of censorship in June.  Comedian/journalist Steven Crowder has been a long-time YouTube® broadcaster who is generally on the mainstream “Right” side of the political world.  He likes guns.  Doesn’t like abortion.  He is not extreme in any real sense of the word.  But as a comedian, one of the things he does regularly is mock people.  Which people?  Everyone.  I won’t go into the details (you can look it up) but a group of Leftists decided Crowder should be banned from YouTube™ since he made a lispy-Leftist journalist who is an ethnic and sexual minority feel bad.

YouTube© responded to this contrived moral outrage by making it so Crowder couldn’t get money from YouTube® ads – oddly this increased Crowder’s income as thousands of people bought merchandise directly from Crowder’s company.

End of story?  No.


Soon enough, YouTube™ will consist of nothing more than makeup videos, Buzzfeed®, and whatever else the New York Times© says is okay.

Forty other channels were either banned, demonetized, or had videos deleted.  I won’t go so far as to say that these channels are all mainstream like Steven Crowder, they aren’t.  But I am not aware of any content that called for violence or did anything more than spread “dangerous ideas.”  In a crowning bit of irony, YouTube® censored a video where a Google™ (owner of YouTube™) executive talked about how Google© wouldn’t allow another “Trump situation.”  This was presumably via using their ability to manipulate what search results people see when they use Google™.

Twitter® had also purged significant figures on the Right, most prominent among them James Woods, who has since given up on the platform after multiple bans despite having over 2,000,000 followers.

Let’s take Amazon, who in 2010 said that “Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.”  This was a fairly absolute position, especially since Amazon was defending selling a pro-pedophilia book.

Not so much now.  Amazon has now banned dozens of books, and created entire categories of products that cannot be sold.   You can’t get a Confederate flag t-shirt from Amazon, but you can certainly get a Stalin shirt.  This is despite the fact that Stalin killed (In the World Murder Olympics, Communists Take Gold and Silver!) more people in one year – 3.9 million – than the total number of slaves in the United States in 1850 – 3 million.  Sure, it sucked to be a slave.  But it was certainly worse to be a slave to communism that was starved to death.



With apologies to Arthur (LINK), whose tagline I mangled for this one.

I tried to come up with a list of censored things, but even the censored things seem to be mainly censored.  Orwell would be proud.

John Mark’s Civil War 2 Video and Criticism

This video was suggested by several of you, including Shinmen Takezo who suggests you listen to all of John Mark’s videos.  I’ve seen this one, and plan to watch the others when I have a spare minute.

I think Mr. Mark is spot on with commentary that Trump is the last Republican president that will be elected.  I wrote about this back in November of 2018(Trump: The Last President?).  It has a click-bait-y title, which might explain why it went viral and got over 120,000 pageviews on Zero Hedge©.

John Mark reviews an article purportedly written by a “Red Team” (bad guy) member of a war game where the Right revolts against the government and the Left.  My response is in italics, or braille if you don’t clean your screen very often.

First Vulnerability:  The electrical grid is dispersed and easy to take down into most cities because it is impossible to guard.  The front won’t be against just the Right, it will also be against their own (Leftist) cities.

I agree.  The United States is built as a free society, and so is all of our infrastructure.  It is devastatingly vulnerable.  In one of the links below, you’ll see how a $0.02 match took down a $20,000,000 bridge.  And that was on accident.

Second Vulnerability:  30% will revolt.  Most on the Right have guns.  There are 400 million guns, 8 trillion bullets in the United States – most in the hand of the Right.  Ten million strongly on the Right.  Tanks and airplanes don’t matter as much as the Left thinks.   There might be 2 million in the United States military, and over 60% voted for the Right.  There are 20 million former military.

Total would be about 2 million available forces for revolutionary suppression (including civilian police), if the active military did not revolt.

I agree.  The people, especially former military, on the Right can do whatever they want.  Tanks and airplanes didn’t win World War II on the Eastern Front – the winning weapon was the mortar and the rifle – anti-personnel weapons.  The Soviets also accomplished it only by throwing millions of bodies into combat.  Bodies that will be tough for the Left to get outside of conscription.


I think there’s an Uber joke in here somewhere.

Third Vulnerability:  The Left lives in consuming cities, the Right lives in the land that produces food and stuff.  The concentrated cities of the Left produce a lot of porn and girls with daddy-issues, but not much food.

I agree.  They are vulnerable, though the porn and Facebook™ drought might be tough on some.

Where do I disagree? 

The Ultra-Violent and Nukes.

Sure, we know the Starbucks® Socialists and Latte Lenins won’t fight.  Why wouldn’t the government take MS-13 and arm them and turn them loose to “make examples” of small downs, one after another?  If they were losing, they would certainly do that.  And they could scrape together a pilot and a nuke or two to take down a rebel capital city.  If they were losing, they would.     

The Right could make a reasonable partisan force, especially when you look that probably 50% to 75% of the military would defect and train people on the Right, bringing along a nice batch of weapons (think grenades, C4, etcetera) to the farm to teach the rest of the football team.  I don’t think Jed would need to teach the boys to shoot, and I think they’d learn to use that mortar and grenade launcher that he “liberated” from the Marines very quickly.  

Logistics and Geography

The Left can be resupplied via air and ship.  “Emergency” supplies would head into coastal cities and sustain them forever, though Denver would fall soon enough.  Would Russia supply the heartland while the Chinese supplied the West Coast?  I have no idea – I think they’d do what.  Regardless, France would soon surrender.

