Nothing Sacred, by NC Scout

(NC Scout / American Partisan) Much is made of the rapid decline of the American Empire. Behold the creature in its final form, decadent, full of hubris, and approaching its twilight economically as much as culturally. There remains questions inherent in the minds of many. How did we get here? How much further do we have to fall? The questions to ponder are rooted in the problem itself; an answer cannot be generated because the problem cannot be understood.

The older generations in the West clinging to relevance view the world with a drunken stupor, only able to blame the younger generations. Their descendants’ answer in turn is to blame them. And they are not wrong. Laying blame, however, cannot resolve the issue of moral decline, nor will it reverse the destruction. The concept of western civilization itself is to blame and specifically the concepts of egalitarianism and freedom, both perverted to suit the conditions we find ourselves in today. Those moral constructs laid the foundation for subversion on part of the Left and will continue to do so mostly unabated, so long as those moral constructs remain unchallenged.

Egalitarianism, or the belief of equality inherent in all peoples, does not account for the entirety of history, driven by the peoples both known and forgotten (sometimes purposefully so) and certainly takes no responsibility for the havoc it wreaks. Lost in the pages gushing over the ideals of the French Revolution are the bones of the dead, relics of the culture it destroyed. But that chaos would not be isolated to France alone. It would lay the foundation for all of Europe, Asia and the New World alike.

What is ‘freedom’? This is a fundamental philosophical question. Is it an assertion of free will, as Christianity suggests? Or, perhaps it is liberation from an authority figure? It is no longer a clearly defined construct in the Western cultural consciousness, purposefully created. Freedom, as Hegel would assert, is indeed Liberation, dismissing entirely the role of the Free Will of man. Saint Aquinas becomes a mere footnote in creating the philosophy of law, itself a reflection of that primary belief system. As Hegel becomes would become more relevant in the halls of academia, the decline of Aquinas in the face of positivism would nearly perfectly correlate with the decline of morality. And thus, nothing remains sacred.

A secondary, but popular question, is exactly how history’s atrocities were allowed to occur, both those well known and those conveniently forgotten. How did we get here? That answer becomes clear. Objective Morality has begat this reality. With moral underpinnings now diminished or, at worst, erased entirely, the discipline of yore satisfying that moral code becomes a throwback to a culture not worthy of preservation. Hatred of ancestry necessitates desecration lest it stand in the way of progress. That hatred cannot be forgotten but sternly reinforced, creating a bottomless spiral giving way to ever more impressive levels of depravity. It is a repeating pattern.

How can reverence of the dead be acceptable or expected when the sexualization of children is increasingly being forced into commonplace? Who are you to stand in the way of progress, in the face of the culture of Western self immolation? A society that tolerates any degree of it is a society already in steep decline. Having no first principles to stand upon, no level of depravity is too low. They’ve indeed come for your kids, while murdering your culture, and you and I shall be next.

The answer to the questions originally posed; how did we get here and thus, how far do we have to go becomes simple. We got here through the rotten philosophy of Hegel and all he begat. Marx, Lincoln, and their contemporaries. How far do we have to go? All the way until it is stopped, by force. Those lines are being drawn now. No political solution can be had until it is recognized that one party is not interested in such a thing. Theirs is nothing but raw power, itself a reflection of evil in its purest form. Nothing can be held sacred, as the labeling of such would be apostate to core beliefs of the Left.

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Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 11:58 am

Nice job, NC Scout, and good questions.

But…let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is a problem with just the left. There are plenty of fake conservatives that have contributed to the moral decline. In fact, they’re worse than the liberals, IMO. At least the liberals fight hard for their beliefs, as depraved as they are. Most “conservatives” cannot be trusted to have your back. Trust me on that.

Stopped by force? It will never happen, unfortunately. To think that is delusional after nothing has been done to stop the madness after all the BS over the last 3 years.

