Remarks on Right-wing Talk Radio

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Over the course of my life as a university professor, government official, business consultant, president of a community water company and editor and journalist for national and international publications, I have learned that a majority of people cannot think outside the indoctrination they received that formed their biases.  If you provide them with a different view or explanation, instead of thinking about it, they just get angry. This is true also of academics. University professors resist their human capital being devalued and placed in need of renewal by new discoveries and explanations. No academic wants to have to redo all his lecture notes or see his own scholarly contributions bypassed by new explanations. As Niccolo Machiavelli truthfully said, “There is nothing more difficult, more perilous or more uncertain of success, than to take the lead in introducing a new order of things.”

Conservatives with right-wing biases usually write me off as left-wing, and leftists with left-wing biases write me off as conservative, especially as I had a high appointment in the Reagan administration.  The only way to write successfully for these people is to tell them what they want to hear.  Then they love you instead of hate you.

It is pointless to write for such people, and I don’t.  Ninety-nine percent of my readers can think independently and look to me for explanations that make more sense than the controlled explanations they get from the print, TV, and NPR media.  That is the reason I write. As the IPE website states, we try to be accurate but are only human and can be mistaken on occasion.  But the agenda is to discover and tell the truth, not to sell an agenda.

Truth is not the purpose of the print, TV, and radio media or much, perhaps most, of the Internet and social media.  Just as the ruling establishment has taken over the print and TV media, they censure social media and are taking over the Internet.  Before long, truth will have to rely on mimeograph machines and people to hand out fliers in areas where there are no spying cameras if any such areas will exist in the future.

There is no doubt that truth is an endangered species.  It has always been endangered, but the technology today provides control powers even beyond George Orwell’s imagination.

So what can we do with truth for the time that it remains available to us? Clearly, we should at least make people aware that truth is endangered and that they are brainwashed with explanations that advance the agendas of the ruling elites.  But unless a truth-teller has donors to make him independent, as this site’s donors make me, he can’t tell the truth and also be successful. This is especially true with anything that pertains to Israel.  This brings me to right-wing talk radio.

On the Russiagate and impeachment hoaxes, right-wing talk radio got it right.  They could defend Trump on the facts.  But when it comes to Russia and Iran right-wing talk radio cannot get it right, because their patriotic conservative audience has swallowed the neoconservative propaganda that Russia and Iran are our enemies and that Russia interfered in the US election. Sean Hannity, for example, repeatedly affirms that Russia interferred in our election despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that Russia interferred in the election.  Why does he do this?  Because his conservative audience in its gullible patriotism wants to stand up for America against “them Russians.”  Few conservatives can admit that 9/11 was a false flag to launch America on 20 years of war in the Middle East for the sake of power and profit and Israel’s territorial expansion.  Their gullibility leads them to declare: “The American government would never kill its own people.”  Ha!  All they need to do is to read the Northwood Project.  But that would upset them, whereas denouncing Arabs and Muslims and calling for them to be nuked is emotionally very satisfying.  By playing to the ignorant biases of its audience, right-wing talk radio decreases both the chance for peace and for truth.

This is not a beat-up session on the right-wing.  It is an explanation of why truth is so hard to establish.  The left-wing is just as guilty of deep-sixing truth.

When I was on George W. Bush’s case, I was a hero for CounterPunch which even published one of my books.  Today I am persona non grata.

The problem with truth is that it seldom supports establishment interests.  Thus, truth is in the way of material and selfish interests of the powerful.  That is why it is hard to defend truth and why so few do so. To tell the truth is extremely costly.

If a person gets too serious about truth, they end up in prison like Julian Assange and Manning, both of whom are in solitary confinement despite the fact that they have done nothing wrong except tell the truth.  And where are their defenders?  The presstitute media doesn’t come to their aid, because their truth-telling is an embarrassment to the presstitutes who lie for their living.

