Here I Come to Save the Day!

The Big Tech CV19 fix is in.   Brick and mortar is dead and gone and replaced with virtual, for your own protection.  And, for your kids (it’s always the kids).   Big Tech has come to save the day!

No disrespect intended to the great Mighty Mouse who fought the bad guys, but what better world could the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, Gates and all the other Big Tech Internet mongering Robber Barons get than what is on the near horizon?  CV-19 tm allows Big Tech to be “Save the Day” heroes by claiming to keep us healthy living in a virtual world.    This will, unfortunately, make all the rest of us poor as dirt by comparison to their wealth which is already insanely and disproportionately high, and grows ever larger with each money printing Fed fiasco.

As of August 12, 2020,  here are the combined stock equity value totals of just the top 5 of the S&P 500  (in descending order of insanity).

Apple.  $1.93 Trillion

Amazon.  $1.58 Trillion

Microsoft. $1.59 Trillion

Google. $1.02 Trillion

Facebook.  $.740 Trillion (what a slacker)

Big Tech Top 5 Combined Equity:  $6.86 Trillion*

*Japan Nominal GDP: $5.15 Trillion

The S&P 500 is 80% of the entire market value of all of the companies in America.  The top 5 Tech companies represent 1% of the top 500 companies in America and have 25% of the stock equity.   If that doesn’t mean that Big Tech rules I don’t know what does.

How did the people running these companies get so amazingly wealthy and powerful?  Well, it’s not the stock loving Federal Reserve.   Look in the mirror.  We the people did it.   We did it with our animal-like desire for immediate gratification over self-respect and privacy, love of technology regardless of human impacts and for just saving a few bucks so we can make it in the fake no inflation world.  We buy from Amazon with no thought for that friendly business owner we used to buy from who now hangs by a financial thread.   I am not talking about Wal-Mart, which is doing quite fine thank you because they were never shut down by your Governor.   Many Non-tech businesses regardless of size are dying of Covid and Wal-Mart may be the only brick and mortar player left standing.

Full admission.  Although I did not invent the Internet, I was one of the earliest users of the Internet and have an Ebay account dating to 1998 to prove it.  I even had a BBS (Internet Precursor) in the early 1990s.  My first Internet interaction was mind blowing.  I could connect my i386DX computer to the Louvre computers in Paris with a mouse-click and see their collection in real time on my computer screen.   Cool.   But, over the years I have come to see how technology run by insanely wealthy egomaniacal tyrants bent on controlling all aspects of human existence isn’t just ruining personal and business relationships but also our country.

Now, with the New Covid Anti-Normal, we are set to buy even more from these people giving them even more power to do their worst.    And that scares the hell out of me.   They are blowing out quarterly earnings as the rest of America’s businesses are barely alive.  You only have to look at the increases in their stockholders equity that have occurred during the economic Depression that was thrust upon the rest of us.   Just as Covid physically targets and sometimes kills the elderly with poor underlying health, it economically targets companies not creating or living in their virtual world.

When I was growing up we shopped convenience rather than price.   I suspect we did this because price differences were not all that much if we went somewhere else, so local was King.    And, buying local helped people we knew that lived in our community.    Today’s America,  especially the millennial generation,  could care less about our role in the big economic picture let alone the history and people that they believe never existed before they were born.    Many think that the near geometric growth of the Internet has largely been due to people desiring instant gratification, however, when you buy online you wait a lot longer to get what you want so that is really a secondary issue.    The real growth of Internet commerce is due to people and businesses needing to buy cheap in order to make ends meet in a highly inflationary world, much worse than the 60s and even the 70s, which the government does not report.

We now trade relationships and privacy for price and convenience.    At the request of Big Banks using Internet based technology we gladly put our bank accounts online exposed to hackers from eastern Europe so we don’t have to drive to the local bank to do a transaction.   If we still buy groceries or tools from one of the too big to fail Big Box stores, we would rather bag our own stuff than check out with a human.   We do this without a discount for doing exactly what a paid cashier would do.   No matter if we put bazillions of people out of work – we are in a hurry and isn’t this fun to be our own cashier!

