Are Governments Running Out of Candy?

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas


By now, many readers will have seen the popular American YouTube video by Mark Dice in which he stands on a city sidewalk and offers passers-by a free gift. They may choose between a 10-ounce silver bar or a large Hershey’s candy bar.

Each taker chooses the candy – most of them with no deliberation. The only taker who seems to hesitate at all soon decides on the candy, as “I don’t have any way to do anything with the silver.” (Behind them is a coin shop. Mister Dice offers to take the silver bar inside if she wishes, but she’s uninterested and takes the candy.)

A 10-ounce silver bar is presently valued at about $230, the Hershey’s bar at about $2.

(Editor’s Note: If you have not seen the video, please see below.)

Mister Dice doesn’t comment in the video as to what lesson might be learned from this, but an obvious one would be that Americans (or at least those who reside in his home town of San Diego, California) are prone to prefer instant gratification over something of substantially greater, but delayed value.

If this is his intent, he’s succeeded well in his light-hearted, but instructive video.

Since the 1950’s, much of the world has perceived Americans as being on “Easy Street,” and in recent decades, the U.S. government has fuelled American complacency through a consciousness of easy money and entitlement.

And so, Americans are often perceived by those outside the U.S. as being somewhat insulated, spoiled, naïve, and short-sighted. But, if this is true, Americans certainly aren’t alone. Much the same exists in Europe, Canada, and quite a few other countries that have, over recent decades, followed the American socio-economic model.

Trouble is, all that easy money and entitlement exists only as long as a source for the “freebies” exists. Unfortunately, the idea that freebies are free is inaccurate. Freebies of any description must be paid for by someone.

In business, freebies are sometimes provided as “loss-leaders” to attract more business. They therefore become a line item on the monthly balance sheet, a cost-of-doing-business expense. The business hopes to make the loss back through sales generated by the loss-leader.

But, when governments hand out freebies, no sales will be generated, so the loss will not be recovered. When governments hand out freebies, the cost is paid with tax revenues. And when taxes have been raised to the point that further increases would be difficult without inciting rebellion, governments generally rely on borrowing.

But, of course, borrowing, too, eventually reaches the point that it has become so great that it cannot be repaid. What then?

Invariably, economic collapse is the outcome. But, why should this be so? Well, when the tipping point is reached (as in jurisdictions like the EU and U.S., where more than 50% of the public are net recipients and the other 50% must pay for both themselves and the other 50%), there’s no turning back. Those who have been receiving the candy have been told that they’re entitled to it and now they believe it. They will not tolerate the suggestion that the freebies must end, even though no further tax can be reasonably levied; no further funds can be borrowed. Therefore, in every case, the result is systemic collapse, not a gradual tapering off.

For thousands of years, governments have sought to appease people with freebies. In ancient Rome, a dole of grain and free entertainment (bread and circuses) helped to usher in the decline of the empire. Like all great empires, it collapsed under a weight of debt and mismanagement.

Much of the world is presently at this tipping point. Governments continue to promise benefits that they know will soon come to an end. If history repeats, they will continue repeating this promise right up until the day when the candy stops being dished out.

They will then say that no one could have seen this coming.

Amongst the public who will be the victims, there will be three general groups. First will be the Takers, those who have been the recipients who depended upon the freebies the most. They will be the hardest hit, as not only will they lose the freebies, they will have neither the skills nor the imagination to become self-reliant overnight.

The second group will be the Payers, those whose tax dollars paid for the freebies. They will be hard hit, as the system in which they live and operate has broken down, although they will fare better than the Takers. They will have the skills and imagination to rebuild their lives (having previously been productive enough to pay for themselves and others.)

Third will be the Preparers, those who envisioned the inevitability of the collapse of the system. They most certainly will have the skills and imagination to rebuild their lives, but, additionally, they’ll have the means with which to rebuild quickly. They will be the very few who chose the silver bar over the candy and had the wisdom to store the silver in a jurisdiction where it was not likely to be appropriated by a dying empire.

Much of the world is now running out of candy. The latest version of Bread and Circuses is reaching its inevitable end.

Replaying the video, we observe Mister Dice offering chocolate or silver. Each Taker looks at him incredulously, then makes the obvious choice, the candy. Each of them gives him a smile. Each is pleased to walk away with the chocolate, but, likely as not, each will have consumed the bar before the day is out and the benefit of the freebie will be short-lived.

After giving out eight bars, Mister Dice is all out of chocolate and he presumably goes home. He has no candy, but he does have 10 ounces of silver. Perhaps he owns other silver bars as well, stored in a safer jurisdiction.

Each of us has the opportunity to make a choice as to whether we wish to be Takers, Payers, or Preparers. The choice we make may define our future.

Editor’s Note: The U.S. government’s bad financial decisions and massive debt levels will cause another financial crisis sooner rather than later.

Like most governments that get into financial trouble, we think American politicians will keep choosing the easy option…money printing on a massive scale.

This has tremendous implications for your financial security. These politicians are playing with fire and inviting a currency catastrophe.

This is a big reason why we think everyone should own some physical gold and silver. Precious metals are the ultimate form of wealth insurance. They have preserved wealth through every kind of crisis imaginable. They will preserve wealth during the next crisis, too.