Right-wing talk radio misrepresents these truth-tellers as “traitors to America.”  Assange, of course, is not even an American, so how can he be a traitor to America?  A question this simple is over the head of right-wing talk radio and over the heads of the American and British populations that permit the outrage of destroying those who bring us truth.

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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January 11, 2020 2:57 pm

Daniel McAdams got thrown off of twitter for making fun of the fact that Hannity was bemoaning ‘the deep state’ while wearing a cia lapel pin. Hannity fans have to be the absolute dumbest, easiest to snow people in America. And there is major competition in that arena. Ever talk to a dittohead?

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2020 3:30 pm

CC, you are making quite a statement by saying Hannity fans are the absolute dumbest. Did you forget Rachel Maddow fans exist?

Personally, I think if we could put all the Hannity and Maddow fans in a stadium, lock the doors for a month and let them kill each other, the IQ of the US would increase about 10 points.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2020 5:29 pm

Hannity bragged that his first move when someone tried to “me too” him was to run to Israel for legal help. That is all I need to know about that fraud.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 11, 2020 3:38 pm

If I am not mistaken, didn’t Hannity go to England to interview Assange and declares him to be a truth teller?

  TN Patriot
January 11, 2020 5:29 pm

Yes, when it fit his narrative. Where is he now?

  TN Patriot
January 12, 2020 8:49 am

Satan can quote scripture too.

January 11, 2020 4:14 pm

Jews Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, and Michael Weiner (Savage) are nearly as pominent as Limbaugh among right-wing talk show hosts.

Levin sees nothing wrong with the New York mega-banks and says essentially that only White male retards are to blame for tying the Protocols to jews.

Shapiro joked about the destruction of Notre Dame and sees anti-semitism and White supremacy as America’s foremost problems.

Savage is the least onerous, as he occasionally questions Israel’s actions and actually fears, it seems to me, that destroying White heritage America will redound badly for the jews.

In the DC area, Chris Plante rants ad nauseum that the dems are the real racists and the left are the real naatzees. His favorite bad guy of course is AH.

Larry O’Connor is the intelligent incisive goy, whose unquestioned premise is that our alliance with Israel is a moral imperative, whether it benefits Whites is irrelevant, the welfare of jews is the government’s prime directive, and innocent jews need and deserve our protection, and our money and blood.

January 12, 2020 8:50 am

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January 11, 2020 4:21 pm

this doesn’t really fit here but it’s an article about the way cnn defended itself in the recently settled lawsuit brought by the kid who was defamed by cnn in the indian taunting case–
think of all the times cnn & other leftist media has allowed people to be called racists–
guess what cnn’s defense to the suit was?racism is not a real thing,it’s just a word,according to cnn’s attys–

Media Lawyer Explains Why CNN Settlement in Libel Case Is a Big Deal

January 11, 2020 5:17 pm

TR, thanks for the link. in regard to the article, sandmann should go for money AND on-air apologies/retractions.
i hope it continues and he keeps winning.

The Pope
The Pope
January 11, 2020 10:37 pm

TR-was it really an “indian taunting case”? I do not recall any taunting, even though the MSN claimed it was. But who believes the MSN anymore?

More importantly, the Media Lawyer fails to mention that if CNN thought they had a winnable case they would not have settled out-of-court. He also makes the case-in his discussion of “racism”, CNN, and Trump-that in effect CNN is overwhelmed by its own hypocrisy, therefore I wonder if they had the balls to fight the case to the end, just to prove their point? Hypocrites usually just slink away into the darkness, just as CNN did.

January 11, 2020 4:32 pm

PCR is right again as usual. Hannity is dumber than a box of rocks. I think he actually believes the nonsense he spews out, unlike Rush Limbaugh who knows he is lying but does so anyway because he is controlled opposition.

PCR is revealing his age using the term “mimeograph machines”. I haven’t even heard that term for at least 30 years, but I remember them well from grade school and junior high school. I can still remember the distinctive smell that the papers had when they were fresh off the machine.

