Everybody And Everything Is More Important Than you

You will sacrifice and sacrifice until there’s nothing left to sacrifice.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

If we’re all responsible to everybody, what’s in it for you? How does it work, exactly? Can you claim anything—your production, property, expression, body, mind, life, or soul—for yourself? If you can’t, if everyone else has first claim to them, what can you claim for yourself? Do you give up everything for our eight billion fellow earth-citizens as they give up everything for you? Do you get one eight-billioneth of what’s nominally everyone else’s? Or is this supposed to be pure sacrifice—give up everything and receive nothing in return? If you give up everything, is there any you left?

It’s best not to think about such questions, they won’t get you anywhere but confused. What you do know is what you’ve been told your entire life: everything you do for others is good; everything you do for yourself is selfish and bad. Just look what happens when everyone pulls together in a cause greater than themselves, like war. Isn’t that a cause greater than yourself, maiming and killing people you don’t know? You must be doing it for the greater good, because you might be maimed or killed by those people you don’t know. Oh, you can’t let yourself think of it that way. Everyone has to pitch in.

Government must be a cause greater than yourself, because you spend several months every year working to pay your taxes. That’s a good chunk of money, and you and millions of other hard-working Americans pay it. People complain a bit, but everybody pays, because it’s necessary to keep the country running and fund all the great things the government does. Like what, exactly? You’re funding those wars, and a lot of money ends up in the pockets of people who are of no discernible benefit to you. A lot of it stays right there in Washington. And even with all the money they take in they are still $31 trillion in the hole. Stop it! You can’t let yourself think of it that way; we’ve got to have government.

Think what would have happened the last couple of years if we hadn’t had the government. We saw that pull-together spirit, with everyone wearing their masks and getting vaccinated. Well, almost everybody. There were a few people who didn’t wear masks or get vaccinated.

But here’s where things started to break down. Because you know a few antisocial refuseniks and they either didn’t get sick or if they got sick, they took care of themselves, took the medicines they weren’t supposed to take, and got well. And you know people who had both rounds of vaccines and every booster and got sick. And there are those stories, all over the Internet, about apparently healthy people, young people, collapsing, some dying; you’ve seen the videos.

The thoughts you can’t shut down started when somebody close to you, a relative or friend, had a severe reaction after a shot, or told you about someone they know who did. And maybe you brushed it off, but then it happened again . . . and again. These weren’t stories on the Internet; this was direct experience, or direct experience once removed. And it wasn’t just severe reactions, the afflicted recovering after hospitalization. There were long term effects for which there are apparently no cures, lives ruined. And there were those who died. You know of more people harmed by the cure than the disease.

One day, out of nowhere, the question popped into your head: Who’s collecting the sacrificial offerings? Because that’s what all this is—sacrificial offerings—not to propitiate some unseen deity, but to line the pockets and to increase the power of . . . of those telling you that you have to sacrifice! That’s the thought you’ve pushing down all these years: All this sacrifice is a damn scam, a racket! Once you gave it some thought, you realized it’s been going on for years, decades, centuries. Somebody telling people they must sacrifice for some greater good, and those same somebodies collecting the sacrificial offerings.

If we’re all responsible to everybody, what’s in it for you? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Actually, less than nothing. You no longer have whatever it is you offer. It’s not even an offering, something you do voluntarily. Your “offerings” are taken from you under implicit or explicit threat of force. What you get back, if anything, is worth less to you than what you gave up.

You’ve never minded giving up things for something you regarded as a greater value—saving for the down payment on a house or a child’s college education. Paying for groceries and utilities rather than taking a vacation you couldn’t afford. Those weren’t sacrifices, not like the sacrifices you’re told you must make for the greater good, where you give up something and get nothing in return.

If you’re giving something and getting nothing, somebody’s getting something and giving nothing. Think of what they’ve done with your sacrifices—your money, your time, and your life—and what you could have done with them. There’s nothing greater or good about their greater good; the country’s going to hell in a hand basket. We’re riding a ruination train downhill, the grade is getting steeper and steeper, and the engineer has it on full throttle.

Their greater good is your greater bad—your life gets increasingly risky and difficult. What you’re paying out is rising faster than what you’re taking in. All while money is tossed down the toilet of the latest war and domestic boondoggles and the trillion-dollar milestones on the national debt come faster and faster. You hear the bell tolling: doom, doom, doom.

