‘The Saker’: The Systemic Collapse Of The US Society Has Begun

Authored by ‘The Saker’,

I have lived in the United States for a total of 24 years and I have witnessed many crises over this long period, but what is taking place today is truly unique and much more serious than any previous crisis I can recall.

And to explain my point, I would like to begin by saying what I believe the riots we are seeing taking place in hundreds of US cities are not about. They are not about:

  1. Racism or “White privilege”
  2. Police violence
  3. Social alienation and despair
  4. Poverty
  5. Trump
  6. The liberals pouring fuel on social fires
  7. The infighting of the US elites/deep state

They are not about any of these because they encompass all of these issues, and more.

It is important to always keep in mind the distinction between the concepts of “cause” and “pretext”. And while it is true that all the factors listed above are real (at least to some degree, and without looking at the distinction between cause and effect), none of them are the true cause of what we are witnessing. At most, the above are pretexts, triggers if you want, but the real cause of what is taking place today is the systemic collapse of the US society.

The next thing which we must also keep in mind is that evidence of correlation is not evidence of causality. Take, for example, this article from CNN entitled “US black-white inequality in 6 stark charts” which completely conflates the two concepts and which includes the following sentence (stress added) “Those disparities exist because of a long history of policies that excluded and exploited black Americans, said Valerie Wilson, director of the program on race, ethnicity and the economy at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning group.” The word “because” clearly point to a causality, yet absolutely nothing in the article or data support this. The US media is chock-full of such conflations of correlation and causality, yet it is rarely denounced.

For a society, any society, to function a number of factors that make up the social contract need to be present. The exact list that make up these factors will depend on each individual country, but they would typically include some kind of social consensus, the acceptance by most people of the legitimacy of the government and its institutions, often a unifying ideology or, at least, common values, the presence of a stable middle-class, the reasonable hope for a functioning “social life”, educational institutions etc. Finally, and cynically, it always helps the ruling elites if they can provide enough circuses (TV) and bread (food) to most citizens. This is even true of so-called authoritarian/totalitarian societies which, contrary to the liberal myth, typically do enjoy the support of a large segment of the population (if only because these regimes are often more capable of providing for the basic needs of society).

Right now, I would argue that the US government has almost completely lost its ability to deliver any of those factors, or act to repair the broken social contract. In fact, what we can observe is the exact opposite: the US society is highly divided, as is the US ruling class (which is even more important). Not only that, but ever since the election of Trump, all the vociferous Trump-haters have been undermining the legitimacy not only of Trump himself, but of the political system which made his election possible. I have been saying that for years: by saying “not my President” the Trump-haters have de-legitimized not only Trump personally, but also de-legitimized the Executive branch as such.

This is an absolutely amazing phenomenon: while for almost four years Trump has been destroying the US Empire externally, Trump-haters spent the same four years destroying the US from the inside! If we look past the (largely fictional) differences between the Republicrats and the Demolicans we can see that they operate like a demolition tag-team of sorts and while they hate each other with a passion, they both contribute to bringing down both the Empire and the United States. For anybody who has studied dialectics this would be very predictable but, alas, dialectics are not taught anymore, hence the stunned “deer in the headlights” look on the faces of most people today.

Finally, it is pretty clear that for all its disclaimers about supporting only the “peaceful protestors” and its condemnation of the “out of town looters”, most of the US media (as well as the alt media) is completely unable to give a moral/ethical evaluation of what is taking place. What I mean by this is the following:

By repeating mantras about how “Black anger is legitimate” the US liberal media is basically placing a seal of approval on the violence and looting. After all, if Black “anger” is legitimate, and if “White privilege” is real, then it is quite “understandable” that this “anger” “sometimes” “boils over” and leads to “regrettable” “excesses”. Just take a look at this image of Biden kneeling down before a Black demonstrator:

Of course, Biden and his supporters will claim that Biden was only kneeling before a cute little girl and her peacefully protesting father, but when combined with the attacks against Trump’s “law and order” rhetoric by Biden and his supporters (including four former US Presidents!), I believe that these kinds of photo-ops are sending a very different message: keep “protesting” as we are on your side which, coming from a guy like Biden, the ultimate symbol of the 1%er elites and a perfect example of “White privilege”, just goes to show that the hypocrisy of US politicians really knows no bounds or limits.

I have to note here that these riots also represent a potential danger for both factions of the Uniparty in power: for the Demolicans the riots probably represent the very last chance to prevent a Trump-reelection, but if the Demolicans are too obvious in support of the riots, then it could backfire against them and turn all the frightened “law and order” types against them. But if they do not support the riots, then the Demolicans will alienate their core constituency (a hodgepodge of various “minorities” pushing their narrow identity-politics agenda). Likewise, for Trump this is an opportunity to show his “law and order” credentials and promise the White people and the relatively fewer Blacks of his base that he will protect them. However, if he is too direct about this and if Trump orders what might be seen by many as unfair or excessive force (of which there has been a lot almost everywhere), then he risks pushing many moderate Republicrats over the edge and side with the Demolicans (or, at least, withhold their vote). In other words, both factions of the Uniparty feel that the riots are both an opportunity and a threat and this is why neither faction can come out and speak truthfully about the real causes of the riots.

The exact same message of weakness and even submissive impotence is, I believe, sent every time a cop kneels when confronting even peaceful demonstrators like on this photo. While this might be intended as a message of compassion, and maybe even an apology, the only thing the rioters will see here is a powerful sign of surrender of the local authorities and I find that extremely dangerous.

Yes, there are plenty of racist, violent and otherwise incompetent cops in the USA. And yes, many of my Black friends reported feeling singled out and treated rudely by cops. But having extensively traveled the world, I want to assure you that the US most definitely does not have the worst cops out there. In fact, I believe that most US cops are decent people. Much more importantly, these cops are the “thin blue line” which protects society against criminals. And while I do believe that US policemen ought to be better educated, better trained, better led and better supervised, I also realize that there is also no short term alternative to them. It is all very fine to dream about educated, peaceful and non-racist cops, but if you remove the existing police force from the equation, there are no other alternatives (the national guard or the regular armed forces do not qualify and don’t have the correct training to deal with civilians anyway), especially in those states which have successfully killed the 2nd Amendment by means of what I call “death by a thousand regulatory cuts” (including NY and NJ).

Then there is what Solzhenitsyn called the “decline of courage” in the West: the vast majority US politicians have basically lost the ability to criticize Blacks, even when it is quite obvious that many of the current problems of the Black population of the US are created by Blacks themselves: I think of the truly vulgar, obscene and overall disgusting “rap culture” with which most Black youth are now “educated” in since early childhood or how many Black youth have been brainwashed into considering gang members and street prostitutes as the measure of what “looking cool” looks like in terms of clothes, language and overall behavior. I believe that it is pretty obvious to any person who lived in the US that Blacks are very often (mostly?) the cause of their own misery: I can tell you that my Jamaican and Sub-Saharan African friends (who live in the USA) have told me many times that a) they think that US Blacks have opportunities which they would never have in Africa or Jamaica and that b) local Blacks often resent Africans and Jamaican Blacks because the latter do so much better in the US society. I can also testify to the fact that I have seen a lot of anti-Latino feelings from US Blacks. As for how Blacks often feel about Asians, all we need to do is remember the LA riots in 1992. Finally, I do believe that many (most?) people in the US know that the strongest and most frequent form of racism in the US will be anti-White, especially from politically engaged Blacks.