Also, I think there would be a nearly immediate media clamp down.   The media supports the Left, no matter what.  They would parrot the Leftist line until the studios were taken from them by force.

I think that this is far too optimistic, but I also think the odds are lower the more time passes.

Civil War Index:

Here’s the state for this month.

Economic:  +10.42.  Unemployment is the same – interest rates took a huge drop, and the Dow was (slightly) up.  Increasing economic is good.

Political Instability:  -46%.  I think that the start of the debates and the poor poll numbers of “any democratic candidate” against Trump has calmed the Left politically by a lot.  Lower instability is good.

Censorship:  Originally this was going to be a candidate index.  Sadly, there’s no data.  How scary is it that you can’t find good data on censorship?

Interest in Violence:  Up 7% this month.  Not horrible, but not good.

Illegal Aliens:  Up 24% last month to 144,000.  144,000 is more than have been deported since Trump got into office.  This shows increasing instability south of the border, or lower fear of deportation.  Both are bad.

Eventually these will be graphs, but a graph with one point is . . . boring.  Maybe in August.


Quote From a Failed Candidate to be The One:  “Is the Red Pill gluten free?  Also, is it vegan?”

One measure I thought was pretty good was from Anonymousse over at The Burning Platform:  “One good metric may be the spread between political poll projections and reality/results. I’m thinking that gauges just how “free” people feel about saying versus what they do. Something I’ve noticed widening over the years.”

I’d like to do this one, but the data points are just too far apart.  This would be useful information over the course of a decade, but won’t be much use monthly.  I think Anonymousse is right – people don’t feel good about sharing if they’re going to vote for an “unpopular” candidate on the Right, severely skewing the polls.

What do I mean by unpopular?

We were on vacation two years ago, and decided to stop at a national monument.  We got out.  The plates on our car are from a very red state – my county went 85% for Trump.  As we got out of the car to stretch our legs and see the monument, we spied a guy birdwatching.  He put his binoculars on our car.  He was about 150 feet away.

Birdwatch Bill, yelling:  “Who’d you vote for?”

John Wilder, being sassy, yelling back:  “Starts with a T!”

Birdwatch Bill, muffled:  “Ashshof.”

John Wilder:  “What?”

Birdwatch Bill, with anger, yelling:  “You heard me, A****le.”  It rhymes with tadpole.

I was stunned, I mean, I don’t deny being a tadpole, but I didn’t think you could see it from 150 feet away.  The Mrs. was in the bathroom, and I’m thankful that she didn’t hear him, since she would have broken him like a twig – she handles my light work.

After saying that, Birdwatch Bill scurried and jumped in his car, and sped off.

After hearing that story, The Mrs. was adamant that we not move to that state, even when I had a job offer there, even though I think she’d like to hear Birdwatch Bill’s yelp as she gave him a nuclear wedgie.

Who Benefits?

Whenever I see something that doesn’t make sense, I try to understand what could possibly be causing it.  When conditions are better for minority racial and ethnic groups than ever in the history of the country, and the agitation increases, I have to ask, who benefits?  When the push for segregation comes from, not the Right but the Left, I ask, who benefits?

When I see us moving on a seemingly certain path towards war, I have to ask, who benefits?  Probably more on this in a future post.

Links From Readers:

Obviously I only stand by 100% of my own writing.  Here is some interesting stuff sent in by readers.  Feel free to take some of the burden off of Ricky, and send me more.  And if you send it in an email, please let me know if I may credit you.


See, a chain link photo in the “Links” page.  I’m witty that way.

Thomas Chittum’s Civil War Two  – I’m not finished with this one yet, but very interesting.  A 178 page .pdf file – this was listed by “Mark” at The Burning Platform.

Photos of Bosnia during and after their civil war from “Mygirl…maybe” over at The Burning Platform.

Update on the State of Jefferson vs. New California from user “Martel’s Hammer” at The Burning Platform.

Who is behind Antifa?, via AC at The Burning Platform.

From Ricky:

Pentagon prepping for civil unrest?

Review of the risk of civil unrest (presentation).

Peter Turchin predicts violence in 2020.

France and Social Unrest – Tied to Loss of Family and Religion

Perhaps my favorite link from Ricky – the Partisan Conflict Index – worth watching. 

Brazos reminds us that there is precedence for using the troops against American civilians. 

User “MN Steel” reminds us that the damage a single match can do.

From my E-mail:

First is a blog I often read, Metallicman on what liberals have in store for conservatives.  Not pretty. 

And more from Ricky!

This one from an Australian perspective.

NY Magazine – wondering if it isn’t time to split up.  My add (from HBO®) was for the series Divorce.  Hmmm.

From the Federalist, again about “divorce” of the United States.

From other emails . . .

A great article from Mary Christine over at The Burning Platform, looking at Kansas and Missouri during the Civil War and how partisans will form – will Civil War Two look more like the personal fights along the Kansas and Missouri borders?

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You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 7:20 am

Because there has not been a revolution yet, then there never will be. Ameriscums have reached peak obedience. And don’t give me that shit that things haven’t been bad enough yet.

  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 7:55 am

Slave,many at the point ornery/old enough and thus “Do not give a fuck” attitude,or,a “Nothing to lose/everything to gain attitude”,peak obedience would have had billary in office,not that this makes much of a difference either way long term.

I would rather we did not have a repeat performance in a large sense of say the former Yugoslavia,but,rather that then some alternatives.

