It was time to visit The Shadow Sailor. He might have answers. If not, he would at least know if I was asking the right questions.
       My five months of researching this Wuhan Virus, was taking me down dark and disturbing paths. He would know if I was sailing off the edge.
       He is a man with no country. Although he has visited many, his passport shows few stamps. He enters and departs independently – and illegally. He is a master at finding hidden coves that the authorities rarely visit. But he emphasizes that although he lives in the Shadows, they are quite bright and they provide him health, freedom, happiness and meaning.
       I found him through a serendipitous accident. Whenever there is a nice sunset here in The Archipelago of Bliss, I celebrate it with with some fresh-squeezed orange juice, a pinch of lime and a spot of rum. Then I sit on deck watching the day depart and the evening descend.

      With the sun just about to slip behind the hills, I saw a sudden glint of light. I focused carefully on the spot, and again it flashed. The very tip of a mast was gleaming in the twilight. There was a sailboat hidden behind a little mangrove island.
       The next morning I rowed over and introduced myself. He appreciated that I had not blasted over in a dinghy with a big outboard motor. He was also pleased that I did not ask many questions; and that I could sit quietly with him enjoying our neighbors who live in the Sea and the Sky.
       We became friends. Afterwards, who knows how many times I sailed past him without spotting him? But when I did see him, he always welcomed me. His backstory is astonishing, but that is a topic for another time.
       On my fourth visit, he opened up a bit and revealed his current pursuit. I still remember his statement verbatim. He said:
      “I have traveled to 88 countries. By most standards, it could be said that I have seen the world. But now I am embarked on a quest to TRULY SEE THE WORLD – to understand how it really works.”
      Then he introduced me to a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that had started him on his path of questioning and understanding:
       Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”
       This was the catalyst that inspired the Shadow Sailor to dedicate his remaining years to the study of the secret forces that are guiding misguiding the world.
       To assist him in this mission he bought a high-powered computer, lots of solar panels and a satellite communication dome that allowed him internet access from even the most secluded lagoons. He laughed when I mentioned that they looked comically out of place on his otherwise simple and spartan sailboat.
       When I asked him if he had a blog or was writing a book, he said that he greatly admired the concept of the posthumous book. His desire and intention was to create not for fame or fortune in this world, but out of reverence for truth and beauty.
He called his efforts “leave behinds.” Then he showed me his growing manuscript and let me take a few of his essays back to my boat to read that evening. His deep research, clear insights and poetic expression captivated me.
       It took me two days of sailing to locate him this time. He laughed when I gave him a little present. It was one of the flimsy, preposterous masks that we were all forced to wear. Across it I had written in large letters: FAUCI FOR GOD KING.
       There was a radio crackling in the background. I explained that my latest study of the Wuhan Virus was troubling me with its sinister implications. Would it be possible to discuss it with him for a while.
       He replied that he would be happy to do so, but that he had some important radio calls coming in from around the world that he had to focus on for an hour or so. He had a network of contacts on single-sideband radio that kept him informed of what was going on in their area.
       Then he handed me an essay. He said that he had just completed it and that it might provide some perspective. After reading it twice and being impressed by his ability to weave together political and societal threads, I asked him for permission to share it with my readers. He was reluctant at first, but when I assured him that I would emphasize that it was a “work in progress” he consented. Here it is.
       Greetings, my unknown reader. The reason that my message will be difficult for you to believe, is because you innocently suffer from Decency Bias. You have genuine empathy towards your fellow humans and towards the planet in general. You aspire to a healthy and happy life and you wish the same for others.
       But there is a small subset of humanity that seems to be wired differently. They find pleasure – and it is probably their only pleasure – in dominating others. In their wake they leave gulags and Cultural Revolutions and Killing Fields.
       Unfortunately, these 20th century-style monsters have been replaced by new overlords who do not just seek national or regional power. Instead, they desire to rule the entire world. And with the advances in technology, this despicable goal is within their grasp.
       Unlike prior power addicts, these people do not announce their intentions with armies, submarines and bombers. They wage digital guerrilla warfare. In fact, they are so pathologically clever, that they hide their tyrannical desires behind cloaks of humanitarianism, brotherhood and sustainability.
