Land of the Lost: Part 2

Via Visayas Outpost

The Good Shepherd

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”  -John Adams


April 13, 2023

This goes out to America, especially those who want to be Found, and to light the way forward.   

In Part 1, I reviewed how America became so lost.  Call it the GenX perspective if you want.  My personal account outlined the depth of lies that have been pushed onto the American public ever since Kennedy and Vietnam, particularly the recent years since September, 2001.  Half of the country has fact-checked their way into denial of reality itself.  Are you one of those people, Reader?  Have you just washed up on shore and can’t decide if the other survivors have a clue?

Truth Bomb Incoming:

Gulf War 1 still reverberates today, and I refer to the Coalition AmericaTM policy whereby we gin up evidence to convince our little brothers that some ass-kicking is needed in a foreign desert.  We supercharge the content creators, to paint the most compelling story.  Then, when the right amount of outrage is stoked among the public, we send in the Military Industrial Complex to do what it does best.  The result is either regime change, or weapons contracts, or upward movement of Blackrock in our 401k’s.  We do this over and over again, under different presidents and circumstances.  We tell ourselves it is necessary, when there is not a single basis of truth coming from our government.  For most of you this has been going on for your whole lives. 

We spend our treasure, and the blood of our young men and women, on foreign conflicts whose grievances we cannot even name.  In doing so, we make a mockery of everything good and righteous that America was supposed to represent.  We do more than that:  We tolerate everything we should hate.  We negate everything we claim to believe.  It is way worse than offshoring our labor force.  Did you know that our regime change efforts in Libya have resulted in the return of slave auctions?  Actions have consequences.  WE did all this… indirectly, friends and neighbors, patriots and Christians, because it is we who have failed to hold the line.

Here are some prominent truth advocates:

  • Edward Snowden – exiled in Russia. 
  • Glenn Greenwald – gave the world Snowden’s story, self-exiled to Brazil, and won’t talk about 9/11. 
  • Julian Assange – locked away in Belmarsh prison until the Authorities decide he cannot hurt them. 
  • Seth Rich – death by Arkancide. 
  • John McAfee – captured after years on the run by Authorities, then suicided in a Spanish jail. 
  • James O’Keefe – removed from Project Veritas, and in the process of being erased. 
  • Seymour Hersh – still alive and undaunted, probably on schedule for removal due to his reveals about Nordstream. 

You can see there are only a couple of ways this plays out for the truth-tellers.  The world has become a place of self-censoring, or else risk the consequences.  There are some people blow their gaskets every week, like Alex Jones, now on the hook for some astronomical sum of money for speaking his mind.  Others get raided in the middle of the night, then spend a few years in the courts getting their freedoms back, like General Flynn.  The game is on Readers, as anyone paying attention to the FBI’s influence over Twitter knows.  When your voice gets too big, or gains too much influence, well, then you better have your affairs in order.

The simple fact is that we could have focused on what was important, starting decades ago, before it snowballed.  My generation could have gone to the mat, over the first Iraq invasion-without-a-cause. The Boomer generation could have exposed the radicalized agencies responsible for killing Kennedy, rather than being satisfied by the Warren Commission.  Millennials could be coding Web 3.0 right now in a way that frees society from the communication control the Authorities have over the world.  Pastors of all generations could have kept their churches open during CovidTM.  God help me, but I have a hard time forgiving that.  Why had your elders not re-formed it, having known the dangers of 501C3 for well over a decade?  Fear, tradition, only you know the reason.

Every generation shares part of this story.  I know how tempting it is to point an accusatory finger at a political party, or a group of people, or an agency, or a foreign government.  The Truth Movement, if I can call it that, has spent the better part of 20 years doing exactly that.  But the politics of division are not a winning strategy, Readers, and not even accurate when we examine the inner nuts and bolts of our problem:  America is not collapsing because too many bad guys slipped across the border, or because God didn’t answer our prayers.  It was not Soros funding opposition groups, or Chinese agents funneling in fentanyl.  It was not Jewish bankers or the trans movement.  Those efforts would not stand a chance if the country were filled with people pushing back.  It was our absence from the field of play which let the percentages tilt in their favor.  After that, the story wrote itself.