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 9:06 am

peak obedience would have had billary in office,not that this makes much of a difference either way long term.

Congratulations Slave, You voted for Trump and you got Hillary instead! VOTE HARDER!
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 11:25 am

Actually,wrote in Rand Paul,as I know voting in national does not do much good,just voiced me choice.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  [email protected]
July 8, 2019 1:05 pm

Write in your own name, and lie to your mother without apology. You are missing the point about being #1 in your own life. Helping and cooperating with the LCD is how we got here. Asserting oneself and requiring value for value is the only way to have cooperation that is productive, i.e. culture good enough to live above the animals. I voted for Rand Paul once. Was a little late to his movement. But now that he’s gone politically and things are what they are, assert yourself or readily die. You are mentally ready to fail. This perversion of successful sycophantic men will not last beyond this decline. There is no white man cavalry coming to save us. You go only half way in your understanding, and that is still a deadly fail: immobilizing fear. I’m just saying be free in your own head if you can. If not, I can respect that too as nature taking its glorious course.

July 8, 2019 10:19 pm

“Presidents are not elected, they are selected.” – FDR

Trump was likely allowed to win, to forestall interesting times, to give the marxists more time to work within. After 2020, it’s over.

Thomas Chittum’s “Civil War II” is a good book, he was wrong on some points, right on others. Sure looks like he got the timing right, though.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 12:54 pm

I upvoted the comment by transient “You are a slave”. I got downvoted on my reality check on the fat chick article. The Great White Sympathy Gene must be culled. There is no other way. I don’t expect there will be anything left. For 2,500 years now philosophers are not know for conquest or fecundity. Time to be men, boys. That ain’t gonna happen by definition. I wish I had the ignorance of herd bliss, but I just can’t be that. Genetics matter. Nurture depends on nature. How many of you cucks display your “I voted” stickers somewhere? Is a gold star sticker a reason to study or learn? What organisms abdicate their own welfare? The ones fit to die with the system they service with their buttholes. What geniuses on the Left and on the Right at reckoning welfare! ZOG trembles with fear of such intellectual giants.

  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 3:37 pm

Things haven’t been bad enough yet. ?‍♂️ In 1774 when the crown really started to clamp down on the colonies, those taxes were brutal. Imagine being taxed to the point where it literally impacted your ability to feed your family. Today taxes are high, but it just means you have less shit. You lose a car. You lose a jet ski. You don’t get to buy new clothes. You cut out the cable channels. you use a 2 year old phone. Big ass whoop. You don’t lose the ability to eat for days at a time. It isnt about how much the government takes, its about what you have left. After taxes, we all have a lot left. We still live like kings of old. Everything is propped up by our oil-infused high standard of living. That’s why I say energy is all that matters. In order to have an actual revolution, you need 3% of the armed population to be facing an imminent and clearly visible threat of actual starvation. In what world does that even happen? By the time 3% of the armed folks face starvation, there’s already going to be 50 million starving liberals. And if the number ever does reach 3%, its gonna blow past 3% so fast that there wont be time to organize anything.

July 8, 2019 7:51 am

This comment has nothing to do with the article about the civil war.

I’m waiting for the Babylon Bee article titled, “Americans Demand Equal Play Before equal Pay” about the US women’s soccer team blathering on about how they should be paid the same as the men.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 12:48 pm

The US Women’s team has a far better record and they produce more profit and revenue than the men’s team. Based on that it means they have a really shitty union and need to fire their asses. Problem solved!

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
July 8, 2019 1:09 pm

I have not pursued the story. I’m on a restricted diet. If they are paid by government, they would already be getting equal pay. If they get paid by the fan base, wtf? They gonna force us to go watch them act like high-status men? I’m not sure that would kick off CWII either. I think most men would go.

July 8, 2019 8:15 am

I’m leaning towards the govt knowingly wiping out most of the population in the coming economic and food collapse. It solves too many of their problems. This will occur mostly on the coasts where they don’t know where food comes from, have no means of self defense and know nothing beyond where the closest Starbucks is. I’m starting to think the Patriot Act, etc was putting Marshall law in place before the big event. It’s obvious we’re headed for a global economic depression within a year and at the same time the solar minimum is already devastating crops globally. Millions are going to starve here in the US. It looks like the prediction of the US population of 99 million by 2025 will be accurate enough. The left once again doesn’t realize they are useful but readily disposable idiots whose time is nearing an end.

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 9:09 am

Steve, see the Georgia Guidestones. It say’s exactly what you said.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 10:40 am

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature

Yeah – exterminate all the leftists / progressives / liberals.

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 11:35 am

Do you actually believe your killer government cares whether or not your a left wing or right wing when the great culling comes?
My god you’re fuckin retarded!

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 1:13 pm

Come now. Punching right against the fighting spirit that is prerequisite to surviving what you warn us about? Libtards are what make long-lived institutions so dangerous. Stop being myopic.

  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 5:06 pm

I’ve been to the Guidestones-twice

July 8, 2019 9:24 am

Folks in the big cities will kill each other off looking for food and just being city folks.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
July 8, 2019 2:00 pm

And those who survive — MS13, roving gangs — will be lethal. Never underestimate your enemy.

