Riots, Misplaced Virtue, And The Parasite Class

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“Don’t worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes, arrange playdates with other parasites.” – House


But my parasite kept looking over its shoulder.  I guess it was a nervous tick.

I recall seeing a story about twenty years ago about a Native American tribe, the Pima.  This particular tribe had gone through periodic famines over the course of their existence since they lived in a desert with little water and no Kwik-E Marts®.  They had, through surviving those continual famines, developed a resistance to dying when there was no food for an extended period of time.  This makes sense – those who were susceptible to starvation starved; those who were thriftier with their metabolism lived.

Nowadays, the Pima have the distinction of suffering from one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world.  Those biological traits slowed their metabolism enough to save them from starving in a famine.  Those same traits, in a food-rich world, are now killing them.

That’s one description of a trait that while good in an environment of scarcity isn’t so good in an environment filled with Twinkies™, Ruffles™, and two-liter Coke™ bottles.

What got me thinking about all this?


What do you call it when a diabetic won’t follow directions?  Insulince.

Eaton Rapids Joe shared several thoughts with me a few weeks back in an email exchange.  I’m certain I’m not taking this in the direction that he had originally intended, so don’t blame him for this piece.  For me to write about a topic, it has to come together in my mind.  One of the ideas he shared sparked my imagination.  Here it is, in Joe’s words:  “Biologists make the case that periods of easy living followed by harsh purges accelerate evolution.  Their reasoning is thus: many features in isolation are bad for survival. But if several features are combined with other features that in isolation are counter-survival, sometimes that package is awesome.”

If you’re not reading Joe’s stuff, you really should be (LINK).  He’s thoughtful, intelligent, interesting, and funny.  His comment resulted in me thinking, and although I wandered pretty far off of his original point, I wanted to give credit to him for the inspiration.


Is evolution overkill?  Did it defeet the porpoise?

As I started thinking not about biology, but about society, and the traits that either make society work, or destroy it – rather than organisms, I wanted to think about group survival strategies.

Society is made up of individuals, so I thought I’d look at the individual traits that lead to a successful societal strategy.  When I looked at positive human traits, two immediately come to mind:

  • Altruism
  • Empathy

These have been common throughout most of the history of the United States.  They’ve been common in other places, too, but I’m going to focus on America.  These traits were the basis for and result of a “high-trust” society.  A high-trust society is one where most interactions aren’t governed by regulations, or kin groups, or hierarchy, or law.  Where I live, there’s no law that says you have to stop and help someone whose car broke down.  It’s just something we do.


I heard that Shetland ponies are the least trusted horse, at least according to the Gallop poll.

Likewise, for most of the history of the United States, welfare wasn’t a government program – people were helped because groups of ordinary citizens donated their time and effort to help them.  This had a benefit – it was a healthy outlet for the altruism, and empathy that most people felt.  It was virtuous for the person helping, and the person being helped.

Government started to take over the role of private charity in the 1930s, and completed the job in the 1960s.  The insidious part of government-based charity is that it does two things:

It turns the act of charity into taxation.  Charity moves from being a voluntary program into a mandatory feature supported by taxes.  Last time I checked, if I decided I didn’t want to support ‘charity’ by paying taxes, men with guns and bad attitudes would take my money and then give me free room and board at a Federal Camp for Wayward Wilders for five to ten years.  This removes all virtue for taking part in charity.  Forced charity isn’t charity, it’s extortion.

That’s bad enough.

But it gets worse.


Crabs don’t donate to charity.  They’re shellfish.

The second thing that forced charity does?  When a person gives another person help, they’re often grateful – it’s human working with human.  When a government agency gives that same person help, they’re resentful.  Why?  There is no end to the needs an individual has – and when government doesn’t give them as much as they think they deserve they feel resentment.  Let’s face it – nearly every government welfare program sucks – it’s just enough to get by in ratty conditions.  Not only that, these same programs are designed to create an angry perpetual victim class by being easy to stay on and difficult to escape.

Add in the impersonality of the cities.  Mix with a globalized economy and a country that has let in enough foreign competition to depress the wages in jobs ranging from manual labor to software programmers.  Dollop in a bit a host of useless yet expensive college degrees.  Toss in a diversity of cultures and religions not seen since the late Roman Empire while vilifying the common culture of the last 250 years through the government education system.


The result is chaos.  The altruism and empathy which worked so well in that high trust society of the past now work against society.  Add in that the problems are actually in the process of being solved:  as an example, the black poverty rate has dropped over 30% between 1988 and 2018.

What to do with all of that altruistic, cooperative, and empathetic energy?

Whoever had “go crazy in an orgy of destruction and violence” fueled by misdirected virtue is the winner.


Is it riot season or COVID season?  I want to make sure I have the right decorations up.

