Dumb And Corrupt Cops Risk Losing Our Support

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Dumb And Corrupt Cops Risk Losing Our Support

As conservatives, we pride ourselves on our unwavering support of the Thin Blue Line, on backing our cops against leftist slander, and yet stupid and evil people in law enforcement are putting that default thumbs-up from normal Americans at risk. It’s bad enough when we watch the ridiculous spectacle of Deputy Karren and Deputy Man-Karen yelling at some mom for committing felony play-dating, but then we see how the FBI has flat-out framed political enemies and it’s too much. If the LEO community does not police its own ranks and stamp out this nonsense, it might as well take all the goodwill it has earned over the years, douse it in cheap gasoline, and set it on fire.

A big chunk of society, mostly on the left, detests the police. It would be a really poor idea to convert the right to that point of view too. But that’s where these trends lead.

Here’s the thing – we normals respect our police not merely because they have badges and funny hats but because they take personal risks to protect us from those who would violate our rights. Usually, these violators are criminals. But the category of “People who violate our rights” also includes political hacks and bureaucratic petty fascists. And we reasonably expect to be protected from those creeps too.

“But we might get suspended or fired!” is the response. Well, yeah. That’s correct. And that’s immaterial.

We flat-out expect cops to run into gunfire to save lives, cowards like that Florida slug aside, just like we expect firemen to run into burning houses. If doing that stuff was easy and safe, they would not get respect and be honored. See, that’s the deal. They get pay and prestige, honor and respect, because they do things other people can’t or won’t for the good of the community. It’s like soldiers – the troops don’t get thanked for their service because their job is kick-back and safe.

So, we can surely expect them to pushback when some tool with sergeant’s stripes or chief stars tells them to oppress us.

For those LEOs who are confused:

When someone tells you to tackle people for misdemeanor failure to social distance, we expect you to say “No.”

When someone tells you to fly drones around scolding citizens, we expect you to say “No.”

When someone tells you to walk through a church parking lot taking down plate numbers, we expect you to say “No.”

When someone tells you to roll the SWAT team, with a complete with a Keystone Kop sniper up top, to confront the peril of a bunch of people protesting to reopen business, we expect you to say “No.”

When someone tells you to hassle Jews for praying, we expect you to say “No.”

We’ve seen all these things happen or be threatened since the bat stew virus infected the Bill of Rights, perhaps fatally. And these atrocities have to stop.

Yes, the officer(s) resisting bullSchiff commands may get disciplined or fired. Yes, doing the right thing sometimes has a cost. We will certainly support remedying such retaliation. But cops don’t get to do the wrong thing and still expect us to have their backs.

Many won’t play stupid games and they simply blow off dumb orders. I’ve witnessed police officers ignore all manner of Karen crimes, as they should. Bravo! We’ve seen a number of sheriffs stand up and refuse to enforce illegal and immoral orders from political hacks. Three cheers!

But then there are the Barney Fifes who, instead of saying “Hard pass” when ordered to dragging off some tattoo artist, comply instead. And that’s how we got a viral vid of two tubby constables hauling a guy to the pokey for trying to feed his family. Is that what LEOs signed up for? If so, we’re in trouble.

It’s a sad truth. Far too many of our LEOs are gutless drones who go along to get along, and it’s a disgrace.

And, to continue the theme of “disgrace,” we have yet to see one FBI agent throw his badge on the floor and walk out of the J. Edgar Hoover Building in disgust at what the Bureau did about FISA and Flynn.

We support the police; the police need to police their own to ensure they support us.

Here’s the thing – in an era where Democrats are increasingly attempt to leverage the power of government against their political enemies, this kind of passive acquiescence to manifest injustices is a real threat to the viability of this nation as a free country. Can anyone really calculate the damage the FBI and DoJ’s schemes and crimes have done to their reputations? And now local law enforcement is trashing its own rep with stupid antics designed to bully normal citizens.

So what happens if a leftist leader starts telling cops to arrest religious minorities for not conforming? How about to arrest people for speaking freely or protesting? What happens when one tells to police to break into citizens’ homes looking for guns? What happens if the politicians tell them to shoot anyone who resists?

Can’t happen? Really? May 4th was the 50th anniversary of Kent State, where four students were shot dead by soldiers while protesting. Without relitigating the incident, the leftist reaction on the anniversary was fascinating. Especially amusing was the ever-flatulent, nuke-curious Rep. Eric Swalwell lamenting how government security forces used guns on American citizens even as he apparently forgot that his dream is to ensure that only government security forces have guns.

