The Anecdotes of an American Nobody at the End of Things

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


No man has been shattered by the blows of Fortune unless he was first deceived by her favours. Those who loved her gifts as if they were their own forever, who wanted to be admired on account of them, are laid low and grieve when the false and transient pleasures desert their vain and childish minds, ignorant of every stable pleasure. But the man who is not puffed up in good times does not collapse either when they change. His fortitude is already tested and he maintains a mind unconquered in the face of either condition: for in the midst of prosperity he has tried his own strength against adversity.

– Seneca


You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

– Revelation 3:17


There is no denying the Creature from Jekyll Island is a snake eating its own tail. Unfortunately, the tail is the entire world and it was devoured slow and sure:  banking, Wall Street, sovereign governments, international corporations, and, now, Main Street and entire populations around the globe.

It’s been a year and a few days since The Great Reset officially began on November 3, 2020. That was when a handful of Democrat Party controlled precincts, in Democrat Party controlled cities, in key electoral swing states, all stopped counting votes in the middle of the night.  Forgetting that Trump received more votes than any other president in history and Sleepy Joe was said to have received even more votes with the winning margins secured in those Democrat-controlled precincts – the unbelievable irony is now this: Those who believe Biden is a legitimate president consider those who disagree with that consensus as believers of “The Big Lie”.

Quite a paradox, indeed.

Welcome to the end of things.

The degree of destruction we have experienced over the past 12 months was predictable. What has been astonishing, however, is how completely pervasive, and successful, the Covid deception has been in collapsing American society.  America’s precipitous fall resembles the implosion of Building 7 on September 11, 2001:  Slowly, then quickly.

The methodology is nothing new:  Government creates problems so government can solve problems; and to music played by Pied Pipers; as the Mockingbird Media sing to the Pied Piper’s tune:   “Inflation is caused by supply chain problems which were caused by Covid and this why people must receive free money from the government and ALL of these problems will disappear if EVERYONE would just get vaccinated so the economy can be fully reopened.”

Of course, fractional reserve banking is never discussed as Covid is to be blamed for the deflation of the Everything Bubble. The plandemic has conveniently shielded elite bankers who blew up the economic balloons in the first place; and, now, the nation is being foreclosed upon as the systemic blisters burst.

The Creature from Jekyll Island grew out of the banking system and swallowed Wall Street. Eventually, it consumed sovereign governments and international corporations. Until, finally, its Covid teeth are chewing up Main Street and entire U.S. states.

In the snake’s system, the tail is “everything” but the head, of course, will be digested last.

Until then, here are a few anecdotes from an American Nobody at the end of things:

John Deere and the Gilded Age of Dickens

Undoubtedly, a sea-change has occurred in the last few decades between the American middle class and Big Business.  For a while in America, corporations valued their employees and once competed for customers to buy their products. Success depended upon employee and customer satisfaction.

Through the years, though, it seems the power has shifted to the corporations.

It used to be when you bought your John Deere it was yours. Now, it’s like subscribing to a 3-D agricultural software service complete with GPS tracking and satellite feeds monitoring data that remains the sole property of The Company.

Farmers must sign license agreements for their new John Deere tractors and are even prevented from working on them via “pervasive software-based locks”.  This is because the corporation has decreed only certified factory-trained technicians are qualified to service the company’s state-of-the-art products.

It didn’t used to be that way. But it is now.

It’s also true that today’s line workers and assemblers at John Deere only make a few dollars more per hour than their predecessors did in the nineteen-eighties – except those hired after 1997 have far fewer benefits.

To be sure, the incredibly shrinking dollar is largely responsible for the new economy in accordance with the necessity of companies remaining globally competitive and profitable.  Even so, it appears big corporations are thriving in greater proportion than are the laborers at the bottom of the employment pile and who are suffocating beneath the weight of inflation.

I know a guy who’s been a metal worker for 30 years and has a union shop that contracts with John Deere. He’s shut down now because Deere is on strike. The workers in his union shop, of course, won’t get strike pay because they’re not employed by Deere but that’s just the way it works; the cascade of consequences, if you will.

I told him in an e-mail I was surprised that Deere’s first offer to the UAW was rejected because the cost of living increase offered by the company seemed fair. He said the older workers were okay with it but the younger generation wanted more money because they don’t have the same contract as the older laborers. The younger generation does the same work but receives a lot less benefits and with no pension from the company.

It seems we’ve come full circle: From indentured servitude and the Gilded Age of industrial exploitation, to the Norman Rockwell era of cushy pensions and a strong middle class and, now, back to the best of times and the worst of times straight out of a Dickens novel.

God bless us, everyone.

A Hospital Visit and Supply-Chain Speculations

Recently, I visited a friend who was hospitalized for a mysterious bleeding from the intestinal tract. The hospital was located in a U.S. city with a population less than 200,000. Since their arrival to the emergency room a few days before, I asked if the medical staff had inquired regarding their Covid vaccination status. They said no one had asked them. In the age of Covid, I considered the hospital’s lack of curiosity peculiar and wondered if it was the norm across the country.

The person I was visiting was not vaxxed.  Was it possible they were a victim of Covid vaccine “shedding”?  And what about others who were presenting to emergency rooms with “mysterious” symptoms, potentially, the result of Covid vaccine reactions? What if no data was being compiled pursuant to instructions from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC)?

Or, perhaps the hospital already knew this person was not vaxxed. In that circumstance, it would imply data collection and storing into a universally accessible database the status of even those who remain unvaxxed.

I was informed there was a delay in getting my friend into a hospital room… not because of overcapacity but because there weren’t enough nurses. They were Covid tested before transfer from the emergency room to the hospital and the test was negative. But if the geniuses who mandated the Covid testing procedure in that facility truly believed vaccinations nuked the Covid virus, then wouldn’t they, in turn, demand to know whether or not their patients were vaccinated?

Moreover, why didn’t the medical staff try to “sell” the vaccine? Unless they understood the vaccinations made no difference when it came to acquiring and transmitting Covid. Which raised another question: Why the all-important need to test only for Covid with its meager .026% mortality rate? This person had bleeding issues in their digestive tract, so why not test for Ebola too? Nope. Just Covid; perhaps because Big Pharma has yet to develop an effective test for lightning strikes and incoming meteorites.

Those were my thoughts as I left the hospital.

The city was a liberal college town and one with which I wasn’t overly familiar, but I still wanted to visit the campus and speak to someone I knew.

It was a beautiful fall morning and the sun was shining.  Except for the slightly lower temperatures and falling leaves, it was still, practically, summer there. However, I noticed a lot of sick people on the campus. I heard several people coughing and sneezing and a guy with whom I rode in an elevator had watery eyes and was incessantly sniffling.

Later, we decided to go to a restaurant and have some lunch. The parking lot wasn’t very full but I just figured it was because it was after high noon. When I walked up to the entrance, there was a sign that said the dining room was closed due to staffing problems. So I went to two other places, and it was the same: the dining areas were closed for lack of staffing. On one of the establishment’s doors, there was another sign that addressed the “nationwide supply-chain problem” and that “all of our favorite items may not be available”.

At the time, I figured the supply chain problem and item shortages may have been the result of one or more of the following reasons:

1.) During the city’s Covid lockdowns, lower-wage employees may have grew accustomed to exorbitant unemployment benefits and no longer wished to work at lower-wage jobs.

2.) Perhaps the CDC rent moratorium and food bank offerings have made employment, for the most part, unnecessary.

3.) Maybe the lower-wage employees working at family businesses and small chains migrated to the security of the large “essential” corporate behemoths, like Walmart, Target, Amazon, et al.

4.) It could have been that people were actually still terrified of Covid and no longer wanted to undertake the risks of employment; and, primarily, due to the effectiveness of big media propaganda and fear-mongering.

5.) Maybe many more employees than has been reported, across the entire payscale spectrum, are protesting Creepy Joe’s vaccine mandates with their feet and middle fingers.

6.) Perhaps many more employees than has been reported, across the entire payscale spectrum, are sick and dying from the vaccines. (Personally, I am aware of several vaccinated people who have missed work due to sickness; and many of them were “diagnosed” as breakthrough “Covid” cases.)

In end though, I wonder if it’s not possible that all six (and possibly other) explanations are applicable, in varying percentages, across the entire (un)employment spectrum; and, perhaps, with # 1 and 2 carrying the largest percentage of those gone missing from the workforce.

Still, some things never change. Even at the end of things, governments create problems (lockdowns) so government can solve problems (stimulus) which, in turn, just creates more problems for the government to “solve”.  Again, like a snake eating its own tail.

Little Girl Jabbed

As some readers may know, I help out driving with my local school bus garage. In that capacity, I met a girl in Kindergarten two years ago. She had big brown eyes and no front teeth and she would always wave at me when crossing the front of the bus while getting on in the morning and after I dropped her off at night.

Last year, during the Covid insanity, I never saw her once. I figured her single-parent mom lost her job during the lockdowns and they moved.

Then, this year, I was glad to see her again on the bus. It turns out her mom had her do remote learning last year to “stay safe”.  The little girl is now in second grade.

One afternoon, while exiting the bus, she said to me: “Please give me wishes because I am going to get my flu and Covid shots tonight” and, just like that, she was off the bus and waving at me as she crossed the road.

It put me in a foul mood. If ONLY I could have controlled that which I could not control. The mom doesn’t know me and I doubt she would have listened to anything I had to say – even if I had a chance to speak to her.

It also doesn’t help that “public service” ads are running locally instructing parents to get their kids jabbed because “even if their immune systems are strong, they must think of other kids who aren’t as healthy”.

So, the next day, I asked the little girl if she cried when she got the shots. She said “no” and that she “was brave” and then her mom took her out to get ice cream afterward. I asked if she got both shots and she said “no”, just the flu shot.

Even knowing what I knew, I felt some relief; like a bullet had been dodged.

Sadly, the next week, the little girl did tell me she received her Covid shot after all. Her mom had taken her the previous evening. And when she told me, a little boy sitting a few seats away yelled:  “I’m going to get my Covid shot, too! My mom is taking me tomorrow!”

Unfortunately, for many Americans, there will be no waking up until it’s too late.

Doubting the Demographics

People seeking “exempt” status from company-enforced Covid vaccinations have parlayed the options they were presented.  In so doing, they were engaging in a veritable war whereby the offensive staged by the elite Covid power brokers had the momentum right up through November 6, 2021. This was when a federal judge issued a freeze on Biden’s workplace Covid vaccine mandate due to “grave statutory and constitutional issues.”

In any war, battles are won and lost right up until the final battle is definitively won. Just as the vaccine exemptions have served as a defensive strategy to forestall people from losing their income, the federal appeals court ruling has bought some more time for the remaining vaccine “holdouts”. But for how long? Given all we have seen over the previous year, and before, do you believe the Supreme Court will end up deciding in accordance with the U.S. Constitution?

Regardless, a lot of damage has already been done. The majority of people remain deceived and a large percentage of the original “vaccine hesitants” have received their Covid shots under immense economic and social pressure.  Many of those people who reluctantly gave in simply wanted to provide for their families and didn’t believe they had a choice.

What do they think now?

In any event, this goes to the heart of forced Covid vaccinations: Although the will to resist the Great Reset is there, the majority of Americans do not have the means to resist.

Perhaps Biden’s OSHA-regulated, large-company vaccine mandates will end up as just a bad dream.  Or, maybe the Supreme Court will end up siding with the Great Reset tyrants once again.

If all those resisting the jab had made their stand simultaneously, the Covid offensive would have crumbled immediately.  But now it’s up to the courts and if the legal battle goes down the way of the 2020 Election Fraud fight, than those who have filed for vaccine exemptions are on a list for future targeting – especially given the commitment, organization, and political power of the Covid policymakers.

No matter what happens, however, vaccinated or not within any job – the elites, so far, have either have obtained the employee’s permission, or have granted the employee permission. So does that make the employees who received the vax, or the exemption, victims of this war or not?

Consider the following circumstances:

1.) I know a manager in a health facility who applied for a religious exemption and it was awarded. Some of his employees asked his advice on getting the jabs. The employees were against it, initially, and sought advice from their boss. The manager, not wanting to reveal his vaccination status, or jeopardize his recently awarded exemption with his superiors, simply advised the employees to follow their conscience and do what they feel is best for them. The employees, with resentment, caved in and took their first shots in order to keep their jobs.

2.) At the school bus garage, I was snagging some coffee in the cafeteria. The TV was on and two coworkers were sitting at a table discussing the October 2021 Southwest Airlines “sick-out”. One guy, who was quite obese, had both Pfizer shots last spring. The skinny guy was in his upper 60s and smokes. I didn’t know if he was jabbed, but I do know he was hospitalized with Covid back in August. Now, if he WAS jabbed he was STILL hospitalized with Covid. And, even if he WASN’T jabbed, he is a life-long chain-smoker once hospitalized with Covid and just then casually drinking coffee and shooting the bull with his very obese coworker.

The obese guy said: “Southwest is claiming the flights were canceled because of the worker shortage but others are staying the pilots won’t get vaccinated”. He added: “I don’t see what the problem is. It’s not like vaccines haven’t been mandated before and the mRNA drugs have been studied for 20 years”.

Certainly, I could have jumped into the conversation and shared some facts… but, would he have changed his mind? Also, in so doing, he would have surely asked me if I was jabbed. So what did I do? I grabbed my coffee and out the door I went. I didn’t have the time anyway.