January 11, 2020 5:33 pm

I recall the clip when old man bush was to be interviewed on one of those asshole’s birthday and he didn’t realise they were live. He referred to limbaugh as “Our boy”. And so he is.

January 11, 2020 8:50 pm

Rush still speaks highly of the Bush family too. That was one of the final straws for me believing Rush.

old white guy
old white guy
January 11, 2020 4:33 pm

and the more things change the more they remain the same. nothing new under the sun when it comes to human behaviour.

January 11, 2020 5:23 pm

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked

Are these so-called “conservative” talk-radio jocks really that stupid which seems hard to believe or have they sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver which seems more likely? That would make them in the pay of the powerful Jewish Lobby that rules America and the entire western world.

January 12, 2020 8:52 am

Conservative is code for useful idiot.

January 11, 2020 6:59 pm

One of the biggest shills for israel and the “deept state” is hannity. On hannity’s radio show, a caller asked him about the deliberate israeli attack on the USS liberty (GTR-5) on 8 June 1967. Hannity abruptly cut off the caller and declared that “israel is our “friend” and never would have done such a thing”. I dam near fell out of my chair when I heard THAT.
On another front, 8 June 2017 was the fiftieth anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (GTR-5). Normally, the fiftieth anniversary of any event rates at least a mention in the mainstream media. Not so for the USS Liberty (GTR-5). There was not a peep from the so-called “mainstream media” about this “act of war” by our “friend and ally”, israel.
This is merely more proof of who owns the “mainstream media”. Hint: It isn’t gentiles…

January 11, 2020 7:14 pm

@ Paul Craig Roberts

Re: “But when it comes to Russia and Iran right-wing talk radio cannot get it right, because their patriotic conservative audience has swallowed the neoconservative propaganda that Russia and Iran are our enemies and that Russia interfered in the US election.”

Daring to tell the truth, or even making the effort to get at it, will make one a pariah in establishment circles, whether those circles are on the so-called “left” or on the so-called “right.” As Orwell once noted, the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.

Why the quotation marks around the terms left and right? For the simple reason that these terms are increasing flawed as a means of describing the ongoing conflict happening in this country, and across much of the West for that matter.

In the U.S., the respective political parties – the Democrats and Republicans – function in a manner analogous to the famed Crips and Bloods street gangs. They may go about business in slightly different ways and call themselves by different names, wear different colors and have differing signs, but underneath it all, they are much more alike than they are dissimilar. The political parties exist in their present form – as a type of political theater to convince Joe/Jane Sixpack that they actually have a say in how the country is run – because they provide a service to the deep-state, the permanent establishment and ruling class which actually runs things. The deep-state itself is run by the oligarchs, a small cliche of extremely wealthy and powerful billionaires, i.e. Soros,Bloomberg, Buffett, etc.

Therefore, it is more-accurate to describe the deep-state as the Uniparty, albeit one with two wings or parts which often disagree (sometimes violently) about how to attain the objectives of the oligarchs and the deep-state. To paraphrase the old saying, when you have a tyrant’s boot on your neck, it matters not whether the boot on your neck is a Republican one or a Democrat one.

The political ideology of the oligarchs and the deep-state is communism, specifically cultural marxism, i.e., communism applied to culture and society at large, and not simply economics. This ideology is a hybrid of things from fascism (itself another form of leftism), crony capitalism, and the like. The oligarchs are overwhelmingly globalists, a movement which shares their ideology and world-view. Why wouldn’t it? The oligarchs – or their antecedents – started globalism back in the interwar period of the 1920s and 1930s. David Rockefeller (1915-1917) was the scion of the globalist movement going back to the 1950s.

Globalism appears either to be atheistic, or has Islam as its de facto religious faith. Across the West (including in the U.S.), the globalist oligarchs are moving massive numbers of people from the Third World into Europe, the Americas and the Anglophone world. They are terraforming the West, breaking it down, destroying it with the wrecking ball of cultural marxism, in order to build something new, something more in line with their new vision.

