What is the Mark of the Beast? How will they subdue us?

HSF – I hope it is not bad form to use one of your comments? The “Say What?” post was an interesting one for me, in a couple different ways. 1) It isn’t the winning or losing that matters…it’s the belief in self ownership and 2) how intelligent people can have vastly different opinions. Well, that’s par for the course on TBP.

“(First sentence omitted). To the inexperienced the military may seem invulnerable. What would be very different in the US is that there are half a billion weapons, 20 million veterans, 4 million square miles and every person serving in the military has family living in the combat space vulnerable to partisans/guerrillas. The complete active duty military is less than 2 million, most of whom are REMF’s or deployed overseas. I have no idea what the breakdown in loyalties are, but you’d better assume a considerable number of them will defect with their equipment and arms, maybe as many as half.

This won’t be like any other conflict in history.

And as my favorite American philosopher once quipped, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.””


HardScrabble’s comment got me thinking about how they will subdue us. How they will subdue the world. Mark brought the religious aspect in a comment on another thread having to do with 10 Kingdoms (Don’t ask me, it’s above my pay grade). This has got to be how they do it. Is the Mark of the Beast the “System”? Hell, I’ve been saying it’s the cellphone. Not a bad guess? Cellphones are part of the “System”.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

Notify of
December 17, 2019 9:13 am

I’m listening now, Donkey, but want to be the first reply.

Because I’m testing a theory.

comment image

This illustration shows the structure of a new synthetic DNA molecule, dubbed hachimoji DNA, which uses the four informational ingredients of regular DNA (green, red, blue, yellow) in addition to four new ones (cyan, pink, purple, orange). Credit: Indiana University School of Medicine

To be honest, the idea of synthetic DNA splicing isn’t new. Think Jurassic Park and frog dna. Duh…

Returning at the discussion of God in the Machine…
Thinking out loud. (Maggie)
A synthetic DNA molecule, however, could put the God in the Machine into our very DNA.

Where's BL? (MG)
Where's BL? (MG)
December 17, 2019 10:14 am

My son thinks it quite “doable” and, of course, working in the medical infrastructure business for a whole YEAR now makes him an expert, he thinks it is quite practical. I reminded him that someone thought it quite practical to put a sheet of polymer mesh inside me a couple years after he ripped me apart (not really, but the mother’s guilt angle must always be played) and nobody considered what might happen if the synthetic stuff started falling apart, did they?

Seriously, I saw the movie Multiplicity… things that get copied again and again and again just ain’t right.

As for the DNA implants? I am not sure what purpose would be served by making humans partially robotic other than just another attempt to achieve immortality without going through the Son.

It’s the only way.

  Where's BL? (MG)
December 17, 2019 10:25 am

“It is appointed for every man once to die and then the judgement.” There is no physical immortality and won’t be.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 10:29 am

“In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them. And the locusts looked like horses prepared for battle, with something like crowns of gold on their heads, and faces like the faces of men.…”

Sounds like they found a way to live forever.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 11:05 am

Yep as computer generated Cucharachas

John Galt
John Galt
  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 8:44 pm

I recently saw a movie where they kept the mans consciousness and brain alive via a computer. He thought he was alive until he realized he was stuck as a slave. Another movie showed a lady needing a personal assistant (think alexa) and they built upon her dna to replicate her a “minnie me” and the other “her” was stuck also. And a third movie i saw was how they used tech to enforce prison sentences in a few minutes where they connected to the brain and the brain thought it was decades long after just a few minutes.

These movies are telling. I hope I do die before they have the ability to endlessly torture people for centuries that they disagree with. I feel we are reaching the greatest threat. Dying and prison are bad but if they can tap your brain and you serve a 200 year hard labor sentence in your brain where it senses every muscle ache 12 hours a day for 200 years, all in a few minutes, now that is something to fear. Imagine serving this type of sentence for a minor crime when you are age 23. You would never want that again in your natural life. And if you are a repeat offender they could sentence your brain to 1,000 years of torture in a few hours of life. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Wish I could remember the 3 movies titles. Were on netflix but i cancelled recently.

  John Galt
December 17, 2019 10:21 pm

sounds like it was “black mirror” that you watched.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  Where's BL? (MG)
December 17, 2019 10:30 am

Where is 22Winnie? Bea said he was tired of the bullshit.

  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 3:22 pm

A few of us asked Winnie to clarify some of his, um, graphic comments. He basically said they spoke for themselves, had a fit and declared he will not be back for our crap.

Be returned as Blaine a time or two and then it was hasta le vista baby!

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  M G
December 17, 2019 5:10 pm

He’s okay he just had to take a short break to attend to personal matters.

John Galt
John Galt
  Hardscrabble Farmer
December 17, 2019 8:48 pm

Good i liked 22. He can cause a “ruckus” sometimes. Thats always good.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
December 18, 2019 6:29 am

Well, good. See? We are a weird sort of cyber herd here. I’ve been in worse.

comment image

I am not in this one… but I could have been. I was on the photographer’s shoulders, which was my favorite perch.

December 18, 2019 2:44 pm

Before EC shows up and asks about other things what might have sucked other boarding dongs in the Blue Ridge Mountains dairy country, perhaps you might re-word that…

John Galt
John Galt
  M G
December 17, 2019 8:49 pm

Where did grace country pastor go?

  John Galt
December 17, 2019 9:04 pm

John, the Pastor is around we were talking today.

I hope Flea is ok…

December 18, 2019 5:58 am

Me, too. I am hoping the crisp clean air is making fleabags breathe so well, he doesn’t want to waste his time here!

EC said BL is just tired of everyone (else’s) shit and needs a break. But he loves and misses me.

I read part of the book you linked earlier elsewhere about the UFO sightings documented around the world. I was surprised by reports of something I thought highly classified at one time.