Did I do the right thing? Probably not. But these guys don’t even know my last name and I don’t really consider them my priority currently.

Paradoxically, however, these are the same two guys who…. if they left their engines idling while filling at the fuel pump and I told them to shut them off, they would look at me at say: “Get f*cked”. I could say it could start a fire and I could die. There’s always that chance.

I could also tell the obese guy to diet and the old smoker to give up the cancer sticks. But would they? No way. They’d just have more colorful replies for me. Yet, at the same time, they believe the Southwest pilots should take the jabs because vaccines have been “mandated before and the mRNA drugs have been studied for 20 years”.

Now tell me, honestly:  Regardless of any legal decisions in the court system, are the demographics there to win the war against the Great Reset?

The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset

Although not all people can be awakened and most are beyond reach, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been trying to wake up people in my locality.

There’s no denying folks have been deceived and, as a result, have allowed their good intentions to become weaponized for the benefit of the elite architects behind the real Big Lie.

Most of you reading these words understand the Covid deception is about control. Therefore, the key to breaking Covid’s spell is to cause the dupes to doubt in those whom they have trusted. In this sense, the truth acts as a “David” to propaganda’s “Goliath”; or as an honest boy ridiculing the emperor’s nudity.

I am known in my community and I’ve been fortunate to access public, online, and print platforms that reach important people in my area – including business and civic leaders, educators, law enforcement, and health authoritarians.

The last several years of online writing and discussion has consolidated my core beliefs and solidified my perspectives. I now stand ever ready for any type of public, or private, debate.  Although my opponents may kill me one day, they will have to first admit what they are doing and suffer the ensuing consequences beforehand and afterward.

This will remain their choice but I will not allow their ignorance to be an excuse and those who say “they are just following orders” will, especially, be held to account.

Here, at the end of things, many, if not most, people sense something is not right with the world. That said, however, they are NOT ready to understand public agendas as mandated by Luciferian pedophiles. As such, arguing thusly would cause their collective heads to explode and make it easier for them to label me a paranoid contrarian and conspiracy theorist.

This is why my tactics, so far, have taken four approaches predicated upon the following underlying premise: Covid mandates are NOT about health but, rather, establishing the Global “Great Reset”.

I’m very careful that my contentions cannot be convincingly denied – even upon researching them via Google and the various, nefarious, online “fact-checkers”.

Ironically, I never mention political parties or Illegal Joe. People already have a low opinion of these clowns and they understand that government corruption exists. As far as we are all concerned, let’s just assume the politicians, for the most part, are ignorant puppets wielding misappropriated power and causing much destruction.

That is my modus operandi and my four ideological and psychological offensives are as follows:

A.) Covid has surreptitiously subsumed individual rights, and the U.S. Constitution, via Collectivist ideology; all due to a virus with a 99.8% survival rate. It originated in communist China and the director of the WHO is a communist. The Covid mandates are NOT about health – they are about establishing a new political and economic system via the Great Reset.

B.) The Event 201 / Gates, WEF, John Hopkins Covid collusion and in the pursuit of The Great Reset. The Covid mandates are NOT about health – they are about establishing a new political and economic system via the Great Reset.

C.) The CDC, WHO, Big Pharma, Fauci, NIH, FDA greed and corruption, the patent trail, as well as vaccine injuries and death. I have cited (the PCR test creator) Dr. Kary Mullis’ assessment of Fauci as a “liar” and how PCR testing was utilized to inflate false positives in people without symptoms. Also (inventor of the mRNA vaccine) Dr. Robert Malone’s data revealing increased Covid cases in the most vaxxed nations – possibly due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement. The Covid mandates are NOT about health – they are about greed and the Malthusian depopulation schemes of those behind the Great Reset.

D.) The Associated Press and Reuters monopoly of news and being used by governments to feed specific narratives and how the online “fact-checkers” merely cite the same government-sourced spin. How Big Pharma sponsors the Big Five corporations that comprise the majority of the mainstream media – and while referencing history as proof of governments which have surveilled and forced mandates on citizens had a much higher mortality rate than Covid-19.

Although the cognitive dissonance has been fun to watch, there is no denying the insularity of the Hive Mind. The Hive protects itself by believing what it wants to believe and it is fueled by false binaries such as Republican against Democrat, the Mainstream Media versus Fox (i. e. “fake”) News, and the “science” versus the” science deniers”.

Simply put, the people need a larger perspective:  It’s called the “big picture”.

Will my strategy of engagement help to repel The Borg from my tiny corner of the world? It’s doubtful.  But, either way, I will not comply.  My position, my “stand”, has been made both online and publicly in my community.

And so it goes.


The vaccines of skepticism, curiosity, and open-mindedness, have inoculated many against the Covid deception. Even so, the elite architects behind the real Big Lie have held the offensive momentum so far.  A time of war is upon us and another four-step plan has been proposed to fight back:

We organize, we stand, we resist, we fight. We have no other choice, and the time is getting late. As was once said, it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

It does appear people throughout Western civilization are standing and resisting, but it remains to be seen if they will now organize and fight.

But, no matter the outcome, know this:  Something is stirring in America and the crosscurrents seem eerily reminiscent of the fiery rebellion by which the nation was forged.

Last month a U.S. Marine veteran was being interviewed by Fox News for stopping an armed robbery and, before going off-air, he casually stated:  “And remember, Epstein didn’t kill himself”.  Moreover, “Let’s go Brandon” has taken over social media and public arenas around the country to the point of constitutionally-minded mainstream media pundits now identifying the phrase as the new “Yankee Doodle Dandy”.

Additionally, many doctors and scientists have signed the Global Covid Summit’s Physicians Declaration at  and there have been celebrities speaking out against the Covid propaganda as well, like podcaster Joe Rogan and NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

People are waking up, and they are standing up, and the elites are being ridiculed. But it’s difficult to predict if this current resistance will amount to any genuine and long-lasting impedance to the Great Reset.

United we stand. Together we resist. Let us organize and fight before the false flags rain down like drips into Alzheimer Joe’s diaper.

May the Great Awakening roll like a tide and into a tsunami.

It could happen. Is it happening now?

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 7:02 am

Just a few recent thoughts of mine:
I am in the market for a new laptop for Black Friday. Looked into Chromebooks, which supposedly have become a lot more powerful over the last few years, but I was flabbergasted to read that they come with an “expiration date”, a preset date when they will not be upgraded any more or have any security features added. Talk about planned obsolescence already baked into it, and they are not even trying to hide it any more. Plus, I have successfully avoided to ever get a Google account all those years, so Chromebooks are out.

Talked to my brother who is a software developer in Germany for “Media Markt”, something like Best Buy. He said to get the laptop sooner than later, because they are having serious difficulty getting any kind of inventory.

Also, after 1.5 years of working only from home, he now has to return once every 2 weeks for a mandatory team meeting in person. Status is checked at the door (vaccinated, recovered or tested). If you had a positive PCR test within the last 180 days, you count as recovered. After that time frame, you are unwashed again. If you need to test (which he does), you have to get a rapid antigen test at a pharmacy or municipal testing station on your own dime ($20) which expires after 48 hours. My mother is currently getting weekly outpatient physical therapy after hip replacement surgery, and she also has to test before every session, which adds up financially at $20 every time. My Dad is complaining that his haircut just turned from $20 to $40 (including the cost for the test). Results: My Dad has not gotten any haircuts in months, but my Mother has reluctantly undergone weekly, costly unindictated nose rapes, because her physical therapy is important to her.

Neighbor in Germany wants to get a new heating system in the house, and was told that it will be 6-12 months backordered.

I have looked into buying a small house with large lot in a state with mild climate to escape Massachusetts. Pretty houses to be had in rural TN, which sold for 350K 2 years ago and now cost 500K, so that might not happen…

Many medical/physician organizations are starting in person conferences again, after 1.5 years of online only. Interestingly, many will now require vaccination to attend. It is disheartening to see how complete these organizations have been captured and how unscientific their approach is, given that they claim to be committed to science. Ironic, really. I would not only boycott their meetings, but also cancel my membership for good. Withdrawal of participation is the only way to starve the beast.

  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 8:03 am

Yes, electronic devices are going to become scarce, especially after the holiday buying spree. While I use a Chromebook, I do not suggest getting one. They have a lot of Google tracking, so if you are not techy enough to subvert them, best to avoid. Get yourself a mid-grade ($600-800) laptop from Bestbuy/Amazon/Newegg and immediately get rid of Windows 10/11. Install Ubuntu 20.04 followed by the Brave browser. Ubuntu Linux comes with everything you will ever need (free!) and you aren’t being tracked by Microsoft and their embedded adware.

November 7, 2021 10:14 am

Also all Windows products require you to ‘update’ which you cannot shut off. There are work arounds that are annoying, but prevent the updates. Bit I agree, if you can make the change, then switch to Linux.

November 7, 2021 11:06 am

Win 8.1 doesn’t “require” it – but official support for that version will end in 14 months… (January 2023)

November 7, 2021 11:29 am

You cannot even install Win 7 on any newer PC’s and 8 will be the same. Took a laptop I bought about 3 yrs ago and put Linux mint on it for the eldest daughter.

She didn’t like it and wanted Win7 because she was familiar with it. Laptop would not take it. Tried all the tricks and a few more. Stuck with having to go back to linux or Win10, she choose Win10.

BTW, their ‘support’ generally means more bloat. A person can keep their system better updated with no bloat by merely checking once a year or more to see if any newer drivers are needed for their systems. Easy Peasy.

November 7, 2021 12:12 pm

Win 7 has no support for USB3 and NVMe built in. If your to-be-installed box depends on either, you need to get a Win7 installation medium with pre-patched support of those included. Win81 supports all that out of the box, so I cannot even imagine any new PC not being able to get 8.1 installed.
I will avoid win10 at all cost privately (have it on an employer’s laptop, barf.) And after installing win81 -while holding my nose- about 20 months ago, it turned out much better than expected (with Classic Shell installed, of course.)
Will decide over the course of next year what Linux variant my next host OS will be, or if I’m going with Qubes. (For VM client OS I still have some XP and win7 in use.)

PS: Oh, and if you think you don’t need security fixes except once a year, good luck to you.

November 7, 2021 2:59 pm

PS: Oh, and if you think you don’t need security fixes except once a year, good luck to you.

I actually dumped all the anti virus software about a couple years ago… Haven’t had a problem. I don’t ‘surf’ or DL apps like I used to, and avoid questionable sites, etc… And if I do get a bout of malware or virus, I have some tools that will pretty much clean everything.

Considering installing Ubuntu on my laptop, duel boot. To familiarize myself again with linux. Then dump windows altogether afterwards.

November 7, 2021 3:53 pm

Uh, security fixes are not anti-virus snakeoil.

Even my Ubuntu LTS has one or two security fixes per month – although probably much less concerning ones than in Windoze, on average.

November 7, 2021 5:27 pm

I’m not implying the updates are AV, snake oil… is why I dumped it altogether.. Its exploit patches, its crash and GUI fixes, its releasing memory fixes. I mentioned that AV is not necessarily needed, nor are windows support ‘features’.

Edited: The other thing is that most virus and exploiters generally move to the newer platforms as well. You probably won’t find many searching to exploit Win7 or XP would you… Two of the best and most stable of any of the versions… imo

November 8, 2021 2:37 am

The problem with your last sentence is that many newly found serious bugs existed in Windows already for generations… so they go back to XP (or even earlier.) But for the latter you will (usually) get no more security fixes.
The most stable was Win2000, I would still be on it if that were possible (no USB support…)

November 7, 2021 5:05 pm

Linux Mint XFCE will still run on my 19-yr-old Dell Inspiron 6000. Windows and friends are becoming more ‘media consumer’ devices. If you want simple, functional, Linux Mint is good. If you want more flash, try Kubuntu (waaaaay more eye candy and customization than any version of Windoze).

November 7, 2021 5:30 pm

I tried getting my daughter onto linux mint… she didn’t like it, as like pretty much all linux its not that intuitive. Shes got two kids so she says the learning curve for her isn’t worth it.

But I agree, I think mint is a good starter for the uninitiated.

November 10, 2021 12:27 am

Mint 20 feels like old windows to me. I always hated win directory structure. The “my documents” etc and bullshit above drive C:
Seemed repetitive, but opaque.

November 8, 2021 6:55 am

I put Linux Mint on an 80 year old guy’s computer and after a 5 minute lesson he started using it. He’s been using it for a year now and loves it. No more crashing, popups, weird behavior, disk corruption, and failures to boot which plagued his windows system. He only uses email and the internet and its exactly the same on linux so Mint is the way to go!

November 10, 2021 12:23 am

Just re-installed win7 on a 6yo HP.
Guess we need to buy an old computer?

November 10, 2021 12:21 am

SUPPORT?!?!? Who cares? I have a bulletproof un-updated copy of Windows 7 on one computer and Mint 20 on another. Everything works. Just don’t try to combine (dual boot / dual drive) them. 🙂

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
November 7, 2021 11:51 am

Apart from true saving faith in Jesus we’re not meant to survive what’s coming.
Even with true saving faith in Jesus apart from the rapture surviving will require great tribulation and/or physical death.

