Indicting Trump is the End of US Politics

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.

A few get why this is so inane but most are focused (or being focused) on the wrong thing, as always.

Jonathan Turley has a good rundown of the questionable legality of this case. But, again, while he’s not wrong to focus on that and the shady politics, he also misses the larger implications of this indictment.

This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past. It is quite Leninist. Turley and others have focused on it’s ‘just not done’ to indict a President, especially something as irrelevant as paying hush money to Stormy Daniels.

But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.

It’s been going on for generations, invading male spaces like Augusta National, forcing female reporters in locker rooms, endlessly arguing the wage gap between men and women.

Of course, these same people can no longer even define the women whose rights they fight for.

Is the latest term ‘people who menstruate,’ or is that just so last week?

I thought I was supposed to still wear my mask in my electric car to fight for the rights of Ukrainian men to get pregnant while fighting for freedumb from Putler!

So forgive me if I’m a little confused.

This is a perspective that reduces society to whatever we did before was wrong. Progress in the minds of religious puritan Progressives is a never-ending battle against sin. Yesterday is forever evil while Tomorrow holds the promise of heaven on earth.

In the South we just call these people Yankees and go back to eating our barbeque and playing with our kids.

That sin is stratification as a result of rewarding merit. But what is merit to people who view all profit as exploitation?

You can answer that however you wish, but by their actions it’s clear they believe merit is stealing.

This is why “you didn’t build that,” you “basket of deplorables.’ Anything you have earned can and should be taken from you for wrongthink.

And that’s what’s at the heart of this Trump indictment. Trump is the distillation of everything they need to tear down to validate their envy. He’s white, male, politically connected, a little corrupt, very cheesy and the antithesis of what middle-class bicoastal midwits believe they should be.


They hate Trump not because he’s successful but because our society allowed for him to become successful.

To the progressive midwit, any society that allows a man like Donald Trump to rise like he did needs to be destroyed.

Is it really any different than the teenager who rebels to become an atheist because s/h/ze finally asked how can a god allow such evil in the world to exist if he has the power to stop it?

Did I mention these people have the epistemology of weevils?

Again, in the South we say, “Some people just need killin’” Well, to the puritan mind, “Some societies just need killin’.”

That’s why Trump’s indictment signals the end of politics as we believed it operated. The key word there was ‘believed.’ We are dealing with people who see those that disagree with them as irredeemable.

You voted for Trump? Twice? Burn in hell you fascist!

It’s the only time most of these people want guns to exist.

Civilization rests on the fantasy that there is a shared acceptance of the rules on which it operates. Americans are both immensely cynical and naïve about politics in this sense. We all know politicians are lying when their lips are moving but we also believe in the myth that the American system of justice will get the right answer often enough to keep the lights on.

Today that’s a very big assumption.

The End of Clausewitz

Carl von Clausewitz is very famous for saying that war is politics by other means. He’s so famous for it that he’s become a part of speech, Clausewitzian. It’s a short-hand for this idea.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the greatest writers are ones who achieve this, dare I say it, merit badge. So, today this indictment of Trump is at once, Phildickian, Kafkaesque, Clausewitzian and Hitlerian.

Phildickian because it feels like we live in some alternate America.

Kafkaesque because Trump is being indicted for a crime we can barely define.

Hitlerian because its clearly tyrannical to shut down political opponents

And Clausewitzian because the indictment isn’t about politics but a much broader war.

Davos is at war with humanity through undermining the institutions of civilization itself. They will not be stopped in their quest to secure global control over humanity. They have stoked an animus against Trump in the minds of people like Nancy Pelosi that can only end in fire and violence.

They know that the 2024 election is where all their dreams come together. They need another Davosian quisling in the White House to counter what’s happening with the Federal Reserve’s hawkish policy.

Davos has control over the political and monetary policies of Europe. It lost political control over the UK and got it back and will reverse Brexit. That’s brought the Bank of England back in line. However, it is very clear at this point they do not control the Fed.

So, they have political control until January 2025 in the US, but do not have monetary control over the Fed until 2026, when Powell’s second term is done. This is the window for US patriots to win this civil war before it even begins in earnest.

Powell’s tight monetary policy will be the Democrats’ main talking point for 2024. “The GOP and the Fed are the reason you are broke. They cost you your job, the dream of a new house.” We need more free money to help the poor.

If you think you’re sick of Elizabeth Warren now, just wait.

I have to hand it to these guys, they’ve turned the libertarians into their biggest water carriers by turning “End the Fed” into a strategic asset on the battlefield. With neither monetary nor political control over the US, there can be no 21st century version of V-E Day. It’s bad enough that the Global South has rebelled.

