The NYT is dead: long live the NYT

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2019

Tim Pool does often prattle on, but I watch him every day because he is a good news aggregator.  He seems to spend almost every waking hour reading news from all of the MSM, and then he still finds time to sit in front of his computer and bang out several videos each day.

This video is about the hubris of being a “thought leader.”  It is ostensibly about the NYT, but the same video could be made about any of the legacy media propaganda outlets.  I have tried to set this up so it starts at the 19 minute mark.  If I have failed you can skip to 19 minutes on your own but I find that the entire video is informative because it gives something like five examples of where the NYT has become the propaganda arm of the communist party in the US.

They, the NYT, have hired racists and bigots on the extreme left and now those actions have backfired on them.  The owner himself has declared war on the sitting president, and it has backfired on them.

Anyway, I may have my thoughts on this, but I am interested in your takes.  To me this isn’t the first shot fired in the battle for 2020 but it is by far the biggest barrage of cannon fire let loose so far.   This is the physical manifestation of the war over the zeitgeist that I wrote about a couple of days ago.

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Saxon's Wrath
Saxon's Wrath
August 28, 2019 2:23 pm

Jew York Hymes, is the correct name for this fish wrap. The beautiful thing about Trump is how he causes so many crazies to come unhinged in open source media so everyone can see them for the liberty and freedom America haters they are, its the best comedy I’ve seen in decades!!

August 28, 2019 2:32 pm

I want to like Tim Pool’s videos and I’ve clicked on a lot of them, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever made it through one from beginning to end in one sitting. I watched his video about Dave Chappelle this morning, or I should say, I watched a few minutes of his video this morning then clicked off to find something else to watch.

August 28, 2019 6:49 pm

Mee too. He takes 12 minutes to elaborate what he could summarize and emphasize in three. I still check him out, just for 3 minutes or so.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
August 28, 2019 3:53 pm

Funny, I’ve had the opposite reaction to Tim’s current daily format; I hardly ever watch him anymore.

Tim was good when he was boots-on-the-ground with a camera and a drone. Now he just blathers from his living room every day about antifa and Trump. He’s a crashing bore.

August 28, 2019 6:48 pm

The New York Slimes has ALWAYS been a hard left leaning, anti-American rag. But pseudo elites and Ivory Tower Types would read it religiously, as did their sheepish followers.

August 28, 2019 6:53 pm

I keep telling you all…the MSM is the biggest problem facing America.

August 28, 2019 7:37 pm

And the people who follow the MSM.