But, if you want to be truly “crisis-proof”, there is more to do…

Most people have no idea what really happens when a currency collapses, let alone how to prepare…

How will you protect your savings in the event of a currency crisis? This just-released video will show you exactly how. Click here to watch it now.

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
November 30, 2021 12:42 pm

Takes Hershey bar and asks “But is it REAL? It doesn’t look real.”

  Svarga Loka
November 30, 2021 2:40 pm

Hershey’s sucks.
Lindt or Ghirardelli makes better chocolate, in my opinion. Also own more Ag than chocolate, so there’s that.

Eddy O
Eddy O
November 30, 2021 2:58 pm

Kind of like you.

Quiet Mike
Quiet Mike
November 30, 2021 12:56 pm

That’s the video that hooked me on Dice. Memory no longer serves as it used to but if I’m not mistaken there’s a guy he makes the offer to and the guy almost knocks Dice over grabbing for the silver bar.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Quiet Mike
November 30, 2021 1:15 pm

Another good one was the video where he gathers signatures to imprison the unvaccinated. After dozens sign and nod “Yeah, those endanger all of us”, one middle aged man calls him out that it just has to be a joke. Look out Australia, who’s laughing now?

  Quiet Mike
November 30, 2021 4:40 pm

Yes, I remember that one…
Silver bar BAM!

Here is another, not as exciting tho…
Tourist buying silver coin for $1.00 as a souvenir

The only 2 of Mark’s videos that I recall anyone taking the silver.

November 30, 2021 1:20 pm

By the time that FDR STOLE everyone’s gold in 1934, most were used to walking around with paper money that “promised” to be redeemable in gold if they wanted it. Virtually nobody bothered. Taking the paper and giving them different paper was really no big deal to most. People are stupid because K-12 government monopoly day prisons have raised them to not only be stupid, but religiously trusting of the government and its actions. Do that for enough generations, and most in society will have no idea as to the concepts of freedom, liberty, sound money, stable economies, or anything else that a market-based precious metal monetary standard helps secure.

November 30, 2021 5:07 pm

Teaching rote is not the same thing as teaching thinking. You need someone who really cares to do the latter. Parents is what always worked in the past, before we had offices and careers.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
November 30, 2021 2:38 pm

We are truly are a nation of dunces. But, what do you expect as he’s in California.

November 30, 2021 2:41 pm


10.8% Of Americans Own Gold, While 11.6% Own Silver, According To A New Survey

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
November 30, 2021 3:35 pm

Totally believable, since 30% are on food stamps and 50% don’t have $500 to pay for an unexpected bill, such as new tires or a medical expense. /s

  Svarga Loka
November 30, 2021 5:08 pm

Or have more than a few days food…or any prep at all…

Now the gun stats are interesting…


November 30, 2021 7:06 pm

It surprises me that Florida is 11th from the bottom. Come on people, I’m doing my part to get the numbers up but I can’t do it all by myself.

November 30, 2021 7:19 pm

Yea…me too on NC being in the middle…

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
November 30, 2021 10:47 pm

I’m in AK. We probably have the most guns per person. Every time a gun is outlawed. Many Alaskans buy several.

B.S in V.C
B.S in V.C
  Svarga Loka
November 30, 2021 8:07 pm

one of the businesses I do work for is a title loan company [a predatory lender] their average customer is a middle class family living way beyond their means. yes there are people this stupid in America.

November 30, 2021 3:59 pm

I don’t consider these videos lighthearted, but depressing and instructive. I didn’t realize until 2020 just how much.

November 30, 2021 5:05 pm

I don’t believe things that are on video camera are real. Sure people are stupid, but I don’t need to know if they really are THAT stupid and if they are, then this is not evidence.

The only intriguing part of this is that I can fantasize that had I been walking by this guy would have given me some silver.

Red River D
Red River D
November 30, 2021 9:07 pm

Next time you’re walking down a busy street, ask the folks you pass how many states are in the United States.

I’ll bet you less than two in ten answer correctly.

  Red River D
December 1, 2021 11:36 am

George Carlin said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

November 30, 2021 5:35 pm

Why oh why can’t I run into this guy?

Red River D
Red River D
November 30, 2021 9:09 pm

Well informed people don’t make it onto the highlight reel.

That would utterly defeat his purpose.

November 30, 2021 6:26 pm

My sister was gifted a silver eagle by one of her clients. It was one of those that had been painted, so extra valuable. She gave it to her millennial son, he took it to the bank to trade it for a “real” dollar so he could use it to buy a hamburger.

November 30, 2021 11:34 pm

Convenience store clerk brought a $5 gold coin in to the coin shop a while back. An older woman spent it on a pack of cigarettes. He was happy. They are out there and breeding!

November 30, 2021 8:16 pm

Well, there is our voting public.
Completely stupid & uniformed

November 30, 2021 9:19 pm

Stupid people lose. It is a law of Nature.

& Nature always wins. Always.

December 1, 2021 7:35 am

And that is the response in “the good times“.
Imagine trying to barter with that in a societal collapse.