Stucky QOTD: Vaginas From Heaven

Don’t shoot me … the provocative title comes from the article below.  You don’t need to read the article to answer the question.  Surely,  every reader here already has an opinion about the question at hand.  Nevertheless, I encourage you to read it because it’s a damned good read.  In fact, this line from the article prompted me to pose today’s question;


“And here we are with women in power everywhere and closer to world war three and nuclear annihilation than we’ve been since the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis, and it’s all coming down to the belligerent actions of two female Prime Ministers near Russia’s border.”

Well, if it is Woman who will end humanity then it sure as hell is worth a question of the day!  So, put on your Vagina Hats, think, and answer today’s question, please.

Q1:  Big Picture:  Should women rule entire countries and/or hold significant leadership positions at the Federal level?

Q2:  Local:  Should women rule in small local politics … say, mayor of a town of 50,000?

Q3: (Optional)  If “No” to either of the above … what can be done to STOP Woman from taking over?




—1) The biggest problem is that in wanting to appear strong and decisive women almost always over-compensate, especially in areas of security and defense.  It can’t be helped. It’s baked in the cake. It’s in their DNA.  And the results are usually catastrophic.

—2)  Also baked in the cake is that a woman rules via FEEWINGS.  “Woman” and “logic” are two words that never ever go together.  Do you really want a feelings-based, psycho, bat-shit crazy women with her finger hovering over the Nuke Button.  No one does.

—3)  Yes, there are exceptions.  Joan of Arc. Deborah,  a Judge of Biblical fame.  Golda Meir, the greatest Jew leader of all time. Exceptions are irrelevant.  For every half-way decent woman leader, you have a bat-shit crazy Mary Queen of Scots vaginal train-wreck.

—4)  Am I saying an entire world ruled only by men will be a better and safer place?  No.  So, what’s your point?

Q2:  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!  For the same reasons given above. Even if a small town woman mayor can’t nuke your ass, she can still do significant damage.  The only difference is one of scale. I think the ceiling for female leadership should be President of the local PTA or Animal Shelter.

Q3:  NOTHING.  Sure, what the government gives, the government can take away.  But, how often does that happen?  Women now have rights. Many rights.  More rights than the average man. Their rights will continually increase until Man is nothing more than a Pitiful Eunuch in some Amazonian (meaning “titless”) utopia.  This is why we are doomed.


Girls Just Wanna Have Bombs

They just wanna. They just wanna.

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin (left) of the World Economic Forum. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of the WEF.

For decades feminists screamed from the rooftops about the need for women leaders. All the worlds problems would be solved overnight if there were just enough sensible and sensitive women in positions of real power.

“There would be no more wars if women were in charge!”

And here we are with women in power everywhere and closer to world war three and nuclear annihilation than we’ve been since the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis, and it’s all coming down to the belligerent actions of two female Prime Ministers near Russia’s border.

The female leaders are all in their Schwab-made stables, fresh from their young global leaders’ etiquette courses and the future global leaders’ finishing school where they learned how to obey western Oligarchs with curtseys and bootlicking.

New Zealand, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, the unelected head of the European Union, and the clueless little lollipop of Finland, like a traveling band of 1950s doo-wop girls. They’re now eager to perform. They’re ready for their spotlights, shaking their hips, snapping their fingers and if instructed to by global management, they’ll bomb.

The defense ministers of Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Spain all have vaginas from heaven that will save us from the evil men who plot to destroy the world in dark oak-paneled rooms with top hats and cigars, and yet even with vaginas, they all can’t stop themselves from sending endless trains filled with deadly weapons of war to the cocaine comic in Ukraine.

Schwab’s stable of western chorus girls are in their seats of power and ready to sing “Ride of the Valkyries” a capella, knowing their old armaments will simply be replenished with fancy new ones by the empire of global destruction, The United States of Endless Wars.

The blood-thirsty generals at the pentagon have these ladies’ centerfolds spread out on their desks, right next to their rainbow flags and diversity and inclusion pamphlets. The Korean dry cleaners on 12th Street in the District of Corruption are going to be very busy in the years ahead because these chicks make the Generals hot to trot.

The Schwabettes.

The Nukelettes.

Klaus Schwab and The Neutrons.

