How I (Almost) Caught The Coronavirus

(A note from MG…Allan’s blog is quite different from TBP, but he has a devoted following, most of whom are amazingly savvy and some of the most amazing links to information pop up there. Waves at Allan and his blog buddies.)

Some thoughts on how the world works…

by Alan Weisbecker

Yes, right, a ‘click bait’ title.  I wouldn’t mind if a lot of people read this post.

See, the more readers, the better chance I have of doing some good: What if I get one person to behave rationally and prepare for the catastrophe (of whatever sort) that’s coming? Wouldn’t that be great!!!

I’ve been offline for a day or so and had to do some traveling to finish my stocking up of supplies, doing one more laundry load, plus topping off my water tank (including jugs for 10 gallons extra); I now only need to make a quick post office and pharmacy run (they are in the same building here) and I’ll be secure for at least three months, should the ‘virus’ (if it is a virus) bloom stateside, which seems inevitable, if any of what they are telling us is true.

‘How I Might Have Caught The Coronavirus’ is the proper title of this post and if I did catch it, it was probably yesterday in Yuma, Arizona, which is a pretty big city, with a pretty big and busy airport.

Addendum: I just heard that the Chinese posted some new figures, the one of interest being the number of ‘confirmed cases’ from yesterday (the day I might have caught it): Around 15,000 is what I hear. A one day jump of 15,000. Dunno if it’s true, dunno if anything is true, but it might be true, or some version thereof.

Oh, and the military is preparing for a pandemic. 

And the media is downplaying the danger. 

See, I’m out here in the desert and rarely go where there are a lot of people. Or any people. Yesterday, though, I did some Walmart shopping in Yuma and I might have caught the virus there (assuming there is a virus, etc., but I will not keep repeating caveats).  But I needed a bunch of dog food, and they were having a sale.

I saw a person at Walmart, a middle aged woman, wearing a surgical mask as she shopped; I made a mental note that she was the first…

I watched as the woman picked up some shampoo, read the label, and put it back. (I made a mental note that she wasn’t buying food; she was cart-less and looking at grooming products.) The thought occurred to me that if someone with the virus performed the same behavior within, say, the last week, her mask might have been useless; she wasn’t wearing gloves.

Let’s assume the worst, just for grins: Let’s say the rumor that the dormancy (you have it but no symptoms) period is 24 days, rather than 14, is true. Let’s say. And let’s say symptoms don’t usually occur until those approximately 24 days have passed.

Oh, and let’s say the R-0 number is 4, as has been theorized.

See where I’m going?

Yesterday at Walmart (just to start) I paid more than the usual attention in watching human behavior. I watched as people touched stuff and moved on. And yes, I watched as people kept touching their faces. I noticed how often I touch stuff and move on, and how often I touch my own face.

See, in the worst case, it’s just a matter of numbers, and where you’ve been, what you’ve touched.

If that dormancy period is the case, we could already be in the midst of a deadly pandemic here in the USA, and not even know it. We could already be in the third or fourth ‘generation’ of ‘passing,’ which would put the number of cases that will be confirmed in the thousands, right now, even if only one person was the ‘case zero’ for our country. Think about the numbers. One becomes 4 which becomes 16. That’s two ‘generations’ (there’s a word for this but I forgot what it is, and ‘generations’ sounds appropriate). If 16 give it to 16, we get 256. So the fourth generation would be just past 4,000, in cases that will soon be confirmed.

For the rest of the blogpost and to view Alan’s photography and videos, visit Alan’s blog at CosmicBanditos.

Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask for sources.  He’s always got them.

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February 14, 2020 8:13 am

Which Burning Platformer is going to get roasted the most if this turns out to be one big dud?

Wuhan Wang (EC)
Wuhan Wang (EC)
  M G
February 14, 2020 10:58 am

Give us a break with the “California surfing type”. We already have to live down the other bullshit about street shitters, tent residents, illegals, commies…

The guy says he went shopping in Yuma (which is in Arizona). Couldn’t you have said, desert rat type?

  Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 11:11 am

West Yuma is Cali.

Wuhan Wang (EC)
Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 12:02 pm

Sorry, dude, you guys are across the border on the other side of the Colorado river. Wetbacks.

Quick facts
Yuma is a city in southwest Arizona. Overlooking the Colorado River, Yuma Territorial Prison State Historic Park is home to the preserved cells and guard tower of a Wild West–era prison. Nearby, Quartermaster Depot State Historic Park was a 19th-century military warehouse and telegraph station. A 1907 steam locomotive on Pivot Point Plaza commemorates the Southern Pacific Railroad, which once ran through the city.

  Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 12:09 pm

Wuzz jus trollin ya.

Allan Weisbecker
Allan Weisbecker
  Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 12:08 pm

I’m from fucking New York. There is very little Maggie get’s right about me, including the title to my essay. I appreciate her efforts (I think) but…. ‘go to Cosmic Banditos’ she says. How is that even close?

  Allan Weisbecker
February 14, 2020 12:19 pm


In order to love Maggie you must get to know her. She’s big around these parts.

When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
February 14, 2020 4:45 pm

She’s mostly big in the chest area. But who’s complaining?

  Allan Weisbecker
February 14, 2020 12:23 pm

That’s kind of a chickenshit attitude, considering she was being complimentary and pointing people to you. Maybe I’ll pass on the privilege of ‘learning’ you better. Wouldn’t it have better served to acknowledge the shout out and correct any misinformation, without being snide and dismissive?

When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
  M G
February 14, 2020 4:42 pm

Gosh, that doesn’t say much for people from Fucking, NY.

When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
When Pack Rats Attack (EC)
February 14, 2020 4:48 pm

I didn’t take it that way, Alan was just correcting the Cali surfer dude error. Maybe he will give us his dating site info so we can get to know him better.

  Allan Weisbecker
February 14, 2020 12:35 pm

Wise Dicker.
Maggie did a good job of convincing us you were a decent guy. Shame on you.
Over sensitive, thin skinned little worm aren’t you.

  Allan Weisbecker
February 14, 2020 2:53 pm

Seems ole Allen Weesballer is a bit sensitive, a shame really.. but understandable..

Probably is short too!

  M G
February 14, 2020 3:58 pm


You do you, boo boo.

  Allan Weisbecker
February 14, 2020 4:24 pm

Well, after reading the nothing burger article that essentially said…nothing, I really don’t give a shit about you or what you write.

TS hunkered down in the thistles
TS hunkered down in the thistles
  M G
February 14, 2020 7:55 pm

Yep, the tension is beginning to stir.
I’m about to have some free time, so don’t turn that dial.

  Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 12:18 pm

What the hell’s wrong with surfers Mr. Cow a bunga hole?

  M G
February 14, 2020 12:17 pm


Remember, I’m the guy standing on the street corner looking batshit crazy talking something about truth and how it doesn’t exist and sheeit. How am I supposed to know about this virus? Hardscrabble sounds the most lucid but Mygirl sure is convinced and then there’s everybody in between. These are intelligent people. Certainly more so than I.

  M G
February 15, 2020 7:12 am

Mygirl linked this article in a comment… hope Admin picks it up. In any case, we should all be aware our very own government is probably involved, if it is a bioweapon.

The US military appears desperate not only to find biological ways to kill nations of people, but is equally interested in methods of destroying their food supply. Accordingly, it also confessed to another several dozen (at least) occasions where devastating crop and plant disease agents had been released, in experiments to test methods of destroying the entire food plant life of an enemy nation. In 2012, Japanese media revealed that the United States government had tested specific, DNA-engineered crop-killing bioweapons in Okinawa and Taiwan during the 1960s and early 1970s, and that the US military tested some of these within the continental US as well. They were also applied in Vietnam. The purpose of Agent Orange was never as a defoliant as claimed, but developed instead to destroy Vietnam’s entire rice crops and to sufficiently contaminate the soil to prevent re-growth.