Davos knows this is it for them. 2024 in the US or bust. George Soros said as much at Munich this year. This is why Trump needs to be indicted even though the case is legally illiterate.

Look, the conservative commentators who think that indicting Trump will only improve his chances of winning the election are wrong. It doesn’t matter that he can run for office from jail.

Do you think a GOP run by Cocaine Mitch McConnell will have the balls to defy their Uniparty paymasters and nominate Donald Trump from prison?

Trump will not be allowed to run.

Because of all the words spilled about this so far only Martin Armstrong has come close to the truth of what the real strategy is.

Bragg will most likely seek a Gag Order in addition to a denial of bail, which no matter how ruthless the judge, will probably realize he cannot deny bail to a former President. Still, they will most likely put a Gag Order on Trump, and that way they can throw him in jail even indefinitely as they did to me using Civil Contempt of Court which is not a crime. If they charge him with Criminal Contempt, then he gets a trial by jury. Under Civil Contempt, you have ZERO rights and no right to a trial.

If this was coming from anyone other than Martin Armstrong I would dismiss it out of hand. Maybe Marty is being paranoid. I hope he is.

In your heart of hearts do you really think that? I don’t. Because this is being driven by people who everyday maneuver the world into a potential nuclear exchange with Russia over its right to exist as a country.

Tell me, after everything you’ve seen them do over COVID-19, they wouldn’t relish the opportunity to put a gag order on Trump.

It’s the only thing still animating most of these walking dead in D.C. for fuck’s sake.

Armstrong continues:

They kept me in prison on Civil Contempt from 2000 to 2007. I was released ONLY because I got to the Supreme Court and they ordered the government to explain how I could be held for 7 years without anything on statute 28 USC 1826 which had a maximum of 18 months. To avoid having to answer, they suddenly released me.

So forget the payment to a Porn Star

They can now gag trump, restrict his movements, and harass him to PREVENT him from running in 2024. They will listen to every word he says and are just going to wait to be able to throw him in prison on Civil Contempt indefinitely with ZERO Constitutional Rights. Welcome to the REAL America. They call it a “protective order” to protect the Government and Bragg as you are stripped of ALL your First Amendment rights.

Now, for Trump, if Bragg tried to pull this, his case would be fast-tracked publicly up to the Supreme Court. And then it gets interesting. Do you think Trump would be exonerated with this court? Under these circumstances? The current pressure?

Or do you expect them to do what they did with the election, refuse to hear the case because of ‘a lack of standing’ like they did over the 2020 election, when they clearly had the authority to hear the cases.

Last I checked John Roberts was still in charge up there.

Eighteen months ago I was thankful for all of Davos’ insane over-reactions, pathetic narratives, and unsustainable lies. While I don’t believe Davos is redeemable I still hold out hope that there are enough of in the right positions who are to just say no when the times comes.

With each loss on the battlefield of public opinion and in the policy room Davos has doubled down rather than backed down. Theirs is the Way of the Psychopath not the Warrior.

Their Eurodollar system is dying on the SOFR vine.

So, don’t discount this indictment to Trump. To them this is still their best path to victory.

The fear of a second Trump term is real, not because Trump is so great but because they can’t control him and he’s got a chip on his shoulder the size of Florida’s budget surplus.

Marty is right. They will play this all the way out. They have no other choice if they want to win this war they’ve started to validate their view of themselves as gods among mere men.

Regardless of the outcome of Trump’s ‘legal troubles,’ the real victory will be having destroyed what’s left of what was truly beautiful, a government (in theory) subservient to the people.

This is what we have to focus on preserving as their acolytes burn the libraries and erase the memory of our sins they can’t bear to face like adults.

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April 2, 2023 5:54 pm

So what happens at the end of politics? The continuation of politics by other means.

April 2, 2023 7:34 pm

This is not politics, it is an insipid display of WWE. It is shameless, it is low IQ flummary written for idiots . How soon you forget your fellow Americans murdered and maimed by these criminals. It is getting harder every day to stomach this political theater puke.

Shove your orange jesus up your ass.

April 2, 2023 8:01 pm

comment image

April 2, 2023 8:06 pm

I actually saw a a article this week that said Heavy D was born to finish the job Jesus started….Whut??…..are you shitting me here?? My hand to God, that is what it said.

We deserve whatever we get, we are too stupid to breath. Bealeave, you iz a funny guy…….

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 2, 2023 9:51 pm

Got my Back to Eden book, BL. Only thing I wish is it was larger, not more pages, just bigger pages so there could be pictures of the plants.

  Mary Christine
April 2, 2023 11:58 pm

Mary- My favorite books are by Brits. Back to Eden is beginner level but very good. Enjoy!