Don’t you love the smell of plutonium in the morning?

The atomic goggles futures market is so bright that it needs to wear shades.

Next stop, a smoldering city near you courtesy of the new mission statement of the multinational “defensive alliance” group in Brussels with aims to expand “defensive” operations around the world.


Feel free to see what Nuclear annihilation would look like in the United States with this simulation game. Within the first hour, a quarter of the population would be dead with another hundred million beginning their slow and painful deaths via radiation poisoning which is death by vomiting, diarrhea, and internal hemorrhaging. By the ninety-minute mark, all urban areas would be sizzling, and more than half the population 160,000,000 would be dead. But how progressive it would all feel if it comes at the hands of women!

For forty-seven years Sweden and Finland remained neutral and at least feigned dedication to peace during the entire cold war and the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the thirty-three years since they’ve continued to stay out of North Atlantic Terror Operations.

For reasons that defy all logic and common sense, this has to end.

So much for peace and stability, it’s time for more war and instability.

The western media is calling this Scandanavian shuffle an urgent defensive move and blaming it entirely on “Russian aggression” toward Ukraine. The propaganda war on behalf of the war machine moves toward Scandanavia. The argument in defense of such belligerent action often takes the form of something that might be formulated by a gaggle of kindergarteners: “Finland has a right to play with whomever they want and Russia doesn’t get to decide that.”

Silly western children have no idea what thermobaric diplomacy looks like.

How 'vacuum bombs' work as Ukraine claims Russia has detonated one | Daily Mail Online
Nazis in Ukraine who fucked around are finding out about Thermobaric diplomacy.

Apparently, Finland wants to play with nuclear bombs and be another dopey vassal state of Pentagon abuse, destruction, and abandonment. See every nation in history that sought an alliance with America as to how this story always ends, or simply have a look at half of Ukraine right now. That’s the half that Ukraine will never get back.

Finland shares a 1,350 km border with Russia. The nation is barely a hundred years old and sits on land that was once part of the vast Russian Empire in the same way Ukraine was part of the same empire all the way up to Austro-Hungarian and Prussian borders.

Finland’s independence from Russia came after a century of incremental actions from establishing a banking charter, to demanding cultural independence and autonomy through the creation of a Grand Duchy. The Bolshevik revolution, sympathetic to Finnish independence allowed for the declaration to finally be made in 1917.

In the winter war of 1939-40, the Finns put up a valiant fight against the Russians, only losing a third of the men and a small portion of bordering territory. Post World War Two there have been no elevated or increased hostilities between Russia (USSR) and Finland.

Again, for reasons that defy all logic and common sense, this has to end. But hey, at least Finland has diversity because as we all know from habitual repetition diversity is a strength. The Finnish Equality Act includes a quota provision that requires state bodies to have at least 40% of both women and men. How progressive.

Finland also gets 94% of its energy from Russian gas which is conveniently a stone’s throw from their homes. The country plans to cut itself off from the Russian gas teet at the end of this month as summer starts. An easy thing to do when campfire and ‘smores season roles around but really this is the diplomatic and economic equivalent of planning by teenage girls. Always focused on the near future bikini summer selfies and forgetting that winter is just around the corner. How does Finland plan to replace that 94% of winter heating from evil Ruskie gas when the temperature drops to 30 below? Ahh, who cares! This summer is gonna be lit!

Finland's New Government Is Young And Led By Women—Here's What The Country Does To Promote Diversity
The Bombettes backstage at Plutonium Fest Helsinki 2021.

If Finland joins NATO bear poking operations it will signal the first increase in hostilities between the nations in seventy-six years. Presumably, it would be wise to figure out a way to defend that long border before they submit their membership application. NATO has never been tested. Russia has been stunting American aggression around its neighborhood for over a decade now. Twice in Georgia, Syria, Crimea, the Donbas, Kazhakstan, and now half of Ukraine. Not to mention its new oil and gold-backed Ruble that EU nations must use if they want to keep their people warm or their factories going.

