A Wip Wondering (Inspired by Mygirl….maybe

I wonder if we should all rush out and update and/or get vaccinated for diseases America once eradicated.


The wide-open borders and hoards of untested and often diseased illegals entering unchecked are bringing in diseases that were once rare in this country.

Variants become weaker over time generally speaking. They can also create drug resistances if improperly treated or not treated. Bacteria, viruses and parasites can develop resistances to drugs and will often require stronger and different meds to treat the diseases. Often the disease becomes untreatable, witness Hepatitis C. Hepatitis variants are contagious. Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. The virus is one of several types of hepatitis viruses that cause inflammation and affect your liver’s ability to function. You’re most likely to get hepatitis A from contaminated food or water or from close contact with a person or object that’s infected.

Drug resistant TB is a perfect example of this failure of treatment protocols.

TB is highly contagious and can be transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person, mainly when a person with TB coughs, sneezes, speaks, or even sings (known as airborne transmission or airborne disease). Other people who breathe in the aerosolized bacteria can become infected. Illegals infected with TB are usually untreated and definitely undiagnosed and allowed to travel unchecked, increasing exposure to this dreadful and often fatal disease.

The United States currently has one of the lowest rates of TB in the world. Mexico has 10 times the rate of prevalence and many African countries along with Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Indonesia have rates that are 100 – 150 times higher. Making matters worse, a few years ago a Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) strain of TB has emerged that is resistant to all standard anti-TB drugs. Treating a single case of MDR TB costs over $250,000 and as much as $1,200,000 per person, and even with treatment about half of the patients with MDR-TB prematurely die


I wonder if we should all rush out and update and/or get vaccinated for diseases America once eradicated.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 8:00 am

TB is a good one to use for illustration purposes to point out the current insanity.

However, if a treatment for a deadly disease costs upward of a quarter million dollars and still results in 50% mortality, that treatment should be abandoned and the person should be put on hospice care only.

  Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 8:54 am

So, you put the value on a human life at $250k ? Would you keep that value when it’s YOUR life hanging on the balance?

Medical ” costs” are largely a fiction.

“But, Stucky, those Gromuhdikbiggah shots cost $25,000 per injection!”

What? There’s $25k of material in that shot? Or, $25k worth of labor?

Or, is it $25k for the same reason a hospital will charge $30 for one goddamned aspirin? Gotta make sure those doctors keep that 7 figure salary!

September 20, 2021 8:58 am

BTW, Svarga, if I was a hospital administrator and your life was on the line, I would authorize $10,000,000 to save your ass.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 9:16 am

I would respectfully decline, but I appreciate the sentiment. I agree with the absurdity of putting a monetary cap on a human life. Given reality though, I think a discussion of the direction of medical care in general is long overdue, and economic factors are part of that reality. As much as I think it is prudent to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid hospitals and doctors peddling drugs more than anything, there are actual diseases that have actual drugs that will save your life, childhood leukemia coming to mind. When to draw the line of how much to spend on a patient is an important ethical discussion which we have avoided for far too long. It is a moral discussion even more than an economic one, but the two are intertwined whether we like it or not.

I have hopes that after all this is done and over with, our children in their old age may witness a new and better system that puts dignity above economic factors.

  Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 11:15 am

Yes, the discussion about why we are [ all ] so sick needs to begin.

September 20, 2021 10:08 am

They wouldn’t let you, unless it was covered by insurance…

September 20, 2021 11:39 am

No, your authorization would be stopped and you would be out of a job the next day.

September 20, 2021 9:53 am

Sometimes Stucky is full of shit but this isn’t one of those times. What kind of dumb ass would down vote that comment.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 10:08 am

Find your inner stoic about the downvoters. They are meaningless.

September 20, 2021 4:29 pm

Horns of dilemma; I’m not sure if I should tell you to go suck DDD …. or, thank you for the kind words. Heh.

Anyway, it is well known (to me, anyway) that there are two individuals who vote me down no matter what I say. I wish they would let me know who they are so I can send them a Thank You card — “Thanks for letting me live in your head rent free all these months.”

Evil nab
Evil nab
  Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 10:01 am

Once you set a number and it is considered ‘too expensive’, that number can gradually be reduced to zero. No healthcare for you, it is too expensive.