John Wilder
John Wilder
  Articles of Confederation
July 10, 2019 12:34 am


July 8, 2019 3:49 pm

There is just no way that happens. The amount of food access in Venezuela has been severely cut, far beyond anything the US is likely to see over the next 6 years. Yet the population (adjusted for migration) has barely declined at all. The US could lose ALL of Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska’s agricultural output and virtually no one in the US would die of starvation. (Aside from a few crackheads maybe). All that would happen is that food prices would skyrocket. Less junk would get bought, and the economy would suffer a serious contraction. The higher food prices would ripple across the entire globe. It is actually the dirt poor who live off $1 a day who would suffer the most serious consequences. Birthrates in the US would actually rise under such conditions.

July 8, 2019 5:13 pm

I take it you are unfamiliar with the grand Solar Minimum which is HERE, NOW and will get much worse in 2021, 2023 and worse yet in 2028. Things will be brutal until 2050. See YT -Adapt 2030 and Ice Age Farmer for a wake up call. Valentina Zharkova has done brilliant work on this.

4th Turner
4th Turner
July 9, 2019 12:47 am

Civil War Weather Report— this one is under 3 minutes, is visually stimulating, and gets its point across via clips you’ve likely already seen (its especially great for late nite or early am viewing):

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 8:43 am

WRSA posted a YouTube link by Forward Observer. It is a 3 part cw2 presentation about 25 min each. I would post the links but my cheap phone gives me fits. Seems like he had some major disagreements with John Mark. I confess to not watching that one yet so I can’t comment one way or the other. However , I think part of the problem is semantics. People get distracted by a disagreement over the definition of civil war.

I still believe at some point it will become personal. The Bundy Ranch incident came real close but it wasn’t time yet. When it becomes personal, there will have to be careful planning. It can’t be a knee jerk reaction. When Quantrill got revenge for the deaths of the women from the prison collapse, it was very carefully planned and executed.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 9:18 am

The producer of FO is SC, who offers a true intelligence report without the wild speculations of JM. FO makes the point that the patriots would win today, if the conflict went hot, but there is not enough fire in the belly of the deplorables to do anything, so expect a long protracted low intensity civil war from now till ???
The elite are aware of this and will keep the patriots irritated, but never to the point of rising up, waiting for some natural or black swan disaster to cull the herd.
Anyway, Epstein was taken in by the most corrupt judicial agency, so don’t expect him to sing, except for the elite, who will begin another round of “impeach Trump” and today, the beginning of rounding up the illegal immigrants for deportation ( a million I hear!), until some judge somewhere says, “hey, you can’t do that”. And it will end as quickly as it began.

  Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 10:42 am

Yeah, the Bundy Ranch came real close. Maybe when the next boat load of ‘migrants’ – we meet them at the dock – have them stand down. Back to Africa.

  Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 11:19 am

I have seen some very disconcerting things in the antics of at least one county sheriff’s office. I will not be visiting that jurisdiction again.

  M G
July 8, 2019 11:59 am

Talk to us Mags. In Missouri? I would like to know what you saw?

John Wilder
John Wilder
  Mary Christine
July 10, 2019 12:36 am

I agree. John Mark rubbed him the wrong way. I’ll have some comments on Forward Observer next month. In general, I agree.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
July 8, 2019 8:44 am

There is not going t be a civil war in these former United States. We will see the end of the sovereign nation, the acceptance of the global currency and associated legal dominion, and lots of neat apps for smartphones!! Lots and lots of fun stuff to keep people occupied while they slowly die off.

The censorship is going to be real important when it is time to reduce the population in Africa. That is coming as sure as the dawn. The powers-that-be have no use for a bunch of not-so-bright ethnics, and no Christian ethics to discourage a reduction in headcount. Whether it is “climate change” or “famine” or one or two nasty illnesses, it is coming and pretty soon. The people left in what used to be the USA won’t give a shit.

In a hundred and fifty years, there will be half as many people (max) on earth, and a pretty easy life for most. What will they remember about us?

  Brian Reilly
July 8, 2019 11:38 am

Absolutely correct nobody is going to fight for control of the government, meaning any war would be revolutionary, not civil, in nature.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 12:45 pm

See, Ken, you’re getting tangled up in semantics, too.

Not Sure articulates my thoughts on FO’s analysis.

  Brian Reilly
July 8, 2019 4:02 pm

You do not know that. There is no way you can know that. Cold fusion is very real. People like Dr. Edmund Storms have actual theories now, which can be proven/disproven with funding. Excess heat is already an accepted concept, its not even denied anymore. All that’s left is the actual theory on how it works. Once the theory is proven, it is only a matter of time before devices hit the market. The timing on that, and how it plays out, is THE single most important factor in determining future population. And nobody really knows, so nobody really knows anything.

July 8, 2019 6:47 pm

Well, I agree with your “nobody really knows anything” remark.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 8:52 am

The true turning point will be the rapture of the true church of Jesusthe Messiah.
At that point many hardcore conservatives will be gone and the ensuing chaos will give the globalists the opportunity to take control and set up the NWO.
At the last trump. The trump of God.
How bad it gets between now and then is the true question.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 10:01 am

We’ve run the course. It’s not going to be about revolutions or civil wars anymore.
After the rapture it’s going to be about the spirit of God or restrainer being removed from the earth, the implementation of the NWO government of Satan and the great Judgement of God on an unbelieving world.
God/Jesus will wipe the slate clean of unbelievers and rule and reign with a rod of iron from the throne of David in Jerusalem for 1000 years.
Anything else is just vanity.

