“But Dr. Fauci Says…”

Authored by Josh Kantrow via AmericanThinker.com,

I was surprised to receive his text message because I had not heard from him in over a year, he had not responded to two of my texts sent eleven and nine months ago, and we used to see each other about every six to eight weeks for coffee or drinks to talk politics.

And it apparently dealt with an urgent matter: “I need to talk to you, ASAP,” it read.

I was concerned he was in trouble, so I responded and we spoke yesterday.

The person I spoke with, who I will call “Jim,” to protect his privacy (although he doesn’t really deserve it), started off the conversation by stating:

“Something is wrong with you.”

When I asked him to elaborate, he said

“People like you are the reason things are not back to normal.”

And on and on his rant went.

The upshot is that Jim, a man of the left in his late 40s, has been following me on social media and was highly agitated about the fact that, since travel opened back up, I’ve spent a significant amount of time roaming around our beautiful country, mostly out west, enjoying the great outdoors hiking, biking, rafting, skiing, etc., with various family members, as I work remotely.

My explanations (not that he deserved any) that we observe all local, state, and federal mandates, and reasonable precautions, fell on deaf ears.

Jim signaled his virtue throughout this unpleasant conversation by stating that, unlike me, he and his family have largely stayed indoors, in their house, over the past year.

He said that the only exception to this are occasional early morning walks, “when no one else is around,” essential doctor visits, and weekly excursions to the grocery store (he and his wife alternate), where they wear double masks and equipment to protect their eyes. The person doing the shopping then quarantines in a separate room inside their house for a few days. When I asked Jim why he didn’t have his groceries delivered, he had no good answer. When I asked him whether he or any family members had any medical issues that warranted such extreme precautions, he said he was “highly offended” by my use of the word “extreme,” but that no one had any pre-existing medical conditions.

He added, “You know, some of us just want to do our part.”

When I explained that the very outdoor activities that we have been engaging in are healthy, well within guidelines, and even encouraged by public health officials, and that I was, contrary to his statement, “doing my part” in that I was helping small businesses and the travel and hospitality industries who have been ravaged by the lockdowns, he kept saying I was wrong, frequently by invoking some variation of the phrase “But Dr. Fauci says….”

My take is that Jim has a serious crush on Dr. Fauci and desires to receive a “Good Citizen” award in a nationally televised event from him when this is over. Of course, for Jim and those that think like him, it never will be.

Our conversation ended when I asked Jim whether he would jump off a bridge if “Dr. Fauci says.” Jim shouted an expletive at me and hung up the phone.

As I was not given the opportunity, let me use these pages to wish Jim and the virtue-signaling intolerant people who think like him goodbye and good riddance.

For it is they, not people like us, who are doing their level best to stop things from returning to normal.

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March 31, 2021 11:39 am

Gosh, so it seems like there are more and more people who aren’t bothering to speak to one another because a huge segment of the populace has gone sheer f’n batshit crazy.

March 31, 2021 11:55 am

Yeah, the camps are establishing fast. The pro and against camps on every single issue, as everything is politicized now.
I for one, can’t talk to the leftists, they are in a cult and I wasn’t trained in de-programming and frankly: I feel like talking to these cultists is akin to have a conversation with a broccoli and as satisfying.
There are still some reasonable people left that are worth the effort, but that pool is shrinking.
Even 5 years ago I was eager to discuss 2a with people and other, less controversial issues. I was eager to pull people to my side of thinking and to teach them critical thinking. Now? It seems like it’s no longer going to work. This is a pre-civil war kind of societal situation and unfortunately I don’t think that talking or voting will fix this. The midwits in charge want to rule forever and will do anything possible to continue with their minimal and short term thinking and rule us straight off the cliff.
There is no talking the lemmings out of following them.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
March 31, 2021 6:17 pm

Fish, I hear ya, I checked out of the education/reprogramming business a few years ago. It seems futile to use reason and logic with the lemmings who’ve had those brain functions literally washed away. All they’ve got left is emotion (mostly fear) so everything has become religion to them.
I’ve been personally dismayed at the number of friends, acquaintances and family members that have lost all critical thinking skills. It is a little humbling to consider what a poor judge of character I was before the mask issue came along and helped me sort things out. Thank God for litmus paper and thank God for the masks and the valuable info they have given us. I had thought better of them, but many are now proven to be mere educated nitwits. Let’s learn to let them go in peace as we build our new associations with folks of like mind. It’s just not pretty when Darwinism gets going like it’s about to..

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 31, 2021 12:05 pm

I haven’t talked to my late brothers wife in over a year after she called non-mask wearers crazy idiots. I probably won’t either and if my brother were alive he would probably be all in on this nonsense. It’s sad.

March 31, 2021 5:06 pm

I’ve all but given up trying to reason with unreasonable people, I’m not the Jackass Whisper.

March 31, 2021 11:49 am

This is the leftist/socialist / communists plan turn everybody against everybody.

