Luongo: We Have Entered The Eye Of Davos’ Storm

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

Congress recessed for the summer passing neither the infrastructure nor spending bills that were the focus of all of Washington’s attention for weeks thanks to Krysten Sinema from Arizona. She personally torpedoed the Biden Administration’s signature piece of legislation that took months to wrangle to that point and then gave the whole thing a big John McCain-like thumbs down.

The debt ceiling suspension put in place under Trump has not been renewed. We are currently more than $6 trillion over it as I type this.

Fungal President Joe Biden looked up from his jello cup long enough to implore Congress to extend the eviction moratorium for those behind on rent and mortgage payments which has been in place for more than a year. Estimates are 6.5 million people will now face eviction who are behind on their rent.

U.S. tax-cows have drawn down their savings at an alarming rate while facing this eviction cliff. But, hey, your per child tax credit is now showing up as a monthly check as long as the Post Office stays on the job. By the way, they are refusing to go along with Biden’s plans for forcing all government employees be vaccinated against a virus which isn’t killing anyone anymore.

This latest wave of homeless people wandering the streets of the U.S. over the next year will be used by the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) to demonize the evil Republicans for not DOING SOMETHING about this new crisis.

Never mind that it was wholly manufactured by locking down parts of the world and blowing up both the financial markets and disrupting the natural flow of goods that is a functional economy.

The panic many will feel will be real but the question is who is actually panicking?

Is it the “dirty spreaders” and “anti-science” losers who refuse to take an experimental gene therapy or the ones who ordered all of this insanity in the first place for their own personal and political gain?

Sometimes Losing is Just Losing

At every turn the Biden Administration lost major political battles in the past week. There is no denying that. That is an unqualified good thing. It ensures the anger and frustration over the direction of the country post-Trump will be unstoppable come the mid-term elections despite even the expected voter fraud next fall.

We can count on that just like we could count on it in 2020. But the bigger question I have now is whether or not we’ll actually have those elections if it looks like we’ll have a landslide on the populist side of the political ledger?

What the little people want is anathema to those that congregate every year at Davos, Switzerland to plot out their dystopian future plans for humanity.

So, the odds rise everyday that they will suspend elections in Germany or France as a trial run for next fall’s mid-terms. Book this prediction and double down on it regularly, you might make more on it than in the coming crypto bull market, but only just barely.

When you stop to think this through in normal political calculus, how can Biden and Pelosi spin their failures as anything like victories now? The truth is plain to everyone. They lied, cheated, stole and by all rational accounts staged a coup on January 6th.

They have everything they ever wanted… all the power of the Legislative and Executive branches while simultaneously cowing the Judicial branch into irrelevance …

… and a MILF from ‘Zona undid it all with a press release?

Don’t underestimate the chutzpah of these venal people to try because in Davos’ New Normal all instances of public decency are simply a dog whistle for latent fascists and white people racists.

But given this string of failures it is no wonder Pelosi is thinking about finally giving up her House seat. After all, what’s left to do after nearly single-handedly destroying every aspect of U.S. legislative procedure. I feel her ennui, there are just no more glass ceilings to break.

Pelosi bluffed hard on the spending and infrastructure bills but forgot that having a 50-50 split in the senate and a united Republican front who knows they are in the mid-term driver’s seat meant that any single Senator with a nominal “D” after their names could take ‘awesome power of the speaker’s gavel’ and shove it right up her saggy, angry bottom.

Cue Sinema, who is truly a free spirit. She also knows the situation in Arizona is a powder keg she doesn’t want to be near when it finally explodes over the results of the election audit.

Action Jackson Reaction

The Davos-beholden Democrat and GOPe reaction to these losses has been increasingly strident and desperate jawboning about the Delta Variant bogeyman while everyone in the West is sick and tired of this nonsense.

Then remember, it was just Monday where Biden was offering $100 to ‘please get the vaccine’ and by the end of the week we’re listening to this ….

This is honestly a bigger needle scratch then when the media turned on a dime about the COVID Lab Leak theory two months ago.