  Eyes Wide Shut
November 7, 2021 2:07 pm

Meet you there when the day comes for the both of us. Not many of us but we will have the time of our lives. Going tomorrow to the funeral of the pastor who led me to Christ 38 years ago.

Pilot Doc
Pilot Doc
  Eyes Wide Shut
November 8, 2021 8:39 pm

Bullshit. Not only will we survive, some will thrive. The problem is waiting on that pesky rapture so you don’t have to take action. Not going to happen. There is a better way to live, but unfortunately most want an I phone and Starbucks. No rapture for them either…

November 7, 2021 3:23 pm

I have windows 7 and do a system restore everytime I get a “critical update”. It’s useable till the next “critical update”. Back when you could still block updates, I had 49k updates waiting. LOL.

November 7, 2021 10:59 am

older lenovo thinkpads seem pretty decent. the x220 is the last one with a decent keyboard.

November 7, 2021 11:52 am

I won’t even try to be tech savvy here but I wonder and just thinking out loud here, who owns the software in the Deere tractors mentioned and by extension, I am betting anyway, most manufacturers in that sector. Are they Windows based(more consolidating and one already rich MF controlling this ,too?)or does Deere have it’s own Op system, hardware/software, code? The reason I’m asking is because the way things seem to be going, if’n say a manufacturer goes belly up who then would own the computerized wizardry and is there a work around for future use. It’s look’n like some rich MF’r will own the tractor, land, water, seed and probably fuel/fertilizer after they sufficiently demonize the oil sector if he does not already.

November 7, 2021 12:13 pm

Most of these manufacturers utilize a lightweight embedded system which generally runs a modified and slimmed down form of Linux. There is a big market for firmware reverse engineers, who essentially plug into the ODB port, or often times some form of serial or JTAG port and pull off the firmware (OS/software/etc). They then go and analyze the firmware to see what is running on it. If they are lucky enough to pull the complete in-tact file system off, they can emulate the firmware out, which makes it a whole lot easier to reverse engineer. Automakers (and tractor makers) have been catching on and adding a layer of encryption to their firmware. This makes it much harder to reverse engineer. Eventually someone will crack the firmware and make modifications to it as they please. Look at the diesel pickup industry for the success of that. There are emission delete kits and “tuners” that essentially reflash the firmware and tell the computer to ignore all of the fault codes that are resulting from the missing emissions equipment.

With all that said…buy an old tractor, if you can.

November 7, 2021 2:19 pm

Thanks Win, that is good news. As the old saying goes “where there’s a will there’s a way”. I envisioned these half million dollar tractors with 20 hours on them, dead from a glitch or the dreaded blue screen. I had always been a carb guy, but a buddy of mine had showed me how he was able to mess with all kinds of the parameters from his phone. Un…believable. Neat for sure but I don’t have EFI or a smart phone. VVT, ha! One of my drivers does not even have power steering. As for old tractors, love the 1940’s-50’s, and no need for a computer to bypass a computer as challenging as that sounds.

November 7, 2021 3:40 pm

Supposedly, farmers have used Ukrainian software as an end-run around what Deere originally installed. Tricky business, but farmers tend to develop improvisation skills that would impress MacGyver, but for the fact MacGyver was just a fictional TV character.

November 7, 2021 4:20 pm

That ” fictional TV character” hated guns and he pushed and pushed that propaganda on viewers.

November 7, 2021 6:29 pm

Winchester, it’s hard to beat a Deere New Generation 3020 or 4020.

Know Associate
Know Associate
November 7, 2021 4:51 pm

I have an HP ProBook Windows 7 that i bought in 2009, with the full suite of MS productivity tools (Office, etc), a full version of Acrobat and many other powerful tools that i purchased on physical media. Also a full suite of privacy/security tools.

None of them will expire (although MS updates have expired, thankfully), the laptop drive is backed up to an external drive regularly, which can be swapped out to the internal drive if needed. Never have used the “Cloud” for anything.

I actually own this machine and its contents, i do not “rent” it.

I also have a MS Surface pad that runs Win 10 for things like Turbotax etc which require the latest version. It is air gapped except for updates and doing my taxes. I mostly use it for load development data… }:o)

I will be buying a naked laptop as Winchester suggests and load it with Ubuntu/Brave at some point in the future as a research project.

Like keeping your old car running, if you have an old computer that works, keep it!

November 7, 2021 8:20 pm

I have been using a Chromebook for years, never put security on them and never use any other way other than as a “guest”. They last me two or three years and then I pay $130 bucks for a new one. IMO no laptop is worth more than a couple hundred bucks unless you need something special for gaming or business application. I want nothing to do with Microshit and their BS operating system.

November 7, 2021 8:33 pm

Don’t you have to have an acct. w/ gaagle to use a chromebook?

November 8, 2021 4:45 am

I don’t, you might.

November 8, 2021 5:37 am

Hooray, let’s add to the landfill economy!

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 8:06 am

Yes, do not participate.

  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 9:47 am

Svarga,perhaps move to New Hampshire,despite the winter tis a great state.I live there now but with Mass. builders license still do work in Mass.You look in the northern parts of the states while pretty solid winters prices with acerage while having gone up still reasonable.

I agree with withdrawing from the beast,work locally and build relationships that can get one through the tough times coming ahead.

As always,this shot nonsense starts killing children then hunting season begins.

As for laptops,I just run the older/solid Lenovo’s with linux,more then enough for me.

  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 10:42 am

Why would you buy a Crapbook.

Get a used Dell Precision or something on ebay, with an i7-6820 CPU or similar.
Precision 5510 if you prefer lightweight and don’t mind the slightly squeezed keyboard, or Precision 7510 if you want more extensibility.
Should be good for the next 6-10 years (excluding the battery, which you might need to replace once, obviously.)

  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 11:00 am

I’m using an old Chromebook and it works ok for the most part but has some problems due to not being supported anymore. I seriously doubt new Chromebooks have anything mechanically different about them. So instead of a software update, they want me to get a new laptop. Unbelievable. I wonder how long new computers are supposed to work.
Consider going much further west, off the east coast. less traffic and less crazy Government interference in your life.

  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 9:20 pm

Have you looked in far Eastern Tn or Far Western NC?

God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 7:30 am

This is a thought provoking article and well written. The normalcy bias is alive and well. It seems that a large segment of the population knows that the government can’t be trusted, they however succumb to the fear tactics forced on them through lack of research and a corrupt media. .Gov is depending on ignorance of the masse to continue the scam they are foisting on the general population. That’s why when ever a politicians mouth is moving their lying. People have traditionally trusted the medical industry and have always looked to their doctor for health and medical advise. That long held tradition of trust is being eroded before our very eyes. The medical field will be like the political field. If their mouth is moving their lying. That’s a pretty horrible thought when you think about and consider the life or death consequences of a bogus medical industry and the power they wield over the general population..

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 9:19 am

The People are themselves corrupt, is why they can’t be bothered to resist their own destruction and exploitation.

God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 9:29 am

‘Corrupted’ to the point of being sheep led to the slaughter, quite literally.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 7:36 am

Perhaps the best Seneca quote ever.

Stability in all things. Remain calm regardless of the vagaries of life and no trial or good fortune will derail your path forward through time.

In the best way possible, I am wishing you a very blessed day.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:16 am

I agree, and this is how we are proceeding. (This is Guest)
However, there is righteous anger. In your anger do not sin. I hate the sin of these freaks who are pushing the injection on kids. White hot anger which will help me to fight it. I’ve accepted all outcomes, although it’s a continuous ordering of the mind, then you can also fight effectively as possible.
It’s sort of like this summer when fires were close and we were on evacuation watch. You decide what’s important to try to save (depending on how much time you might have so there are layers) and prepare as much as possible. You also prepare your mind to lose everything but If you all live it’s a win. Of course one big difference is it’s not caused by the evil ones (maybe).

Stability does not equal balance. Balance equals mediocrity, which is ok but good to know.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:26 am

Like a wave. It always comes back to the center. Like waves, the more wildly they fluctuate, the more violence caused. Without balance, there is no context. I have been thinking on this concept without the help of Seneca, but it encourages me to read some Seneca instead of inventing my own wheels.

November 7, 2021 10:00 am

I wonder how the people in pre-WWII Germany felt when the Nazis were coming into power? What about those people who farmed the land before the beginnings of the Dust Bowl and Great Depression? I wonder about the people who were living in Cuba or Russia before the communist revolutions. What were their experiences, did they have a sense of foreboding, did they hope things would return to normal, did they accept the conditions imposed on them with resignation?

I daresay we are in a similar situation as those folk, and I imagine there were those who accepted and supported the government and status quo, who even profited from the situation while there were those who called out the coming evil and were silenced and ignored. I read Selco’s blog awhile back and he said he didn’t recall forebodings of impending doom before all hell broke loose. Was he asleep? Who knows. Once the war broke out he certainly woke up real quick like.

I think there are always going to be those who are aware and those who are asleep, and the sleepers are staying asleep willfully because normalcy bias is very strong. Even today there are those who miss Stalin.

November 7, 2021 11:03 am

I’m sure you’ve read it but is this movie as big a surprise to you as it was to me?

When I first read Anthem, I got a bit ambitious about Rand’s work and grabbed “We The Living” as a challenging literary analysis for a graduate class in Political Theory. (It was an elective during my years in postgraduate work in Journalism/Editing, paid for by Vocational Rehab from the Veterans Administration. Am thankful for them then; cautious of them now.

So, I’d hoped this scene would be available in the few clips online:

Kyra tries to go to her bourgeois (shop owners) family home and retrieve at least some of hers and her parents clothing. Her father had taken the family away due to the rioting of the Bolsheviks. When they returned, their home had been given to other families (one family per every two rooms) and the city is in chaos as people are wandering the streets trying to adjust to a world where all the rules changed almost overnight. [Does it sound familiar?]

So, she’s standing at the entry of her own home asking strangers wearing her parents’ clothing if she might have any of her family’s old things. She leaves with a few articles retrieved from a pile of castoffs below a second floor window, if I remember correctly.

I don’t see that scene in these uploaded but am hoping that doesn’t start happening here. I saw a piece of ground in Southern Illinois the other day on my bunny trip where a lot of old trailers were being set up. Another poultry farm run by illegal migrants treated as slaves?

Anyway, this is directed to mygirl and anyone who thinks the Stalinization of this country happening before our very eyes. The Supreme Court will not act because they know there will be four justices added by executive order if they do. We’ve become a banana republic that has no bananas.

November 7, 2021 2:26 pm

You speak of a lot of trailers being set up. In my metro area I’ve noticed dozens of apartment complexes being built, and also some in the small rural communities not far from the metro. After asking myself, why all this construction during an economic downturn? I decided that it must be for the stack and pack dwellings of Agenda 2030. Maybe not just for the city dwellers who will lose their homes, but also for the farmers who are being financially ruined. Other construction is going up, also, geared toward those with lower incomes, such as McDonalds (restaurant?).

November 7, 2021 3:54 pm

While on the road this summer I came across what looked to be a Fema camp in a mall parking lot.

Turns out it was a traveling entertainment venue called “Cirque Alcatraz” and I was thinking: What a great way to hide in plain sight prior to rounding up the local opposition. I mean, it really looked like a genuine holding facility :

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November 7, 2021 7:26 pm

Dr. Zhivago has a similar scene where the family manse is taken over by strangers and the politburo threatens Zhivago should he make any complaints about the situation

Here in S Central Tx. they are building massive apartment complexes and subdivisions, thousands of them, and no sooner is a building thrown up then it is occupied. I keep hearkening to Camp of the Saints except the invaders here are coming from California AND south of the border. To my simple mind, apartment complexes are instant slums, just add gobernment subsidies.
My German grand parents lived in a duplex for years, it had a yard where Opi raised a little garden and grew roses. No shower and a basement with the toilet in the hallway by the stairs. They moved to one of those grotesque multiunit cement block monstrosities built after the war and it wasn’t long before my grandmother withered away, probably from grief at losing her lovely little duplex.
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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 7:29 pm

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Retro-Soviet style. Same color scheme too.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 8:04 pm

I am thankful that I never lived beyond a second floor.

I did stay in Khabar Towers the previous spring.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 8:37 pm


November 7, 2021 11:14 am

I think you should look more at per-Nazi Germany, up to 1932.

Getting lied to all the time, from all sides; multiple movements trying to discard whatever rest of decency and morality was left in society…
Sounds familiar?

November 7, 2021 6:33 pm

Girl, please look up the meaning of Mass Psychosis. That explains some of it.

November 7, 2021 10:55 pm

People in Germany overwhelmingly approved of the national Socialists – like over 90% – thats how they felt. The NS govt was such a breath of fresh air from the ‘weimar republic’ that there was a sense of release and suddenly a hope for the future. In 6 years, Germany went from third world status with daily double digit inflation to a stable world power, so far ahead of everyone else in technology and productivity as to be embarrassing. The NS policy of outlawing usury not only worked, but got them into a war to protect the parasitic worldwide existence of (((bankers))). Should other nations have ever caught on, it woulda been over for their control…

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:13 am

Panic never got any of us anywhere good.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:15 am


Thank you, my online friend, and I hope you and yours have an awesome Thanksgiving. Perhaps, one day, you and I will sit at the same table as well. On this side or the other

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:24 am

The door is always open.

