Democrats Double Down On Hating America

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Democrats Double Down On Hating America

You gotta hand it to them – it’s an innovative strategy to run for President by taking the position that your country is garbage and that its are people deplorable monsters. It’ll be interesting to see how the Democrats fare on their “America sucks!” platform. The last week has seen Team Donkey take brave stands against the flag and celebrating our military, and you would half expect them to next advocate something insanely suicidal, like taking your health insurance or forcing you to pay for illegal aliens’ doctors.

Oh wait, that happened too.

Who are these lunatics? Do they really think this is going to play in America as well as it does in Chicago, Manhattan and Scat Francisco?

They do.

But it’s not.

Not that they would know it, since they don’t know any real Americans. The current Democrat Party consists of hipster geebos, race hustlers, pierced campus mutants, bitter middle-aged divorcées who teach high school, tech twerps and uninvited foreigners who shouldn’t even be here. The libs will be shocked to learn that real Americans love America.

Their platform, carried out by the carnival freakshow that is the Democrat Party and its allies in the media and in the woke corporations, is part of a greater strategy. It’s to denigrate and then destroy what makes America America, to steal our story from us and replace it with a bogus legacy of oppression and misery. They want to impose upon us a new narrative of a morally stained America unworthy of respect or gratitude, and guess who will be the heroes of that new narrative…

Not the armed Americans who shot the British king’s thugs.

Not the heroic pioneers who civilized the West.

Not the captains of industry who took a primitive backwater and made it the most prosperous and freest nation in human history.

Not the warriors who won at Gettysburg and Normandy.

Not you.

Them. Yes, the very same Social Justice Weasels who try to rip down everything that is great about America will be the new heroes of this new story. They are the ones with the courage to nag, pester, whine and complain about this country. That’s it. That’s their contribution. Our proposed new heroes are people who never made anything but fools of themselves.

Where is their parade, damnit?

Oh, and you’ll be the story’s villain.

That is, if you let them write you out of your own history. And the indications are that you’re not going to.

We saw the pushback when that cop killer-loving, commie thug-slurping, stupid hair-having bad quarterback got fussy over an old flag, and his ridiculous corporate employer went along with it. We were supposed to accept this latest ratchet left of the Overton Window of America-hating as an old version of the flag was declared “offensive” in anticipation of the predictable next move, when our 50-star Old Glory will get the same treatment. But it didn’t work this time. We laughed at them, and other companies came out with flag-themed footwear.

I went to get new gym shoes and walked right by the Nike display. The hell with them. Let them become niche kicks for jerks. And I’m not the only one. We’re not playing anymore. We’re tired of this.

On the Fourth, we were fed the lie that recognizing our military on a holiday made possible by Americans with rifles hunting oppressors for sport was some sort of prelude to dictatorship, though in fairness the Trumpian dictatorship has allegedly been descending upon America for the last two-and-a-half years, though it never seems to actually arrive. Dummy journalists journalisted about tanks in the streets of our nation’s capital, compounding their dumb by calling everything with armor and tracks a “tank.” “That’s a Bradley, not a tank” became the new “It’s a republic, not a democracy” as we merrily schooled these pompous goofs. One idiot who is a professor at Harvard, but I repeat myself, noted the eerie parallels to Tiananmen Square, which was quite a trick since there were none. We laughed at him too, and watched the President speak and the B-2/F-22 flyover and embraced the awesomeness that is America.

I think we’ve decided that we’ve had enough of this crap, but I don’t think the liberals understand how annoyed we are. Shhhh. Don’t tell them.

Instead, they are continuing to battle over the relatively tiny America-hating slice of the electorate while Trump is gathering up the patriots. Here’s a quick quiz: Name the Democrat running for president who would be willing to unequivocally say aloud what is the indisputable truth – that the United States of America is the greatest nation on earth.

None of them will.

Not one.

Not the furry.

Not Chief Spitting Bull.

Not Groovy Hippie Lady.