I can personally attest that there is plenty of anti-White racism in the USA. Not only did I experience it myself (I lived in Washington, DC from 1986-1991), but it has been amply documented by people like Colin Flaherty whose books “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” and “Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No!” are excellent primers on Black on White violence and racism. Yet, anybody daring to suggest that US Blacks themselves are at least partially responsible for their own plight will immediately be labeled a “racist”.

To those of you who live outside the USA, I would recommend this simple thought experiment: just take 20-30 minutes and watch the footage of BOTH the “peaceful protests” AND “the violent riots” and look carefully not only at what the folks you see in the footage are wearing, but also how they speak, how they act, what they say and how they say it and ask yourself a simple question: would you want to hire any of these guys and pay them a decent salary? I very much doubt that many of you would. Frankly, most of these rioters are unhirable, and “racism” has nothing to do with this.

The fact is that what is sometimes called the “MTV culture” is, in reality, nothing else than a systematic glorification of criminal mayhem. Forget about rap hits like the famous “Fuk Da Police” or “Kill d’White People“, I would argue that 99% of rap is a glorification of all the worst problems of Black communities in the US (drugs, violence, promiscuous sex, objectification of women, alcoholism, glorification of criminal behavior in the streets and in prisons, etc.). Yet most US politicians seem to be paralyzed and feel the need to pretend like they are absolutely charmed by this so-called “Black culture”. But it is even worse than that.

Combine an emasculated ruling polity which does not dare to call a stone a stone and which promotes a (pretend) “culture” which glorifies violence and hatred against all non-criminals, including law abiding Black who are called “Toms” and who are also singled out as in this “beautiful” rap which includes the following “verses”: “Then you got niggas that’s blacker then the night, Running around town saying their best friends are white, Niggas like that are gonna hang up from a tree, And burn them up alive and let everybody see” (check out this “beautiful” rap here and for the full lyrics, a truly fascinating read, here). Next, throw in a completely dysfunctional state which is owned and operated by a tiny gang of obscenely rich narcissistic bastards (of all races, very much including Blacks), add to it a total absence of any real social opportunities, then toss in the COVID pandemic and the worst recession in US history with record high levels of unemployment even among those who would be employable (folks with dropped down pants, excessive tattoos, past felony convictions and a comprehensively non-professional attitude would not even get a job even if the economy was booming). Then, you get a relatively localized “spark” (like the murder of George Floyd by a gang of arrogant imbeciles in uniform) to start a fire which will instantly spread throughout the entire country, especially since there are so many other groups besides Blacks who want to “piggyback” their personal agenda on top of the one of Black Lives Matter or Antifa (I am, of course, referring to the real cornucopia of Trump-haters which never accepted his election).

Conclusion 1: this is not the US version of the Gilets Jaunes!

Some might be tempted to say that what we are seeing in the US is a US version of the French Gilets Jaunes. I assure you that it is not. For one thing, the Gilets Jaunes had a pretty clear political program. US rioters do not. Next, the Gilets Jaunes were mostly peaceful and much of the violence was instigated by the French police forces (including the use of fake rioters). While there are definitely peaceful protesters in the USA, neither BLM or AntiFa have truly denounced the riots (and why should they when the US media and politicians don’t have the courage to do that either?). Finally, the French ruling classes and media did not show the kind of “understanding” of the riots which did take place although Macron did pose with two “gangstas” in an effort to look “cool” (which failed):

Not only Biden, in Europe too…

Conclusion 2: this is not a revolution or a civil war

Some are now fantasizing that what we are witnessing today is either a revolution or a civil war. I believe that this is neither.

For a revolution to take place there must be a force capable of changing not the person(s) in power, but fundamentally change the regime, the polity, itself and replacing it with another one. Declaring that “Black lives matter” or looting stores or even demanding that the police be defunded, does not have this kind of potential capability.

For a civil war to take place you need at least two sides, each with a clearly identifiable political agenda. Since the real power in the US is hidden from the public awareness, there is no potential for a “the people vs the rulers” kind of civil war in the US. A “Right/Conservative vs Left/Liberal” civil war is also not possible, because both the US Right and the US Left are, in reality controlled by a deep state which is neither liberal nor conservative. Finally, a “rematch” between North and South is not possible either because the modern US is not really split along North/South lines anymore. In terms of geography, there is somewhat of a “Big cities vs rural USA” split, but it takes place in both the north and the south of the country. Instead, what we do observe is a social breakup of the US into “zones” some of which will be doing much better than others (big cities with a strong Black population fare the worst, mostly White small towns fare best; that is even true within the same state). In some of these zones, we will see more of this kind of acts of self-protection:

This kind of confrontations, even if they are not violent, are yet another illustration of the state being simply unable to take charge and protect the people.

Conclusion 3: this is an insurrection which has initiated the systemic collapse of the US society

I call what is happening today an insurrection: a violent revolt or rebellion against the authorities as such. When you burn a police precinct you do not “protest” against the actions of a few cops, no, what you are doing is expelling the cops from your neighborhood (I know that personally. In Argentina I lived in a suburb of Buenos-Aires in which the police station was attacked so often that it closed and was never rebuilt). And since in a civilized society the state should have the monopoly on the (legal) use of force, you are basically rejecting the authority and legitimacy of the state which operates the police force. This insurrection is most unlikely to remove Trump from office (hence it is not a coup or a revolution), but the anti-Trump faction of the ruling elites have now clearly adopted the strategy of “worse is better” simply because they realize that these riots are probably their last chance to blame it all on Trump (and Russia, why not?!) and maybe, just maybe, defeat him in November.

Right now all we see can only be called a mob-rule (technically referred to as an “ochlocracy“). But mobs, no matter how violent, rarely succeed in achieving tangible political results as they act ‘against something’ and not ‘for something’. This is why the real (behind-the-scenes) ruling classes need to instrumentalize this mob-induced insurrection to their political advantage. So far, I would say that neither the Demolicans nor the Republicrats have succeeded in this. But there is a very long and potentially extremely dangerous summer ahead and this might well change.

Irrespective of whether either faction will succeed in instrumentalizing the riots, what we are seeing today is a systemic collapse of the US society. That is not to say that the US will disappear, not at all. But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993), it will take the US many years to fully crash. And just like a New Russia eventually began taking form in 1999, there will be a New US coming out of the current collapse. Total and final collapses are very rare, mostly they just initiate a lengthy and potentially very dangerous transformation process, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.

However, just as the Russian people had to stop kidding themselves with silly dreams about “democracy” and had to tackle the real problems of Russia, so will the people of the US have to find the courage to deal with their real problems, frontally and deliberately. If they fail to do that, the country will most likely simple further disintegrate into numerous and mutually hostile entities.

Time will tell.

