The Hill You Die On

The Hill You Die On

By Sheryl Collmer, October 28, 2021 – Crisis Magazine

One idiom is showing up more often lately, as people claim that the gene therapy device speciously known as The Vaccine is “the hill they will die on,” especially as mandates close in on people’s livelihoods and children’s safety.

Consider this post from @TheEX_ERnurse: “A woman bled out in front of my eyes after the vax. There was nothing I could do to save her. She haunts me. SHE is the reason I left nursing rather than getting the vax…I will not comply. This is my hill.”

Or as Dr. Christopher Rake, a UCLA anesthesiologist who was escorted off his hospital campus for not taking the shot, said, “I’m willing to lose everything: job, paycheck, freedom, even my life, for this cause.” Red Voice Media headed the story “This is the hill.

Or as Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, said on his radio program recently, “We might reach that point again where people just have to say, you’re going to have to take my life rather than force me to do something that I know is morally repugnant.” That’s a hill, too.

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November 1, 2021 3:11 pm

In the complete article, a battle at Gettysburg is referenced as the example of the hill being defended for freedom. A truly poor example to use as it only glorifies the tyrannical cause of the Union fighters in that war against secession.

But that aside, the nature of these “vaccines” is not theoretical. Tens of thousands (or possibly even hundreds of thousands…we will never truly know) have already died from the injection and who knows how many more millions or even billions will die from them in the future. While the argument gets presented as one of principle (and most certainly this jab is as much as compliance and obedience as anything else), I truly believe that most people who are wisely doing everything possible to avoid the jab are doing so because it too might mean their death.

A hill to die on is better than a syringe to die on any day.

November 1, 2021 3:13 pm

I wouldn’t put it so grandiose, as I’m fighting for my own body, not to protect someone else’s.

But yes, since about July, for me it’s “only over my cold dead body” will I take the experimental gene therapy clotshot.

November 1, 2021 3:47 pm

For me, the turning point was the FDA’s bait-and-switch (cough, choke) approval of the vaccine. This made it clear (to me, at least) beyond any doubt there is more going on here than concern about public health.

I don’t know what that might be and I struggle to connect the dots on some of the conspiracy theories I’ve heard. My best guess is this will be used as cover to explain the imploding global economy and to implement a digital currency / identification scam — er, scheme — but whatever is happening, I will absolutely not allow myself to become a victim of it without first putting up a fight.

Everybody has to eventually die of something, someday. As much as I hope my death will be due to a heart attack while I’m vigorously enjoying the intimate company of a supermodel, I have decided the next best cause of death will be resisting this vaccine, all its known baggage and everything it implies, with any and all resources I can bring to the battle.

The line I’ve drawn begins at the outer layer of my skin and I’ll fight to the death anybody who tries to cross it!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2021 5:23 pm

The FDA’s “have our cake & eat it, too” BS was unbelievable – along with the fact that that subterfuge is hidden from most people. It reminds me of how all the libs celebrated Trump’s loss a few days after Election Day (Friday, I think) – because that was the day the media declared Biden the winner. Hey, if the media says Biden won, then he won. Let’s all go dance in the streets with the rest of the trannies! If the media says the FDA approved the vaccine, then it’s approved. Even though it’s not.

Biden’s OSHA mandate is unconstitutional – for the same reason that the CDC can’t mandate a foreclosure moratorium. Congress never gave them that power. Of course, three of the supposedly “Catholic” supreme court justices will knife us in the back – just like they did when they recently declined to protect a religious exemption to a state vaccine mandate. Gorsuch, Alito & Thomas are the only good ones. Roberts, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett all suck ass. I just wonder if it’s too late for me to go public with the recovered memory I recently had about how Kavanaugh ass-raped me at a party in 1983 when he was 18 and I was 21. It’s been traumatizing me lo these many years and I didn’t even realize it until now. Also, Amy Coney-Barrett ass-raped me. Some time in the early ’90’s. It’s all coming back to me now …

  Iska Waran
November 2, 2021 1:53 am

You were 15 at the time, weren’t you?

November 1, 2021 7:48 pm

Very well spoken! I’m with you on this.

November 1, 2021 3:21 pm

Dear Sheryl Collmer:

The Union was/is the enemy

Red River D
Red River D
November 1, 2021 7:03 pm

comment image

Marshal Rooster J Cogburn approves this message!!

