Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

By D. L. Parker

American Culture: It’s in the Ditch

Pavlov’s Human

I am not a young man. But when I look in the rear-view mirror I can still see middle-age quite clearly, and it was during this period when I began to see it all come apart; the fracturing of the public mind, or what might be more correctly referred to as the collective psyche of the American public.

Psyche: 1. The human soul. 2. the mind esp., Psychiatry the mind considered as a subjectively perceived, functional entity, based ultimately on physical processes but with complex processes of its own; it governs the total organism and its interactions with the environment.

The above was taken from a physical book that we used to call a dictionary, and was printed in 1996, before the practice of “semantic redefinition” became widespread. Early examples of this practice can be found in Orwellian terms, such as “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” as well as “ignorance is strength” and has now escalated to utterly bizarre proportions in the present day, such as redefining what torture actually is when you get caught doing it in Iraq.

Notice that the dictionary states that the mind and the soul are the same thing; and that the mind, and thus physical outcomes of the mind, are based on physical processes and governs our interactions with our environment. It is on this premise that mind-control techniques are based, and can be used to restructure an entire society. And this has been done through physical processes that are technological in nature and have patent numbers assigned to them. You can look this stuff up and see for yourself. Additionally, we can apply this “mind and soul are the same thing” concept to the Christian belief of “Satan stealing your soul.” Colloquially speaking, we could equate Satan with things that are evil, and it seems to me that the people that implemented this “mind-control” program are rather devilish, and by controlling your mind they have stolen your soul. So, it is the same thing that the bible people tell you on TV every Sunday morning, it’s just that they did not state it very well. That will get you to come back next week…bring your checkbook. The cultural rot is everywhere we look and nothing is sacred.

Human beings can be trained, just as we train a dog, to react in certain ways to external stimuli without their full knowledge or awareness as to why they reacted they way they did. And when this happens what we have is: Pavlov’s Human.

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian academic of the early 20th century, and was doing research on the physiology of digestion using dogs as test subjects. It was in the course of this research that the “salivating dog” and the conditioned response became known. The dogs would begin to salivate at the mere presence of someone in a lab-coat or the ringing of a bell that had preceded feeding in the past, with no food being present.

In the process of this research the dogs had learned certain complex behaviors; it has been said that Pavlov loved his dogs and because of this they were very well trained. This is typical behavior for most dogs as they are simply returning the love shown to them in the only way they know how, which is obedience and a willingness or desire to please their master. Children are much the same. We can see a different version of this in adults with something called Stockholm Syndrome.

Then something very curious happened to Pavlov’s dogs. A rainstorm came upon the town and would not stop, and soon a nearby river crested its banks and began to flood the city streets. Water began to enter the laboratory were the dogs were kept and then began to flood the cages. The dogs became very alarmed as the water covered their paws and continued to rise, as there was no escape. By the time a research assistant arrived the dogs were in a panic. The water was chest deep and a few of the cages were floating. Some of the dogs had to be fully submerged in order to remove them from their cage; all of the dogs were traumatized by the event, and it was soon realized that the complex behaviors the animals had acquired had now been forgotten.

This gave us the term “brainwashing.”

Further observations of the dogs behavior revealed that some of the meek animals had become aggressive, and that formerly gregarious dogs had become withdrawn. Now a link between traumatic stress and memory loss had been established and it also became known that certain psychological stressors could be used to change or control behavior.

Pavlov’s discoveries did not go unnoticed. He was soon approached by Vladimir Lenin and was asked to use his knowledge to shape public behavior more in line with Communist thinking; to use these techniques to standardize the behavior of the Russian people, to make them all behave the same way. Lenin was not someone you turned down, and he made Pavlov the offer “that you cannot refuse.”

Pavlov was rewarded with very generous funding, political protection and a staff that soon grew to 350 people.

This is how it all began. From here all the techniques and processes to drive an entire culture off into the ditch were born.