Which has made me ruminate and meditate and almost regurgitate some ideas from long ago containing nothing I ate.

Did you ever see a Dome of Light?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  John Galt
December 18, 2019 10:26 am

Present and accounted for sir!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 17, 2019 12:32 pm

It appears to me that men try to become more like robots with artificial replacement parts of which I have several and pray to God mankind invents or improves a few more for my benefit, while robots become more human in appearance like the Terminator character. I muse from time to time about whether we are no more than self replicating robots made by angels or demons or God Himself. Life is still a mystery.

  Harrington Richardson
December 17, 2019 2:55 pm


“made by angels or demons or God Himself. Life is still a mystery.”

I’m about a fifth of the way through this book that will answer you question above, great read, can’t put it down.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 2:53 pm

Thanks Mark, I just ordered it – looking forward to an enlightening read.

December 17, 2019 2:41 pm

Everything can be boiled down to this spiritual battle….

The natural world (What God created) VS
The artificial world (Everything MAN has created, with help)

The prideful being, still perturbed by banishment, is trying to obtain those powers held by God the Father…. His omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence…..TECHNOLOGY has made it possible for such an artificial “anti-christ” to do as much.

By the way, I am always amazed with science’s inability to disprove our CREATOR’S existence….

Did you know that the carbon atoms that make up us carbon-based lifeforms are made up like this:
comment image

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 9:14 am

“The System” aka New World Order, control by the Oligarchs. Yep cell phones are part of it as are the internet. But they have to brainwash us all in the the Religion of Political Correctness and Gaia. Then they have to disarm us before they have total control. Look at You Tube, they’ve realized that they must shut their opposition down by censoring and removing them. Places like this, TBP, will be next. Look at Virginia, I think Shit is about to get real there re Disarming the American People. Are we at the End of Days, I don’t know, only The Lord knows, but the signs are there. Hate to say it but 2020 – 2021 look like a bumpy ride. Fourth Turning is upon us and where we end up on the other side is still an unknown. All I know is when SHTF I’m throwing my cell phone one way (or putting it in someone else’s vehicle going that way)and I’m going the other. Keep your powder dry and watch your 6.

  Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 9:47 am

So, the bottom line is, quit cooperating.

December 17, 2019 2:50 pm

I will not comply!
The one phrase I would be proud to have on a headstone!

John Galt
John Galt
December 17, 2019 8:53 pm

My headstone:

“Now you commie bastards, known as democrats, can have my guns—fuck you one last time”

  Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 9:58 am

People in a second amendment sanctuary county in Virginia are forming an active militia.


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 12:39 pm

Disable your Onstar or whatever your vehicle may have. It downloads to the car company whether you pay for it or not.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Harrington Richardson
December 17, 2019 5:03 pm

Your car’s ECM is also tracking you and cannot be disabled. There are some who have mastered the art of reprogramming, but you can never go to a legitimate mechanic for repairs or they will tell you it is bad and needs to be replaced.

After a serious accident, they always download the ECM to see what the car was doing at the time of impact. Your location is broadcast 24/7.

  TN Patriot
December 17, 2019 8:27 pm

That’s only one of the reasons I drive old cars. Repairing them is easy. Roadside problem – spark or fuel? I fixed a problem in my Jeep CJ-7 1200 miles from home with a paper clip.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 17, 2019 8:31 pm

Pre-EPA is always good and isn’t it wonderful to be able to see all of the car’s engine without the mandated smog control devices?

  Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 8:22 pm

I really can’t be sure if this is the final one – end of days, or if this is just another civilization crash like Egypt or the Aztecs, etc. It certainly has the potential to be ‘the big one’. Virginia could very well become our second Lexington and Concord. The Nation’s division truly does seem to be irreconcilable. I believe significant bloodshed in inevitable, but will it just be here or global? Europe’s invasion seems to also lead to inevitable bloodshed. With the global debt crisis on the top like a toxic cherry, I can’t help but believe that ‘this will be Biblical’.

I always thought about tossing my cellphone onto the top of a tractor trailer with distant license plates when things get spicy. It may fall off at some point, but who knows where it will wind up? It certainly won’t be where I will be.

John Galt
John Galt
  Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 8:52 pm

I do hope there is a state that goes full commie and starts shit with the second amendment. The nations reactions will be the telltale sign of whats to come. I predict other states and people do nothing because like history, until it is on your front doorstep nobody gives a damn. When they do this and nothing happens you better make your choice. I would them highly consider taking my family out of the country. Have no idea where to. Maybe do a Soros and live in open ocean stateless.

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
December 17, 2019 9:19 am

“Marching onward to the Singularity!”..um, I mean Solidarity! Yeah, solidarity, that’s the ticket. Lenin or Marks or Apple or I forget, somebody really smart.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Tree Mike
December 17, 2019 10:52 am

Ray Kurweil wants to survive until “the singularity” – when his consciousness can be uploaded into a computer. He lives in San Francisco, eats mostly nuts and berries and takes handfuls of vitamins every day. Drinks a glass of red wine for the resveratrol. Also drinks the blood of goy children (kidding). I think he thinks he’s super youthful. He looks his age – maybe older. It’s like, dude, whatever. Would you really want to live forever on this Earth? Fuck that noise.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Iska Waran
December 17, 2019 5:04 pm

San Fran Sicko is the epicenter for fruits and nuts, isn’t it?

December 17, 2019 9:20 am

The “Mark of the Beast” could be getting ‘chipped’ with an RFID chip.

As far as being subdued consider these facts:

Illegals enter this country, we give them entitlements, medical care, special treatment – and us citizens do nothing.

Our government openly promotes teaching gay sex to grade school children – and we do nothing.

The Association of Librarians condones Trannies, dressed as freaks, to read stories to our children – and we do nothing.

License plate readers, red light cameras – and we do nothing.

