Fortunately, we are being ruled by “the best and the brightest”!

Enough laughter, let’s move along. The country has reached the end of the process of governmental development and we are stuck at a dead end with authoritarianism the only logical ending.  We suffer through illegal search and seizure, free speech restrictions and star chamber trials just to name a few.

Government had its’ beginnings one dawn on the African Savannah as the sun rose through the mist.  A groggy hunter awoke from a fitful nights sleep the result of guarding his kill from the previous day.  Another hunter approached and they commiserated about the problem.  Finally a man appeared and suggested he would guard the kills for a piece of meat. Thus began the  governmental protection racket and its’ grasp for money and power.

Our system was virtually unique in the world when it was created. We began with clean slate in 1776.  We then lived in a time of giants as leaders, and then our leaders had  dissolved into worms by 1912. The worms’ policies of social tyranny have continued to push us downhill until today.  The pretensions of governmental control by these petty tyrants would be quite amusing if it was not such a serious matter.  The intellectual pomposity of the “best and brightest” has been expanding since their realization that they could undermine the constitution by creating the new religious cult of socialism in our society.  The president at the time, Woody Wilson, believed himself to be  intellectually and morally superior to Madison, Jefferson and Washington and set out to overturn the basic structure of our government and depend on a rule of experts.

The Amendments during his regime overturned the basic structure of the Constitution with a “higher morality” than previously existed. These four amendments changed the direction of our country forever.  Many people have not delved deeply enough into the history of the time to understand their connections.

The 16th Amendment deals with establishing an income tax.  The 17th Amendment was direct senatorial election by the voters. The 18th Amendment was prohibition of alcohol and the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote nationally.

These Amendments are often thought to be about individual issues but are truly interdependent.  At the time the Anti-Saloon League was the most powerful political group in the country. The 18th Amendment was the first major attempt to legislate personal morality. How did that work out? Crime, murder and mayhem while disregarding the law were the norm. The Anti-Saloon League was the voice of many women who were also involved in the suffrage movement and they helped push for their right to vote.  They raised vast amounts of money across the country and pulled strings as the MIC does today. One difficulty to be addressed was that the liquor and tobacco taxes accounted for about 70% of the income for the government in 1910.

Obviously if prohibition became the law of the land, another tax had to be created to fund the government. Enter the income tax. Next the 17th direct election amendment required the senators to pay attention to this groundswell issue and many other local concerns as now their career depended on listening to voters instead of their buddies.  This allowed a large measure of independence from daily supervision while their new power was disguised as greater democracy.

These four changes in our society have evolved in various unforeseen ways similar to what the hunters experienced in Africa thousands of years ago.  At least we do not have to worship a Pharaoh yet. Well, actually a few years ago the media were pulling us in that direction. One of the most amusing things is that when prohibition was repealed, the Federal tax on alcohol was renewed, but of course the income tax was retained.  Getting money back from government is impossible of course.  The 2% income tax rate has expanded just a bit. During World War 2 the top rate was 94%!  Ouch!

The Popular Vote for the Senate has also devolved into a totally unforeseen area.  It has allowed a small group of lobbyists to control our government through campaign and other contributions.  The lobbyists can afford to buy 51 senators’ votes for a bill but the idea of buying 26 State Legislatures would be impossible.  This allows your senator to ignore you completely except on his six year election cycle while otherwise fattening his own purse.

The only concern of our government today is to raise money for the insider crowd.  The laws that make this possible are all traceable to the above amendments.

There is no record when the first thug on the African plain met a blade but I am sure it was well deserved.

Madame Defarge

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
January 12, 2023 7:26 pm

Think of all the horrible people who want to be politicians, all the angry little sociopaths, no normal, rational and decent person would want those jobs, that’s why we get people like Pelosi, Newsom, Widmer and Biden “in charge”.

Wanting to run for elected office should disallow you to run for elected office.

  The Duke of New York
January 12, 2023 7:27 pm

Yes. all true. So, why do people perennially insist on having .gov?

January 12, 2023 7:43 pm

A groggy hunter awoke from a fitful nights sleep the result of guarding his kill from the previous day.

January 12, 2023 8:28 pm


WEF attendees are searching for UNvaccinated pilots to get them to Davos. That has dumbfuk written all over it IMO.

January 12, 2023 8:59 pm

Me thinks the Federal reserve act of 1913 was more dastardly than any of those amendments, just saying.

January 13, 2023 11:51 am

I will never use the phrase “me thinks”.

