Stucky QOTD: Forgive or GFY ?

It appears that hell has frozen over.  A (formerly) rabid Branch Covidian apologizes for her asshole-ish behavior in the article below titled “What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated“.

But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you.” —- Matthew  5:44

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?   As many as seven times?”  Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.”  —- Matthew 18:21-22

Q1:  Realistically, not theoretically, are the  commands given by Jesus possible in real life?  Specifically, have YOU been able to do as Jesus commands?

Q2: Do you forgive this woman, Susan Dunham?



Q1: No, it simply is not realistically possible. It’s  just like the command —> “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect“.  Perfection, in this life for us mere mortals is impossible.   I’ll leave it up to you to figure out why Jesus gave impossible-to-keep  commandments.  No, I have never forgiven seventy times seven, or loved my enemies, or blessed those who curse me, etc.  …. and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

I am far more likely to follow this —>  “What is best in life? – To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women.


Q2:  First,  to admit you were wrong, especially on such an emotionally charged issue, is admirable.  To do so publicly over the internet even more so. Give credit where credit is due.

If I were to personalize it — (what if it was my son?) — then, yes, I would forgive.  Then again, I would forgive my son even if he was a mass murderer. If you can’t forgive a blood relative, especially if they ask for forgiveness, then you are worse than a rat. I am no rat!  Besides,  personalizing issues clouds rational and logical thinking.

But,  I am not related to his woman.  I depends on what she means by “we”.  Is it a collective “we”?  If so, then maybe I could forgive her but, it all depends on how big an asshole she was to the unvaxxed. 

If she was just a mild asshole I would give her a mild forgiveness — she would be spared from swinging from the lamppost but, she would have to live in the outer edges of my kingdom.   But,  if she did even half of all the “we” stuff she apologizes for …. then screw her!! No forgiveness!

Generally, when it comes to Big Sins against me, I am mostly anti-forgiveness. You ruin my life, or maybe cause financial hardship, or humiliate me in public, or piss on my parade, etc.  …… and you think an “I’m sorry”  makes it all better???  GFY!!!


What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated

The battlefield is still warm, following Canada’s war on the unvaccinated. The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal — except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it.

Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.

It was a quick slide from righteousness to cruelty, and however much we might blame our leaders for the push, we’re accountable for stepping into the trap despite better judgement.

We knew that waning immunity put vast numbers of the fully vaccinated on par with the shrinking minority of unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they hadn’t “done the right thing” by turning their bodies over to state care — even though we knew that principled opposition to such a thing is priceless in any circumstance. And we truly let ourselves believe that going into another ineffectual lockdown would be their fault, not the fault of toxic policy.

And so it was by the wilful ignorance of science, civics, and politics that we squeezed the unvaccinated to the degree that we did.

We invented a new rubric for the good citizen and — failing to be one ourselves — took pleasure in scapegoating anyone who didn’t measure up. After months of engineered lockdowns, having someone to blame and to burn simply felt good.

So we cannot hold our heads high, as if believing we had logic, love, or truth on our side while we viciously wished death upon the unvaccinated. The best we can do is sit in the awareness of our rabid inhumanity for having cast so many aside.

Most of us who pilloried the noncompliant did it because it seemed like certain victory, like the unvaccinated would never make it through unbroken. Indeed, the promised new normal looked unbeatable, so we sided with it and made punching bags out of the holdouts.

But betting against them has been a scathing embarrassment for many of us who’ve now learned that the mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not through quiet compliance that we avoided endless domination by pharmaceutical companies and medical checkpoints at every doorway. It was thanks to the people we tried to tear down.

So for those of us not among the hopeless few that pray for the return of mandates, we might find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated. We took the bait by hating them, but their perseverance bought us the time to see we were wrong.

It seems right now like the mandates will return, but this time there’s hope that more of us will see them for what they are: a rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our wellbeing. If there’s an enemy, it’s the confidence game of state power and the transparent attempt to tear us apart. Heeding that looks like our best shot at redemption.