Lastly, there’s chaos everywhere: There is no wrong, there is no normal, it’s all relative – we have lost our anchor, we have been subdued.

December 17, 2019 9:48 am

Because we are cooperating. Say it!

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 9:57 am
  Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 12:57 pm

They can kill me…and then if they want they can put the chip in my dead body, but no one is chipping me.

John Prokovich
John Prokovich
December 17, 2019 9:32 am

666……Don’t take the mark.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 9:40 am

The Mark of the Beast comes from Revelation chapter 13.
The Beast is the Antichrist who will rule the NWO for 7 year period which culminates with his armies coming against Israel at the plains of Mageddo at Armageddon where he and his armies will be wiped out by God at the second coming of Jesus.
This 7 year period is preceded by the rapture or taking to heaven the true church of Jesus the Christ.
The Mark of the Beast is likely a system of control and constant surveillance such as a RFID chip and or some type of biometrics.
The premis of the Mark is that you must worhip or declare allegiance to the beast and deny Jesus to recieve it and only those that have recieved it can participate in the NWO commerce and open society.
All who deny it will be executed likely by guillotine.
It is a forced choiced of allegence to God or Satan.
Strong delusion will be the order of the day.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 9:52 am

The delusion is to not realize that cooperation with the beast is to be marked in your forehead [ thinking ] or hand [ actions ].

December 17, 2019 10:27 am


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 17, 2019 12:43 pm

It may be simple “inventory” control.

December 17, 2019 5:39 pm

What Is Digital Currency, for $500 Alex.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 9:55 am

“so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Rev 13:17

Submit or you will starve or be killed. Remain faithful to Christ and you will live for ever and ever, Amen.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 9:59 am


Road Guards get Rowed, not Rode (MG)
Road Guards get Rowed, not Rode (MG)
  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 10:06 am

Missed it, missed it; now you gotta kiss it!

“recieve it and only those that have recieved”

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 10:03 am

The premis of the Mark is that you must worhip or declare allegiance to the beast and deny Jesus to recieve it

Agree. “If you love this life, ACCEPT the mark and OBEY the overt evil system (of slavery) that now owns you”.

And death to all who oppose.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 17, 2019 8:32 pm

Agree all except the rapture part. Revelations says that the Great Tribulation will be shortened for the sake of the elect. If the elect are raptured, then this would not be necessary.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 18, 2019 10:30 am

The elect (Jewish tribulation saints) will not be raptured. The body of Christ will be. Two completely separate entities.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 9:45 am

The mark of the beast is all that rented space in your head where the most outlandish ideas have taken residence. Those ideas that contradict the old truths; bad is good, greed is better and billionaires are the best people. Then there are those crazy ideas that only a fool could believe, that a dress makes a lady and that men can get preggers. That your truth is checkmated by their truth because universal truth is a fantasy.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 10:04 am

I have no idea what reasoning they are using. I think EWS hit on it with ‘strong delusion’ being the order of the day.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 10:13 am

I believe the mark of the beast is a payment system, a new currency that can be turned on or off with the flick of a switch if you don’t behave right in the coming USA social credit scoring system and
Trump’s pre-crime agenda. The IMF has been calling for it as well as many economist. When they realize they can’t implement negative interest rates without a run on the banks, they will eliminate cash.


And this recently:

John Galt
John Galt
  Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 9:02 pm

When the great financial reset hits they will remove all currency except that which is digital. They will tell you the computers wiped it all out and have a debt jubilee and for us to be thankful and the retirees will get a stipend to live out their lives with free healthcare. But no currency will be physical. This is how they control everything. Those pesky guns, they must work on now with some basic laws and then after the reset with so many starving they will have huge digital rewards, so large in fact, family will turn in family that owns guns. The people will see it as a lottery system and the public guillotine of gun owners will be the deterrent.

December 17, 2019 10:18 am

collapse the moral,economic and political structure of the country, keep pushing until it goes bad and the people kill each other in civil war, swoop in pick up the pieces, then tag them like cattle as they enter the abattoir.

December 17, 2019 10:39 am

So Tim, if we destroy the white people who created and built the moderm world and accept everything else to include every perversion, we can participate in society and be accepted/included going forward by controlling corporate titans like you?
Hmmmm, certainly not my take on future vision.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
December 17, 2019 11:04 am

May not be yours but that’s what the NWO Oligarchs are shooting for (pun intended).

December 17, 2019 9:03 pm

Planet of the apes….

Old Timer
Old Timer
December 17, 2019 11:42 am

The cell phone? I think you are much closer to the truth than you realize Donkey. I will attempt to share some of my findings if it’s possible for me to explain it without screwing it all up, please be patient.
Certainly much is coming together as almost everyone here agrees. As has already been mentioned, a cashless system will dominate, that is why Scripture says no man will be able to buy or sell, unless. If cash were present no one would be able to control your ability to buy or sell, fairly simple. As a few have mentioned in past posts, look at the front cover of the Economists Magazine 1988. Phoenix standing atop the worlds fiat as the fiat burns and an interesting medallion that hangs around the neck of the Phoenix that somewhat resembles the symbol of Bitcoin. I researched the fictional inventor of Bitcoin over ten years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto. In my research I found, with no trouble, the name “Satoshi” meant “born from the ashes.” Which is exactly how the Phoenix in mythology is supposed to come alive, from the ashes. Coincidence? I showed this finding to many friends and now to my extreme frustration, I cannot find this meaning “born from the ashes” anywhere, it is gone, scrubbed. Tinfoil-hattery?
Also, I want to point out a verse of Scripture Rev. 13:18, “Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man…” Stopping right there, the word MAN in that verse is not just man like we would generally identify, no it means his face or countenance. The Greek word for man in that verse is “anthropos” which means countenance or man-faced, you can look it up in the strongs concordance under G444. What am I getting at? Bio-metrics. Bio is body and metrics is numbers. The number of the beast is the number of a man’s body or more particularly his face. I just recently watched a video by Stansberry Research who is up to their eyeballs in promoting this new beast system that is coming. I encourage you to watch the whole thing but at this time focus on beginning at the 22:50 mark.