This is Part 1 of a 3 Part article.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
February 14, 2020 8:31 am

Let’s hope it is a dud but given that China is simply using the Excel goal-seek function of 2.1% death rate….we have no idea what is really happening. So let’s put some boundaries around “what is a dud”….

If the Beer-Flu kills 50,000 worldwide after infecting 2M is that a dud?

If it doubles the typical annual flu deaths in the US to say 80,000 from the usual 40k-50K is that a dud?

I would actually say yes…..sort of like a 5.1 earthquake….a little localized damage, a few days of disruption life goes on vs. say a 8.9 quake that takes down tall buildings, destroys highways, kills thousands and life does not go in in a normal for months etc.

So far this looks more like a 5.1, localized problems in China and will be the start of the worldwide/US recession but life goes on.

February 14, 2020 10:11 am

I’d rather have some extra cans of food and bottles of water in the house, and have it be a “dud”, than have done nothing and it turns out to be a shitshow.

just sayin’

February 14, 2020 12:49 pm

Heard that

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 14, 2020 11:35 am

Would you rather be wrong and prepared or wrong and unprepared just in case it really does show up.

February 14, 2020 11:38 am


I think Prepping for this Pandemic eventually becoming a local yokel germ is a Win/Win. Just in case.

I had some Pandemic Prep and knowledge, but through this threat I probably spent $500, and increased my knowledge of Pandemic’s (from TBP posts and comments 500%). I am significantly much more ready today because of TBP posts.

Recently having been hit with the Flu on a Tuesday evening, employing all of my gathered ‘treatments’ (the prep I had sent you and Maggie) and being 99% normal by Saturday morning was gratifying. Not a bad recovery for an old guy. So all that Prep came in handy dandy…and the Flu like the Terminators (The Luciferians) ‘Will be back’.

There is also the threat of future viruses from the TLPTB (L = Luciferians) so hat tip from me to everyone who provided Intel on all aspects of this scary shit, it’s a long list.

February 14, 2020 12:22 pm


I agree with you. The doom is killing my vibe though.

All I need is some Mary Jane and some Fire Cider.

February 14, 2020 9:44 pm


My wife goes to an off season beach gathering in South Carolina with a clique of old friends…who live all over the country…she brought back some gummies…man, we got some munchies, a good bottle of wine…some movies, and Along Came Mary…and then Marky…

Here it is live:

Here is the Bloodhound Gang doing it….

February 14, 2020 9:25 pm

Let’s open it up a little: when is Trump going to get blamed for the virus?

February 14, 2020 8:18 am

I don’t care if you are in wally world or some other store or place of business. If you go to the restroom pay attention to how many people wash their hands. Pay attention to personal hygiene in general. You will most likely stay home because of what you see. On the reverse side, you can set yourself up by being to antiseptic as well. Long and the short of it as I see it, practice good personal hygiene, take reasonable care when out in the world at large and understand it is a crap shoot. If you don’t believe that, read history of the native American Indian. They had a tolerance for the home grown viruses but, not for the ones introduced by outsiders. They paid a heavy price.

There was also a study done in a kindergarden class room regarding how long it took one infected individual to transmit something by touch. They dyed one child’s hands with an invisible dye to see how long and if all children would become involved. Not only were the children all involved by the end of the day but the teacher and others that entered the room were too. Folks it is impossible to stop this virus from burning through the population. Some will live and some will die, pure and simple. A vaccine would support the body to survive, but it will also allow the virus to mutate because it wants to live as well. My suggestion is remember the basics, practice them, and get on with living.