April 3, 2023 1:59 am

I’d like to read that! Sounds like something Robert Jeffress would write. Along the same lines as comparing the one to King Cyrus.

Just out of fairness, was that the cover page story of one of the tabloids entering the checkout line?

April 3, 2023 9:27 am

Either way you believe shows your stupidness.

April 3, 2023 9:54 am

100%. At last one that really gets it. Congratulations!

April 3, 2023 6:11 am

The dictatorship of the radical left begins. No need for politics in a dictatorship. You can vote, yes or no, for the offered candidate, but if you vote no there will be consequences, loss of job, years in the gulag, or the firing squad.

April 3, 2023 10:00 am

Don’t be fooled. It’s a dictatorship of the Uniparty. The false left-right paradigm to fool the masses. Two sides of the same coin. Two wings of the same bird. And two butt cheeks of the same ass hole.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
April 2, 2023 5:58 pm

This is all so tiresome. I need more hobbies.

  Abigail Adams
April 2, 2023 11:55 pm

That school bus conversion?

April 2, 2023 6:04 pm

Everyone realizes this is all theater, right??
Akin to the Alex Jones court show.

April 2, 2023 6:38 pm

OK, but curtains come down at the end of theatre . . .

April 2, 2023 11:51 pm

Only after the fat lady sings.

April 3, 2023 10:03 am

No question about it. A theatrical distraction to keep deceiving and dividing the people.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
April 2, 2023 6:27 pm

At the Last trump.
The trump of God.
As imperfect as he is, as we all are, he is the symbolic traditional resistance, attempted martyr and secular signpost of God literally leading the world headlong into God’s biblical end times.
Ignore the obvious at our own peril.

  Eyes Wide Shut
April 2, 2023 6:40 pm

I’m not convinced that Trump, the man, is resistance. The grand popular votes in ’16 and ’20 for Trump, the symbol, was unmistakably a mass sentiment of resistance.

April 3, 2023 5:38 am

And are you also not convinced that this procedure is legally questionable?

April 3, 2023 10:05 am

Of the misled and deluded masses.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
April 2, 2023 6:55 pm

Above all he’s meant to be noticed by all as a great marquee of the end of the age.

  Eyes Wide Shut
April 2, 2023 7:45 pm

Biden seems more the undertaker: a senescent America, shuffling into the sunset, mumbling, stumbling, diapered, drugged, rudderless, decaying.

  Eyes Wide Shut
April 3, 2023 9:29 am

Sure, for morons brainwashed with religious propaganda.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 2, 2023 6:29 pm

The point of this entire exercise is to destroy our whole FORM of Government. That includes the Office of the Presidency. What part of that people aren’t getting is beyond me, but you’re watching it happen in real time.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
  The Central Scrutinizer
April 2, 2023 9:37 pm

Interestingly the decapitation of the Presidency coincides with The Executive being emboldened.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Two if by sea.
April 3, 2023 9:13 am

Stands to reason. You’ve opened the path to tyranny. Many are bound to seek the reins of power, or fabricate them from whole cloth.

  The Central Scrutinizer
April 3, 2023 9:31 am

You mean the grand illusion of the office of the presidency.

April 3, 2023 10:08 am

And ficticious form of government also. Most people have been fooled and now the chickens are coming to roost.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 3, 2023 11:00 am

“You are the people who made it all happen. While your children are sleepin, your puppy is crappin’.” – Zappa

April 2, 2023 6:38 pm

I was driven to support DJT by his enemies. They seem to be the same enemies as those of our Republic.
Regardless of that, I will certainly support DJT now because of this truth quoting Thomas Paine:

“He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.”

April 2, 2023 6:43 pm

“Whatever is my right as a man is also the right of another; and it becomes my duty to guarantee as well as to possess.”
― Thomas Paine, Rights of Man

“It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine, and murder; for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man.”
― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

More Paine (get it?):

April 3, 2023 9:36 am

It’s incredibly hard for those who have been indoctrinated with religious propaganda to see the light of truth.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 3, 2023 7:46 am

I have to say it…if you can be “driven”, you’re no leader. You’re not even a good follower. That only leaves “get out of the way”. If you can’t do any of those things, life is going to be short and cruel.

April 3, 2023 10:10 am

Your comment shows how easily people are fooled.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
April 2, 2023 7:07 pm

Whew, it is preposterous to indict Donald Trump for paying hush money while ignoring the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and the Biden family for over twenty years of crimes against humanity, war crimes, treason and malfeasance in office! This is all a PSYOP a furthering of the plutocrats’ menticide campaign to drive us literally insane, to condition us to believe absurdities such as: the COVID injects were free safe and effective, the financial system is sound, the gender confusion/wars are natural, the fraud, grift and graft of the Ukraine proxy war is in the “national interest” ignoring the fact Biden and others are using the war as a money laundering and pilfering scheme. This is a huge distraction and diversion to keep us from focusing on all the plutocrats’ schemes and agendas.