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June 7, 2020 7:55 am

You can’t stop us on the road to freedom
You can’t keep us ’cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor bent on chivalry
-Van Morrison-

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 7, 2020 8:15 am

We need to split up. Just wish we could do it peacefully.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Hollow man
June 7, 2020 10:11 am

TPTB in the District of Corruption will fight the breakup with everything they have. As a single nation, they have great power, but as regions, they would be in a power vacuum.

In my area, we have Memphrica full of moocher dindu’s, surrounded by working class conservatives. To succeed, one side would have to eliminate or dominate the other.

  Hollow man
June 7, 2020 11:45 am

When the checks start bouncing the voters begin renouncing.

William Williams
William Williams
June 7, 2020 5:08 pm

Federal government checks will never bounce.
Ultimately, though, cashing government checks may not be worth the trouble….

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
  Hollow man
June 7, 2020 11:59 am

For the Soviets, splitting up it was trimming some fat and improving their position.

Clowns like Saker are still promoting it as “collapse” 30 years later.

For the USA, splitting up under any circumstances would be final nail in the coffin.


The Saker is no clown, otherwise Admin would not include his words here. Perhaps you should read what he says.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
June 7, 2020 5:52 pm

At least half of the columnists Admin posts here are a total joke, and that is NO KNOCK on him or this much esteemed blog.

Why wouldn’t a good blog-master post shit columnists right next to sage columnists?

Poor thought needs to be called out and attacked, even my own. If most everyone is in agreement on most articles, most of the time, something is seriously wrong.

View post on imgur.com

June 7, 2020 8:20 am

I agree. The great Muhammad Ali was an advocate of separating the races. His phrase was “Blackbirds flock with blackbirds and red birds flock with red birds”. It had a crude but unmistakable logic. We think differently. My Italian immigrant grandfather used to say” Whenna de black man add a two ana two, he no come up witha four”. Of course I have white privilege, it’s what I worked for every day of my life. I bestowed ‘privilege’ on my children and will continue to do so with my grandchildren. And I don’t give a fuck who doesn’t like that.

Democracy worked semi-well when this was a white, Christian nation. That is no longer the case and voting will continue to be irrelevant. Did you see the Drudge headline this morning about W Bush and Mittles not backing Trump? Two self-indulgent dunces for sure, but just further proof of a one party duopoly.

So 10 years to get this shit sorted out? That will make me 80 and ready to shove off, having taken my family through the storm (more white privilege).

Bring it on.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 7, 2020 10:35 am

I think I would have liked your dad, CC.

  Mary Christine
June 7, 2020 1:34 pm

Granddad. He would have liked you also.

June 7, 2020 10:44 pm

Don’t do Drudge, he’s been compromised.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
June 7, 2020 8:24 am

I agree with much of what’s espoused in this article, but I think he’s mistaken on timeline. Russia has still not fully emerged from it’s collapse, which started in/about the mid 1980’s, they just stopped going down further. To my eyes Russia’s collapse really took place from say mid 1980’s to 2008-ish.

THAT should give you some idea of how long it’ll likely take for this long emergency to ripen. Barring some catastrophic event, like another world war breaking out, I’d expect the U.S. collapse to take until the mid 2030’s. That’s assuming we place the beginning at 2008, which is as good a starting point as any.

That’s my timeline, and I am prepared accordingly. Laying in supplies of food that’ll last a few months is a good idea, but is ultimately just a distraction. You need to physically and mentally prepare yourself for a LONG slog through the swamp.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
June 7, 2020 9:22 am

Russia collapse is accelerating for now even more.This covid event made life real tough for 90% of population of Russia.Most russian analytics think Russia will split by 2030.

  Just Sayin'
June 7, 2020 11:37 pm

us sayin

If you were age 20 in 2008 and in 2035 you would be age 47. In a nation that is mostly obese. Few 47 year olds would be considered a threat. Even fewer are conservative if aged 20 in 2008. Now they are age 32 and mostly soyboy xbox cucking their wives as a virtue signal that they aren’t racists. So if this ends in 2035. Most of us here are on social security or dead already. This nation is ruined. It is over. I no longer believe there will be a patriotic movement or fight to hold the republic. The deepstate has won due to trump not doing what needed to be done. He never arrested the coup plotters. This emboldened them and now he and his cherished name will go down in history as they guy that fucked america and ruined capitalism. Good. He deserves it. I am pissed. If he would just do 10% of the shit he says the deepstate would be in a fetal position scared shitless right now. This fourth turning will undo this nation. Dismantling it as we all know it. I hope i am wrong but doubt i am.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 8:25 am

Insurrection is a good word for it.

What he failed to mention at all is the sizable majority of heritage Americans who’ve had their futures stolen, their children displaced, their businesses wrecked, their values undermined, their history mocked, their morality turned on its head, and their lives threatened by the efforts of a globalist elite who want them dead.

That might add something to the mix if it ever finds its voice.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 9:11 am

In the context of your point. . .

THEY want US “wrecked”

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 12:06 pm

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  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 1:08 pm

Sounds like you’re describing my ex wife there HF

June 7, 2020 8:43 am

Cultural Civl War

I actually do believe we are in a civil war. It is not a political war, but a cultural civil war (as all civil wars are at heart).

As has been said by many, most people want nothing to do with wars of any kind, they just want to be left alone to conduct their private lives. However, most normal people do have a culture of some type, so in a cultural civil war, they are by default on one side or another. Most people do not really know what side they are on, but by asking and answering a few question, they and others can get a good idea of just where they are.

Those questions include:

1. Do you attend church regularly?

2. Are you married with children?

But I believe the overarching and most important question determining ones cultural class is:

3. Do you use marihuana?

It is this latter question that really divides people, and has for a number of decades. Why is this? It is because the use of weed actually changes ones mind and thinking. One can not think rationally when ones mind is regularly steeped in THC. It is simply not possible. This, more than anything else, divides this country into those who think rationally and those whose thinking is based on fantasy.

This is the cultural divide, and we are in a cultural civil war over this divide.

The results of this cultural civil war are unknown, but what history shows is that rationality has survival value.

June 7, 2020 9:38 am

Most of the founding fathers grew and used mary jane. My 5 greats grandfather,Colonel Ezekial Polk, grandfather of President Polk, was a well known atheist.

June 7, 2020 11:03 am

Placing any blame on MJ is like placing it on alcohol.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
June 7, 2020 12:35 pm

Like everything else today weed is politicized. The tax man wants revenue regardless of consequence. The data doesn’t lie and there will be serious long term consequences. I don’t think the damage from alcohol on many folks is disputable either.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
June 7, 2020 12:16 pm

I largely agree.

Therapeutic use of CBD is night and day different from 24/7 THC intoxication.

The end stages we are in feature the drugging of the masses with THC vapes.

Although it was injected, the drug NUKE from RoboCop 2 (1990) comes to mind.

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Or the vapes in idiocracy

June 7, 2020 10:58 pm

Paleeze. My son was hit by a drunk driver 2 years ago and had a severe brain injury. He has not slept well since. We have tried everything, and I mean everything. Supplements up the ass, HBOT, name it. The only thing that has worked is medical marijuana. He has a card from the state and now gets good rest. It hasn’t changed his thinking at all, in fact, has made it more clear due to more sleep. Right, the cultural divide is based on the sins of mary jane. What a douche. And that’s not even addressing the freedom issue.

