As we enter the winter season in UK, major changes for the worse seem to be ahead for us and the world economy– Letter from Great Britain- [10-30-21]

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

Gail Tverberg has a very well explained essay on how and why the global economy is facing unprecedented headwinds.  History tells us that when oil prices spike, recessions follow as witnessed in the 1970s and 2008.  This time will be no different – here are Gail’s conclusions if you do not wish to read the complete work:

“At this point, it seems as if complexity has gone too far. The pandemic moved the world economy in the direction of contraction but prices of fossil fuels tend to spike as the economy opens up.

            The recent spikes in prices are highly unlikely to produce the natural gas, coal and oil that is required. They are more likely to cause recession. Fossil fuel suppliers need high prices guaranteed for the long term. Even if such guarantees could be provided, it would still take several years to ramp up production to the level needed.

The general trend of the economy is likely to be in the direction of the Seneca Cliff (Figure 1). Everything won’t collapse all at once, but big “chunks” may start breaking away.

The debt system is a very vulnerable part. Debt is, in effect, a promise of goods or services made with energy in the future. If the energy isn’t there, the promised goods and services won’t be available. Governments may try to hide this problem with new debt, but governments can’t solve the underlying problem of missing goods and services.

Pension systems of all kinds are also vulnerable. If fewer goods and services are being made in total, they will need to be divided up differently. Pensioners are likely to get a reduced share, or nothing at all.

Importers of fossil fuels seem likely to be especially affected by price spikes because exporters have the ability to cut back in the quantity available for export, if total supply is inadequate. Europe is one part of the world that is especially dependent on oil, natural gas and coal imports.

            The combined production of hydroelectric, wind and solar and biofuels (in Figure 9) amounts to only 19% of Europe’s total energy consumption (shown in Figure 8). There is no possible way that Europe can get along only with renewable energy, at any foreseeable time in the future.

European economists should have told European citizens, “There is no way you can get along using renewables alone for many, many years. Treat the countries that are exporting fossil fuels to you very well. Sign long term contracts with them. If they want to use a new pipeline, raise no objection. Your bargaining power is very low.” Instead, European economists talked about saving the planet from carbon dioxide. It is an interesting idea, but the sad truth is that if Europe takes itself out of the contest for energy imports, it mostly leaves more fossil fuels for exporters to sell to others.

China stands out as well, as the world’s largest consumer of energy, and as the world’s largest importer of oil, coal and natural gas. It is already encountering electricity shortages that are leading to rolling blackouts. In fact, rolling blackouts in China started almost a year ago in late 2020. China is, of course, a major exporter of goods to the rest of the world. If China has major energy problems, the rest of the world will no longer be able to count on China’s exports. Lack of China’s exports, by itself, could be a huge problem for the rest of the world.

I could continue speculating on the changes ahead. The basic problem, as I see it, is that we have reached limits on oil, coal and natural gas extraction, pretty much simultaneously. The limits are really complexity limits. The renewables that we have today aren’t able to save us, regardless of what the models of Mark Jacobson and others might say.

In the next few years, I am afraid that we will find out how collapse actually proceeds in a very interconnected world economy.”

BUT – we all know who is behind this contrived crisis except that the great majority have no wish to acknowledge what is going on now.  It will be too late when they wake up and we will all be exposed to extreme global totalitarianism. Iain Davis has written many articles explaining how the global elite are planning our future.  This one is well worth reading as it explains much about our present dilemma.  Here is the start of his explanations.

“The Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners.

This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think-tanks, governments (and their agencies), non-governmental organisations, selected academic & scientific institutions, global charities, the labour unions and other chosen “thought leaders.”

The GPPP controls global finance and the world’s economy. It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media (MSM) corporations who are also “partners” within the GPPP.

Often those policies are devised by the think-tanks before being adopted by governments, who are also GPPP partners. Government is the process of transforming GPPP global governance into hard policy, legislation and law.

Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the GPPP create policy initiatives at the global level which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the IMF or IPCC, and national government then enact the recommended policies.

The policy trajectory is set internationally by the authorised definition of problems and their prescribed solutions. Once the GPPP enforce the consensus internationally, the policy framework is set. The GPPP stakeholder partners then collaborate to ensure the desired policies are developed, implemented and enforced. This is the oft quoted “international rules based system.” 