Decades later the CIA picked up on these developing and evolving practices of social engineering and turned it into a highly sophisticated science. They learned that the mind has no firewall, and that men could deliberately be made to develop predesigned thoughts and behaviors under appropriately controlled environmental conditions. And that by applying these methods to the general public, belief systems of entire societies can be altered in a way that becomes self-perpetuating.

These practices began to be implemented on the American public in the early 1950’s and became more sophisticated as time passed. Take a look around you in present day culture…can you see it yet?

People my age have a rather unique view of the present day. We have lived on both sides of what I call the “digital divide.” When I was a small boy we only had one telephone in the house and it was on a shelf in the hallway. When it rang you had to walk across the room and into the hallway to answer it. And you did not know who was calling. High tech was a cord that would reach the bathroom. There were only six or seven channels on the TV and to change the station you had to get up and walk over there and spin the clucky tuner. It was a much simpler time.

We walked to school, and when school let out for the day we walked home. There was not a line of cars waiting to pick us up and our parents did not feel there was any danger to our safety by being on our neighborhood streets in broad daylight. We did not wear plastic bicycle helmets or knee-pads because these things did not exist. When you got home from school your mother was there, possibly baking cookies, and we knew our neighbors and might be sent over there to borrow a cup of sugar. People were generally friendly and trustworthy. We interacted with other people directly and this goes on to create empathy among social groups. Speaking directly to another person helps one adopt the feelings of that other person as their own, and fosters a feeling of community and social responsibility. It was a much simpler time.

These days I hear people of a certain age ask questions like, “What happened to my country?” and “What is this place?” Well, constant discord and social divisions were put into the publics mind, little by little and over decades of time, resulting in the social unrest we see today. This is the work of the controllers…can you see it yet?

The controllers of the public mind are not “short-timers” and the long-term agenda that they have planned spans generations. Most people cannot understand this; why would anyone participate in a plan that they will never see come to fruition? I have struggled with this question myself in earlier years and now realize that this perplexing notion only goes to help conceal the agenda. The answer to the original question above lies in metaphysics and is an “area of concern” all its own that I intend to cover more directly in the future. This topic needs to be correctly understood in order to properly understand events on the world stage that we see today, and keeping the common man ignorant of important information, such as metaphysics, is just another part of the control grid agenda. For now, just be aware that the ultra-rich that control most governments of the world are heavily involved in the dark side of the occult arts and have presented their intentions to the public through media repeatedly.

What the public needs to understand is that we are playing a game on an international stage.

And there are rules to this game we are playing (it’s just that no one told you, or that there is even a game at all) and one of the rules is that intentions must be made public in some form. And intentions have been stated publicly, keeping with the rules of a game you didn’t even know you were playing, but were presented to you in the form of fiction through books and film.

Total control of the planet by a small group of people is the New World Order agenda. As mentioned, this agenda has been presented to the public in media, and many times as comedy. The small-hat tribe seems to produce good comedians as well as devious lawyers. The Austin Powers films would be a good example of this “truth disguised as comedy,” with “Dr. Evil” and his shaved cat. This is pretty funny stuff and no one could take this seriously. See how this works? A version for children can be seen in an old cartoon called “Pinky and the Brain.” This is how the game is being played and is sometimes referred to as “predictive programming.” This is mind control…can you see it yet?

But we do have a serious side to all of this and it’s right out in the open as well, you just have to look for it. On January 10th, 1963 “The Communist Goals for a Takeover of America” was openly read on the floor of the US House of Representatives and entered into the congressional record. There were 45 “goals” to this manifesto and some of them have “timed out” (would no longer apply) but I will list some of them here…

  • Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind.
  • Do away with loyalty oaths. (Present day: unless they are for Israel)
  • Capture one or both political parties in the United States. (Done)
  • Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teacher’s associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • Gain control of student newspapers.
  • Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack.
  • Infiltrate the press. Get control over book review assignments, editorial writing, policy making decisions.
  • Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. (Done)
  • Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” (Now you understand “modern art”)
  • Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” (A painting of a tomato soup can would be a good example of meaningless art)
  • Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and free press.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
  • Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy.”
  • Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  • Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “the separation of church and state.” (This is a “pretzel-like” twisting of the 1st amendment)
  • Discredit the American constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, and a hinderance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.
  • Discredit the Founding Fathers. Present them as aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
  • Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the grounds that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.”
  • Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture: education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of big business. (Done)
  • Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
  • Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of coercive control of those that oppose Communist goals.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  • Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. (Forced government schooling anyone?)
  • Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems

The above demonstrates facets of the coming “world order,” along with the strategy to destroy the American way of life by driving the vehicle of American culture off the road it was on and into the ditch. Everything listed above has been accomplished to some degree and the water in the ditch is filling the car; Pavlov’s humans are in a panic, have now forgotten everything they ever knew including common sense, and are in complete psychiatric disarray.

Conspiracy theory was correct all along…can you see it yet?

Let’s stop here for a moment. The windows are down and we can easily extricate ourselves from the flooding car and swim to the bank. We can sit here for a while and collect our thoughts. We can now see just what has been done to us. Yeah, the car is wrecked and might just be washed away…so what? We can always replace it with something better later on. Let’s “ditch” the flooded car metaphor for a bit and take a real-world inventory of just where we are…

America, with its “antiquated” Constitution that guaranteed basic human rights to all stood in the way of the New World Order, and it was decided some time ago that the United States must be neutralized. This was a very tall order and would not be an easy task. Progress was slow but deliberate and continuous, with incremental changes made to the social order throughout the last decades of the 20th century. Totalitarianism was being brought to us in a very innocuous way, and it crept in on little cat feet, one careful step followed by the next.

There were periods of crisis, social upheaval and war that were always followed by periods of calm. This is a known mind-control technique; alternating brutality and kindness as a means to gain conformity of an individual. And now we see it scaled-up and applied to the public mind, the collective psyche that forms the culture of any societal group.

Another method of mind-control that has been known to completely fracture the human psyche is solitary confinement; this was created, possibly as an unintended consequence but created none the less, in the digital communication age.

The need for constantly improving productivity to satisfy the materialistic wants of a culture that had been trained in materialism, had already caused many people to become overly “self” absorbed, and thus isolated. This “training” began decades ago and was disguised as entertainment. And then along came the cell-phone to take it to the next level.

Instant communication from wherever one might be, either by phone, text message, etc. does improve productivity. But at what cost? The price we paid was the sacrifice of direct communication with other human beings on a regular basis and that made the relationships that are formed among individuals more impersonable. This led to the gradual loss of the very thing that defines our humanity: empathy. This loss of empathy quickly traveled across the ether of the collective psyche of American culture, imprisoning all in an invisible jail cell. An epidemic of loneliness resulted, followed by profound cognitive dissonance in the public mind that could be best exemplified with this simple question: How is it possible to be lonely with people all around? This is a very good question but I want you to answer this one…take some time to think it through.

This fracturing of minds that resulted in a loneliness epidemic suited the controllers; the public built their own prison and paid for it as well. They will demand that it stay in place, will fight for its continuation and are blind to the great harm being done to them through isolation.

The digital age of isolation really accelerated as we entered the 21st century; but other stressors were already in place that would result in cognitive disfunction of varying degrees, and has led us to the Happy Clown World [TM] we now inhabit. Constant competition for little slips of paper with numbers printed on them is, in my opinion, the leading culprit. Multi-tasking and ever-increasing level of productivity were again offered as a solution to this “not enough money” problem and was suggested by the controllers themselves. More smoke and mirrors. Again, we see the solution only exacerbating the original problem, which often times did not actually exist, and in this case was created by the very one’s that will then offer their “solution.” This is the Hegelian Dialectic: problem, reaction, solution. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

And we haven’t even mentioned microwave poisoning and the ingestion of aluminum oxide being dispersed by aircraft in plain sight. These two issues are poison for both the mind and body and cannot be ignored. Yet, the general public simply chooses to ignore this scientific fact as if they have been hypnotized. And I think they have been hypnotized, through the afore mentioned isolation that has left them with an extremely narrow field of awareness, and then coupled with the ingestion of toxins in their environment that has led to both physical and cognitive decline. This was then compounded even further by ongoing high stress levels that have been shown to reduce IQ. The “zombie meme” that was introduced about ten years ago is beginning to make more sense…can you see it now?