The lines are being drawn now? Not so much from what I observe. What I see currently are people going about their holiday plans, eating, drinking, & being merry. Where I am, shops are busy and restaurants are packed. People are spending money. I certainly don’t see people drawing any lines…living in a very conservative area yet Starbucks, Walmart, Costco, etc. have long lines and packed parking lots. And plenty of Amazon trucks on the roads too. I get out of my house and notice these things. No one is drawing any lines. We just like to bitch. That’s all.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 2:21 pm

All this will go on until it stops. I have a business to run. I can’t plan for a fall that I can’t time. I must plan, preps aside, as if things will continue as they are. This is what I see others doing as well. To your point…

Matthew 24:38 KJB… “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,”

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  grace country pastor
December 16, 2022 2:57 pm

Good point, GCP.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Abigail Adams
December 17, 2022 12:33 am

True freedom is to speak and live without fear of imprisonment or mortal death regardless of how short a time period it may truly last because by faith you know with complete certainty whom your eternal soul belongs to and that it cannot be killed.
Luke 12:4-5
New American Standard Bible
4 “Now I say to you, (A)My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom to fear: (B)fear the One who, after He has killed someone, has the power to throw that person into [a](C)hell; yes, I tell you, fear [b]Him!

Don k
Don k
  grace country pastor
December 16, 2022 4:55 pm

Its human nature to wait til the dog bites you in the ass to do anything
about it. Abigail… I think from NC Scouts perspective he is referring to
a few folks who are doing all he says. I dont know him but I am in NC and
a few people here take it all seriously enough to know we are building to
a crescendo (wish I knew what exactly) and are watching closely. Most are not.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
  grace country pastor
December 17, 2022 6:42 am

“It will happen slowly at first, and then all at once ‘- Ernest Hemingway

We’re still in the slow phase, but (((they’re))) picking up the speed, and it won’t be relatively long before the all at once part arrives.

Plan accordingly!!!

  Saxons Wrath
December 17, 2022 4:04 pm

Hail Victory Brother! We must name the large proboscis enemy. Most expelled people in human history, and they sure have messed up The West.

  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 2:26 pm

Things’ll change when the food runs out and the lights dim.

Remember: Traitors before Enemies.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 2:59 pm

Do you think the food will really run out? I’m not so sure it will actually run out. Last I heard I was supposed to be starving this fall. Plenty of food on the shelves at the grocery stores, although expensive. I do think, though, that the quality of food will change…even more than it already has.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 3:40 pm

Although more expensive. Thats the game right there. You simply do not turn the taps off suddenly or trouble ensues. You bleed your victim slowly and they won’t fight back. These scum communists want to drain every last penny they can from your pocket first. Then watch the food supply mostly dry up as the intent then is to keep you weak and anemic so you cannot fight back. They are not in a hurry they play the long game.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  anon a moos
December 16, 2022 3:42 pm

Makes sense.

  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 3:43 pm

The food will run out for everyone, but the boosted who willfully relocate to the cities where they’ll own nothing and be happy.

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  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 2:27 pm

Correct, the lines have been drawn…however, I do think there will inevitably be a kinetic push that will be triggered by a Biblical level event: i.e. war, financial Armageddon, UN troops in America, gun confiscation, EMP…add any terrible premise and the outcome will be the same in a heavily armed society. We have a Republic…if we can keep it.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 3:08 pm

I agree with you that most likely one of those events will happen. Not really confident about any pushback coming from regular people though. Have seen too many comply to think any different in those scenarios when the consequences will be even worse.

People, on a grand scale, did not push back when it was relatively easy to do so. They certainly aren’t going to when the stakes are higher. I’m talking the majority. There will be pockets who push back, but it won’t be enough for this day and age, I don’t think.

Those guns are a false sense of security. We did not use them as instructed from our Founders – to fight off tyranny. The best use for them now is to keep people off your front porch.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 16, 2022 7:59 pm

Blue helmets marching around the country will be a red line for many, many folks. It is one thing to target Americans, but a foreign army would be fair game and blue really sticks out in nature.

  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 5:00 pm

Only humans counter the obvious truth that birds of a feather flock together.

