The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – SPECIAL – When Lies are Exposed by the Truth– Trust is Lost, Sometimes Forever

A re-post of my article posted on February 3 2022 at: The Burning Platform. Search: Theburningplatform/austrianpeter

A ‘Pathological liar’ is absolutely the toughest individual to deal with as a psychiatrist. Because you can’t take anything they say at face value. And you can’t, you know, fill in their personality. You don’t know what’s real and what’s not. – Dale Archer

AP NOTE: This was written before the Russian SMO, when Boris Johnson was PM.  It is often worth revisiting earlier events, viewing them through the lens of the present, especially after so may manic events only 8 months ago. My current comments in [ ]

SUE GRAY’S REPORT is out and it’s not pretty [I wonder what happened to that?] Britain now has a major problem:  We all know, and it’s common knowledge, that Boris Johnson is a pathological liar. He doesn’t even seem to know when he’s being dishonest.

After the public rumpus over PartyGate he is still at it – denying the obvious. The Commons Speaker has rebuked Boris Johnson for making a false insinuation that Keir Starmer refused to prosecute the serial sex offender Jimmy Saville, but stopped short of demanding an apology.  Keir Starmer saw the faces of the Conservative MPs, the disgust on their faces that their prime minister was debasing himself by sinking so low in the chamber was clear.

“He’d been advised not to do it because it’s obviously not true, but he does it because he doesn’t understand what honesty and integrity means. Many of them expressed that to me, disgust at their prime minister for debasing himself in the House of Commons instead of acting with the contrition and the integrity that he should have shown yesterday.” This is not about the usual ‘cut-and-thrust’ in the House: 2022/feb/01/boris-johnson-keir-starmer-jimmy-savile-smear  [AND here is the enemy from HMG’s own files:   Well, at least we now know who and where they are.]

However, on occasion I do know people guilty of being ‘economical with the truth’.   I know I have been, although I do my best to ‘tell it as it is’, I do sometimes fail.  I guess it is about my true intentions but I do try hard to be as honest as possible given the frailty of our innate psyche.

Boris is far and away removed from this forgivable quirk of human nature. My experience during counselling training in the 1990s helped me in this respect. It reinforced my training at Xerox in the 1970s where we were encouraged to exhibit behaviours of: ‘HAGS’ (Xerox loves acronyms):

·         Honesty

·         Authenticity

·         Genuineness

·         Sincerity

Now it appears that Boris was about to lockdown over Christmas until persuaded otherwise by some key members of his Cabinet:  this disappointed me no end because it was my last pillar of support for Boris after he ”Got Brexit Done’ and saved Britain from a fate worse than death in the EU.  He, in common with other leaders like Biden, has failed us miserably.

The following is based on an original article by Jeffrey Tucker who is an independent editorial consultant and served as Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and eight books in five languages, most recently, ‘Liberty or Lockdown’. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

Before you read on just take just 2 minutes to listen to this fearless hero and take heart: [the video has been cancelled by YouTube – clearly Jeffery is not their favourite poster]

THE NATIONAL PRESS in America barely covered the anti-mandate, anti-lockdown rally in D.C. the other Sunday, and when they did, they mostly described it as an “anti-vaccine rally.” That’s a ridiculous thing to say about an event involving some 10K-plus people who have had enough of the coercive impositions of the last two years.

To be in attendance, they braved the cold, the cruelties of today’s plane travel, the D.C. vaccination and mask mandates, the prospect of being doxxed from facial recognition technology, plus the financial strains that have hit so many families due to business closures and inflation.

All differences of opinion aside, the main message was that everyone has a right to freedom. Let’s get back to the progress we were experiencing in our lives before this great disruption.  Why did it take so long for Americans finally to hit the streets in protest? For one thing, it was mostly illegal to do so from March 13, 2020, onward. States imposed stay-at-home orders and limited gatherings to 10 people.

People couldn’t meet for civic clubs, church, family reunions, much less anything vaguely political. They forcibly separated people for many months. When the George Floyd protests began, they got the green light but that light later turned red again.

The Backlash Is Here:  Today there is massive pent-up frustration out there, alongside depression, ill health, financial hardship and generalised shock to discover that we live in countries where freedom can no longer be taken for granted.