March 31, 2021 11:51 am

Jim is afraid of the inevitable, death. We all gonna die, millions of Americans aren’t aware of that I guess. Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’

B. Les white
B. Les white
March 31, 2021 11:54 am

Sorry for your conversation. On the brighter side, at least you dont have to worry about this fuckstick any longer.

  B. Les white
March 31, 2021 1:15 pm

Yup! You hit the nail squarely on the head B.Les White. When I went through my divorce some 40 years ago I made it a point to tell all my “friends” first. I listened very closely to their responses. I received everything from lectures to, what can I do to help you. In short, I wound up with only a few folks that supported me. Out of those few only 1 family member out of seven. My point is, stay alert, listen carefully, pick carefully and don’t let the rest of the bastards grind you down. The struggle never stops until your under the sod.

March 31, 2021 12:06 pm

There are a lot of folks who refuse to think and act for themselves and wait until someone or something else prompts them to do so……

March 31, 2021 12:28 pm

A worthy phone response:
“Well, Jim. Funny you should say that, because in my opinion, there is something seriously wrong with YOU, and Anthony Fauci is not a Dr. who has treated any patients. His motives are sketchy, at best. I suggest more research.
Sell your guilt trip and paranoid delusions to some other gullible SOB…I’ve done my own research, and not buying into the fear.
Hanging up the phone now Jim. Don’t ever call or text me again.”

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
March 31, 2021 12:33 pm

Some observations:
It’s blindingly obvious now that most people are content to outsource all of their thinking, while they at the same time believe that they are critical thinkers or well-informed.
For most people, peer pressure is a life-long problem, extending long after high school. It’s obviously been greatly exacerbated by social media.
The complete ease and convenience of life in the US the past few decades has dulled and lulled untold millions into a false sense of security. It will literally take a total calamity to rouse them from their ignorance.
We are so fucked.

The Green Carpet
The Green Carpet
March 31, 2021 12:50 pm

This is what his and several others anxiety “sounds like”! The false pandemic has altered/created him. It is sad!

Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
  The Green Carpet
March 31, 2021 8:06 pm

I don’t understand your comment, but Adrian Smith’s solo in this song is amazing.

  Todd Packer's Mentor
April 3, 2021 9:07 pm

Most everything Adrian plays is amazing……. Murray’s no slouch either…..

March 31, 2021 1:08 pm

Posting Interview that is being suppressed by Social Media FWIW…

March 31, 2021 1:29 pm

Is this a Babylon Bee story?

March 31, 2021 1:47 pm

I’d bet almost 100% of everyone has a similar story. Hell, I have similar stories just like this one in my own family. I have a brother and I daughter I can’t stand to be around. It’s quite sad but, it is what it is.

As above…get busy livin or get busy dyin.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
March 31, 2021 2:00 pm

Sometimes I wonder if extreme people such as “jim” are created by a blog author to craft a piece. I’m incredibly biased/blessed to not engage with “jims”.

March 31, 2021 2:24 pm

Jim sounds like a genuine, phobic outlier. I have some family members who think a bit like Jim does, but do not remotely approach his level of fear or obnoxiousness. Jim is, to be concise, mentally ill.

If Jim is typical of Covidian Believers, a mass die-off due to sequelae of “vaccination” would be a blessing for both them and us.

March 31, 2021 4:46 pm

{mass die-off due to sequelae of “vaccination”}

I can’t help but think the same – when all is said and done the vaccines will have eliminated all the stupid people. A horrible thing to say and even think . . . .

March 31, 2021 3:40 pm

Someone listens to fauci? amazing….

March 31, 2021 3:46 pm

JUST got back from making a dump run… The loader operator, wearing a mask, in an enclosed air conditioned filtered air, cab, got out to come talk to me. Stood a very healthy six feet away, outside, me in the cab of my truck. That mask is glued to this guys face. Zombies everywhere, even at the dump.

So this article is just a small indicator of the amount of stupid that will persist until these criminals like Flaccid are removed.

March 31, 2021 3:56 pm

Yeah you can’t have a discussion about it with the true believers, before mine was over i had to hear “ignore him, he probably follows Q Anon” never. “Science” and “yeah i’ll bet he has a crappy job in real life” like what does that have to do with anything, for the record i like my job, painting houses, it’s like being paid to exercise all day, and after 20 years, being second nature now, most of my thoughts are my own, and not least,it’s honest work.

Like politics, and hide bound ideologies people have made up there minds.

March 31, 2021 4:40 pm

Pretty funny and yet so sad. I saw a young man the other day driving alone in his car with the windows rolled up – latex gloves – baseball cap – BENEATHE a hoodie – wearing an n-95 mask. I swear I’m going to buy stuffed corona virus balls and start throwing them at these fools. The intellectual caliber of this world could not have sunken to a lower level.

March 31, 2021 5:12 pm

I haven’t owned nor watched a TV in 25 years. On the rare occasion I am in a business that has one on, I am shocked and appalled by the blatant subterfuge being broadcast. There is no attempt to even disguise the boldfaced lies. I keep thinking how these same people must believe in the Easter Bunny.