You’re dealing with reality to the fullest extent of your capacity so that people you despise, and who despise you, don’t have to. Accept the morality of sacrifice, accept that everybody and everything is more important than you, and you’ve issued them a blank check. They have, they are, and they will continue to take everything you offer, up to and including your life.

The lie has always been that the sacrifices of you and your fellow sacrificers would build a better world for everyone. Now they no longer try to hide it: sacrifice gets you worse, not better. Bugs instead of meat; an urban apartment instead of a house and land; mass transit instead of a personal automobile; a guaranteed income instead of meaningful work; computer entries instead of money, surveillance instead of privacy; compliance instead of freedom; punishment instead of reward.

“And you will be happy.” That assurance is as stale and false as the phony causes they trot out to justify your unhappiness: the climate, the earth, a virus, a war, an alien invasion, the common good, etc. We do owe them one debt. The last few years have made it obvious to anyone who will look that it’s not about the phony causes, it never has been; it’s about power and control, and always has been.

That’s not nothing, for from that recognition comes the realization: run from those demanding sacrifice, which at the least means every government on the planet. Sadly, running is only possible in the metaphorical sense. Gangster governments are the order of the day, regardless of how they cloak their intentions and actions.

And when you ask ’em, “How much should we give?”
Ooh, they only answer, “More, more, more, more!”

“Fortunate Son,” John Fogerty, Credence Clearwater Revival, 1969

You will sacrifice and sacrifice until there’s nothing left to sacrifice, and then they’ll discard you like last night’s garbage. Your life means one thing to them—enslaved, subjugated submission. It’s the less than zero existence, the logical consequence, of everybody and everything is more important than you.

Accept that—and most people do—and you’ll deserve what you get—less than zero. Claim your life and resolve that nothing is more important to you than the freedom to live it, and your course will be fraught with danger. It’s not the less-than-zeros who change things; expect nothing from them but opposition. If you want what’s yours you’re going to have to fight for it, and yes, fight means fight. That is the truth that can no longer be evaded.

Resistance is lonely and dangerous. Choose it, and you may have compatriots, but if you’re not careful, you’ll also have false friends who will betray you in the darkest hour. You will, fortunately, have an ally in the incompetence and evil of those who seek to enslave you. Nothing they’ve established can last and their system is collapsing. In some ways that will make things easier—bankrupt and collapsed governments don’t have the wherewithal to maintain order. However, chaos presents its own dangers.

Fight for your life, or accept endless sacrifice and less than zero. There are no other choices, no middle ground. It’s your choice. It’s your life.

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December 5, 2022 12:27 pm

This country doesn’t give a fuck about me ,and I don’t give a fuck about it.

December 6, 2022 5:22 pm

Ah, come on now, Kennedy said ask what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you, right before his country executed him! (sarc)

December 5, 2022 12:39 pm

“you’re going to have to fight for it”

But unfortunately, because you -and all the others- have decided “Nothing Is More Important Than you”, i.e. there is no goal higher than yourself, you will probably need to fight it alone.
Or at best with very temporary allies, all of which might stab you in the back anytime.

Good luck!

December 6, 2022 6:26 am

All hail and bow to the collective.

December 6, 2022 8:26 am

All hail and bow to nothing!

December 5, 2022 12:44 pm

Great Robert! Now tell us about those choices, those “no other choices.” What exactly does it mean to “fight for your life?” Can’t be about voting or contributing money to a favored pol. Is it then about taking my guns to town? Showing up at Council Meetings and ripping to shreds the cretins behind their name plates? What happens to my wife when I fight for my life if I do what is illegal? How do we all muster all at once? Lead us, Robert! You first. Then we follow your lead. Writing about the problem has been done ad infinitum. What do we do exactly?

December 6, 2022 6:27 am

When everything is illegal, where will you stand?

December 5, 2022 12:44 pm

Powerful piece. I’m at the end of my rope. I have dozens of patients a year who are “give me” and complainers. Contribute nothing and be demand everything.
400 pound forty year olds who demand government pay all their medical needs, new knees and rehab and bitching about the 3 free meals, bed, pills, doctors and nurses that care for them. Diabetics who continue to eat crap. Dialysis patients drinking beers, skipping their appointments and then end up in the emergency room on the taxpayers dime.
Not an ounce of gratitude… oblivious that they have neither earned or deserve the charity they receive daily to stay alive.
I’m exhausted and seeing my survival margin shrinking as everything goes up In J cost but salaries the same for 8 years.. Let it all collapse already and let’s get rid of the deadwood.