Now that Finland plan on poking the bear to protect themselves from the bear that never would have mauled had they not started poking (oh the irony!), they will need to be able to defend that long border. Presumably better than Ukraine defended theirs with limitless help from the U.S. and CIA. Assuming Russia could take Finland with a force of half a million men (not in winter), this would require a military draft that enlists all able-bodied Finnish men, plus a quarter of all American active army units (6x the current number on European soil) and any other hodge-podge assortment of NATO affiliate battalions. One could be made up entirely of Estonian, North Macedonian, and Montenegran conscripts and barely fill two tables at the Helsinki mess hall.

Who else might save Finland from their own stupidity, Germany?

Have you seen the German Military lately?

For years their equipment was allowed to rot and fall into disrepair. It’s a nation dominated politically by socialists and green-colored Marxists. They spend more money on windmill anti-freeze than weapons and armaments. At one point a few years ago all 53 of their attack helicopters were grounded for repairs. There are running jokes within German military ranks about what an absolute joke the German military has become. And who was the defense minister overseeing this fall from grace? The current President (unelected) of the EU, Ms. New Nazi Ursula Von Der Leyen.

When Germany isn’t busy degrading their own military, they’re happy to economically punch themselves in the balls over and over again hoping the next punch will be felt by Putin. Germany is also swearing itself off both evil Ruskie gas and oil. They’re not quite sure how they plan on making up the difference as they’ve been getting nearly half their gas from Russia while shutting down all their nuclear power plants. The latest news is that the benevolent Americans will sell them LNG shipped across the Atlantic at 10x the cost. Another ten punches to the balls the Germans are hoping that Putin might feel. Sacrifices must be made to play the American’s foreign policy games and the Germans along with all EU countries (with the exception of Hungary) appear happy to set themselves on fire in their efforts.

How about the Italians? Maybe they could help the Fins.

Yes, the ones who couldn’t stop surrendering during World War Two and drove Hitler bananas.

È meglio essere omosessuali per un giorno che morti per tutta la vita.

Okay, I’ll surrender and admit there’s always France. They have a decent fighting force and could offer some support if they don’t at first surrender. Let’s just hope they don’t build their next imagino line in the same place as the last one.

In the end, NATO is really just the United States of Endless Wars dictating to the other servant nations what to do next and those who align themselves with this destructive body deserve what’s coming.

Do the rest of us deserve it?

It may require losing most of the young male population who are forced to conscript in the cannon fodder brigades to enrich local Oligarchs. It may require losing half of a nation’s territory. It might come in the form of economic and energy testicular pain through self-destructive sanctions. There are no ends to the defeatist sacrifices nations must make on behalf of the western war machine’s noble aims of spreading “democracy” and “freedom”.

But the next time a shrieking feminist blurts out that utter nonsense: “There would be no more wars if women were in charge!” Remember these ladies who seek to turn up the temperature of belligerence toward world war three and nuclear annihilation.

They include:

  1. The first female Prime Minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson
  2. The first (full-term1) female Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin
  3. Both dutiful handmaidens of the World Economic Forum and global oligarchs.

Apparently shattering glass ceilings also requires turning the earth into a floating orb of glass. #ImWithHer

In the end, it doesn’t really matter what kind of genitalia rests on any seat of power – even all those new surgically stitched up ones. If it/zer/zis works for global evil the result will always be the same – war and destruction for profits and great “resets”.

Finland will likely submit their membership application in a matter of weeks but it will take some months to receive its membership card in the mail. If they return any NATO DVDs late, they will incur a late fee and if their late fees exceed the cost of one Eurotyphoon fighter jet, then their membership will be suspended. Red ropes and Mike and Ikes can be bought with cash or NATO loyalty club cards with fifteen punch holes. Finland will qualify for NATO’s two-for-one discount and be allowed to rent two DVDs for the price of one during their first year of membership. All Steven Seagal DVDs have been removed from the shelves along with Doctor Zhivago and all Tarkovsky films.

Did the Good Citizen just compare the banality of NATO membership to Blockbuster Video membership?

You’re right, that’s not fair to Blockbuster video. At least they had the decency when they no longer had a purpose to file for bankruptcy and dissolution without first destroying the world.

The phone rings, in the middle of the night
My daddy yells “What you gonna do with your life?”
Oh Klaus dear, you know you’re still number one
But girls they wanna have bombs
Oh girls just wanna have
That’s all they really want
Some bombs

I wanna be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they wanna have bombs
Oh girls just wanna have
That’s all they really want
Some bombs




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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

Notify of
May 10, 2022 10:38 am

Abolish all government and let women and their roles be chosen by the free and competitive marketplace of goods and services through voluntary choice, not the pseudo-choice of the ballot box and the violence of government force.