  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 10:10 am

Christian have been erroneously sold the rapture doctrine to placate them into complacency by making them believe they and their families won’t suffer the fate of the rest of the world thus not resit. It’s all bullshit. Christians must fight for the preservation of faith, family and tradition . It’s not all about you. You owe it to the next generation.

If men hadn’t fought and died for Christianity for centuries it would not exist today. So do’;t be that cop out coward and drink the rapture kool -aid. If alive you will suffer with all the rest. Bank on it.

comment image

Rapture Teaching As Originally Taught Is Not Scriptural

July 8, 2019 11:43 am

Thank you. Churchianity Heresy like “the rapture” just makes me cringe. You are absolutely right those myths are designed to entice people to shirk their responsibilities here on earth.

God does not have soldiers, He has us. We must fight evil on this earth to protect our families, communities, People, and faith.

July 8, 2019 11:55 am

Rapture teaching is a real showstopper for many so-called Christian believers. I have not found it to be so rigorous doctrinally.

As I told my best friend who preceded me due to breast cancer in 2012, if there is a Rapture, I’ll tell her she was right on the way UP. However, I told her to make sure and tell her daughters if there is NOT a Rapture to come on over to my house for some beans and rice.

I’m not part of any Remnant. I am a preparer, at best. A hanger-onner, at worst.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  M G
July 8, 2019 12:59 pm

It is my understanding that the Rapture concept is from the late 1800’s and while most widely embraced by Evangelicals, it is taken from Catholic doctrine which the Catholic church does not interpret the same as the Evangelicals.
Regardless, it is a neat idea but whether it happens or not I imagine the SHTF moment is in the cards at some point unless the unlikely event of all men coming together as brothers in Jesus Christ occurs first.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 1:15 pm

Nowhere in Catholic doctrine is there any event even close to a rapture. There is the second coming at the end of the age. Period.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 8:42 pm

I guess you missed the misinterpreted part.

July 8, 2019 12:15 pm


I have become an almost a daily fan of ‘Think About It’. I posted a couple of his videos in past threads (possibly even the one you did). I find his hey diddle diddle right up the scripture middle style riveting and his Book of Enoch – Nephilim, Rapture, multiple Luciferian deception exposures, and almost every spiritual, political, economic and cultural controversy you can list presented fearlessly, direct, and fascinatingly hard hitting from a scriptural standpoint.

I don’t debate with non-Believers about the Rapture if there is ridicule…but as we all know the ‘timing’ is a huge issue with Believers and I have come to believe the video you posted by ‘Think About It’ above is correct and I prepare accordingly, first spiritually and then with all the other critical but less important preps.

It just makes more sense to me after investigating/focusing on it for years. There are many wonderful and wise Believers who hold different ‘timing’ views, I have long studied all the reasons and rational for them…I’m just with the view in the above video.

If the above view is wrong no harm no foul…if it is correct there are going to be millions of unprepared Believers (spiritually and in other ways) ripe for massive deception and probably living a desperate day to day existence.

My worldview is 100% Biblical and I’m one of the 1/3rd of Americans who think Civil War 2 is inevitable. Will Civil War 2 lead to an economic collapse? Or will an economic collapse trigger Civil War 2? Who knows…the Luciferians know it will be one of the factors that removes U.S. as a major player in stopping or slowing down their plans and they have the power and control to trigger it and turn the ‘Eaters’ on one another. Civil War 2 is a Win/Win for them.

One fifth of the Bible is about the End Times and the United States does not seem to play a major role in the prophetic events coming to the Middle East, the end of the beginning. Civil War 2 could be a major reason once we break up and kill one another to the degree that leaves U.S. not only no longer a Superpower…but maybe just weak, divided, regional powers?


Great essay, enjoyed it and will pour over all the links, look forward to future installments and getting into the tactical weeds of Civil War 2.

Anyone who is interested on ‘Think About It’:




YouTube Channel:

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 3:33 pm

Please do your own homework not someone else’s.
Please do your homework before you speak on things you do not know.

The two premier new testament rapture verse’s are 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16&17.

Just ask Enoch and Elijah who never died but were taken up and Noah who was raised pre-flood not mid or post flood above the flood waters of judgement by God and brought safely back to earth after the judgement of unbelievers was over to repopulate the earth.

All three are models of the rapture of the church.

Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 3:35 pm

Lots of great reference material on

  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 5:24 pm


The Rapture doctrine to me is indisputable but the timing became a question. Both churches I have attended since 93 (after my stroll down the road to my Damascus) only taught Pre-Trib. Many (too many) Believers got ‘huffy’ if you even mentioned one of the other timing views let alone studied one.

After years of investigative homework I believe Pre-Wrath is most likely. Many wonderful and great believers, whose shoelaces I could not tie, believe differently.

I hope I’m wrong and they and you are right. I am prepared either way.

But I make up my own mind on everthing.

Tribulation is coming and I will strive to overcome.

I am not a meek man…and have a rough, bloody past, and I will Praise the Lord while passing the ammunition.

I see you one Pre-Trib website and raise you one Pre-Wrath (sometime during the 6th Seal) website. (Its gonna be rough and bloody again).

Either way…I’ll catch you later…(smile).

Great book on all three major timing views with cross counterpoints:

  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 10:15 am

I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but the “rapture” theory is not scriptural and was contrived in the early 1800s. Looks like you’ll be around when the going gets rough, as your rapture has ruptured.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
July 8, 2019 1:19 pm

Na, na, na. I believe in JESUS! Na, na, na, na.