November 7, 2021 7:39 am

The people can protest all that want but the elite don’t care. When they are in great numbers they must charge the gates and permanently remove the elites from society. They are sociopaths who enjoy doing harm. Be brave, stand up and charge. You will win.

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 7, 2021 7:40 am

And what type of conversations could you expect to have?

I have Chinese friends who have had the shot and have seen that coming from a communist country, have fully bought into the fantasy that America stands for freedom and truth and can never fall into communism. They trust the government and as an extension, the media, which is the mouthpiece of the government.

There is no reaching them, as there are too many wrongs the government has done that they could never accept, since we in their eyes, are the shining example to the world of what a nation should be.

NOw that the terrible effects of the shot are becoming known, what could be said? The conclusion of my conversation with them would only serve to fill them with a dread of their having made made a tragic decision with no way to reverse.

The conversation would end like this post; awkward and wondering if the topic should have even been brought up.

In the end, care for them and try to find the silver lining of the storm cloud descending on all of us.

  Not Sure
November 7, 2021 4:18 pm

60% are true believers and would put dog sh*t on their faces if the government told them it would protect them from China flu. 30% are never going to take the jab even if threatened with death. Only about 10% are undecided. The battle lines are drawn.

November 7, 2021 7:53 am

I have an uncle in his late 50s. Got the jab a few months ago and has been down and out since. He is far from a picture of health, but he has been different since he got the shots. I kind of feel bad for him as he was coerced by his wife to get it. I have known many that have had Covid-1984, only a couple that were severe (not healthy people by any means), and none that have died from it. But I have a growing list of issues from these vaccines, even some deaths. Seems more people I talk to, the more issues I see with them. Almost everyone has a story regarding these vaccines.

November 7, 2021 9:43 am

I have an uncle in his late 50s. Got the jab a few months ago and has been down and out since.

That reminded me of an article I read earlier this AM. I had thought all the annointed ones got saline for show, so maybe nothing there is nothing to it…

Gov. Newsom remains out of public sight to deal with family obligations

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s last public appearance was Oct. 27, when he received a coronavirus booster shot.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:45 am

Elected officials going on television to demonstrate their commitment to receiving a shot in the arm is what I would call a warning flag, not a reassurance.

If you see it as anything but bizarre, you aren’t really in the game.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:32 am

Rumor has it that Gruesome Newsome has been MIA since getting the jab a week or two ago. Heh…

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:54 am

This is part of what made me suspicious in the first place- the hardest of Hard Sells for the shots. The politicians getting the shots on TV is part of the Hard Sell, to allay suspicion in the gullible.

November 7, 2021 3:58 pm

But wouldn’t Gavin have just gotten the saline shot? Especially with him being a key player in the Great Reset, and all.

What else could be going on? Anything?

November 8, 2021 5:31 pm

There are some who suspect he has had cosmetic surgery.

November 7, 2021 6:42 pm

Roger, there have been stories that some of those shots were faked and some were given placebos. Did you know the Pfizer CEO has not gotten his own Companies Jab nor does he require his Staff to get it?!

November 7, 2021 2:39 pm

In our small community, everyone I know has taken the kill shot, but they seem exactly the same as they were before. I know about all the adverse events and deaths, so this doesn’t make sense. The only thing I could come up with was that they were given weaker dosages or else saline to build community wide trust in the jabs. Maybe they will get side effects from the boosters.

Since they all seem to be OK, I’m sure that they will offer up their children and grandchildren to the agenda, who may not walk away so seemingly unscathed from the kill shots. Or when winter comes, they may succumb to pathogenic priming or ADE. I’m definitely not looking forward to the misery that may lie ahead.

November 7, 2021 4:01 pm

I know someone who ran a marathon with the J & J spike protein flowing through their blood. They had a pretty darn good per mile pace, too. So I’ve had the same questions

November 7, 2021 6:47 pm

Vig, some people are saying that some lots of the Pfizer Jab are full of placebos and a bunch of deaths from the Pfizer Jab can be attributed to a certain lots of their Jab.

November 7, 2021 6:38 pm
God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 8:10 am

I was having lunch with a business associate the other day. for the most part I would consider him to have conservative leanings. He asked if I had been vaccinated. I said no. He went on to explain that he can’t see why people are so hesitant to get the shot. I said “well if someone wants the shot they should go get it but we shouldn’t mandate the shot for everyone”.. His reply was “well why not, we mandate seat belts and helmets “.. That was the end of that conversation.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  God Smack
November 7, 2021 8:23 am

If carrying a bunny foot around or wearing a beanie with a propeller on top to disperse the aerosols were required to fight the spread, people would do that, too.

God Smack
God Smack
  Svarga Loka
November 7, 2021 8:31 am


God Smack
God Smack
  God Smack
November 7, 2021 8:36 am

It’s funny because it’s true, Gaul Darn it!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  God Smack
November 7, 2021 8:52 am

My aunt called me the other day after a four month long silence- every conversation we’ve had in the last two years has revolved around the vaccine and when are we going to get it- she wanted to know right off the top because if we didn’t we weren’t invited over for Thanksgiving again. I told her that we weren’t, I understood and of course loved her very much, and missed her terribly but not to worry about it, we already had made plans. It was a hard conversation for her, I could tell, she hasn’t seen any of her own side of the family since we all got together visited my father in December of 2019 in the ICU after his kidney operation (no one wore masks back in the olden times, not in the rehab facility afterwards either).

Everyone of her family on her husband’s side are all vaxxed up right down to the grandchildren- both are in college in Massachusetts and it was concern for them that we were asked not to come. Something about the school requiring them to disclose where they go on their Thanksgiving break, who they associated with and the vax status of everyone they encountered- excepting shopping or other casual pursuits of course.

Afterwards I called her brother, my favorite uncle and discovered he couldn’t go either because he’d been vaccinated with the Moderna vax and immediately afterwards developed a severe case of eczema all over his body. He is now being treated by taking immuno-suppressants (not a joke, not a joke) hoping it will clear up. He was very unhappy to have learned that it wasn’t a real vaccine but a mRNA treatment, rather than a traditional immunization. His anger was palpable across the 800 mile distance between us.

This is a generational crisis more along the lines of the American Civil War than anything else I can think of historically. Both sides are dug in, the issue is not only intractable, there is no compromise to be made even if both sides desperately wanted it. This is about beliefs, not fundamental realities and sometimes those things are harder to work through than any other kind. I accept that I may not see either of these beloved family members in the flesh again as they are both elderly, but not due to my own choice in the matter. I let both sets of them know that our door is always open, I even volunteered to drive down and deliver a farm fresh turkey like we used to bring, but the offer was politely declined.

Anyone who hasn’t been affected by this to one degree or another is a very lucky person indeed, but it would appear that this a universal experience.

God Smack
God Smack
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:04 am

That’s sad, wasted preciouses time in the name of the phantom virus. I pray that wiser minds prevail. Your doing the right thing, for what little my saying so is worth.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:08 am

Yes, Covid is an officially recognized religion.

November 7, 2021 3:05 pm

This is a religion, no doubt. The “monks” in the white robes have taken a vow of silence. Sacrifice is required, starting with the death of the most vulnerable among us. The MSM narrative is the Bible/holy book that must not be questioned. Fact checkers will expose any heretics. The unvaxxed are likened unto the pagans, unclean and unenlightened, to be shunned. Offerings are required, such as offering up your right to breathe oxygen uninhibited. The dedication to the religion requires that you meditate on covid day and night, with the help of the MSM and the family, neighbors, and co-workers. Sharing the “gospel” with others is encouraged to gain more converts. The god is invisible, all powerful, and everywhere at the same time.
“Convert, ye sinners, and receive the river of life from a tiny sword that will pierce your flesh and set you free,” is the gospel call of salvation.

November 9, 2021 10:33 am

Mankind’s need for “religion” has always confused me. Why people feel the need to ignore critical thinking and logic and embrace a common beliefs based on nothing but faith, has always seemed to me to be a form of mass hysteria, or insanity.
There is no doubt that the Covid cult is absolutely a religion at this point, based on nothing other than peoples need have complete faith in the government despite the fact that government has lied to them time and time and time again.
The present vaccine campaign today is really no different than the Spanish Inquisition in which the Church demanded absolute servitude to their demands or those who resisted were to be tortured and killed for their own good.
I suppose it just goes to show that mankind, despite all the technological advances, really has not evolved at all in the past 1000 years.

November 7, 2021 6:58 pm

GNL, it’s also a Cult. People who belong to it are members of”The COVID Cult”.

November 8, 2021 7:02 am

The Branch Covidian Sect at Wacko.

November 8, 2021 7:22 am

Branch Covidians.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 11:17 am

This is a generational crisis more along the lines of the American Civil War than anything else I can think of historically. Both sides are dug in, the issue is not only intractable, there is no compromise to be made even if both sides desperately wanted it. This is about beliefs, not fundamental realities and sometimes those things are harder to work through than any other kind. I accept that I may not see either of these beloved family members in the flesh again as they are both elderly, but not due to my own choice in the matter. I let both sets of them know that our door is always open, I even volunteered to drive down and deliver a farm fresh turkey like we used to bring, but the offer was politely declined.

Do you sense that the devil is dancing with glee?

I saw this live in Dallas in 1988 (Steel Wheelchairs tour) and thought it the most sinister thing I’d seen. I’ve seen worse, but seriously Mick the Stick was skeletal then and the song was dark.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 11:38 am

He was “vaccinated” and still can’t attend? Head is about to explode.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 4:21 pm

And all for a virus that kills virtually nobody. How did we get here?

November 7, 2021 7:06 pm

Steve, a part of the answer to your question is the World’s Leaders, Liberal Biased Mainstream News Media, Health Care Establishment Officials, and powerful Politicians have suckceded in establishing a Mass Psychosis over a large segment of American population. I looked up the meaning of Mass Psychosis and I recognized America Society. Very disturbing.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 6:56 pm

Farmer, your Aunt disinviting you makes no sense. If you don’t have the Chinese Virus how are you a danger to her??? In fact, it’s just the opposite!!! The Jabed are creating the Varients and spreading the Varients to the none Jabed. Perhaps it’s better for you and your family not to be around all those Jabed on Thanksgiving and take the risk. So sorry you are having to go through this. God bless.

November 8, 2021 6:54 am

there you go again trying to be logical. these people have joined a cult, a cult conjured up out of thin air by the mass media and corporate overlords. they’re not sane anymore. there might be hope that they will eventually come to, but at the moment, theyre insane.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 8, 2021 11:35 am

What college do they go to? The wholesale HIPPA violation aside, it sounds like they are trying to cajole their student’s relatives into getting jabbed as well. It’s a cult.

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 11:32 am

No use continuing such a convo.

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 2:55 pm

Seat belt laws were part of the conditioning process. Not only are the resulting fines extortion for a victimless crime, but it also gave people the idea that they have the right to force you to do this for your own good. It gives them a sense of altruism and moral superiority. The people who insist that they must save you from yourself are far more dangerous than your average criminal, who isn’t motivated by supposed altruism. They just want the goods, so they’ll take the money and run, but the do-gooder will never give up and leave you alone.

November 7, 2021 4:12 pm

I drive off and put my seatbelt on only after the safety-dinger stops the first time. My wife hates it but I won’t be ordered around by my vehicle.

November 7, 2021 4:45 pm

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

November 7, 2021 7:07 pm

Amen Vig!!!

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 4:09 pm

When the local paper printed the AP story of Biden’s mandates shot down by yesterday’s court of appeals ruling, the article also cited all of the previous times in American history when vaccines were mandated. One of the citations described when founding father George Washington ordered all his troops to be inoculated against smallpox.

Not kidding.

And the online fact-checkers say “mostly true”.

November 7, 2021 7:13 pm

Yup, that small pox vaccine saved many lives during and after the American Revolution, it was a miracle and scientific marvel. Viruses were unheard of but somehow, miraculously, Washington was way ahead of his time.
I used to think sarcasm was a thing, I now realize that abject stupidity and ignorance can mimic sarcasm. I dare say the movie Idiocracy was a documentary and a guide…like 1984 and Atlas Shrugged.

November 8, 2021 5:54 am

There is a difference in inoculation and vaccination with manufactured vaccines. Inoculation goes back before Christ.

Inoculations in the early days of this country were done by taking the puss of a pustule of a cowpox victim and using a lancet to deposit the infection under the skin of a person not infected. They knew that people who had cowpox were not likely to get smallpox.

November 7, 2021 9:18 am

Excellent article. Best quote ” Unfortunately for many Americans, there will be no waking up until it’s too late” I know so many that that quote covers. Reminds me of that ole saying. “You can lead a horse to water,but you can’t make him drink” For those that try to give me grief on the whole vax issue. I simply tell them. We will see who the smart one and who the stupid one was. In perhaps 6 months to a year. Some of the looks I get are priceless.

November 7, 2021 9:52 am

I have found you can shoot a horse in the head,drag the body to water,and yet…..,it still will not drink!

I so far have had no issues with family/friends in regards to the jab,hopefully that continues.

November 7, 2021 2:17 pm

12 cement blocks and some rope might work.

November 7, 2021 7:09 pm

Preach Bilco!!!

November 8, 2021 6:47 am

I prefer to say”If you’re still alive in 4 years, I’ll take the vaccine” that usually causes a shocked face.