After what we have seen lately, through cowardice, stupidity, and outright corruption, who can still be sure that there are not a significant number of LEOs today who would claim they were “just following orders?”

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Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 8:08 am

It is not so much a matter of who hates cops as who the cops hate, and who the cops actually work for. You will find that a great many (not all) cops hate anyone and everyone between them and their salary, pension and benefits. They will (reluctantly, even woefully) do almost anything to preserve their spot on the gravy train. Remember that the vast majority of cops work in very safe, low crime areas. They undoubtedly deal with a lot of the dirtbags in those low crime areas, but that is police work, right?

Actually, no. Dealing with (ameliorating, mostly) dirtbag behavior was a centerpiece of good American policing for many decades, especially urban policing. Then the white people mostly stopped the egregious dirtbag behavior and black people ran up their share all out of proportion to the population, and the Spanish speaking Hispanics (whom the cops cannot understand or communicate with, and thus cannot hope to ameliorate) picked up all the slack and then some. As the blacks and browns got academic/intellectual support, then electoral success it became against policy for the cops to do what the cops do. All the white people that can move, did move. They don’t do much wrong in the white districts, so there is not much need for cops. Well the cops are going to find them some work, as their quest for 20 and out with all the OT is a lot stronger than their quest for justice. They follow the orders of the sociopath Gretchen Whitmers and Cuomos to keep their sweet jobs. They know those militia types in Lansing open carrying pose no threat. They know that LaDaniel with his dirty 9mm in Detroit does, so naturally they flock to Lansing.

So the criminals are job security for the cops, for the whole stinking government system. The cops sort of like the criminals, Hell they live in other neighborhoods than the cops do. The cops dislike liberty lovers, and some of those cops (not yet a majority, but soon) hate liberty lovers. We don’t need or want many of them, and get along real nicely with about 30% of the cops we currently pay for. We are at the point that paying for cops we don’t need is a luxury we will no longer afford. If the cops are so concerned about crime, let them go where the crime is, and get the bill paid there. No good, say the cops. You have to keep paying us, and we will police you more and more until you do pay us. It is a fucking racket.

The times are changing. I hope that a lot of cops choose wisely when the time comes. I know that I will not last long, but I will choose carefully. Marked cars and uniforms are easy targets.

  Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 11:32 am

Brian,usually do not do thumbs but someone thumbed you down by mistake,I get it,folks riled up and all.As always,the first may cost you money/your freedom/your life,after that,they are all free.Sucks to have to think this way but the alternative is much worse.

  Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 1:32 pm

“Marked cars and uniforms are easy targets”

yes, they are. and you’ll win.

and then what they’ve been holding back will come to the fore. and you’ll lose.

May 7, 2020 2:43 pm

(looking at the down votes) you must be the ones who think you will come to the fore. you will. but you won’t be alone. you’ll look around and think, “uh … wait ….” but they won’t wait. they’ll move forward, doing what they want, free at last free at last, eliminating all that oppresses them.

just like you.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 3:32 pm

gman, I wrote that I will not last long, for precisely the reason you list. Under the conditions I had in my comment, don’t confuse me going down after after making kinetic contact with a few thugs (success) with “losing”. There are many millions of people like me; Slow to anger, then get out of the way. Some of us are going to have to water that tree of liberty, and I don’t consider that losing.

  Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 5:36 pm

when the conditions you list actually arrive you’ll be too busy realizing this isn’t what you expected to actually perpetrate your murders. that, or you’re simply that kind of person, looking for an excuse to do it anyway. and no you’re not alone. “many millions” no, but you’re not alone – I’d guess about 1 / 1000, if that many. and I’ll warn the preppers here that this kind of person, if they survive, won’t stop with cops – when there’s nobody left they’ll come after the preppers too. it’s what they do.

and if you cared about the tree of liberty you’d be trying to uphold it as a citizen, not standing aside waiting for its collapse so that you can jump in at the right moment with your pre-planned killing action.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 8:15 pm

gman, Trolling does not become you. Go away.

  Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 9:25 pm

“Go away.”

someone needs to call out these plans to just randomly murder people.

Here Comes the Judge
Here Comes the Judge
May 7, 2020 9:43 pm


There is a big difference between making judgments and being judgmental.