SOURCE:  Susan Dunham Website


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 26, 2022 6:39 pm
May 26, 2022 6:59 pm

Jesus’ commands to live nonresistantly, love enemies, bless those who curse you and do good to those who hate you are not suggestions. For those who claim to follow Jesus, Jesus is not the Great Suggester. Jesus is your Master and Commander and He expects to be obeyed in all that He commanded. Note that Jesus’ ethics is for those who follow Him. Jesus’ commands are for those who have confessed Him as Lord and live like it. And yes, it is possible to live according to all Jesus’ commands even if imperfectly. Our lives can be characterized by obedience to Jesus even if we are not perfect. Many thousands presently live nonresistantly and love enemies. Many are scattered all over the world. You might want to check out the Amish as well. Yes, I know you can’t run a country on Jesus’ commands, but that is the point. If you obey Jesus you cannot become part of the government or military. To do so you have to tell Jesus to bug off. Unfortunately you will pay a very heavy price for doing so.

I want to make it clear that I am not a liberal. The best government is one that governs least. I hold to the traditional roles of men and women (patriarchy is the norm, feminism is a disaster) and affirm that the social justice nonsense and the rampant moral degeneracy we find all around us are evil and destructive. The WEF and its efforts are demonic and I essentially do not believe a word the US government says. I have a doctorate in physics and have, for most of my career (38 years) been a research scientist and a director of research in many fields. I have also written extensively on the defense of Christian nonresistance. My total writings are in six books totaling 2218 pages.

All Christian churches, Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox have made peace with war and violence, however, the church of the first 300 years uniformly taught nonresistance and love of enemies. The works of the early writers (anet-Nicene) all affirmed that all those claiming to follow Jesus had to live nonresistantly and love enemies. The historic record confirms that they did live that way.

So what changed? In the early 4th century the Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and ended the ten year severe persecution begun under emperor Diocletian and helped rebuild churches and accepted Christians into the government and military. The new theologians (Nicenes) assumed that the final eschaton had arrived where Jesus was literally ruling through Constantine. They assumed that Jesus would show up but the Kingdom (Christendom) needed to be set up and as Ps 2 says, it was time to rule with a rod of iron. Of course there is nothing left of Christendom and they were wrong. The eschaton had not come. Christians still had to live nonresistantly.

As for living according to Jesus’ commands to live nonresistantly and love enemies. At the age of 51 while working for a defense contract, or I realized that if I was going to call my self a Christian I had to follow Jesus in all he commanded and I had to leave. It was quite difficult since I had much to lose including a really good salary and very interesting work. My decision also greatly offended the family I grew up in and for some years I and my family were estranged from them. I do not obey Jesus perfectly but my life is characterized by obedience. The costs continue including being a pariah for both conservatives and liberals. Following Jesus is not without cost. In fact, as Jesus and Paul pointed out it is very costly.

At the end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) and the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6) Jesus talks about two different kinds of men. One is a fool and the other wise. The fool decides to ignore Jesus’ commands and is destroyed while the wise man obeys Jesus, even living nonresistantly and loving enemies and he enters the kingdom of heaven. So who is the fool? The one who tells Jesus to go pound salt or the one who humbles himself and obeys Jesus? Be careful o’ man how you choose, it might just be your undoing.

May 27, 2022 5:05 am

condescending legalism..

screw off.

May 27, 2022 5:18 am

Ya forgot to mention one of the more minor acts, lol, of constantine.

Changed The Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

May 27, 2022 6:36 am

I look forward to his ruling with a rod of iron.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
May 26, 2022 7:00 pm

Decisions, decisions… Forgiveness? Or lamp post? Hmmm…

I think that is a false dichotomy. We do not need to choose one or the other. We can forgive them AND swing them from the lamp post. We forgive them because they repented. We swing them because they are an ongoing danger to everyone else. They are the people who think they are so smart that fate has authorized them to run OUR lives instead of just their own. These are the people who will steal your freedom and you life, and tell themselves how good they were to do so. It is not fair to the rest of us for them to be walking among us.

We may need to set a quick schedule for the lamp post however. I am already seeing some of the vaxxed faithful passing with aggressive cancer and unexplainable complications. Checking out early to avoid the rush, I guess.

  Jason Calley
May 26, 2022 7:42 pm

Fast ongoing danger.

May 26, 2022 7:59 pm
May 26, 2022 8:53 pm

Free yourself and forgive her. Punish if deserved, she may suffer consequences anyway.

Look at yourself. Where are YOU programmed?
We all have areas and have been programmed since birth.

I forgive some here that wish my relatives etc dead because they took the vaxxxxx for whatever reason. I still think you’re one them in spirit and by programming. They wish those people dead too, plus you. We have got to fight cold hearts, even when punishing them (and I want some judgement).