I have known for quite some time now that the general public was suffering from some kind of mass psychosis of some sort. But even I was reluctant to accept this…until “covid mania” was introduced. This was the most astonishing display of mind-control that I have ever seen and a new term was produced to explain it: Mass Formation Psychosis.

This phrase should be properly attributed to the Dutch psychologist Mattis Desmet, and this term was really the product of his study of the totalitarian state and the psychological condition of those that adhere to this form of government.

The totalitarian state will eventually devour its children. The only solution is a non-violent revolution and a simple refusal to go along by the public.

(Sidebar: Desmet goes on to talk of parallel societies being formed as a way of combating totalitarian rule and I am seeing this idea coming from many directions as of late. This could serve as a potential solution to mass psychosis among the general public. Those of us that did not fall victim to this “insanity” could just choose to walk away. We are not livestock and certainly not property of the state.)

Mainstream medical associations are “owned” by the power elite, and the sock-puppet leaders of these associations refuse to publicly recognize the “mind of the crowd” or the herd mentality. Yet the average person can witness these things plainly in nature. This is simply another attempt at mind-control (with mind-control being used to hide mind-control programs) and this tactic is used in the world of politics frequently. When something cannot be explained away, just claim that it is not real and refuse to acknowledge it.

Mass psychosis is a very real phenomenon and can be seen throughout history presenting itself in various ways, whether it be the Dutch “Tulip Mania” of the 17th century or merely passing “fads” such as seen in the 1890’s with bicycling in the United States. Mass psychosis is the very substrate of “the next big thing” mentality and we can certainly see this demonstrated with cell-phones. Get the latest model…I think the camera is a little better and it’s a different color!

Ironically enough, it was “hand held devices” that lead us to the first step that will form Mass Formation Psychosis…isolation. Double irony follows; the device that was suppose to bring us all together has done the opposite creating confusion and cognitive dissonance among the public.

Couple this with the fact that many people feel their lives and employment are meaningless and that public narratives don’t make sense anymore and we arrive at what has been termed “free floating anxiety.” This is a condition where high levels of discontent in the afflicted population cannot be connected to anything concrete and will leave people felling helpless and afraid. This state will take us directly to “free floating aggression” and the perceived notion that it is necessary to lash out at something (that is not clear) governed by the “fight or flight” response that is a basic survival mechanism and comes from the R-complex region of the human brain.

It can’t be argued that American society has become very violent, as many people choose “fight” over “flight.”

The “R” in R-complex stands for reptilian. Yeah, we are back to the lizard people; these are the people that are currently attempting to control the planet and this is a topic all its own that we shall return to at some future date. For now, just understand that it is this level of mentality that has put American culture in the ditch.

“The Hacking of the American Mind” is the title of a book released several years ago. I have not read the book, but I have seen several lectures given by the books author, Dr. Robert Lustig. In his view (that I am in agreement) we have a crisis in our culture due to the conflation of happiness and pleasure. They are not the same thing.

Happiness and pleasure are biochemical responses that originate with the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Happiness is experienced in meaningful social interactions that are genuine in their nature. They are not contrived and are therefore valid, which produces the serotonin release. We can all sense this type of interaction when we encounter them and this leads to the feeling of contentment.

“I like this and don’t need anymore.”

Pleasure is the result of dopamine release, but leads to excitement rather than contentment and this is the root of all addiction, whether it be to substances or to certain behaviors.

“I like this and I want more.”