Making judgments comes from a balanced and neutral mind. On the other hand, judgmentalism comes from an imbalanced and reactive mind that is seeking to protect itself from being hurt by others.

We could, therefore, say that judgmentalism is actually a defense mechanism.

Judgmentalism as a defense mechanism benefits us in a number of ways by:

13 Signs gman is a TBP Judgmental Sniper.

* indicates your constant posting habits.

1. You believe that everyone is out to get you.
2. You expect other people to be consistent all the time.
3. You struggle to see beyond a person’s flaws.
4. *You easily skip to conclusions.
5. *You struggle to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty.
6. *You’re intolerant of people unlike you.
7. *You’re generally pessimistic about life.
8. You tend to believe people are either ‘good’ or ‘bad.’
9. You struggle to truly appreciate or see the beauty in others.
10. You have low self-worth.
11. *You feel anxious around other people.
12. *You’re suspicious and untrusting.
13. You have a strong inner critic who judges you.

Be honest gman. How many of these signs can you relate to? Also, did you receive any strong or uncomfortable feelings while reading through this list (e.g. anger, defensiveness, shock, fear)?

Have you always been a judgemental nit picker?

If so, you seem to be constantly triggered, meaning that judgmentalism is likely an issue for you.

  Here Comes the Judge
May 13, 2020 12:41 pm


(laugh) isn’t that exactly what the original poster is advocating?

(list of 13 things)

sounds more like projection on your part.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
May 8, 2020 8:33 pm

Gman is an ideological Keynesian. He believes that it’s impossible for people to conduct themselves in a responsible manner without big brother’s central planning and control. The boot on your neck is for your own good, but you just don’t see it.

  Nelson Muntz
May 13, 2020 12:42 pm

more accurately you see Other People as the boot on your neck. and you aim to get rid of it.

Charlie Hargrave
Charlie Hargrave
May 7, 2020 8:32 am

Police in general, and the ones in the news now have lost our respect a long time before kung flu came along.

  Charlie Hargrave
May 7, 2020 11:12 am

Many of them were tactically trained in Iraq and Afghanistan; much like the blue costumed airport clowns, they’d otherwise be working the overnight shift at 7-11.

Like many elitists they’re psychopaths or sociopaths with “authority”.

Unfortunately Meridian, Idaho will be the future example. Target the elitists and their enablers where they live.

  Charlie Hargrave
May 7, 2020 12:18 pm

be very careful what you wish for. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ3FfQi8aoU&w=560&h=315%5D

May 7, 2020 8:34 am


May 7, 2020 8:45 am

There’s a certain type character that seeks employment in law enforcement and they’re in the majority. Expect no better. I think it’s a genetic thing too, because they all share the same physiognomy

comment image

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 10:06 am

I am so jaded and skeptical that I wonder about this video. It sure looks honest and heartfelt. It hits every one of the points I have been making to cops for years. It would be wonderful to hear that it was presented at roll calls and general all-hands musters in departments across the country. Sadly, I do not expect that to happen, and I do not find surreptitious shares to be of much use.

  Brian Reilly
May 7, 2020 12:20 pm

then move it beyond a surreptitious share. add to the comments, feed the algorithm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1IExFs_bpI

May 7, 2020 10:35 am

Excellent post by that cop! What are all the other asshat cops thinking?
Thanks for posting.

22winmag - TBP's Corona Hoax Investigator
22winmag - TBP's Corona Hoax Investigator
May 7, 2020 8:44 am

Schlichter, self-appointed spokesman for conservatives and futherer of the Kent State hoax.

Link: http://mileswmathis.com/kent.pdf

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
May 7, 2020 9:09 am

“We support the police; the police need to police their own to ensure they support us.”


Jeebus!!!! Did you go to school on the Little Bus?

May 7, 2020 9:39 am

2 years ago I get pulled over for not using a turn signal on a near empty street.The cops know that if they do this often enough they will find no drivers license-no insurance.
I was in no way endangering myself or anyone else. They were looking for money. Not much difference from the cops in Mexico looking for bribes.

May 7, 2020 1:51 pm

“2 years ago I get pulled over for not using a turn signal on a near empty street”

of all the problems a man can have during his day, this seems minor. that it weighs on you is the measure of your good life, and the cops’ success in their role.

May 7, 2020 9:27 pm

(looking at the down votes) looks like y’all are leading pretty good and protected lives.

