Bosnian War Music

I like this music.  I have had some cultural exposure to music like this because my mom was born in what was once known as Yugoslavia … and we had several record albums of similar style.

But, mostly I enjoyed the great action in this fast-paced video.  War looks like fun!!

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
January 12, 2021 4:12 pm

Noticed the lack of manbuns?

Todd H.
Todd H.
January 12, 2021 5:19 pm

The Serbs were busy removing kebab. Gonna have to side with them.

The 47th Element
The 47th Element
  Todd H.
January 12, 2021 6:22 pm

I spent a few months deployed after the Dayton Peace Accords. Spent some time in Tuzla and Sarajevo going back and forth between US/NATO sites. A bit of time in Bosanski Brod, too. Worked a site in the old Turkish fort and on Mt. Trebević helping IFOR/SFOR keep tabs on police and local agitators in country.
Later on, I wondered if we were bombing the hell out of the wrong people. Twenty-some years later I’m sure we were.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  The 47th Element
January 12, 2021 8:48 pm

Clintons were just there to set up a new heroin trade through Kosovo. Al Qaeda came in to help the Kosovars fight the Serbs with Slick Willy’s blessing and assistance. Jug restaurants in the US replaced the Pizza Connection. THAT is why the Serbs got shit all over. That said, Jugs in general, regardless of which region, are hard to get warm fuzzies over. I have known a lot of them and Albanians too. Most were not, but a couple were true stand up guys. You meet a lot of different folks delivering to restaurants as I did in my 20’s.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
  Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 11:57 pm

CIA had to get a new trade route from the US protected poppy fields in Assghanistan.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
January 13, 2021 11:28 am

Worse than that really. This was pre 9/11 and the Taliban had seized control of the spoils and the smart guys from Al Qaeda were moving in. Clinton was doing business undercover with jihadi drug runners.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 5:38 pm

The Jugs always looked happier than heck fighting each other.
I had a friend, now deceased who was an anti-Communist Bosnian guerrilla and came here in the early 50’s. The CIA evacuated him and some others. He was a wild SOB and of course ran a restaurant. He had a farm and a bunch of M1’s. He had 6,000 rounds of M2 Ball loaded in enbloc clips. He said the communists weren’t running him out of this country. This was the guy you’d choose above any other to share a fighting hole or fight back to back in a last stand. He would be so pissed today I cannot even imagine.


Working at a factory in Bavaria here, I used to sit and have lunch with a young woman
of Croatian descent, born in what is now Bosnia. She had gone into a Serb Concentration
Camp with her mother when she was 12 years old. She had also been a witness at the Hague.
She didn’t tell many stories but it had been rough. One time, she was standing in a line at
the hand water-pump, when someone up in the trees on a hill overlooking the camp, sniped
the 4 year old with a head shot, that was standing directly in front of her.
Worked with her husband too. He had gone into a Croat Terror group, based at the Fish-Farm.
He was only 16 at the time he started. They had sided with everyone, against everyone, and
were known as one of the really brutal and murderous groups. He got himself into Germany
before he was discovered, and ended up with Men In Black from Interpol trying to figure out
what to do with him for months. They decided to let him stay, because he had been so young
when they were doing all of the murdering.
When I met him, he said he was one of three survivors, as everyone hated them, and they knew
too much about Politicians and Drugs and Contraband running. One week later, he was one of
two survivors, as his commander was shot to death at a German-Belgian border crossing, after
speaking to lawyers at the Hague.
Such is Life.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 8:57 pm

I’m part Bavarian. My Great Grandfather was born in Retzstadt.


I’m US Born, 30 years ExPat.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
January 12, 2021 7:15 pm

I miss deSouza

Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
January 12, 2021 7:51 pm

Stuck … Have admired your insights from a distance for many years and seen various dust-ups in the comments section. Can’t say I ALWAYS agree with you, but mostly do.

Speaking as one with 50 pct Serb blood, now I know where your attitude comes from … If you are of Croatian descent, don’t come after me.

You will find no more loyal friend or no more determined enemy than those with Balkan blood coursing through their veins.

P.S. Loved the music!

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
January 12, 2021 8:54 pm

Ever hear of Lance Sijan. Serbian American. Perhaps incorrect surname spelling. He was a pilot, Academy graduate and true hero in Vietnam. The book about him which I read years ago was something like “In The Mouth of the Tiger.” There is a memorial to him at the AF Academy in Colorado Springs.

January 12, 2021 8:32 pm

“War is not fun”

Ignore to your peril,

“War is hell on earth”.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 8:55 pm

Man’s natural state regardless of what the manly man haters say.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor

Yep…man isn’t happy unless he’s trying to kick the living shit out of some one else.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Cow Doctor
January 12, 2021 10:20 pm

It’s what we do and we are going to be doing a whole disgraceful lot of it intramurally very shortly from the looks of it.

January 13, 2021 12:06 am
January 13, 2021 7:48 am

The sound of artillery is the music of my people.