And all of a sudden millions of voices cried out in anger and couldn’t be silenced.

At every turn those in the highest cabinet positions of the Biden junta embarrass themselves with doublespeak and cognitive dissonance that even the most mind-virus addled normie can see as illogical. I know there’s no getting through to some people but it doesn’t take them to have a critical mass simply step back, fold their arms and say, “You know what? No.”

Saying “No” to Davos, however, comes with a terrible price. Just ask the Brits who’ve been locked down for more than a year since winning their ‘freedom’ from the EU via Brexit.

Now add in the vagaries of Mother Nature dealing with an increasingly precarious dance between the Earth’s weakening magnetic field and the Sun’s increasing activity and we have extreme weather all over the globe making the day of every climate alarmist ninny with a diaper on their face and a stick up their ass.

The Western half of the U.S. is either on fire or suffering from a crop-destroying/herd depleting drought which has everyone there looking to a dysfunctional, if not outright paralyzed, FedGov for help but there is none forthcoming. Supply chains for basic goods like meat, lumber, electricity and water are failing and the damage done to them will take years to undo.

These natural disasters wouldn’t be so difficult to deal with if Davos hadn’t pursued this Great Reset operation in the first place and carried it through the first six months of Biden’s anti-Administration.

But, you know, in for a penny, in for millions dead for the greater good.

Davos doesn’t even care about the people who are its staunchest supporters, no less those that it wants to destroy — meat eaters, individualists, white people and Christians, you know, most Americans.

Just look at their home turf of Europe. Floods wiped out whole towns in Germany while the presumed incoming leader, hand-picked of course Davos style, cried crocodile tears over hundreds dead while virtue signaling about Climate Change and laughing at the plight of the plebes he’s expected to lead in a few months.

At the rate the protests in France are going, the ECB will go bankrupt just supplying the Gendarme with tear gas and water cannons.

If you don’t realize that the Delta Variant only exists to make the excuse to cancel any election that is set to go against Davos then you really aren’t paying any attention at all.

Do You Really Need the Jab?

We have reached the moment where Davos’ plans to vandalize the American and European people are coming to fruition.

From this week’s events forward we will be in a state of ’emergency’ described brilliantly in V for Vendetta where the media is used to ratchet up the fear beyond any reasonable level and the people increasingly say, “Oh, bollocks.”

Or, as we say here in the States, “Fuck this noise!”

The ride from here will only get worse and our only recourse is to look to shoring up our local communities rather than hope for any saviors at the ballot box.

The rules have changed.

Democracy has been outlawed and the courts neutralized. The push for total control over your movement, your thoughts and your basic right to make your way in the world is no longer protected by law.

In fact, the law is openly hostile to your very existence. Just ask Australians and Canadians.

We’ve always known that public health was the cheat code to tyranny. Now we’re seeing it weaponized in a way that isn’t just creepy, it’s chilling in its inhumanity.

But the kids still think Communists care about them.

There is an urgency to this now that wasn’t there before. In the days after neutralizing Trump they backed off thinking there was more time, that there was more than a full year to stepwise up the pressure on us.

But it turned out that COVID-19 simply wasn’t deadly enough and therapeutics for it strong enough to unmask the agenda behind the operation.

So, Don Lemon can get stuffed if he thinks we’re going to give up our livelihoods when we could just buy ivermectin over the freaking counter and man up. But, that’s not something Don’s good at.

I suggest locking Don in his office and he can Door Dash his tofurkey and bean sprouts between segments of his unwatched television gig subsidized by fake Fed funny money. But no toilet paper for him or the vaxxed. That needs to be reserved for real men eating the meat and growing the soybeans and the sprouts while we sort out the pulpwood shortage he helped create.

So while they think it’s time to turn the unvaxxed into the scapegoats for why we all can’t have nice things, it’s quickly going to turn against them.

People like Don are there to create the consensus to justify the pogroms they envision in their oxygen-starved brains.

I’d smile and say something pithy like molon labe but it would be a little too on the nose.