May 7, 2020 10:20 am

First Amendment Audits are interesting and fun to watch as many cops go to great lengths to take legal public behavior and criminalize it !
Certainly the auditors are baiting law enforcement and sadly far to many bite hard and will not let go ! Testing the blue line of the LEO’s has become necessary because of the bad cops protected by other cops also bad !
If you are a law enforcement officer and witness another violate a citizens rights you too are a BAD COP ! If others hear of it in the locker room or over beers after work and laugh it off you have all lost qualified immunity and need to be shit canned . That’s fired and lose everything in the process !
Far to many badge wearing minions are pathetic ass holes with a thimble full of authority and that is far more than they can handle !
I know of a local policeman who took joy in screwing with local teens way back in my life years later somebody got his shotgun and put a round in his chest .
Knowing the history of his antics pay back is a bitch !

May 7, 2020 10:44 am

You make a very good point.

A while back there was a media article about young people in a Texas fast-food restaurant who refused to serve certain police officers.

The media lambasted the young fast-food workers for “disrespecting” the police officers and called for their dismissal.

Now, for the rest of the story…

It turns out that these police officers were constantly harassing these young people “just because they could”. From unlawful traffic stops, to constantly giving these young people “tickets” (revenue enhancement) on flimsy pretexts, “just because they could”, these young people had finally “had enough”.

A ticket could mean a week’s pay for these young people. I’ll bet that these police officers joked about their “prey” and even planned who they were going to stop and harass next.

Police officers demand respect, but are unwilling to give it to those “they work for”–US.

May 7, 2020 10:31 am

Here is a guest article that deserves the light of day:

No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
Jan 02, 201812:50AM
Category: Politics
Posted by: Michael Z. Williamson

Here at the house, I have a couple of decades plus of military experience. I have tools to dig in or out of natural disasters. I have extinguishers and hoses. I have a field trauma kit and bandages. I have weapons both melee and firearm. I know how to use them. I know how to trench, support and revet. I understand the fire triangle and appropriate approaches. I understand breathing, bleeding and shock. I know how to detain, restrain and control. I have done all of these at least occasionally, professionally. I’ve stood on top of a collapsing levee in a flood. I’ve fought a structure fire from inside so we could get everyone out before the fire department showed up, which only took two minutes, but people can die that fast. I’ve had structures collapse while I was working on them. I’ve been in an aircraft that had a “mechanical” on approach and had to be repaired in-flight before landing. I’ve helped control a brush fire. I’ve hauled disabled vehicles out of ditches in sub-zero weather.

My ex wife has over a decade of service and some of the same training.

We have trained our young adult children.

My wife is a rancher who knows her way around a shotgun, livestock, sutures and tools, hurricanes and floods, and works in investigations professionally.

Our current house guest is another veteran.

This means if anything happens at the house, and last year we had a lightning strike, a tornado and a flood within 10 days’ we’re pretty well prepared.

Now, we’re probably better off than 95% of the households out there. The level of disaster that necessitates backup varies.

If we find it necessary to call 911, it means the party is in progress and it’s bad.

You will probably not be going home safe at the end of your shift.

And you know what? If it gets to that point, I really don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit if you get smoked. I don’t give a shit if you fall under a tree. I don’t give a shit if you get shot at.

Because at that point, I’ve done everything I can with that same circumstance, and run out of resources.

If my concern was “you going home safe,” then I’d just fucking hunker down and die. Because I wouldn’t want that poor responder to endanger himself.

Except, that’s what I pay taxes for, and that’s what you signed up for. Just like I signed up to walk into a potential nuke war in Germany and hold off the Soviets, and did walk into the Middle East and prepare to take fire while keeping expensive equipment functioning so our shooters could keep shooting.

There’s not a single set of orders I got that said my primary job was to “Come home safe.” They said it was to “support the mission” or “complete the objective.” Coming home safe was the ideal outcome, but entirely secondary to “supporting” or “completing.” Nor, once that started, did I get a choice to quit. Once in, all in.

When that 80 year old lady smells smoke or hears a noise outside her first floor bedroom in the ghetto, she doesn’t care if you go home safe, either. She’s afraid she or the kids next door won’t wake up in the morning.

If I call, I expect your ass to show up, sober, trained, professional. I expect you to wade in with me or in place of me, and drag a child out of a hole, or out from a burning room, or actually stand up and block bullets from hitting said child, because by the time you get there, I’ll have already done all that. And there will be field dressings, chainsawed trees, buckets and empty brass scattered about.