We know now that at any moment, they can close our businesses and our churches and take away our right to travel or even to show a smile, on any pretext, it’s absolutely astonishing!  But now, at last, many professionals of repute are reconsidering their stance on lockdowns.  It’s taken two bloody years!

Is a backlash coming? Not ‘coming’, it’s already here, witness the heroic Canadian Truckers lighting the roaring fires of resistance. The Predatory Globalists have absolutely overplayed their hand this time. In the coming few years, they will rediscover that rulers in every society must acquiesce to the consent of the governed over the long term.

When that consent is withdrawn, the results can be wildly unpredictable, but they generally mitigate against the rulers and in favour of a new way of doing things.  How can I be so confident about this?  History is a great teacher and students of this rewarding discipline can often imagine the future.  It comes down to differing ways in viewing the course of history.

Is There a Direction to History?  ‘The Fourth Turning’ is on a trajectory headed toward great culminating events that will overturn all our established norms and instigate a new order.  Every moment in history points toward this end state. This is Hegel and Marx and a slew of crazy ideologues who think in a millenarian tradition. Also, some apocalyptic religious traditions hold this view, the perception of inevitability somehow baked into the stream of events has made a great deal of mischief over time.

History is just one thing after another with no particular rhyme or reason. Anyone who tries to make sense of it is inventing mirages of meaning that do not exist in reality. That view was generally held by English philosopher David Hume (but it’s a crude summary). There is something to this idea, but it doesn’t quite take account of certain observable ebbs and flows.  History is cyclical, according to Strauss & Howe, with 80-year repeating rhythms, overlapping rounds of error and truth, good and evil, liberty and power, progress and reaction, bull and bear markets, recession and recovery, centralisation and decentralisation, and these rhythms are powered mainly by the ebb and flow of psychopathic elite forces within the population that shape them. [The Religion of Totalitarianism:]

Reality Check:  These last two years have been defined by a theme: ‘centralisation of power’; it’s happened in technology. It’s affected politics. It’s extant in the fake financial markets. It’s even true in media culture, despite the rise of the internet. Centralisation and coordination on a global basis has overwhelmed and dumbfounded us all. Before the ‘Covidian Cult’ arrived we assumed: “That there was some integral relationship between private life and political life, such that the aspirations of the ruled, albeit fuelled by ‘pseudo-democracy’, were somehow impactful on our rulers, until suddenly we were shown this was not the case”

We previously believed that our MSM, social-media and digital spaces were our own, until we were taught that they aren’t; they are now owned by GloboCap.  We previously believed that the Bill of Rights protected us, that our court systems more or less worked, that there were certain things that simply could not happen to us due to law and tradition, and then suddenly there were no limits to elitist power.

Why has all this happened now?  The progress of this Fourth Turning, during the 21st century, has established institutions questioned and challenged. The internet has been a massive force for decentralisation in every area of life: technology, media, government and even money.  In reaction to the rise of popularism the ruling Globalists have doubled down, and after twenty years of planning, have begun to implement their Great Reset.

Goodbye to the Old Order:  We’ve seen over the last decade, or perhaps two, a gradual melting away of the old order and the emergence of a new one with a promise of empowering individuals and all social classes in new ways we had not previously envisaged.  Think what this means for the old order. It means a massive loss of power and profit. It means the transformation of the relationship between the individual and the state, plus what media we consume; what money we use; what rules we obey; how our children are educated; and the businesses with which we trade and so on.

In other words, the ruling elite class faced the biggest and most disruptive threat to their power in generations.  This was the state of the world in 2019. It wasn’t just about Trump but he symbolized the possibility of dramatic change even at the highest levels. The main point is that he was never one of “them”; in fact, he hated “them.” Of all people, he was not supposed to be president and yet there he was, tweeting and disregarding protocol and generally behaving like a loose cannon. And his presidency coincided with a growing restlessness in the population. Something had to be done, something really big. Something had to happen to remind the unruly masses who is in charge.

Therefore, the most powerful interest groups set to lose in the newly decentralised order of the future decided to act. They would reassert their power in ways that would inspire shock and awe. They had to convince the president to go along and they finally did that. The result was what we’ve lived through for two years. It has been nothing less than a display of power and control. Some have been traumatized in ways we’ve never imagined possible. Our workplaces have been disrupted or shut. They managed to end religious freedom for a time. The freedoms we all believed were our right and which were growing by the day came to a dramatic and stunning halt.