In this way the GPPP control many nations at once without having to resort to legislation. This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the GPPP (it is an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult.”

He ends his excellent article with the following observations: While, in theory, governments do not have to implement GPPP policy, the reality is that they do. Global policies have been an increasing facet of our lives in the post WW2 era. The mechanism of translating GPPP policy initiatives, first into national and then regional and eventually local policy, can be clearly identified by looking at sustainable development.

In 1972 the privately funded, independent policy think-tank the Club of Rome (CoR) published the Limits of Growth. As we saw with the roll-out out of the pseudopandemic, the CoR used computer models to predict what they decreed were the complex problems faced by the entire planet: the “world problematique.”

Their offered opinions derived from the commissioned work of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT’s) system dynamic “World3 model.” This assumed global population would deplete natural resources and pollute the environment to the point where “overshoot and collapse” would inevitably occur.

This is not a scientific “fact” but rather a suggested scenario. So far, none of the predictions made have come to pass.

The scientific and statistical to-and-fro on the claims made in the Limits to Growth has been prolific. However, ignoring all doubts, the World3 model was firmly planted at the centre of the sustainable development policy environment.

In 1983 the Brundtland Commission was convened by former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harland Brundlandt and then Secretary General of the UN Javier Pérez de Cuéllar. Both were Club of Rome members. Based upon the highly questionable assumptions in the World3 model, they set about uniting governments from around the world to pursue sustainable development policies.

In 1987 the Commission published the Brundtland Report, also known as Our Common Future. Central to the idea of sustainable development, outlined in the report, was population control (reduction.)  This policy decision, to get rid of people, won international acclaim and awards for the authors.

The underlying assumptions for these policy proposals weren’t publicly challenged at all. The academic and scientific debate raged but remained almost completely unreported. As far as the public knew, scientific assumption and speculation was a proven fact. It is now impossible to question these unproven assumptions and obviously inaccurate models without being accused of “climate denial.”

This resulted in the Millenium Development Goals and eventually, in 2015, they gave way to the United Nation’s full adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), In turn, these have been translated into government policy. For example, the UK government proudly announced their Net Zero policy commitment to sustainable development goals in 2019.

SDGs were already making an impact at the regional and local level in counties, cities, towns and boroughs across the UK. Nearly every council across the country has a “sustainable development plan.”

Regardless of what you think about the global threats we may or may not face, the origin and the distribution pathway of the resultant policy is clear. A privately funded, globalist think-tank was the driver of a policy agenda which led to the creation of a global policy framework, adopted by governments the world over, which has impacted communities in nearly every corner of the Earth.

SDGs are just one among numerous examples of GPPP global governance in action. The elected politician’s role in this process is negligible. They merely serve to implement and sell the policy to the public.

It doesn’t matter who you elect, the policy trajectory is set at the global governance level. This is the dictatorial nature of the GPPP and nothing could be less democratic.”

BUT in Britain this week we have the Budget and the government’s optimism appears to be misplaced.  Rishi Sunak will use his budget this week to insist the UK is entering an economic “age of optimism” and herald a “new economy post-Covid”. Sunak is expected to unveil a flagship measure to help families hit by the £1,000 cut to universal credit, having already made £30bn of spending announcements, or re-announcements, across the health service, housebuilding, crime-fighting, transport and skills.

But with the threat of rising inflation and holes in the public finances, Torsten Bell, the chief executive of the Resolution Foundation thinktank, warned the country was facing an “age of uncertainty … The place we are at is coming out of a recession but going into a cost of living crunch. The country is looking for a resolution of the uncertainty of the pandemic but the budget is not going to be able to provide that.” Ed Davey, the Lib Dem leader, questioned the chancellor’s emphasis on optimism at a time when many people are struggling. The shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, said a Labour government would cut VAT on domestic energy bills for six months.

VACCINE REACTIONS:  “An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%.”

To be continued next week.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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October 30, 2021 7:40 am

I was just reading this post on Western Rifle Shooters Association.