Not Spartacus.

Not crusty Curb Your Socialism guy.

Not the political gold-digger who wants to bring back busing because of course she does.

Not even Gropey Floppy Sleepy Joe.

And none of them will ever take America’s side in a fight.

Euroweenies won’t foot the bill for their own NATO defense? The real problem is Trump telling them to pay up.

Chinese pillaging our intellectual property and imposing its “Heads China Wins, Tails America Loses” trade policies? The real problem is Trump fighting back with tariffs.

Iran getting uppity? The real problem is Trump wasn’t sucking up to the mullahs enough.

And Russia? The most amusing part of the last week had to be Totally Not Senile Joe explaining how the Russians had hacked our last election and how that would never have happened if he had been Veep. Oh, to be able to listen in on the voices echoing around in his head…

Poor Joe, trying to compete in the Democrat Party’s primary woke-stakes but not understanding that he can never be woke enough. There’s always someone who will go woker. “Detention camps are bad? Oh yeah, well I’ll raise you – now they’re concentration camps! And you’re racist!

Just think if Joe had been smart, brave, and tough enough to look over at the other weirdos, losers and mutations on that stage and say, “Are you people crazy? A Biden administration will not take your health insurance. It’s not going to open the borders and it’s not going to ask Americans to pay for illegal aliens’ – yeah, illegal aliens – health care. We’re not doing reparations or free college for gender studies majors or climate panicking. Oh, and America is the greatest nation on earth.” He would immediately win over the people who have doubts about Trump but a certainty about the America-hating nimrods that AOC’s party is pushing – the certainty that these idiots can never be trusted with power.

Luckily for Trump, it won’t happen. Good-Guy-To-Have-A-Beer-With Joe is long gone, like the wrinkles he had Botoxed away in preparation for this last disastrous White House run. Joe was the Democrat’s final chance to run a major candidate who likes America and likes Americans. Now one of the two major American political parties is all-in on hating the USA and hating you.

“America is terrible!” That’s a great slogan for winning in Santa Monica and Brooklyn, but not so great for winning in America.

If you’re curious about the world that the liberals really want, check out my action-packed yet highly amusing novels about the United States’ split into red and blue countries, People’s Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire. I tried to make it outrageous, with pronoun crimes and mandatory wokeness, but reality keeps catching up to them. Liberals and the sad Loser Boat crew from the failed Weekly Standard called my books “Appalling,” so you know they’re good.

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July 8, 2019 7:04 am

The “hate America” club is the great majority of Democrats. My one “friend” who is a Democrat has been complaining about the 2nd Ammendment for 20yrs now, he views the constitution as archaic and needing completely changed. He is a moderate by Demo-Commie standards now adays. He isn’t completely against America, he just thinks the Demo-Commies need to run the place always and that Republicans are dumbshits who just need to listen to their betters. All of our arguments over the decades basically boil down to that. But even he doesn’t want to ban all semi-auto’s, he is just for onerous rules and regulations for the law abiding that won’t do shit to stop the killings by gang members in places like Chicago or CA. But I fell out with him a few years ago as he become more and more like a Commie, his guy last election was Sanders. His favorite show is Bill Maher who basically spends his show condescending anyone not a democrat. So he hates religious people as well, although he is too polite to say so directly, but all his statements add up to this. This is why he is off the friends list, I have no desire to argue with his idiocy, 10yrs of it is more than enough. You can’t argue with someone that worships their form of secular gov’t and considers everyone else stupid or worse. They view you as an obstacle to their power and their new “utopia” and they will have you drink the special kool-aid or force it down your throats “for your own good”.

So maybe there is 20% of the Democratics that are old school liberals that think this hate America stuff is bad news. They want to “improve” America but not dismantle it from within. The rest are basically “enemies domestic” people that’s vision for the US, looks more like the USSR with them in charge always and freedom meaning, freedom to eat if you follow their endless rules.

