Dead Planet Earth

by the subway philosopher™

Out of left field, literally, comes Bright Green Lies, in which a trio of hardcore, tree-hugging, woke, feminist  environmentalists painstakingly eviscerate the hypocrisy, delusions and utopian pipe turbine-dreams of the modern Green movement, including its most infamous proponents. The book is surprisingly entertaining as it unerringly dissects the insanity that imagines exchanging fossil fuel consumption for vast swaths of land and sea crammed with wind turbines, solar panels and other ‘renewable’ technologies, all while maintaining industrialized consumer lifestyles.

      Does modern industrial civilization end with a bang or a whimper?

The authors reach three alarming conclusions. First, fossil fuels and, more particularly, the global industrial resource-extraction complex that depends on them, are destroying life on the planet. Second, no known alternative energy sources or combination thereof can power industrialized societies at the current level. Third, industrialization is itself a civilizational dead end, inevitably doomed to termination in the short term. The only question then is: How does the modern industrial world collapse – with a bang or a whimper? With the destruction of all living things, or with a controlled reduction to a healthy Earth and a subsistence level of existence for humanity?

Objections to these Hobbesian options will be many and loud, with some justification. And despite the wealth of sources and data they provide, the authors occasionally descend into rhapsodic weeping and wailing which verges on Mother Gaia worship (including the inevitable calls for true freedom for women, who apparently are still horribly oppressed by their as yet incomplete domination of the known universe).

      Most environmentalists have sold out.

Perhaps the most important of the many insights offered in the book is that virtually all green and environmental movements, whose goals are now a staple on the agendas of corporations and governments, have in effect been co-opted by the industrial machine, ostensibly for the sole purpose of  keeping the machine running. Governments and corporations have never been feted for their benevolence toward the concerns of ordinary people, so it’s a wonder that modern progressives, mainstream environmentalists, media, NGOs and the public at large have not questioned why and are onboard with an agenda which, at least theoretically, appears antithetical to their interests.

Do corporations and government know something that the rest of us don’t? Could oil actually be running out, and the move to Green the only way the industrial machine can  continue commodifying the natural world and everything in it, including people? Bright Green Lies doesn’t address the issue at any length and is weaker for it. The writers assume that greed and environmental destruction are the birthright of industrialization, a mindless machine whose only purpose is to make more mindless machines which rape the earth, pollute the air and water, destroy habitats and lives and enslave humanity, but never seriously question who or what pulls the monster’s strings. Only in passing do they point the finger at ‘capitalism,’ but without much in the way of perceptive analysis. Indirectly and predictably, European (white) males are also implicated – scapegoats don’t get paid much, but they’re always in demand.

      Trillions of barrels of oil are still sloshing around inside the Earth.

In all truth the world appears to have reached something resembling peak oil. But what exactly does that mean? Roughly half of all known oil and gas is still in the ground, waiting to be extracted. That’s a lot of oil, trillions of barrels sloshing around with the promise of vast energy wealth yet to come. Unfortunately, there are two corollaries to this hypothesis. One is that the number (and size) of new fossil fuel finds has been declining for decades; oil consumption has outpaced discovery since the 1960s, according to Alice J. Freidemann and many others. The gap is large and growing.

Secondly, the cost of extraction, which has been rising imperceptibly since the first oil strikes, continues to rise and will likely never stop rising, for a number of reasons. The energy available from a barrel of oil, after subtracting the energy used in extraction, has been dropping since the earliest days of the oil age, and will continue to do so. Even if production does not falter, the net energy available to power civilization, industry and the economy will decrease inexorably, year after year after year. So there’s that.

Bright Green Lies performs admirably, even humorously, analyzing and detailing the myriad failings of green technologies (and taking occasional shots at the celebrities who endorse them). Hydropower, solar panels, wind turbines, green energy storage, green cities, recycling, and others are exposed as empty frauds requiring vastly greater exploitation and destruction of planet Earth and its inhabitants and constituents than even the most cynical might imagine. The numbers and data are truly astonishing – read them all for yourself. The kindest view of renewables which emerges is that while sun and wind are free, the technology, industrial processes, and resources required to harvest them are anything but.

      There is no replacement for oil.