December 5, 2022 12:57 pm

I’ve never heard anything in the Hippocratic oath about people being grateful for “health care” from a bunch of of cold incompetent doctors and nurses.

December 5, 2022 2:16 pm

You all down vote me because I criticize the same scumbags hawking these “vaccines”for the last two years.You are either schizophrenic or hypocrites .

December 5, 2022 2:50 pm

Your brush is too wide, Iggy.

December 5, 2022 4:41 pm

Well wait another 10 years ,when they actively start euthanizing all us evil whiteys then get back to me.

December 5, 2022 10:41 pm

You are either schizophrenic or hypocrites .- I think probably both. There used to be some real firebrands on this site, but now it’s become tepid at best. Your comments are for the most part, correct, but must be viewed through the proper lens.
People don’t like the idea that they’ve been bamboozled into rolling up their sleeve to be injected with a gene therapy concoction that has nothing to do with a vaccine.
As Mark Twain once quipped: It’s easier to fool someone, than to convince them they’ve been fooled. Health care in this nation is really only “sick” care, otherwise Big Pharma and their medical cartel minions can’t rake in immense profits, if the goyim aren’t shackled to an endless regimen of drugs. Remember, it’s a “for profit” industry monopolized and protected by a totally complicit and culpable government partner. Good luck.

Reader mostly
Reader mostly
December 5, 2022 1:01 pm

Those chronic people sound like they feel powerless and are taking it out on you. I deal with nature daily, which is both wondrous and brutal. There are cycles and rhythms. In good years, the herd is fat. In lean years, the herd is thin. We’re just at an equinox and shifting to post-excess. The population is too dependant to remain productive. The herd will lean out. Stay strong for the ones who will follow and learn survival.

Just sayin
Just sayin
December 5, 2022 5:17 pm

What about all the nurses I see outside smoking? Or the doctors who are crackheads? Doctors are the biggest drug addicts around.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
December 5, 2022 5:43 pm

the 80 billion dollars we gave Uk. for the war could have put two CT’s and MRI machine in every county in the usa, and staffed them for 25 years, but instead people are dyeing because they charge $2000-$5000 for one scan, so they dont go have that scan, this country is nothing but a piece of shit, lets go kill instead of helping people, EVIL

We make those machines for $80 an hour, and use several million dollars worth of machines to do that. why are you charging $5000 an hour? to pick one of 80 programs to run, then push a button

yes let it all collapse its all about the love of money, every area education, medical, all of it

  80% Fraud
December 6, 2022 6:23 pm

What color are they dyed?

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
December 5, 2022 12:49 pm

You knocked it out of the park! Great essay.

I’ve been giving thoughts to the tendency to join bigger and bigger groups. It happens at all levels but I’ve noticed the go-to reaction of collectivist is to enjoin us to larger and larger organizations as a solution to a perceived problem. Then, in that larger collective we pay the bills.

Who is the greatest funder of the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation? US Taxpayers. The UN? US taxpayers. NATO? Yep.

The collectivist were overjoyed that Badfinger would be rejoining all those groups that seemingly exist only to shake us down. They claim lofty goals and deliver nothing but speeches and more goals. Paris Accord? We were the only ones to meet the number and we did it after we quit.

So, if I understand your essay correctly, we are seeing the same results from different perpectives.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Arizona Bay
December 7, 2022 12:15 pm

AZ – We will also foot the largest share of the “Climate Change” fight.

Note from Nevada
Note from Nevada
December 5, 2022 1:07 pm

19 paragraphs of the frustration we are all facing………..

December 5, 2022 1:23 pm

You need to look no further than U.S. climate envoy John Kerry’s 6 homes, 12 powered vehicles, 2 ocean-going yachts, and a private jet to know what to think of scumbags telling you to sacrifice anything. Ayn Rand taught me the evil that is sacrifice decades ago and I haven’t forgotten.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
December 5, 2022 2:41 pm

How dare you criticize a Veet-nam war hero??? 🙂

  lamont cranston
December 5, 2022 7:39 pm

thank you for your service!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  lamont cranston
December 7, 2022 12:17 pm

Come on, Lamont. He got a purple heart for that oh so painful splinter in his finger.

December 5, 2022 2:04 pm

Rugged individualism- derived from individualism, is a term that indicates that an individual is self-reliant and independent from outside, usually state or government, assistance.