June 7, 2020 9:11 am

The structural difference between the left and the right is the difference between success and defeat. The left organizes and directs destitute and downtrodden blacks turning them into soldiers in the army of professional malcontents, whilst the right berates , belittles and cast aside poor misguided whites as losers and not worth the trouble of rehabilitating , who are then recruited by the left where they are made to feel like they belong. This is the fatal flaw in so called “conservative” community .There mentality is I got mine and fuck everyone else. and this will be their downfall. Tribe up or die.

It’s out duty to educate the cultural and historically challenged. Yes, we let it get this far.

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June 7, 2020 9:26 am

The Saker should stick to weapons analysis. His attempts to become a political analyst always fall short.
Comparing Russian or Soviet Union collapses with our current population and political system is only useful if you are comparing two Godless societies that use abortion as birth control.
Their empire was diverse but the individual populations were fairly similar and they were all “relatively” well educated and had jobs right up until collapse.
Our polulation was Mal educated. Even conservative families were mostly sent to public schools or schools that taught the same vile curriculum. His best point was “Would you really hire them”. Polite speak for “You gotta be sh–ten me”.
Right now this is a cover for a Pogram on anything or one smacking of conservatism. Being forced out of our livelyhoods is no different than Holodomor where they were forced off their land. They will use these blue cities they now hold captive as safe base camps to venture out and attack us until we are out of food and ammo and energy. The fact that they will be sacraficed as well either during or after doesn’t occur to them because of their Mal education.
That isn’t all that is taking place with this endless series of crisis du jour but it’s the most immediately pressing to us.
Fleabaggs from a phone.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 9:53 am

What are they going to eat?

An army, it has been said, marches on its belly.

Last check cities produce nothing to eat, only hunger.

To defeat hundreds of millions living on tens of billions of acres is going to require a lot more than inchoate rage.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 11:26 am

My last sentence said “This isn’t all that is taking place in this endless crisis du jour”. You both know this is not being driven by a gaggle of -90’s. It’s aparrent you didn’t read what I wrote and just found something to go off on a tangent about. You both also know history and how these things are done.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 12:31 pm

What will the golden horde eat ? Sans militia protection, everything unorganized and isolated farmers produce. See Holomodor. Might makes right.

June 7, 2020 1:05 pm

Exactly. My critics read right over my Holodomor referrence and farmer ignored his very own reply above to do it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 4:10 pm

I didn’t ignore it, I just understand history better than you do, obviously.

Unless you are saying that somehow for a period of 20+ years no one in the Soviet Union ate food.

The single safest place to be during times of crisis is in a rural area where you are able to maintain an agrarian or pastoral lifestyle. The craziest, most psychopathic tyrants in history understood that everyone has to eat. Can they wreck and entire region if they so choose? To a degree, yes but even the Holodomor- left tens of millions of Ukrainian farmers alive in order to produce the sustenance of the Soviet polity.

I’m a smart guy with a deep well of skill sets and it took me ten years to become proficient at sustenance farming, you think it’s a plug and play occupation? They’ll just drop off some hood rats after they kill me and everything will just magically appear for them to harvest?

Knock it off.

You have a lot of great insights, you know quite a bit about what’s going on, but if you really believe that all they have to do is sit back and wait us out, ask yourself why they didn’t do exactly that. In 10 years the last of the Boomers are going to be dead or close to it and the American gun culture and its racist legacy would finally come to an end and deliver their Marxist utopia on a platter. But they aren’t. They want it now. And that lack of discipline is what’s going to make it impossible for them to conquer everyone over an expanse the size of North America who isn’t down with the take a knee crowd.

Damage is coming, the kind that will put an end to the USA and it’s already underway, but it’s far from over and unless you have access to a time machine, there’s just no way to tell what the outcome is going to be.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 4:59 pm

HSF wrote:

“I’m a smart guy with a deep well of skill sets and it took me ten years to become proficient at sustenance farming, you think it’s a plug and play occupation? They’ll just drop off some hood rats after they kill me and everything will just magically appear for them to harvest?”

That’s EXACTLY what they tried in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) after 1979.
Rhodesia was THE breadbasket of sub-Saharan Africa (HUGE amount
of food exports)but after they either killed off or ran off the white farmers,
famine followed.

And that has been that ever since. Would expect the same here.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 5:37 pm

Heritage Americans are approximately 65% of the population. In Rhodesia Whites were never more than 10%.

Apples/Oranges, wouldn’t you say?

ursel doran
ursel doran
June 7, 2020 6:56 pm

Did you see that they have decided that starving is not a good political strategy, and have let the white farmers back onto their farms?
I submit that the destruction of the economy and the currency is an even bigger motivation to snap back to reality there also.
I have a Fifty Trillion Zim dollar note here, and there are lots more on e bay last I looked.
I had a college pal that got a masters degree in agricultural economics, and eventually went to work for USAID, Egypt, and then Tanzania. He established an farm lending bank system modeled after ours, brought in modern machinery, modern farming practices. Thirty years ago??
When he arrived they were having to import 200 tons / year of corn / maize.
After a couple of years he had them Exporting 200 t.p.yr.! After he left they were back importing the 200 tons in two years.
I have pals from South Africa, with family and relatives still there, and with the slaughter of the white farmers sanctioned by the government, future is easily predicted. “They are just taking back the land that was stolen from them”, says the lefty loons here. Look at a Google earth of Capetown. Nice neighborhoods up to the edge of the shanty town fence separating.

The cultural problem here is illustrated in the below photo, of Three guys who made their personal responsibility choices, and the consequences thereto.
Seeing the Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Tom Sowell, and numerous others, careers for their personal choices is just more illustration.
Ben Carson’s single mom could not read or write, in the ghetto on welfare. Required him to read a book a week from the library.

June 8, 2020 12:03 am

South Africa too They be starving now

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 5:36 pm

You make some broad assumptions. Like You understand history better than I do or that I think this is a plug and play drop off from the hood. Or that a cheap insult like Knock it off is an argument. You’re using tactics I would expect from Mygirl, not you. You totally ignore current history and how TPTB have methodically taken over anything they wanted. They don’t give a darn about your hard earned experience in farming. They have a billion browns as farm labor in the wings. They also don’t care and are most likely planning on destroying crops and the useless eaters they use to remove us. We are all expendable to them. The reference to Holodomor was used as a description of the kind of horrors ahead and you knew that.
You can have the last word because I’m not going to take on all your brain dead groupies here. I’m trying to warn anyone who might listen that we are in for horrors way beyond what your alleged knowledge of history allows you to see. They sprayed Appalachia with Paraquat to take out independant pot growers. To think you won’t be eventually hit is folly.
We methodically destroyed all the farmland in Nam that would not bend the knee. then firebombed their huts and forced them into confinement areas in abject poverty. It will happen here. Maybe not this month but by this time next year.
This is a war against humanity, not just Americans.