And everywhere this process is taking place, the Muslims are being used as a spearhead. The reasons for this vary from the fact that many of the oligarchs themselves are extremely wealthy sheiks from the Sunni Arab world, to the fact that Muslims have conquering others using migration, what is called in Arabic the hegira, for over a millennium.

So,when you refer to the neocons and their reflexive support of Israel, you aren’t really talking just about Tel Aviv; you are speaking of the influence of Riyadh as well, since the Israelis and Arabs are ow allies. Alone, each lobby is powerful in this country; together, they can bring full-spectrum pressure to bear upon the American public and the political-policy-making apparatus.

Forget the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the past; Israel and the Arab gulf oil monarchies now share a common enemy – Iran – and have joined forces in the most-unlikely of strategic alliances to defend themselves against Tehran, whom they perceive as an existential threat to their existence.

If as there are not already too many layers to this proverbial onion, the animus against Russia and Iran, and much of the “New Cold War” besides, comes from underlying tensions over conflicting visions of how to develop, market and transport the massive new petroleum and liquid natural gas deposits now being discovered in the region. Trillions are at stake in profits, which is why guys like Soros are poking around in Syria and the Ukraine; that guy doesn’t get out of bed in the morning unless he smells money to be made, and he detects it there.

The Russians and their allies, including China/PRC, Iran and a few other nations – have a massive pipeline project in the works, one which would bypass the competing U.S.-NATO-Israeli-Sunni Arab project. There are also a few other proposals floating around, each with its own potential to make some players, and break others.

One might ask why the principle stakeholders don’t simply sit around the negotiating table and hammer out a solution that gives everyone a slice of pie, but that’s not how the oligarchs operate, theirs or ours. This is a winner-take-all, high-stakes poker game. The winners get billions, the losers nothing.

The potential of these conflicts to drag the world into a Third World War is frightening indeed. Even moreso when the nuclear stockpiles of nations like the U.S., Russia and China are taken into account. Pray for peace and for cooler, saner heads to prevail. The trouble is that many of the principle oligarchs are anything-but-sane.

January 11, 2020 8:17 pm

Excellent comment. (But David Rockefeller s/b 1915-2017.)

January 11, 2020 10:48 pm

Thanks, I ought to learn how to proof-read one of these days…

January 12, 2020 9:01 am

The head of the snake…comment image

January 11, 2020 9:14 pm

I think many conservatives are against all this constant war stuff and the money being spent. I have noticed that many folks on the left like to say that people walk lockstep and don’t question the manure thrown our way. I also notice that folks on the left seem very locked onto their thinking. Just look at the Global warming religion being pushed all the time. It’s all BS. Talk about the solar minimum and these people go insane. I sure hope the loons on the left don’t get in power.

January 11, 2020 10:57 pm

The great G.K. Chesterton once said that when people cease believing in God, they will then believe anything. Modern leftism circa 2020 is defiantly atheistic, proud of its disbelief in the Christian God. Since most people have a deep-seated need to believe in something, these leftists create secular systems of belief to fill the spiritual vacuum within – belief in the state, belief in government, in “great causes” such as environmentalism and climate change, and so on. Or they simply elevate man to the status of gods.

I find it amazing that so many on the political left who style themselves sophisticated and worldly in their ways – fail so utterly to see that the whole global warming/climate change thing is a huge racket. A scheme by which huge amounts of wealth will be transferred from the pockets of ordinary people to the pockets of their would-be masters.

There are many bits of evidence which support this conclusion, but perhaps the strongest is the behavior of the elites themselves, who continue to act as they have always done, consuming conspicuously – flying on private jets, driving huge SUVs, living in mansions that would have shamed a robber baron, and have carbon-footprints the size of a small state. To quote law professor Glenn Reynolds, I’ll believe there’s a crisis when they start acting like there’s one!