I thought a bit about how Antifa® and the Marxist portion of Black Lives Matter™ grew.  The traits of altruism and empathy, generally good, have allowed them to grow.  Heck, even more than allowing them to grow, they’ve increased the growth rate.  In any sane society, neither of these groups would be tolerated.


Though born of misdirected virtue, Antifa© and BLM® have their own traits.  They contribute nothing to society.  They’re destructive, and feed off of the energy and resources provided to them by productive people.  In the long run, they may even kill off the productive society that created them.

There’s a word for an organism living in this niche.  The name for that organism is parasite.

It becomes increasingly likely that Antifa™ and BLM® will leave city after city economically destroyed.  Who would want to move to Minneapolis right now?  Portland?  Seattle?  The governments of those forever Democrat-controlled cities has been tailor-made for incubating the parasite class.


Well, now that Antifa® has been named a terrorist organization, when will the Democrats start funding it? 

The District Attorneys in those Leftist cities are crucial to this incubation – criminals aren’t charged with felonies, but are let off with the lightest of charges.  Unless, of course, they are people defending themselves from the parasite class.  If that happens, the greatest possible charges will be conjured up, and damn the circumstances.  Defending yourself from a parasitic criminal mob on your own private property is something that simply can’t be allowed.

Parasites generally are quite healthy as long as they don’t kill the host.  The mosquitoes I fed tonight didn’t kill me – just left me with a few bumps that will itch for a day or so.  But it looks like the traits of altruism and empathy may have done more damage than the famine resistance of the Pima.


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July 29, 2020 10:36 am

perhaps this explains the explosion of pathological altruism. when voluntary charitability is displaced, what remains becomes self loathing and guilt

July 29, 2020 10:43 am

Speaking of BLM and even Antifa for that matter have received $ Billions in donations/support and as we learned yesterday BLM hasn’t actually helped even one oh so very important black kid with a scholarship, helped a struggling black woman feed her kids, done a neighborhood clean-up, etc. Nope, nada, zilch.
As to be expected and supported by this article, the more that is given the less it is appreciated by those receiving it.
So, tax donkeys get back to work. The govt demands more from you so it can wield more power and give to those that hate you.
Maybe you white racist pieces of shite should put in a little more overtime to to assuage your privilege.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 29, 2020 11:03 am

We go to work and pay taxes so others don’t have to.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
July 29, 2020 11:00 am

And imagine just how much fun it’s going to be when the next democratic regime gets into power and opens the floodgates to 100,000,000+ more wetbacks in the United States … 

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Anthony Aaron
July 29, 2020 4:55 pm

Again why voting for Trump is pointless, unless his constituency can argue with a straight face that, miracle of miracles, he is able to reverse demographic and socioeconomic trends overnight. Yet he can’t keep two cameras and two guards on Epstein hall monitor duty. Right.

  Articles of Confederation
July 29, 2020 5:24 pm

Your on your own. I like it that way. The Gov. gets in the way. I always laugh when anyone tells me the Gov. can run healthcare well.

July 29, 2020 11:36 am

This is a great article even though it’s riddled with leaps of faith and dubious logic. It was obviously written by a lifelong liberal who has seen the light and is starting to put things in order. We are the world and we are all the same seeps through repeatedly. Mr. Wilder needs to spend more time in the third world. Not a lot of altruism or empathy where people are hungry. But he’s doing good reforming his thought patterns. Question, Mr. Wilder, what do you call Ivanka Trump after 48 hours without a meal? Answer, somebody that’ll blow you for a bologna sandwich. Don’t ever forget that.

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
July 29, 2020 12:13 pm

It should be remembered when welfare was begotten the peoples wanted it. No Pol was going to say no. Not in this country (USA) for sure.

AL Tru
AL Tru
July 29, 2020 12:49 pm

The Chicago Police chief in charge of Crime Networks just committed suicide.
DHS is sending agents to Chicago.
estimated 117K gang members.

at this rate, the October Surprise will be Nuclear

  AL Tru
August 12, 2023 12:11 pm

The Chicago Police chief in charge of Crime Networks just committed suicide.

So what did he say about the Clintons?

Master of the Flying Middle Finger
Master of the Flying Middle Finger
July 29, 2020 1:27 pm

Altruism and empathy is another meme designed to shame and convert normal people into hard-hearted ‘conservatives’. Societies develop and grow because of sharing. The conservative model, called capitalism, is to discourage cooperation and control the source of food or other materials that people need to survive. To these conservatives, sharing is akin to communism, born of a perverse sense of empathy and altruism. Can’t have none of that.

