Biden Leads in ALL polls!! 91% Chance of Winning!

Trump had a rally this weekend in Orlando.

Dementia Joe had a rally this weekend in Toledo, Ohio.  (Dementia Joe once again said he’s running for the US Senate. Really.)

The Democrap Election Committee (aka, the mainstream media) is predicting an absolute sure-win for Demented Joe.

Biden makes big push in Ohio, once seen as long shot for him | WRGT

30-some cars at Dementia Joe’s Rally

Trump Boasts About Crowd's Size in Florida as Fauci Warns Large Rallies Are 'Asking for Trouble' - The New York Times

Thousands at the Trump Rally

WHO YA GONNA BELIEVE?  Fake News or Your Own Eyes?


The End.

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Georges S
Georges S
October 13, 2020 11:44 am

Hey Stucky, if am right just like you doesn’t make me wrong which in turn would make you wrong as well but then you would be right again .. oups my head turns, too much thinking. At least I’m not like Old Joe, he is sinking

October 13, 2020 11:57 am

I believe the ballot box stuffers. I maintain they are going to steal this election.

October 13, 2020 12:00 pm

We will know soon enough. Even with a Trump victory , America has a long hard fight ahead. Best wishes and prayers for those who are young enough to see the end of the 4th Turning Crisis.

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
October 13, 2020 12:29 pm

“What a fag”

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On The Beach
On The Beach
  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
October 13, 2020 9:54 pm

So says the mormontard cultist.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
October 13, 2020 10:04 pm

22, you sure have an obsession with fags. Come clean.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 13, 2020 12:42 pm

The narrative works for the dems with either a Trump win or a Creepy Old Joe win.

If Trump wins, it is only by interference (probably by the Ruskies) that he was able to overcome such a deficit. They will unleash holy hell in the streets with their thugs in Auntie Fa and Burn Loot Murder.

If Old Joe wins (only with massive fraud), they are vindicated and it proves that polls are correct. They will unleash holy hell on all Trump supporters by whatever means necessary.

BTW – The joint appearance by Joe and the Ho in AZ was a complete bust, as well.

October 13, 2020 12:56 pm

Yes, Trump cult followers are definitely passionate, but votes aren’t allocated by the intensity of passion that a cult follower has. Each cult follower only gets one vote (if you don’t count election fraud). The Biden supporters are not very passionate, but they will still vote for Biden because they intensely hate Trump. And they also get one vote each (again, if you don’t count election fraud).

But I think that Trump will win, because that is what the NWO wants. A Trump win will maximize the amount of post-election rioting. The main reason the MSM is predicting a win for Biden (as they did for Hillary in 2016) is because they want to ensure that the Leftists feel they were robbed, which will increase the amount of rioting, which is part of the NWO plan.

Bobo the Hobo
Bobo the Hobo
October 13, 2020 1:02 pm

Shhhh! Let them keep believing that; the Trump Train will just keep rolling.

October 13, 2020 1:28 pm

Polls don’t make sense at all taken into account two other consistent polls. Blacks are consistently showing somewhere between 15-24% in support of Trump. That’s at least double last time. Latinos are also showing upper 30’s consistently for support according to these polls. Again that’s 10-15% higher. So two of the Demo-Commies voting blocks are looking to lose two of their racial groups–that they rely–look to be definitively voting less for Dems & more for Reps. Also the youth vote DID NOT TURN OUT for BERNIE…no way in this universe they show up for Biden–who did horrible with the youth vote.

So the only way for these polls not to be utterly complete lies–would be for massive amounts of surburban white voters to have fallen in love with the Dems, or just completely Hate Trump–even though his policies helped most of them in some manner. In terms of non-polls, just people showing up, Hitlery had MASSIVE more turnout compared to Biden, even taking into account the Covid fearmongering. But stacking the polls big time, is something the globalist oligarchs that are pulling the strings of the Demo-Commies, and many other politicians, BLM/Antifa etc…clearly are setting up a color revolution situation. I think they are clearly on their end-game scenario at this point to rub out any freedom still left, given populism reared its head around the world causing their one world government hopes to take a hit.

October 13, 2020 4:05 pm

Trump’s going to lose and fully deserves to after completely betraying his supporters for 4 years.

October 13, 2020 8:55 pm

mewonders if Wolf knows something most do not and he wants jump ship to change teams… mewonders..

very old white guy
very old white guy
October 14, 2020 6:18 am

Pelosi is an idiot. Those who vote for her must be braindead.

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
October 14, 2020 12:19 am

If it were a fair election from what I am seeing it would be 4 more years for Trump. But this election is going to be far from fair..