I don’t want to hear some drunk and confused guy squirming on the ground playing “Simon Says” terrified you so much you had to blow him away. I don’t want to hear that some random guy 35 yards away who you had no actual information on , may have reached toward his waist band. Or that “the tree might fall any moment” or that “the smoke makes it hard to see.”

Near as I can tell, I don’t hear the smokejumpers, or the firefighters, or the disaster rescue people say such things.

But it’s all I ever hear from the cops. If you and your five girlfriends in body armor, with rifles, are that terrified of actually risking your life for the theoretically dangerous job you volunteered for and can quit any time, then please do quit.

You can get a job doing pest control and go home safe every night.

Until a bunch of fucking pussies with big tattoos, small dicks, body armor and guns blow you away for minding your own business.

Because what you’re telling me with that statement is, your only concern is cashing a check. That’s fine. But if that’s your concern, don’t pretend you’re serving the public. If you wanted to help people at risk of life, you would be a firefighter, running into buildings, dragging people out, getting scorched regularly.

If you’re cool with writing tickets, then there’s jobs where you can do just that.

If you want to tangle with bad guys and blow them away, fair enough. But understand: That means they get to shoot first to prove their intent, just as happens with the military these days. Our ROE these days are usually “only if fired upon and no civilians are at risk.”

If your plan is “shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, then if anyone is still alive try to ask questions,” and bleat, “But I was afeard fer mah lahf!” you’re absolutely no better than the thugs you claim to oppose. All you are is another combatant in a turf war I don’t care about.

Since I know your primary concern is “being safe,” then I’ll do you the favor of not calling. Cash your welfare check, and try not to shoot me at a “courtesy” sobriety checkpoint for “twitching my eye “in a way that suggested range estimation.

If you’re one of the vanishingly few cops who isn’t like that, then what the hell are you doing about it? If there’s going to be a lawsuit costing the city millions, isn’t it better that it be a labor suit from the union over the clown you fired, than a wrongful death suit over the poor bastard the clown shot? Both are expensive, but one has a dead victim you enabled. So how much do you actually care about that life?

How is the training so bad that it’s not clear who is the scene commander who gives the orders?

How is it that trigger happy bozos who, out of costume, look no different from the gangbangers you claim to oppose, get sent up front to fulfill their wish of hosing someone down because “I was afraid for my life!”?

Why does the rot exist in your department?

If you can’t do anything about it, why are you still in that department?

At some point, collective guilt is a thing.

You’ve probably not been a good cop for a long time.

And I still don’t care if you go home safe. I care that everyone you purport to “serve and protect” goes home safe.

May 7, 2020 1:53 pm

“At some point, collective guilt is a thing”

yes. and it goes both ways and runs on both sides. you are involved.

May 7, 2020 2:38 pm

(looking at the down votes) so you guys think you’re not involved? that you’re above it all?

May 7, 2020 10:35 am

Of course “we are all Palestinians now”. American “law enforcement” has been trained “lock, stock and barrel” in Israeli military tactics. American “law enforcement” trainers have been given free trips to Israel, to learn firsthand how to handle us “Palestinians”.
From barking out conflicting commands, demanding immediate compliance, to outright murder of American citizens for merely reaching for one’s identification, or not crawling fast enough with one’s hands behind his back, it is obvious that us ordinary law-abiding citizens are considered to be the “enemy”.
This is all by design, the USA being a “client state” of Israel, with our dual-citizenship politicians getting their “marching orders” straight from Tel Aviv.

Yitz Heimensteiner
Yitz Heimensteiner
May 7, 2020 7:05 pm

Sorry, not a Palestinian.
If you weren’t Schicklegruber’s waterboy you’d know there’s a reason why the other Arabs despise them.

  Yitz Heimensteiner
May 7, 2020 7:51 pm

Not nearly as much as they despise your relatives.

May 7, 2020 10:44 am

I think Kurt is more than a little late to this affair

May 7, 2020 10:59 am

Why do they have ANY support to begin with? Sorry, but when you willingly volunteer to take a job that involves the systematic violation of the rights of individuals to self-ownership, property rights, freedom of movement, and so many other things that government laws violate, then you deserve ZERO respect. I have far more respect for private security guards, whose sole mission is to protect the lives and property of others from violation. All government monopoly police forces should be abolished and replaced by a free market in private security personnel…period.