Possibly most telling of all, the authors explore the full and uncomfortable ramifications of Jevon’s Paradox, which informs us that gains in efficiency lead to increased consumption of a given resource. In other words, no new efficiencies or technologies have ever led to a decrease in exploitation and destruction of the natural world. The opposite is in fact true. Even worse, no new energy source has ever led to a decrease, or even levelling-off, in energy consumption. Solar, wind and other such technologies will not replace oil even if they find a path to meaningful net-positive energy success (unlikely). It’s a virtual certainty that green tech will only add to the havoc and destruction of the industrialized world.

Bright Green Lies offers humanity a stark and immediate choice – continue as we are, until the planet and everything on it is stone cold dead, or give up cars, iPhones, McMansions, air-conditioning, hot showers, etc., and embrace the idyllic existence of a subsistence-level matriarchy.

I’m sure we’d all prefer a third option, but going Green clearly isn’t it.

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May 15, 2021 8:54 pm

It’s only natural for a death cult to worship death.
On an agricultural note, mono-cropping creates a great place for pests that thrive on that crop.
It seems like we are also seeing a social-political version of mono-cropping, where a certain movement is trying to force everyone to be just like them…no differences allowed.
You can see the increase in pests on a daily basis.

May 16, 2021 10:26 am

After millennia of shitting where it eats, the Human race will eventually get what it deserves….
good and hard.
Don’t forget, Mother Nature takes out the trash every now and then.
Nobody gets out of here alive, adjust accordingly

May 15, 2021 9:13 pm

Here is another interesting book that I just finished. ‘Unsettled, What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, And Why It Matters’, the author Steven Koonin was Obama’s Under Secretary of Science in the Energy Department. He had an awakening to what is actually happening and as the description notes:

“Surging sea levels are inundating the coasts.”

“Hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming fiercer and more frequent.”

“Climate change will be an economic disaster.”

You’ve heard all this presented as fact. But according to science, all of these statements are profoundly misleading.

When it comes to climate change, the media, politicians, and other prominent voices have declared that “the science is settled.” In reality, the long game of telephone from research to reports to the popular media is corrupted by misunderstanding and misinformation. Core questions—about the way the climate is responding to our influence, and what the impacts will be—remain largely unanswered. The climate is changing, but the why and how aren’t as clear as you’ve probably been led to believe.

May 16, 2021 12:19 pm

Does he provide proof that “the climate is changing” beyond refering to a faked “global average temperature” record?

Piggy->pass me the conch
Piggy->pass me the conch
May 16, 2021 1:48 pm

I’d say the climate constantly changes. Some call it weather. In the mid nineties around here you’d get some 95 degree days. Not anymore. High last year was 84.

May 16, 2021 7:11 pm

He has become not very well accepted among those pushing the hysteria of climate change, which says something. Early in the book he explains that “the weather” is what we saw yesterday and what we are experiencing today, whereas “the climate” is what the weather has done over the past 30 years. So for example should we experience a high number of hurricanes one year that is weather and it does not mean that the climate is changing.

He believes that the climate has always been changing, the question is why. He also thinks that there is no real proof that humans are the cause and if any cause would be miniscule. As an example, the fear porn is that the oceans are rising; he says they are but it is something like 3mm per year (I’m not certain I remember that number correctly, but is is really small) and that they have been rising at this rate for the last 150 years, long before humans could have had an impact.

He concludes with some possible solutions to research such as Solar Radiation Management and GeoEngineering which I think they are already doing and which are screwing things up.

May 15, 2021 10:08 pm

Also dead:
Body of Missing Ore. Man Known as ‘Icon’ of the Queer Community Found in River: ‘He Kept Us Safe’

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 15, 2021 10:57 pm

Thank you for the good news report.

May 15, 2021 11:03 pm

We are not running out of natural resources we are running out of creative minds. In the 1930s we had leaders planning for harvesting resources to accommodate an expanding population. Today we have leaders with a poverty of mind telling us we have to live with less. We have to get rid of our incompetent leaders. The earth has more resources than we humans can ever use. Back then when I was young we had can do people who ran things. Today we have educated idiots pulling the levers.

Planet earth will be here when homo sapiens are long gone. In the age of the earth we are like a speck of flashing light that passes like the cells of our body. Our function is to procreate. After that we are free to develop a soul. But most don’t and no one cares.

Life on earth is to be an adventure. The boomers have had their adventure. Now the next generation is to have theirs. Remember, we live in a changing world. The young think differently from the old and the old are checking out.

May 16, 2021 12:34 am

” The earth has more resources than we humans can ever use.”

