Guest Post by Southern Sage

Journey to the Dark — YANG YONGLIANG

A few observations on this so-called “War on Domestic Terrorism”. Greenwald is, of course, spot on. The maniacs who have just taken power are crazy enough and stupid enough to plunge the country into violent chaos. Frankly, it does not bother me because now only armed struggle will overthrow them. Stop bullshitting yourselves about withdrawing to the simple life or just ignoring them, much less “resisting” by writing turgid prose (like I am doing right now) or – LOL – taking over the Republican Party.

None of us can predict how, where, or when the final spark will come but I suspect it will be the result of one of the deranged Biden cabinet appointees ordering Federal cops to carry out some illegal act. In the process cops and citizens will die, and then, game on.

It should be obvious by now that these traitors have been planning this for a long time. It should also be obvious that the same amoral, greedy Military Industrial Security Complex shits who profited so much from the first “War on Terror” after 9/11 are slobbering over the money to be made by installing a hard police state in our own country.

I knew some of these “patriots”; they would sell their mothers into a Nigerian brothel to make a nickel, all the while wearing their cheap, Lee Greenwood patriotism on their sleeves. As for the military and police, stop thinking that they will do anything but follow their unconstitutional, Bolshevik-inspired orders. Yeah, the ordinary troops are in large part good people, but the senior officers are rotten to the core.

The only thing that will make a difference is a nation-wide program of massive refusal to recognize the illegitimate regime or obey its diktats. This will inevitably be followed by an attempt to crush dissent, which will be followed by real resistance, which will spiral into outright civil conflict.

Nobody wants it to happen, but until motorcycles start pulling up beside the cars of the main culprits and bringing them face to face with their consequences of their actions, we will not get their attention.

At the risk of repeating what I have written so many times before:

  • Work locally. Restrict your confidence to a handful of people. The Communists learned long ago to use the cell system and you sure had better learn right now.
  • Do not broadcast your views. You will be surrounded by rats who will gleefully report you to the Thought Police. Keep your real views to yourself and trusted friends.
  • Never let a stranger enter into your confidence until they are completely vetted. Learn to spot informants and plants. Agents provocateur’s will be used extensively by Federal, state and local police.
  • Avoid oddballs and criminals at all cost. Oddballs will do odd things that will attract attention. Criminals are criminals and can NEVER be trusted. Queers, also, do queer things. If a man or a woman is sexually disordered, we do not need them. Log Cabin Republicans need not apply.
  • Do not participate in mass events or movements until the tide has turned enough to make it safe. The Feds are even now busily trying to use facial recognition to identify the good people who went to Washington on 6 January, all of them. The days of overt, public political resistance are over.
  • Start quietly collecting intelligence on treasonous elements as well as regime capabilities, locations, and personalities in your area.
  • For God´s sake, get off of social media! All of it. Cancel your accounts today. Just use things like Signal or Telegraph for communications, and use code. Do not tell the world what you think of them. They are listening.
  • Do not maintain any relationships with leftists or “normies” who do not get it. Nothing good will come of having any but the most superficial contact with them.
  • Your cellphone is a radio transmitter and every few seconds it precisely records where you are. Of course, all you say is recorded as are your call records, etc. Don´t forget it. And don´t forget the cameras that are everywhere and the license plate readers. Go totally low tech to defeat them.
  • If you do anything at all that might invite serious attention from the Gestapo, get rid of ANYTHING incriminating in your house, care, computer, etc.
  • If the police in any form ask to speak to you, the only answer is no. You have nothing to say to them. Even if they seem to be there on some worthwhile mission unconnected to you, it may well be a trap. Be polite but say nothing and ask for their business cards.
  • Never forget that you are surrounded by complete idiots who have no idea what is going on and who actually buy into the drivel pouring out of things like CNN. Wonderful example this morning on Linked In. Some slack-jawed moron named Nic McKinley – a white man, a typical meathead security type – posted a missive to all of us to “honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and continue his work in the fight for justice for ALL Americans [his capitals]”. The dumb bastard then spews some gibberish about something called a “National Day of Service” and asked what you are doing to improve your community today?

Well, thank God I was sitting on the can when I read this. Think about it. There are still adult white men in this country today who are capable of putting out such twaddle with their names and photographs posted right beside it.