I started believing in the evils of Big Tech Internet when I realized these guys worked deviously undercover, even before Google eliminated their company motto:  Do No Evil (at least they were being honest with us).     How about the Google “Play Store”?   The “Play Store” not only gets you free software but has access to your Smartphones at any time to do anything they want with your data, often without you being able to say no thank you.    After all, how harmless could a “Play Store” really be?     To gain access into your personal world and private data, the Internet folks also came up with more Happy names like “cookies”.   Who doesn’t like cookies?    In reality, cookies are nefarious bits of source code designed to know more about you than your Mom.  A very close relation to “cookies” is something we know to be bad called Spyware, but they do it in the open (Page 1278 of The Google User Agreement, revision 89) yet we don’t care because we are all so happy with our cookies!    It’s only missing the Happy Meal.   The so called “Cookies” helps make the Internet go around with targeted advertising but now its spinning out of control.   Entire corporations no longer have to communicate directly with customers in our “self-service” internet world and amazingly place their business and client data in the unsafe “cloud” where they have NO PHYSICAL CONTROL because if they don’t (per the Tech monsters) they will be at a competitive disadvantage when the other idiots competitors do it.   Hmmmm.  Big Tech is not only replacing brick and mortar but has just taken control over Corporate America.   Check and mate.

All of this Internet dependency began with the kids.   The fact is, the Techies treat us like children because there just are so many in America, well into adulthood.    Some of our Adult Children that live their lives in Technoworld are the ones that graduated at 21 or 32 from University and thus need “Safe Rooms”.     Some riot and burn down buildings in the streets to express themselves peacefully.    They share the politics with virtually every one of the companies named above.   Every one.   No exceptions.   These are the new Big Tech loving Demobrats.  From my new and improved Webmasters Dictionary:

The kids became Demobrats through an instant gratification Internet addiction that began early in life that assured that they would not grow up in a real world, or at least the world shared by all who came before them.   It is becoming clear that while immersing kids in virtual worlds will prime them for a dark unreal future it’s not the kind of world that will give them any sense of fulfillment or even be good for their health.    Study after study indicates that Internet negative effects now far outweigh the Internet positives effects   This is why we need to Cancel their culture before they use their immense wealth and power to cancel ours.  Covid is simply the exclamation point to their Save the Day Globalist plan.

If the people that run these Big Tech companies succeed and their virtual world replaces not only brick and mortar but public education with virtual education, real human interaction – which we first learned in the  classrooms of ancient yesterday – is dead.    Our future as a Liberty loving  nation, and as human beings generally, will be permanently placed with Slo Jo in a basement (or dare I say Oval office) lockdown.    Ironically, if home schooling takes hold we could eliminate brainwashing in public schools, so that COULD be an unintended consequence that the Techies didn’t figure.  But there is already talk in the Biden camp that home schooling could put you in jail, so they have the bases covered.

The tech giants also have plans for your local voting booth.   It will be way more convenient to vote from your safe computer.   Just login to the Play Store Voting App and make sure your Cookies are turned on!    Otherwise, sorry, you can’t vote.   The virtual world will also destroy commercial real estate when working in downtown office buildings will be a thing of the past with the latest Zoom application from China.  And,  then there’s the real possibility of a Global Bitcoin virtual traceable currency that will be the only legal tender in the world.  At least our fiat currency is backed by, well, paper.

So, maybe the Luddites were right all along.  Luddites, now known to describe people shunning technology run amok, may actually have been the first victims of corporate downsizing.    It all began way back in 1811 when Ned Ludd went into a bit of hysterics and tore into a textile manufacturing business destroying the machines that were replacing people.

This happened in Nottingham, England where another guy went after the rich and gave to the poor.  I am not a fan of that kind of wealth distribution but am beginning to feel the pain of Ned.   Technology is not all bad, but if unregulated will eat its own as we are now witnessing.   Technology is also not inherently good or evil except when it becomes so powerful it is used to do one or the other, as defined by their leaders who are considered “great men” by the mainstream media.   Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Here is the exact quote from the historian and moralist Lord Acton in 1887:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”

Kids must learn that lesson and also understand that real progress, fakely represented by “progressives”, is not going forward in a virtual world without directions.