January 12, 2020 11:37 am


“I find it amazing that so many on the political left who style themselves sophisticated and worldly in their ways – fail so utterly to see that the whole global warming/climate change thing is a huge racket. A scheme by which huge amounts of wealth will be transferred from the pockets of ordinary people to the pockets of their would-be masters.”

I agree buddy, but just as bad is the masses of ‘normies’ who don’t understand the structure and history of the Globalist’s hype. Pass this around to open some eyes, the two links are sound. I have about 40 people I have been working on with intell like this, have gotten some good results.


“The patently false notion of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and climate change was first conceived of by the Club of Rome in its efforts to promote the need for population reduction based on the restricted availability of energy, under the guidance of a united worldwide government.
The movement took root in October 1975 when Dr. Margaret Mead, president of AAAS, aided by associates Paul Ehrlich, Stephen Schneider, John Holdren and George Woodwell, held the “Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering” conference in North Carolina where Mead used global warming caused by CO2 as the predicate for population reduction and eugenics.

Subsequently, individuals in the United States fraudulently established and promulgated “carbon trading” institutions for purposes of levying taxes on those who purchase hydrocarbon based fuels. As a component of this scheme to initiate, mandate, and facilitate carbon taxes, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was fraudulently induced to define Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a “pollutant”; a ruling which was later upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court during litigation.

The U.S. Congress attempted to hold hearings and issued subpoenas to the leaders of the EPA to investigate why CO2 was improperly defined as a pollutant. This resulted in outright lies, lack of responses, and the resignation of the Director of the EPA.

The scientific community unknowingly and unwittingly aided and abetted the deceit based on the computer generated hockey stick curve created by Dr. Michael Mann, et al, and first publically discredited by “MIT Technology Review” in October of 2004.

Government published statistics show that $178 billion dollars of tax payer funds has been spent on direct climate change related technology, science, and funds given to other nations as a result of the climate change hoax, from 1993 to 2017.

The government has systematically enabled the continuation of this fraud through billions of dollars spent annually by funding university research and government labs doing “climate research.”
The false notion of AGW and/or man induced climate change has spawned tens of thousands of new businesses worldwide. The total Climate-Industrial Complex is a $2-trillion-per-year business. These companies are virtually 100% dependent on the politically driven notion of “dangerous manmade global warming and climate change.”

The media, public, and political establishment constantly recite the assertion that 97% of scientists say the problem is real and manmade carbon dioxide (CO2) is the cause. However, increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere do not lead to global warming and climate change. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas in the atmosphere.

The major “greenhouse gas” is water vapor. An intricate feedback system regulates the Earth’s temperature, maintaining immunity from temperature increases and decreases due to such trace gases. The global warming hoax has taken root the world over.

The United Nation’s IPCC along with the Club of Rome have become political bodies whose intentions are the restriction of energy avaliability, the reduction of population, and the establishment of a one world government institution. As a result of this reckless activity, millions of people’s lives will be negatively impacted, including a tremendous loss of life.

This entire set of facts and their basis in fact must be brought to the attention of the vast majority of the American people and then to the people of all nations. The 2019 Democrat political party is making the false notion of climate change a principal issue, and the Republican Party is becoming more receptive to that position.”


January 11, 2020 9:27 pm

As Alex Linder said (paraphrasing) “At some point you gotta spray some Windex on a rag, wipe the muck off the glass and look through the window.” Reverence of the Truth is something specially unique to Western culture, so it’s not surprising that other cultures and tribes take advantage of that fact to varying degrees.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
January 11, 2020 10:39 pm

He’s a really great writer with only one topic. I really wish he had branched out.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
January 12, 2020 9:14 am

Hey, I meant to ask if you read Spengler’s Decline of the West before taking on Yockey’s Imperium. At your recommendation in the 2019 books thread, I’m working on Imperium now but hope I haven’t screwed up by not doing Decline first.

January 12, 2020 8:48 am

Sean Hannity is a neocon shill. How any intelligent person has the stomach to listen to this greasy war for Israel mongering tool is beyond my comprehension.

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