June 7, 2020 6:12 pm

Oh Flea, you just fucked up big time here. Bringing me into your spat with HSF was a pathetic attempt at deflection. Because HSF doesn’t agree with you he’s suddenly using ‘tactics’ against you? Because I don’t agree with you and call you out I’m also using ‘tactics’ against you?

Doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong but claiming rebuttal as some form of ‘tactics’ used against you is really weak. There’s this thing called discourse and it happens between two people, and, because I argue against what you say doesn’t mean I’m wrong or vice versa and if you think I’m using ‘tactics’ against you when I disagree with you, well, all I can say is , that’s really sad.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 6:15 pm

Chill bro, we’re playing on the same team.

I am not a doomer, it’s not in my nature.

Things happen because the conditions are right for them to occur. If you think that every last non communist will be wiped out in North America, then what are you waiting for? Get busy. I find that scenario to be completely implausible not because I doubt their intention, but because no such thing has ever occurred in the last 10,000 years. Societies fail and disappear, humans persevere. Since all humans require sustenance, the total elimination of all those who produce it seems equally unlikely. I wasn’t speaking to my own prospects, only to those of a remnant. What size that will be remains to be seen, no?
comment image

You didn’t methodically destroy enough.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 10:22 pm

Start thinking along the lines that something else has domain over the earth.d

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
June 8, 2020 7:42 am


Not sure who you are responding to, but from my way of thinking, until people realize ‘the prince of the power of the air’ is the one ruling over and directing the course of events, they will be forever marred in the endless discussions of secular restoration.

I could only give you one up vote…

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——==== the hidden faith of our founding fathers

June 7, 2020 6:42 pm

Right on fleabags!
The commies apparently think they have the upper hand and enough of a following for victory now. The elite won’t mind a big population reduction at all, they’ll likely trim their own down if they win.

June 7, 2020 6:44 pm
ursel doran
ursel doran
  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 7:49 pm

Looks like the outcome has arrived in a few places Sir HSF. Real bullets from stupids.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 8:25 pm

Your replacement will be hispanic.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 7, 2020 1:38 pm

I’d shoot my cows and chickens, plow my fields, cut down my orchards, burn my supplies etc before I let “protesters” or Yankee soldiers like Sherman’s take them.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  rhs jr
June 7, 2020 2:06 pm

Yep. That about covers it.

“I left it as I found it.”

  Articles of Confederation
June 7, 2020 6:17 pm

..said Ellis Wyatt.

  Articles of Confederation
June 8, 2020 12:12 am

I have decided i will leave it as i found it. Everything everywhere when the time comes. When like minded people like the ones here get pissed enough shit happens in epic fashion. However they are now into the narrative of forced compliance of you lose everything. Job career assets. Your silence is violence with all your privilege. Remember. Until we all has lost everything none here will do a damned thing….

June 7, 2020 10:03 am

I have always been interested in sustainability, the whole concept of what would be considered sustainable. It always comes down to materials and the labor required gathering the materials and then producing what is needed.
Cities and their populations can not be sustainable. The BS of urban farms, vertical growing on buildings, all that is nonsense. Any factories have to have the materials needed to produce whatever, say toilet paper, from outside. Takes a lot of water to make toilet paper by the way. And then some idiot will be in charge of production, somebody completely unprepared in anyway of actually producing anything.
Cities will not be safe bases, they will have to be supplied from outside. They will be the slave camps, prisons for labor.

June 7, 2020 3:53 pm

They will be prisons after the useless eaters and useful idiots have done their dirty work. I’ve said often here that they won’t find out they were being used until they become expendable.

June 8, 2020 12:14 am

We are entering the atlas shrugged faze. Idiots in charge

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 7, 2020 10:35 am

As a farmer-rancher, I don’t think hoards of jungle bunnies will make more “progress” once they reach our open (killing) fields; instead of stealing our food, they will become an abundant buffet for buzzards, dogs, etc.

  rhs jr
June 7, 2020 12:34 pm

Unless you have perimeter of chain guns set up with claymores , you will be overrun. Even the mightiest fortresses fall under siege. The fight will need to be taken to the instigators. Defense is a poor long term survival strategy.

June 7, 2020 1:07 pm

Exactly. Waiting for them to show up, hoping they will go to the neighbors farm is not a plan. The best way our of an ambush is to attack it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 3:43 pm

You ever been in combat? Defense offers a 2:1 tactical advantage over an attacking force. Much higher if you command the terrain and your opponent is not familiar with the environment. Not that anyone wants to be in that position, but your zombie horde scenario is a bit far-fetched when we’re not talking about trained infantry but rather a mob.

I suppose we’ll find out if someone doesn’t put an end to this soon. The message from government has been a very clear you’re on your own.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 4:25 pm

I’ve been in combat and charging the ambush is the way out. Your self reliant, I’ll lay waste to the angry mob is way more far fetched. You have said yourself repeatedly here that this is being driven from without and is directed against us. How long can you hold out with a handfull of friends with dubious combat experience. This is not the Grenada campaign and it has only just begun. This is not military combat on a front or defensive position. This is a deliberate campaign of genocide against anything smacking of conservatism and the government will assist in our removal. That should be obvious by now.
The bunker mentality only works defensively when you have a path in the rear to recieve support, and you just said we are on our own. It also means surrendering all the realestate and resources in between bunkers. Have you ever been withing 100 yards of napalm? Do you think “They” won’t use it. How do you plan to grow anything when your fields have been sprayed with chemicals. As for the 2 to 1 ratio. They already have it and they are not all an untrained mob.
We could still win a temporary halt to this steady onslaught with organization and good tactics.
Now I’m all ears. What organization? What tactics? We refuse to discuss any of either.
How many of you bunker Rambos have been surrounded for weeks with no chance to get more that a nap now and then while you dream of food. How long can you listen to your kids asking when this will be over.
A link copied from Ordo. “To americans who are on their knees”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 5:33 pm


I can’t see that far into the future and I don’t plan on living a defeatist life or turning my family into refugees. And right now I don’t see any kind of organization of anyone at any level- protesters, police or military. It all looks like a giant clusterfuck from my perspective. Maybe their super sophisticated at putting on a front and this is all a big head fake before they come for my radishes, who knows?

If it happens I won’t be asleep at the wheel. That’s the best I can do.

The Global Elite
The Global Elite
  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 6:54 pm

It’s very unlikely that we will be napalming New Hampshire.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 6:55 pm

Defense offers a 2:1 tactical advantage over an attacking force.

That depends on how ruthless the foe is.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 7:07 pm

Carl von Clausewitz, Theory of the Combat.

He was probably generalizing too.

I see what I did there.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 7:08 pm

In the islands in WW2 my uncle was a Marine machine gunner (Browning 1919). He was in an overwatch position. Down below were six Marines with M1 Carbines and piles of loaded mags. The Japs launched a Banzai charge. He watched from above while the six beat back the attack. They all survived and killed 200.
A modern day Boer Commando of a dozen or two dozen farmers on their own terrain would be formidable. Strategic use of farm chemicals would be a force multiplier. Imagine a couple hundred nimrods marching across a field and blowing an Anhydrous tank aimed their direction. Napalm might seem merciful in comparison.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 7:44 pm

Anon was I . First off farmers are not warriors ( i.e. killers ) and a study commissioned by top brass after WWII concluded that on 3 in 10 men in combat fired their weapons even when their lives were in danger. Again, farmers are not warriors and very small ratio of soldiers are either.