For now.

There’s less than 200 years worth of uranium left at current rates of consumption. Some geologists say only 80 years. There’s only 50-75 years of phosphorous left. I think plants need phosphorous to grow.

Every resource on Earth is finite. That should be obvious. OK, so let’s say there’s a Trillion barrels of oil left. But, at some point it will be 900 billion. Then 800 billion. Then zero. Everything used that’s non-renewable will go to zero.

The scary part is the rate of depletion. For example, 80% of all gold ever brought above ground was mined in the last 100 years. For however many thousands of years humans have been around we accessed resources by human labor or with the help of animals. Now we have machines like this;

comment image

Fucking insane.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 6:42 am

We produce all the phosphorus we need with swine manure.

The poster above was correct, the Earth produces everything we need in abundance but only if it is managed on a micro level. Our entire system is built on the macro because that’s where profits are extracted, hence the strip mining and centralization of resources.

Tesla knew that the most efficient form of energy production happened at the end user level, but Edison saw that there was no profit to be made unless energy was tightly controlled and then sold downstream. BigAg used the tired old trope about feeding the world by mass producing it at an enormous ecological cost and then shipping it halfway around the world instead of as it has always been done at a local level where soils are improved, not depleted.

Those in power have only the system which profits them and everything else is incidental. The real problem though is that consumers have grown so dependent upon the system to provide for them rather than shouldering that responsibility themselves that only a complete collapse will wean them from their dependency.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 7:08 am

“We produce all the phosphorus we need with swine manure”

And where does the pig get phosphorus from? Is there a phosphorus producing organ? Or, does the pig produce phosphorous as a by-product from what it eats?

I seriously think some people have no clue what the “finite” means in Finite Resources.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 7:54 am

Phosphorus Management in Pork Production

You’re the hotshot researcher, why don’t you answer your own question?

I’m not a scientist, but I play one on the farm. You observe, you make adjustments based on those observations, things either improve or fail based on those judgments, wash, rinse repeat.

You want to hear something I still can’t fully grasp? The NPK in composted swine manure is more readily available to new growth(between 80-90%) than if you spread pure chemical NPK on your fields. According to the geniuses in science, there is supposed to be zero difference between the two, yet there is.

Reality is what takes place while you are waiting for a credentialed expert to write a paper on why it isn’t.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 8:04 am

Personally, as I told my horse-riding neighbor across the valley… I prefer rabbit poop!

comment image

More pellets of truth about rabbit poop from the article!

“Here are a few facts about rabbit manure:

Rabbit manure has four times more nutrients than cow or horse manure and is twice as rich as chicken manure. Cow, horse and chicken manure are considered “hot” and need to be composted (well-rotted) to use as fertilizers.

One of the best things about rabbit manure is it doesn’t need to be composted.

Rabbit manure is organic matter and improves poor soil structure, drainage and moisture retention.

It improves the life cycle of microorganisms in the soil.

Worms love rabbit manure. (*TRUE)

It is not as smelly as other manures and is easy to handle.

One doe and her offspring can produce a ton of manure in one year. That’s a lot of bunny honey.

Rabbit manure is packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals and micronutrients.

It contains beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper and cobalt, just to name a few.

Nitrogen (N). Rabbit manure is higher in nitrogen than sheep, goat, chicken, cow or horse manure. Plants need nitrogen to produce strong green growth.

Phosphorus (P). Rabbit manure is also higher in phosphorus than the other manures. It helps with the transformation of solar energy to chemical energy. Phosphorus also helps plants to withstand stress and contributes to more and bigger blossoms, and is great for root growth.

Potassium (K). Potassium helps with fruit quality and reducing disease; plants will not grow without it.”

So, not only do I see your pig manure reply, I raise it with rabbit manure and a good article to go with it!

Rabbits Rock the Casbah! (and, they are kosher, which pigs are NOT.)

May 16, 2021 11:12 am

That was a very useful piece of info! Thanks! We’ve just begun raising rabbits, primarily because the five year old grandson is an animal fanatic and very conscientious in caring for them withn his range of ability. The three dogs have grown accustomed to them and don’t seem to have much interest any longer, unlike when a wild hare emerges from the woods and scampers quickly back with the dogs in hot pursuit if they happen to notie him. Rabbit manure it will be for next year! It’s fall here and mulch time is fast approaching.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 8:12 am

“You’re the hotshot researcher, why don’t you answer your own question?”