Dopamine also down-regulates serotonin, so the more pleasure that is experienced the less happiness we have; these two things do not really co-exist very well leading to the downward spiral that ends in the “culture ditch,” with Facebook and other forms of social media leading the way. This is the “dopamine hit” created by someone smashing the “like” button on your social media post and is particularly harmful to young minds. Public school teachers are reporting a noticeable drop in student motivation and ambition and go on to state that this issue has steadily worsened over the last ten years. This correlates to the introduction of the smart phone and the rise of social media. I fully understand that correlation does not equal causation, but this link does need to be investigated.

You cannot fix a problem you can’t identify. You can not pull yourself out of the ditch until you figure out how you drove into it.

Now we see my “stuck in the ditch” analogy again, but this time stated by another person, Dr. Lustig. Many are aware of the cultural problems we face and often times reach the same conclusions independently. This is truth.

Welcome to the zombie apocalypse, where we have mindless people simply reacting to stimuli in their environment that are completely devoid of any original thought as they tell us that we are insane. Have you heard this one before?

The once well-behaved dogs have become increasingly frantic as the water in the basement approached chest level and continued upward; the lab assistants are not coming and the dogs went absolutely insane as the water enveloped their heads and they prepared to take their last breath.

Somewhere from deep inside my memory, I can hear this statement: “Dogs are people too.”

Yeah, they sure are. Can you see it now?

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April 24, 2022 8:45 am

Good article. And yes I’d say in 20 years those that remember the time he speaks of the pre digital age will be gone and the plan fulfilled. The trick will be to keep them from accelerating the plan by killing us off. I always wonder if the covid shit was a trial run.

April 24, 2022 8:45 am

There is no “Christian belief” that satan can steal a soul. We are born into sin and only through redemption by the saving grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross can we be saved.

You can always spot an atheist a mile away–” the mind is the soul”..what a bunch of hooey.

April 24, 2022 9:29 am

It doesn’t occur to this guy that what he complains of began with the abandonment of God. If there’s no God, no soul, no Christ; then what’s he complaining about? Society has achieved the same total abandonment of spirit and morality that he adopted.
Many worship Satan and don’t even know it. When you adopt, endorse, and promote the idea that “Do what thou wilt” should be the whole of the law; then you really shouldn’t be surprised when the results are the types of things the author appears hypocritically dismayed by.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You get what you deserve. You reap what you sow. Lot’s of ways to say it.
The author starts out saying that he’s old. All that time on earth and no wisdom to show for it.

another Doug
another Doug
April 24, 2022 3:18 pm

You need a psilocybin experience.

April 24, 2022 10:12 pm

I only skimmed the article, but I do think the idea of predictive programming is valid.

The Zombies of recent universal entertainment are, I suppose, our peers and ‘fellow men’.

The Superheroes of recent universal entertainment are, I suppose, our transhuman Betters.

April 24, 2022 9:46 am

I only somewhat disagree on the “We are born into sin” phrasing. If we can alter our outcome by making choices, then at the time you are born you’ve made no choices yet so you cannot have sinned [nor have grace].

Only on a very deep metaphysical level all humans are, and will always be, carrying Original Sin. But it will take each human -in the best case- several [conscious] decades to fully understand that part.

April 24, 2022 7:44 pm

Sin in Spanish means without and makes it easier to understand what sin means. Christians of all ilks take that word to mean anything but that.

April 25, 2022 12:49 am

I think you misunderstand the scripture “We are born into sin” Its not saying you sin at the time of birth. Your born into a sinful world with the automatic surety of death. Adam and the original sin results in the consequence of death. No one escapes the wages of the original sin : Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

April 25, 2022 10:05 am

Hmm. You just agreed with what I had written.

April 24, 2022 11:18 am

Plenty of christians believe something like it. You may say they’re wrong, or not ‘true’ christians, but the belief is there.

April 24, 2022 9:27 am

Along with psych programming are social systems engineering. Once you get into it it’s amazing. Nobody ever deeply mentions the correlation between urban areas and mind control I’ve noticed.