No, I have never been in combat unless you count brutal street fighting, of which I have an above average amount of experience. Regardless, my lack of combat experience has nothing to do with my knowledge of military history or human nature. And no, not everyone on the Soviet Union starved to death, but every prole went hungry and all lost their farms to the collective and those who resisted died. And, not at the hands of professional soldiers either, but thugs turned revolutionaries . Most came from the prisons. Freed by Bolsheviks to do their dirty work.

Also, we’re not talking a 2:1 tactical advantage either . We’re talking the farm family overran by the same people burning retail establishments now. They could care less for their next meal. They’ll burn it all down and worry about food, clothes and shelter later. These people, like the Bolsheviks are not long term preference thinkers. They break it now with only vague notions of what to do later for food , shelter and trade. The live in the moment. Nothign else matters.

That said, history is replete with well entrenched and fortified defensive positions being overran and defenders slaughtered, 2:1 ratio be damned. Pick one.

Right now , tens of thousands of leftards are turning out for a show of strength in all major shitties. Everyone of these is a potential soldier. They don’t need to be professional. They just need be armed and motivated to destroy and kill, which apparently many already are. Are rural farmers with miles between families and no structural organization to speak of ready for these savages? No and hell no.

I’m am not arguing that the farming community is defenseless, merely unprepared, just like farmers during the Bolshevik revolution and the farmers never again got a chance to counter attack . It was over almost as soon as it began . The damage was done and permanent. And, the Soviet Union was 2.25 times bigger than the USA with a huge majority farmers, so America’s size has nothing to do with it. Modern technology turns miles into minutes. If rural Americans don’t survive the first strike, there won’t be chance for another. Once you’re cut off from resupply, the jig is pretty much up.

If you take a gander at the Agenda 21 map, and yes it is still relevant, the plan has always been to move entire populations out of the rural areas and into the cities. I believe that the farms will be turned into collectives and workers bused out to the fields to work and then bused back into the shitties , or live in barracks during the growing seasons. Either way, the plan is to empty the “wildlands” as the bureaucrat fags like to call them and I think this will happen or be attempted by 2030. But like Mike Tyson say’s, everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face. Now is the time . Tribe up or die. The Chinese curse is upon US.

comment image

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 8:00 pm

Well then I guess it’s farewell.


  hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 8:24 pm

I never said surrender.

June 7, 2020 9:15 pm

I never said surrender either. In fact, I said we could put it off a few decades but we refuse to try and plan anything.

June 7, 2020 9:12 pm

I could never articulate that much that well. Thanks.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
June 8, 2020 7:20 am


The more I read your comments/links, the more I recognize you’ve got the right glasses on….”here’s one that can see”

This ‘movement’ is the culmination of years of planning and organization. I’ve posted dozens of links with rarely and ensuing discussion. The secular unfolding is but a fraction, IMHO. Obama’s Organizing for Action, and his Foundation, have admitted out right their intentions, for any with ears to hear.

But the story goes far deeper. I realize that lightening strikes on the monument occur a couple dozen times a year, and I recognize the fact these authors are selling books, but take a few minutes and read this article. Included is the letter sent to Trump asking for an investigation into Obama using the US gov. to unseat the conservative Benedict, and install the Jesuit Bergoglio

Has Antichrist’s Father Spoken? Lightning Strike Energizes Washington Obelisk For Prophetic Task

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<——======

The 'creds' this guy has is the accurate prediction of a pope to resign. I was following him as the prediction unfolded…but I part ways with him as he supports the position that 'Trump is trying to do everything he can'….

June 8, 2020 12:15 am

They laugh at “campers” in xbox. Aggressor always wins

  rhs jr
June 7, 2020 3:37 pm

Blacks especially are scared of getting off a paved road or running path.
Briars will work as well a bunch chain guns.
You people greatly overestimate these people’s abilities.
Don’t be so full of fear.

June 7, 2020 4:30 pm

You think they won’t get over that fear soon when they realize they have the goverments full blessings and assistance. I’m not the least bit fearful. It’s over for me before long. I am trying to alert others to the danger and the danger of doing nothing.

June 7, 2020 6:07 pm

I realize from your writings a bit of your history and health at the moment. I hope you have made it safely on the trip you spoke of a few days ago. Along your way did you notice any disruptions, you are out West I believe. The Navaho and Hopi Nations on the war path? Of just about anybody would think they would be.

The riots are in Democrat cities, a bunch of roused up worthless individuals mostly black but with some stupid whites that want to feel relevant. Sure you remember the idiots that wanted to go down to Cuba in the sixties and help out with the sugar cane harvest. Wonder how that worked out? Anyway these whites are just about the same, but have NEVER done a days work most likely in their lives. Don’t care how worked up they get, all it is going to take is the day they load up in some trucks to go out into the country to do their thing, and the drivers are shot with a scoped rifle from the woodline, the trucks burned, and they have to walk back to whatever city they came out.

June 7, 2020 8:07 pm

You act as if the ferals won’t be armed and trained as well. I’ve got news for you , they are well armed and will be even better after a few more cities and police and national guard armories are looted . Here’s an example. One LA hood rat, armed with a handgun shot 5 of LA highly trained finest, in one gun battle or the ex-marine gangbanger who shot 7 cops with an AR using infantry shoot an move tactics. You really are naive. smh.

June 7, 2020 6:49 pm

Never underestimate the enemy.

June 7, 2020 7:47 pm

People who live in the hood and gang bang for a living are terrified of rural America ? You can’t really be that naive and ignorant.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon DezNat Infiltrator
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon DezNat Infiltrator
June 7, 2020 10:37 am

The Saker should stick to weapons analysis. His attempts to become a political analyst always fall short.

Now apply statement this to 99% of the financial pundits, sportsball writers, script readers, talking heads, and comedians who have sharply veered into political analysis. It’s painful reading their drivel and listening to their verbal vomit.

A prime example, the Askenazi shame of New Hampshire;

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 7, 2020 12:04 pm

Funny, as I was reading this comment I was thinking it’s spot on and got to the bottom, found out it was Flea. No surprise there. We agree on way more than we disagree on. As to Farmers question below, I said the same thing on another thread and was told by someone, I forget who, that the food trucks would be guarded. More than just ammo has been stockpiled by what was supposed to be various .gov agencies. However, an interesting tidbit came to my attention recently.

Back during the Obama administration, those agencies that were supposedly stockpiling ammo, such as the IRS, USDA, and others are claiming they never ordered and/or never received the supposed tons of ammo that as was claimed. We have no way of knowing whether this is true. But suppose it is but it went somewhere else? The Federal government books are dark and no one is allowed to audit them because “National Security”. That’s not me saying that, it’s Catherine Austin Fitz.

Really Graceful put out a 10 minute video yesterday with some very good analysis, as usual. In it at the 1:50 mark she has a clip of Obama doing a virtual town hall where he says that he is “pleased that young people have been activated and mobilized”. Interesting words he used, aren’t they?