Obviously, this is just ONE piece of the puzzle and it is all converging soon. My two pennies, Thanks

  Old Timer
December 17, 2019 2:57 pm

Old timer et al,

That is an interesting story about the name of the “official” inventor of bitcoin and how that phrase has been “scrubbed” from the net.

This has happened to me many times over the past decade as the internet has evolved.


I don’t always agree with Richie from Boston but do think his research on Sigils and circuit boards is truly astonishing and more than a little bit unnerving.

December 17, 2019 3:42 pm

Donkey? The Synthetic DNA link is not so crazy, huh?

Old Timer
Old Timer
December 17, 2019 4:55 pm

Are you certain that is the correct video? Thanks

  Old Timer
December 17, 2019 5:37 pm

Old Timer,

You are correct. My mistake. I try really hard to ensure that that doesn’t happen. Sucks.

Here’s the correct video:


Old Timer
Old Timer
December 17, 2019 6:31 pm

Very interesting, thanks.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 7:55 pm

Dang, Plato….I had to watch this one too.

Old Timer caught the lack of ‘sigils and circuits’ right away, I got distracted by the 1/365 at the very start.

Couple things- he mentioned Melissa at ‘truthstream’, and I’ve known of them since their days at info wars. When they left, IMO it upped their creds…

Second, I don’t take anything away from what he cites in the vid about demonic use of circuitry, and will add Tesla, Trump’s uncle John and Tesla’s notes…..cue twilight zone music….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-==


December 18, 2019 5:33 am

Well, this one is interesting too!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 6:03 pm

Hi, Plato…

Nice little video, I listened to a few of his over the past several years. This one, he states at the beginning, he made on 3-16 -17, and about 5:25 he goes to Timothy Alberino……

Don’t know if anyone has taken the time to watch any of them, but I’ve posted his stuff several times. This topic is several parts, beginning with:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—== a new age like the old age…..

Of little consequence, it seems another instance where I bump into Coinky Dink. You poste the vid, he starts with my birthday, and comes around to Alberino as a source……and what was that Bible verse people hold up in the end zone?

John 3:16

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 3:07 pm

Thanks Ordo, it’s worth remembering:

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 Whoever exercises faith in him is not to be judged. Whoever does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 19 Now this is the basis for judgment: that the light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. 20 For whoever practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, so that his works may not be reproved. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that his works may be made manifest as having been done in harmony with God.”

  ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 3:36 pm


Thanks for the video…the quote from occultist Manly P. Hall confirms, to me, another BIG LIE we were taught in public schools.

America=Land of the Plumed Serpent and ot named after Vespucci.

Makes way more sense than the official narrative

John Galt
John Galt
  Old Timer
December 17, 2019 9:10 pm


This is one of the most rare and expensive magazines. If you can find one they are selling for ridiculous prices. Sounds like the oligarchy wants a momento of how they told us to our faces and we sheeple let them enact it…..

Old Timer
Old Timer
  John Galt
December 18, 2019 8:56 am

Yep, that is the one John. Notice the date on the coin, 2018, almost exactly when all this fiat started burning. Their end game is here, and we have a front row seat…………unfortunately. Trying to keep up on events is like drinking from a fire hose, I got to go do the chores now and I am soaking wet.

December 17, 2019 11:46 am

Who is (the) anti-christ?

—- A fool’s errand. People have guessed … and gotten it WRONG … for the past 2,000 years. Until it actually happens (IF it happens), people will still get it wrong until the year 2525 (if man survives).

What is the Mark of the Beast?

—- A fool’s errand. People have guessed … and gotten it WRONG … for the past 2,000 years. Until it actually happens (IF it happens), people will still get it wrong until the year 2525 (if man survives).

December 17, 2019 11:54 am

fwiw …. I did a QOTD regarding the mark of the beast. I concluded …..

“The beast is nothing more than human government under demonic control. The “beast” has always been with us, it always will be, and one day the Beast will destroy all humanity … unless God intervenes.”


Here’s the thread. The discussion was lively and heated …. 355 comments.

WIP / Stucky QOTD: The Mark Of The Beast

December 17, 2019 12:42 pm

comment image

We settled for having the antlers of Huck’s Buck mounted. Is a funny story, in a secret don’t tell Nick sort of way…

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 5:22 pm



I just got back from a ride down that tunnel….let me know if you find my hat ! Stuff was comin from so many different directions I couldn’t keep it on my head.

“I’m in his head, I’m in his head”….lol…not in a ‘razzle’ or AWB way……..but in a peripheral circumstance and paralleled path kind of way….in a “I hope Mrs. Freud continues to improve” kind of way !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-==

One quick thought, "who was John writing to?" you asked…….

"who was Paul writing to?" is equally valid when asked by GCP…..

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 3:10 pm

Thank you, Stucky, you have the wisdom of age and you are right, IMHO, about the world government to come which will screw it all up again, as usual.

December 17, 2019 12:01 pm

I thought Obama was the anti-Christ. But now it could be Shiff / Nadler / Pelosi.

March 13, 2020 3:23 pm

Funny one Dutch. Everyone you dislike is the antichrist.

Old Timer
Old Timer
December 17, 2019 12:07 pm

That is why the Lord said “Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding..” Not a fool

December 17, 2019 12:33 pm

I voted against the anti-christ in 2016.

anti can mean both against and in place of just like president/precident

mark branham
mark branham
December 17, 2019 4:57 pm

The Beast,as meant in that sentiment, is within each of us. It refers to our ancestry of prehuman time. We have not yet conquered the beast within. Is that not obvious?
We have been human for about a million years, descended from an extinct mid-primate race. Evolution is the way of God, at least for us mortal creatures.