The Long Dark or Just Long Dollars?

In the end, it’s not all doom and gloom. The signs are everywhere that the bonds holding this cartel of oligarchs together are breaking. I’ve talked about this in previous pieces. Honestly, you have to be a complete nincompoop to think Jamie Dimon and the narcissists on Wall St. will roll over to Herr Schwab without going a few rounds in the Oligarch version of the UFC Octagon.

Yellen may be trying to destroy Wall St. for Schwab but Powell and the FOMC are still on the job, even if they sound as incoherent on inflation as the CDC Director does on, well, everything.

I ask you to think again about the last two Fed meetings.

First, he drained overseas markets of dollars by raising the Reverse Repo Rate to 0.05%. This week he created a standing Repo Facility for foreign counterparties to hand them back those dollars. They’ll do this only because they are now desperate for them but it will drain them of their high-quality Repo collateral, i.e. US. Treasuries.

Since the Fed knows there will be no new U.S. Treasuries issued for the next few months thanks to the debt ceiling kerfluffle being unresolved, they need a supply of them to hand back to the banks they know are going to be in need of them.

The result was the first $1+ trillion print of the Fed’s domestic Reverse Repo Facility, which hands Treasuries back to the banks in exchange for dollars providing them with now very scarce collateral.

Downstream this should further destabilize overseas markets (read: Europe) while handing Wall St. and domestic banks all the collateral they could ever need to cover this dangerous period we are entering.

This, to me, doesn’t seem like Powell is playing in the same key as Yellen.

My bet is that whatever the Fed says at Jackson Hole will tell us just where the Fed stands in all of this and that will tell us whether or not we have any friends at all in high places.

The storm created by Davos has made landfall. The next two months will tell us just who is and who is not still on their payroll or is compromised by them. To me the key is the Fed. We’ll find out soon enough if Wall St. really isn’t down with the Commintern.

Either way, we’ve run out of time to prepare.

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August 3, 2021 2:34 pm

I respectfully disagree that we are outta time. Certainly it’s later than we think but the shadows aren’t on the old sundial yet. We can still get canned goods, rice, beans canned meat chicken and seafood although the prices are up. Water is available by the case or by the gallon and purifiers are still available. Coleman stoves, propane stoves and butane cookers are available with the required fuel for each. Guns, ammo, spare parts and cleaning supplies can still be purchase/bought online. Banks and ATMs are open so cash can be accumulated and saved for the spiciness to come. Precious metals, the ultimate insurance policy, can still be found although they are expensive and somewhat hard to find. Especially silver. Doing something, even if it’s a little something is infinitely better than sitting on yer ass and waiting to be sent to the FEMA camps. The time to act is now, let’s do it!

August 3, 2021 6:22 pm

Promises of politicians, the lifetime warranties of wishes. Don’t worry about what is actually happening, worry about the possibilities of what may happen. Think about our dilemma, is freedom worth anything? Are our experiences supposed to be pain free? Is death the worse that can happen to us? Do we hate like they say we do? The fear that is shown by the elites explains it all, they are on their way out. There is a special place in hell set aside for them, I will assist them getting there!

August 3, 2021 9:39 pm

I keep forgetting to stock spare parts. I think I need one in the field once or twice in 10 years, but they are kind of important.

August 4, 2021 8:58 am
August 3, 2021 3:12 pm

I thought this was excellent…

by Jon Rappoport

The Vaccine War: who really has the upper hand?

I don’t believe governments are telling the truth about how many people have taken the COVID shot. I think they’re lying. Inflating the numbers because they’re desperate; far more people than advertised are refusing the vaxx.

In every war, spies and other hired hands try to demoralize the enemy. This is standard operating procedure. Inflating key numbers is one strategy.

In this vaccine war, the ace in the hole is obvious: if enough people say NO to the shot, it’s over. A tidal wave will engulf the governments and their corporate allies.

If people believed, say, that only 30% of Americans have taken the shot, and that number is holding steady, despite all the new mandates, morale would shoot up to a new high.

