Another $650 BILLION For Country 404??????

No comment. I am literally speechless. What the fuck is there to say?  OK, one comment;  I hope this shithole of a country collapses tomorrow, and I don’t give a flying fuck what the cost is to me personally. 


‘Cost-Free’: Biden Admin may soon infuse the IMF with $650 billion ‘for Ukraine’

Democrats in Congress and their globalist billionaire backers are lobbying the Biden Administration to deploy hundreds of billions of dollars into the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The initiative is being advertised to “save Ukraine” and impoverished nations, but it acts as an instrument to further centralize monetary power.

In a letter this week that was signed by almost 50 democrat members of Congress, the politicians pressed the Biden Administration to infuse the IMF with $650 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), bringing the international institution an enormous amount of capital to increase its lending and borrowing capacity.

Last year, citing the economic pain caused by their own COVID policies, Congress passed a bill resulting in the IMF approving a $650 billion SDR package. Now, it is being rebranded to “help Ukraine.” According to the letter, Biden can approve an additional $650 billion in liquidity without any new legislation from Congress. With the stroke of a pen, Joe Biden can instruct the Treasury to send $650 billion into a black hole.

The legislators describe the proposed money creation as “a simple, rapid, and cost-free way to enable Ukraine, its neighboring allies, and developing countries to respond to, and build back better from, these combined international crises.”

Yes, they labeled it cost-free.

The below IMF infographic provides the “official” explanation for what an SDR is, and what it is based upon. In short, it empowers the IMF’s largest stakeholders with a centralized reserve token with which to lend and borrow money as it sees fit. As the infographic explains, new SDRs are allocated to member countries in proportion to their relative share in the IMF, bringing more credit power to already powerful states.

Of course, there is no benefit to the average citizen, as SDRs are controlled by the people in charge, and it can potentially increase monetary debasement.

Moreover, there is a much more nefarious agenda in play here. The real purpose of an SDR, as outlined in IMF literature, is the continuing centralization of fiat currency systems, to the point that the SDR becomes the only game in town.

As the Mises Institute explains:

“The short-term plan, therefore, is to remove any remaining checks on fiat inflation at an international level, and to allow the deficits of sovereign debtors to soar. The long-term plan … is to make SDR the global paper money.”

In the words of the late Austrian economist Murray Rothbard, the plan amounts to this reality:

“An internationally coordinated and controlled world-wide, paper-money inflation, a fine-tuned inflation that would proceed unchecked upon its merry way until, whoops!, it landed the entire world smack into the middle of the untold horrors of global runaway hyperinflation.”

This extra liquidity would allow select IMF member states to move around hundreds of billions of dollars with no oversight. The creation of more SDRs makes for an even more centralized monetary environment, in which allocations of capital are made not according to market forces, but based on the whims of unaccountable bureaucrats.

The Soros machine and the International Chamber of Commerce, which would be some of the biggest beneficiaries of the funding, are leveraging their enormous wealth and influence to make a big push to convince Biden to sign off on the new disbursement.

Notably, the IMF chair is in D.C. this week echoing the calls for more liquidity, citing the risk of a monetary crisis in impoverished nations.
Advocates for this plan may label the move “cost-free,” but it is clearly anything but cost-free. And it comes coupled with a cloaked agenda of centralized power consolidation. The SDR push is the creation of a launching pad that can manifest the conditions for a global central bank digital currency.

SOURCE: The Dossier


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 15, 2022 1:30 pm

HOLY SHIT what a scam.
More money laundering.
At this point they’re just making it up so who gives a shit if it’s 650 billion or 650 trillion?
It’s all monopoly money anyway.

July 15, 2022 2:47 pm

The second link is from 2021?

July 15, 2022 1:36 pm

The looting can never stop.

July 15, 2022 1:37 pm

It seems to me that its a free for all now. They are raping and pillaging as fast as they can before the system collapse. Got gold, got silver, got lead?