November 7, 2021 9:31 am

Something to consider when talking to friends and family who are injected is to mention they can get ivermectin from FrontlineDoctors/FAQs (as vaxxed seem to be getting covid), and that recently some high profile doctors seem to have come up with a treatment for clotting and blood oxygen issues which involves ozination. (Don’t have links handy- just came out).

They may ignore this now but they will hear 1. They may be in danger. 2. If they get sick they may remember and it may save them.

November 8, 2021 7:05 am

Don’t overdo the Ivermectin, it does have side effects if you take too much.
Otherwise it’s really good for you. Gets rid of worms, which we in the west are not supposed to have. We just don’t talk about dirty things like worms, but they are there.

November 7, 2021 9:32 am

I find it heartbreaking to see parents with little kids all masked up when outside. Zombies… who only believe and follow orders without question everything that comes over the TV propaganda or gubberment edicts. Gets me angry as well.

As for Deere, they are complicate in helping with the Great Reset. The overt intrusion of tech into farming is for control of the food production. The purpose of the 5G network is to handle the data coming in for the Internet of Things, of which Deere is a part and participant of. Its been in the works for a while and few seem to recognize it.

November 7, 2021 9:54 am

Brian,get quality old school stuff/maintain well and ignore all the new fancy cars/tractors/computers ect. seems the best path to me.

November 7, 2021 10:03 am

Sold my 014 F350 this last summer for that exact reason. Bought an older precomputer 98 F150 that was cheap and runs like a charm. Would have gone older yet but nothing was available.

November 7, 2021 10:24 am

Still a nice find.My life I felt was not complicated enough,got a 1981 G-20 van with Pathfinder 4×4 conversion.The body has some weld patchs but were done right,even up close looks pretty damn good.Has a new crate 350 that is carbed and has mechanical fuel pump/rebuilt auto and transfer case and a 10 bolt corporate rear axle.She still need door panels/wiper motor/fuel gauge attached/seats and seat belts but mostly all there,world holds together will be on the road in spring.I also plan to rhino line the first 18 inched of exterior and the whole interior floor.I will add it also needs a stereo,when done figure into it for about 22 grand but will have basically a new van,still less then half of a new truck.

I will say have stocked up extra hard on filters/oil ect. for all me toys along with large gas storage(treat with PRI G and also rotate the stock and rebuild.

Best of luck with the new rig/getting it personalized for yourself they way you want it and all.

As the day gets warmer will be working on the rig today,everything done now gets me closer to launch time!

November 7, 2021 10:36 am

rhino line the first 18 inched of exterior and the whole interior floor

Did that on my 014 exterior, inside of doors up to the panels, rocker panels and bottom edges of all exterior panels. Probably do the same with this ‘new’ truck as well. Unless I can find an older, with better lines, truck to work on.

November 7, 2021 10:48 am

The older rigs are out there,in mint shape pretty pricey but still cheaper then the new stuff.I would look for late 70’s/early 80’s pickup with the more square body personally.

I suck at body work so would need a good/frame body but the rest,ship me new motor ect. no problem installs.

Again,good luck with the beast and happy hunting for a even older beast.

On a side note,the van is only a toy/will never see my tools ect!

November 7, 2021 2:52 pm

Current fleet:
1985 E-350
1986 F-250
1981 AMC Eagle SX-4 (rally prepped)
1981 AMC Eagle (rally prepped)
1953 M38A1 (Jeep)
1981 Suzuki GSX-1100E

All with the “classic vehicle” never-expiring registration.
(Pay once and it’s good forever.)
I’m an engineer, and a 22-year member of SAE.
Computers don’t belong in vehicles.
Among other things, it allows people to drive although they are incapable of driving properly.
Same thing I said of the automatic transmission.

November 7, 2021 5:43 pm

My ‘new’ truck has a 5 speed anti theft device…

November 8, 2021 7:07 am

Brian,figure you and the rest of us who can drive a “stick”would appreciate this one from Kenny’s site:

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 9:37 am

I post a lot of links concerning the Roman philosophers and the pagan belief systems of the empire….they land with a thud.

I read an article the other day that attributed the ‘house divided shall not stand’ quote to Lincoln, yet Luke wrote it down about the same time that Seneca was living. And Seneca only echoes thoughts expressed in Ecclesiastes by Solomon a thousand years earlier. Was he aware of Solomon’s writing?….IDK.

I hold the position that the Bible is of one author- the “I AM that I AM”- penned over hundreds of years by dozens of different inspired and directed human vessels.

With all the knowledge of the Roman’s around here, I have long hoped for some input as to the founding fathers choice when designing the national seal…..Virgil being a Roman poet, and all…..another thud.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—==== the 'secret destiny of Amaruca-Land of the Plumed Serpent'

"With a new breed of men sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy's birth in whom The iron shall cease, the golden race arise, Befriend him, chaste Lucina; 'tis thine own Apollo reigns."

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 9:43 am

To be fair it is nearly impossible to look at or understand the world through the eyes of another age. The experience of the Founding Fathers is alien to us and only through their actions do we have the ability to discern their true intent. The words they’ve written are actions, but the understanding of the meaning hidden in them are lost to us and to time.

We are in the same place in regards to fully grasping their intent as the Romans were to them. It is the influence of the last vestige of those times that we can best count upon to make sense of that experience, the written words.

And I rarely if ever skip over one of your comments. So there’s one non-thud.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:51 am

“To be fair it is nearly impossible to look at or understand the world through the eyes of another age.”

I disagree. It’s all about human nature. That’s timeless. While the details change over time, human nature does not. If you have good handle on that, then it’s entirely possible to understand the world of another age.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 9:53 am

Disagree completely.

But that’s okay.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 9:58 am

Care to explain why?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 10:12 am

I thought I did and while you disagreed with my comment, you nearly paraphrased it with the exception of the time period filter.

This is one of those instances where writing something does not lead to further clarity.

But here, let’s try this example-

Today one of the biggest sticking points for modern progressive types with the Founding Fathers is their supposed hypocrisy in regards to “equality” because they were both patriarchal and did not extend suffrage to women and the whole slave thing.

This is the part where looking through a current timeline lens distorts the original meaning. They seem to be both specific and crystal clear when you read the words so they were either liars or… there doesn’t seem to be any other option. Unless you look at it from the perspective of their actions- slaves counting for a fraction of the worth of a man for census purposes, restricting suffrage to specific groups, etc.

I have very little trouble extrapolating their intent based up their actions, i.e. those who were slaves were not “men” and “men” meant “men” not “men and women”. Their actions were the defining characteristic of their expository, rather than the reverse, as most post-modernists seem to agree on today. In other words they meant that all human bipeds were equal including women and those of other races and presumable children and eventually animals, but that they were just lying hypocrites and it was simply rhetorical means of getting everyone onboard while actively scheming to deceive them. I don’t believe that is the case, but I can’t ask them so neither of us is ever going to really know what their true intent was based solely on their written record.

Does that help?

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 11:29 am

I took a class (History of Constitutional Law) which included extensive study of the notes taken during the convention. Those of us who got the best grades in the class thought the Founders’ Intent was the same as the Law Professor’s understanding of their intent.

I got an “A+++” because I analyzed Marbury v. Madison perfectly perfect. [The professor, though quite old, had completed his master’s thesis on Marbury and it was archived in the library. A good journalist like myself knows where the best research material exists.]

We also should grasp that laws very much depend upon the accepted meaning of words.

November 7, 2021 3:50 pm

Yes, the definition of words is vitally important. Meanings are changing rather quickly in our times. A little trivia: the word nice started out meaning ignorant.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 4:55 pm

HF…it was a gorgeous day and I needed to spend time with my beautiful horse. But wanted to come back to this since you did answer my question.

As I was scrolling through comments this morning, yours caught my eye because you’ve said this very thing to me once….’it’s impossible to understand through the eyes of our own age’….which cannot be more false.

In my comment, I mentioned the details change over time…and that’s exactly where you went with your comment…the details. So, I’ll address that briefly, then get to the bigger picture.

There are these words that came from the founding era…all men are created equal. What is so hard to understand about that? Can we not gather their true intent through these words?

Now, you were talking about modern progressives using the excuse that the founders were hypocrites because they didn’t yet treat everyone as equal judging by their actions. However, this is where we get caught up in the details, as I mentioned. (the Devil is in the details) Change does not happen overnight, and while the founders wrestled and debated on who is more equal than whom, it did eventually get worked out, albeit after a lot of pain and loss.

Progressives don’t understand this for two reasons. 1) It doesn’t support their agenda, and, 2) they have not been educated from this perspective…understanding human nature. They have been propagandized to death their entire lives.

To my point that you can understand the world through the eyes of another age if only you have a grasp on human nature, it is indeed true. Otherwise, authors like Tolkien would not have been highly successful and endeared many hearts. Tolkien (and Chesterton) had an incredible grasp of human history and took the long-view approach.

When we consider all the elements of human nature, good and bad, then it all makes sense through the ages. Conquering lands and peoples, slavery, the family unit, the search for meaning and purpose, understanding what it means to be human, who is equal and who is not, etc. It is our very nature that drives us through the ages and it doesn’t change over time…I’m guessing that’s why you enjoy reading the stoics so much.

For those who argue that we can’t understand another age through the lens of our own time have not been educated in the Great Conversation. They apparently are not taking part in this conversation to understand their place in history and how we got to where we are now. This is a huge problem. And, is the very problem with our educational system that you and I have been educated in.

Anyway, I can go on and on about this, but there is a severe delay when typing comments so it becomes cumbersome if it gets too long.

You don’t have to agree, but I expect you of all people here to understand what I’m saying.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 6:36 pm

The odds of us being in close to complete agreement are very high.

I’m obviously not doing well with my written communications lately and you’re not the first person to point this out. I promise to work at that.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 6:45 pm

Well, I wouldn’t have taken it that far except you said you ‘completely disagreed’. No big deal. We all have bad days from time to time. 😊

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 7:00 pm

I vacillate wildly on slaughter days.

Some would find a lesson in that.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 7:12 pm

Understood. Please post your slaughter schedule next time. That way, I’ll go easy on ya.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 7:14 pm

comment image

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 8:36 pm

If you have the time, the whole piece is awesome… if not, watch the last three minutes.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 8, 2021 1:28 am

I think they had to win the hearts and mind of the people as much as possible just as we do now. Some of them were more sincere about establishing Rights for all than others. Hence once the revolution was won they were compelled to come through on their promises and hence the Bill of Rights which had to be lobbied for by Henry and others to get it passed. Some of the founders probably were hypocrites while others were truly more” liberal” in the best sense of the word. It seems clear to me our situation today is similar. Many leaders of the so called conservative movement seem to have no problem with fiat money and the system of influence which corrupts our body politic. I think the Deere scenario is a good example of how difficult it is for a smaller manufacturer to compete. You can’t buy a new car with manual windows anymore I do not think. They have built a nanny state. A person could spend an afternoon pointing out all the inconsistencies surrounding the cv 19 vaccines and tell them about the aborted baby fetus material in them and even if they are ardently opposed to abortion it would hardly phase them. And if in addition they were informed about the puppies and they were ardent dog lovers again no ground would be gained. All would be lost when they were exposed to five minutes of fox or cnn. The drive to bow to every authority figure coupled with the desire to follow the pack is just to strong.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 8, 2021 8:48 am

The written record makes it pretty clear that slavery was only permitted to continue because the founders feared that the new nation would not survive unless it was united, and the slave states were not willing to give up slavery. It was a compromise driven by slave states, and the founders knew it violated the spirit of the new nation.

England, France and Spain all had strong presences in the Americas, and none of their governments liked even the idea of the American experiment.

In any case, there are plenty of records that enable any serious scholar to determine that the goal of the American experiment was a limited national government protecting individual rights and liberty.

That the ideals were not achieved at the inception is certainly true, but, the contrast with the French Revolution, where the ideals were insisted upon immediately provides a valuable lesson about too much too soon.

  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 4:47 pm

The words (that were the actions/choices/will) of the Stoics have stood the test of time. Like Hardscrabble, and others here, I believe they hold wisdom for us at this time. Our lives are nothing like the time of the Stoics. But I do wonder if our lives are about to get harder for us, than it was for them.

Consider that for a moment. I have reasons for saying it and these are in the quotes at the top of this article.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 5:25 pm

Yes, I agree that they stood the test of time.

  Abigail Adams
November 7, 2021 7:23 pm

As to the human nature argument (which I agree with, doubly so now that we’re at peak hive mind), reading great quotes is like reading ‘self help’ books.
They have truth but if there’s no action on the readers part they’re just words.

i forget
i forget
  Abigail Adams
November 8, 2021 11:29 am

Yes. And timeless is changeless.

The People Spectrum, the bell curve, with its obesely obeisant middle, remains the same wherever, whenever; bounded domain.

So wherever you go there you are & there the rest of Nature’s humans & “their” natures are.

& since density is more destiny ~ by weight & volume ~ than character is the hilarity that ensues from the hubris of “in six months we’ll be running this ape planet place” is only hilarious if your character puts distance between you & all that denseness so you can watch it from afar or ignore it in favor of tending your own garden.

Like as Jeremiah Johnson said, “I’ve been to a town.”

Or, a town is a smile turned upside down.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 3:36 pm

The river will get deeper.

The River and the Tree of Life

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 8:28 pm


‘And I rarely if ever skip over one of your comments’……my chest began to swell, then I realized it’s more a statement of how fast you guys can read !