It always feels better to be on a winning side.

If most Americans knew that massive anti-vaxx protests are taking place in France and Germany and other countries, their attitude would shift. If most Americans knew that in Australia, the most fascist pro-vaxx government in the world is sweating bullets, because despite horrendous lockdowns and vaccine mandates, despite cops and soldiers on the streets, Aussies are still going to the beach…that knowledge would bolster spirits.

If people opposed to the vaccine and/or the mandates could get an accurate count on how many posts and how many videos and how many accounts have been censored by social media, worldwide, because those posts express opposition to the vaxx…people would see how large the resistance really is.

Here’s a report from statista[dot]com: “As of August 1, 2021, China had administered about 1.67 billion doses of coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine, whereas about 4.18 billion doses of the vaccine had been applied worldwide.”

I don’t believe it. I don’t think the global organization and the logistics are that good. People who’ve traveled extensively know how diverse and spread-out the global landscape is. They know how inefficient many, many governments are.

The world isn’t one huge well-lit modern pharmacy with people lined up and techs administering the jabs.

As several people have pointed out, the unvaccinated are a control group in this vast COVID vaccine experiment. If a year from now, millions and millions of us who didn’t take the shot are obviously still healthy, that’s not going to sit well with the vaccinators-in-charge or the pro-vaccine crowd. They don’t want a vibrant control group. They want compliant robots.

Then there is this, from Stat News, July 21: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

So which sets of statistics should we believe? Those that pump up the numbers of people who’ve taken the shots, or those that show millions of vials going to waste? I think the latter stats are the true indicators. Officials are less likely to confess to them, unless they’re accurate.

Out in front, the movie called COVID VACCINE is being hailed as a brilliant blockbuster, but at the back end, ticket sales are dropping off a cliff.

There are reasons for that. One is: People are having very serious and severe injuries from the shot; they’re dying; and their families and friends know about it.

Here are the latest CDC figures I have, as compiled by Children’s Health Defense. The statistics are taken from VAERS, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. “VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.”

Keep in mind there is vast underreporting of injuries, because most Americans don’t know what VAERS is or are hesitant to make a report.

Some analysts have suggested that, to get a reasonably accurate count, you should multiply reported numbers by 10.

The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

The numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are huge. In any situation other than the current fake pandemic, the vaccination program would have been stopped. Cancelled.

No matter what governments and news parrots say about the vaccine (“safe and effective”), vast numbers of injured people, their families, and the families of those who’ve died from the shot are messengers for the truth.

The truth spreads.

In a war, when combatants and civilians end up in hospitals, and when many of them lie in coffins lowered into the ground, and when the people can no longer hold a coherent story in their minds about why the war is being fought, the whole mood of a country changes.

very old white guy
very old white guy
August 3, 2021 3:23 pm

The Constitution gives you the tools needed to stop all Fascism/communism and democrats in their tracks. It is labeled the second amendment. End of story. Use it or bend over and take it.

  very old white guy
August 3, 2021 5:04 pm

i will repeat this as long as i breath fresh air;when yes when, the shooting starts, it will be a slauter.

another Doug
another Doug
August 3, 2021 9:20 pm


  very old white guy
August 3, 2021 10:33 pm

It seems to me now that the mere existence of a “Bill of Rights” is a repudiation of the maliciousness in that conjob of a doc. And that was still barely enough to get enough people to basically just give in. It was not popular. People felt betrayed. They were.

August 3, 2021 5:26 pm

To all leftist Johnny & Jane on the spot and the CNN leftist ignorant pro vaccine announcing what I can or cannot do because I cannot take any of these vaccines due to personal and medical reasons when the Cytokines storm hits your internal organs as you vaccinated incubators walking around spreading & shedding variants you won’t be around much longer to irritate free people you are now stricken with antibody dependent advancement requiring more and more of these vaccines as your organs turn to liquid shit !
UK just contracted $6 million pounds for body bags and body cold storage for years …GUESS WHY ? Your vaccine is killing you !