February 14, 2020 9:25 am

Me, I ate dirt when I was a kid. Right where they loaded the horses onto the truck.
My immune system is pretty solid, these days.
And I practically never get sick, anymore. The only time I ever had the flu was when I had a flu vaccine many years ago. Never again, it almost killed me.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 9:56 am

I have been telling people my entire adult life that I have a robust immune system due to eating dirt, grass, insects, lake water, sleeping with dogs, etc. as a child. Don’t know if it is true, but like O T said, you can be too antiseptic.

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:17 am

TN, exactly. We would knock off and eat chunks of salt block where the cows and horses licked, ate all kinds of weed pods in the pastures, made gum out of pine tree sap, we even used to filter the pollywogs out with a bandanna and drink from puddles. We were little wild animals. It was gloriously uninhibited.

  M G
February 14, 2020 4:27 pm

I tasted a few….just to see what they tasted like. Mineral blocks are much better.

February 14, 2020 4:31 pm
February 14, 2020 4:38 pm

Better for you too.

  M G
February 14, 2020 6:54 pm

mineral blocks.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:00 am

Are you Haitian?

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 14, 2020 10:16 am

Same here! Got a flu shot while in the military and went home on a Christmas holiday pass only to spend said holiday in the hospital for 10 days. I was bad off. Nearly died and swore never to get another flu shot again as long as I lived. I managed to dodge the flu shot requirement for the rest of my term of service. It warn’t easy but I accomplished it!

  None Ya Biz
February 14, 2020 10:57 am

None –
Also military. I puked so hard for a week that I ruptured the sphincter on top of my stomach and was puking blood. I refused the next year and it went all the way to the Captain of the base. It was quite the fiasco. I held firm and told them and him – in a respectful manner of course – to shove it square up their collectives asses. My answer to every single threat was that I they better just discharge me, because it was my body and if they pulled any of that I would just go home. At the end, the Captain screamed and hollered for awhile and then said get out, and he better never see me in front of him again. It was entered in my medical records and they never bothered me again.

February 14, 2020 11:49 am

Hindsight being 20/20 the Marine Corps gave me the Hong Cong flu in 69 with a shot, and I almost died while home on leave.

February 14, 2020 12:23 pm

Now all you need is a large, cold glass of Indian cow piss.

Wuhan Wang (EC)
Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 11:02 am

I like the first paragraph because I read as if it is written for me, then you make it impersonal by addressing me as folks. Don’t do that. Keep writing as you have been doing for the last week or so, you have a natural style. Kudos.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
February 14, 2020 8:45 am

Anyone who has ever sent a child to school knows that all it takes to spread a flu or cold is for those viruses to be present in one child.

If it’s here, we’ll know soon enough.

Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 14, 2020 9:35 am

What is a tall pine going to net you in that part of the woods?

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 14, 2020 10:15 am

Since it’s already here, according to the CDC, it likely came by air. How many people here have flown, even a short 1hr flight and come down with a cold 1 or 2 days later. Those germ tubes are great for passing everything along as the air is recirculated.

IMHO it’s here in more force than anybody knows, or is letting on. High traffic international area’s like LA, Chitcargo, Atlanta, Charlotte, NY, betting it’s there and growing.

On the other hand I could be completely delusional and full of shit.

Just sayin

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 14, 2020 12:17 pm

My real concern isn’t myself but my RN daughter in a small New England hospital between Boston and NYC if it really shows up.

February 14, 2020 9:05 am

Back in high school microbiology class, one of the toward end of semester projects was to go around the school with a swab and take a sample from different surfaces onto an auger dish and incubate. Then, isolate ONE of the things growing on the auger (a tedious process, we discovered) from one of the many growing, then identify our one isolated bacteria. We were amazed and disgusted with all the stuff present in our high school. And, this didn’t even start to touch the world of viruses out there………….

February 14, 2020 9:18 am

A recent study done in fast food places found the kiosk touch screen was the worse place in the restaurant next to the crapper door knob.