January 12, 2023 10:37 pm

Yet the best and the brightest keep making the same mistakes, throughout history.

This time, it seems they got antsy about that NWO thing — it was taking too long — so they decided to bump up their thousand-year timetable with CONVID; but in doing so, they also had to risk exposure. I suppose the special brand of blinders these people wear are called Scylla and Charybdis. The greatest minds in the world, all our artists and scientists and leaders, and they could not keep their egos in their boxes and remember DaVinci’s advice: “A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.”

So if there is actually a light shining on the CONVID canvas, it is this: We now see the evil people we did not even know were there. Doctors, nurses, police, academics, friends and family — people we thought we could trust — it is all in the open now. We see you.

And we do not forget.

January 12, 2023 10:38 pm

That’s what people should be afraid of….. They don’t care that we “see” them.

January 12, 2023 10:49 pm

Why would they? With all the shit they have pulled so far, they know that there is no real threat to them even if they appeared on national television and admitted to everything. The herd simply does not care and even if they did, what are they going to do about it?

Right. Nothing. Like they always do.
The few that do care aren’t going to do anything either.

In a year or two, the herd won’t even remember the covidiocy specifics. They will be far too concerned with the next “must be seen to be doing the right thing” virtue signaling event.

January 12, 2023 10:59 pm

“Look how awesome I am using the New Walmart Hand scanning checkout! I wish they’d do something about those coincidences. Had to step over 4 of them that checked out before they could checkout. #ClimateChange#SaveZelensky”. -The Herd

January 12, 2023 11:14 pm

The more people drop dead suddenly the more even the slowest of the herd will turn.

That is the harsh reality which is what our betters cannot hide for much longer. They cannot control the internet (yet) and people are dying on-camera now. The death rate is only going to continue to get worse. This is not a problem which is just going to go away, and when it starts to affect people en masse, the rage will not be contained.

Every storm starts with a few raindrops.

January 12, 2023 11:20 pm

The shots contain counter measures that ensure The Herd will not turn against them. Expect Dissonance to reach unbelievable levels. Those that do “fight back” will find they(The Big Club) have weaponry most have never seen or heard about before.

January 12, 2023 11:58 pm

And that is exactly what I think: they create the problems, they have the solutions. There will be blood, because that is what their master requires of them, and he is a devious sonofabitch.

They have given us two choices, submit or die. Those of us who will die can only hope we can send a few of them to the Hell they have waiting for them. But as much as I hate to say it, given those two choices, the masses will submit, because we all want to live, and we have an ingrained optimism about life, even in the worst of times.

Read Solzhenitsyn sometime; he said the same, and he believed it, and without that belief — that faith — he would not have survived when so many of his countrymen did not. Until vaxxes came along, there was no weapon stronger than the human heart. Apparently they got most of our brains, however, before that.

I never wanted to be caught in this chapter of the history book, you know?

Clear & PRESENT Danger
Clear & PRESENT Danger
January 13, 2023 5:37 am

” Expect Dissonance to reach unbelievable levels. “

January 12, 2023 11:31 pm

I think you are wrong about people. They will rationalize anything as being ‘normal’ to avoid having to face reality. I know families who have lost adult children, almost certainly from the jabs, and had no interest in knowing what killed them. Subconsciously I think they are aware of the likely cause, but denial and shame (having supported jabbing) will prevent them from ever acknowledging it. If they can’t even face what happened, they are never going to go after those responsible.

Been watching similar behaviour for decades. This will be no different.

IMO of course, and time will reveal who is correct.

January 12, 2023 11:36 pm

They Double Boost their Dissonance blues away.

January 13, 2023 6:33 am

I agree 100%. Not only do people not want to “face reality”, there are 2 other major psychological issues in play:

People hate to admit they were wrong or played. The louder the advocate for something the less likely they will ever humble themselves and admit they were wrong.

Secondly, there is a very large mass of people who trust govt or even have set it up as their protector, provider and near-godlike faith. To these types, coming to the realization that their govt is far from benevolent but is instead a power-hungry, money-grubbing corrupt institution that wants them dead– well this is as likely as an Islamist admitting that Allah was just the moon god in a pantheon of ancient tribal gods and muhammad was a murdering pedophile and scammer– never gonna happen.

January 13, 2023 7:30 am


Be Prepared
Be Prepared
January 13, 2023 5:28 am

“Every storm starts with a few raindrops.”

We’ve been there, done that.

