Psaki: If You Post Misinformation Online You Should Be Banned From All Social Media Platforms

Do we need any more proof that Facebook is a government surveillance entity created by DARPA to spy on us and control our perceptions? How does Biden’s Administration have access to our private conversations on Facebook? As long as Facebook and other social media companies are SPYING on people they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with the “muh private company” excuse.

REPORTER: You went through kind of top line details on this yesterday, but can you elaborate a little bit on the Facebook … the administration to Facebook, flagging disinformation? And then there’s also some reporting that we’ve had that Facebook maybe hasn’t been as proactive as the White House would like it to be in response to some of the flags. And so is there a process of how flagging works, and then whether Facebook has been amenable to those requests?

PSAKI: Sure. Well, I would say first, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’re in regular touch with social media platforms, just like we’re in regular touch with all of you and your media outlets about areas where we have concern, information that might be useful, information that may or may not be interesting to your viewers, you all make decisions, just like the social media platforms make decisions, even though they’re a private sector company and different, but just as an example. So we are regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans are seeing across all of social and traditional media. And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies. …

REPORTER: And then has Facebook been as proactive as the White House would like in terms of its response to those flags?

PSAKI: Well, I think, as I noted yesterday, Phil, there is more, there are more steps that everyone can take. And I would just note again, this is a responsibility of officials speaking, of course, on behalf of the government, it’s the responsibility of members of the media. It’s the responsibility of citizens and civic leaders and people who are trusted voices in communities around the country, that has a broad definition, social media platforms is one of them. And as we know, it is also, they’re are also areas where a lot of people get news and information. Sometimes those are accurate news items reported by some of your outlets or accurate information shared by a neighbor. Sometimes there is information that is not, it is hard to discriminate, as we know, this is not a new issue. But it is an issue that is impacting people’s lives. So a couple of the steps that we have, you know, that could be constructive for the public health of the country are providing for Facebook or other platforms to measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation on their platform, and the audience it’s reaching, also with the public, with all of you, to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules, you shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others, if you, for providing misinformation out there. Taking faster action against harmful posts, as you all know, information travels quite quickly. If it’s up there for days and days and days, when people see it, you know, there’s it’s hard to put that back in a box. And of course, promoting quality information algorithms. I don’t know how they work, but they all do know how they work. So those are some of the steps that we think could be constructive for public health, for public information for public and you know, the right of the public to know. Go ahead.

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July 16, 2021 4:20 pm

You stupid morons and assclowns. Stop accepting failing positions.

You have accepted that corporations have any existence or rights beyond what governments confer to them. They are a construct of government. They are regulated in every fucking way you can think. And somehow they have some authority to take away our constitutional rights?

Quit arguing from positions of weakness you disgusting pathetic creatures. The companies do not have rights and should not have rights, but what the People allow.

B.S. in V.C.
B.S. in V.C.
July 16, 2021 4:28 pm

And they get to decide what misinformation is.

  B.S. in V.C.
July 16, 2021 8:31 pm

Why not, they get to decide what votes are, they get to decide what reality is.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
July 16, 2021 4:34 pm

If anyone posting misinformation should be banned, I guess the first organization that should be banned is the government. Next in line is the New York Times and big media.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
July 16, 2021 4:35 pm

I just watched that over at conservative treehouse.

She just admitted that these “media platforms” are media outlets who editorialize content, at .gov request.

Cut and dry violation of sec 320.

Not that anything will be done but at least they are saying the quiet things out loud now.

  Just Thinking
July 16, 2021 5:08 pm

There is that Green Beret who has audio from the FBI, where the FBI says they get their sources for who to investigate from FB and twitter.

July 16, 2021 5:08 pm

Let’s be sure that same Enforcement holds all DC representatives to task !
The entire town would be either vacant or muzzled !
Especially if lies by intentional omission count !

July 16, 2021 5:23 pm

If you are still operating with functional intelligence you should ban yourself from facebook.