What the author conveniently forgets is that the government operation, like Judas’ scheme, is to dip into the funds collected for the chirren. LBJ admitted the larceny when he joked about the kid praying for a dollar. A passing legislator heard him and handed him fifty cents. The kid then prayed that next time god answered, he wouldn’t send his gift through Washington.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Master of the Flying Middle Finger
July 29, 2020 8:20 pm

Sharing’s got nothing to do with it. Societies develop and grow because INDIVIDUALS, acting through mutual self-interest, complement each other and create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. It’d take too long for me to cobble my own shoes, so I exchange my apples for the shoes. Eventually, these same individuals’ newly formed “society” decide that it’d be even more convenient to exchange something agreed upon as a “middle man”. I don’t need to look for a cobbler that wants my apples. I can give the cobbler something that he trusts will be universally accepted by, say, a tailor to hem his magic underwear.

At some point in said society – in EVERY society – some bunch of assholes come along and figure out that they can shave, clip, whiz, corrupt, or outright fuckstick the previously accepted medium of exchange. 99.9% of the time it’s pricks in the law and finance professions. They do it to skim; to effect a transfer payment so as to forcibly “share” the societal wealth (The Wealth of the Nation); to make themselves feel better. Maybe all of the above, but who really cares why.

Your definition of sharing is my definition of tyranny. I am more than willing to live in a society that encourages everyone to provide themselves with what they need to survive. Want to eat? Grow your own food. Everyone knows I’m all about decentralization of the food supply in order to empower the individual’s lot in life. Strike up a deal like the above. Rely on the charity of honest Christians. I want no control over anyone’s life or property.

No, that’s not the problem. You nailed exactly what the problem is here. You know that there are some of us who do it much better than the majority, and are envious of it. You covet your neighbor’s goods under the guise of sharing. Instead of appreciating what very successful individuals achieve via their self-interest that inherently betters society through innovation, you’d rather enforce who I share it with. In your world, I can only be charitable with who you think I should be charitable with.

No thanks, I opt out. I’ll teach a man to fish. I will be charitable with whom I decide. And I will never again feel guilty about telling a covetous American to bugger off.

Master of the Flying Middle Finger
Master of the Flying Middle Finger
  Articles of Confederation
July 30, 2020 12:06 pm

It’s hard to keep up when the language and attitudes keep shifting under one’s feet. I meant that the good old Christian spirit of sharing and caring is being pushed down as anti-American. At the same time, it has been abused by government expansionists who see a source of profit in charity. The counter-movement wants to eliminate the runaway government spending by shaming people for their natural empathy. This is just a distraction from the real problem.

Here’s my point: any time the government fucks up, they beat the public over the head, telling them it’s their fault. To recall the old cartoon: “They’ll Do It Every Time” – the government spends on their buddies and tells the public that the federal debt belongs to the taxpayers. Now, the fuckers have turned into psychiatrists, telling us that our empathy is a psychological problem. I suppose I am crazy to think there are only two genders.

July 29, 2020 2:42 pm

Charles Murray talks in “Falling Apart” about how liberals love government handouts because there’s no judgment attached. If you’re just a piece of shit, people and local charities who actually get to know you and your situation will very quickly get tired of trying to help you, but the government doesn’t mind at all that you’re just a piece of shit. And one point of clarity, Trump has said (several times) that he would declare Antifa a terrorist organization, but he hasn’t actually DONE it.

Master of the Flying Middle Finger
Master of the Flying Middle Finger
July 29, 2020 6:49 pm

Trumpy is a dyed in the wool politician. At this juncture, he is going overboard to show his support for Hispanics. Must’ve fallen off his horse at Damascus.

July 29, 2020 3:34 pm

Altruism as expressed by people unwilling or unable to “think” about consequences and also unable to let go of their self- image as being “good,” perhaps isn’t altruism at all.

Here is one definition: “the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others.”

The salient word is “unselfish.” But what is it but selfish is the concern for one’s self-image, especially when all about you are facts that if given even the least attention would tell you how devastating your preferred programs are to the receivers of your grand schemes and the society as a whole.

It’s not runaway altruism that dooms us. It is non-thinking “feelers” who believe themselves to be “good” and cannot let go of that image of themselves even in the face of the most devastating facts of their impulse to feed their conception of themselves. These people are alive because of big government. So what is the solution?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
July 29, 2020 5:24 pm

Another bad pun…I guess the Pima didn’t cotton to new thinking.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 29, 2020 5:27 pm

Every living creature has hardwired drives that serve in its survival. They can be thwarted, but they cannot be diminished. A healthy organism fulfills its destiny through the expression of these traits and behaviors to the best possible ends and passes them on to its young while the unfit specimen corrupts these hungers.

August 12, 2023 12:06 pm

I know this much: gooz such as Soros whose real name is Schwartz, fund any group that’s destructive to Christian nations