We “went medieval” exactly as The New York Times called for on Feb. 28, 2020.

Who is in charge? In the spring of 2020, the entire ruling class shouted in unison, not just here, but all over the world: “We are in charge!”  This has been planned for many years and was born of fear and frustration that the world was changing too quickly as the elites saw their power and control begin to erode.

The Reactionary Impulse:  In retrospect, it seems obvious that the great decentralisation would not be a soft landing for the old order. There would be shattering bumps along the way like the 2008 global financial meltdown that rocked the market Gods and started QE. We saw a near repeat of this in September 2019 when the Repo market had a fit.  Lockdowns and mandates ultimately stemmed from a coordinated reaction to these events – follow the money.

History is replete with these examples as when royals and religious establishments set out to crush the rise of liberalism.  If you think of their aim as “to take back our power,” it did accomplish this, for a time. But that’s not how they pitched it. They said they would stop and crush the rampaging bioweapon virus and that all your sacrifice would be worth it because otherwise you would die or have your life wrecked.

That agenda, fuelled by ridiculous propaganda and excessive media censorship is seen to be failing. In other words, the whole thing is being exposed as a massive fraud and a complete lie on a global scale. Yet even now they are not giving up easily, as witnessed by some European countries like Austria and Italy where stalwart disciples of Klaus Schwab are in command, as well as Biden in America, Australia, and  NZ where a WEF ‘Global Young leader’ is in charge, [see some here]:

Globalist Elites Have Earned Our Distrust: Lying has consequences as Boris is finding out. When a liar is exposed, people do not believe them in the future; when trust is lost it is almost impossible to recover: “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite – Tennessee Williams”   This is the situation currently faced by BigTech, BigMedia, BigGov, and BigPharma et al. They display and relish their power but they lack a degree of common sense and perception about the fundamentals of human nature.  They certainly have not earned our trust, to the contrary, they have created such a venom and hatred against them that consequences might well replicate events on 14 July 1789 – history could rhyme this time around.

This is why the seeds of revolt have been so deeply planted and why they are growing so mightily now. The driving goal here will be to restart the engine of progress back to what it was only two or so, years ago, back to the push for the decentralist paradigm.  The technology that was pushing that paradigm is not only still with us but it has been tested and dramatically advanced during lockdowns and mandates. We have more tools than ever before to confront and finally defeat the ruling class that seized so much power over these recent years.

We have lived through such an enormous trauma, on an immense global scale, never before witnessed in the history of the world. It was driven by madmen like Saint Fauci and by reactionary elements among the ruling class, but it is likely a prequel to what comes next; a backlash against reaction and toward a new stage of progress.  The forces of centralisation have had a field day, and a good run of it, but the forces of decentralisation are fighting back again with good odds of regaining the narrative again.  It’s real progress. But the battle is far from over. You can review the nature of cults at my article here:

Austrian’s Newsletter
The Covidian Cult is Global
Hat Tip to John W. Whitehead who unknowingly stimulated my impulses and added some gems to the text below: During the last year a new religious cult has formed and it’s gone viral…

FOR MORE, READ: “The Financial Jigsaw” – at my academic network.  Scroll to view:

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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October 6, 2022 4:19 pm

Trust is only lost for about 2 or 4 years.
Then the Ruling Class Bloodline Royalty can confidently start over selecting who THEY want in political positions.
Most people are as dumb as a box of rocks. (Sorry about underestimating rock intelligence)

October 6, 2022 7:24 pm

“As you know I am a huge Zionist, I am a huge supporter of Israel, and I know that we can take the UK-Israel relationship from strength to strength,” ———- Lezzie Truss



October 6, 2022 7:32 pm

Britain’s next prime minister Liz Truss says she is ready for global nuclear annihilation”

AP …. that bitch is a Loose Cannon. If anyone can put an end to England, it’s her.

GTFO while you still can!!!!!!!!!

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 6, 2022 11:42 pm

So the Queen of England’s productive value to England owning 1/6 of the land was equal to about 10 million of her subjects; no wonder y’all made such a fuss over her passing. Yet as an ignorant foreigner, I wonder what the food production would have been if 10 million ordinary Englishmen had owned that land instead of her miserable weak and lazy uppity royal posterior. Same for all the Idle Elite Rich.