Because this is a forum where one person can ask another person something …. without ALWAYS doing their own research first?

Because it was a sincere question, and I respect your position and achievements as a farmer?

Not sure why you felt a snarky snippet was in order. Oh, well …

Injun Jew
Injun Jew
May 16, 2021 8:34 am

Because your reply was shitty.

  Injun Jew
May 16, 2021 8:44 am

I just reread my reply. There was nothing “shitty” about it.

Fuckoff you pussy Snowflake.

Injun Jew
Injun Jew
May 16, 2021 9:44 am

I won’t do that you retarded Boomer.

You were clearly being snarky AND you were being retarded. A finite resource that CIRCULATES (eat, shit, distribute, grow, eat, etc) is not the same as combustion.

  Injun Jew
May 16, 2021 10:56 am

Blow me, Joo Boi COWARD.

I say “COWARD” because I know for a fact you are a regular poster who is too much of a CHICKEN-SHIT PUSSY to post under your regular name.

SQUAWK! SQUAWK” Ya faggot.

May 16, 2021 11:43 am

Not that you’re anti-semitic or anything, are you?

May 16, 2021 12:00 pm

Not at all. I like some Jews. I dislike some Joos. Just like any other group.

But, Israel? Generally not a fan.

Injun Jew
Injun Jew
May 16, 2021 3:23 pm

Chicken Shit is GREAT for phosphorus too.

I don’t mind if you name this jew. Have at it.

May 16, 2021 8:46 am

I dunno if you saw my reply about the little stilted shack on the south end of the forty. We really would probably sell it now for 50K because our son informed us he makes more than enough money to build his own little shack on this place in a better spot. Since an empty home invites unwanted occupants (pests), we think selling it to someone serious about living out here or paying us to protect it for a bugout spot makes more sense, especially now that people really are moving to their land out here more and more.

Is it worth 50K now? Not really, although value depends greatly upon location and this little place has location, location and more location.

It sits on the intersection of a county gravel road which winds away into the Ozarks heading westward toward the three rivers which feed the diversion channel which diverts water into the Mississippi instead of onto the cropland southward. It also sits near a creek which feeds one of those very three rivers, closeby. And an acre of its land is untouched wilderness which has state highway frontage access. Location, location and location.

So, we are putting a few thousand dollars into fixing the place up enough for someone to actually live in it (who wasn’t raised on a farm like me) and then we will easily sell the three acres and house for 100K.

The place is completely out of sight of our place and we own all the trees between us and the house. The NOPIS (no other people in sight) rule is intact.

Am not trying to “sell” it… it is our project and the reason we wouldn’t sell it for less than 50 now is we don’t need to.

The place also comes with all the rabbit poop it needs.

May 16, 2021 9:09 am

I did see your reply. Nice additional info. $50k for a house plus 3 acres sounds like a pretty good deal. Not sure the rabbit shit is an incentive though. lol And you forgot to mention the rotting corpses of dead bullfrogs.

May 16, 2021 12:13 pm

sigh… the pond is spring fed and the bullfrog corpses are long gone, though there may be a bit of copper in the muck on the bottom.

I bet, if I toss enough rabbit poop in that pond, the earthworms would take care of that too!

I’m all in on rabbit poop these days.

May 16, 2021 11:34 am

Wasn’t a sincere question. It was a paddle designed to stir shit.

May 16, 2021 12:02 pm

What say you go fuck a duck? So, now you can read minds? fukmeded, you can barely string two consecutive coherent sentences together.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 16, 2021 6:53 pm

Possibly because of the bacteria in the swine’s stomach plus the diet. Mentioned the other day about the root cap and the fungus that digest the root cap cells as it pushes through the soil.
Don’t know if you know about the potassium producing benefit of just weeds such as crabgrass.
There are many things that the so called scientist do not actually know why something occurs in the world of botany.

May 16, 2021 10:30 am

OMG !!!
Stucky questioned Saint Hardscrabble!!
How dare he!!

👻 (ghost)
👻 (ghost)
May 16, 2021 7:13 am

Some farm machinery looks like it could take over the farm.

  👻 (ghost)
May 16, 2021 10:45 am

Maggie- That’s true, and I seem to get behind those contraptions every time out on the country roads. No way to pass them.

May 16, 2021 12:25 pm

Some of them are actually designed to straddle the road and allow cars and trucks to pass under.