May 26, 2022 9:20 pm

I just remembered we had this conversation about 2 days ago actually. We decided if we talk to vaxxxxed people about it we’re going to give them shit for not defending those who refused. Fine. You got it, but you failed at freedom. For me especially medical people. Which is actually what she apologized for. I get the feeling she still believes there was a pandemic.

Most don’t want to talk about it though. Which is interesting.

May 26, 2022 8:57 pm

1) I haven’t really tried.
2) I am not a forgiving type. What is the point. I am more the forget the incident type to the extent I don’t dwell on things, but rather file things away in memory in case the asshole reappears.

I tend to try to mind my own business, and be pleasant in public. Really. When fucked with I respond with aggression, almost without exception. When the dust settles, I tend to just walk away, with little more thought given to the incident. I don’t hold a lot of grudges, but there are a few. Those are usually a result of not being able to extract an appropriate price from someone who fucked with me, usually due to the legal or monetary costs of extracting the appropriate price. I remember those instances life long – times when someone fucked with me and got away with not paying the full cost of such.

May 27, 2022 6:38 am

I agree.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 26, 2022 9:22 pm

It’s God’s perfect standard for us. The point of saved by grace is they are realistically unattainable in our fallen state.
That is not an excuse to disregard them just reality.
We will never be sinless this side of heaven but we should continue to sin less and less.
By grace through faith and by the sacrifice of sinless Jesus God sees us as sinless even though we obviously are not.

May 26, 2022 10:00 pm

Forgiveness is to let us move on and heal from being hurt. It does not absolve the person from their responsibility before God. If you don’t forgive, you’re hurting yourself, not them. You’re letting them live in your head rent free, as the saying goes.

May 26, 2022 10:14 pm

The word “Perfect” in the Bible generally means, “complete.” As in, perfect love means complete love. Perfect as in, “without defect” is not the meaning.

Sin means to, “fall short of the target.” It refers to archery, specifically the arrow misses the target circle completely. It does not mean evil, or crime, or any of the things most of us like to ascribe to it. It means we were trying to hit the target, but failed.

The reason I bring this up, is shown well by Stucky and his basic misunderstanding of the terms he’s using. Since he doesn’t understand the words, he likes to think the premise is wrong.

Stucky, I’ve made the mistake of being an arrogant douche in regards to God’s word and He brought me to account quickly and with some well deserved harshness. If He doesn’t bring you to account and you’re not punished, then it has been written that you’re not one of His.

I’m honestly sick of your shit. Someone got banned for talking about your mom, when most of us learned to deal with mom insults in the third grade. So, you’re a golden child around here and you get to slag off anyone and everyone. I used to think you had some use, but you’re just here to drive interaction regardless of the type it is.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 27, 2022 6:08 am

My replies aren’t necessarily for Stucky but for anyone who is truly interested in biblical truth.
Stucky most often appears to be much more of a shit stirrer than a truth seeker.

May 27, 2022 10:10 am

You still can’t read or comprehend.

The sad thing about this site is that the reasoned, intelligent conversation in the comments is hard to come by now. Just you and the insult comics hogging most conversations.

So, I’ll stick to the articles and you can GFY.

May 26, 2022 11:54 pm

Forgive her for being stupid? No problem, I’m afflicted with that myself.

Where the rubber meets the road however, is can one forgive the cops that cowered behind their cars for an hour, while 19 children where killed, all the while forcibly keeping fathers and anyone else from going in. This would have made them look even worse. Eternal judgement for this one.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
May 27, 2022 6:02 am

Until we know all the details of the Texas school shooting bashing the police is not helpful.
If the shooting was active the police should go in immediately to stop it.
If not active, over or a lull, then it becomes a hostage situation to be negotiated not stormed.
Was a police team already inside while the rest were outside on the perimeter or were no police inside at all?
Let’s know all the facts before we crucify anyone.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 27, 2022 6:57 am

I have come to embrace the age old act of shunning.

I don’t want to waste my time or thoughts thinking poorly of others or holding any type of grudge- people are free to do whatever they like and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about except choose how to respond. The best response is to move on with your own life and leave those who would wish you ill to their own devices. If someone who did those things to me were to come up and offer an apology I would accept it with sincerity but I would never again trust them or go out of my way to continue the relationship outside of casual greetings. If others decide to move on and pretend that they were in the right but it’s time to move on with life, I’d let them, but I would also keep them at a permanent distance because they’ve demonstrated the content of their character.