Employing the Elderly

by the subway philosopher™

 “There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.”Mario Savio, 1964.

Great words, inspiring words, words that infuse the waves of history and humanity with dignity and honor. But a question is thereby raised – who exactly should do this? Me? I prefer you, without any doubts whatsoever. I’ve got better things to do, such as kicking back on my porch with a cold one. But hey, wouldn’t you know it, there are a lot of useless eaters old folks hanging around these days doing nothing much in particular…

Mr. Savio was part of a significant ongoing protest at U.C. Berkeley, asking fellow students to put their bodies on the line and stop the machine that oppressed them – in this case by demanding that the administration “lift the ban of on-campus political activities,” among other things.

Berkeley succumbed a few months thereafter. One of America’s elite intellectual institutions bent the knee, and all others followed suit. In hindsight, we might have taught our youth the value of an apoliticized enclave, a refuge from the swamp of grift and graft, a respite from the vanities of ideologues, or the luxury and even necessity of a somewhat anarchic but non-violent arena in which to present conflicting ideas and uncertain facts reflecting the world as we know it. But we didn’t.

Students are in some ways an excellent choice for the work of both politicking and machine-clogging. They’re energetic and healthy, idealistic and bright. Supposedly. Maybe not so much anymore. Students are also disposable – they’ve contributed nothing productive to the world as of yet. There are lots of them too, always a good thing from the cannon-fodder perspective.

          A modern angel of death.

As Mr. Savio no doubt discovered the hard way, rebellion has its price. In the current surveillance age, any youthful rebellion or even resistance to the status quo, dodgy or otherwise and however slight, can and will destroy a young life, the alleged malfeasance hovering eternally over the poor sap like an angel of death in the form of government records, social media, corporate and advertising databases, credit and employment history and ratings, un-cautious tweets, search-engine results, and on and on it goes – a lengthy laundry list of socially and technocratically enforced conformity to the politically-correct.

Students thus might well be advised to dodge the pitfalls of today via classic means – keep a low profile, find a productive way to make money quietly , avoid women, corporations and government, and passively resist the machine by whatever means become available.  In other words, the smarter kids won’t be doing any politicking or machine-clogging whatsoever if they know what’s good for them.

Interesting that in the 1964-65 Berkeley protests, the left was demanding so-called free speech. Now the left is oppressive, and the right allegedly seeks freedom (no doubt before it in turn oppresses). Obviously, there is still, and always, a job that needs doing. Who’s going to do it?

Position Available – Start Immediately (EOE): Machine-cloggers wanted, no pay, poor prospects, diminished quality and duration of life.

No one in their right mind would go for such a gig. But someone’s gotta do it – humanity depends on it. The obvious rational conclusion: old folks should take on this work. They’re teetering on the discomfiting edge of personal annihilation  anyway, so naturally they’ll want to go down with a bang. At best the aged are self-financing; at worst they’re a massive drain on the coffers of humanity, sucking dry the labor of an ever-diminishing productive class, leeching off the body economic and social to a degree no self-respecting Eskimo Inuit would ever stoop to.

So what you should do, once you hit 70 or thereabouts, is take on the control machine, the smug, self-satisfied do-gooding bureaucrats, technocrats and corporate hacks who concoct rules for you to follow, who wallow in violence by proxy, who seize an ever-increasing cut of your labor both when you do and when you don’t comply with their pseudo-utopian schemes. How much of your income, property and dignity can they confiscate before you get pissed off? How many rules before you become their humble servant?

          All you old folks are gonna die soon, get over it. It’s time to take one for the team.

You old-timers, if you’ve survived this long you’ve gotten your money’s worth, so get with the program. You’re gonna die soon anyway – get over it. It’s time to take one for the team. Mostly you’ve worked hard and had it okay, except for when you got fucked over by the controllers, be they bureaucrats, corporations or women (all of whom translate into lawyers and the light-speed disappearance of your rights and hard-won assets with distressing consistency). So put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and make it stop.

Leaving behind a nice fat clog in the machine, or even a small one, ain’t the worst way to go. And don’t worry about what your kids think – they’re just waiting for their inheritance anyway.

Great Big Disclaimer: this writer and this website do not support, promote or endorse violence. Violence is okay only if you work for the government.

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Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
August 14, 2021 11:58 am

Let’s play follow the leader.

John 10

14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—…15—and I lay down my life for the sheep.” Jesus

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
August 14, 2021 12:13 pm

John 15:13. King James Version … Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh
August 14, 2021 4:35 pm

Recently retired and have been contemplating how to throw monkey wrenches at select targets…

August 14, 2021 4:35 pm

Been doing it my whole life.
Never taken a plea deal.
And never been convicted.
Never been through deferment.
And fought every fine.
Never take the easy way out with government.
Fight every citation.
Motion to continue as long as possible.
Drag it out.
And always appeal.
Clog up the courts.
Contest your property taxes.
Clog up the Assessors office.
Register your (corporate) vehicles in the least expensive jurisdiction, avoid the excess taxes and fees.
Clog up the DMV.
Starve them of easy revenue.
The government is involved in every aspect of your life.
Look at your options and choose the most difficult one for the bureau in question.
Force them to jump through their own hoops.
Clog up the system without saying a word.