Part 2 of the two part Save the Day Globalist plan is nearly complete, that is until their world crumbles politically in November (that’s Covid Part 1, don’t believe the polls).   You can help make their plan crumble if you start the Big Cancel of not only Big Tech but Big Media who is the powerhouse weapon behind the Communist takeover chaos in America.   I am neither an idealist or naive.    Realistically, I know we can’t cancel Big Tech completely because they have embedded their claws in us too deep.   But I think we can reduce their power if enough of us do little things that can have big long term impact (in no particular order and feel free to post other suggestions in comments below):

  • Whenever possible, buy local from real people in real stores with real bills
  • Change horses from Amazon to Ebay
  • Use anonymous non Google Search Engines 
  • Use Non Chrome/Google or MS Browsers (IE/Edge):
  • Don’t use robotic self-checkout lanes    
  • Keep hitting “O” until you reach a human and then (if you are successful) tell them you will move your business to a competitor you know of that has people pick up the phone
  • Don’t use “Chat” which encourages Corporate America to use more robots
  • Boycott businesses that are political activists supporting Big Tech censorship, information control and virtuality. 

Heaven help us and our future if we cannot even manage some mild lifestyle changes to fight for a better world not dictated by Big Tech, as opposed to a real fight in the streets which most sane people want to avoid.  If they have their way, Big Tech will easily have half of our Nation’s wealth tied up by a handful of megalomaniacs because those megalomaniacs took half of our jobs.    Finally, to promote a more permanent solution, contact your Congressmen to break up Big Tech and Big Media NOW – both are monopolies.   If they don’t agree, vote in people that will.

So, let’s move the great Mighty Mouse to our side, where he belongs.    WE are the Big Tech Fix.

 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

Notify of
August 13, 2020 6:34 pm

All of these outfits have one big problem. All of the technology and products they sell depends on Red China, and the day is coming when they will be cut off like instantly.

August 13, 2020 6:47 pm

So why do I keep getting pilloried when I say corporations should not be allowed to get too big and that the uber rich should be taxed out of existence?

We fought for economic freedom as much as for any other freedom. In fact, there is no freedom without economic freedom.

EC 'splaining shit
EC 'splaining shit
August 13, 2020 7:59 pm

Isn’t that what the Democrats say, Glocky?

  EC 'splaining shit
August 13, 2020 9:17 pm


Have you ever watched the documentary called “The Corporation “? It’s very informative. Corporations WILL be standing on top of all of us eventually. It is inevitable.

As Mark would say…”Whatcha gonna dew”?

You do realize that once enough $$ falls into few enough hands, you’re fucked, right?

Call me Jack
Call me Jack
August 14, 2020 12:28 am

You do realize that Uncle Sam is the largest cooperation in the world.Uncle “democracy” cares no more about you than he cares about an individual skin cell.Especially if it’s a White skin cell.

  EC 'splaining shit
August 13, 2020 9:26 pm

Btw, you don’t actually believe the democrats when they say that, do you?

  EC 'splaining shit
August 13, 2020 10:36 pm


Stick with your new nickname, EC ‘splaining shit. It fits you.

August 13, 2020 8:02 pm

Corporations use to have a maximum of 20 years. If my memory serves me correctly some carpet baggers in or around the civil war had the statute changed to perpetual. BIG mistake! Now we have the corporations on the feds payroll as well with all the tariffs and price supports. It would appear that fascism is going to be the new flavor of the day.

August 13, 2020 9:19 pm


Amen. Little known fact is that the Revolutionary War was fought over the King’s corporations as much as anything else. There is no freedom without economic freedom.