  'Reality' Doug
July 8, 2019 1:40 pm

Matthew 7:6

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 12:46 pm

So when there is no rapture, what are you going to do, then?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Eyes Wide Shut
July 8, 2019 1:17 pm

You Christcucks! lmfao Western history is replete with epic rises and falls of white man society. You want mommy to come save you because this is your decline. I hate you guys. It would be funny if it weren’t my capitulation without my consent.

  'Reality' Doug
July 9, 2019 10:27 am

Retards gonna’ retard

The Irrational Atheist
Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens
by Vox Day

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July 8, 2019 9:15 am

I believe there will be a small event – the last straw – that will trigger Civil War II. It may not be a real war, but rather a withdrawal. Split the nation: NY, PA, MD, IL,MI, MO, CA,WA, OR – all states with Progressive, hell hole cities will become ‘Progressive Ville’ – they can do as they want. The rest of the states can live peaceably, and be left alone by the government.

July 8, 2019 9:35 am

That is my thinking as well as my hope. I remember Mohammad Ali quoted in a Playboy interview that blacks should form their own states. It seemed bizarre then. Not so now. Let birds of a feather flock together. It’s how this nation was formed before the brits engineered a coup. Can it be done without bloodshed? I hope so but it’s hardly a safe bet.

July 8, 2019 11:22 am

When I was young out in rural America before mechanized farming turned the making of food into a national industry, communities formed into little towns based on ethnic, religious and political lines.

Some of them even had racial divisions, which were respected and created an environment where cultural values could be shared and/or celebrated.

Or not.

I think we are too far past that dividing line, CC…

  M G
July 8, 2019 12:59 pm

At critical junctures like this the final outcome is often a complete surprise. Hard to imagine a happy ending.

John Wilder
John Wilder
July 10, 2019 12:39 am

I think we will pine for a golden age that’s passed us by.

July 8, 2019 5:10 pm

Good idea; we’ll give up Cuba and Haiti.

July 8, 2019 10:59 am

The problem is the list of states with progressive hell hole cities is 3 times what you listed. Even states like TX now have progressive big cities. Even some cities in the south have turned hardcore left. The biggest difference is between large cities vs. small cities, towns, and rural areas. So you can’t begin to split the country by state lines, those lines don’t mean much in reality. Even CA has millions of non-commies living in the hinterlands and small towns far from the scat-cities.

As if the leftists that want to control the nation and force their will on all the clingers to old ways, bibles and guns would just let states turn into what? You see some push back already in states with sanctuary 2nd ammendment movements and such. If we could just wall off the cities and turn them into their own city-states, great, but none of that seems realistic either. I think a collapse of society with escalating violence in big cities is the most likely outcome. Perhaps a foreign war vs. Iran plus a 8.7 earthquake in CA would provide the tipping points for the whole ball of wax to come apart. A trillion dollar repair bill and Oil prices going through the roof, plus some of the growing issues with food production at this type of scale could all be the things that push it over. The civil war might escalate more into a small scale guerrilla war where Antifa types actually start killing people, and then people get pissed, especially if the Gov’t doesn’t get them. Then you get retaliation type events where people started getting targeted in their homes. The antifa crowd aren’t just wearing those masks for no reason, some of them plan to kill and maim any they view as the “other”.

July 8, 2019 11:36 am

Take a quick peek at Illinois over across the Mississippi from my little plot of beachfront property (should the New Madrid Fault AND the River Wall go at the same time!).

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This is the Cape Girardeau RiverPark Wall, which usually offers seating and telescopes to view the Illinois side more than a mile away.

Well, now, it is a lot more than a mile across that Mississippi River. I took this at crest last week, just before the Fourth of July and drove a couple miles into flooded Illinois. The road across the river closed the following day, I believe. I do not think it is open now. I think the only way across this river is by ferry.

This was an interesting panoramic view.

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The thing about Illinois is that it is all farmland and rural EXCEPT for Chicago. Chicago politics drains the farmland of any possible salvation from this relentless flooding. While the Missouri side has a huge efficient flood WALL holding the record level river from flooding hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in Missouri (knock on wood!), those hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in Illinois will see no crop planting at all this year, with the farm bureau calling 60% loss of Illinois corn crop.

What do you think about that regarding the price of ethanol? Especially since the farmers are going to get their money one way or another. It is BIG business here and it actually will touch your pocketbook very very soon. Corn.

It is probably evil. But, we don’t talk bad about corn around here.

Mostly, it is a perspective thing.

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  M G
July 8, 2019 12:53 pm

Our son has been house and animal sitting for us. He said we had 6 inches in our rain gauge from last week.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  M G
July 8, 2019 1:15 pm

I thought it was going to be a disaster too but the fields that were unplanted just weeks ago have knee high corn seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, with this heat and rain we often have shoulder high corn right now. Not seeing much bean activity. Unless we have an early frost they might squeak by better than anticipated. We have seen worse, but not lately. I think ’94 was the worst ever with a 500 year flood. The water has been over the banks many places but in ’94 it was over the banks, across the roads and up the nearest hill. I believe the Mississippi that year was four times normal.

  Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 1:56 pm

I believe the worst I’ve ever seen it, prior to NOW was in the 2010/2011 era when they intentionally blew the levees south of Cape Girardeau to relieve pressure upriver. My parents’ farm near Sikeston went completely under. We drove all night from Oklahoma to evacuate them to high ground. It was a mess and the whole flooring had to be ripped out and replaced. Some things were never cleaned up from that horrible disaster.