I read alot on crowd psych and last night listened to Corbetts video he has up from 2013. Part of it was on Learned Helplessness. This can be on the side of those who are aware of what’s going on- beware.

We’ve been trying to be aware of how we have been influenced/programmed and not know it. Part of it is not defining what is really being nice, polite, etc. correctly. also I see the boomer/millennial etc rhetoric as falling into their trap. Along with this is where do they not want you look? Noncompliance is deadly to their plan and I think they would LOVE VIOLENCE. In fact I think they are stumped there is none to speak of yet.

April 24, 2022 9:53 am

This is where they made a mistake I believe- clamping down (martial law, bank accounts etc) in Canada of all places. It was totally known to be nonviolent protests of normal people. Close enough that we could all see here in the US- Australia is too far away.

April 24, 2022 10:17 am

Why canukistan??? Imo, they thought that its a safe place to push the envelope, after all things were going so well with very little pushback. Mostly compliant with a little grumbling from the minority fringe people. If not for the damn canoes there’d be plenty of firearms in canukistan but we don’t threaten or wave them about like our southern neighbours are famous for. We’re just to nice, sorry…

I agree with Ghost, that the dirtballs are looking for violence, actively prodding the hornets nest to get the party started. First, its profitable and eliminates a lot of people who are willingly stupid to buy into their propaganda. Secondly, violence from the plebes would gibe them an excuse to drop the marshal law hammer. And, it to would eliminate a lot of people from such an action. All the while justifying the need to impose their brand of civil order back into society.

Imo, the best way to fight these sick sob’s is to not play their game… just shut everything down, full stop. The zombies will do their thing and destroy everything within reach. But its a war… prepare for it and do what you can to not be a victim when it rushes into your neighnourhood… When we come thru it… we go hunting for these evil sob’d and administer some real justice… imo

April 24, 2022 12:25 pm

Think no matter what there will be much murder and mayhem. Hard decisions will have to be made, sacrifices that are inconceivable at the present time, with no sitting on the sidelines.

April 24, 2022 10:52 am

One thing is I really dislike is the part about ‘dehumanizing’ 9-5 office jobs. Whiners. Change jobs or sit back and enjoy the easy life. They are actually better than working an an assembly line even though you have to first go college for most of them. Be honest and tell yourself you were conned.
Look at this and then complain. Around 6 minutes in.

April 24, 2022 11:01 am

Never mentioned are the 30-40% government workers. Bureaucrats who ‘really care’. Those especially who make the rules from broadly worded laws and enforce them. Better to be an office worker.

April 24, 2022 4:22 pm

You have a point, but I am not going to call evil “good”, no matter who is to blame.

April 24, 2022 10:40 pm


April 24, 2022 9:51 am

What exactly is “American culture”??

There is no single definition.

Because there are many cultures. Black culture. Hispanic culture. Deplorables culture. Faggot culture. Elite culture. Add a few dozen more.

And THAT’S the problem.

The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man
April 24, 2022 10:21 am

Joe G

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
April 24, 2022 10:42 am

Diversity is our strength, dontchaknow.

April 24, 2022 4:27 pm

There are plenty of cultures, sub-cultures, and sub-sub-cultures to make the American quilt, for sure. You know you are around a solid American culture, when they consider people from other States to be practically foreigners sometimes.

I do not consider any popular entertainment in America to be American culture or have cultural value. It is just contemptable spectacle.

I think you are hinting that a Republic was maybe not the best fit for this glove to begin with.

April 24, 2022 9:52 am

Down here in the deep south sunshine in suburban and rural areas large groups of people are out riding atvs, fishing , drinking together getting tan , shooting guns all without any of the mindset of the average urban normie zombies.

April 24, 2022 11:39 am

They may not be down with covid masks or something similar, but if you actually go against their programming most of them freak out just like everyone else. They were indoctrinated in schools, they watched the same television as everyone else, they listen to music weaponized against them, they carry the same smartphones. What do most of their activities consist of anyway? Consumption.