November 1, 2021 3:24 pm

The injections are going to kill off a lot of the injected, including a high percentage of the vazstappo Needle Nazis They are a death cult and will soon be leaving the field of battle, those of us who are uninjected just need to bide our time until they are gone.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 1, 2021 3:49 pm

Please do not just bide the time; redeem whatever time we have left to do incredible things for yourself and for others. The list is huge! The hour, late.

Ephesians 5:15-16 KJB… “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

  grace country pastor
November 1, 2021 5:21 pm

I think what you are saying is … “Have pizza every night.”

November 1, 2021 7:51 pm

Sounds good but will really disturb your REM cycle.

November 1, 2021 11:08 pm

Yes. I hear you. Getting older sux.

November 1, 2021 3:57 pm

I prefer to think about the hill we win on and the holes they get buried in. They can blame the vax deaths on mutants up until the cancer epidemic hits. They can’t blame that on anything, the deadwood will be cleared, and the lines will be drawn for the revolution.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2021 5:25 pm

Then it’ll be our duty to repopulate.

November 1, 2021 5:59 pm

Europe lost 30% of its German speaking population between 1618 and 1648 and had no problem repopulating.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
November 1, 2021 5:09 pm

Leadership is everything.
Those that would rally the defenders and lead the offensive simultaneously on multiple fronts.
The right seems to have none.
The opposition is counting on that to overrun our positions.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 1, 2021 6:22 pm
November 1, 2021 6:31 pm

Just another reminder that readers of TBP are always on the cutting edge of the internet:

More than 1 year ago: October 2020 – Sharing War Stories While Playing Tag With Flashlights in the Dark

[Re: not judging the “deceived” who wear masks…]

That was, also, very likely, part of the design: A virus just problematic enough to lockdown society, but not so threatening as to maim or kill too many people. Surely, all the Covid® confusion must have been part of the plan, too, from the start.

In any event, there’s no reason to judge people who wear masks. Many remain deceived. They’re also scared. And others are just trying to get on with their lives. Besides, everyone, sooner or later, will choose their line in the sand eventually– or, rather, what hill they wish to die upon.

January 2021 – A Time for New Beginnings and Ending That Which Must End

[Re: Regarding “what can be won”…]

Everyone, sooner or later, will choose their line in the sand, or, rather, what hill they wish to die upon. This is what I meant in my last “inevitability” article about “choosing one’s battles carefully and deliberately” ….

February 2021 – The Lies Of The Borg Are The Glue That Binds

[Re: becoming the “anti-borg” against The Borg…]

The anti-borg prepares and decides. It is cautious, and will not cast its pearls before swine. It chooses its options carefully, deliberately, and has identified which hill to die upon. The anti-borg sets realistic priorities and realizes what it does now and next are all that matter.

April 2021 – An American Nobody Rides the Apocalypse

[Re: fighting even “when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”]

To be sure, this outright call-to-action makes a strong argument for choosing one’s battles (and hills upon which to die) earlier as opposed to when it’s too late.

Ripples in the pond until the Great Awakening rolls like a tide and into a tsunami.

It could happen.

Maybe it’s happening now?

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
November 1, 2021 6:59 pm

It’s fine to die on a hill for what you believe, but for some of us it’s not an option. Most of the guys that are walking off are either eligible for retirement, or are young enough that when this dumpster fire finally goes out, they’ll be able to re-enter the workforce. Me? I’m 61; almost 62. My company is ramming the mandate down my throat, no testing option, due to the company handling federal contracts. If I walk away from that job, I walk away from my income, my house, food on the table, the whole nine yards. If it were just me, I’d do it. It isn’t just me though, and if I walk away now, I’ll probably never work again. No one’s going to hire a 62-year-old telephone man when they can hire half the age for half the wage. It would be suicide; slow, but eventual, suicide…

For me, the only option still open is the possibility of a religious exemption. If that fails, I’m on the hook for the jab. Am I afraid of the jab? Hell, no. At my age, death is not nearly as scary as it used to be. What I’m afraid of is what the next “emergency” will be, and what freedoms they’ll take away next. Heck; Biden already turned our republic into a dictatorship in one easy step! I will, however, continue the fight…

Red River D
Red River D
  Tom MacGyver
November 1, 2021 7:18 pm

If you’re a God fearing man, there is another problem here, which is this:

The consequences of this bio-technology could very well follow you beyond death. This is a question every man will have to answer for himself. But take note the following…

1. This program is being enforced through coercion only. That is to say, nowhere in this world are the shots being physically forced on anyone.