       Their goal is to construct a world ruled by a few un-elected global elites served by a small managerial class and protected by a powerful police and military apparatus.
       The rest of you are doomed to a future as NeoSerfs. As grim as this may seem, it is even worse. That’s because, unlike previous servitude, that involved the yoke and the whip, this enslavement is more subtle.
Goethe expressed it perfectly with this statement:
       “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
      For several years now, independent researchers, utilizing the internet, have claimed that there is an un-elected, secret group positioned above the politicians and they are the ones actually pulling the policy strings and directing the future. They named this cabal The Deep State.
       For years, the powers that shouldn’t be, denied the existence of this clandestine inner circle, but now even mainstream media admits that they exist. But I am convinced that there is a more destructive and dangerous group that wishes to control not just an individual nation, but the entire Earth. I refer to them as The Deep Planet.
       Their plan stretches back at least a century to the League of Nations that followed WWI. Even though that failed, they tried again after WWII and this time they succeeded with the United Nations.
       This led to an avalanche of trans-national organizations, which were supposedly created to service “The Greater Good.” But what they really do is transfer enormous power over more and more people into fewer and fewer hands.
       Some of the institutions that The Deep Planet uses include the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and the Bank for International Settlements. They also rely heavily on foundations and think tanks to further their control.
At this moment, in July of 2020, there are four major players dominating the global chessboard. These are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, the George Soros Open Society Foundation and the World Economic Forum. They share these common goals:
      They want to see an end to nation states. They believe these should be replaced by a World Government run by un-elected technocrats, who “know what is best” for the rest of us.
       They desire a digital world currency and the elimination of cash. Because of surveillance capabilities, this means that every transaction you make can be traced. This will also leave an electronic trail that reveals your location as well as your purchases.
       But even with their ability to spy on your movements via your credit card, they also want to “chip you” with an RFID locator, injected under your skin. This will provide them total “Big Brother is watching you” domination.
       They also seek a massive reduction in earth’s population. Of course, it is not their families and associates who will have to go. Such a goal seems particularly ominous since they are pushing so hard for mandatory vaccines. And who knows what they can inject into their injections.
Reading this wish list, that so preoccupies your un-chosen rulers, you could easily conclude that they want a Hunger Games style planet with a tiny fraction of the population living in unimaginable opulence and decadence, and the vast majority of you living in gruesome squalor and servitude.
      And this brings me to what most of the world calls COVID 19. It is no coincidence that every single one of The Deep Planet goals are facilitatedenormously by this largely fraudulent pandemic. That is why they have so desperately and successfully portrayed it as the Black Plague of the 21st century.
       Any GENUINE viral threat to humanity must strike down individuals of all ages. Yet this one mostly effects very old people; and they usually have other pre-covid health ailments. But since these self-anointed elites have such a stranglehold on the mass media, they have convinced most people to be terrified by a disease with an over 99% survival rate.
Finally, my hope is that you will perceive this essay as a gift packet of info-seeds. Share this information as widely as you can. Who knows what might sprout up from your efforts? After all, it has been proven down through history, that it only requires a small, impassioned minority to transform public opinion on any issue.
       You still have some power. Your strongest weapon is non-compliance. Say no to world government and digital money and tracking chips and mandatory vaccinations. Say no to un-elected rulers dominating every aspect of your life. Say no to Techno-Slavery.
       Oh, I should mention one more thing. You might be wondering whether The Shadow Sailor is real or fictional. But as you can imagine, if I revealed the truth, I might jeopardize his “illegal independence.”
      Sail on, Shadow Sailor!
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Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 12, 2020 1:39 pm

Wonderful little synopsis of Oligarchia’s plan for all of us…Georgia Guidestones/ Hunger Games.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 1:55 pm

A nice story and a well written essay, but absolutely nothing new in his essay. The cabal of evil F’ers is real and they are marching double time toward their goal. Many of us will resist, but the younger generations seem to be oblivious to where the world is headed. We will die off and/or be killed and they will succeed in their domination unless they are taken out of the gene pool.