December 17, 2019 12:24 pm

The jewish “star of david” is the perfect example of the prophecy in the biblical book of “Revelation”.
The “mark of the beast” in revelation is known as the numerals “666”.
The jewish “star of david” has 6 points, 6 triangles, and a six-sided figure in the middle (hexagon).
This is the proverbial “mark of the beast”.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 17, 2019 12:27 pm

Whatever it is or may be, I speculate it would involve consciously adopting a sign which requires taking sides. Rejecting Christ and giving allegiance to Mr. Sixes in a manner from which there is no going back? Like Communism’s ubiquitous red stars stamped all over everything.

December 17, 2019 12:42 pm


I don’t think it’s possible to answer ‘exactly’ the first part of Donkey’s question in the thread’s title as to how will the widespread control of the global economy, down to the individual, by the Antichrist be done. There are many possibilities already listed, and maybe an emerging technology will provide the exact vehicle? However the most important point to remember is the MARK OF THE BEAST will be the ANTICHRIST’S NUMBER. Take it and you will be his.

Taking the Mark will be taking a pledge of allegiance to the antichrist and that becomes a permanent barrier to salvation and a guarantee of perdition (forever) to everyone who does. Understanding this is critical with eternal implications.

The most important fact about the Mark no matter its form is once you accept it you have accepted the antichrist over Christ and all that implies for all of eternity.

To me it is obvious the pace of Bible prophecy, centered in the Middle East is picking up and as recorded the United States will be not a factor in the final events, because we have been reduced to a level of international unimportance that leaves us out of the end of the beginning.


Alexander Tyler, 1750
1. Spiritual faith
2. Courage
3. Liberty
4. Abundance
5. Complacency
6. Apathy
7. Dependency
8. Bondage

We are well into Dependency and heading towards a Civil War and or Economic Collapse, either one will trigger the other, and after the smoke clears I believe that is why America is no longer a factor in the prophecies of the final events in the Middle East before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

As far as Donkey’s second question in the title of the thread:


An American Civil War (or a FED induced collapse of the dollar/economy as the FED is controlled by Luciferian Bankster Globalists) is a win/win for the Luciferian Globalists who are paving the way for their god through the coming prophesied antichrist. The US as a Superpower will be destroyed by Civil War 2 and or economic collapse, probably leaving us broken into multiple regional balkanized enclaves, and it will allow them to move forward with their NWO. Then they can absorb the various American enclaves later, some of which will be eager to join the demonic international club.

I believe it is no accident the Bible clearly says when the Anti-Christ takes over the world is broken into 10 Kingdoms, and the UN’s 2030 Agenda has the world broken into 10 Regions. What a coinky-dink.

Check this out, it explain why the Democrats are pushing for a confrontation in Virginia. The goal is chaos and the destruction of America. At some point I believe they will get their wish.


Soros-funded ‘National Gun Control Movement’ is all about starting an American civil war

This all sounds grim, because it is. I have some chores but will post a follow up later if anyone is interested.

December 17, 2019 4:21 pm

I’m interested too, Mark.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 2:10 pm


Always interested in how you see things…..it’s why I dropped that little vid about Apophis to you. On the “pre, mid, or post” rapture is not something I’ve given much thought to over the years. The breath of life can leave anyone, anytime, any age….and when the rapture happens the paradigm shift will be unimaginable.

I give heed to what Tom Horn says/ writes about. I was doing so, in real time, when he accurately predicted, to the month and year, the resignation of a pope (Benedict)…..and the insertion of the Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (with all that entails). Then, lightening strikes the Vatican…the peace doves attacked by a seagull and a crow….Coinky Dink ….

Now I’ve got to find some time here to hit that Stucky QOTD……

We all just speculate, don’t we?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-== a quick hat tip to the Old Timer…

Mark of the Beast…..Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotech…..

The 'line' on accepting it may not be so clear-

A child is dying, the cure is available……but it requires a 'shot'…..

Power has been out for nearly a year before the New Overlords (enter Ancient Aliens) arrived to restore world wide peace and bring an end to hunger…….just trust them.

  ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 3:17 pm

ordo ab chao,

As I am with your insights! And your closing summary on the power being out a year and the Ancient Aliens arrive just in the nick of time is lost on the vast majority, including most Christians.

I find it impossible to be 100% dogmatic on the Snatch timing, but it is disturbing when I meet other Christians and we get into conversations and all they know is one view, and very little about it.

Have you read this? I know we are both Missler fans. His TV video lessons on the Bible in 24 hours is amazing. What a Biblical intellect.

This line in the link hit home: “However, the reality remains: your personal destiny and that of your family may depend upon how you deal with the strange events that may soon take place.”


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 7:18 pm

No, I haven’t read it….lots of books I’d like to read, but just a wish list at this point in time, and I know what my daddy told me I’d end up with having a wish in one hand…

I get what you mean, one view or no view at all, and dare bring up the inadequate Sons of Seth theory vs. Fallen Angel and it’s talk of the ‘white coats’ for you…..

I am convinced that the Great Deception will include ‘aliens’- aided, abetted and encouraged by the Jesuit Pope…..

annuit coeptis novus ordo sclorum <—===

  ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 7:40 pm

Without a doubt!

“The Great Deception will include ‘aliens’- aided, abetted and encouraged by the Jesuit Pope”

The Vatican has their telescope waiting for the grand arrival and their fingers crossed behind their back.

Interesting thing about the thousands of Alien abductions…many are documented in this book…never, ever, happens to a saved Christian…they seem to be off limits. The book goes into it.

  ordo ab chao
December 17, 2019 8:11 pm

ordo ab chao,

They do like to rub our noses in their demonic plans…don’t they.