Every Week It Gets Worse: The Latest PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report

What I found most interesting was this comment:

As someone who works with the public every single day running a large retail operation (we have not closed for a single day), I can personally attest that the vaccinated are far more likely to hide, avoid contact with others and exhibit all manners of neurotic behaviors. In general, they appeared frightened and desperate for the next edict to tell them how to think & behave. The unvaccinated are, in general, healthy, vibrant and free of neurotic behaviors. They live as though nothing has changed. The same tends to hold true for masked vs. unmasked. In fact, our sales personnel, by mid May of 2020, learned that a masked customer was about 80% less likely to make a purchase than an unmasked customer. From a real world standpoint, it’s obvious that those who have chosen to go about their lives normally, unafraid of the latest seasonal flu have fared well over the past 18 months. Those who are unable to think for themselves have fared badly and will most likely fare worse as the horrible advice they have been given begins to manifest itself in increasing sickness.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 30, 2021 10:55 am

Since The Shots began about 8 months ago, automobile accidents are up 19% and supposedly so are single piloted aircraft accidents (and every other category of deaths). I speculate that the crash causes are brain fog caused by brain blood clots caused by spike proteins caused by mRNA but of course making any such correlation would be branded a conspiracy theory by TPTB. Perform autopsies and prove me wrong. TPTB will fight that tooth and nail because they know that demands for a broad Nuremberg Trial will follow and they will lose their asses.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  rhs jr
October 31, 2021 9:30 am

Just read an article in The Burning Platform (The Vaccine Cancer Atrocity like Clockwork…) that Dr Ryan Cole who runs a lab has seen a 2000% increase in cancers in vaxxed patients since 1Jan2021.

October 30, 2021 11:28 am

Excellent comment! Thanks!

October 30, 2021 7:30 pm

Just wait till their hunger sets in…

October 30, 2021 7:56 am

There is no energy shortage. Covid labor mandates and government regulatory changes have cause the entire problem. Under Trump the world had more oil than it needed.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 30, 2021 11:09 am

I don’t expect to be flush with diesel but even so, I do expect unusual problems with prices, fertilizer, seeds, feed, hay, parts, chemicals, weather, and this communist government. If farmers and ranchers sneeze, useless idiots starve.

  rhs jr
October 30, 2021 11:39 am

Old Boy Scout moto. Be prepared. Food, water system, alternate heat system, medical supplies, communications, defense capabilities, reliable friendships, no clot shot to disable you and other things as may come to mind especially fitting your personal needs. Spend some time making a plan for the worst scenario you can imagine. If it never happens que sera sera. Better to be prepared unneccesarily than to unprepared in a life or death situation.

October 30, 2021 7:32 pm

God Bless Our Elected President, Donald J. TRUMP!

October 30, 2021 8:10 am

Nothing happens by chance.

October 30, 2021 9:07 am

Wow, that was cheerful. Any good news? You know, a few ideas about what we can do?

October 30, 2021 9:08 am

Pick your hill.

  Austrian Peter
October 30, 2021 11:42 am

We live in interesting times. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

October 30, 2021 4:23 pm

AP- For those of us who for decades warned of the insanity from the NWO Nazis like the Club of Rome et al, there is NO surprise as to the state of the world today. TPTB let it be known they intended the offing of a huge chunk of humanity followed by reducing down jobs and pitting workers against each other for limited employment opportunities, etc. The “Great Resignation” that has taken place in the last year had to even shock the top of the pyramid and maybe even delight them. In the US, 4.3 MILLION people walked away from their employment and refuse to return. That works for the the genocide machine and globally the numbers repeat.

Sadly, Brits have sacrificed their precious children to Moloch, I am appalled at how easy it was to convince them to have these children shot up. 200% increase in deaths among children is sickening unto my soul. Per usual, we see that trusting the media information has lost many of us our families , our children and maybe our countries. All lost for a simple thing like trust.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 30, 2021 7:52 pm

BL, I blame it on the immature stupidity of the useful idiots regarding the sciences, US history, economics, Jesus and genuine Christianity (vs denominational cults), politics, etc. Most people are more interested in entertainment (TV, movies, singers), investments, sex, etc, than anything that really matters. You have to be stupid to trust government experts.

  rhs jr
October 31, 2021 12:52 am

rhs, jr- We are on the same page, agree with all of what you said. I know well educated people from accomplished families who buy into anything the media pukes out over the airwaves. They never question the so called experts.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 31, 2021 9:49 am

Because most people are stupid. Some Experts could say on TV that plowed fields reflect the damaging heat rays back into space whereas green fields absorb heat and dangerously warm the Planet; so the government should require fields be fallow. The liberals would then argue like hell that Farmers and Ranchers are destroying the Planet and something must be done!