2. Number 1 is important in light of the possibility that this technology is the prophetic fulfillment of the Bible’s ‘Abomination of Desolation’ — which is illustrated by a profane idol being brought into the Temple of God, the presence of which leads to God’s Spirit removing from the Temple and leaving it desolate.

Right or wrong, this biological technology is unique in all the world and is a very good candidate for fulfillment of this enigmatic biblical prophecy, which Jesus Christ has warned us Himself to pay very close attention to.

I am not in your position. I am something of a ‘lone ranger’ and I have no one relying on my income for food or shelter. But this matter is screaming for our attention and if this is what I think it is, then the “vaccine” program must be resisted at all costs. No matter what.

This may well be the biggest test of faith any of us will ever experience.

The alarm has sounded.

  Red River D
November 1, 2021 8:08 pm

The abomination of desolation is the mid point of the tribulation when the antichrist enters into the rebuilt Jewish temple and declares himself to be God and demand worship from the people of earth. That’s when the real misery starts. The abomination of desolation in Daniel is a prophecy of this event and the actual event of Antiochus IV Epiphanies entering the Jewish temple and sacrificing a pig on the altar, an ultimate abomination to the Jews. The clot shot, even with all it’s extreme evil toward mankind, has nothing to do with the scriptures.

Red River D
Red River D
November 1, 2021 8:20 pm

I am well aware there are other, traditional and evangelical interpretations of the prophecy, Balbinus.

I would implore you to consider the fact that they are interpretations. And only interpretations.

You do well to remember what Christ taught us all about the traditions of men.

And I’m not saying your interpretation is wrong. Just consider the potential cost if it is, for all those who roll up their sleeves and bend the knee at the altar of this strange idol.

Now is no time to be resting on tradition.

EDIT TO ADD: And I can SHOW YOU the “clot shot” in Revelation. I don’t care what ANY man says. It is there. No way an event of this size is absent the Scriptures, friend. No way.

  Tom MacGyver
November 1, 2021 7:18 pm

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”
– Samuel Adams

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 1, 2021 7:25 pm

Dude was not one for mincing words.

Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.

  Tom MacGyver
November 1, 2021 10:06 pm

If I walk away from that job, I walk away from my income, my house, food on the table, the whole nine yards. If it were just me, I’d do it. It isn’t just me though, and if I walk away now, I’ll probably never work again. No one’s going to hire a 62-year-old telephone man when they can hire half the age for half the wage. It would be suicide; slow, but eventual, suicide…

For me, the only option still open is the possibility of a religious exemption. If that fails, I’m on the hook for the jab…

Admittedly, T-Mac’s above comment illustrates exactly why the elite will likely win; if they haven’t won already. Currently, the global overlords have the power, and the will, to win.

This is not to disparage Tom or his decisions. Honestly, he’s looking out for his family and doesn’t believe he has a choice. Although the will to resist is there, he, and the majority of the proletariat, do not have the means to resist. Or, at least, they don’t believe they have the means.

So, for those who haven’t sufficiently prepared for Armageddon over the last several years, would God provide for them pursuant to making noble decisions? Or would resistance to unjust coercion actually be committing societal seppuku?

How about for those that ARE prepared? Will they organize to resist or will their supplies simply be cherry-picked one by one, over time, in single file, by federal, state, and/or local authorities or roving gangs?

Will God provide for those who have prepared?

And for those that do resist, what are they fighting for? Liberty? The Constitution? Survival? Family and friends? All of the above?

Unless someone has a genuine religious belief (for which they would be willing to die or starve), I wonder if, perhaps, they would be wise to NOT play the game of filing for an exemption? Maybe they should just go on and get the jab. This is because if the religious exemption is denied, and they take the shot anyway, then wouldn’t they be revealing themselves as a liar? Because they really didn’t have an actual religious belief in the first place, did they?

Unless some would just be willing to play the game and if they get the exemption… great. And if they don’t get the exemption… then… well… they gave it the old college try. It’s just a game.

No matter what, though, game or not – the elites will either have obtained the employee’s permission, or have granted the employee permission.

Does that make the employees victims? Or not?

Red River D
Red River D
November 1, 2021 10:46 pm

Applying for a religious exemption, being rejected, and THEN bowing at the idol’s altar — would be tantamount to taking the Lord’s name in vain. Would it not?

These are very serious questions and all who say they believe in God must carefully consider the angles and implications of the problem.

