JFK Had The Cuban Missile Crisis, Reagan Had The Berlin Wall, And Biden’s Defining Moment Is The Fall Of Afghanistan

Via Blue State Conservative

Just about every American Presidency has a singular, “defining moment.” It may be a prolonged affair such as the thirteen days of mettle which made up The Cuban Missile Crisis for the gutsy John F. Kennedy, or the 444 days of utter ineptitude and indecisiveness by the pusillanimous Jimmy Carter. Contrarily, a defining moment may come in the form of a single decision and its precise implementation as we saw with Harry S. Truman opting to bomb Hiroshima, or perhaps with a quote followed by world-changing events as witnessed by Ronald Reagan’s, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

No matter the president, and no matter their efforts to oppose or promote otherwise, history, by way of facts and reality, ultimately selects one specific and remarkable circumstance for each presidential office holder and declares that episode as the crowning achievement, or fiasco, of that individual’s tenure. Joe Biden, the 46th president of these United States, is in the midst of his own defining moment in Afghanistan, and it’s not a good one.

As disturbing as the imagery may be of the goings-on we’ve seen thus far from Afghanistan, we can have no doubt that the actual situation on the ground is much worse. According to NPR over the weekend, “the atrocities on the battlefield are ‘horrific’ and include bodies being mutilated and other things the journalist wouldn’t go into on air.” Additionally, and predictably, the Taliban – which, make no mistake, is nothing more than a group of vicious, primitive terrorists – have closed schools for girls, have told women not to leave their homes unless accompanied by a male relative, and are rounding up unmarried women to be provided to Taliban fighters. But as brutal as this barbarism is, it is not the worst aspect of Biden’s defining moment.

Our allies around the world are perplexed by Biden’s cowardice while he vacationed at Camp David and listened to his record player. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated, “it’s fair to say the U.S. decision to pull out has accelerated things” as he tries to lead the West’s attempt to reacquire a backbone. Other such leaders are too heavily invested in Biden having a positive image on the world stage to actually criticize Biden’s failures, so they simply lament the current conditions of the Afghan people and their own “heartbreak” over the predicament. Yet each of those allies has witnessed the lack of fortitude by Biden (and by proxy all of us in the United States), to stand by the Afghan people who have put their lives on the line, only to be abandoned. But again, the absolute devastation to America’s international reputation is not the most injurious facet of Biden’s defining moment.

We invaded Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001. Usama Bin Laden had launched his terror assault on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon from underneath the security blanket provided by the very same Taliban, in the very same Afghan locales, to which President Biden has now willingly flung open the doors and lain down a “Welcome” mat. And this development is, by far, the most distressing feature of Biden’s disastrous choice to throw in the towel in Afghanistan.

Are we to expect that the same animals who were thoroughly thrashed by American and coalition troops twenty years ago – and have been quite literally living in caves ever since as they plot their revenge – are suddenly going to shake our hands and play nice? Or should we expect them to reestablish their terrorist infrastructure as they plan for another, far worse 9/11?

President George W. Bush, despite all his missteps, along with the thousands of brave men and women who acted on his orders, made America safer due to their actions in Afghanistan during the early days of the war. Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump, despite their campaign promises to shut down all operations in Afghanistan, recognized the reality of the situation once in office as detailed in their security briefings, and reversed course by choosing to keep our presence there intact, and they kept America safe as a result.

Now, less than seven months into an administration that had already been a complete debacle, President Joe Biden has committed one of the most glaring unforced errors by an American president in generations, and for what?

Many have pointed to the financial cost of the war, citing the near $2 trillion price tag that hangs from it. This point is downright laughable. Indeed we have spent $2 trillion on the Afghanistan War, but that amount has been spread out over twenty years, with the cost heavily frontloaded towards the first few years of the war.

In recent years we’ve been spending approximately $40 billion annually to fund our Afghanistan operations. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is proposing trillions of dollars in new spending on a seemingly weekly basis, the most recent of which includes $21 billion for “clean energy demonstrations,” and another $1 billion for “The Appalachian Region Commission.” Even though most of us likely have no idea what either of those pet projects constitutes, is there any doubt they are less important than ensuring the safety of all Americans in preventing another catastrophic terrorist attack?

Another justification we hear for the Afghanistan pullout is to stop the deaths of our brave military heroes, but this argument doesn’t hold water either. We haven’t had a single combat death in Afghanistan since February 2020, over 18 months ago; zero. And for several years prior to that most recent death, a bad year for combat deaths in Afghanistan was comparable to a good weekend on the streets of Chicago as far as the number of Americans being killed by violence. Until Biden’s recent decision, the situation in Afghanistan was essentially a stalemate, with our troops operating relatively unmolested, though certainly in danger, and the Afghan citizenry continuing to adjust to life in a budding democracy.

Joe Biden has now totally squandered the twenty years of blood, toil, and treasure we have spent in Afghanistan for one reason. Not to save $40 billion annually so he can turn around and spend an equal amount on windmills. He hasn’t done it to stop the shedding of our soldiers’ blood, something that hasn’t happened since the idea of COVID lockdowns and mask mandates would have been chuckled at. Indeed, Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, subject the Afghan people to unspeakable war crimes, totally destroy our national credibility among friends and foe alike, and to put all Americans at an exponentially higher risk of a terrorist attack has been implemented for a much more cynical purpose: politics.

Biden pulled the trigger on pulling out of Afghanistan to satisfy his idiotic, tree-hugging, peaceful rioting, CRT-embracing, leftist base. It’s that simple. Biden’s rightful reward for this moronic course of action and the calamity which is sure to ensue will be the irreparable damage to an already dreadful legacy. Joe Biden owns the demise of Afghanistan and its tragic implications to our national security. And this will be President Joseph R. Biden’s defining moment.