I was going to try addressing the issue, but ultimately it all comes down to how much power you hand someone…and is any man or any woman the kind of person who deserves the power to rule over your life, your property, your children, your medical decisions, your country, your future, etc.??

Georges S
Georges S
May 10, 2022 10:45 am

Stucky the French military have shown a lot of strength and endurance in places like Mali and Tchad Iraq Afghanistan. Besides American army they were really the only army in the world that has never stopped combat since the mid 70’s. Problem is, now that Zarkozy closed all arm and ammo manufacturing plants in France between 2008 and 2012, French army has only 3 to 4 days supply of ammo.
Sorry couldn’t find an article about it in English, but I guess the title of this one speaks for himself.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Georges S
May 10, 2022 11:10 am

I’m sure the Americans will gladly sell arms to France. In fact, that’s probably the entire point.

Georges S
Georges S
  Iska Waran
May 10, 2022 11:15 am

They have arms they just don’t have any ammo.

  Georges S
May 11, 2022 12:01 am

They have arms is good but the important question is do they have legs? Im a leg man myself.

  Georges S
May 10, 2022 1:00 pm

Oh, that’s why the French are getting kicked out of Mali.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Georges S
May 11, 2022 12:56 pm

Yes … the French did so very well in Vietnam … almost as well as we did …

Georges S
Georges S
May 10, 2022 10:45 am

Politically correct to the end.
comment image?resize=600%2C590&ssl=1

  Georges S
May 11, 2022 3:50 am

Pointless to have a ‘slot B’ without a ‘Tab A’

May 10, 2022 10:47 am

No. Solution; let women take over and watch it all burn.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 11, 2022 12:57 pm

It’s been burning for years … it was even in the MSM as ‘peaceful protests’ and ‘summer of love’ stuff …

Toujours Pret
Toujours Pret
May 10, 2022 11:00 am

Before calling these “leaders” women they should all be vetted as being born female. My eyes see many trannies put before the viewing public.

May 10, 2022 11:05 am

Suffrage was a big mistake

Q1- No, Hormones being what they are. Too moody
Q2-See Q1
Q3- Men need to grow a pair of balls. Women should feel protected and secure with their man. Women feel and real Men think-Example:. Woman – I feel that you have been ignoring me. Man- I think you should fix me a sandwich.

Red River D
Red River D
May 10, 2022 11:46 am

A cheeseburger is a sammich. Right?

Then I agree.

  Red River D
May 10, 2022 11:51 am

I think so

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 10, 2022 11:17 am

There’s one woman leader who was ok.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 10, 2022 11:18 am

Not in God’s perfect plan for humanity

May 10, 2022 2:09 pm

Fret not.

Mark 10:8 Context

5And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 10And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. 11And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

Perfect Stranger
Perfect Stranger
May 10, 2022 11:31 am

Women could worry about having a family instead of becoming a genetic dead end.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 10, 2022 11:52 am

I have a headache and am not in the mood.

  Svarga Loka
May 10, 2022 12:53 pm

Then just lay on the bed, open your mouth and wiggle your tongue. I’ll take it from there.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 11:56 am

This article is spot on. With a handful of honorable exceptions, women need to be in the kitchen, changing diapers, or amusing themselves behind a vacuum cleaner.

In his brilliant novel Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy has an old hermit say, “Women, whisky, and n____rs will destroy the world.” I am not completely sure about the last two, but the first is an eternal truth. The Bible leaves no doubt about where God stands on this. No man should ever be under the authority of a woman. The most pathetic men on earth are those pussy-whipped curs who grovel before the women in their miserable lives. Prince Harry, call your office. And he has degraded himself for a marginal, washed up, worn out, big-mouthed mulatta. God save us all.

I served under a woman in the USMC, saw how women in the ranks were destroying discipline and the manly virtues, witnessed the feminization of the CIA, and had to put up with a gasbag woman attorney trying to run operations in my current job. Disasters.