Celebrate St. Martin´s Day! Jesus take me home! This dumkopf actually believes this! If we still had a country, he would be triced up and whipped to ribbons on general principles alone. He has apparently managed to reach the age of 40 or so without noticing that white America – the real America -is fighting for its life against mortal enemies.

Our enemies sure know what they are up to. And this asshat wants to celebrate their patron saint! I leave aside the fact that MLK, Jr. was a puppet of Communists and aliens who wished to destroy America…

As a parting word on who to trust and who to work with, let me repeat the words of the great American, General Robert E. Lee, to his youngest son. Robert E. Lee, Jr. was trying to run a farm to recover from the devastation of the Civil War and the elder Lee gave him sage advice. Young Robert was trying to obtain labor for his farm.

General Lee warned him against placing his confidence in the blacks.

“You will never prosper with the blacks, and it is abhorrent to a reflecting mind to be supporting and cherishing those who are plotting and working for your injury, and all of whose sympathies and associations are antagonistic to yours.

I wish them no evil in the world – on the contrary, will do them every good in my power, and know that they are misled by those to whom they have given their confidence; but our material, social, and political interests are naturally with the whites.”

Though Lee´s comments were made to address a particular situation in the Reconstruction-era South, they contain a huge dose of wisdom for us today. Those on the other side are not our friends and never will be, and the renegade or foolish whites are a worse enemy than any black man will ever be.

God be with all of you on this dark journey into night.

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January 20, 2021 8:14 pm

I saw this earlier and suspected I might see it again. I think this is an important message to send alongside and so I just shared this with a bunch of my online contacts. That’s just a warning in case they show up and you suspect they are Missouri Hillbillies.

Now, that link should take you to a video by JarrinJackson who posts blogs on Facebook and other venues from Oklahoma. My old friends trust him. http://www.jarrinjackson.com

Note: Jarrin was WRONG… I saw no emergency broadcast today, although we spent the day on the road to visit a US Army base today. We learned a lot about what has changed in the US military in the last year. We cried a bit on the way home.

Still, it is better we know the truth.

January 21, 2021 11:28 am

I read this on the Greenwald article and made a hard copy. Before the internet goes dark except for being a giant catalog for Amazon crap, and an endless propaganda vehicle, I decided to hard copy any and all germane material. SS is posting common sense here, this is how people have to operate in hostile territory, generally communist countries. Interesting how almost ALL dreadful places to live were made that way by communists. Also interesting how purveyors of communism never seem to understand just how ghastly communism really is.

Normalcy bias is tough to overcome, I daresay being raised by the parents I have/had, made a big difference for me, made it easier to grok what’s currently happening. My parents came from Hitler’s Germany and the Great Depression. I’m ahead of the curb in many instances, I got first hand accounting of life in totalitarian systems and FDR’s America was, for almost all intents and purposes, communist.

We are an occupied country, the enemy has taken control and is setting up all the boots to stomp on any and all dissenting voices. If you’re white and male, you are the enemy, especially if you’re straight and Christian. White women are also the enemy, conservative white women. Any and all Trump supporters are the enemy as are those in the middle class. The planning for these despots is over, now comes the implementing of the plan and plan one is to bankrupt and silence you.

Where to go from here? The first and most important place to go is in your head. Understand what is happening, REALLY understand the ugly reality and understand that there is no going back, that there is no white knight to save you, that the government is out to destroy you and your family and if you persist in playing on smart phones, have cable and facebook and buy crap from Amazon and other purveyors of that ilk, if you watch tv and sports and movies, netflicks etc. that you are digging your own grave and giving them the money to destroy you and your families.