I think to myself how they will spend hours, days and perhaps weeks researching the latest cell phone but turn on the TV and believe everything they see. It truly astounds me. I think to myself if both your children were fighting wouldn’t you listen to ALL the details before reaching a conclusion? If your spouse were accused of a crime wouldn’t you gather ALL the evidence before convicting them? How can any of this be happening other than the fact people are to lazy to seek out the truth and/or to stupid to even question it?

THERE ARE NUMEROUS ARTICLES regarding Fauci’s past and how unscrupulous and sinister this man is. He has not ONE but FOUR PR firms working for him. Dr. Judy Mikovitz worked with him and exposed him
for the fraud he is. This man is beyond evil. When all is said and done there should be a firing squad. Both him and Bill Gates are the financial backers of the Moderna vaccine! WATCH Robert Kennedy Jr. superb video:

‘TRUTH’ With RFK Jr. and David Martin: Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine

Highlights of the discussion include:

Dr. David Martin’s company “M-CAM” and how he found a way to use intangible assets as collateral security.

The Bayh-Dole Act that led to Dr. Anthony Fauci profiting from royalties off university patents.

A SARS vaccine that was patented in March, 2019 — eight months prior to the COVID breakout.

Fauci’s involvement in dodgy deals and price fixing of medicines in the U.S.
Autism and other chronic health conditions exploded under Fauci’s watch.

Fauci’s failure to study infectious diseases and allergies despite working for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

That Dude Again
That Dude Again
March 31, 2021 7:07 pm

That Quack Fauci needs all of his malicious deeds and fraud exposed very publicly. It needs to be put out everywhere. Then the Bastard needs to be made an example of and punished, PUBLICLY! I prefer hanging the bastard by the neck from a lamp post in front of the US Capitol. Then let the body hang there, rotting in the sun for every would be tyrant to see. This same thing needs to happen to Birx, that douchebag from the WHO, and anybody else that had a hand in this scam and keeps it going. Enough already. The punishment is long overdue.

April 1, 2021 9:28 am

My work has been strongly promoting vaccination, but can not or will not demand them. Last week, just before quitting time, I came back to the office to find my supervisor a bit tense because our division manager called to tell him to grab 2 of us and take us to the clinic to get vaccinated. They had 2 shots that were going to be thrown away at the end of the day if we didn’t take them. I already told him I had no intention of getting it. (I learned in the military there’s always an exception to policy-you just have to find it. Mine is a crippling case of psoriasis which just so happens to make most vaccinations impossible. Failing that, the newest convert to the Church of Christ Scientist can’t possibly undergo this sinful procedure.) The rest of us also said no. He had just gotten over the Kung Flu, himself, so he felt he didn’t need it. She called again as he was leaving to see who got the shot and he had to explain none of us were available. She really believes in this stuff hardcore. I was in a meeting with her recently and got to listen to her expounding on the obvious unquestionable merits of the vaccine and how insane it is everyone doesn’t already have it.

Yesterday, I was speaking to a researcher where I work. He told me they had a vaccination drive the other day and nobody came in for their shot. Apparently, they were so upset, they put out a call to the entire complex via the building mass notification system to ensure everyone knew about the vaccinations.

I’m not sure if it’s related, but yesterday I also got a group-wide email from my boss asking if I knew I am eligible for the shot and requesting an immediate response. They didn’t order us to get it, but wanted to know if we know it’s available.

I don’t think they’ll be able to mandate it, anyway. One of the divisions here is heavily unionized and they’ve told management up front if they try to force vaccination, they’ll strike and shut the place down. For once, I’m glad to have a union around.

April 1, 2021 9:52 am

Every single person – whether it’s the nurse or whomever that physically injected the poison or the company that designed, printed and distributed the propaganda – to the person who reordered the radio advertisements to the folks on TV (news anchors talk show hosts and celebrities) who berated anyone who held a modicum of skepticism – to the family members and friends who insisted everyone get vaccinated will eventually have the same blood on their hands the pharmaceutical companies do.

Did any of these people even consider they might be wrong? What right did anyone have telling anyone else how to live their life? Did anyone of these people do the research or again, even consider the opposing views?

I can’t help but think where this is headed if and when the worst case scenario is to unfold. Or the number of suicides for all those who perpetrated the lies. Imagine all the innocent children that will have been needlessly harmed?

This is WWIII and the Goverment is now the enemy we are under attack from.

reality is, in fact, a bitsch
reality is, in fact, a bitsch
April 1, 2021 10:20 am

I have come to believe that most of the “take the vaccine” people are what I would call “externally stroked”, that is, they get all of their validation and information from external sources because they have no interior fortitude. We “internals” do our thinking, pondering, questioning, investigating etc and come up with our own conclusions which we then act upon. The “externals” don’t want to ponder or think, it’s too hard and the scary conclusions they might reach would then have to be addressed, horrors. It’s also why people don’t save or prepare for the future..