In the Marines, I saw how 18 year-old hotties (at one time the USMC specifically recruited pretty women and there were quite a few of them) turn 45 year-old major and colonels into begging puppy dogs. I was not immune to their charms, though I never crossed the line with a subordinate. Every one of these girls knew exactly what they were doing. Lazy and empty-headed by nature, they smirked as the men were assigned the tough jobs and they got inside work with no heavy lifting.

As for women in military training, please. Our militaries have been ruined by the softening of training standards to please women. Almost none are up to what ordinary boot camp was in, say, the 1970´s. Not a single one is up to SEAL or Special Forces or Ranger training. Not one. But they are there, wearing insignia they are not entitled to.

The worst were the daughters of former military men who never had sons. Their daddies pushed them to enlist or, worse, become officers. I would never allow my daughter to enlist. I know about the realities of military life. The women in my life are ladies, first and foremost. Unless you are a nurse, a doctor, or, maybe, a specialist of some sort, you as a women do not belong in the military.

There is no question that the alarming decline in discipline, efficiency, and professionalism in the military is a direct result of the increase in the number of women. There is a quite a bit of bullshit floating around about women in the Israeli or Russian armies. Fact: The Russians (the Russians!) were so disturbed by the actual reality of women in combat, they immediately phased them out after WWII, except for clearly defined support roles. Ditto for Israel.

Our navy, in particular, has become bad joke largely thanks to women being integrated into the ships. Collisions at sea, once almost unheard of, are now common. The same for women pilots “augering in”, often enough taking a man with them. The Norwegian Navy just lost a hugely expensive, brand-new frigate when the SIX female officers on board ran it onto the rocks. Yeah, men fuck up, too, but let us see the true stats on accidents and women faking medical problems or pregnancy just to get out of unpleasant sea duty.

The CIA? It makes me puke to see these movies with daring, super-competent female CIA officers saving the world. The truth is, there were and are a small number of women good at the job. Most are far worse than useless.

If you think women are dishonest, catty, back-stabbing, shiftless, incompetent oxygen thieves, you ain´t seen nuthin. The typical woman operations officer spends one or two tours overseas, can´t cut the mustard, and scurries back to headquarters, leaving the men to do the heavy-lifting while they gain promotions giving blow jobs to their superiors, literally.

In one well-known incident the DDO (number three man in the Agency) was caught screwing his “executive assistant” in the Executive Parking Garage. Security saw him on a camera and though he was having heart attack. He had just promoted this deserving young thing to the senior ranks. Men spend their whole careers trying to get there, and don´t.

Zero Dark Thirty, the movie? What hogwash. Women sitting on their fat asses did not get Osama. Men did, men doing hard, dangerous work in the field. As shown in the movie, what a woman did was get seven people killed (by ignoring the advice of security officers) while another woman was baking a fucking birthday cake for the mad bomber!

And you better believe women monopolize all the plush overseas posts in Europe. They are as much a threat to the country as the Chinese, Muslims, and other garbage hired under diversity.

I have a mother, daughter, and wife, all smart as hell and all violent antifeminists. Full stop.

  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 12:05 pm

I wish Southern Sage would stop holding back and tell what he really thinks. 🙂

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 5:11 pm

I will try to do better….

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 12:10 pm

What is a violent antifeminist? Never seen one.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Abigail Adams
May 10, 2022 5:12 pm

You haven´t met my mother, wife or daughter. They all absolutely despise feminists. And they are not afraid to get in their ugly faces about it.

  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 12:13 pm

Women in the Israeli army were mainly for the officers’ pleasure….No one expected them to fight..

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 12:43 pm

Destruction of the God ordained family unit and societal male authority structure is Satan’s greatest victory over Mankind and is what will ultimately destroy current western civilization.

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 1:36 pm

A closer version of that memorable quote, I think:

“They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.”

  Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
May 10, 2022 4:36 pm

No lessons were learned in the Shannon Faulkner experiment, except for “softening of training standards”

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
May 10, 2022 5:13 pm

Yes, you are right!

Dark Thoughts
Dark Thoughts
  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 7:23 pm

Blood Meridian was just…disturbing, in a glad I read it/wish I hadn’t sort of way.