April 24, 2022 5:29 pm

Well at least the majority are happy healthy breeding white people. So that’s a huge positive.

April 25, 2022 12:29 pm

Sign reads “Beer, Bait and Ammo”.
Fat asses riding ATVs. Entertaining.

Lol, shooting and drinking. Good combination. 🇺🇸

The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man
April 24, 2022 10:12 am

It seems to me the rapid decline is relative to the birth of the information age. We have been in decline for many decades. The internet may have been the turbo boost for where we are today, for obvious reasons. It has it’s remarkable qualities and can be used for good, but like all things with ability to do over whelming good, it can also be used for over whelming bad. The later seems to rule the day!

I don’t think the human psyche was ready for the exponential acceleration of technology we experienced in the last 2.5 decades. It seems like it was a vulnerable opening in the human condition for pure evil to flourish and spread like wild fire. Hmm… does sound a little prophetic!

World War Zeke (Astoria)
World War Zeke (Astoria)
  The Boogie Man
April 24, 2022 3:08 pm

The hijacking of the information age took the deviant elite about 15 years to destroy its potential as a liberator from their Project Mockingbird MSM regime.

That first decade, TPTB caterwauled and pouted, ex. Clipper Chip, proposed modem licenses, MicroSoft Passport, Alvin Tofler’s bizarre cyberspace magna carta, Secret Service raid on Steve Jackson Games shadowrun, etc.

Being an imperfect cynic, I was surprised when TPTB hit on a strategy to deliver us back into Plato’s Cave and dismayed that so few noticed how much more isolating this new version was.

The tell is ~2006 when, outside of his core competency and for no organically discernible reason, Australian Rupert Murdoch buys MySpace, by far the largest platform successfully executing on Metcalfe’s Law of Networks, but which now inexplicably self-destructs, pushing users over to DARPA perception management platform FaceBook/LifeLog. Billions of minds now lost for a decade in Zuckerborg’s expert designed, focus group tested, maze of endless dopamine withdrawal, mass illusion, and uncritical thinking.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
April 24, 2022 10:26 am

Started my current business in March 1989. Here’s a list call of the technology employed:

1. Brother typewriter.
2. Telephone answering machine.
3. Monroe “adding machine”.
4. Southern Bell™ credit card, so to speak, to make long distance calls.
5. “Green” AMEX card.

Back then, potential clients understood it might be a day before you contacted them. Today, they won’t wait more than 15 minutes.

Technology is a double-edged sword.

  lamont cranston
April 24, 2022 3:35 pm

I only believe in technology if it makes our lives better, as in more freedom. Most doesn’t.

  lamont cranston
April 25, 2022 12:58 pm

“Instantaneous gratification”. A world gone amuck. It’s said patience is a virtue. Who believes that anymore?

April 24, 2022 10:58 am

Fascinating and horrifying analysis and recognition of the ultimate problem: MIND CONTROL.

B.F. Skinner was the quantum leap from the Pavlovian model in behaviour modification: the Evil Fuckers know how to program Humans. Read him and be terrified.

Bandera explored how “modeling” best works for Humans: the Evil Fuckers know how humans react to certain presentations.

And those same Evil Fuckers know, because of the comprehensive investigations of Psychiatry/Psychology, to microseconds , how the majority of Humans will respond to words, images, and environments.

The greatest experiment (economic, social, medical, psychological) in all of known Human history is the Covid-19(84) plandemic – scaring billions of Humans (via their captured governments) into compulsory lockdowns and curfews; mandatory face diapers; powerful coercions to have injections of multiple experimental genomic sero-conversive therapies into their bodies…

Zombie World is already here; en garde!

April 24, 2022 2:09 pm

And some persons escape the brainwashing, how is that ? What secrets, conscious or unconscious are useful to a resistance. I mean i can see where i was a perfect example of a Pavlov dog in a cage a long time ago, but something happened, like a gradual dawn of a new day, what was absolute yesterday became questionable then became false and now it’s a striving for a higher level on conscious and knowledge and not being weighed down by what the world is throwing at you today.