January 20, 2021 8:25 pm

At the risk of repeating what I have written so many times before:

Work locally. Restrict your confidence to a handful of people. The Communists learned long ago to use the cell system and you sure had better learn right now.
Do not broadcast your views. You will be surrounded by rats who will gleefully report you to the Thought Police. Keep your real views to yourself and trusted friends.
Never let a stranger enter into your confidence until they are completely vetted. Learn to spot informants and plants. Agents provocateur’s will be used extensively by Federal, state and local police.
Avoid oddballs and criminals at all cost. Oddballs will do odd things that will attract attention. Criminals are criminals and can NEVER be trusted. Queers, also, do queer things. If a man or a woman is sexually disordered, we do not need them. Log Cabin Republicans need not apply.
Do not participate in mass events or movements until the tide has turned enough to make it safe. The Feds are even now busily trying to use facial recognition to identify the good people who went to Washington on 6 January, all of them. The days of overt, public political resistance are over.
Start quietly collecting intelligence on treasonous elements as well as regime capabilities, locations, and personalities in your area.
For God´s sake, get off of social media! All of it. Cancel your accounts today. Just use things like Signal or Telegraph for communications, and use code. Do not tell the world what you think of them. They are listening.
Do not maintain any relationships with leftists or “normies” who do not get it. Nothing good will come of having any but the most superficial contact with them.
Your cellphone is a radio transmitter and every few seconds it precisely records where you are. Of course, all you say is recorded as are your call records, etc. Don´t forget it. And don´t forget the cameras that are everywhere and the license plate readers. Go totally low tech to defeat them.
If you do anything at all that might invite serious attention from the Gestapo, get rid of ANYTHING incriminating in your house, care, computer, etc.
If the police in any form ask to speak to you, the only answer is no. You have nothing to say to them. Even if they seem to be there on some worthwhile mission unconnected to you, it may well be a trap. Be polite but say nothing and ask for their business cards.
Never forget that you are surrounded by complete idiots who have no idea what is going on and who actually buy into the drivel pouring out of things like CNN. Wonderful example this morning on Linked In. Some slack-jawed moron named Nic McKinley – a white man, a typical meathead security type – posted a missive to all of us to “honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and continue his work in the fight for justice for ALL Americans [his capitals]”. The dumb bastard then spews some gibberish about something called a “National Day of Service” and asked what you are doing to improve your community today?

I needed this separate to repost and reformat for plagiarizing reasons.

January 20, 2021 8:38 pm

Hey hello, my fellow domestic terrorists. Don’t if you are not now a domestic terrorist….soon you will be!

These MFers are really going to do “it”….they are going to war with half of America…..using all the fearsome tools honed in Muslim shitholes since 2001……except the ROE will be much less restricted…..because killing a domestic terrorist is better than simply arresting the terrorist and going through a costly trial and incarceration……why the Domestic Terrorist might radicalize other prisoners (Which happens constantly with Muslims in the UK et. al)

So all the tech toys are going to be deployed against you……..and unless actively successfully opposed then the orgy of demonization will culminate in genocide.

Already the gun laws are being prepared…..first registration to enable forced buybacks and confiscation.

The curtain is not coming down it is down and there is a big brick wall at the back of the theater……..

January 20, 2021 8:52 pm

Cowardice in plain sight. Unless you’re planning to blow up things and two legged monsters, you have an absolute moral obligation to speak up and shout back.

“Do not broadcast your views. You will be surrounded by rats who will gleefully report you to the Thought Police. Keep your real views to yourself and trusted friends.”

January 20, 2021 10:28 pm

Here speaks a man who has never had his skull dropped kicked by crooked cops at 2 am in a back alley.

January 20, 2021 11:27 pm

Southern Sage is no coward and is an experienced intelligence officer….who knows what is coming…so puff up your chest and get hammered as the nail that sticks up…..Fight smart….sand in gears…..lots and lots of sand.

January 20, 2021 11:27 pm

Great comments by a “Sage”.

January 21, 2021 12:29 am

Here’s a good bead on America, my take we are so fucked.

January 21, 2021 6:51 am

I love those auditors. They stand up for all of us and our rights. Most people are idiots and can’t understand how valuable these guys are at keeping “authority” in check. Karen can’t understand he’s actually protecting her as she bitches at him. Ugh!!!!

January 21, 2021 8:39 pm

Now that Biden EO’d all persons must wear a mask on all federal land and in all federal buildings, will this guy try this again? I hope so. This guy rocks. He cares more about our rights than people who were born here. Crazy times. I hope all immigrants are coming here to act like this. I will gladly accept them if so.


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 21, 2021 5:20 am

Thanks for the great article, Southern Sage.