May 7, 2020 11:09 am

Support the police…that’s cute. Lick the boots of the enforcers. I refuse. All forms of govt are coercion and that coercion comes by threat from the barrel of a gun. Without govt enforcers, the politicians hot air bullshit, from both sides of the aisle, would end up as exactly that…hot air bullshit. The police have taken an oath to enforce all laws no matter how petty or unconstitutional. There are no good cops. It’s all about paychecks and sociopaths.

May 7, 2020 1:31 pm

“All forms of govt are coercion and that coercion comes by threat from the barrel of a gun.”

and you wish to be the government yourself in your immediate roving area. and you are well prepared.

May 7, 2020 7:05 pm

My wife was wrote a speeding ticket for 60 in a 55 30 years ago. The very cop passed me on the highway within the week in his personnel car at 75 plus in a 55. I gave up at trying to match his speed after the passing.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
May 7, 2020 12:44 pm

Why has it taken until an existential crisis for conservatives to realize many cops are not the good guys? Libertarians have been decades ahead of them. Just arm the whole damn society.

It’s too late at this point. Cops will either choose wisely or choose poorly. If the former, there will be a place for them at the SHTF table. If the latter, they will ultimately become victims themselves.

  Articles of Confederation
May 7, 2020 1:18 pm

When a cop is beating a “suspect” without reason and three or four of his brethren in blue are standing around watching, THAT “taints the whole barrel” and makes all of them “bad cops”.

May 7, 2020 1:21 pm

Ever notice that police unions are “fraternal”? This should tell you something. The “thin-blue-line” is a gang, little different than street gangs–at least when it comes to “covering-up” their questionable and quite often, illegal and criminal behavior.

In today’s day and age, “officer safety” trumps de-escalation of force. This, in part, is due to the militarization of the police along with training in Israeli police tactics. This becomes a problem, with the “us vs. them” attitude that is fosters, along with the fact that Israel is a very different place, being on a constant “war footing”, its police tactics are very different.

There are too many instances of police being “given a pass”, even when incontrovertible video and audio evidence is presented. Grand juries, guided by police-friendly prosecutors, quite often refuse to charge those police officers who abuse their authority.

Police officers, who want to do the right thing, are quite often marginalized and put into harms way, by their own brethren…When a police officer is beating on someone that is already restrained while yelling, “stop resisting” THAT is but one reason police have a “bad name” in many instances…this makes the “good cops” who are standing around, witnessing their “brethren in blue” beating on a restrained suspect, culpable as well…

Here are changes that can help reduce police-induced violence:

1. Get rid of police unions. Police unions (fraternities) protect the guilty, and are responsible for the massive whitewashing of questionable police behavior that is presently being committed.

2. Eliminate both “absolute” and “qualified” immunity for all public officials. This includes, prosecutors and judges, police and firefighters, code enforcement and child protective services officials, and others who deal with the citizenry. The threat of being sued personally would encourage them to behave themselves. Require police officers to be “bonded” by an insurance company, with their own funds. No bond= no job.

3. Any public funds disbursed to citizens as a result of police misconduct should come out of police pension funds–NOT from the taxpayers.

4. Regular drug-testing of police officers as well as incident-based drug testing should take place whenever an officer is involved in a violent situation with a citizen–no exceptions.

5. Testing for steroid use should be a part of the drug testing program. You know damn well, many police officers “bulk up” with the “help” of steroids. Steroids also affect users mentally as well, making them more aggressive. The potential for abuse of citizens increases greatly with steroid use.

6. Internal affairs should only be used for disagreements between individual officers–NOT for investigations involving citizen abuse. State-level investigations should be mandatory for all suspected abuses involving citizens.

7. Prosecutors should be charged with malfeasance IF any evidence implicating police officer misconduct is not presented to the grand jury.

8. A national or state-by-state database of abusive individuals who should NEVER be allowed to perform police work should be established–a “blacklist” of abusive (former) police officers.

9. Most people are unaware that police have special “rules” that prohibit them from being questioned for 48 hours. This allows them to “get their stories straight” and makes it easier to “cover up” bad police behavior. Police must be subject to the same laws as civilians.

10. All police should be required to wear bodycams and utilize dashcams that cannot be turned off. Any police officers who causes a dash or body cam to be turned off should be summarily fired–no excuses. Today’s body and dash cams are reliable enough to withstand harsh treatment. Body and dashcam footage should be uploaded to a public channel “on the cloud” for public perusal.