  M G
February 14, 2020 9:51 am

MG, That is an excellent point. I remember being tongue lashed by my parents for putting change in my mouth as a kid. That was over 65 years ago. Money is worse today. Most paper money will test positive for drugs as well.

  M G
February 14, 2020 12:55 pm

That’s one “theory” I have read how the banksters will use this to usher in the electric “coin” that they want so bad. . .

Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
February 14, 2020 9:34 am

What is nearly, sorta kinda, almost most definitely cooked in are the numbers. Crunch some market numbers, add a boat load of unemployment and hypothesize deflationary circumstances into the boiling pot and what have you?
Even if you totally miss catching anything from this, you and I are very susceptible to the “Black Swan” and should prepare accordingly. Whatever that means to us personally. I am banking on it being felt.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:00 am

If one person gives it to 4 and the 4 each give it to 4, why do the 16 give it to 16 each? Shouldn’t the 4th generation be 64 and the 5th generation 256?

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:20 am

Exponential numbering. 1, 2,4,16,256 makes more sense from an exponential standpoint.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:29 am

I understand, but the progression would become almost impossible in the 6th or 7th generation, as many people do not interact with that many people in a matter of a few days. The idea of every person infecting 4 others is much more likely.

  TN Patriot
February 14, 2020 10:46 am

Oh absolutely. I believe it’d be exponential……but only up to a point, then things would “level off” as people attempted to isolate themselves. However, pure isolation would be impossible for the majority of folks just from a food/water perspective, so while things would level off, IMHO the infection rate would reach into the 90th+ percentile eventually. Even the “mountain man” types would have to “come to town” for supplies eventually. NOBODY can be 100% self-sufficient indefinitely.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:08 am

The British Papers had the story of a Brit – presumably a white guy – living in Wuhan, who recovered from 2019-nCoV using whiskey and honey. Aside from that, I have yet to hear of a non-Asian having contracted it in any serious way. That doesn’t prove it hasn’t happened, but it raises my eyebrows. We’ve heard that one 60 year old “American” in Wuhan died from Coronavirus, but they haven’t released the name, due to “privacy” concerns. Huang? Chan? Chang? It’s like news stories where the suspect is described down to his shoe color – except his race.

Old Timer
Old Timer
  Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:34 am

I just went thru a bout of pneumonia, first time in my life, it was bad. Doc wanted to put me in the hospital because no meds were working, I refused. I am not a drinker, but I remembered a recipe my Grandpa said worked for colds. Whiskey, honey, lemon juice and ginger. I drank a half gallon of that junk in 7 days but it was the ONLY thing that kept me from coughing my guts up. Also used a hot mustard plaster.

  Old Timer
February 14, 2020 11:59 am

I keep ginger ale on hand as a prep. I’ve had stomach viruses that were the sit on toilet and puke in bucket variety and ginger ale was the only thing I could keep down. Hydration is vital in these kinds of illnesses, kidney and organ failure result from dehydration. My last bout of misery where I had 104 degree fever I was drinking ginger ale and water with lemon and honey, no whiskey though.

Wuhan Wang (EC)
Wuhan Wang (EC)
  Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 12:28 pm

Isk, I told you how a wise white guy gave me his cure for the flu – gin and OJ. I took it religiously and I made it. I don’t drink anymore so I will have to try garlic poultices.

  Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 8:05 pm

White people have been infected. There is the ‘super spreader’ from Maine, a white guy who infected many and several others at a ski resort in France who are also white, seems there was a white woman too, however, none of them died from it.