July 16, 2021 6:56 pm

Only the most unbelievable immoral gimp would still have a FB account.

July 16, 2021 5:34 pm

Let’s hope the CBO will be held to the same standard ! Considering the buying power of the US DOLLAR is now down over 40% yet the Washington swamp announces 2% inflation .
I vision hand cuffs , leg irons and orange Jump suits coming out of DC offices ! As for you telecommuters time to jump ship with the rats …

July 16, 2021 8:39 pm

Bidenflation it’s officially only 2% but you lose 40% of your spending power.

July 16, 2021 6:54 pm

Hey our “fundamentally transformed” Amerika is bright and shiny, new and improved. We’re dead and you better know it.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 16, 2021 7:11 pm

The question is “Who determines what is correct (allowed) information & what is unacceptable information?”

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and some people are one.

  TN Patriot
July 16, 2021 7:33 pm

Come on Patriot, you absolutely know that those whom control the levers of power decide reality, especially the ones in league with the Spirit of the Age; Lord Nefarious. Their “opinions” are now our reality.

another Doug
another Doug
  TN Patriot
July 16, 2021 8:18 pm

Some are much bigger.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
July 16, 2021 8:03 pm

Pravda and Völkischer Beobachter had nothing on today’s high-tech USSA Ministry of Truth.

Fecesbook, CNN, Shitter and MSNBC are all organs of the occupied government; has been for a long time. Those organism are just the strings and wires reimagined to available science.

Time is coming when the old mimeograph machines shall once again copy, under severe penalty, the Truth. In fact Auntie suspects that in the near future TBP, and other places like it, shall be labelled as Samizdat.

(And Jen ‘s “vocal fry” is really irritating. One representing the voice of the almighty Government, particularly during times of crises, should have a soothing voice – helps allay fears. She also needs to wear a fucken barrette.)

  Auntie Kriest
July 16, 2021 8:37 pm

They’re so embolden now that she stands there today and proclaims that purveyors of ‘misinformation’ should be banned not just from the venue they posted said misinformation, but all platforms. Tell me about the coming storm, meh…

DOTR Scheduler
DOTR Scheduler
  Auntie Kriest
July 17, 2021 3:07 pm

Volkischer Beobachter was in opposition to this totalitarian Marxist filth.
Don’t like it? Don’t be a subversive ((communist))

another Doug
another Doug
July 16, 2021 8:15 pm

Uuhm….there is this piece of parchment called the constitution. You have obviously forgotten the law of the land.

  another Doug
July 16, 2021 8:39 pm

Well it’s obviously up to individuals, not the oath bound pols and bureaucrats, to make the consequences for ignoring their oath ‘uncomfortable.’

  another Doug
July 16, 2021 8:40 pm

There is no law of the land anymore. That piece of parchment was stomped on and shredded a long time ago. The only law you have is what THEY say you have or what you are willing to fight for. It was declared null and void right under your nose. Ask those guys still in the gulag from Jan 6th how that Constitution stuff is working out.

July 16, 2021 10:34 pm

Die Lugenpresse. Lying press. Psaki and her handlers make Goebbels look like a piker.

  another Doug
July 16, 2021 8:41 pm

They only follow the parts that give them power.

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
  another Doug
July 16, 2021 8:42 pm

TPTB on both sides of the aisle have been ignoring that for years. Re read the Declaration. Jefferson was right, men will put up with shit way beyond what’s reasonable but the straw’s getting heavy on the Camel’s back. They called them the Intolerable acts in the 1770’s.

July 16, 2021 9:19 pm

AGREE, red lies everyday!

Hunter's crack pipe
Hunter's crack pipe
July 16, 2021 9:42 pm

Piss off, Psaki 🖕

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
July 16, 2021 10:24 pm

When Comms Are Cut

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 17, 2021 1:48 am

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

CIA director William Casey.

I think the program is just about complete.

very old white guy
very old white guy
July 17, 2021 9:49 am

Misinformation as in truth.

July 17, 2021 10:01 am

The weeds are getting deeper all the time.