Will we honor the Lord with faith and trust? Or will we be weighed, measured, and found wanting…

I’ve certainly never seen a test like this in all my days.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Tom MacGyver
November 1, 2021 11:25 pm


I wish everybody would refuse the mandated vaccination. Maybe tell them you’ll only take the Comirnaty vaccine. The one the FDA actually approved. Tell them you want to see the word Comirnaty on the vial.

I plan to get fired if it comes to it. It’s easier for me to say because my company doesn’t want to mandate it, so they’re waiting for an OSHA rule that may never come and could get stayed or defeated in court. I plan on continuing to refuse.

  Tom MacGyver
November 2, 2021 5:15 am

No offense, but at 61 have you not been saving for a time such as this? My goal from early on was to always have FU money so that I would never be a wage slave.

Just had (another) Teams (Microsoft “zoom”) call with HR VP last Thursday. That’s 2 in one month, regarding my being denied religious exemption. They straight up admitted it was only due to my extracurricular postings here on TBP and on a Slack site my coworkers had created.

I just wanted to end the stupid call, and told Mr VP “it doesn’t matter, I’m putting in my notice tomorrow.”

“Really, why?” (WTF?)

“Because I sell MY time under conditions that are amenable to me.”

Always been my philosophy, never wanted to be anybody’s wage slave. If I could do this job self employed, I would, but as a field rep for a very technical product, not many would want other than the “official” rep.

  Tom MacGyver
November 2, 2021 5:01 pm

I hear you, Tom MacGyver, but I know people who got that damned shot in the interest of “protecting others” — and are now suffering the health consequences. How does THAT help anyone? You’re no help to your dependents if you’re dead or disabled yourself.

Even if you’re fortunate enough to escape heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism, a burst artery, aortic dissection, onset of constant seizures, etc., in the short term, what about the long-term damages? Dr. Hoffe has found that microclotting has occurred in the majority of his vaxxed patients, which means insidious damage to organs that will show up in a few years:

Dr. Rochagnié Kilian backs him up:

I’m not in your position, though, so I’m not judging you.

For me, personally, the decision has been made easier by my realization that Covidism is a satanic cult, and the injections are its initiation ritual. Satan cackles in delight as he sees even devout, professed Christians lining up for the jab. How he loves to trick us into his evil designs — and then sneer at us for our gullibility. The fact that he’s using Christians’ own concern for others as the very tool to rope them in must give him special glee.

When Christ told us to give up our lives for others, He did not mean offering ourselves up to evildoers who are pointing guns at our heads. He did not mean playing Russian roulette, DARING Him to save us from a bullet.

“You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” (Deuteronomy 6:16)

The globalist elite that is running this whole operation actually includes a number of outright Satanists — or Luciferians, as they like to fancy themselves . Some of them worship the demon Baphomet, the “goat god.”

Ann Barnhardt had a post a few months ago about how Satan will not rest until he’s gotten every human being on earth involved in the killing of unborn babies. ALL the “vaccines” currently on the market at least in the Western world were developed using cell lines from murdered babies. Forcing those injections on every man, woman and child on earth would certainly accomplish that satanic goal.

I refuse the vax not only because of the damage it would do to the body God gave me but because the entities that are pushing it on us are so obviously evil.

I am not a very good Christian, but I do draw the line at participating in satanism. Indeed, I have missed many community events — and have even hurt some people’s feelings by not showing up — because the events were being held in the local Masonic Temple, which rents out its halls. Some might say it was unchristian or unloving of me to peeve a neighbor by not attending what was the most important event of the year for her. But I say it is never charitable to betray Truth, much less to help add legitimacy to satanic enterprises.

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

James the Wanderer
James the Wanderer
November 1, 2021 8:16 pm

This isn’t my hill to die on – it’s YOUR hill to die on. I would have served under Patton in a heartbeat, if I’d been born back then.

November 1, 2021 8:21 pm

“The hill I die on?!”

How about the hill one pushes down oppressors and if necessary kills them on.

Just saying,that’s my kind of hill.

Old Krank
Old Krank
November 1, 2021 11:15 pm

I am not dying on this hill.

But several – or more – enemies may die at the base of this hill in front of my position.

November 2, 2021 10:02 am

OK…all you fuckers that have spent your adult lifetimes defending abortion, holding signs and chanting “MY Body,My Choice…where the fuck are you you sniveling little twats? I guess that a womens right to kill the unborn is a hill you’d die on but not one when it comes to defending your twisted logic in the case of the Frankenjab.

The Pro-Choice cunts are a silent bunch these days ….hell BLM is protesting agianst the jab…I guess the Tuskegee Experiment is fresh in their minds