Old Timer
Old Timer
February 14, 2020 8:38 pm

If nothing else at least the first ten minutes. Sadly, I have a new term, “Reprobate Revolution.”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:24 am

When the stories first came out – especially from Chris Martenson – about nCoV, the combination of an “R naught” value of >4, transmissibility before, during and after symptoms and a mortality rate that could conceivably have been 50% (as adduced by the death-to-recovered ratio by the likes of David B Collum), the imaginable worst-case was horrific. If it had been as transmissible – to all human populations- as that worst-case implication, given air travel, it would have been raging planet-wide several weeks ago. Even now, Canada is accepting planes from China, and just taking people’s temps as they disembark. Clearly, the worst-conceivable-case hasn’t happened – and thank God for that. Transmissibility before symptoms probably is less than when symptoms exist. Non-existent hygiene in China has probably exacerbated transmission there. Sheer density of population probably has, too, and now it’s even theorized that shoddy plumbing standards in Chinese apartment buildings may be exacerbating its spread. Denninger talked about that in his most recent podcast on the subject. And the elephant in the room. No known outbreak – yet – among non-Asians.

  Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:39 am

It is a big fat What If ain’t it?

A whole new kind of ballgame.

  Iska Waran
February 14, 2020 10:50 am

Small amounts of “sewer gas” escape on each flush even here in the US. IF, and that’s a big IF, transmission can be carried through sewer, we’re all screwed. And that’s a big screwed.

February 14, 2020 12:24 pm

Not me, I have a septic tank.
And an outhouse at the barn.

February 14, 2020 1:39 pm

I had the plumber prep the barn for a toilet and sink. I put the PVC line in.

TS sniffing the breeze
TS sniffing the breeze
  M G
February 14, 2020 7:59 pm

Pretty cozy barn you have.

Wuhan Wang (EC)
Wuhan Wang (EC)
February 14, 2020 12:29 pm

University types would put it at an 80% screwed.

  M G
February 14, 2020 4:17 pm

You’ll pass away with lots of friends, he won’t.

  M G
February 14, 2020 6:57 pm

They’ll drag you down quicker than you’ll lift them up.
Good riddance.

TS hunkered down in the thistles and peeking out
TS hunkered down in the thistles and peeking out
February 14, 2020 7:57 pm

We are now officially a race.

TS sniffing the breeze
TS sniffing the breeze
February 14, 2020 9:28 pm


There. Got you through the door.
You are most welcome.

Paulita Senorita!
Paulita Senorita!
February 15, 2020 7:07 am

i was hoping i would get the prize

  Paulita Senorita!
February 15, 2020 11:21 am

Why, I thought you were the prize.

February 15, 2020 11:48 am

LOL… she’s a hoot. I’ve asked her to send me a picture of her and her grandson, Otto and I am going to splice it with me and my lope-eared buck Otto and the “new” litter of kits.

They survived the night. The silver rabbit isn’t completely heartless. I cut up a dishtowel and put little bunny blankies around them, but it got frigid here last night.

If I can get them through a couple more days, I think they will make it, even if she quits feeding them. If she does, I think she’s a goner… just saying.

  M G
February 15, 2020 11:58 am

I think I set up the notification to go to Alan and if I did? Well, then I laugh when I post here now realizing that he deletes comments that start veering off topic on his site so he is now cursing me foully for what really could have been some good publicity for his stuff.

It is just another example of how people who speak the same language do not always understand it the same way.

So, as I mentioned to Admin, his tolerance of posting my summaries of the blog is appreciated by me. I am no longer able to comment there without “moderation.”

Boo de fucking new yawk hoo.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  M G
February 15, 2020 12:04 pm

I just dropped what I thought was a level headed response over at his place.

It awaits moderation.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
February 15, 2020 12:26 pm

Wow! Thanks for that… that “awaits moderation” thing is new for me.

I really do appreciate your making the effort. There are interesting things in the skies out west some nights and he has a really good camera and knows how to use it.

From a slightly different angle.

  M G
February 16, 2020 12:30 pm

I visited the post. I brought it over here!

Why waste it there? I posted it one of the new virus posts

Planet-Killer? NASA On Alert For ‘Potentially Hazardous’ Asteroid Fast-Approaching Earth