Just like taxes, once established, the numbers get manipulated after the precedent of acceptance is set.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Svarga Loka
September 20, 2021 11:45 am

Even a few years ago, a mexican woman dropped her little ‘E-Ticket’ on US Soil … but there were problems … and US Citizens and Taxpayers spent more than $500,000 within the first 30 days on the child – who, as a ‘US Citizen’ will be on the dole (along with mom and pop and the rest of the family) for the rest of its life … and likely for generations.

September 20, 2021 8:30 am

Gateway Pundit has a report about a young lady going to Walgreens for a standard flu shot and the nurse vaccinated her instead, despite the fact she didn’t agree to it or sign the paperwork for anything else than the flu shot. All she got was a denial initially, then a “mistakes can happen” response when she challenged it. I would be very careful having any vaccine and check the vial before being jabbed.


September 20, 2021 10:20 am

Personally I would not get the Flu shot either, never have.

Georges S
Georges S
September 20, 2021 10:32 am

Never had a flu shot never had the flu.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Georges S
September 20, 2021 11:47 am

‘Tis funny how the 2 seem to go hand in hand … one of those terribly ‘inconvenient truths’.

September 20, 2021 8:40 am


I hope it was OK to repost your comment.

September 20, 2021 4:19 pm

GNL. I’m glad you found it important enough to repost. I’m here watching the invasion happening in Del Rio, it’s only 150 miles from me. Where did those Haitians come from? How the hell did thousands of them get to the Texas border? The Border Patrol is using horses and reins as whips to keep them from overrunning the area. Those aren’t great optics but…fuck the bleeding hearts, they aren’t being overrun and its long past time to even remotely care about what the leftist and media push in their endless propaganda loop.

Think about it, there are over 20,ooo of them now and they keep on coming, not one of them is vetted for any disease, they could all have covid (the ‘deadliest of the deadly’ these days) and Biden’s administration is totally and completely ok with thousands of illegals not getting vaxxed for that one virus while they haunt and threaten you w/ job loss and worse if you refuse the clotshot. In 2009 the CDC issued this statement about refugees that they had actually vetted and they found these diseases in most of those ‘refugees.’

The majority (93.4%) of immigrants with medical conditions had tuberculosis classifications (i.e., either had evidence of latent tuberculosis infection or chest radiograph findings interpreted by the overseas panel physician as consistent with tuberculosis). Of the 41,415 refugees and immigrants with Class A or Class B medical conditions, 405 (1%) had Class A conditions, and 40,99 4 (99%) had Class B conditions. The majority of refugees and immigrants with suspected Class B tuberculosis were born in the Philippines (41.3%), Mexico (12.1%), Burma (8.7%), Vietnam (7.8%), and the Dominican Republic (5.8%). The majority of refugee notifications were for persons born in Iraq (23.9%), Burma (18.9%), and Bhutan (15.1%). Approximately one third of the tuberculosis notifications were sent to health departments in California (20.5%), Texas (9.8%), and New York (6.3%), and the national reporting rate for tuberculosis follow-up was 75.4% within 30 days of arrival.

94% of the ‘refugees’ HAD TB…let that sink in…. 94%! And these were the ones they actually vetted. Biden’s handlers are ok with TB, Hepatitis and a host of other diseases entering the country unchecked. Polio? No problemo.

Biden’s handlers WANT to turn America into a third world shithole and they’re succeeding. What needs to happen is to become really bloody minded and start using ammo, real ammo against the invaders. That, of course, won’t happen.

As to getting vaccinated? Avoid the illegals if you can, if you see them in food service think twice about being a customer. I used to not be so bloody minded but it’s become a tale of us vs. them and the illegals are a huge tool they are using to destroy the country.

September 20, 2021 4:49 pm

“What needs to happen is to become really bloody minded and start using ammo, real ammo against the invaders.”

If one of those illegal diseased Haitians and their 48 relatives get settled in the farm right next to yours …. are YOU going to go shoot them?

No? So you mean someone else should do the bloody work.

NOT picking on you, girl! I wouldn’t shoot them either (well, as long as they leave me the fuck alone). Point is — it’s easy to talk about guns and bullets … but most decent human beings (which you are) have a real hard time actually pulling the trigger.

September 20, 2021 5:13 pm

If one of those illegal diseased Haitians and their 48 relatives get settled in the farm right next to yours …. are YOU going to go shoot them?