It’s like Star Wars Farming or something.

very old white guy
very old white guy
May 16, 2021 7:27 am

Everything has a limit and there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine or a “free’ lunch. This applies to planets, solar systems and the universe.

  very old white guy
May 16, 2021 12:45 pm

And those limits have been the source of handwringing since the 1800’s with no collapses, die-offs, or the absolute “end” of a single one of the worried about resources.

As cheap, easily accessible resources are depleted, suppliers go after less accessible reserves. This drives up prices. This increase in prices reduces demand for one resource while increasing demand for any and all substitutes. We haven’t “hit bottom” in an absolute sense on anything at all, yet.
Peak oil? Surely we’re out of oil since we hit peak oil 50 years ago.
Yes, the earth is finite. Doesn’t mean we need to climb on Gates’ depopulation bandwagon just yet.
Alternative sources or alternative technologies are what’s led to the Malthusian collapse not happening, the 1970s “population bomb” being a dud, and peak oil not mattering a bit in terms of whether we’ve “run out” of oil. Before anyone runs out of anything, the price increases such that no one uses it anymore. As for minerals and elemental metals, they’re not going anywhere. All we’ve mined out of the ground is still right here on good old finite Erf.

May 17, 2021 4:06 pm

It’s called a cycle, dipshit. We aren’t shipping the stuff off planet. It gets used, transformed, broken down, used again, etc. etc. ad infinitum.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 15, 2021 11:28 pm

For about 300,000 years, ordinary people survived by hunting and farming in modest sized groups per se. Some did better than others and expanded to “nations” and some stagnated or died out. After TSHTF, The West’s Chosen Elite that own most of the World’s wealth because they print and spend the money will have to come up with another scheme to avoid getting their hands dirty working mules in fields to earn their daily bread. I’m sure they have a Plan to control the Deplorables and the Useful Idiots; but expect there will be some drastic goings on in their midst when the Goy understand who was behind the Chem-spraying that helped bring on the cold and famine, who was behind the CV-19 Virus and The Shot, Cultural Communism, Economic & Social Chaos, the Persecution of Christians, the Disastrous WW3 they will get the USA into, etc. I expect they will have to go to a Plan B that will look a lot like the evacuation of Saigon in 1975.

May 15, 2021 11:41 pm

OK, but Tik Tok and Instagram will still work, right? Because I’ll literally shit kittens if those go away. Burn down the world, but don’t mess with my memelolz and twerk videos.

bob sykes
bob sykes
May 16, 2021 7:17 am

In a world driven by muscle power, brute physical strength rules. Society will be a patriarchy, and women will be property. There will be serfs and slaves and indentured workers. That was the rule everywhere prior to the industrial revolution just 200 years ago.

And the population will be much smaller, likely less than 500 million world wide, almost entirely peasants, with some artisans and a tiny, hereditary ruling class. You can still build cathedrals and aqueducts, and sailing ships will move almost as fast as modern freighters.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  bob sykes
May 16, 2021 8:52 am

Say goodbye to most of the Elite Shysters, Professors, Media, Entertainers, and Welfare Maggots. Doesn’t look good for Agenda 21 cities either. All that will be gone with the wind like their UN Global Warming BS, Dr Fraud Wear a Mask lies, Bill Gates take The Shot Eugenics, and the NWO/Great Reset Genocide.

May 16, 2021 11:25 am

The earth died in 2015 when the Arctic ice cap melted and drowned Florida and New York City.

May 16, 2021 12:49 pm

In 1989 they were telling people that NYC would be under water by the year 2000

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 16, 2021 8:11 pm

Maybe we’ll have better luck when Wall Street’s DOW drops 90% and the rest of the NYC Elite move to South Florida.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
May 17, 2021 2:39 pm

The issue here is thinking that oil is a “fossil fuel”. Such a premise is false. While I’m not a chemist, hydrocarbons are products of H2O + C with likely a few other elements as well. If we believe the Bible, we don’t believe in evolution. If we don’t believe in evolution, we must reject the very concept of fossil fuel; which really aren’t “fossils” at all but enormous amounts of organic matter somehow buried very quickly.

The elements that make up hydrocarbons are extremely plentiful. God either created the earth with an abundance of the stuff; or, some process deep within the earth creates it perhaps to this day. Oil would therefore be a renewable resource. If people knew that, some very wealthy folks would lose a lot of authority.