  Junious Ricardo Stanton
April 3, 2023 7:21 am

JRC .. you are just waking up to the what is being done. It is way to late to change the trajectory of the Maleficence but such is the Overreach, it is highly possible they may have over played it.
Ordinary people might say there seems to be two standards and this is not right and I will get off my lounge and go and see my neighbors and ask if they see the same. As the scales fall from their eyes is might even be possible that 200,000,000 people agree to withhold their labor until the balance is restored to Justice and the political control of those agencies that where sworn to protect against this domestic insolence of justice.
Me, I sell popcorn you make yourself and I just know I am going to retire very wealthy as this blows up.
America is on the skids and the whole World is turning away due to these Inane action buy a Committee of Barak’s old gang, who are told what to do by those who own them.

April 3, 2023 10:18 am

It goes much deeper than that. What’s happening is international in scale. The entire world is being changed by its owners. They know that a lot of people are waking up and they can’t afford to lose control, so they are tightening their grip everywhere. Democracy has always been a farce. Voting is an exercise in futility.

April 2, 2023 7:17 pm

The Dems and Them want to chop up and consume the Trumpster but he’s got an elephant’s hide and makes an earsplitting noise that cannot be silenced by wild dogs running all around him and howling, ridiculously. Trump is a far cry from Armstrong inasmuch as Trump draws crowds who cheer for him and would go nuts if he were penned up and in any way silenced. The crowd is addicted to him and his message. And he has friends in high places. Not true of Armstrong.

Also, the government and its banking enablers are failing. Society is failing. Those responsible are easily identified and it is they who are about to run for their lives as the dollar tanks and tired and angry citizens who know the difference between a man and a woman, between health care and a toxin, chase them back into their rat hideaways where they dare not advertise their deviant, despicable, unnatural, subhuman, society destroying lifestyles, should they even live through the coming time of what for.

April 3, 2023 10:22 am

Far from being a savior, Trump is part of the swamp. Just an actor working for his masters to keep deceiving the rest of the slaves.

April 3, 2023 7:32 pm

Who said anything about a “savior?”

Mark Twain:

“There is no good government at all & none possible.”

April 2, 2023 7:45 pm

Re: nuclear war. They don’t have the balls to do it. If they (US or Russia) start chucking nukes, the elites lose, and they know it. They lose power, they lose control.

The one thing that terrifies every sociopath is imagining a world without them in it, and in charge. They don’t have the balls to start chucking nukes.

Someone else has pointed out that if America’s 20 largest cities were nuked, America would instantly become 80% white Christian. All of the division would instantly disappear, replaced by a unification of purpose: to rid ourselves of the global elite by righteously exterminating them wherever they might be.

So McConnell, Schumer, Biden, and the rest of you, and especially to Russia’s designated nuke-threatener Medvedev: FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PUSSIES. We win, you lose. Take your fucking global fear campaign and shove it right up your asses.

April 3, 2023 5:40 am

Well, then make a forecast when the elites will fold [their war against Russia].

April 2, 2023 8:09 pm

All theater. The end was a demented president of an obviously stolen election, plus whatshername VP, plus alcohol dement speaker.

April 3, 2023 9:38 am

Presidents don’t matter. They’re never in charge. It’s all a fraud.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
April 2, 2023 9:34 pm

Very simple plan to let Trump talk himself into doing time. A sure fire bet.

  Two if by sea.
April 2, 2023 11:57 pm

As long as McDonalds can deliver.

April 3, 2023 5:35 am

I find it utterly hilarious that the author keeps pushing his “it’s the Fed vs. Davos” bullshite.

To me, that’s like saying ‘it’s Pestilence vs. Cholera [I hope Pest wins!]

April 3, 2023 9:51 am

Politics, whether domestic or international, it’s just a charade anyway. The same evil bastards rule everywhere. Everything in this world is a lie. All its institutions are corrupt to the core and serve only to enslave humanity. People need to wake up to the fact that they have been living a lie, and that the world is not what they have been made to believe it is, nor does it work the way they think either. “If voting really mattered they wouldn’t let us do it.” (Mark Twain).

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
April 3, 2023 11:48 am

Luongo keeps insisting that the only thing standing between me and a zero carbon future with a meager diet of meal worm and cricket protein is Jerome Powell and the FED. Somehow I still have trouble putting faith in J Pow as my savior.