11. All interrogations must be video and audio recorded. Police should be prohibited from lying or fabricating stories in order to get suspects to confess. False confessions ARE a problem in many departments. Unknown to most people, police can lie with impunity while civilians can be charged with lying to police…fair? I think not…

12. Any legislation passed that restricts the rights of ordinary citizens, such as firearms magazine capacity limits, types of weapons allowed, or restrictive concealed-carry laws should apply equally to police. No special exemptions are to be given to police. Laws must be equally applied.

Police work is not inherently dangerous…there are many other professions that are much more dangerous.

A little “Andy Taylor” could go a long way in allaying fears that citizens have of police.

That being said, it is time to call to task those police officers who only “protect and serve” themselves.

May 7, 2020 1:27 pm

“We support the police”

citizens on the right do – they understand what a nation requires. the sociopathic right doesn’t, won’t, can’t – they see themselves alone, as free-standing and self-sufficient in and of themselves (“I am, and there is none beside me”), and anything that gets in their way as oppression to be eliminated at first opportunity.

May 7, 2020 9:30 pm

(looking at the down votes) and y’all can’t wait.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
May 7, 2020 10:49 pm

When did cops become commonplace fixtures in our society? Not the town sheriff or drunk tank magistrate, but “a cop on every corner.” Do you know?

Here’s a hint: We never needed them and we never needed the FBI. Corporations and trusts did. But not the average American citizen.

You are just as guilty as the liberals who lump all whites together as racists. I have no desire to physically harm anyone. I have no need to. In any event, the game of life is far more interesting when using your wits (and keeping them).

Just because I have ZERO respect for bullies and career welfare recipients in uniform does not mean I want to fight them. It’s much easier to form a good, local community and to have THEM protect their food supply from said brigands. Because I sure as shit won’t be feeding anyone who acts like the aforementioned examples.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 7, 2020 7:34 pm

Schlichter has once again placed his finger squarely on a critical issue. As TBP’er’s know all too well, anger with the police among ordinary middle class Americans has been growing for years, and rightly so. Allow me to address the law enforcement people out there. I advise you to read what I have to say very carefully.
Over the past three decades American law enforcement has been deformed beyond recognition. From friendly neighborhood cop you have gone to bully boys, cowards, and thugs. Not all of you, of course. There remain many good, decent cops out there. But the number of bad ones has risen at a tremendous rate and that is a very bad thing.

One error has been to turn local police into ersatz soldiers, often wearing military garb and carrying equipment and weapons meant for the armed forces. If this was mere play acting it would be distasteful but it is more than that. The Us vs. Them mentality that has been drummed into the police has had a disastrous effct on community relations. Without a trusting and cooperative relationship with the community the police become not peace officers but an occupying force, and the American people will simply not stand for this indefinitely. If you keep it up you will become what Eamon De Valera said the Royal Irish Constabulary became during the Irish War for Independence, an unclean element in the nation. You will be hated, feared, and despised, outcasts in your own community. I served in the Marines and I was proud to do so. But when I put away my uniform, though I will always remain a Marine in my heart, I became an ordinary citizen again. Thank God for that. Remember, you are an integral part of your community, not an alien force or a military organization intended to fight foreign enemies.

I might add that the huge mistake of allowing Israeli “security experts” to operate in our country and “advise” police departments has been one of the reasons that many cops have been taught to bark orders at citizens and shove them around, just as the Israelis do the hapless Palestinians. Well, I am no Palestinian and neither are most Americans. As much as I hate to hear of a law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty I can’t help but wonder if this training in aggression and a lack of ordinary courtesy and common sense has led to some of these incidents. Unfortunately, there are men who will not allow anybody to push them around for the hell of it. I was once shouted at with extreme rudeness by a cop for simply asking a question and the same happened to my wife shortly thereafter. A more hot-headed man with poor impulse control might have decided to redress the insult to his wife right there and then.

One of the worst manifestations of this attitude towards the citizens is the using the term “civilians” to describe citizens, with the implication being that the police are not civilians. News flash. You are also civilians and should be proud of that. Having lived in countries with true militarized police forces I can assure you that your civilian status is a badge of honor you should jealously guard. You are are friends, neighbors, fellow citizens. Placing yourself into a caste apart is a deadly error. Should we ever have massive civil unrest in this country – and it seems more likely with every passing month – you will regret losing the affection of your fellow citizens.