Guess again. I’m talking about the hoards overrunning the border as I type. This is an invasion, and they should NEVER be allowed in, much less given land or whatever. If you or a loved one got drug resistant TB as a direct result of this invasion, would you be so charitable as you hacked out your lungs? Would you be so charitable if your fences were cut and your livestock run off or butchered in the field? Would you be so charitable if you had illegals breaking into your home. Would you be so charitable if your wife or daughter were raped while everything you owned was stolen or destroyed?
Do you understand how the Cartels are working this invasion? Do you understand how much human trafficking and child prostitution is happening as I type?
And, yes, if I were defending my borders from invasion, I would have no problem shooting them, especially if they were coming in and taking over which is what is happening. Come down here and take a good hard look and then ask if you would really be so soft hearted. I can be VERY bloody minded if necessary. You know how many illegals have committed rapes and murders here in Texas? Come talk to the ranchers and folk who live here and then, go visit with the parents of two teenage boys who were killed by the cartel for being in the wrong place. They had their funeral last July.

Go read the Wrath of the Awakened Saxon…that’s where I’m at and I am not a sentimental or squeamish woman…bank on that .

September 20, 2021 5:45 pm

The answers to your questions are; no, no, no, somewhat (cartels), and no.

Fukit. I guess I would shoot them.

September 20, 2021 6:20 pm

Well, we never know until we’re pushed that one step too far. Everything that I listed is and has happened, many times over. The boys were killed one county over from where I live. The cartels are in rural Texas, they lease or buy remote acreage for either stash houses or remote access away from cops and highways.

I’ve got my cows behind the main dwelling to keep them away from the road. The other family folk just installed an electric gate to keep someone from wandering in and helping themselves. Horses are being stolen and/or butchered in the pastures.
Illegals, especially from Mexico, have no problems killing/stealing horses and other livestock, goats are also a prime target. Not just illegals but most American livestock thieves and rustlers aren’t into horse and goat meat, and they generally sell the animals at livestock auctions rather than butchering them in the field.

Walk out to find this and tell me you’d hesitate to shoot if you caught them….
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September 21, 2021 8:47 am

How long before there are stacks of bodies somewhere in West Texas?

September 20, 2021 6:13 pm


Should Burning Platformers consider making an appointment with their Dr. to get boosters/vaccinations for long thought eradicated diseases here in the US?

September 20, 2021 6:44 pm

Should Burning Platformers consider making an appointment with their Dr. to get boosters/vaccinations for long thought eradicated diseases here in the US?

No. Unless you are around many illegals your odds of getting these diseases is remote. Depends on where you live. When school’s open pay attention if you have lots of illegal kids attending. If I was living on the border here I’d probably get a TB vaxx, just because.

I don’t know where you live. Here in Texas there are many thousands of illegals and many are working in construction and lawn care and food services and lots of the kids are in schools here and they use the emergency room as their personal physician because they don’t have to pay.. If I were a health care professional here I’d be getting a TB vaxx.

September 20, 2021 8:54 am

At this point is there any doubt they are trying to kill at least some of the useless eaters?

September 20, 2021 9:35 am

Lessons learned from their Chicom masters. A few million people die, life continues on.

September 20, 2021 2:00 pm

Unfortunately, by and large, it is not the useless eaters getting the jab. Not the homeless nor the inner city NAPAs. Not the “immigrant” nor the Hispanic gangs. It is White Middle America that is being exterminated. Cogitate for a moment on what the result will look like.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
September 20, 2021 9:33 am

Thanks for the offer, but I will trust my immune system and if it fails, then I have had a good run.

BTW- I do not trust Pharma to not put the mRNA into all future injections.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  TN Patriot
September 20, 2021 6:45 pm

The medical industrial complex has shown its true colors. I’m with you TN P.

Baksheesh Bob
Baksheesh Bob
September 20, 2021 9:53 am

yes, water and airborne diseases coming in with illegalz is a worry, especially when I see them defecating, rinsing baby diapers and washing themselves in our very own Ganges (Rio Grande) river, but then I suppose whatever god or jujuman they pray to will keep them safe (not). Avoid Crowds like the plague!!