When I help myself and am in control of my destiny, I will live and die by the works of my own hands. I will succeed or fail by the sweat of my own brow. That is the opposite of selfish.
Big Government has achieved only what we have allowed them to achieve and no more. We have failed, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but swallow it we must. If we are to retake that which we have given, then it too shall come from the sweat of our own brows. It will take sacrifice. We must remember that if we were to do such a thing, we would be righteous in our endeavor to restore that which we have given away and was never ours to give. We were merely stewards and we have failed at our assignment. We are guilty of betraying the next generation by our lack of action for the future and a gross betrayal to our heritage.

I am my brothers keeper, so I must remain fit to execute that duty. I shall do so through rugged individualism. If I am to be a sovereign then I must reject the influence of Government interference or forever be at the mercy of their ownership..

archibald archibald
archibald archibald
December 5, 2022 7:43 pm

if you are your brothers keeper, he isn’t a rugged individualist.

  archibald archibald
December 5, 2022 8:15 pm

You miss the meaning of the phrase. “I am my bothers guardian” If you fuck with my neighbor, you fuck with me sort of thing.

Reader mostly
Reader mostly
December 5, 2022 2:05 pm

I make $1 less than the tax threshold, but I give about $1000s/year to local foodbanks in fresh produce. I participate in society on my terms. I could go into the hills and evaporate, but I like coffee too much, so I interface.

When people see you are pleasant and have peace of mind, they will want some, like a vitamin they are missing. Open the door. Now you have allies. Let the pursuit of happiness not be infringed under your watch.

Aside, from the perspective of someone who lives outside convention, society looks like ants. You get rid of ants by leaving a trail of jam somewhere else. Eden would seem desolate to someone raised on neon and commotion, so we live behind a sign that points to the town down the road.

ursel doran
ursel doran
December 5, 2022 2:19 pm

Complacency plus apathy believing that the government is here to help you is the tragedy.

The criminal enterprise that is the FED, and the Banks that own it, have amazingly been awakened to the catastrophe that Zero percent interest rates, plus or minus in Europe, and here, have brought on along with government fiscal policy mismanagement looks to have only one way to resolve. Crash and burn.

The easy money mania reflected in this poster child is a perfect illustration of consequences.
Rule #1 = “Never give a sucker an even break.” “If the sucker wants a green suit turn on the green lights.”

Sam Bankman-Fried: The Rigged Wall Street System that “Valued” His Company at $32 Billion

The new Madoff reviewed.

Earth to Reporters: Why Is No One Asking SBF What Happened to the $3.3 Billion He Borrowed?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2022 3:25 pm

A conundrum, itz.

It’s funny when I read something as clear and concise as what you’ve written and realize that not one person in a hundred would understand it. Or sad. I can’t tell the difference anymore.

Excellent exposition.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2022 4:49 pm

I find it even funnier that I’m reading, again and seemingly without end here,
articles that basically decry:
– we need more (personal) individualism to fix this mess!
– with that we are going to achieve even moar freedoms!!
– and -summed up- this imperfect mess we’re in can only be rectified by demanding and achieving even bigger perfection as the goal!!!

Which one of those three were not adhered to over the last 70 years, at least in the beginning?
And where did they get us??

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2022 5:07 pm

And that would be an example of confusing exposition.

I am unable- after three read-thoughs- to get your point.

Could you try again?

the grasshopper lies heavy
the grasshopper lies heavy
December 5, 2022 7:47 pm

it’s the white people version of ghost dancing. moar of all the things that didn’t stop this from happening: individualism, constitutions, voting, etc. moar, moar, moar!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  the grasshopper lies heavy
December 5, 2022 8:39 pm

Got it.

  the grasshopper lies heavy
December 6, 2022 8:52 am

Someone starts to get it!

Now think long and hard about perfection.
(Its goals, the routes towards it, and consequences of following such.)

If you finally grasped it, what are you going to do:
– Declare perfection non-existent? (…Huh??)
– Declare perfection non-desirable? That doesn’t work; we’re not striving for chaos.
– Declare perfection non-achievable?

Well, Christianity came up with the idea of perfection being reached only in the civitas Dei -the City of God-, but never in the civitas hominis -the Earthly world-.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 6, 2022 11:29 am

While I appreciate the take it bears a striking similarity to the old joke about the guy waiting out the flood.