  Southern Sage
May 11, 2022 9:22 am

Women in the Navy , the ones in supervisory roles overcompensated thinking they needed to , complete assholes to work for or with . They equated being a dick necessary since they lacked one I guess. Others stay terminally knocked up , usually right before deployments, can’t deploy, and NAVPERS sends you a new boot you have to train on the fly . The pregnancy ploy keeps them comfortably plump and employed , with bodyfat waivers , and career shore duty . I think if you timed it right a person could do twenty without deploying . Maybe a drydock ship to keep their sea counter going for sea/shore rotations . A couple were good on my shore duty tours . I don’t know about non seagoing rates (jobs). Most guys , including myself would go easy on the women , pick up their slack due to a good southern upbringing . Our rules were to never , never , do a disciplinary counseling on a female without a witness present , and never , or try your best not to be in a space with a closed door with a female . I have seen more than one NCO get busted down due to “gear locker” romances that went sour . I don’t know the other services situations . Unrelated , the Army’s decision to allow BDU’s all around town , instead of their class A’s? really looked like shit and was unsat . Really sloppy to see a service member on travel in BDU’s , or football games , or anywhere else . Hell I changed before I left the ship or work into civvies , never traveled in them , it was discouraged when I was in . These reservists and guardsmen seem to love wearing a uniform at every opportunity , but I was active duty full time , do the job , and get the fuck back home to reality .

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Southern Sage
May 11, 2022 1:03 pm

“In the Marines, I saw how 18 year-old hotties (at one time the USMC specifically recruited pretty women and there were quite a few of them) turn 45 year-old major and colonels into begging puppy dogs.”

You must have been in D.C. at HQMC or some such place … 

I served at Camp Pendleton ’66-68 — and was at Base HQ in 24 Area (across from the Base CG’s hooch at the intersection of Vandegrift Boulevard and Baseline Road (?) … all the WMs were housed in that area.

What a bizarre bunch … and not one of them that I’d call a ‘hottie’ …

As for women in the Russian military in WW2 — I’ve read accounts of the 2,000 or so women snipers that they had and how effective they were … one in particular was credited with 309 confirmed kills.

Semper Fi …

May 10, 2022 12:09 pm

NO and Hell NO…Repeal the 19th Amendment…

May 10, 2022 2:03 pm

All part of the plan. When it was passed.

May 10, 2022 4:38 pm

The 19th is what made the 17th so destructive. Made the Senate slaves of mob rule by emotions du jour.

May 10, 2022 12:25 pm

Of course women shouldn’t run countries. Men shouldn’t either.

May 10, 2022 12:49 pm

100% !

May 10, 2022 12:34 pm

All those women listed and no mention of Justin Trudeau, the biggest pu**y in Canada?

Dickie doo
Dickie doo
May 10, 2022 12:42 pm

What a whiney brat who is so lacking in confidence in their manhood that they are threatened by women.
Women rulers make the world a better place….

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
  Dickie doo
May 10, 2022 1:26 pm

Well would you look at that. A fool has dropped another unsupported personal opinion on the interwebs.

Women rulers? Like Queens?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  Dickie doo
May 10, 2022 5:28 pm

Oh, great. Here it comes. We are “threatened by strong, independent women.” No, we are not threatened. We are fed up with having to put up with crap from women in the work place that you would never see from a man and if you did yo would drag his sorry ass out to the parking lot and beat the shit out of him. We are sick of the passive aggressive, underhanded, cowardly nonsense they tend to dish out. We are also sick of seeing undeserving women promoted ahead of hard-working men. We are sick of putting up with cat ladies in the office.

We are sick of dealing with a gender with no sense of honor at all, for the most part. And their influence has spread that to an alarming percentage of the men as well.

Queers use the term “homophobe”. That means fear of queers, in fact. We are not “afraid” of them. We are disgusted by what they do.

Yeah, women are great rulers. Just look at that crazed dingbat in New Zealand or the pussies of both genders running Europe.

As always, there are indeed some honorable exceptions.

Stay in the God damn kitchen.

Red River D
Red River D
  Southern Sage
May 10, 2022 9:13 pm


And we know you don’t want the job, Sage…

…but you may have to be pressed into service nonetheless.