July 8, 2019 9:18 am

Twenty years ago every one of the democratic presidential candidates would have been considered freaks. Now they are main stream America. Shit’s changing radically and faster than ever and it’s not changing for the better. Prepare accordingly… Chip

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 7:16 am

There is no difference between democrats and republicans. Stop with the bullshit two party, left brain right brain propaganda.

  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 8:35 am

Wow! 5 down votes and zero up votes? So, you down voters, tell us the difference between the Dems vs Repubs in America today. That should be an interesting story. If you can’t see this is just a shit show to divide us you might be beyond help. The real power is laughing all the way to the bank as America is destroyed and strip mined from within and $trillions taken out the back door. Then, they’ll move to China(?) and start strip mining what’s left standing over there. Globalist run the show and they don’t give 2 shits about America. I thought TBPs were smarter than that?

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 9:17 am

CORRECT Steve, it just doesn’t fit the TBP narrative. Thing is this false narrative is as old as the hills. Those that still embrace this false narrative are in a state of extended adolescence. Possibly due to a calcified fluoridated brain stem from the fluoridation of water.

To effectively control a nation, allow them a little hope by offering them a choice of which of your two parties they would like to submit their will to.

Encourage debate only within the limited scope of the two party system. They will keep going around in circles, arguing between themselves while you implement your agenda regardless of which party is in power.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 10:52 am

I gave you a couple thumbs ups. This is one of Schlichter’s least impressive columns. Just because the democrat party has most of the green-haired nose ring crowd doesn’t mean that’s all they have. I have siblings and friends who don’t fit his categorization in any way – as we all do. I’m no fan of Kapernick, but I’ve seen no evidence that he likes cop killers. Besides, there are plenty of us here who have had it with AGW’s (armed government workers) – as Eric Peters calls them – aka “copfuks” (Stucky’s brilliant appellation). Schlichter is just a Conservative, Inc. guy who’s made peace – for tactical reasons – with Trump’s deviation from orthodoxy. If, God forbid, Bolton and Pompeo convince Trump to attack Iran, Schlichter will immediately be on board and using his considerable rhetorical tricks to try to convince everyone that Iran is and has always been our biggest enemy.

The two parties are the same
The two parties are the same
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 8:54 am

You mean when W Bush DOUBLED the Federal budget in his years years he was acting like a Democrat? You must be kidding Republican Governor Taft here in Ohio DOUBLED the state budget during the same time span. Of course there is a major difference between the two parties: The Republicans always far outspend the Democrats. Obama’s budget went up only a responsible 29% in his eight years. If you want small government vote Democrat.

Then to add insult to injury Obama said we needed a trillion dollar government spending “stimulus” package to help get us out of the recession! If that was true, Bush was a genius.

  The two parties are the same
July 8, 2019 9:38 am

Barack Obama $8.59T
GW Bush $5.75T
Bill Clinton $1.40T
Bush I $1.55T

Obummer acquired more debt than the previous 3 president PUT TOGETHER. Where in the world did you get 29%???

You are a slave
You are a slave
July 8, 2019 10:36 am

3. Trump promised to reduce deficit spending.
What a crock of bull manure that promise was! Trump and his fellow Republicans have exploded federal spending and federal deficits to records never seen before. Plus, Trump has superintended over another serious stock bubble that most economists predict is nearing another crash.


  The two parties are the same
July 8, 2019 5:42 pm

Ahhhhhhh, Obama doubled the national debt during his term in office. So will Trump. Debt must expand exponentially or the whole charade collapses. That is the work of the Rothschild Central Banks, not our political system, although selling voters on getting freebies makes it worse.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  You are a slave
July 8, 2019 11:27 am

There are plenty of differences, those being designed to cater to different groups. The two parties are controlled by the same entity of course with the same goals in mind. Total control.

July 8, 2019 8:34 am

Here in Germany, the left is famous for hating Germany. They do the “bomber Harris do it again” spell, they embrace mass immigration. Some protagonists still around are known to have been against the reunification of Germany, 1989.