“The words they’ve written are actions, but the understanding of the meaning hidden in them are lost to us and to time.”

But, “we” were never meant to understand, by the very nature of the organization….as in the quotes I left below to mygirl….

God Smack
God Smack
  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 10:18 am

Substantial reasons exist for why the designers of Washington’s Government Center would have wanted to obscure the meaning behind the occultic layout of America’s capital. If the public in general had been prematurely convinced of the end game prophesied in the DC symbolism, it would have been beyond the acceptance of prior generations who likely would have demanded change in leaders and facilities. But as time has moved forward and increasingly it has become necessary for public understanding of America’s heritage and intended purpose, little by little—either by providence, promotion, or even resistance—a clearer picture has emerged of what Manly P. Hall called “the secret destiny of America” The designers where well aware of what they were depicting in the symbolic layout. It was not Christian nor was it truly biblical. Osiris, Horus, and Isis trinity would be a better reference of what they are depicting in the DC symbolism

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  God Smack
November 7, 2021 10:23 am

I don’t believe that explanation. I don’t think it holds up to scrutiny, not of the designs/mottos/affiliations/etc. but to the actual behaviors they exhibited in governance.

In fact it may have been the exact opposite much in the same way post modernists hijack traditions and definitions and alter them to serve purposes that are in stark contrast to their original intent, i.e. abortion = family planning.

God Smack
God Smack
  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 10:38 am

Believe what you will. With a little research the parallels to ancient mythology are undeniably. Do a search and get back to me on a single Christian symbol depicted in DC at the time of it’s design. I think you will hard pressed to produce anything of any real substance. However I can produce so much information in the occult meanings of the symbolism it would take months to research it all.

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 11:37 am

Many were Masons, some were atheists and others were Christian. ….The symbolism is all Masonic. They were also students of the Enlightenment and people like Diderot and Voltaire. They were fractious and duplicitous and quarrelsome.

“In drafting the Constitution and seeing it ratified, the founding generation sought to control factions with faith that the many groups in a large nation would be forced work together in the national interest. As Joseph Ellis notes in American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic, “the creation of a two party system succeeded despite entrenched resistance by all the founders to its very existence.” Yet emerge it did, in one of the most political fraught decades in our history, with resonance for the issues, divisions and rancor of today.”

Perhaps more research and study would help clarify the confusion and misconceptions?
comment image

November 7, 2021 12:00 pm
November 7, 2021 12:11 pm
God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:23 pm

You are correct. however you are showing symbols that where created long after the Washington’s Government Center was designed. These symbols came about in 19th century. I quest you to go find a Christian symbol in original center design. Find me a cross or maybe some biblical text engraved in a stone. Some thing that doesn’t imbed itself in Egyptian Mythology. I could be wrong, show me

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:31 pm

Please, go research Masonic symbols and get back to me. I gave you a resource.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 8:22 pm

Pretty crazy…..I disagree for good reasons, perhaps the foremost being Pike’s own words:

Albert Pike directed: “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it.” [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5, 3rd Degree]


By 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall – “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organization concealing an inner manly p hall 4brotherhood of the elect…It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible.

The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of the mysterious arcanum acandrum (a secret or mystery).

In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work.”

By Manly P. Hall – Lectures on Ancient Philosophy

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—=== their 'arcanum acandrum'………in the making as we speak

God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:09 pm

Can’t deny the masonic roots. To be clear, the intent is hard to pin down. They where well read scholarly gentlemen. I in no way want to smear them. The times in which they where alive during the age of enlightenment they dabbled in all kinds of mythology. Masonry of their day was quite different than Masonry of today(at least in regards to general membership). We could argue over pentagrams, obelisk’s. etc. all day long. The origins and meanings of these symbols are non negotiable. These men, mason or not, new what these symbols meant. Again, these where extremely well educated men.

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:39 pm

There is much misconception about the Masons and who and what they were. There were many different groups and, like all things of a spiritual nature, there were many interpretations. Some see them as evil NWO frontrunners, others see them as deeply moral and religious.
The pentagram that Aleistar Crowley conscripted as satanic, is, in fact, a Masonic symbol, the inverted star is the symbol of man’s falling from grace into sin.

God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:50 pm

Well to be honest with you, I don’t know how to use all the function on the comment section. Up until about 48 hours ago I have never posted on a single blog or anywhere on the web. I am beginner at this.. So, I don’t know how to post images or links. Kind of embarrassing but it’s the truth

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:54 pm

Double click on the http: resource highlighted in blue…that will open up the resource so you can read it. Get your feet wet, the water’s fine….:)

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 8:48 pm

MyG- At the root of Freemasonry is the Zohar and at the root of it all is Jooish mysticism/Luciferian worship/Kabbalah. You can study masonic symbols all day and not understand the true meaning at the core.

November 7, 2021 10:03 pm

It’s absolutely based on Kabbalah. It’s in their writings. Also, one of the levels is the Noahide.

November 7, 2021 11:13 pm

Would that be the French or the English Freemasons? Would that be before or after the split? Would that be the interpretation of The Kabbalah as satanic as described by the Grand Inquisitors who broached no competition? Who claimed Kabballah was Satanic? Dear me, is your anti-Semitism so pervasive that you see the devil in all things jewish?

The masons were originally a medieval guild who built cathedrals.

November 8, 2021 4:48 am

If you actually study this subject, you would know that they admit to being around long before the pyramids were built. I spent years on the subject.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 5:26 am

Mornin’ BL…
I’ve spent years on the subject, beginning as a result of two coinciding events; my dad was dying/died, and I saw first hand the depth of control the freemasons had in local city government, and the deceptive manner in which they operated.

IMHO, there is no doubt MyG….M has studied a great many subjects, but the information on this subject appears to be the ‘Blue lodge’ script provided for the profane…for the ‘blue lodge’.

I know some real fine fellas that are masons, and they have no personal attempts to read any of the Pike or MP Hall materials (to name two I’m familiar with), let alone reading/studying biblical scripture.

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. Period.

I watched all four parts of the Rosslyn video, beautiful craftsmanship, and I longed to be buding again

  ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 6:14 am

Ordo- I come from a long line of masons who were builders and some high level but not inner sanctum high level (local yokels). I can assure you that none of them knew the true nature of masonry nor had they studied the work of Hall in depth, even if they had received M and D upon reaching higher degrees. IDK.

If you vibrate a speaker with a certain frequency, by placing sand on top of the speaker the vibration will form a symbol in the sand. The symbols in Rosslyn Chapel correlate to the symbols produced by the vibration of frequency….almost like music. Some symbols of frequency are elaborate, while some are more simple. I hope you can follow my poor explanation as it is better to see this visually.

Humans are the highest frequency lifeforms here on the planet therefore we have the highest vibrational level with say a rock being of the lowest vibration. Frequency and vibration are where it’s at ordo. God is within all things here on this plane.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 6:39 am

“building that type of scaffolding again”

Look at the time stamp of these two comments…except for about 15 minutes, that’s how long it took to reboot this thing…lol, this computer/internet is becoming a stressful pain.

Frequency and vibration seem to be of import, and some have suggested the massive stones found in construction around the world were vibrated into place thru such use…..I see it as something akin to ‘fallen angel technology’, yet unable to speak matter into existence.

I view the entire construct as being populated with specific, identifiable entities based on the concept of a ‘Divine Counsel’ (Deut. 32), as posited by multiple biblical researchers, and reflected in much of the symbolism displayed. A primary example is the painting in our nation’s only ‘temple’ (according to Jefferson, if memory serves), the Apotheosis of Washington….full of pagan gods and GW being deified. The original lie.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—===

Typin is like swimmin with both boots full of water….but I have been looking for word about our friend mark and his wife…?

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
  ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 5:12 pm

Me too on Mark and his wife. Ordo, you have been complaining about the slow computer for too long. Here was an experience I had, which was maybe two or three years ago.

In my house, which I share with two other family members, we were all relying on wifi. And there were periods of time when you couldn’t even get the cursor to move. It sounds like what you’ve been describing for quite a while.

I am a researcher and can usually fix my own IT problems or coding problems (I’m a web developer) with some Googling. In my case Google was the source of the problem.

We had Comcast come in and the guy basically changed all the hardware in the entire 3000 sq ft house. There was a lot. Meanwhile I was researching and getting closer to the source of the problem. The Comcast guy left and was to return on another day to change the wires from pole to house along with all other outside hardware.

In the meantime I found some snippets online that some Google products like Chromecast were broadcasting massive amount of packets slowing down or rendering unusable wifi.

My brother had a Chromecast on one of out tv’s and also an app on his phone for casting. After removing the Chromecast and deleting the app our wifi was fine.

Each of us in the house has a main desktop or laptop so we hardwired those and only rely on wifi for secondary devices like tablets, phones, or other laptops. I suspect even if you’re hardwired and have some device or app that’s messing up your wifi by broadcasting a lot of packets you’d still have slow speeds.

If you don’t have an offending Google product or app it may be something else in your premises or possibly a neighbors doing the harm. If you could take the computer you’re using to another location and don’t have the same problem that would be a tell.

No one in the tech press wants to get in Google’s bad graces so they are not likely to identify the problem entirely. But this article does have some insight and it’s not offensive to Google.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Ben Lurken
November 9, 2021 11:53 am

Thanks a lot, Ben. Most of that was in Greek to me, but I do have a couple things I could look into now. We are down to just this one laptop, one TV, and the cable/wireless modem…with the absolute lowest level of internet and basic tv programming.

I only drive thru this neighborhood, our place is across the tracks….lol

Again….thank you for taking the time to respond

November 8, 2021 7:51 am

Frequency and vibration are where it’s at ordo. God is within all things here on this plane.

100% agree!

November 8, 2021 1:10 pm

Ordo- The frequency and vibration thing is more of a quantum physics thing not so much related to building technique by the builders. It is more about things like the fact that we are all sent in to this existence with a very unique frequency and all things here have a certain vibration and frequency, if not we would meld into things like solid objects. That should tell you something important if you put some thought into it.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 9, 2021 11:56 am

I disagree, Tsubion. That just sounds like ‘new age’ BS-belief system

November 8, 2021 1:50 pm

What you speak of is called cymatics.

  ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 7:49 am

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. Period.

How do you know? Because you read it in a book?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 9, 2021 7:00 pm


Haha….not a book….THE Book.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–=== the son of perdition is coming whether you believe it or not !

November 8, 2021 7:46 am

Celtic druids?

November 9, 2021 9:02 am
November 8, 2021 7:46 am

I see nothing of value in Black Cube worship or the worship of Saturn: The Lord of the Rings or Kronos or… etc etc

And that goes for Blackrock, Blackstone… and so on too.

I don’t worship pyramids either but ancient masons did a fine job building some.

It’s all witchcraft and astrotheological nonsense IMHO.

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 12:52 pm

I included the Rosslyn Chapel video for a reason. It was created in the 1400’s. Carved and constructed by Masons. If you see Egyptian symbols, ask who made the pyramids and then ask, were they stone masons? King Solomon plays a key role here as well.

It is Freemasonry’s aim to educate an initiate on the god concealed in the unfathomable depths of his own essence, represented by the letter G in the middle of the square and compasses, symbolizing the divine spark within, the god essence of oneself.

The Christian Priest, Origen, said that “The Egyptian philosophers have sublime notions with regard to the Divine nature, which they kept secret, and never discover to the people but under a veil of fables and allegories.” Once again, we see the similarities to the teaching methods of Freemasonry which is performed by way of symbolism and allegory and never revealed to the uninitiated (known as cowans).

God Smack
God Smack
November 7, 2021 1:26 pm

I think I’m gonna let this go. I have been coming here for many years reading the great post and looking at the comment section once in while. I feel like I know you, (kind of)just from reading your comments. I’m probably out of my league on this. I look forward to reading your comments on future articles.

November 7, 2021 3:54 pm

comment image

November 7, 2021 10:00 pm

Since you bring up Rosslyn Chapel MyG, do you know the true meaning of the symbols within and to what they will transfer?

November 7, 2021 10:18 pm

I’ll give you a clue MyG, frequency and vibration. No need to down me.

November 7, 2021 10:59 pm

I didn’t downvote you….maybe someone with sense and not awash in superstition downvoted you. Kaballah, at it’s core, is not black magic even though it is Jewish…you lot want to demonize any and everything that has the taint of Judaism on it. You also have a very limited and narrow focus, biased by certain groups like the Inquisitors, who saw satan in old women and witchcraft in everything they deemed heretical. Jews were sorcerers and practiced black magic and the Kabbalah was their unholy book, according to the Inquisitors.
The Templars were burned at the stake, for the crime of not lending money to the king. Condemned as heretics by Pope Clement…do you understand the ties in here?

Tell me about Solmon’s Temple why don’t you? Explain how that relates to Freemasonry and then explain the math and geometry and what all goes into erecting massive stone edifices.

Masonic Beliefs
Mankind was created by one God.
This one God is the author of all life.
God’s existence is revealed to man through faith and the Book of Holy Scriptures.
The Book of Holy Scriptures is the Ultimate Authority or Great Light of Freemasonry.
The soul of man is immortal.
Man’s commitment to Divine Providence determines his destiny.
Considering the universality of Freemasonry, its teachings cannot be defined in a single statement or established profile. The following is considered to be representative of its fundamental precepts.

