Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

By D. L. Parker

American Culture: It’s in the Ditch

Pavlov’s Human

I am not a young man. But when I look in the rear-view mirror I can still see middle-age quite clearly, and it was during this period when I began to see it all come apart; the fracturing of the public mind, or what might be more correctly referred to as the collective psyche of the American public.

Psyche: 1. The human soul. 2. the mind esp., Psychiatry the mind considered as a subjectively perceived, functional entity, based ultimately on physical processes but with complex processes of its own; it governs the total organism and its interactions with the environment.

The above was taken from a physical book that we used to call a dictionary, and was printed in 1996, before the practice of “semantic redefinition” became widespread. Early examples of this practice can be found in Orwellian terms, such as “war is peace,” “freedom is slavery,” as well as “ignorance is strength” and has now escalated to utterly bizarre proportions in the present day, such as redefining what torture actually is when you get caught doing it in Iraq.


How The American Culture Of Convenience Is Killing Us

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

In the United States, we are lucky to have massive convenience at our fingertips. I was talking to one of the instructors for the urban survival course, who is from Sweden, on a car ride. He was blown away by some of the things I told him about the levels of convenience and comfort in the United States. Things I completely took for granted don’t even exist there. I thought some of you might be interested in hearing about some of the insights we discussed.

Before I left for the course, I was walking my dogs a mile or two every day with my dogs, but that was about it. I thought it was enough but I learned during the field exercises that it wasn’t even close to the physicality required during an SHTF situation. But I digress. Let’s get back to convenience.

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The US MINT is celebrating it’s 225th anniversary this year with a makeover for Lady Liberty who has graced our coinage for two centuries. In no particular order here are some of those coins:

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