  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 4:15 pm

That sailboat business is all fine and dandy so long as there are ports and harbors that one can locate and find supplies to restock with. What happens when those aren’t available and the places to anchor are suddenly full of less than friendly folk or hardware? What happens when the food production is curtailed or stops? All seafarers need safe harbor and supplies at some point, no?

December 12, 2020 4:50 pm

HSF is right. You have grown cynical.

What intrigues me most is that there seems to be a growing number of these nomads learning how the world really works.

I hope Texas succeeds at seceding and relocates its Capital in Missouri.

December 12, 2020 6:00 pm

I am a realist. Those who don’t understand that believe me to be cynical. I don’t see that as a flaw. As I grow older I join the ranks of those who, as they get to know more people, the better they like their dog.
Look at the numbers of liberals running around, sporting their face muzzles, fearful of a ‘pandemic’ that only exists as a media construct. Then look at those who attack others for not wearing the muzzle. Look at this video, and tell me how it makes you feel and what you think is happening to society as a whole.

December 12, 2020 6:20 pm

That is a two year old child…look at what they are forcing the parents to do to a two year old child. Do you think that child in any way endangers anyone on that plane? Do you see the draconian actions in play here? I am not a cynic, this is real.

December 12, 2020 6:57 pm

Satan is in charge.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 13, 2020 4:33 pm

For now, yes.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 13, 2020 4:31 pm

“As I grow older I join the ranks of those who, as they get to know more people, the better they like their dog.”


  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 6:13 pm


Interesting perspectives come from outside the hive.

We all knew the dice are loaded but we did not realize we were part of the bet.

When I see the term “how the world really works” I remember a surfer who pursues the same goal. Do you know Allan?

  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 6:26 pm

The sailing ships of old carried much of what they needed, stopping in areas to grab goats and chickens and whatever else was needed for food. Your yoghurt, is it from an animal? What you posit is great in peacetime, not so much in a time of war or serious strife.

Stalin starved peasants who were self sufficient. Ditto Pol Pot, Mao and most communist dictators. Those people could not defend against a modern army, and neither can we. There are hideous weapons that haven’t been called out…yet.

My mother was a child in Hitler’s Germany. She described the screams of her friend as she burned to death from a building hit with white phosphorous. If you believe that cannot happen here, guess again.
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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 4:43 pm

Ray- I read your 2020 update earlier in the year. Had I read it 25 years ago when I was getting divorced, I would have contemplated doing exactly what you prescribed. It sounds like quite a life. I love the ocean and have been on many live aboard scuba trips in the Caribbean. My life’s dream would be to own a small shack on a remote island with a boat to get me out to the better diving sites and to travel the seas.

I do not think I am as pessimistic as I am a realist. I have watched as 90+% of the people in W TN have donned the face diaper and seem to be quite content playing by the new rules. My guess is TPTB saw this same phenomenon, figured most of the people had rolled over and decided to pull out all the stops in the last election. As soon as they depose the Corrupt, Creepy, Senile Old Pedophile & retake the Senate, they will move at warp speed to “fundamentally change” America and establish their New World Order. I pray they are in for a big surprise and they wake the sleeping giant.

I read a book about how progressives are always pushing forward toward their goal and the author stated time and time again that progressives use “the silent artillery of time” to win their battles. Time is their friend, not ours.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 7:36 pm

I read Being Human 1 & 2 and look forward to the next installment. More on the gentleman who held a knife to his throat, please.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 8:10 pm

Ray – I think the financial collapse, actual bio-weapon or things going kinetic would be the motivating factor in fleeing for isolation. I see all three as distinct possibilities.

Is Staying Human a biography or a novel?

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
  TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 7:18 pm

Isn’t it amazing that 99% of the readers here will have exactly the same reaction as TN Patriot. Sadly, 99% of the masses think we’re nuts.

I must admit there are days when sheer ignorance sounds good. Unfortunately or fortunately, according to your point of view, I have taken the red pill.

December 12, 2020 2:02 pm

Water is wet.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 3:23 pm

Ray, as you know, and with all due respect, this has been hashed over many times on this platform. Had you been here for BB you could have taken the fact that it is centuries rather than a hundred years back to your friend. Secret societies and all that. BB knew.