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August 19, 2021 3:32 pm

We invaded Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001. Usama Bin Laden had launched his terror assault on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon from underneath the security blanket provided by the very same Taliban

Fucking Idiot! Moron! 20 years and this fool has still not figured it out – pathetic, just pathetic!

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
August 19, 2021 4:37 pm

Well, I don’t have to say it. You’ve said it eloquently enough!!

August 19, 2021 5:32 pm

Good propaganda, properly “catapulted” ages like fine wine.

August 19, 2021 3:39 pm

Give Biden time. I’m sure far worse things are planned….or will befall his administration.

August 19, 2021 4:17 pm

With out question..

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
August 19, 2021 3:41 pm

Attention Leftists: For future reference when you pull out of a Nation you’ve been “making safe for democracy” you remove your citizens and surplus armaments first, then you withdraw your military.

  Quiet Mike
August 19, 2021 3:57 pm

You and your ‘traditions.’ /s

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Quiet Mike
August 19, 2021 6:12 pm

Yeah, that would have been a good idea. I don’t believe Austin and Milley have a brain between them to implement that.

I hope we get all of our troops out. I honestly don’t have a lot of concern for Western civilians who thought living in Afghanistan was a good idea. It’s like building a house on the side of a volcano. I have family members who think they can fix the third world. Fuck around and find out.

  Iska Waran
August 20, 2021 10:45 am

With rare exception, any American living in Afghanistan was there voluntarily to suck off the juicy US government teat – chiefly military/paramilitary contractors, with associated spooks and grifters seeking a risk-enhanced pay package. While I don’t particularly want to see these people harmed, I really have no interest in their self-inflicted problems.

They’re like the assholes who get in trouble in the US national park wilderness, then phone in for rescue when the going gets difficult. Only worse.

  Quiet Mike
August 20, 2021 7:17 am

I was in Afghanistan from 2009 to 2013 working as a facilities contractor.
The US military was drawing down in late ’12 and accelerated in ’13.
The US has drawn down for 8 f*cking years. They know how to do it, the military and contractors been doing it.

Biden is a complete 100% idiot. Any General who severed as a general officer over there along with that Bozo Milley, should be immediately fired for malfeasance:
We can’t impeach Biden cuz we get President Harris, if she’s impeached, we have President Drunk Nancy.

August 20, 2021 2:50 pm


You get whomever KamelToe appoints as a VP, and can get past the Senate. Or more likely, whoever she is told to “appoint”. Assuming the dems can pull that off in a timely manner.

Even many of the dems hate her. Pass the popcorn.

You only get the drunk if something happens to #1 and 2 too quickly to fill the position.

As usual, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.

August 19, 2021 4:42 pm

I guess the fact that we left the Saudis alone and diverted everyone’s attention away to Afghanistan isn’t mentioned? They came up with the Patriot Act that hasn’t gone away. In a way the terrorist won, considering the debt and corruption, loss of freedoms, and death the American public has been subjected to by our own Government. Biden is a senile tool, its fukin abusive the way he is being used.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 19, 2021 4:54 pm

Most of the time, Biden appears to be enjoying playing the part of leader of the free world, especially when it is time to go for ice cream and tell the press what flavor he got.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
  TN Patriot
August 19, 2021 10:14 pm

I know this is off color but your comment mentioning ice cream and flavor just brought back a memory from long ago. I’m at Parris Island, and I am one wrapped too tight recruit. I’m in the chow line and this @sshole next to me asks the guy slingin’ hash on our trays “What’s for dessert tonight?” Without missing a beat the mess guy replies “Cake and Cock. An’ we’re fresh outta Cake”.

August 20, 2021 6:21 am

By “terrorists”, I hope you mean Israel.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 19, 2021 4:51 pm

I’m sorry but invading Afghanistan with troops was one of the most moronic things W and his wingman Darth Cheney did. Other than to get UBL, there was no objective; ROE were so strict that we could not kill the tallywhackers when we found them for fear of killing one of their children. These same children would slit the throat of an American if given the chance.

We should have put in a few hunter-killer teams and supported them with cruise missiles, B-52’s and a rapid reaction force. Now, we find ourselves with up to 40,000 American hostages and facing a very well equipped group of goat herders. Oh, and they will have the backing of the Chinese People’s Army when if we decide to strike out at them.

  TN Patriot
August 19, 2021 5:36 pm

“there was no objective”

Well, no objective known outside of a small group of deep-insiders. The CIA and their passion for vegetable garden tending may have had something to do with it.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
August 19, 2021 5:41 pm

Darth’s buddies in the oil patch may have had a few objectives of their own, and we know the MICC is always up for a good invasion/occupation.

August 19, 2021 6:47 pm

Is it me,or is everything America does feel like a made for tv reality show?

August 19, 2021 11:02 pm

Yes, it’s called Big Pharma rather than big brother.

August 20, 2021 11:51 am

Are you in L.A.?

August 19, 2021 8:12 pm

I cannot believe the shit fuck the left has gotten us into.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
August 19, 2021 9:27 pm

And the Repugnicants and the NeoCons and the Israel lobby and Feminists….plenty of blame for all but yes, the Demoncrat/Progtard/Libtard/Marxist/Communist/Trotskyite axis is demonically terrible.

August 19, 2021 10:15 pm

ive got no fucks to give for Assganistan. Dupes all.

August 20, 2021 10:37 am

“Blue State Conservative”, as well NPR, is part of the problem.