“LUCIFER is an acronym for the instruments lengthy title, “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.”



You can’t make this stuff up….

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 3:54 am

The Vatican’s observatory, the location and hurdles to build based on the recognition of the mountain as sacred by the Apache, the pope’s public position on baptizing aliens….

Contemporary societies will “look to the Aliens to be the Saviors of humankind”

Vatican Astronomer and Planetary Scientist at the Vatican Observatory
Father Guy J. Consolmagno

“Christians will not immediately need to renounce their faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of [this] new unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, once the ‘religious content’ originating from outside the earth ‘has been verified’, they will have to conduct a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data.”

Vatican Astronomer [who is connected with Opus Dei]
Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-==

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 3:21 pm

I am interested Mark, you speak truth but I am only a poor student at present. I know in my heart that things are not right, that evil walks these lands and that the Anglo/American Empire is described in the bible in Daniel 21:

40 “As for the fourth kingdom, it will be strong like iron. For just as iron crushes and pulverizes everything else, yes, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter all of these. 41 “And just as you saw the feet and the toes to be partly of clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but some of the hardness of iron will be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with soft clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 Just as you saw iron mixed with soft clay, they will be mixed with the people; but they will not stick together, one to the other, just as iron does not mix with clay. 44 “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, 45 just as you saw that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and that it crushed the iron, the copper, the clay, the silver, and the gold. The Grand God has made known to the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

  Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 8:27 pm

Austrian Peter,

I just saw this…I’ll get back to you ASAP.

We both are poor students…humility and a contrite heart are the foundation.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 9:02 pm

Good to hear from you, thanks Mark

  Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 9:17 pm


I think Daniel’s interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about the last empire before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, the ten toes partly of iron and partly of clay from 41 above down will form after the United States is reduced as a Superpower. We will be part of it, but only as one of the ten final Kingdoms explained in the Bible, and eventually (after much tribulation) one of the 10 regions ruled by the Antichrist (initially through the UN) before the 666 man of perdition (the little horn) pulls his coup off and starts running the world for a brief time, as allowed, and explained to us in the Bible.

The Bible clearly says “in the last days” 10 Nations will rise out of the ancient Roman Empire. Many (not all including me at this time) believe these 10 nations could rise out of the European Union as we now see the “strong mixed with weak” nations of Europe re-uniting united into the European Union, although that union is fraying.

Some also suggest the 10 nations may represent worldwide trading blocs of nations, or the UN, or NATO, or nations out of the Eastern leg of the Roman Empire, which was based out of Constantinople in Turkey.

There are a number of possibilities of the actual makeup of the 10 Nations. I lean towards the UN because of this.


I’m not dogmatic about it, but that is where I am about that last Kingdom prophecy right now.

With the pace of technology and all I see around the world, comparing it to Bible prophecy I see the Tribulation starting sometime in the mid or later 2020s…but God is long suffering with us…that is clear. I’m praying for revival and more time…for my Daughter, Son-In-Law, and Grandson. His mercies are new every day!

Let me know your thoughts anytime brother. I learn here all the time.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 19, 2019 2:09 am

Thank you Mark my brother, in witnessing the events in the Bible. I am studying it at present, under guidance, primarily to check out that the conclusions in my book and for preparation of Part 2 are compatible.

We are told that nobody will know the date or time but that it will happen quickly, in a matter of hours. I will refer your excellent advice to my mentor (who has 30+ years of knowledge and wisdom of age) and hopefully learn more from him before coming back to you.

If you wish, we can communication via email, [email protected]. I have marked this page so that I can return, hopefully, next week.

Best wishes and prayers

December 17, 2019 1:48 pm

If you believe Aaron Russo, as I do, then microchipping people along with the digitization of “everything tangible” like Lynette Sang mentions is the mission behind blockchain development in China at the behest of the supranational organization, the IMF, seems to fulfill the requirements of scripture.

Vote Harder
Vote Harder
December 17, 2019 2:03 pm

I remember that interview with AJ.

December 17, 2019 2:13 pm


Strong possibility the Luciferian Banksters will at some point sacrifice the FED to destroy the dollar and the economic power of the US, which will probably lead to Civil War, and take us out of the international game quickly destroying our Superpower status.

I believe the IMF is moving its HQ to China, that says it all.

The flow of Gold from West to East all these years, the Banksters recently making Gold a Tier 1 asset, the fact the Central Banksters are buying Gold at the greatest rate since WW2, sucking as many American useless eaters as possible into the stock market. All individual but interconnected tactics leading to their overall strategy of taking the US off the chess board as a major player.

Aaron Russo had huge clanking brass balls.

December 17, 2019 3:32 pm


Wow! I hadn’t heard about the IMF moving to China. Makes total sense considering all of Lynette Zangs research.

December 18, 2019 6:58 am

Am tucking this way down here because it defies logic and want to tell you what happened here yesterday.

When I arrived here to supervise construction, I was able to do it successfully because I hired Mennonite builders to first build the storage barn for the construction materials requiring cover. Now that my husband has finished the interior of the barn (beautifully), he wants to extend the barn’s exterior to create cover for equipment and vehicles. Naturally, we called the same builders. Ethan came yesterday and saw our log home, built a year after the barn, for the first time.

Now, our log home was “stacked” (as we savvy loghomeconstructionsupervisors call it) in fall and winter 2013/14. The barn was constructed in summer 2013, so the barn Mennonites were not related to the Mennonites I brought down here from near Sedalia (closer to MC). I called them “MY Yoders” and Omer and his boys thought I was a hoot. Because I am. The cabinets in my kitchen were constructed by a really fine cabinet maker who now lives in North Carolina. He was also Mennonite. A Troyer.

That’s just background.