While the mobs may not have an agenda or a plan to implement one, the people behind them do and it includes genocide. Starting with whites, then blacks. Or it could be the reverse. It doesn’t matter. The mobs are being used and they don’t even know it. I think Obama knows this and he doesn’t give two shits for the low class blacks that are rioting. Obama is a Soros tool. Soros is a tool, as well. He just doesn’t know it yet.

Back to the food issue. While Farmer can be self sufficient as long as he is left alone and the weather cooperates, most rural people are not. They get their food from the same grocery stores the city people do. Few rural people are as self sufficient as Farmer.

I gotta go, for now. I have had a really busy weekend and it is not over yet. And I have a husband in a bad mood because the mower broke down. Large mowers are rather expensive.

Here is the Really Graceful vid if anyone is interested.

  Mary Christine
June 7, 2020 1:13 pm

Thanks Mary.
To quote Crazy Uncle Frankie “YOUR NEXT WHITEY”

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
June 7, 2020 9:36 am

Like all “crises” in America we will end up losing more of our freedoms

  B.S. in V.C.
June 7, 2020 6:53 pm

This current ‘crisis’ is a culmination of many things, the most important aspect being that people have been incarcerated in their own homes for several months, told to hide and worry about catching a disease. They weren’t allowed outside except to go to Walmart(no virus there?) so when the opportunity to get out and smash stuff presented itself, they took full advantage. The leftists always have a cupboard full of ‘taking advantage of opportunity’ on hand, it’s what they live for, no crisis goes to waste, ever.
The Media is the mouthpiece for the leftists, it’s the propaganda arm. Note how they pushed the ‘break quarantine, kill granny meme’ until the riots started, then, all of a sudden it was ‘virus, what virus?’ They are currently back to their tried and true ‘everbody a racist and whitey must grovel’ narrative and that is what they now push 24/7.

Whatever happens is Trump’s fault, always. That right there is a clue as to what all is going on, it’s an election year, the Deep State is pushing to regain power and using whatever tools are at their disposal. In flyover country, away from the cities things are pretty near normal. Little burg down the road from me had some BLM protesters, six white girls waving placards, seeking attention and looking kinda pathetic. Rest of the folk are going on with their business, paying attention but not getting too wound up….you don’t want to wind up these folk BTW…..

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
June 7, 2020 8:02 pm

I agree, I live in fly over country. I’ve got two teenage boys I’ve let them know these leftist Hate them for being white, the only reason they have to hate us is because we are white Christian males, we are the enemy. Somehow we are the ones they consider racist

  B.S. in V.C.
June 7, 2020 10:59 pm

Every race riot is the same, first comes the killing or beating of the black victim, (always a black victim) then lots of shouting and marching and slogans bandied about and then come the burnings and looting. Look at Ferguson for some recent happenings regarding rioting in the internet age. The LA, Detroit, Watts, Rodney King etc. riots were the same except pre-internet so the information was limited to what the teevee was showing. When MLK was assassinated rioting broke out in 125 cities. These current riots are larger and greater in geography and numbers primarily because so many people were locked down for so long and they needed/need to vent.

As to the progression and the rationale behind the riots? It’s ALWAYS the same. Negroes claiming they’re being attacked due to race and poverty. Strangely enough, not once do they ever look at their lifestyle choices, choices where gangbangers and criminals are exalted and most others are living on the dole while hating on whitey and blaming him/her for bad life choices.

The professional race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson grab their megaphones and whine and exhort white people for their racist ways and demanding money, lots and lots of money to make things better and atone for slavery and oppression.

Those squawking today about racism conveniently ignore the black man who was elected President for eight years, while also ignoring all the blacks in politics and positions of power at the state and local level. They complain about white privilege while conveniently ignoring the affirmative action hires and the elevation of blacks over whites with jobs, education, welfare and any other place where there is competition for a position of some kind.

The black folk have got it figured out and they use the racism schtick to browbeat honkies for more money, more welfare, more power and prestige. Sadly, there are ignorant white people who buy into the schtick, these are the knotheads busily kneeling and kowtowing to their black masters, thinking their self-abasement will be enough. The fact of the matter is that it is NEVER enough, the black folk who push the racist agenda will always do so regardless of how much largesse is given to them because the race card is like a slot machine that ALWAYS pays out, every time. Why quit when you have a winning
hand? The leftists are very adept at using the black community to further their ends so they go along with and promote the racist meme, everything and everyone who goes against the leftist goals is labeled a racist and trashed unmercifully.

June 7, 2020 9:57 am

The black and white cultures have diverged to a point that is irreparable. They were making progress until the 60s when they either reached their inherent developmental zenith and/or they became pawns of the democratic party. While the blacks are supported by (((them))) and encouraged to be violent, they still must have an inner hatred of being black itself at the core. Blacks who have made $ millions in this country, that in no way could have done it in another country still hate America. This shows something deeper going on. Even the truly worthless among them are given economic support for life by whites that they should be grateful for but instead despise us for it. They are so far behind in developing stable communities and relationships it must demand an external reason in their minds. The easy and obvious reason is white racism. Black culture can’t and never will form stable communities with upward mobility as seen with every other immigrant group that comes to this country. I’m convinced it’s genetic, an inherent social pathology exists. After all they have had 400 years to get it together with overt support by whites for the past 60 years. They are stuck in a quagmire of their own making (supported by (((them))) that use them for political fodder) and this must frustrate them to no end. Again, they assume some external reason has to be the cause. We know and we know they know the deficiency lays with themselves thus, the self hatred.
This low-moderate level war between blacks and whites will be without end sadly, to the detriment of both. Look at the economic cost so far. $20 trillion dollars has been given to them by whites and in return they still provide nothing but a gross economic drain to the nation in outright financial transfers and other enormous costs via courts, penal systems, medical costs, education, social services…. the list is endless. As white population numbers decrease and blacks increase in number it will get worse. Look to S. Africa for our long term future.
Placate them and distance yourself from them will be the best we can do given the politics of race in America. How horribly sad.

June 7, 2020 1:18 pm

I’m not sure My neighbor in Sag was the late Earl Graves who passed away recently He was a very wealthy , influential black man and a great neighbor who I liked a lot more than most He certainly did NOT hate America

June 7, 2020 8:08 pm

Not all orcs are like that.

June 7, 2020 8:31 pm

There is a talented 10- 20% of blacks who I very much admire. Great people and great Americans.
Pareto’s principle applies.

June 8, 2020 9:31 am

But you can bet your ass that he identified as black and if push came to shove he’d be among his kind.
Not that that is bad. Just don’t expect guys like him to be in your camp in a SHTF scenario.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 7, 2020 9:57 am

Some factors not discussed: Most Blacks have low IQs; high birth rates, esp bastards; and prefer a degenerate unprofitable life style (Black Culture). That is why they end up with hind tit in spite of Affirmative Discrimination, massive Welfare Programs, and gerrymandered political power greater than their proportion of the population. Blacks are the most racist humans and cause White Flight. Society does not need more Censorship of Conservatives or to concede more to Blacks and liberals. All Citizens need to be held to the the higher standards required of the 21st Century Society or the next Census will require a huge drop in their proportionate representation in the US House of Representatives.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
  rhs jr
June 7, 2020 10:40 am

If I had a dime for every Asian who freely admitted to me that Asians are the most racists folks going, I’d be drowning in dimes.

rhs jr
rhs jr

Would you rather live in China Town or Nigger Town?

