NEW DESIGN: “It’s Always Darkest Before It Goes Pitch Black” Sweatshirt


The “It’s Always Darkest Before It Goes Pitch Black” Burning Platform design is available as a crewneck sweatshirt on Libertas Bella in 4 colors!

It's Always Darkest Before It Goes Pitch Black Sweatshirt

Product Description:

Mao Zedong once dropped this fat glob of truth: “黑暗即将过去,曙光即在前头.” Loosely translated – and we mean loosely translated, because we learned Chinese from watching a subbed Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow DVD – this phrase means “The darkness is about to pass, the dawn is ahead.”

But while Mao did create many interesting things, including the People’s Communes (人民公社) which led to widespread starvation, the Four Pests Campaign (除四害) which led to widespread starvation, and the Widespread Starvation Campaign (广泛的饥饿运动) which led to widespread starvation, he did not actually coin the saying “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” That distinction belongs to Thomas Fuller, a 17th century preacher and historian who is largely forgotten because he never starved anyone.

We’re not certain who coined the decidedly less optimistic phrase “It’s always darkest before it goes pitch black,” but it speaks far more directly to our hearts. We’re reminded of it whenever politicians ask us to sacrifice a significant part of our net worth or freedom in exchange for some benefit that we’ll never receive. It’s also a cool thing to scream at your wall after you’ve smashed an empty liquor bottle against it during the climax of “Free Bird.”

So why is The Burning Platform offering this fine piece of merchandise with these sage words emblazoned across it? It’s so you can constantly remind yourself and others around you that the world is going to $#!& (拉屎), even though the world has abundant ways of making that perfectly clear already.

Grab your It’s Always Darkest Before It Goes Pitch Black sweatshirt from The Burning Platform collection on Libertas Bella in the following colors: black, white, navy, dark heather.

Libertas Bella ships worldwide and accepts all your favorite forms of payment, including crypto. Sizes available are S to 3XL for most of our apparel.

Libertas Bella Logo

2nd Amendment | Crypto Merch | Libertarian Clothing

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on,, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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November 10, 2022 2:18 pm

Unfortunately, that can happen when you have a very liberal “woke” daughter.

Ooze the other one
Ooze the other one
November 10, 2022 2:26 pm
  Ooze the other one
November 10, 2022 3:19 pm

I saw LS in ’73. I don’t remember who they were opening for, because after LS finished their performance with ‘Free Bird’, by then nobody cared about the following “big name” group. As I recall, their 1st album was not yet released, so few knew of Lynyrd Skynyrd.
P.S. I think the main event featured Marshall Tucker.

Found this…
“Lynyrd Skynyrd and Marshall Tucker Band are two of the biggest names in Southern rock, and the current incarnations of the groups will perform Friday at the Heritage Park Amphitheatre in Simpsonville.
Last week, I reached out to MTB lead vocalist and founding member Doug Gray, who discussed the close ties the two bands have had over the years.
“We took them out to Hickory, N.C., and they opened a show for us one time very early on. That was something to remember,” Gray said. “Ronnie Van Zant and I were really close buddies; we were very, very tight. To watch him go the way he did, that was pretty terrible.””

November 10, 2022 3:06 pm
Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 10, 2022 4:41 pm

I’d love to have one but in a long sleeve T-shirt. I don’t wear sweatshirts. That is so me. Unless you got one with the 3 glasses that say optimist says the glass is half full, the pessimist says it’s half empty and the realist says it’s full of piss. That’s even more me.

  Mary Christine
November 10, 2022 9:58 pm

Hmmmm…..,I always looked at glass half empty/glass half full and said”Who the fuck is drinking out of me glass!”.

November 10, 2022 10:15 pm

Dunno, but I hope it wasn’t Jimmy Savile.