Sorry, but the author of the article is wrong, this behavior is not reducing the influence of the left. The secret is the guilt game, and there is much guilt capital ready to be used when it comes to the US.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 8, 2019 10:55 am

We have less guilt than you do, and you have more guilt than you should. In the political context, guilt shouldn’t motivate anything.

  Iska Waran
July 8, 2019 3:33 pm

You confuse my observations with the way it should be. News and movies are full of guilt propaganda, maybe you have become blind to it by overexposure.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 8, 2019 9:35 am

The worst of it will be, after trashing this country, the votes will be manipulated and along with the illegals whose vote will then count, the democrats will win the election. But as noted, with the Republicans who are cut from the same cloth as the dems, a Democrat win will just be the faster track to the assumption of full government control over the sheeple.

I admire mr. Schlichter very much and fist pump with each of his articles. but in the end, though he is quite capable himself of inflicting pain upon the elite, he will look behind him as the enemy advances and find out he is standing alone, as there is not that much of a country left to save.

OBTW, I have read all of his novels, great summer reads of one mans ideals of what the future could be, given the right amount of cold fury that was allowed to ripen.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Not Sure
July 8, 2019 9:44 am

“As there is not that much of a country left to save.”

Add: or, many left who are willing to defend it.

Edit not available.

July 8, 2019 9:42 am

It’s a strange campaign strategy for sure.

My 28 year old office manager is a liberal/progressive, Feel the Burn fan and has stated on more than one occasion during our short “talks” she “Hates this fucking country” when talking about health care, illegals, the poor, taxes on the wealthy, ect.

I laugh at the rest of my many democrat friends who are more middle of the road that this strategy the dems are running will only appeal to the very loud vocal minority, and prepare yourself for another Trump victory.

July 8, 2019 9:50 am

This article is close to summing things up. One of the things about long weekends is you get to go to different functions with folks you don’t see all that often. It seems everywhere I went this BS came up,and more and more folks who never commented before are sick of it. It is getting to the point of a couple of sayings my father had when we were kids acting up. The first was”Keep it Up” We knew exactly what that meant.Stop it and stop it now. The other was”Stop your crying,or I’m gonna give you something to cry about” I think that is pretty much where more and more of the folks who have just kept their heads down are getting. It is easy by the way the MSM portrays things to be negative. However the truth be known. This BS and those spreading it are at the end of their time.So they are pulling out all the stops. They will not go away easy(however most when it gets ugly will run to mommy and daddies cellar). It will not be us who will start what is coming,but we will get blamed. At that point no one will care. Those of them that have the balls to fight.Will and should be eradicated quickly and decisively. In a way that those in hiding will be taught to never bring this shit from under it’s wet rock ever again.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 8, 2019 11:06 am

“I’ll give you something to cry about”. Boy that brings back memories. I agree that there are a lot of people silently watching these democrat candidates promising health care for illegals and free abortions for trannies while thinking “keep it up”. My objection to Schlichter today is how he’s trying to rope together anyone who opposes dem insanity as though we all worship “LEO’s” and want the US to continue to play world policeman. Getting everyone to chant “we’re number one!” is how the neocons con Schlichter’s beloved “Normals” into signing up to be the foot soldiers for Israel and the military industrial complex.

July 8, 2019 2:51 pm

If your opponent is destroying himself do not interrupt him….Dems being Dems!

Trump has done nothing? Trump lied? Huh? TTP, Paris Accords, coal, oil drilling, chemtrails, VA and vets, military buildup, judges, sex and human trafficking convictions NVIXM, no big war in Syria, ISIS down, no war in Iran, North Korea deep state haven no more, nationalists all over the world winning, attacks on Federal Reserve including gold standard people, national pride, CNN and fake news exposed, FISA exposed, Epstein big start to something…..all while being threatened daily by the Deep Staters…………..

People’s Republic hiliarious! Next Indian Country…..