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Baksheesh Bob
September 20, 2021 11:48 am

Even if God doesn’t keep them safe — US Citizens and Taxpayers will certainly foot the bill — even if real US Citizens and Taxpayers are put at risk by doing so …

  Baksheesh Bob
September 20, 2021 2:06 pm

BB good segue to discuss EV-D68. It is a Polio like illness of which there is no treatment and is known as Polio Like Syndrome or AFM ( Acute Flaccid Myelitis ) It manifest symptomatically as a Polio like illness with a respiratory component. Treatment of the disease is symptomatic . There is no vaccine. While it is primarily spread by respiratory secretions, it has been known to be spread by contact with infected stool of the patient.
I first heard of this virus in or around 2008 as it became evident that it was frequently seen in the children who crossed our southern border. As a Public health Nurse we were to be aware of this illness and not hesitate to report a suspect case.

September 20, 2021 4:37 pm

They didn’t want to call it polio even though it had all the symptoms of polio and affected children far more than any other group. The democrats and their media lapdogs are really good at hiding reality. Under Obama the borders were wide open, but not nearly as bad as now. The whore is supposedly ‘in charge’ of the border, meaning she’s doing diddly jack shit and the media gives her a pass while Texas is looking like Camp of the Saints writ large…

September 20, 2021 10:07 am

No, let’s not…unless you work a lot with illegals..

September 20, 2021 11:15 am

As usual, you guys have strayed from the point of the write up. The fact that 3rd world diseases that were previously under control in our country are making a comeback thanks to the lack of immigration policy enforcement. Can you even imagine what will happen when one of our new visitors bestows an Ebola outbreak in San Diego? Or how about when the Chinese decide to send over some poor sap with an early case of smallpox ( which they have in Wuhan thanks to our bl-4 facility in Reston Virginia).

September 20, 2021 12:44 pm

Thanks for getting it back on track.

September 20, 2021 6:42 pm

It is a good point, Hansen. Why hasn’t there been an outbreak of something on the streets of San Francisco?

September 20, 2021 7:16 pm

Good question.

September 20, 2021 8:25 pm

The homeless suffer from TB in very large numbers. They have many diseases but because they’re homeless they don’t get the medical attention.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
September 20, 2021 11:42 am

This phenomenon reared its ugly head during the ’70s invasion by the ‘boat people’ from asia.

A friend and doctor of mine who was in infectious diseases worked for a while in the LA County hospital system … and was also a collector of 17th and 18th century medical texts.

She said that those texts came to be very helpful to her in dealing with all sorts of diseases that we Westerners thought had been eradicated centuries ago – including bubonic plague. She said most doctors couldn’t even diagnose what these invaders had – luckily those ancient texts helped her in diagnosis – which then led to treatment (at US Citizen and Taxpayer expense).

Wash – rinse – repeat … year in and year out we allow these folks into our (formerly) Sovereign Nation and then have to treat them and all that they infect on our Citizen tax dollars.

How can any of this possibly make sense to We The People Of The United States?

It’s time to close the borders … for at least 10 years — to any and all comers from any nations for any reasons … period.

September 20, 2021 11:57 am

If people studied the true history of TB in America, they would be more than surprised at their findings. In the case of TB, only sick are quarantined by the government in sanitariums unlike COVID/flu.

I would not at all be shocked if the evil ones spread TB among the population, I almost expect it.

September 20, 2021 12:17 pm

Haven’t had any shots other than novocaine or tetness in thirty five years. I figure the shit the Army shot me up with should last a lifetime, if not oh well, I had a good run.. It continues, or not at the discretion of the Governor of the Universe.

September 20, 2021 12:46 pm

As I stated in an earlier thread, they would probably inject whatever they wanted into you. You think that you are getting the “flu vax”(or any other vax)? I would wonder what it is spiked with. No shots or blood draws for me…not even an “aspirin”. I don’t trust those rat bastards!

September 20, 2021 1:46 pm

Everyone needs health care at some point.

September 20, 2021 2:01 pm

No argument there. It will force some tough decisions for sure. I am already in need of some health care but I said I would not get the shot and that is what it will be.

September 20, 2021 2:49 pm

Ivermectin seems to be, at least, helpful (the miracle drug) if not a cure, against ALL so called viruses. I’m sure I’ve read a few articles where they are hopeful against Ebola but I can’t find them now.
Another reason to have a stash.