January 21, 2021 7:30 am

The current ongoing events are an effort by the (nonreligious) marxist/Bolshevik jews to rule the world. It’s a stated goal of theirs over and over and over. So, don’t bother me with I’m some antisemitic nut job. I have no goal to rule the world and I have no animosity for religious jews.
I have read a quote from 1912, their intent is to use blacks to foment war within the nation in a divide and conquer scheme. This has been in the works for over a century. Look one step beyond the obvious and it’s staring you in the face. Whether they are actual jews or Kazhars I don’t know or really care.
Their plan is moving along quite nicely. They have permanently destroyed Europe and own the US which is being torn apart under their plan. They control all the power centers, finance, politics, media, etc. It’s 1914 Russia part deux. Recognize it and many things fall into place.
Slam me if thats your desire but I assure you this is THEIR plan. Honestly, it’s very uncomfortable for me to post this but it’s what’s happening and we need to face it.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
January 21, 2021 8:18 am

The darkness descends…so long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

January 21, 2021 12:10 pm

SS is a former intelligence officer: analyst or field? I have some familiarity with both. His analysis is spot on, sez I, save that like so many white folks he misses the potentially great value in seeking an alliance with the “browns”, many millions of whom share white values. Hell, there are also many South American blacks who do, and they’re being ignored by “race realists” who write them off with no knowledge of who they are in their souls, particularly the women. Please explain to me how a flaccid, tatted white woman is more desirable than the “negra” in this video:

  • .

    Not easy, is it fellas? Yeah, sure, you may not want her to be your “baby mama”, but mixing it up with her would be fun, wouldn’t it? Face facts! A Brazil-style USA is far, far from the worst fate you will have to endure thanks to short-sightedness and failure to face the reality that has now been imposed whether you like it or not. We “pure” whites will have to accept this overweening reality whether we like it or not. Some hybridization trumps a gradual extintion of our values, values that appeal to vey desirable women who seek superior offspring.

    Southern Sage
    Southern Sage
    January 21, 2021 4:42 pm

    To answer you, I was a field officer and managed to avoid Washington for almost my entire career. I might add that I am married to a South American lady. As for Brazil, I would advise you to not get too carried away. It is true that Brazilian has a largely mixed population but, as is the case in every single Latin American country (except, ahem, Haiti) the upper class and the main productive class is white or mestizo (white and Native American mix), with white blood predominating. In Brazil, the south, which is overwhelmingly white or near-white, is the modern, productive area. The largely black northeast is, well, what you would expect. As for a tumble in the hay with Celia Cruz or any other black woman I can think of, I have no interest in it. No, I do not think it would be fun. My tastes simply run in a different direction. Check out the Miss Colombia or Miss Chile or Miss Argentina contests sometime. That is where my taste runs.

      Southern Sage
    January 21, 2021 4:52 pm

    I wonder if you would give me the down and dirty on the REALID requirements upcoming in October this year? Since my drivers license required renewing last month, I discovered I had the option to get a “real ID” or a regular drivers license. I asked what the difference was and discovered there will be a new requirement to have this REAL ID to go into federal buildings, including social security offices starting in October 2021.

    Now, what is the difference? Well, there is a big difference and I suspect it is all part of the evil plan. Can you comment?

    REAL ID Puts Personal and National Security At Risk

    Is the REAL ID an internal US passport?

      Southern Sage
    January 21, 2021 8:07 pm

    Thanks for the reply. The negra in the video to whom I refer isn’t Celia (r.i.p.), whom I interviewed for a magazine piece some forty-odd years ago, a delightful lady as well as a major talent.

    You have good taste! I had a Colombian girl friend who was in the 1993 Miss Colombia contest, a rigged event. She’s a zamba and a doctor. My current lady friend is an Argentine, Franco-Swiss, blonde and blue-eyed; I have eclectic tastes. I also live in Argentina, so…

    I’m familiar with Brazil and Río Grande do Sul. I also had a couple of Brazilian lady friends, one of whom (r.i.p. at 59!) was from Bahía, a mulatta. I chose Argentina (among other reasons) over Brazil because I didn’t want to live near blacks and there are none within 150 miles in any direction. My enthusiasm is limited to stating that Brazil is far from the worst place I’ve ever been and the USA could do worse. Think the Warsaw Pact countries in the 70s, when I visited them. Whew!

    January 22, 2021 12:16 am

    Brazil is the country of the future.

    And always will be.