Libertas Bella: The Burning Platform’s Official Merchandising Partner

Libertas Bella Logo

Here is a hot internet tip: Whenever you encounter a website named after a goddess (Libertas), it’s usually good form to put your wallet wherever your webcam can’t see it. That’s because these sites typically tailor to the woo-woo set – you know, people who believe in the healing powers of crystals and apply chrysanthemum oil to their cats.

But hey, if you believe that bead necklaces can protect you from wendigos, then we say goddess bless.

And with that being said, allow us to introduce ourselves. We’ll start by telling you who we are and then explain why the heck we’re even posting here.

We are…

Libertas Bella Logo

Our site is named after the Roman goddess of liberty, and we cater to a class of people that never gets accused of woo-woo. I am speaking of course about liberty lovers.

It’s hard to summarize our political beliefs without launching into the kind of tirade that peels the paint off the walls during family Thanksgiving dinners. We believe in freedom. Individualism. Voluntary association. Not getting shackled to a corrupt war machine that siphons one-third of your life away so bureaucrats can continue lying through bleached teeth about how your rights are an impediment to “the greater good.”

Getting awfully close to spilling the gravy here. Let’s switch over to what we do.

We make clothing and accessories for free-thinkers. The literati are thrilled when they find us, because they can finally wear hoodies and sweatshirts bearing the likenesses of Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and other pioneers of the Austrian School of Economics. Firearm enthusiasts (not “gun nuts” – firearm enthusiasts) love our 2nd Amendment shirts, which are the best way to let strangers know your stance on gun control until the government finally comes to its senses and legalizes brandishing.

Even if you’re a dirty commie rat, we’d still love it if you ordered something from us. Tell your dirty commie rat friends you’re ironically wearing an Ayn Rand T-shirt when you meet them at the next small business burning. And our Hunter S. Thompson hat? We’re certain its color will perfectly match the fishnet stockings you wear under your Dr. Martens.

We have a blog. It’s where we share quotes from our favorite historic figures like Thomas Paine, H.L. Mencken and Murray Rothbard, as well as biting political commentary like Sam Jacobs’ piece about how the government’s COVID-19 response is geared solely toward destroying the American way of life. We’re sure MSNBC will pick that up any minute now, unless they decide to give precedence to a breaking story about how Trump supporters are plotting to poison school lunches with testosterone supplements.

Speaking of news, we also share news (bookmark that bad boy). Our newsfeed is curated by the inestimable Sam Jacobs and guaranteed to make your blood come to a full boil. I just looked at it for eight seconds and got so riled up that I had to reach for the official Libertas Bella scotch bottle with both hands.

On a somewhat serious note… more than anything else, we’re proud to partner with other reputable websites such as the one you’re on right now: The Burning Platform, whose news stories are unedited by political aides, unsponsored by China (just accessing this site in China would probably land you a one-way trip to the bamboo mines), and universally hated by people who hate you.

By “partner” I mean we offer The Burning Platform’s fine merchandise for sale. Take The Media Is the Virus mug, for example.

The Media Is The Virus Mug

That is genuine kiln-fired ceramic with an Ergo-Curv™ handle engineered to fit nearly any human hand, and guaranteed to hold any liquid however cold or hot it might be (within reason). The graphic was designed by The Burning Platform’s very own admin and we’re quite fond of it.

If you ever click on that banner at the top of the page:

You’ll be directed to our site which hosts all the merch for TBP.

We’re also be posting here in the future to keep you up to date on new designs and (more importantly) get your feedback.

If you haven’t yet, please make certain to check out our complete line of Burning Platform merchandise including the pessimistic yet accurate We Are Doomed hoodie.

Thanks for taking a minute to learn more about who we are and what we’re doing, and thanks even more for seeking out actual sources of news like The Burning Platform. And remember: Try as they might, the weasels in power will never extinguish the light of free speech so long as we have tongues in our mouths and the wits to waggle them.

Click to visit the TBP Store for Great TBP Merchandise

Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on,, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
August 14, 2021 7:59 pm

Bienvenidos, Bella.

And might Auntie add: LIBERTAS VELMORS.

August 14, 2021 8:48 pm

How about Libertas Bella T-Shirts?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 14, 2021 8:53 pm

Nice, but do you have ammunition? And do you ship to The People’s Republic of Canukistan? I only see a USA option at checkout.

August 14, 2021 10:13 pm

Welcome, and may you realize much success on TBP’s behalf. To the average INTJ, your quote blog is a candy shop and the merch site, a toy store.

comment image

August 15, 2021 8:57 am
August 15, 2021 9:16 am

We once put up the test and about 85% of TBPers were INTJ

I'm the Man on the Silver Mountain
I'm the Man on the Silver Mountain
August 15, 2021 10:20 am

waves hand

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
August 15, 2021 11:37 am

Got at least one INFJ aboard…

Doctor de Vaca
Doctor de Vaca
August 14, 2021 10:22 pm

Nice…added to my daily site check list

August 15, 2021 1:24 am

DO you carry chrysanthemum oil?

I don’t anoint my cat for HIS benefit, but for MINE.
The faces he makes as he licks it off are just WHACK!

I'm the Man on the Silver Mountain
I'm the Man on the Silver Mountain
August 15, 2021 10:23 am

The stuff contains pyrethrins, a naturally occurring insect repellent. Might not be good for Der Kater, but is actually quite effective Chinese holistic medicine. The dried blooms of chrysanthemum flowers are steeped in hot water and used as a tea to treat acne. It works.

August 16, 2021 8:40 am