This Is How Antifa Works

You either run and hide, or you stand and fight.  Antifa, the communists, will never stop coming.  They will never stop harassing you.  They believe in their cause and they will attack you until you either submit or hide.

You have seen their manifesto as published by Sal Alinsky.  You have seen their handbook as published by Mark Bray.  Mark’s publisher, Melville House Publishing, is, according to Wikipedia, known for books of leftist political reportage.

Anyway, you might not think that you have anything to worry about.  Why would they come for you?  Well, they came for Tim Poole.

This is what they refer to as directed action.  It is not directed as in there is somebody handing out orders, it is directed by the individual.  Directed action as somebody going to Portland to bash a fash.  Directed action is somebody going to Tacoma to blow up an ICE facility.  Directed action is some porn star from LA traveling to Berkeley to get some scalps.  (That one didn’t work out to well for our erstwhile porn star, but that isn’t the point here.)  And directed action is some lunatic showing up at your door at four in the morning.  Why; nobody asked him to do this thing.  He just thought that what the hell, it’s just a short walk away so I might as well go and put the fear of antifa into Tim Poole.  And he did.  Tim is freaked.

Now I have to admit that I wouldn’t react the way that Tim did.  But you have to understand that antifa heroes are not going to stop just because you want them to.  They believe in the glorious revolution just as much as you believe in your god, or your constitution.  So if you want to stop them you are going to have to confront them.  Just like Crowder did.  Stand up to them and call them for the cowards that they are.  Only cowards wear masks.

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August 29, 2019 4:38 pm

What a maroon..he’s this active in the political sphere and does not have a 12ga for home defense? I think we’re watching his transformation away from his normal slightly lefty positions. Welcome to the party pal!

Miles Long
Miles Long
August 29, 2019 4:55 pm

Invite them in for a beer & some dope. A 230 grain lead pill (copper covered or not) to the forehead at about 800 fps. will stop them pretty quickly.

Now I’m not saying you should do this, just offering a suggestion about a quick answer to the problem. A tire iron might work just as well… or a baseball bat (hickory). Just be sure you have a tire or a glove nearby.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 29, 2019 5:23 pm

Try not to look at this at the incident/individual level but at the systemic/national level. ANTIFA are simply the typical Brown Shirt/black bloc street thugs in every leftist revolution. Yes the National SOCIALISTS in Germany were lefties but I digress.

The ANTIFA will not stop until they are stopped by a stronger opposing force pretty simple. Expect their actions and numbers to swell as we approach 2020’s election. Depending on the outcome they either join the new Dem government as apparatchiks and enforcers or they start the revolution/civil war.

On an individual basis, they are typically low skilled, angry failed human beings seeking to be part of something larger than themselves. Like any group setting violence can easily escalate and often does when ANTIFA is involved….it is part of their bonding and advances their own mental image of crusading warriors of truth or whatever BS they tell themselves.

Death squads, “disappeared” and other standard LatAm low-intensity conflict tactics will, however, dissuade many (most?) of the soft left but the reminder will become true guerillas and we will have to apply the standard 4G warfare principles….You will be losing your civil rights if that occurs as the US Military in Iraq knows exactly what to do. Does not mean it will be successful…that really depends on what the majority in America want…do that want Freedom or a free lunch (of moldy bologna).

Matt Bracken as posited lots of potential scenario’s whereby a small group of reasonably skilled military folks will make life painful and short or the local ANTIFA that gather in public places.

My broader point being no of what we are seeing is new or in any way a mystery…it simply hasn’t happened in the USA since the Wobblies in the 1920s.

  Martel's Hammer
August 29, 2019 7:39 pm

You’re giving HR a real fight for the title of stupidest boomerpost in the site.

Conflating NS and communism marks you as a bad actor. You’re everything you accuse .22winmag of being, and worse.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
August 30, 2019 12:45 am

There’s a subtle balance between the direct control/management of the means of production and harnessing the voluntary cooperation of industrialists willing to serve the State. The Nazi and Soviet ideologies were competing forms of totalitarianism with the same practical aims. Communism is a theoretical left-wing economic lie whereas fascism is right-wing.
Same sh*t, just a different smell.

  e.d. ott
August 30, 2019 3:08 am


Does it not seem odd that the political spectrum is treated as an “either-or” when it really is more of a circle.

It starts at the zero point where individual liberty is primal and the individual is guided clockwise or counterclockwise around the arc as socialization inputs decree.

180 degrees later the whole circle is crushing their individuality.

Right or Left…the individual who accepts the limitations imposed on them by left+right paradigm fails to realize the obvious:. you do not have to travel the path of the circular logic which leads to tyranny of the mind.

You can step out of the circle and look at all of humanity squabbling and bickering over who is most deserving.

Man’s inhumanity to man is original siin.

I have confessed mine.

Galations 5:22-23

Self-control (temperance for KJB fans) is the last piece of fruit mentioned. An easy one to leave out.


Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 30, 2019 1:10 am

Does a man with a swastika give you a stiffy? I have met lots of NAZI lovers and very few were remotely impressive I am pretty sure you are not the exception. Statism/Authoritarianism… is all the same……E.d. Ott said it well.

  Martel's Hammer
August 30, 2019 4:25 pm

There is only one political doctrine that has ever beaten the communists politically.

By working to alienate the populace from the only thing that can save them, you’re serving AntiFA’s interests. It can’t be unintentional.

August 30, 2019 6:23 am

Fascism and Socialism are flip sides of same coin.
Both are designed to pay out collective control
And all at the expense of individual.

August 30, 2019 7:44 am

RiNS, there is the idea that an individual is dual natured. The yin-yang duality is about a lot more than male/female or good/bad. It is about conception and perception and how we determine value and meaning intellectually.