July 15, 2022 1:52 pm

Well, somebody has to pay for the new and improved Heeb Homeland (New Israel for the non-Joo Joos) might as well be us AGAIN. We payed for Israel, might as well bend over for the Ukrainian version. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE the evil shit that can be run out of a Heeb criminal conclave the size of Ukraine, i can’t begin to fathom it. Do Joos ever pay for anything on their own?

July 15, 2022 1:53 pm

The image of a Democrat is of a dumbass with a machete in a lifeboat, swinging wildly. Hey dope, you’re going down too.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
July 15, 2022 4:46 pm

Didn’t you watch the Three Stooges as a kid? It’s called a “water letter outer.”

another Doug
another Doug
July 15, 2022 3:32 pm

Get your payoffs now, before the collapse. Where will that money really end up?? Israel must be crowded.

  another Doug
July 16, 2022 7:52 am

Hmmm…”The MOST vaccinated place on Earth”?

Urban Renewal. Gentrification.

July 15, 2022 3:42 pm

This is beyond a joke. Maybe even worse than the scamdemic. These guys are running public funds through Ukraine as their money laundering hub and all I see driving around town are these zombie morons flying Ukraine flags. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so jaw dropping.

July 16, 2022 7:53 am

May as well laugh. The crying in earnest is gaining steam.

July 15, 2022 3:46 pm

A trillion (rounded) here, a trillion there… and soon you’re talking fake money!

July 15, 2022 4:07 pm

I keep thinking that I cannot be taken to new lows but, each day, and each new revelation, I am.
I believe I am lower than whale shit now…

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
July 15, 2022 4:44 pm

Pay no attention to this MINOR distraction. There is important work to do. Abortion for 10 year olds. Books like “Gender Queer” for children’s libraries with cartoons showing them how to suck each other’s wee wee’s and bufu each other. Ending agriculture and getting shots. Lots of fucking shots! How to prepare bugs for dinner.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
July 15, 2022 9:24 pm

Any time compadre.

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
July 15, 2022 6:08 pm

Be happy with your $1200 stimulus check peasant

Putin it where it counts
Putin it where it counts
July 15, 2022 6:26 pm

No problem with reducing the money supply?

olde reb
olde reb
July 15, 2022 7:53 pm

The IMF, which is a proxy for TBTF banks, has over 4000 metric tons of gold. They begged congress for several billions a few years ago and were denied. The way globalists, including Soros, have invaded Ukraine to dominate and to intimidate Russia is detailed by Douglas Valentine in CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME, chapter 9.

olde reb
olde reb
July 15, 2022 7:56 pm

The immigrants to Israel, beginning in 1946, came from the western end of Ukraine.

July 15, 2022 9:07 pm

And we can’t even believe the 650 billion part, could be low. It’s just printed words you know.
I remember when I thought the ‘bailout’ looting that was a fraction of this was a lot.
Not one drop of oversight/accountability for any of it.
Now it’s an emptying the coffers free for all. The big plans must be failing.
So it’s either last ditch looting or they think need more money to get things back on track.
But all the money in the world can’t put the genie back or buy putting people back to sleep.

Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
Harrington Richardson: Gimme Sachwerte!
July 15, 2022 9:28 pm

Last week I heard they wanted $750 Billion. We need to update the axiom: Can you see the layer below the second layer on your basement floor?

Smedley Mulcher
Smedley Mulcher
July 16, 2022 6:40 am

It is quite obvious that the world needs to be re-set just not the way the elites want it to be re-set for their twisted and perverted benefit. World civilization is thankfully collapsing and now it is time to have a new and higher vision of our destiny. We can create that destiny and it can be better than ever if we would but honor the primacy of the individual and his or her creative imagination. Throw away your cell phones that would be a good start.

July 16, 2022 7:14 am

Which shithole country are we talking about USA or Ukraine? Both?