August 14, 2021 4:47 pm

Contest your property taxes?
Please explain how you have done that and how it worked out.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 14, 2021 5:47 pm

We get regular assessments of our property. If we think the country assessor has valued it too high, you can file an appeal. From what I understand, most appeals end up with the county winning.

  TN Patriot
August 14, 2021 9:29 pm

What TN Patriot said.
The appeal instructions should come with your annual assessment, and an appeal deadline date (usually 90 days after receipt of assessment).
As my current abode is being “remodeled” (has been since 2007), it is consistently overvalued. I have succeeded in every contest (though the reduction in taxes is a paltry $100, give or take), but it makes Mike come out every year to do a formal re-evaluation and submission.
Yes, we’re on a first name basis.
He didn’t even come out last year, just dropped the evaluation by $10280. ($102.80 reduction in taxes.)
I was so busted up that he didn’t show I filed for discovery of all documents related to the re-evaluation.
This might sound like it’s a lot of work, but once you’ve done it once and have all the form docs, every time after that is like paying the electric bill.

August 14, 2021 6:12 pm

The government thanks you for giving them work to do. Clogging up a system meant to be clogged? Since when is government being prevented from operating efficiently or quickly ever been a concern for them?

You’re kind of a tard.

August 14, 2021 9:20 pm

Not really.
Governments are busy trying to divert most everything out of courts as they are so backlogged.
They will always try to divert to an administrative hearing as opposed to trial.
It’s mandatory in my state.
So simply file a waiver of administrative review and petition for trial.
If it’s a criminal case, and they can’t get to it in time, you can get it dismissed as a violation of speedy trial rights (done it).
I have traffic tickets pushed out over 18 months (non-criminal, so no speedy trial rights apply).
As I suffer from adult onset ODD (not retardation), I am stuck messing with the system.
But you go right ahead and pay your fines and fees and be a model citizen.

August 14, 2021 9:40 pm

“But you go right ahead and pay your fines and fees and be a model citizen.”

Not what I said, is it? Believing that you’re being defiant is why I call you a tard. You’re still complying.

Your approach justifies their existence and guarantees continued employment. It makes no meaningful difference to them whether they get your compliance the easy or the hard way. It’s a Pyrrhic victory.

If it’s providing a medical or psychological salve for your ODD then by all means continue.

August 15, 2021 2:12 am

My apologies for being flippant.
So you blow off your fines and fees?
How’s that working for you?
Or do you just do what you’re told to do?
Just curious.
I justify no one’s existence. Whether I play or not, they exist. I just make them work for it.
There is no mechanism for the reduction in the size of government.
You are taxed, fined, charged BS fees to provide for the increased size of government every day.
The only compliance they get from me is my participation. They get very little monetary compliance, and almost no legal compliance (don’t ask for permission, contest the punishment).
So I do not guarantee their continued employment; their employment is guaranteed.
Even with the government office shutdowns for COVID 19, these assholes still get paid.
To do nothing.
You’re right. Whatever I do does not affect their employment, they either sit on their fat asses, or have to produce on my FOIA demand.
In this state, if the state entity does not produce FOIA requests within a specified time, they must pay fines directly to the requester for each day late. The state has lost numerous suits against them for failure to produce.
You might argue I’m just raping the taxpayer. But I’m the taxpayer. I’m just getting my money back.
The courts are so backed up, cases are dropped for inability to prosecute in a timely fashion.
I just had the state dump a license suspension for one of my drivers for failure to act in a timely fashion (19 months from complaint to action), and they lost the complaint paperwork.
You can’t ignore them, but you can fuck with them and make them obey their own laws.
I’m not sure what you advocate as a strategy for dealing with the state, but suggesting that fighting the state justifies their existence seems somewhat disingenuous.
So forgo the ad hominem, and enlighten me on the plan you use to minimize the amount of funds you pay to the state, and what you do to keep them busy instead of writing the next guy in line a fine.
Because I’m all ears on any plan to thwart the state.

Charlie Hargrave
Charlie Hargrave
August 15, 2021 6:40 am

I think you may be missing an angle to this. The longer they are tied up dealing with these kind of issues, the less free time they have to dig into someone else.

Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh
August 14, 2021 4:37 pm

The thing that is really concerning me lately is what kind of world my grandchildren will grow up in.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Mike Walsh
August 14, 2021 5:49 pm

Think back what it was like when you were 12 and compare it to today. Now double the difference and you will see what your grandkids can expect. It will either be that or Mad Max.

August 14, 2021 6:46 pm

I’d do it, but my wife would miss me.

Besides, when violence comes from the people, then comes the State with tanks and shit. Better to be a Refusenik and a marcher with a tactical flair.