July 8, 2019 11:36 am

I know I just went and paid our property taxes on a home / house that’s been paid for for more than 30 years. As I stood there my blood begin to boil. You never own anything in this damn Abomination of a nation. I almost lost my temper just thinking about having to pay taxes to “educate” someone else’s children especially of another race. For the most these other kids just hold white kids back.
A civil war is the only thing that will stop this vile shit that’s destroying what’s left of our nation . I probably wouldn’t last more than a couple months but hell ….. I’m just about ready to give it a go. I hate what’s happened to our country. I hate having to be told to tolerate this shit. Most white people are still to comfortable or lazy to get off their butts. It’s like white Americans are under a massive black magic spell. I keep wondering when or if they will ever wake up. White Christians are the worse. They think they are going to be raptured before they have to face the evil heading our way. There is not one verse in the Bible that supports this lie and a lie is exactly what the rapture is . It like christains are under the same magic spell. As some of you say … The stupidity ,it burns…

July 8, 2019 12:08 pm

My friend in Maryland will inherit 1/4 of a property which has been in her family (Todd) for perhaps a hundred years? However, the property taxes on that piece of prime real estate on the Chesapeake Bay, Western Shore side, is more than $100,000 per year. She and her sisters will have to sell it or rent it for the taxes. So, land her ancestors turned from swamp into nice property for their posterity* must be sold to pay the NEVERENDING tribute to the crown.

A rose by any other name is still a tyrant if it holds you in its thorns.

*I was forced to explain to an Oklahoma second-grade schoolteacher one time why I thought it really mattered if she had her class memorize the preamble with the word POSTERIOR accidently substituted for POSTERITY. She really didn’t know the difference in her grandchildren and her asshole.

July 8, 2019 4:19 pm

Black magic is exactly what it is. It’s like literal demon worshippers standing in a circle drinking blood and chanting and performing rituals to dumb us down. Except its all done through symbols. We spread these symbols around without much thought to the power embedded within them. But somehow the power is there. By the time we figure out how this works it will be too late.

July 8, 2019 12:09 pm

Dutch, the progressive infection has entered the bloodstream. It’s everywhere. Some worse than others. There is no convincing the progs they are wrong they do not compromise in good faith. I don’t think there is any hope for a peaceful resolution of the polarization. I am just waiting for SHTF. Wish I had more neighbors like you and others on this site.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 1:04 pm

Yet, why would the 101 non communist counties of Illinois wish to remain under the thumb of Shitcago and Cook Co? Worst case would be a sea of red with those blue dots all being separate enclaves. Even the Prog shithole states in terms of land mass are mostly red.

July 8, 2019 4:09 pm

Michigan is a red state with a giant tumor. The whole state isnt going to go one way just because of one small area. That’s the problem with all this shit. Hell, California is a massive red state, minus a few obvious tumors. There’s more red land in california than land period in most red states.

July 8, 2019 6:02 pm

Land will only vote during SHTF. When it doesn’t produce for the blue tumors. I hope.

July 8, 2019 11:35 am

Why is Libertarianism allowed in the public discourse? Because white people acting as individuals poses zero threat to the existing power structure. I don’t think there will be a civil war because white people would first have to start acting with strong in-group preference for mutual benefit, and I just don’t see that happening because the programming has been too deep and too effective. 2nd, if there was a CW2, I don’t think it would be as clear/easy of a victory as John Mark would like it to be – just look at what happened to the last white country that tried to free itself of ZOG and the forces that were summoned to bring it back under the yoke.

July 8, 2019 11:36 am

The northern states fought a civil war – a war for control of the government. The southern states fought a war for independence. Lincoln had no moral or legal right to make them stay, except for jewish sophistry that later corrupt courts upheld.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 1:19 pm

Hate to burst your bubble but there were Jews in your beloved Confederacy too. Cabinet, officers and troops. Before the migration wave from eastern Europe in the late 1800’s, most Jews lived in the south.

  Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2019 5:23 pm

Musta been the good Jews.

July 9, 2019 8:11 am

Plantation owners mostly.

July 9, 2019 12:24 pm

Slave Traders

22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
July 8, 2019 12:50 pm

Civil War my ass.

Sure you’re gonna have some unrest, maybe even a taste of Burning Kansas.

But I call bullshit.


The USA military will stand down (stood down, yet again) and foreign militaries will march right in.

But guess what?

Those foreign military forces don’t have a chance against BY FAR THE LARGEST ARMY ON EARTH, the millions upon millions of highly motivated and highly dangerous Americans that make up the unorganized militia.

PS- I just finished the video. Not enough American leftists to fight the American right? When the military stands down, they’ll send EVEN MORE MILLIONS of bloodthirsty communists from China and Africa to make war on America.
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22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
22winmag - Trump is a psyop and Q is lead actor
July 8, 2019 12:56 pm


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 1:20 pm

Btw, both my husband and I loved Max Headroom. What a blast from the past!. That show was way ahead of it’s time. Maybe that’s why it didn’t last.

  Mary Christine
July 8, 2019 1:52 pm

It was the era of the Talking Heads, wasn’t it?

John Wilder
John Wilder
  Mary Christine
July 10, 2019 12:41 am

Yeah, it was fun.