In the 1880s, people all over the world looked to America for inspiration. Its very existence was proof that it was possible to have a relatively free and peaceful country. No income tax, no foreign wars, no welfare state, no intrusions on civil liberties. Harry Browne


When people lost sight of the way to live
Came codes of love and honesty,
Learning came, charity came,
Hypocrisy took charge;
When differences weakened family ties
Came benevolent fathers and dutiful sons;
And when lands were disrupted and misgoverned
Came ministers commended as loyal. Lao Tzu

December 16, 2022 11:58 am

Interesting, beware you do not become what you vilify in the name of justice.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 11:59 am

Yep. That’s the dilemma.

  Abigail Adams
December 16, 2022 12:08 pm

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Hard to clean the sewer without some icky splashing. Nothing good is easy.

December 16, 2022 8:35 pm

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.

That is just loser talk.

Become a monster like the other side has never even had nightmares about. Make the surviving descendants of those who pushed you too far shit themselves at the mere mention of your name.

You can’t reason with these people, you can only make them fear your retribution.

December 16, 2022 12:09 pm

Might makes right or at least says it is. Nothing new under the sun

December 16, 2022 12:21 pm

Thank You.

Know absolutely nothing about ‘Radios’ in general, nor in particular.

Any plans for a brief intro here?

December 16, 2022 12:35 pm

REVIEW: The Guerrilla’s Guide To The Baofeng Radio, by Don Shift

If you don’t know what this book is about, it’s about using Baofeng (and similar) dual-band VHF/UHF radios in a military manner, such as in a domestic conflict or catastrophic collapse of society. Why would I need this? Well, you’ve become a guerilla, insurgent, or have formed a self-defense cadre and need to communicate in an efficient, military like manner or clandestinely.

Ham radio books tend to start heavy on theory and little on the practical aspects of using the equipment. As the introductions states, the book is “written from and end-user perspective with technical data kept to a minimum and only emphasized where absolutely necessary.” The book reads more like a field manual than a beginner’s guide to ham radio, which often lack instructions in the “okay, now here’s how you do it” category.

What does the book cover? …

REVIEW: The Guerrilla’s Guide To The Baofeng Radio, by Don Shift

December 16, 2022 3:35 pm

We’re not all equal , bruh , and if you keep saying this , you’re an anti-Semite and will be deplatformed , unless of course you can make a million dollar donation to the ADL.


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December 16, 2022 3:50 pm

John Milton and other age of enlightenment illuminati fags did this .

December 16, 2022 4:41 pm

The more you read about Hegel the more you hate the guy (the Prussian “state philosopher”). Actually reading Hegel is next-to-impossible for a normal human being, though – even in translation.

I’m not going to waste time finding the exact quote, but this a a paraphrase of Hegel’s repeatedly expressed opinion:

“the State is the actual manifestation of the Divine in our world.”

December 16, 2022 3:54 pm

Unusual writing style. You ask questions …. and then you answer them. So, I got nothing to say.

Except one quick comment. You said; — “We got here through the rotten philosophy of Hegel and all he begat, — Why single out Hegel? There were a LOT more philosophers than just Hegel who influenced Western society, usually for the worse.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 17, 2022 12:55 am

Dang. I’m glad you didn’t all personal and shit! lol.

December 16, 2022 4:53 pm

“The older generations in the West clinging to relevance . . . only able to blame the younger generations.”

That’s getting the arrow of causality bass ackwards.

The younger generations are correct in that they are victims of the times, for whatever that’s worth, as are all the other living, previous generations.

Speaking as an older man who thinks his only current relevance is to, so far at least, having successfully resisted being stuffed down the memory hole, I blame 19th century Prussia and the Old Men of 1912-1920.

December 16, 2022 5:56 pm

I’m totally disgusted by A.P. Hills monument and grave being removed .Fuck these niggers in BLM.

December 16, 2022 8:29 pm

“Nothing can be held sacred, as the labeling of such would be apostate to core beliefs of the Left”.

Yep…I remined of an old cartoon…

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December 17, 2022 3:59 pm

The West’s decline has been caused, 98%, by jews. No other way to explain it. The anti-white rhetoric, debt, wars, open vborders, false flags, JFK’s death, all jews.