Some things humans have to do for themselves. And while perfection isn’t a realistic goal for anything, it is the standard by which all of our greatest acheivements have been realized.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 6, 2022 11:52 am

That’s what 99.9% of people in the West… well, not even think. They breathe it.
(It’s like the joke with the two fish: “What’s ‘water’?”)

And look where it got you, us, everyone!
And no way out – except complete collapse, and then a restart: “Towards perfection, once again!”

You know JBP once stated as a -kind of naive- thing, that after reading the Old Testament (for the first time probably), he noticed something along the lines of:
“And it’s like ‘Bam!’ and God crushes them [Jews, obviously]. And they start over, and then ‘Bam!’ again. And it’s a seemingly never-ending series of that.”
That’s so funny, because he noticed -without recognizing it- what made Christianity surpass Judaism.

So yeah, you will have to do that recognizance of the ‘false idol’ of Earthly perfection yourself. There is no other way.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2022 5:49 pm

they dont want to understand farmer because they are it, how do you get a man to understand when his salary depends on misunderstanding, all my neighbors go to church 3x a week, and they are all doing exactly this, stealing from me.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Robert Gore
December 7, 2022 6:02 am

You’ve got it backwards, Mr. Gore.

You only write as well as you can think.

Put the horse back in front of the cart where it belongs.

Everything begins with thought.

The big chill
The big chill
December 5, 2022 5:13 pm

People have such short memories. The hippies did the commune/share everything including your wife thing in the 60’s. It didn’t work because after a while people got sick of having nothing of their own, having to share with people who got on their nerves and wanted to establish their own nest egg. In other words human nature took over. They all left the communes and moved into corporate jobs where they now push the same failed agenda on the rest of us while they live in million dollar homes.

  The big chill
December 5, 2022 7:01 pm

“People have such short memories.”


“Lazy Bernie” Was Once Kicked Out of Hippie Commune


New Book: Bernie Sanders Was Kicked Off Vermont Commune for Loafing

  The big chill
December 7, 2022 12:01 am

Communes do not consist of people who want to share their goods with everybody. They consist of people who want to share the goods of everybody else.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
December 5, 2022 5:40 pm

the 80 billion dollars we gave Uk. for the war could have put two CT’s and MRI machine in every county in the usa, and staffed them for 25 years, but instead people are dyeing because they charge $2000-$5000 for one scan, so they dont go have that scan, this country is nothing but a piece of shit, lets go kill instead of helping people, EVIL

  80% Fraud
December 5, 2022 10:53 pm

Did you ever wonder why all of the medical facilities and equipment are needed? You could start with the SAD (Standard American Diet) Toxic water systems, environmental pollution, pharmaceuticals, processed foods, sugar in everything consumed from a package or a wrapper and a lifestyle that lacks any exercise.
It’s a tribute to the body’s amazing resilience that people last as long as they do.
As long as mega-corporations and Big Pharma calls the shots, the medical field will only continue to grow exponentially.

December 6, 2022 6:36 am

Yet until the clot shot for the whu who flu life spans have been increasing for decades.

December 6, 2022 8:54 pm

Alive but sick.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
December 6, 2022 10:11 am

I understand all of that, its just they don’t want to cut the GDP by 15%, medical care makes it look like the economy is growing, when in fact, its mostly a fake economy based on grifting.

December 5, 2022 6:11 pm

Everybody And Everything Is More Important Than you

That this is a point of derision is a sad indictment on where we stand as societies.
Back in the day, a Nation was basically an extended family.
Who would not sacrifice all for their family?
Point being, they’ve destroyed us with their ‘diversity’. But then that was the purpose of the exercise.

Make Nation States Great Again!

Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital
by Robert D. Putnam

December 5, 2022 8:55 pm

Who has “sacrificed?”

December 6, 2022 10:42 am

Robert, this was well crafted and thus thought provoking and rewarding to read.

December 6, 2022 5:21 pm

Everybody And Everything Is More Important Than you
I’ve known that from the day as a small child I realized I had consciousness and an awareness of things around me, somewhere around 1 years old.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 6, 2022 11:05 pm

Hole in your logic, Robert. The ideal is to have a strong foundation of your life first, and then serve the less fortunate with your wisdom in how to become prosperous and serene. Look at HSF’s relation with his neighbors. He doesn’t offer handouts.

December 7, 2022 5:23 pm

thanks for the warning, but that has been pounded into my head my entire life.