Masonic Teachings
Man’s first duty is to love and revere God,
Implore His aid in all laudable undertakings,
Seek His guidance through prayer,
Embrace and practice the tenets of religion,
Extend charity and sympathy to all mankind,
Shield and support the widow and orphan,
Defend virtue,
Respect the aged,
Honor the bonds of friendship,
Protect the helpless,

Lift up the oppressed,
Comfort the downcast,
Restore dignity to the rejected,
Respect the laws of government,
Promote morality, and
Add to the common stock of humanity’s knowledge and understanding.

November 7, 2021 11:09 pm

MyG- I learned everything I know about masonry from THEM. I have studied their own writings and the writing of highest level masons . So, it is not my machinations, it is directly from THEM. The dribble you just blew out your ass is the gobbledy goop fed initiates who don’t know shit from shinola.

November 7, 2021 11:16 pm

Them? How did you learn all that sacred and arcane knowledge from a secret society? Were you a member who escaped? My father was a Mason you twit, as was a dear man who died of cancer. At it’s core it’s a boy’s club and trying to make it into some Da Vinci code sensational evil cabal is nonsense.

November 8, 2021 4:51 am

It is open for you to find MyG, if you are willing to put the time into the subject. No offense but you blather about something of which you know very little.

November 8, 2021 9:20 am

Shall I also be afraid of the Shriners, the Knights of Columbus, the Woodsmen of the World? How about the Elks and any other fraternal order of men?
They all have their little secrets and traditions. If you want to see demons then you will see demons, the same as if you want to see angels.
You made no mention of the English and French versions of Masonry. If you were so very knowledgeable, as you claim, you would explain those bits of Masonic history. The history of the Church in masonry seems to have escaped your scrutiny. If you want the history, don’t nitpick, study it all and not just what those with an ax to grind publish and purvey.

November 8, 2021 2:04 pm

Correct. The lower levels are lied to. When you are deemed worthy to advance a level you receive a little more truth about what’s really going on. A Christian who thinks that it’s simply an altruistic club, who holds to his faith as described in Scripture, won’t be advancing. Either Pike or Hall wrote that it’s all about keeping the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

November 8, 2021 7:59 am

Why all the secrecy and silly handshakes?

If something is wholesome and Godly it would be shared by all not cloaked in darkness.

The excuse that secrecy is required to protect the “truth” is lame.

Why not open source this “sacred knowledge” for the benefit of all?

Or is it really just a load of bunk? A tool of oppresion?

  God Smack
November 7, 2021 3:40 pm

“They where well read scholarly gentlemen.”

The best God had to work with.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  God Smack
November 7, 2021 1:07 pm

I never denied parallels, only intent. And I’m with the school that sees the Founders as Deists more than Christians- although there were of course Christians among them.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 7, 2021 2:12 pm

Yup. Many were deists and the First Amendment bears witness to that. Freedom of religion and expression are not the usual tenets of devout Christians or devout members of most religions.

  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 3:27 pm

Am – el – ri – ca is a translation I ran across some where. Supposed to be Gaelic for rulership of god.

[The rica comes from reich ]

  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 3:38 pm

I read your posts. These are quite complicated subjects, therefore I’d rather discuss them in person where there’s immediate feedback for both parties. Posting philosophy online can lead to heated arguments based on misunderstandings, which I don’t care to participate in. Discussing secret societies online seems to be even more volatile. Although, there may be a forum or message board somewhere on the Net to provide welcome discussion for these topics. Likewise, I’d rather avoid discussing religion online unless I’m on a platform specifically dedicated to a religious topic. I find it more productive when there’s a common foundation to build on.

  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 4:35 pm


RE: I AM that I AM

Long ago and far away on my “It is what it is” thread, the commenter Chubby Bubbles mentioned the Buddhist conception of “tathata” and I told her that I always took the statement “I am that I am” to mean something like:

“I exist because existence is me”.

Which could explain the eastern conceptions of “suchness” and “thusness”.

On another note, the pastor at my church this morning preached on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

When Jesus arrived after Lazarus was consigned to the grave for four days, Lazarus’s sister, Martha, told Jesus (paraphrased) “If only you had been here, Lazarus would have lived, but I know I will see my brother again one day”.

To which Jesus said, “I AM the resurrection and the life”. Which meant Martha did not have to wait.

The pastor said that Jesus had to say “Lazarus, come out!”, mentioning only Lazarus by name. Because had Jesus said “Arise and come out” or similar, all of the old bones in that gravesite would have reassembled and walked out together.

Anyway, the thrust of the sermon was that people can approach life as follows:

1.) “If only”


2.) “I AM”.

November 7, 2021 7:08 pm

A slightly different interpretation notes Martha knew to send for Jesus. Just sayin/

November 7, 2021 8:08 pm

When Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus, Martha asked Jesus to tell Mary to help out in the kitchen. After all, Martha couldn’t feed all of those apostles by herself. But Jesus gently said, “Martha, Martha, Mary has chosen better”. But after Lazarus died, it was Martha who ran out to meet Jesus while Mary stayed seated in the house. It could have been Mary was resentful that Jesus didn’t come sooner. Or maybe she knew to wait where she was cuz Jesus would find her in her grief.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 4:43 pm


My take was a bit different, although I tend to agree with ‘all dem bones woulda rose’, lol. I felt the message was: being with the Lord, even at His feet, is of more value that the food that sustains the body. And when “Jesus wept”, he wept because of their lack of faith in recognizing him, thus dealing with Lazarus death as they did.

When God said to Moses “I AM that I AM”, that was simply God saying ‘I don’t have to give them a name’, kinda like when my dad used to say “because I said so”, ya know?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—==== the son of perdition is coming (Trump?)

"I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 4:44 pm

If I didn’t keep getting locked up and knocked off line, I would have easily added another dozen comments on thsi thread…..have you heard anything about mark and his wife?

  ordo ab chao
November 8, 2021 10:39 pm

Ordo- I think perhaps we should start praying for his wife, Mark also. I think he would have surfaced for comments on Uncola and Admin’s article. It would be nice if someone who has his email address to let him know we are hoping all is well.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 9, 2021 7:09 pm

BL… My hope is they are doing fine, and mark is just busy layin’ snares for any interlopers.

I left a link with a video over on ‘Let’s play the conspiracy game’. If you have time, check out the section (about ten min.)I mentioned to Vigilant

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-====

November 7, 2021 9:58 am

I don’t know if this has been posted before, but I thought it was a good concise presentation:

November 7, 2021 11:38 am

excellent link… can you provide the actual “link?” Is this on bitchute?

November 7, 2021 2:07 pm

www (dot) bitchute (dot) com /video/M6G4n5b2Wmuy/

November 7, 2021 2:20 pm


November 7, 2021 9:20 pm

A very good presentation.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 7, 2021 10:25 am


Make no mistake – the world is awakening.

I went to a political rally held on a farm down the road from my house yesterday. The guy who organized it asked me to come so I took the day off work and went. When I showed up the yard was full of vehicles and the event was beginning in the barn. I thought about going home, I don’t like fighting with people over masks (I don’t wear them – ever) but figured before I did so I should poke my head in and see what was going on. Of the hundred or so people in the barn only two or three people were masked.

I though “These are my people” and went in and grabbed a chair.

Millions take to the streets across the world every weekend to protest this garbage. It’s not reported but it happens in almost every affected country now.

We are going to win this thing. We are only, just now, beginning to reach critical mass.

  Francis Marion
November 7, 2021 4:25 pm

Yep. Even the Aussies are fighting back now. A lot of people say the elites don’t care about demos and marches, but looking where we were a year ago, things are hotting up for them.

November 7, 2021 10:33 am

The ones responsible for the Coming Cataclysm are shielded behind legal, social and physical walls, so “stand up and fight” notion has squared and cubed difficulties compared to 1776.
However. They are using a symbol – private jets at climate conferences – to rub our noses in our conquered status. What if it became symbolic that their private jets were afraid to land or take off anywhere in the FSA – Failed States of America – and then worldwide?
These are the psychotic sociopaths who probably privately rage that us near-homeless precariats can get almost as good a cup of coffee as they can, despite them having all the freshly printed money in the world.
If they couldn’t travel freely, they would be (angrily) confined to their castles and pirate coves, making new plans to enslave us through their (prison planet) Lockdowns and our cell phones. The TPSTS – Total Police Surveillance Terror State – requires everyone have a cell phone. Cell phones require … and that requires installation and maintenance and … fill in the blanks. We, like they, are in a target rich environment.

November 7, 2021 12:29 pm

In 1992, I went to see a New Mexico poet, Jimmy Santiago Baca, and he arrived almost late and breathless because his plane out of LA was running late. Jimmy explained that there were people shooting at the airplanes leaving LAX. (Rodney King Riots). I never heard this anywhere else but never forgot it. Jimmy Santiago Baca is one of my heros. We share a landscape.

November 7, 2021 10:33 am

Here’s a new twist. Yesterday I received a postcard informing me I’m scheduled to report for jury duty at the end of this month, and the first thing across the top of the card in large red bold font all caps is:


Then right below that are instructions to complete the eligibility questionnaire at

Nothing else on the card has anything to do with Covid-19.

OK so I go to that web page and complete filling out the eligibility form up to the point where the only thing left is to hit the “submit” button which I did not do, but nowhere in all that was there anything about “Covid-19 Instructions”.

So now I’m wondering if this just one more avenue of determining who is or isn’t vaxxed? Will I be required to divulge my vaxx status? (almost certainly) Do they have some requirement that one would need to be vaxxed in order to serve on the jury and you are required to serve and so therefor required to get vaxxed? WTF is going on?

November 7, 2021 11:53 am

Keep us up to date ASIG…interesting point.

November 7, 2021 12:33 pm

My jury request outright asks if I’m vaxxed. I declined to answer but wrote in the margin that it was divisive . This gets complicated . Are the vaxed shedding spike proteins? Etc.

November 7, 2021 3:45 pm

All you have to do is find some way to say that you believe the jury is to judge both the law and the evidence, you will be shown the door.

November 7, 2021 6:51 pm

Or simply say the words “Jury Nullification”.

November 7, 2021 9:36 pm

Guaranteed to get you out of jury duty. It is good for justice, ask OJ.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 10:53 am

Murphy’s rule is, if my internet signal and keyboard are working in sync, then my phone is ringing from one (or sometimes both) of either a 93 yr. old mother, or an 87 yr. old mil…..sometimes I marvel at the patience of Stucky…lol.

Steve Quayle had this part one posted on his site. I see this as a real life movie written, nurtured, directed, and being executed by egregores, with both willing and unaware players in the cast. At 15 min. we get a shot of the ‘Apotheosis of Washington’, with it’s encirclement of 72 five pointed stars.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===== "Befriend him, chaste Lucina; 'tis thine own Apollo reigns."

  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 4:18 pm

I’m not familiar with all the symbolism surrounding the Apotheosis of G. Washington. Are these stars supposed to symbolize the Sons of God (angels) referred to in Deut. 32:8, who seem to be the principalities placed over the 70, or some say 72, nations that were formed after the scattering of peoples in Genesis 11?

  ordo ab chao
November 7, 2021 4:30 pm

Speaking of the egregores, I’d imagine that you are familiar with the book of First Enoch. RE: My prior comment, Enoch is also quite controversial to discuss in the midst of a general audience. I consider it to be a history book but not Scripture. Even in a group solely devoted to discussing Scripture, huge arguments develop over the topic of the Nephilim. With all the adversity out in society, I prefer peaceful discussions when I’m online.

November 7, 2021 11:17 am

My son started his first part time job and I started to have a talk about how since he had no bills he should not get the jab if they start requiring it. plus it’s a bad idea taking the poison. He cut me off and stated that he would say fuck no to the jab and quit. So he has been listening to me. My other kid seems a bit wishy-washy on saying no and seems willing to get the jab to keep her job. But did mention that many are willing to walk off the job if they are pushed like this. leaving the store unable to continue without them.

Harrington Richardson: Watch "Tommy's Garage"
Harrington Richardson: Watch "Tommy's Garage"
November 7, 2021 11:39 am

If you want to see folks standing up to the Beast and mocking the heck out of it and all the “Brandon’s” you must watch “Tommy’s Garage!”

November 7, 2021 12:57 pm

Doug, another thought-provoking composition.

Thanks for continuing to speak truth to power.

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Emily Dickinson – 1830-1886

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

November 7, 2021 4:54 pm

Came across this one comparing us to Cambodia… it’s chilling.

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1)

comment image

“Once the Khmer Rouge took over and capture Phnom Penh in 1976, they disarmed everyone. Those that refused, that stood on their Rights as Cambodian citizens, were shot, and the entire family arrested. The weapons were collected in major road intersections and put in display so that everyone could see that the new Marxist government was fully in charge.”

November 7, 2021 3:36 pm

perhaps the spiritual “power that is” has set us on chessboard with a cast of characters. the game pieces and scenarios are displayed for some to see and realize. on the board we see demonstrable evil and injustice. the game-in-a-game question from the spiritual “power that is”, “do humans have the will power to overcome evil or will they tip their king in surrender?”

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
November 7, 2021 4:31 pm

Now tell me, honestly: Regardless of any legal decisions in the court system, are the demographics there to win the war against the Great Reset?

Nope they worship man because they are to stupid to know anything. 90% of the people I know see man as there Idol.