  Ray Jason
December 12, 2020 4:42 pm

I’ll have to know I’m a young 57. lol

December 12, 2020 3:50 pm

“A quote that seared itself into my worldview comes from the great populist mystical poet, Walt Whitman: “Question much – obey little!”  Not only are these extremely wise words, they have also proven to be exceedingly prophetic.  Almost all of the over-arching elements of the so-called “civilized” world have been grossly corrupted.  Government no longer serves the people – it serves the rich.  Education doesn’t encourage critical thinking – it encourages “hivemind.”  Capitalism does not “raise all boats” – it drowns the poor people living on the shore.  The media does not report the truth – it distorts the truth in order to serve the ruling elites.
It is the non-conformists who have the courage to question the status quo and challenge the dominant paradigm.  And with the increasing cleverness and ruthlessness of the Powers That Rule – a far more accurate term than the Powers That Be – in manipulating public perception, the need for alert and brave people of conscious is greater than ever.
Question on! ”

Ray Jason 

  Ray Jason
December 13, 2020 9:42 am

March 15,2014

December 13, 2020 10:30 am

Hi C 46,

Thanks so much for reminding me of that one. Haven’t read it for years. But I just did so now. With hindsight it holds up pretty well, but it also illustrates an important message that I frequently stress with myself. And that is to constantly re-evaluate my beliefs. Back then I still believed in APG Climate Change, and did not realize that it was (prior to the WuVi) the biggest wrench in the NWO toolbox. What saddens me most about my friends still stranded on the Left, is that their thinking is almost petrified. They haven’t changed their perspectives since college, when the Left was an entirely different animal. It is now a rampaging beast IMHO.

December 12, 2020 4:07 pm

I appreciated the post, Ray, and really liked the motto on your site:


Well, I guess I’m still considering the “harm none” part.

But these were pretty cool, too:

Decency Bias.
Deep Planet

There is also a religious aspect to (as you say) “The Greater Good” complete with its own morality and law. The program began centuries ago with each window revealing another gate. In the latter cycles, WW I brought about the League of Nations; WW II delivered the U.N and 911 established the technocracy, while Covid is now in progress of closing the circle to the new order. An initiation ritual was performed and the spell was cast. Soon, the only remaining border will separate those inside from those standing outside. All that remains going forward are dreams and nightmares… depending upon where one stands; or at least until the spell is broken. In any event, the world is the same as it always was before. It only seems worse the more one’s eyes are opened.

Thanks for the post. I’m glad you chose to dock here. The locals can be a tough crowd, but it’s still a safe harbor and better than just any old port in a storm.

December 12, 2020 6:51 pm

“Say no to world government and digital money and tracking chips and mandatory vaccinations. Say no to un-elected rulers dominating every aspect of your life. Say no to Techno-Slavery.”


  Ray Jason
December 13, 2020 12:02 am

Seems everyone has a 19. I’m in the DC metropolitan area. I am a very open anti masker but finding others in my area is astoundingly difficult. I believe it is because there is a large % of grifters simply “working” from home. I have resorted to talking to any stranger I can to at least tell them the reaction to Covid is a scam. Last week, I was refused service for the first time at a 7-11 (convenience store) and as I left i said, very loudly to everyone in the store could hear…”It’s a scam people, wake up”.

December 12, 2020 7:41 pm

How? You know the answer already: The way it has always been done. They way the Founders did it. The way they enshrined in the Constitution. It is the the fallback position, the means of last resort. But it may already be too late. Too many stood quietly while too much was taken. The other option is to remove yourself from their sight. Those in the cities will catch all the attention, at least initially.

December 13, 2020 12:07 am

LL – I hear you. I will have a come to Jesus moment, I’m sure. I don’t want to be a pessimist but, the cards are amazingly stacked. I can’t imagine a successful fight without a large portion of the military being on the “right side of history”.

December 13, 2020 7:05 am

The US military can do the things they do because in other countries their wives and families do not live right around the corner from the people they are bombing. They will have to decide if a paycheck is worth it.

Part of Sherman’s march to the sea was to take war to the families of those Confederates fighting in Va, causing them to desert to go protect these families. And it was successful.