Dickie doo
Dickie doo
  Southern Sage
May 11, 2022 11:36 am

Yea New Zealand has their dingbat woman and we have our dingbat man. Bad analogy. Male leadership over the millennia has gotten us nothing but war, strife, and to a large degree poverty. We dont have a great track record on leadership.
Women in general would likely be to concerned with the welfare of society to start a war over being butt hurt.

anon y mous
anon y mous
  Dickie doo
May 10, 2022 5:38 pm

I have four daughters and when they asked me if a woman should be president of the United States, I tell them Margaret Thatcher is not available

  anon y mous
May 10, 2022 8:56 pm

Thatcher? 😂

  Dickie doo
May 10, 2022 7:49 pm

Maybe you should move to Lesbos

May 10, 2022 1:01 pm

We need to restore the family unit. Each family gets gets one vote. Single men and women don’t vote.

May 10, 2022 1:04 pm

I now tend to think it would be best if women had no voting rights, in decisions made within groups of more than 100 people.

Not that such would ever happen…

May 10, 2022 1:07 pm

I tend to disagree with some around here often, because sometimes they just come across as arrogant and repulsive at best. Often ignored.
Upon seeing the title of this QOTD, I rolled my eyes, and knew instinctively from past experience,
who authored it.
BUT…and it’s a big BUTT…I gave it scan, (comments first, so kind of bass ackwards, but)
then upon further inspection, found your intro a bit interesting, and I haven’t even read the article yet.
Further, upon reading your Q’s 1,2,and3, then your answers…
I found myself in agreement with you, on all 3.
If I’d have been sitting on a barstool, I would have fallen off. (It’s 5 o’clock somewhere)

As for answer #3, the only way anything can be done about it, is if we eliminate the dark money of
people like baggy eyes Georgie and his offspring Alex, from influencing the corruptible people that already inhabit the halls of political power and the legal decision makers. Yeah. All guilty.

Case in point.
Jennifer Granholm (here’s a quarter. Go into the ghetto and have a rat gnaw off that mole)
ran Michigan off the rails as Governor, and most will say she was voted in because all the vajjies
saw one of their own, and she swore to spend more on the children.
Right to the heart of a woman’s emotional soft spot.
Judging the schools output performance, more money doesn’t improve them,
it only benefits the teaches union and allows for more administrative wasteful spending.
And where is she now?
At the federal level, where her and her admin’s policies on energy will take us back to the dark ages.

And who comes a following…ahh, good old Gretchen, with her mucked up policy of locking down businesses during the beginning of the Rona, and her pitbull-with-lipstick Attorney General, Dana Nessel, who believes she won her position because she was the only candidate without a penis.
You go, girl.
After what happened in 2020, one can’t be faulted for suspecting that the Soros’ cash infusions and the Dominion Voting machines and drop box stuffers all factored in, when the tabulations were counted at the local level there.
And how did Whitmore and Dana show their force, so all could hear their vaginas roar?
By going after an 80-year old barber, for daring to stay open, and serve his customers while the lockdown enforcement team seethed, that he’d dare to disobey (not a law) their declarations.
…In the interest of protecting the public, they said. Mandates for thee, but not for me.
We won’t even talk about sending cove positives into the nursing homes, now. Memory holed.

All this proves is that power corrupts people, regardless of gender. And yeah. There’s only two.

May 10, 2022 4:27 pm

+1000 for scorching the shitlib womyn corruptocrats of Michigan
+100 for the Uncle Buck reference

Red River D
Red River D
May 10, 2022 9:19 pm

Buck Melanoma. Moley Russell’s wart.

Dark Thoughts
Dark Thoughts
May 10, 2022 7:17 pm

upvote for the Uncle Buck reference.

May 10, 2022 1:17 pm

Any MAN that allows a womyn to rule him is a CUCK !
Any questions ?
BTW……………….all male democrats are CUCKS !
Cowards too !

Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
Mista Ed - Shape Shifta
May 10, 2022 1:29 pm

1: no
2: no
3: It’s too late. Best to just sit back and watch US and Euro land go down the crapper.

May 10, 2022 2:16 pm

For 200k yrs certain traits of men helped them survive (be the smartest, most violent, one that could see threat first etc etc)and they passed down those genes and traits to their descendants and the same for women, certain traits that made for food mothers and housewives were chosen and passed down.
Modern woman has been around for 100 +\-yrs, they are carrying the traits of women who for last 200k years have been chosen bc of those certain specific traits… now all of a sudden we put modern woman in positions that traditionally was dominated by males bc of those traits that they inherited over all those years and expect them to compete against other males and anticipate the outcome will be even….with no advantages or disadvantages on either side..