Are you at all familiar with a Canadian philosopher named Frierre?

He believed a mob mentality is made possible by man’s innate aversion to conflict. The “go along to get along” mentality becomes a way of life. So that those who cry foul at what is acceptable bad behavior are labelled as “bad name d’jour.”

Keeping one’s head down to avoid the name-calling becomes the natural posture of those oppressed. Being threatened with being called “bad name d’jour” is too risky.

Some people just have too much to lose to risk doing the right thing. I do not blame them for looking away when Epstein was convicted of soliciting a prostitute.


They have starz upon tharz too, Mr. Geisel.

If we go out of our way to transform our children into sexual deviants made in our own image, we have no way of telling who is against or for anything, especially fascism.

To be quite honest, I have not researched what an antifa is supposed to be or why I am called one. My husband’s grandfather, Illario of Bari, Italy, escaped the brownshirts of Mussolini and immigrated first to Quebec where he tried (and failed) to bring his family out of Fascist Italy. He migrated then into Detroit, then Cleveland, where new assembly line production techniques offered jobs for hands willing to work.

And the Italians were and are generally willing to work…and they always end up on the winning side.

Let us be cordial passersby, Mr. HR.

Let sleeping dogs do what they do.

  M G
August 30, 2019 8:59 am

Will have a look at the writings of Frierre…

The want to get along is the undercurrent of control that emanates from mob.

No. 9
No. 9
  Hollywood Rob
August 30, 2019 9:46 am

So, she suggests a truce of sorts, and yet again, you lash out. Let it go, ‘wood..
Get out of the muck, and take the high road for a spell.

  Hollywood Rob
August 30, 2019 10:20 am

watching this..

HR you should let it go..
Your not doing yourself any good..


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  M G
August 30, 2019 9:23 am


“He believed a mob mentality is made possible by man’s innate aversion to conflict. The “go along to get along” mentality becomes a way of life. ”

I’m in unfamiliar territory here, but the ‘mob’ mentality of the antifa crowd has pretty much been endorsed by MSM and ‘look the other way officials’ in law enforcement. Considering many think authority is on their side, are you aware of the Stanley Milgram experiments in human behavior in obedience to authority?

This is just a short 2 min…..many longer documentaries are easily found….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-

  ordo ab chao
August 30, 2019 10:13 am

Briefly, as I have an appointment at 9.30.

.Ordie, I just grasped the concept recently. It is a foreign concept introduced to a French exchange professor long ago. I re ently re-read the book in pdf…online.

The concept was explained in conjunction with the idea of “reason of State.” If the good of the entire STATE*. *European idea of State in politics encompasses more than geololitics. It was once the diplomatic MIND of a. tiation. Raison de estat? Am not sure but I know how to say it and what it means.

It was/is the idea which drives Empires toward their natural collision with destiny.

I think that’s the same mass attitude (majorities of people are dominated by a few me with limited authority except I their fearful minds.)

In his book, Frierre discussed the societal and psychosocial mechanisms which cause the “tyranny of the oppressed” over the rational mind’s eye.

August 29, 2019 5:26 pm

How long does it take to tell this story? He’s simply filling air time? Sloooooooooow.

August 29, 2019 7:00 pm

Yup, I flipped thu and got the gist of the article….seems the child don’t live in Texas. Out here, in deplorable land, you come messing around the house at four am you are going to get shot. Period. The dogs won’t let you get to the porch without waking someone up. Then again, you don’t come round without a flashlight either. Killed a rattlesnake lying right next to the porch three nights ago…

Come to think of it, I think it would be grand for some antifa idjit to get snake bit while attempting to mess with this property. I think they’re more of a city phenomenon and I also guarantee they’d scatter like buckshot if someone took a shot at them. They do what they do because no one has really hurt them in any meaningful way. They are cowards, they hunt in packs, hit and run and should one get stupid round these parts….well, there is an issue with feral hogs.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 30, 2019 8:09 am

That. Exactly.

August 29, 2019 5:31 pm

comment image

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
August 29, 2019 5:38 pm

Right, 4 out these 6 will stay home when the 5th one of them gets their head taken off by a militia sniper…the 6th one, however, goes on to become an actual resistance fighter.

August 29, 2019 5:58 pm

Oh I’m scared “NOT” all I see are a bunch of half wits that just need to mess with the wrong person and they will be coming to with a crowd around them if they are lucky !

August 29, 2019 8:00 pm

Anon,hate the rating game but not sure why ya’s got negged.These folks are looking for violence,not like the leave us the fuck alone crowd.They look long enough they will find it,their choice,they have to live(or perhaps die)with the consequences.

August 29, 2019 7:43 pm

Look closely at the one in the lower right. Notice anything noteworthy about his physiognomy?

Keep looking until it clicks.

August 30, 2019 4:27 pm

(((guy on the lower right)))

  Hollywood Rob
August 30, 2019 8:04 pm


August 29, 2019 5:40 pm

Well,as working Boston area this week and Saturday is the straight pride parade brought by the good folks of Super Happy Fun America have a feeling will get to see those masked rats at work(again,have seen their BS before).The folks of SHFA have invited all with open arms except antifa as they our anti fun.

Will certainly report on Sunday how it all was on all sides,should be Super Happy Fun!

August 29, 2019 8:36 pm

Grow a pair and answer the door for fucks sake.

August 29, 2019 10:13 pm

Let the damn dogs loose asshole

August 30, 2019 7:47 am

Let sleeping dogs sleep.

August 30, 2019 11:54 am
August 30, 2019 5:44 pm

Nice song. Enjoyed.

Photos at 11…