August 3, 2021 6:53 pm

Cue Sinema, who is truly a free spirit.

She’s an openly bisexual Demoncrat. “A free spirit,” you say?

We only needed one word for her type a few years ago.

August 3, 2021 8:21 pm

She probably will get Seth Riched. I dont care what her sexual proclivities are. A BIG hat tip for that maneuver.
And a round of applause.

August 3, 2021 8:37 pm

Biden DOJ Orders States Not To Conduct Arizona-Style Forensic Audits Of 2020 Election, Threatens Prison Time

August 4, 2021 6:09 am

DOJ… HAS NO STANDING ….in state matters. Go and pound sand, it works both ways

August 3, 2021 9:58 pm

Tom is way to optimistic.

August 3, 2021 11:57 pm

Drone Footage Shows Hundreds Of Migrants Held By Border Patrol Under Texas Bridge – Biden To Provide Them Free Hotels, Plane Tickets, Lawyers

August 4, 2021 6:15 am

Now this should be Impeachment enough even for Piglosi. This is undermining secure borders, allowing disease and possible pandemics to spread across the nation and harboring and helping the persons of foreign soils to take sustenance from tax paying Americans without recourse.
Oh wait this is the plan to take down the entire country.
Sorry My Bad

August 4, 2021 2:37 am

While this was entertaining to read – let me spoil this for everyone – nothing happens. Absolutely nothing happens.

The powers that be have a stranglehold on the media, the Fed, the government, the military, all supra-national organizations. They will not willingly allow anything systemic to happen unless they want it to happen and it would serve their agenda.

The “conservative” movement are nothing but cowards who will do absolutely zero so long as the grocery stores are full and they are still expected to pay their bills. I once really believed in these movements, but I am now convinced they are either a bunch of LARPing morons or honey pots (looking at you “III%’ers” and “Oath Keepers”). Homosexuality forced on our kids in schools – “conservatives” did exactly nothing. Transexuality forced on our kids in schools – “conservatives” did exactly nothing. Fed robbing us blind daily – “conservatives” did exactly nothing. Media completely and totally usurped – “conservatives” did exactly nothing. STOLEN ELECTION. What did the conservative movement do? Zilch. Now they are coming with forced vaccinations and mark my words now you conservatives will do exactly nothing once it becomes law. Like the above, you’ll roll over and take it.

The Left has seen their opposition for what they are – complete and total cowards. Because of the above, expect your weapons to be taken from you. Yes yes yes I know many of you “out of my cold dead hands” but honestly – your young boys are being taught to hate themselves for being male and your young girls are being taught to hate themselves for being white. You guys doing anything about it? Nope. The electoral process was egregiously and flagrantly stolen – you guys did nothing. We all know when the cops come to your door demanding your weapons, you’ll think “I can go out in a blaze of glory, but then who will take care of my kids — the state? Nah, here you go officer, have a good day.” and that will be that.

There are no Washingtons, Adams or Hancocks anymore. They were all exterminated in the civil war, never to return.

The only way forward I see at this point in the US is succession – but lets admit it – as soon as all you boomers realize you won’t get your beloved social security and medicaid if you leave the union, nah, slavery is better.

You all deserve to be forever dominated by the Left – not because you are bad or what you believe is wrong – quite the contrary – but simply because you refused to defend your culture, religion and belief systems.

Its over.

August 4, 2021 3:17 am


grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 4, 2021 2:27 pm

No, it’s not over. It’s just getting started.

  grace country pastor
August 5, 2021 2:49 am

So then where is your line in the sand?

I mean, you’ve sat back and accepted the homosexual agenda, the trans agenda, pedophilia is in the process of normalization, which you will accept as well. They stole an electrion in broad daylight – you accepted that as well.

They’ll roll out a vaccine mandate, which you will comply with and they’ll take your weapons, and again you will comply.

You can tell me you won’t stand for it – but what are you going to do about it?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 5, 2021 3:52 pm

Better question: what am I doing about it?