August 14, 2020 11:23 am

Yep. You can bet your life and your next paycheck from the Motherland that everything the Left says is a lie projection onto Conservatives and Libertarians. On that basis, since they made up “Antifa” (ie AntiFascist) out of nowhere THEY are in fact the Fascists – historically an evil partnership with Big Business and, as seen above, pretty much only means Big Tech go forward.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 1:29 am

There would be no monopoly if we had economic freedom or even capitalism in this country. But we don’t. We have crony capitalism, in which the big guys are allowed, by law,to push out the little guy, usually using laws, and only because of their political connections and the laws they lobby for. There is no level playing field. The big guys get taken care of, get advantages, and they make sure the little guy can’t compete.

  Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 8:16 am

V.V., How correct you are. The large corporations use government agencies to regulate the little guy out of existence. A good example of crony capitalism would be Tesla motors these days IMO. There are a lot of others but tesla is still a mystery to me.

August 14, 2020 8:56 am

Tesla is trading around 1550 a share and people dont care that he is a criminal stock manipulator. When the media and Wall Street is in love with your company valuations and PE ratios dont matter.

  Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 8:45 am

The Master Equation of All Societies – “Government is always religion applied to economics.” This is the E=mc2 of human action.
…. there is more to that statement as well as a collection of other great maxims at

Layman’s Guide McMaster

My favorite analysis as to what has happened to these united States? “They chose new gods; then was war in the gates”

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 13, 2020 8:44 pm

Ask for a real person in customer service

Two if by sea. Three? Anything goes.
Two if by sea. Three? Anything goes.
August 13, 2020 11:49 pm

Interestingly, I tried to buy local for milky spores and couldn’t get it shipped. I admit to using the pricks at Amazon for that one.
Now, after calling an AC store that sold Freidrichs (sp?) and not getting a call back I’m looking online for that as well. And I was willing to drive 200 miles away to look someone in the eye and take an air conditioner home. I’m of the opinion the mortar and bricks are throwing in the towel or as in the case of the spores, regulated out of the market.
Great article though. We should adhere to its ideas.

  Two if by sea. Three? Anything goes.
August 14, 2020 8:57 am

Thanks Two.

August 14, 2020 1:15 am

Convenience is the end game and even trumps price. Unless it doesn’t taste good.

Small business retail must find a way to taste better than anyone else or be more convenient in some way or ways or provide a one-of-a-kind service. Sitting on a stool in your mainstreet store counting on location and advertising is no longer viable.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 1:25 am

I order online but not from big companies. I order from individuals and family-owned businesses.

  Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 8:29 am

I buy local and mom and pop when ever and where ever I can. When I need something I usually need it now, not a week or two weeks from now.

It is just my opinion but, I don’t see how the online over the road store idea is going to work. The sears catalog idea has been tried & electronics is not going to solve the issue of supply and demand. It failed once what makes them think it will succeed this time? Once you factor in the lack of education and poor skill sets of youth today, you have the perfect storm developing, IMO.

Two if by sea. Three? Anything goes.
Two if by sea. Three? Anything goes.
August 14, 2020 9:37 am

Perhaps it’ll succeed this time when we’re not given a choice.
Oftwominds has a pretty strong blog today regarding the old normal.

August 14, 2020 12:55 pm

what makes them think it will succeed this time?

Crony capitalism (a.k.a. government corruption) in the form of tax breaks, selective enforcement of laws, and regulating small business into bankruptcy.
Investors know this, so the biggest (or the first to dominate a particular market) get near infinite investment dollars perpetually regardless of the fundamentals of the business or profitability; which is how Amazon, for instance, became the Leviathan it is despite not turning a profit for the first full decade of its existence. This would be insanity (throwing good money after bad) in an actual working free market; but with a little help from your elected representatives and appointed government regulators, the impossible becomes possible and winners and losers are chosen by corrupt government workers and not by the actual market.

That’s why it HAS (past tense) worked and will continue to “succeed”.

To rephrase Glock-N-Load, Economic Freedom IS Freedom …. and it’s a dead issue in this former republic.

  Vixen Vic
August 14, 2020 11:31 am

That is definately a good option if no local small business source. I do the same when no other real store small biz option. Ultimately, going to a store and seeing and speaking with people is something I don’t want to lose (if possible).