And how long has the education system been telling them follow the Eggsperts.

  80% Fraud
November 7, 2021 6:45 pm

Third time’s a charm:

November 7, 2021 4:34 pm

Doug, I am a participant in the “Great Awakening”. Wether we will be victorious over the World’s Elites and powerful Politicians remains to be seen.
#1. I explain to my friends and neighbors and Boss that the Jab has killed millions and permanently disabled millions more. So far it has not done any good.
#2. I made up a big sign and put it in the front yard out by the road I live on. The sign says “700,000 dead from vaccines. Just say no to the Vaccine Nazis.“. That death number has been bypassed by a huge amount in just a few months. It’s 1,800,000 killed by the Jab now.
#3. I have gotten a Sweatshirt made up that says “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For Trump”. I wear it in stores and have received 8 positive comments and no negative comments. I just got 2 more Sweatshirts made up. One says ” I Now Understand Who Would Turn In Anne Frank To The Nazis & Who Would Hide Her”. I saw that meme on this website. The other Sweatshirt says “Miss The Mean Tweets Yet?!”. In case anyone would like to copy my actions, the website I get these shirts made up is
#4. I have been printing of anti-Jab, anti-mandate, and anti-Mask articles and mailing them to radio talk show hosts, Politicians, health care business and hospitals, business owners, schools & school boards here in America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Imagine if Mayor De Blasio got 1,00,000 articles saying the Mandates and Masks don’t work?!?! So far, sadly it hasn’t done any good.
#5. Because of the Jab Propaganda Commercials on AM Radio, I have had to stop listening to some of my favorite radio talk shows. Perhaps it just as well. None of my favorite radio talk show hosts so far have had the balls to come out and publicly say on their programs that the Jab is killing people and maiming people by the millions. Really disappointed in them.
Doug the uncola, I’m trying.

November 7, 2021 7:07 pm

Thanks for that comment, Mustang. And for your courage. But, as a side note, El Coyote always hated it when people here called me “The Uncola”. I think he was concerned it would go to my head.

November 7, 2021 8:41 pm

Like Oxygen to a Jfish? I think I posed a question… let me go see?

Ah… just above? can YOU see?

The Anecdotes of an American Nobody at the End of Things

November 7, 2021 4:59 pm

You cover a lot of ground. I’ll just pick one thing.

You say,” Of course, fractional reserve banking is never discussed…”

So, let’s discuss fractional reserve banking.

You seem to imply it’s evil, or a sort of plot against us all.

I’m not sure why I get that feeling, but I do know that not keeping all deposits on hand in the bank is how banks make money so they can survive and prosper, and in so doing loan money to people who need or want to borrow money, while also profiting the people who deposit their money. They even used to pay enough interest to keep you up with inflation.

Certainly you aren’t proposing some regulation to force banks to stop loaning out money, are you?

November 7, 2021 6:25 pm

Most people do not understand exactly how fractional reserve banking works, or how it creates money out of thin air, or the
the reasons underlying its inherent instability and why it has a 100% (ultimate) failure rate throughout history.

It’s been argued that FRB is rooted in what the Bible once identified as “differing weights and measures” of which, later, manifested as dross weight in coinage.

At its core, FRB is theft and this is why Henry Ford once stated the following:

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

Another popular quote, attributed to Thomas Jefferson, frames it thusly:

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered… I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.

Another banking system that was more honest, and stable, existed between the years 1,200 to 1,800 AD.

As an American Nobody who found college economics courses, for the most part, tedious, any of my proposals would be lacking. Therefore, I would defer to the experts cited in this excellent article linked below:

November 7, 2021 10:33 pm

In fractional reserve banking, there’s only about 10% of depositors’ money left at the bank. Thru bookkeeping tricks they create money out of thin air. They loan out much more money than they actually have on hand to loan out. So if there’s a bank run, there’s no way for the people to withdraw all of their own money. Many people won’t get any of their deposits back. FDIC only covers a fraction of the deposits. I don’t know that I’m I’m explaining it very well, but I do know that the explanations that I have read show that it is quite an unethical practice.

November 7, 2021 11:51 pm

Money deposited in the bank is no longer yours. It belongs to the bank. That became law a year or two ago.

November 8, 2021 5:06 am

subwo- That actually happened years ago when banks started interest accounts paying you a nickel a month interest. If you use that type of account then that means they are borrowers of your balance and have rights since they pay you interest. In other words you give them the right to use your money anytime for basically miniscule interest payments. That scam is not new.

November 8, 2021 2:11 pm

Yes. I heard about it when the law was passed.

November 8, 2021 8:59 am

What’s the point of having banks if they can’t loan out deposits? If all they are to be is safe depositories, you’ll have to pay to deposit money in them.

FDIC was the beginning of the ruination of banking in America, unless you want to go back a bit further and look at state laws prohibiting banks from having branches…

Government regulation ruins any free market institutions.

November 8, 2021 2:17 pm

It was purported as a safe place to store gold and silver. Instead of fiat money, you were given a silver certificate that could be turned in to receive actual silver back. I believe the term dollar originated as meaning one ounce of silver. These certificates were smaller and lighter than carrying around precious metals.

November 7, 2021 8:37 pm

I don’t know what is going to be the last straw or what the spark will be that starts the fire but it is going to be hard.

November 7, 2021 9:08 pm

Have you guys not noticed that the sheep have gone on strike? It has already started as 100,450,000 of the US workforce are MIA/not working. THAT is HUGE.

The Biden Administration has backed down on the mandate until January due to massive resistance and lack of workers. I don’t see things changing in January, the truth is the percentage of anti-vaxxers is much larger than they are letting on. Corporate America has it’s tail in a crack and is feeling the pain.

November 7, 2021 9:04 pm

US Marks Milestone: Muslim Candidates Take All Elected Positions in Detroit Metro Area City

November 7, 2021 9:40 pm

Don’t ever go there.

November 8, 2021 2:43 am

“Or, perhaps the hospital already knew this person was not vaxxed. In that circumstance, it would imply data collection and storing into a universally accessible database the status of even those who remain unvaxxed.”

Bingo; vaccination status tracking started in 2007; every state is now a player in that game. Big Brother is also a stealthy motherfucker.

November 8, 2021 4:59 am

Anon- The MIB has every tidbit of information on you since you were born relating to medical records. I have seen them pull info on a person from 50 years prior when there were no computers. Insurers use the MIB and you can bet there is a record on you . Now I don’t know if they keep up with every vaccine you are given but I would not be surprised.

Frankenstein Government
Frankenstein Government
November 8, 2021 10:12 am

I am an anti vaxxer who contracted covid and nearly died. I had a 20 day hospital stay, nine of those on a ventilator in the ICU.

The vent is placed down your throat and into your lungs. You have a feeding tube down your nose and into your small intestine. You have another tube down your throat which gathers all that nasty covid sputum from your lungs. You often cough uncontrollably while bells, chimes, and alarms alert nurses. You are tied to your bed. Immobilized. IV’s, heart monitors, blood pressure cuffs, catheters in your penis and rectum. You cannot move and you cannot talk. You cannot get a drink of water. Nurses are slow to help, some take hours between visits. My doctor said my survival was a coin flip- my only pre existing condition was 40 pounds of extra fat. I am 60. I had taken 5 doses of Ivermectin before arrival at the ER- my mistake was waiting until I got a fever. I should have been taking Iver long before then.

Had I known that bankrupting, 20 day stay in hell, could have been avoided with a couple of vaccine shots, I most surely would have taken the jab.

If you are going to take your chances, prepare yourself. Use Ivermectin in the proper dose and as a preventative measure. Avoid anyone displaying symptoms. Get your affairs in order.

Honest Buck
Honest Buck
  Frankenstein Government
November 8, 2021 1:16 pm

Those 5 doses may have saved your life. The nations that treat Covid-19 patients with the proper protocols help them avoid the tragedy that you experienced with intubation and ventilation.You also might have avoided the serious complications had you taken precautionary measures like selenium, Zinc, quercetin, B-complex and vitamin D. Glad you made it through and thanks for the info.

November 8, 2021 1:24 pm

A good article, but we shouldn’t forget that the plandemic is not the end game. If we ‘win’ by getting the Left to abandon the plandemic, they’ll take it as a sign they pushed too hard and find a slightly less offensive means of achieving their end goal of total control. Asking them to stop the covid nonsense is like a slave asking massah to loosen his chains so he can work harder. None of this ends as long as the system is in place, and there is no voting, auditing, or protesting our way out of this.

A Non A Mous
A Non A Mous
November 8, 2021 3:05 pm

The author mentions ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island ‘ without explaining it. I do not know what that is. It sounds like a science fiction novel. My husband told me that it was some meeting rich people went to a hundred years ago and now most conservatives have turned it into one very big conspiracy theory and blame all our financial woes on that meeting. Why would the author waste such precious time writing about a silly conspiracy?

The author also is perplexed that children are getting the Covid shot. He obviously hates children. What is wrong with him? Both of our children will be getting the shots soon and what a wonderful feeling knowing they will be protected.

I found this web site via Zero Hedge. The Administrator is a very good writer. So far I haven’t seen anyone else match his intelligence. If this keeps up I will no longer make comments here.

  A Non A Mous
November 8, 2021 3:26 pm

You remind me of someone. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

November 8, 2021 3:44 pm


November 8, 2021 5:46 pm

I was going to hyperlink “Creature from Jekyll Island” to either a bookseller or Wikipedia but, then, I thought: “Ya know? For the 2 out of 20,000 readers who never heard of that title, it would be so easy for them to just copy the text, paste it into a search engine and search it out on their own.” Sadly, however, it appears I overestimated one of the readers. Darn it.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  A Non A Mous
November 8, 2021 4:09 pm

“The author mentions ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island”

Read the book so you don’t sound like an idiot.

“Both of our children will be getting the shots soon and what a wonderful feeling knowing they will be protected.”

Fucking lunatic.

  Abigail Adams
November 9, 2021 5:03 pm

Lunatic, maybe, but more likely a troll. Some of the syntax makes me think that it’s one of those A.I. trollbots. Its post on the Room 101 article has an odd feel to it, also.

By the Way
By the Way
  A Non A Mous
November 8, 2021 6:14 pm

Both of our children will be getting the shots soon and what a wonderful feeling knowing they will be protected.

  A Non A Mous
November 9, 2021 6:54 am

The door is merely a click away…don’t hold back-

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
November 8, 2021 3:50 pm

The humility enveloping this entire event is truly a come to Jesus reckoning.
How are we to care about the little brown eyed girl while being forced to care less?
We’re left with only setting an example through prayer, it seems.

November 8, 2021 5:18 pm

John Deere is not full of low paid workers. Far from it. It is in the grips of United Auto Workers Unionists that infest the company from the boardroom to the floor sweeper.

in 1979 my father was employed at the John Deere Dubuque works. At that time the factory was turning out mountains of heavy equipment.

John Deere was the premium equipment builder, Cat was the also ran.

They paid their workers so much back then that literally my father was able to buy a new pickup truck for CASH every couple months if he so chose.

Then the greedy United auto workers mafia decided that too was not enough and went on strike.

They KILLED Dubuque and it never recovered.

Most of the factory was idled. Jobs sent to Mexico, the bus engine production scrapped, and all the military equipment (graders loaders dozers etc) that was built for the US military and Nato was GONE.

John Deere today is the legacy of that time.

Piss on the United Auto Workers and Piss on John Deere, but never say their workers are low paid.

November 8, 2021 6:00 pm

John Deere is not full of low paid workers.

Nope. And I never said that in the article. Management and the engineers do very well. The laborers are not low paid either, even by today’s standards. However, they are low paid compared to your Dad doing the same or similar work and I would bet your Dad would agree. As I stated in my article, this is because of inflation and the “incredibly shrinking dollar”.

Today, John Deere laborers take years to pay for their new trucks and that’s all I was getting at over here.

Deere did have difficulties during the 1980s, but it was due more to the farm crisis than the UAW; even though you may disagree.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
November 9, 2021 9:48 am

“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

– Revelation 3:17”

I learned a lot of things that I did not know about the book of revelations this year. That verse stopped me dead in my tracks when reading your excellent post. All I can do is pray for that little girl on the bus and all the children who are delivered for vaccination. I am supposed to pray for their parent/s as well. It is difficult but I pray that all of them have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior because in the end that is all we have.

Tom Cullen
Tom Cullen
  Bear Claw Chris Lapp
November 9, 2021 1:09 pm

In the last 18 months I have learned that pretty much everything Ive been told my entire life has been a lie. With one overwhelming exception, Jesus Christ is God incarnate. It would appear that the trajectory of the human species has neared it’s apex, hell on earth will follow.

While at the same time rejecting and denying the existence of God, men seek godhood. How may one fervently desire to become, that in which one does not believe? Men believing that they can become gods, unable to grasp that God had once became a man.

Fast and pray brother. Be angry and sin not.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Tom Cullen
November 10, 2021 8:31 am

And that spells MOON.

November 9, 2021 7:44 pm

Definitely seems inflation is here.

November 20, 2021 1:20 pm

I stumbled on your post by chance, but will definitely be looking at other posts. It’s refreshing to see someone who actually thinks, observes, and processes the information that is around us. Too many prefer to regurgitate whatever those on their platform of convenience have to say, never doing any research or sharing personal perspectives. Excellent job!