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
June 7, 2020 10:05 am

The collapse was put in place 55 years ago by the Demon Lyndon Johnson with his five point program:

– Great Society
– Voting Rights Act
– Immigration Reform Act
– Removal of specie from coinage
– Vietnam War

The final act in the collapse of the U.S. Empire (exterior) is the end of the Petrodollar arrangement. Once it implodes then the worldwide Depression begins in earnest and all the overseas installations will be shuttered and the war machine brought home.

Collapse of the U.S. as a nation-state is less certain due to the historic isolation of the former republic on the land mass. A high-tech totalitarian state could be resilient and robust enough to maintain the structural integrity irrespective of the social fallout from the dissolution of the social contract which is happening live right now.

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
  Auntie Kriest
June 7, 2020 11:25 am

LBJ’s Great society programs turned the black person into the perpetual victim.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 7, 2020 10:14 am

America has been called the Great Melting Pot, where everyone had the American dream and worked to achieve it.

We have become a mixed salad where each different group has its own goals and if they cannot succeed, they demand to be given their dreams.

Ain’t diversity great.

June 7, 2020 10:15 am

Now that the BLM has moved to Defund the Police we have a chance to bury them once and for all. We merely, have to march with them in that cause. Make them feel empowered.

Then again, those stupid people who didn’t register Democrat to vote for Sanders early on, instead went and wasted a vote on Trump in the primary.

June 7, 2020 10:15 am

56% of murders and violent crime are perpetrated by black males between the ages of 15 to 35 ! Fact FBI crime figures !
This means that 3% of America’s population are responsible for 56% of murders and violent crime !
So black man if you do not want people to look at you with suspicion stop the excuse making and start busting some heads in your own back yard ! You know who they are !
Trillions of dollars have been pissed away in education , job training , housing and other welfare hand outs and still only about 20% of blacks succeed the other 80% just can’t make it regardless of how much opportunity you shove up their collective asses while depriving someone who would benefit from the help .
The saying BLACK LIVES MATTER ! Bull Shit ! You want your life to matter ? That’s up to you Black Person !
Trust in this , Looting and rioting only enforced racist stereotypes of animals on the loose !
So disturbed over George Floyd’s death you looted Target , Nike , Liquor Store , Cheesecake Factory a car dealership and over ran and burned a police station and burned police cars !
Message Sent , Message Received !
Response: In times of civil unrest and rioting LOOTERS ARE TO BE SHOT ON SIGHT !
Law enforcement and national guard are assured blanket immunity !
That would remove a few black and white warts of the ass of American Society !

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
June 7, 2020 10:20 am

But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993)

Never go Full Saker.

Anyone who mentions the “collapse” of the SU, even in jest, is trying to bullshit you.

Since when is trimming the fat, retooling, and modernizing defined as a collapse?

Photographic Proof the USSR Still Exists

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June 7, 2020 10:35 am

I generally am no great fan of Saker. But in this case, though he uses different words than I do, I find he is accurate in his assessment.

The current mobs have no agenda, no policy – I have no idea what they want, and to be sure, if they are not careful, they just might get it,

And I am entirely incredulous that not a single politician is pointing out just how violent blacks are as a demographic, and that there is not a single shred of evidence that the murder they are protesting was actually racially motivated, especially given three of the four were minorities.

Freedom of speech is no longer tolerated. This will end badly, and it has just started.

June 7, 2020 12:06 pm

That’s right, Llpoh, if those pictures of the of the three officers standing by are true.

June 7, 2020 10:39 am

I think this hits the nail on the head. I also think that people like the author having grown up outside the United States see the problems of our country better than most Americans, TPB followers excluded.
I was reflecting on a facebook post on my wife’s page yesterday which has postings by lots our former high school friends. A white high school friend posted the conservative twins “Black Lives Matter Is A Leftist Lie”

and Candice Owens’ posting of why she doesn’t support George Floyd. The black former (going on 45 years) high school friends totally supported the leftist side. I was aghast that they all embraced the BLM and protests. I asked my wife that surely the black man that was voted “Mr. (High School name)” that married the white cheerleader saw other than the black view? She said no that he and the others said that blacks that support conservatives are just in it for the money and one should bear that in mind when viewing them. As this post does:

Not one of them refuted the points Candice or the Hodge twins made. These black friends didn’t come from extreme poverty or the hood. They were air force brats and had a middle class lifestyle provided by their senior NCO and senior commissioned officer fathers.

22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
22winmag - TBP's Yankee Mormon M110A2 Gunner
June 7, 2020 10:46 am

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Given you are the biggest douchebag on the site, you should not be casting stones. Give the shit a fucking rest.


Hoodrats make the best Republicans.

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June 7, 2020 8:10 pm

Can you virtue signal nay louder?

June 7, 2020 10:59 am

The thing you do have control over is your own life. Work on becoming debt-free as quickly as possible (See Dave Ramsey’s plan) . Move to an area that already has a lifestyle as close to yours as possible. By doing this we can create the reality we want while becoming financially as free as possible.
Yes, you will have some pain as you change your outlook on life’s priorities; pain is an integral part of growth.
Living a non-materialistic life where you create something of value is the best lesson you can give your children.

June 7, 2020 11:58 am


rhs jr
rhs jr
June 7, 2020 2:19 pm

Why won’t it let me add a up vote?

June 8, 2020 9:45 am

That is a good summation of the matter.

Gen X Nomad
Gen X Nomad
June 7, 2020 1:14 pm

Everything is proceeding according to plan. Here’s Yuri Bezmenov discussing ideological subversion of a nation. If you read the BLM and Antifa public statements, it’s not a secret that they are now openly calling for a Marxist re-ordering of society. That is historically accomplished by purging the non-believers in their Leviathan god against a wall with a bullet to the head. This is serious shit we’re facing.

So far no one has really lit the fuse by either false-flag or actual commission of a mass-casualty event in support of their forthcoming revolution. Where the Saker is wrong is by failing to attribute any of recent events to a coordinated operational plan to destabilize and ultimately collapse the American Republic in its present form.


  Gen X Nomad
June 7, 2020 1:42 pm

Gen X.
Saker is intellectually dishonest while claiming alt-media status. The Besmenov video is a classic.

June 7, 2020 5:13 pm

Found this quite interesting.
The orange thing.
2 black gangbangers shoot a black girl in the back and kill her.
Her friends wear orange in her honor.
Now the wear orange movement is about the devastating toll gun violence takes on communities, and the myriad ways that racism and white supremacy put black people and people of color at an increased risk of gun violence, including police violence?

Wear Orange

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 7, 2020 5:23 pm

It’s certainly a color they’re familiar with wearing.

ursel doran
ursel doran
June 7, 2020 7:46 pm

Looks like the peaceful part is over. Real Bullets now out.