It’s interesting at the end of every empire women were given more powers and rights and positions of power before the collapse, and I’m not saying as a dig at women , but what if that is part of the natural cycles of societies ?

May 10, 2022 2:42 pm
May 10, 2022 3:52 pm

Barefoot and pregnant

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 10, 2022 3:56 pm

I have heard that fillies are much nicer if you give them treats.

May 10, 2022 4:13 pm

I dont think women or men have anything to do with what is happening. It is all by design. This has all been planned, and if any man or woman does anything to impede the plan, I am sure they will be dealt with accordingly. If the plan is for finland and sweden to join Nato to start WW3, then it was going to happen regardless of what gender is in control. I think certain genders are in certain positions for different reasons, and the population is considered as well. As you said, they are Schaubs graduates, so they have been indoctrinated, or taught, to do what they are doing right now. Do you see Schaub speaking out in disapproval at any of his pupils actions? I dont either.

The answer man
The answer man
May 10, 2022 4:26 pm

Number three is an easy fix. “Just drag em back into the kitchen and shorten the chain.” Why do people wait so long to come to me !

  The answer man
May 11, 2022 12:11 am

After the GREAT COLLAPSE of western civ by way of EMP, Nukes, massive solar flare, pole shift by any/or all the above we can just drag them by the hair back to our caves. Can hardly wait.

May 11, 2022 3:58 am

Drag them by the hair? 💡! But of course. If ya drag ’em by the foot/feet, things could be filled with dirt, gravel, twigs, etc.

Chivalry is not dead.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
May 10, 2022 6:41 pm

Paging Billah’s wife to do this skit over for AP.

May 10, 2022 7:27 pm

Q1 – no
Q2 – no
Q3 – repeal the 19th.

May 10, 2022 8:05 pm

women are hard wired to choose to be safe over any war or violence, because they have to be safe in order to protect the babies. They will always choose safety over violence.

Mr. Ed - Shifter of Shapes
Mr. Ed - Shifter of Shapes
May 10, 2022 9:44 pm

Women in high places – euro defense ministers, prime ministers etc are a different breed. They are happy to use violence and gloat about it afterward. Think Hillary “We came, we saw, he died.” Clinton.

Their understanding of violence might be limited to a cat fight they had in a bar, their knowledge of history came from watching the History Channel. Nukes are just some theoretical concept, with the nuke reality far beyond their grasp. Since they are usually childless, they satisfy their motherly instincts by bossing others around. Think Angela Merkel.

  Mr. Ed - Shifter of Shapes
May 11, 2022 11:33 am

Ursula von der Lugen has 4 kids, self-birthed.
So much for that theory.

May 10, 2022 10:46 pm

Look at academia, run primarily by women now, the motherly instinct kicks in to protect their young, the result being a generation of easily offended weak brats…the masculine/feminine it’s the ying and yang of the universe, tilt and and you will have consequences

May 10, 2022 11:05 pm

Women in power has always been understood to be a very bad idea.

For example, ‘The Assembly Women’ by Aristophanes dates back to around the time when coinage first ‘appeared’.

A Precis:

The Play:

May 10, 2022 11:57 pm

Q1 No
Q2 No
Q3 What was the question?
I’m very disappointed you didn’t ask why I answered yes/no.
If women weren’t so obsessed with career, money, becoming men, killing babies, maybe I could get laid . Yeah I could maybe get laid if I wanted a big fat chick.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 11, 2022 12:23 am

Women almost never experience the hardships some of us men have weathered. As an ex-USAF Officer speaking, WAF gave me a lot of problems. Women are skilled users of men but women are not and do not make great leaders of men; however they can be great leaders of their husband, children , offices, businesses, scientist, doctors, authors, etc. I have never served under a woman that I would follow in battle; they always lack the toughness and sharpness of mind, spirit, body, etc, that I have myself and have recognized even more-so in greater male leaders, who are rare. There have been great women leaders but we can easily list them; I am certain none of them are in any government position today, and those that are , are surely weakening their country.