For what it’s worth i consider reading and a increase of knowledge to be a big help, go read that bible through a couple times to really expand your mind, the best thing about that bible it shows you how stupid you really are.

April 24, 2022 2:58 pm

I use reading of spiritual works and contemplation to reach and stay in the higher consciousness. It takes real effort, and I have been working at it for over 40 years. The Original Sin, Original Karma, is ignorance. It takes unremitting endeavor to overcome it. We have all been Pavlov’s dogs at times. Thanks for the heart felt post.

April 24, 2022 2:21 pm

Excellent read. He hits all the main points. I knew the Covid thing was a mass hypnosis/psychosis from day one. I asked myself what is going on here. Seems like everyone suddenly forgot we had an immune system that has worked for thousands of years. I did the bible technique of asking a question, and then following intuition to get the right information. I picked up a book called the Shariyat Ki Sugmad, and within 5 minutes I found the answer. Mass hypnosis/psychosis. Everything since then has only confirmed this to be true. All the points the author writes are right on, and the Global Cabal Banksters have been planning this out for many decades.

I wondered why the masses let themselves be taken so easily. This question was answered just a couple days ago. A person I met a few months ago told me this story. He went to a Grateful Dead concert way back in the 1980’s in Alaska. A beautiful Blond offered him some LSD. It was in liquid form. He took it and had the most wonderful time. It stood out as great moments in his life. This answered my question. People do the Mass Psychosis thing because it can be blissful. Yes, it is a delusional bliss. But in our dystopic world it is still bliss.

April 24, 2022 4:34 pm

I took LSD as a kid and it woke me up to how fucked up I allowed my life to be and scared me straight for a little while.

I think the answer is that people are too lazy to find their own answers and do their own work. They see everyone else just scraping by and think that is how it must be.

April 24, 2022 3:58 pm
April 24, 2022 8:03 pm

A deliberate and pervasive dumbing down of the populace has consequences. Decades in the making, we now have equality in stupidity. “Idocracy’ was a documentary. Turn of the Teevee, shut down social media, stay away from the propaganda (as much as you can these days) and it’s harder for the Luciferians to mold your mind.
There is indeed a spiritual war going on, anyone who doesn’t understand that is willfully ignorant. The author of the article has hit on every topic and discussed each and every manifestaion of how the Luciferians manipulate and gain contro (they are indeed occultists) and they do indeed worship Satan. He sees the how and why and where of the machinations. I studied up on occult and Satanic worship and practices, primarily to know my enemy and he is legion.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 24, 2022 8:10 pm

You don’t post much these days…

  Abigail Adams
April 24, 2022 10:21 pm

I am pulling away from a great many things these days, the computer being one of them. Too much time spent nonproductively, isn’t good. I do believe we are in for a VERY bumpy ride and…I’ve become an exercise maven. Losing weight, getting in shape are top priorities. I have fitness goals, serious fitness goals because I do believe being in shape will be very important down the road.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 24, 2022 10:37 pm

People are lazy, lustful, greedy, stupid know it alls ; you don’t have to look any farther for original sin; that’s enough. Even when somebody doesn’t know something and I try to explain it, most repeatedly interrupt me to correct me, and they are wrong. Most don’t have the sense to shut up and listen. I have for decades tried to get people to buy some land, make a garden & get some livestock but nobody has. I told them someday food supplies will fail, land and interest will skyrocket, equities will crash, you will have screwed yourself. Look how 20 million people sit in a desert and just watch the water roll away. You can tell people; you can show people; but you really have to do it for them because they won’t do shit unless they have to. It is even double mentally. I was a HS STEM teacher and kids just want to have a good time; studying STEM is not a good time so they find every excuse not to do it. I assume their parents are mostly the same. Mankind’s IQ will get a bump up real soon.

April 25, 2022 6:40 am

Total control of a population, for what reason? Much like wealth when you die you no longer have it.