Resist much, Obey little

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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January 23, 2021 7:32 am

That was great!

I HATED (!!!!!!!!!!!!) school, especially high school …. for many of the reasons stated in that vid. It’s a wonder I can even read and think.

January 23, 2021 1:17 pm

I disagree, that you resisted the indoctrination and have a mind of your own is why you can Think and comprehend and read.

January 23, 2021 9:18 am

I didn’t mind high school. It was a place to hang out, took the requisite shop classes to make pot paraphernalia. Took foods class because it was always just before lunch and I got to hang out with the girls. Went all the way to grade ten before I decided it was better to just go to work rather than waste time in a class. Besides I was a pothead at the time and the cash spoke louder than nerdism or jock.

Did I suffer from not finishing high school… nope… IMO, it helped because when I did go back to BCIT for an upgrade it was to learn skills I was more interested in. Distractions aside I was better able to concentrate on the more important things. and if I ever looked at another woman my wife would have killed me. 🙂

But I pretty much agree with the vid. thx HSF

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 23, 2021 10:09 am

Growing up in small towns in middle America, I was blessed to have some excellent teachers. In grade school, kids were separated by ability. I was in the advanced class and we were constantly challenged. There was also a competition among the class to see who could get the best grade, spell the hardest word or solve the most complicated math problem. We were taught to think. When I see what my grandkids are learning (or not learning), it makes me shake my head.

In the late 60’s things began to change as schools moved from neighborhood gathering spots to social science experiments in integration & equality. Classes could no longer be divided by ability, so the teacher taught to the average student, leaving the smarter ones bored and the dumber kids lost. It has only gotten worse as teacher unions have gotten more powerful and school boards more radicalized.

High school was a blast. I made many lasting friendship and have some great memories. Unfortunately, many of those friends are now gone on to greener pastures, but I still have the memories.