July 8, 2019 1:21 pm

Genuine Rapture Questions ….. directed to those who Believe in it;

1. Suppose you are in the act of fucking … a reasonable assumption considering there are a billion Christians, so at least 20 or 30 at any one time are doing the nasty ——–> will they still be fucking on the way up?? If not, at what point will they be de-coupled?

2. Same goes for other body functions; pisssing, shitting, and masturbating. I mean, really, I’m halfway through a giant dump … what happens to the rest of it?????

3. At what speed does the trip up occur? Faster than the Space Shuttle? Won’t our clothes burn up? Speaking of clothes, are we raptured with what we are wearing, or are we naked? If naked, and if you’re a man, and assuming you’re going up at a speed of at least 200mph …. won’t our flapping dicks beat us to death?

Thank Yeeeew in advance.

July 8, 2019 1:50 pm

There is no rapture. Only tribulation. And for self-pleasuring sinners like yourself, perhaps a LONGASS stint in Purgatory.

This is one of the photo ideas for the trip… believe it or not, a young lady set to “catch” the little flat pelt hugging the fence there is going to be wearing the same shirt at Arlington. It reads “Build a Bridge and Get Over It.”

It is one of the themes I’m offering my “pre-placed” potential advertisers. How about that? I just decided what stores and businesses and carmakers/tractormakers (Ford) will have a shot at advertising during my run for Veterans Day. Then, I did a little product placement with the coonskin and Viola!

I know one log home company that is going to pay for How to Build a Gastineau Oak Log Home from Scratch, featuring everything from how to find a Mennonite Log Home Builder to how to plumb the basement of your log home.

And, of course, the photos feature various settings in which I was either working or supervising. Believe it or not, what I say we did to move here we really did.

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Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
July 8, 2019 2:11 pm

I would definitely like the answer to #2. If the Rapture occurs within the next 30 minutes, I will still be unleashing Hell on my son’s latrine.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 8, 2019 2:53 pm

1-Fucking is about the most fun thing people can do & let me tell you… I’ve been to Spain, Spokane, Maine, & 2 World’s Fairs. You’ll spend eternity fucking if you’ve been good, or getting fucked if you haven’t.

2-If you fap whilst shitting, you might be done in time not to worry about any of that stuff. Dont try it the other way around though or you’ll be cleaning skidmarks from all of your furniture for eternity.

3-Time & speed are relative & meaningless. Your question is moot. Keep your eyes closed & you wont go blind like Ma Stucky warned you about.

July 8, 2019 5:34 pm

I enjoyed the way he gave so many TBPR’s a shout out but most of it is just idle fantasy. I admit it was my favorite fantasy for quite awhile but at some point as I watched how we keep being Prozacked into not rebelling and as I watch what the Govt.(Our Govt.) does to resisters worldwide when people are watching and not watching it’s just not fun anymore. For me to enjoy a fantasy it has to have at least a remote chance of happening. Richard McCulloc has a good article up on Russia Insider about the browning of america. I’ve watched it happening at an alarming rate here in formally Lilly White Montana. Black males by way of welfare transfers and Prison Pre-release programs and Illegals for the cheap labor. The white chicks from the U of M and other colleges grab the Splivs before they even get both feet off the bus and on the sidewalk. Only Kalispell is resisting. It’s natural for women to want to get pregnant by a race or ethnic group that they think gives their kids the best chance of survival. It tells me “They” have pulled off a great snowjob to believe that Black is the future bull. Traveling from Billings to Missoula while visiting friends and associates I’m surprised when I see a spliv or Hispanic with a woman of their own kind.
MC is right about It’s Personal and it’s been getting more so for me each week.
As for the Rapture fantasy. It’s what I would do If I called the shots to keep Poooorr Frankie from suffering while I gloated over you non entities from my perch in the sky. It takes the most amazing Biblical gymnastics to make the Rapture look even remotely possible to anyone but a Hagee worshipper.
Stucky, if your’e reading this please post that crazy Rapture diagram from GCP’s website you posted way back.

July 8, 2019 5:34 pm

TPTB have US by the throats, the liberals have their boots in our asses, and leftist want our blood. Are we men or just dogs? I dare say no more.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
July 8, 2019 11:20 pm

“There is a terrible war coming, and these young men who have never seen war cannot wait for it to happen, but I tell you, I wish that I owned every slave in the South, for I would free them all to avoid this war.” Robert E Lee

  Dirtperson Steve
July 9, 2019 10:22 am

As fake a quote as US Congress purported representation of We the People.

“I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild & melting influence of Christianity, than the storms & tempests of fiery Controversy. ”

Robert E. Lee Letter to wife 1856

Robert E. Lee knew that Africans were not civilization ready. And 163 years later , after hundreds of billions spent on free shit , incarceration and increased policing of the entire nation due to African proclivity for rape , robbery and murder, we now know for a fact that Africans cannot be civilized….on any continent. Only self-deluded fools believe otherwise.


Fight at Disneyland toon town |Families Wild Brawl at Disneyland 8 july 2019

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Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
July 9, 2019 12:23 pm

I debated cutting it off before that. Too many tough guys on here are hot & ready for war. Are they really or do they just get hard talking about it?

Once war starts they (we) will lose mothers, sisters, and other family. The Lee quote to me says then, just like now, too many weren’t thinking it through to conclusion. By extension, it would seem to me he didn’t think the slaves were worth the coming bloodshed.

The War of Northern Agression wasn’t about slavery.

John Wilder
John Wilder
  Dirtperson Steve
July 10, 2019 12:43 am

Very true.