Ethan came to bid up the job (really a formality because the work is excellent every time, the materials the best they can produce and the finish work is better than anything you will find anywhere. I say ANYWHERE) and he, like all the Mennonite men, is polite but formal at all times. I got quite used to the men responding to my jokes around them by giving me a polite nod, saying “That is very funny indeed.”

So, Ethan comes into the log home after visiting with my husband at the barn and looks around and says “who built this home?” and I said “oh, you don’t know him. I drove clear up to Sedalia to get a bid…” and Ethan said “Was it the Warsaw, Missouri group?” and it was but I didn’t want to let go of MY Yoders. I thought I’d discovered my own little hidden tribe.

And THEN, get this? He glances at my kitchen and says “well, those are some nice cabinets?” And, I said that another Mennonite, Vernon Troyer constructed them. Of course, he knows him and knows how he is doing in North Carolina. Seems he has been very successful selling Mennonite pastries and furniture at farmer’s markets and isn’t doing cabinetry.

In his deadpan way, he asked who was building the “new” cabinets (am finally having the kitchen finished)… I told him, honestly, that I’d gone to the Troyer market in the Mennonite village and just flat out asked if anyone knew a cabinet maker who might be able to make cabinets as good as Vernon. A young lady at the meat counter gave me the number of her father, from yet another Mennonite group toward Springfield.

And, you got it… Ethan said “Ed Miller? They came from Wyoming didn’t they?”

And Nick, who had been listening to our conversation in the background blurted out “Dear God! Do you Mennonites stay in contact via ESP?”

You know how it is done, don’t you? Prayer network. Think about it.

Ethan did NOT know Omer’s family had moved back to Wisconsin. I did get to be part of the Mennonite recall roster update. He knew several families who had gone back to the old country though, so I expect to hear from Omer any minute. (The Pennsylvania Dutch like Wisconsin.)

Oh, and you will LOVE this… Ethan looked at the interior of my home and said “Did Omer and his boys finish this home? It is fine work.”

My husband did every bit of it. With me nagging and assisting (more nagging) all I could when I wasn’t bedridden.

Mark? Do you realize that the freaking Mennonites have a communication network that includes the Amish? Ethan knows the group where I buy my maple syrup. They visit one another’s churches from time to time.

That’s all it takes.

  M G
December 18, 2019 8:41 pm


Great story! The Amish and Mennonites live a spiritual heritage and a life style I cannot fathom.

Being such a late Christian bloomer and having soooooooo much baggage they amaze me.

I have come to envy them for their life style simplicity and their modest families. I am trying to get as close to the land, and their lifestyle as possible.

I envy them. Everyone one in my family had an unfiltered cigarette dangling out the corner of their mouth, a shot of bourbon in their left hand, and a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer in their right hand, and that was the woman and the kids.

December 17, 2019 1:55 pm

How will they subdue us? They already have.

December 17, 2019 2:22 pm

Has anyone heard from Flea???

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 2:31 pm

Nope, no flea, no Bea, no Winnie

  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 3:04 pm

Winnie announced it, but Bea and especially Flea are worrisome because of his health.

  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 17, 2019 10:04 pm

EC- I announced my transition into living in complete oblivion. Was not kidding.

I just stopped in to say Merry Christmas to the guys before I meander off to the doomstead. You too Maggie my dear friend.

December 17, 2019 10:10 pm

Well, by God, am glad you stopped by for a look. Be well and check in. Oblivion gets dull.

December 17, 2019 10:20 pm

Me too. I announced it last week. Just came back to commit TBP blasphemy but forgot I was at the library and signed it Anonymous. Mary said you were concerned due to my health. I’m as good as I’m going to be with the parts I have. Down below this I said the beast is freemarket capitalism and nobody blinked.
Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

December 17, 2019 10:58 pm

Flashback for you…and some others…

Jingle Bells
Mortar Shells
NVA in the Elephant Grass
Take your Merry Christmas
And shove it up your ass!

December 17, 2019 11:41 pm

Don’t know if that’s a joke or not. Maybe I have more urgent things to do.

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 18, 2019 9:35 am

flea, Mark is repeating an old poem, he is not telling you to shove your Merry Christmas. Check the time stamp on his comment and yours.

December 18, 2019 12:47 pm


Just saw this…buddy, I thought you and the other Nam Vets would laugh…sorry, I should have framed it better.

My bad.

Anyway, glad to see you pop back up…me and EC were getting ready to send out a search party.

December 17, 2019 5:34 pm

The Mark of the Beast will be administered through a mandatory vaccine with embedded Nano bots and monitored by 5G technology. You will be visited by a bumble bee size weaponized drone for non-compliance. Now, where’s the Remington 870 12 gauge pump. It needs to be leaning by the front door with a round of birdshot in the chamber for that drone visit. With the AR’s stacked side by each for the next round of visitation.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 17, 2019 6:11 pm

“What is the mark of the beast?”

I don’t know. It’s not “just” the mark however that some folks will need to concern themselves with. Three possibilities are open…

Revelation 13:16-17 KJB… “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

We have the option of a mark, the name or the number of the beasts name. Any of these three are bad news. It’s not “just” the mark that is of concern.

“How will they subdue us?”

The purpose of the mark, name or number is to prevent the buying and selling of goods. Inevitably, financial subjugation will occur.

Old Timer
Old Timer
  grace country pastor
December 17, 2019 6:28 pm

Exactly Pastor and so few ever seem to see that. That word “or” you would think is fairly clear.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
December 18, 2019 4:34 am

Greetings GCP !

There you go, rightly dividing again.

It is an interesting subject that always seems to spur a fair amount of discussion…a good thing.

Try to spark interest in man’s undeniable need for a Savior, and pride becomes the first obstacle to address… rarely does humility enter in…

Someone upthread had wondered where you’ve been. I figure you’ve been doing what an ambassador of Jesus Christ is compelled to do…..