@ some point, a slightly larger ‘Variant’ of…

1 Kings 18:38
“Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.”

King James Version (KJV)

  Be Prepared
January 13, 2023 2:36 pm

Amanda 4:16

twixt a rock and a hard place
twixt a rock and a hard place
January 13, 2023 5:20 am

Obviously, i only gave You one upvote.

Why? You may enquire.

Well, for starters:

“Yet the best and the brightest keep making the same mistakes, throughout history.”

1) There has NEVER been ANY “mistakes”, IMHO.
2) AND, Your post did NOT give a frame of reference for:

Good stuff always, post You.

However, hain’t no new thing under the sun, and the Real Fun has Not Yet begun.

  twixt a rock and a hard place
January 13, 2023 2:16 pm

Re: Scylla and Charybdis

From wiki:

Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom deriving from Greek mythology, which has been associated with the proverbial advice “to choose the lesser of two evils”.[1] Several other idioms, such as “on the horns of a dilemma”, “between the devil and the deep blue sea”, and “between a rock and a hard place” express similar meanings.[2] The mythical situation also developed a proverbial use in which seeking to choose between equally dangerous extremes is seen as leading inevitably to disaster.

January 12, 2023 11:55 pm

This is sarc right? No way.

January 13, 2023 4:08 am

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments ended the constitution, itself the bastard spawn of putrid Whiggery.

Dabney is worth reading on this:

Mistress Amazona Narragansett (From the Link)
Mistress Amazona Narragansett (From the Link)
January 13, 2023 5:56 am

Thanks For the Link Arthur, Timeless ‘Sameness’.

Women’s Rights Women.

[taken from The Southern Magazine, 1871.]

“In our day, innovations march with so rapid a stride that they quite take away one’s breath. The fantastical project of yesterday, which was mentioned only to be ridiculed, is to-day the audacious reform, and will be to-morrow the accomplished fact. Such has been the history of the agitation for “women’s rights,” as they are sophistically called in this country. A few years ago this movement was the especial hobby of a few old women of both sexes, who made themselves the laughing-stock of all sane people by the annual ventilation of their crotchet. Their only recruits were a few of the unfortunates whom nature or fortune had debarred from those triumphs and enjoyments which are the natural ambition of the sex, and who adopted this agitation as the most feasible mode of expressing their spitefulness against the successful competitors. To-day the movement has assumed such dimensions that it challenges the attention of every thoughtful mind.

If we understand the claims of the Women’s Rights women, they are in substance two: that the legislation, at least, of society shall disregard all the natural distinctions of the sexes, and award the same specific rights and franchises to both in every respect; and that woman while in the married state shall be released from every species of conjugal subordination. The assimilation of the garments of the two sexes, their competition in the same industries and professions, and their common access to the same amusements and recreations, are social changes which the “strong-minded” expect to work, each one for herself, when once the obstructions of law are removed from the other points.”

Sincerely, It’s like deja vu all over again!


A nation under God would have never allowed such foolishness.

rachel levine, mommy of alex h.
rachel levine, mommy of alex h.
January 13, 2023 4:16 am

“Enough laughter”

🤣 “We began with clean slate in 1776. We then lived in a time of giants as leaders.”

Dear (Call me) Madam,

I would like some of what You have been prescribed, Before i ask my “Medical Professional” If it’s right for me. Too.

Furthermore, and in conclusion
Furthermore, and in conclusion
January 13, 2023 4:59 am

🤣 ” but the idea of buying 26 State Legislatures would be impossible. ”

January 13, 2023 7:54 am

We have a new state emerging in California. Systems do fairly well when the begin, but decline rapidly as they grow. We need ever-devolving old and evolving new systems.

anon a moos
anon a moos
January 13, 2023 9:24 am

It boils down to one thing. lawyers.

These asswipe shit stain politicals are all lawyers. That legaleze the ‘law’ so that there are plenty of loopholes for them but not thee, and that the average citizen has no idea of what these assholes are speaking about. Legaleze pig latin. The whole of the system(s) have been infested with parasitical lawyers .

What say we kill all the lawyers, wipe the books clean. And start over

January 13, 2023 9:44 am

Nancy Pelosi, Hank Johnson, AOC, Eric Swalwell, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar. The “election” of these cretins, and many others, proves that a significant number of voters (not the dead ones) should officially be downgraded from low/no information to brain-dead. And these are the same people who scream the loudest when inflation runs wild, supply chains collapse, and their standard of living takes a nosedive.