The increase in the number of female street cops is another reason for the decline of the police. To be sure, women have a role to play in police work but beat cop is generally not one of them. Women are smaller and weaker than most men. That is a fact. So what happens? Many criminals are on drugs or are high testosterone assholes, violent and disdainful of authority. Confronted by a woman cop they will test her and she often fails the test, getting her ass beat or worse. Too often, the female cops uses deadly force when a man would be able to defuse the situation with a night stick. They also get their male partners in a jam. Sorry, ladies. Work the rape squad or file papers. You do not belong on the street.

Let me now address a somewhat unpleasant subject, the true function of the police force. This may offend some but sometimes the truth hurts. The police, local, county or state, were never intended to have any but the most passing contact with the solid middle class, to say nothing of the wealthy and powerful. Of course, from time to time those people may get a ticket or, if they really go off the rails, the police might have to intervene and enforce the law, but in general it was assumed that “respectable” people (and not just the rich) would be treated with, well, respect. In turn, the police were respected members of the community, trusted, and usually admired.

In the past it was understood the police existed to keep the criminal and disorderly elements of society in line, period. That is why people turned a blind eye to the cops giving habitual criminals a good thrashing before locking them up. It kept things down to a dull roar in the streets. A law-abiding citizen had little reason to even notice the police most of the time. They occupied themselves with the hoodlums and left John Q. Citizen well alone. In those rare instances when the police abused an upright citizen there was usually hell to pay, and the police knew it.

Not now. SWAT teams routinely invade homes, police seize the property of citizens with only the most flimsy excuse, and, much more dangerous, the police seem to have actually swallowed the leftist “diversity” nonsense and treat the law-abiding as if they were on par with the most useless elements in society. This has nothing to do with equal justice for all. English Common Law is based on common sense, not Talmudic tea leaf reading. A person with a rap sheet a mile long has no right to the same treatment as a decent man or woman of any race or background. A respectable black man has the same right to fair and respectful treatment as anybody else, but a gangbanger does not.

Friends in law enforcement, it is up to you to turn the tide. If you find a Robocop in your ranks, give him a tough talking to. If he or she persists, turn them in. That is not snitching. It may save a life. if you are given an order by some pompous horse’s ass of a governor, mayor or city councilman, smile, nod, and ignore it. When you talk to a fellow citizen, remember that is what they are. Nobody is suggesting you drop your guard> The streets are mean. That said, use your common sense.

We need and want the police to become what they once were in this country. Know who your friends ar. If you lose the respect and support of ordinary Americans it is all over for the force.

  Southern Sage
May 7, 2020 9:33 pm

“One of the worst manifestations of this attitude towards the citizens is the using the term “civilians” to describe citizens, with the implication being that the police are not civilians.”

this insider/outsider attitude is common to any group. dealing with that specific portion of the public that is hostile, and having to rely on each other in serious situations, for 20/30 years, would heavily reinforce this. so what attitude should they have?

“you will regret losing the affection of your fellow citizens”

some of those citizens aren’t citizens at all and specifically repudiate the very notion of citizenship, and never had, won’t have, and can’t have, any affection for any government outside of their own selves. if these people are the ones who drive any reaction against the police, the police will withdraw, and it is the citizens who will regret losing the police.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
May 7, 2020 11:00 pm

I’m willing to risk “losing the police”. That’s money that could go toward arming and training the citizenry. Their pension promises alone would cover it. There’s a law greater than that of Man and I imagine the Creator would have a problem with me allying with brigands.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Southern Sage
May 8, 2020 7:07 am

I had a run-in with some local police the other evening. Last Friday I had a good sized non-social distancing crowd in my shop, which by the way has been open throughout the plandemic. All were happy, smiling and speaking easily and enthusiastically with one another. Two uniformed cops walked in, one male one female. I immediately excused myself from giving samples to a few of those customers and approached the cops to see what was up. I introduced myself as the shop owner and asked what I could help them with. With smiles on their faces they proceeded to tell me they were just kinda board and walking around, stopping here and there around the town square. They were quite relieved to see people in my shop also smiling and interacting kindly with one another. We had a pleasant exchange, I offered to buy them each a non-boozy ice cream but they insisted upon paying! A few pats on the back later they went about their business as did I.

Glock 1911
Glock 1911
May 8, 2020 6:54 am

To blindly enforce laws that are many times stupid and also often unconstitutional with ferocity and fury takes a special man, to be sure. And not the good kind of special, as you might guess.