And before you know it, you’ll be knee deep in the terrible two’s

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum

A couple chapters later: “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name….”

IDK…ten kingdoms, ten kings, ten names or numbers or images; all serving the one……mystery Babylon……Amaruca or Vatican….then the Islamic ‘mark’ …the avenues are seemingly endless

The deception will be myriad (already is)…..understanding who Jesus Christ is, will be foundational to one’s ability to discern, IMHO

Make any sense out of what I’m tryin to say?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 10:13 am

Absolutely sir ordo. Strong delusion is coming. As if the world were not deluded enough already. It will be made exceptionally more difficult to discern the imposter from the real Christ.

The way forward today is to rightly divide the scriptures between prophesy (Christ’s earthly ministry) and the mystery of the new creature revealed to Paul (Christ’s heavenly ministry).

2 Corinthians 11:4 KJB… “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
December 18, 2019 10:48 am

And the verse just before is what lays heavy on my mind for sooo many who profess belief, but look to a political fix…..

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

Illuminated deists, new agers, prosperity gospel, alien savior, chrislam….etc. There’s a post I haven’t looked at yet, about a Trump tweet to “say a prayer”……to who and for what?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 11:13 am

Most miss out on that simplicity, adding themselves in all manor of ways to the equation.

“There’s a post I haven’t looked at yet, about a Trump tweet to “say a prayer”……to who and for what?”

Exactly. Always to some nebulous “god” for worldly things… God is not Santa though the world has lifted Satan up to that position. Anagrams anyone?

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  grace country pastor
December 18, 2019 1:01 pm


  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 18, 2019 2:01 pm

Was a black Master Sergeant named Lamar from Philly… grew up in the hood and had a gang, but he was a smart guy, so wanted it to be a “clubhouse.”

The “gang” came up with the name Manner Born, but Lamar, being smarter than the average gangster of the 70s in Philly, asked them how they wanted that to be written, since he was making the sign and needed to know if it was the Manor Born or the Manner Borne.

One of the members piped up and said “With great big letters, Lamar! Use some of them Capitals!”

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  ordo ab chao
December 18, 2019 10:20 am

Sicario, a small point of order – leave the use of ‘myriad’ to wordsmiths like HSF. This is TBP, no need to get fancy, just spit it out. We can handle plain talk.

ordo ab chaoo
ordo ab chaoo
  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 19, 2019 2:57 am

You’re right, Primo………thanks

I should have used ‘legion’……..it’s what the Owner’s manual says

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-==

December 17, 2019 6:31 pm

You have to take the mark in the mind before you can take it in the hand. We are the Temple Satan most wants to be seen standing in. The fake temple in Jerusalem is all about ruling and destroying the hearts, minds, and bodies of those made in His image. He can’t beat God in a fight so he does the next best thing by enslaving the hearts and minds of his kids.
There are some very good articles and videos about the connection of 5G and Chemtrails creating an antenna in the brain so that given time and debugging, Satan can display his image in the temple of the mind.
While everyone is looking for world Communism as the government of the Beast or Anti-Christ they miss the real one. In Communism there is no buying or selling for people to need a mark. Communism is Atheistic, it has no religion or God to worship. Why would Satan want Atheism when he is the most religious entity in the universe.
Look at what is passing as the main religious Sects in the world at the moment. Video games, online porno, taking SELFies, Day trading, pop music and so on. It’s none other than Communisms handmaiden. The Beast is Free Market Capitalism. Nothing else compares when bringing out the baseness of humanity.

Yin & Yang
Yin & Yang
December 17, 2019 6:58 pm

In addition to the mark of the beast there is also reference to the 144,000 who receive the mark of the Father.

John Galt
John Galt
December 17, 2019 8:36 pm

They will do it like china’s social credit system. When they track you 24×7, facial recognition, and all money is digital and your score falls too low nobody will sell you anything or taxi you down the road. This is happening now in China. They will starve you because the grocer wont sell you food. The doctor wont see you. You will conform and comply or starve to death.

  John Galt
December 17, 2019 8:57 pm

Or shoot squirrels and geese with thousands of rounds of 22lr and grow a big fucking garden and catch lots of fish. I’ve gotta get outta this northern climate. Maybe one of those irksome counties in Virginia.

December 18, 2019 9:42 am

They really cannot get us all.

Cat fight at the swinging dick saloon (EC)
Cat fight at the swinging dick saloon (EC)
December 17, 2019 9:47 pm

99? It’s like getting home and your wife is wearing nothing but a tray of sandwiches. Hey, wait a minute, am I in the wrong house? I miss Maddie’s Mom.


Who is Maddie?

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  M G
December 18, 2019 9:52 am

Long ago and oh so far away, we had Rose, A Rose, Maddie’s Mom, Mary Malone, Teresa E, etc.

  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 18, 2019 1:06 pm

And Gayle. Is Gayle still around?

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  M G
December 18, 2019 1:23 pm

I was only listing those gone but nor forgotten, Gayle and T4C are still with us.

  Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
December 18, 2019 1:53 pm


since you appear to be keeping the membership roster current…

Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  M G
December 18, 2019 1:55 pm
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
Riot at the Red Rope Rodeo (EC)
  M G
December 18, 2019 2:41 pm

I’m not doing that. Clammy was a flash in the pan, though she had more input and staying power than Iravani. She was innovative, she submitted an article on video with her own voice and face. Clammy was the kind of woman Big Red hoped to grow up to be; ballsy and fearless with a touch of devil may care. Women here wished she could become their daughter in law.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 18, 2019 3:33 pm

Great comments, and many good readings. Nobody has mentioned this book which my son has taken to heart and I have half read:

There is wisdom here for those who choose to search for the truth methinks.