I told you it would be uncomfortable.  Good Americans stood by and watched, even participated in the never ending spectacle.  We failed to be influential, because we were busy chasing after the world.  We wanted to fit in, and we didn’t want to speak out.  In short we got afraid.  Afraid of being scrutinized.  Afraid of what our lives would be like if we relied more on Christ and less on ourselves.  Afraid to stand up for something and be wrong.  Afraid of how the 401k would look if we retired early, or went to a small company that still had integrity.  Afraid to call out evil publicly, or write that letter to the paper, or go visit that teacher personally and tell him what you expect.  Afraid to quit that government job, or to lose years on the pension.  Afraid to settle for simpler things, so that we could afford the better school.  We let Twitter execs tell us what was OK to say.  We let nameless bureaucrats tell us we could not go to church.  We elected leaders who promoted foreign influence of our policies – and then we followed them.

We told ourselves we would fix it at the voting booth, and that is how society works.  We told ourselves, we would fix whatever our kids were learning at school with lively after-dinner discussion.  We told ourselves, taking on that extra debt was worth it because of the upcoming promotion.  We told ourselves, it is really out of our hands.  Churches and marriages get off-center, then they implode.  People get led astray, and then wander for years in the wilderness, with zero effectiveness.  Politicians make a wrong step, and they are on the hook by foreign blackmail — forever.  It is the Standard Operating Procedure of our common enemy.  The Land of the Lost became that way because of people like us, and it is time to make a change.

More Incoming:

The biggest lie we have sold ourselves is that it is OK for the government to have secrets, because it is essential for our safety and security.  That foundational concept pre-dates even the Baby Boomers.  I’m here to tell you it is a crock of… horse manure.  If the people knew the truth about X, we say, society would come un-glued.  It is already too late for that, as you can see.  But this is the rationale we use, isn’t it?  It is the excuse I have heard my entire life.  Black jet programs, black ops programs, black budget programs.  Secrets about the Moon, secrets about UFO’s, even secrets about history. Foreign policy matters that are out of our hands, Top Secret, even.  As if America’s intentions with Ukraine should be top secret, or out of our hands.  Those are the very things which matter most, as the Defcon clock counts down.  This is what we get as a result of all the past mis-steps I went through in Part 1.  When the most important things are decided without accountability, how can we make informed opinions about anything?

If you think I’m being unrealistic, perhaps you work for the government.  I have two words: Bio-Labs.  We simply cannot continue to be a society in which the very members of that society have no idea what the heck is going on, ever.  This is the way it has been now for a long, long time, and we are the ones who let it happen.  It is no wonder that we are unraveling in a manner that will reward those in control, while punishing or eliminating the plebes.  There should be no plebes, that is the point.  You don’t get to hold all the cards in the land of checks and balances.

An excellent movie on this subject is The Good Shepherd, about a veteran CIA operative rising up through the ranks from his early days in the OSS, and reflecting on everything it has cost him.  I thought it portrayed both sides of this problem of secrets very well, and you can understand what the CIA was trying to balance in the ‘50s and ‘60s.  On the other hand, just look out the window and see what the result has been of a security state run amok, some sixty years later.  It has to stop.  It will stop, simply because there will be no more America if it continues.  In its place will be (is) a permanent United States Corporation, a sort of soft-prison state completely outside of our control.

Final Truth Bomb:

John Adams famously wrote that America’s Constitution is written for a moral and religious people, and unsuitable for any other.  You can see why, because we are not a theocracy.  We are only a ‘Christian’ nation only as long as there are Christians who still compose it.  Adams was right when he described unbridled qualities like ambition being able to shred the Constitution otherwise.  That is exactly what has happened over time.  We will never put it right by continuing on this path.  No amount of elections, or laws, or programs will steer us back.  Not even the passage of a new Constitution or a new Magna Carta will restore what is actually missing:  righteousness, morality.

To do that requires the actual Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.  With security found in Him, the eternal kind of security, all other fears are manageable.  I know many of you know this, but maybe some of you don’t.  When we study his word daily, we find it illuminates everything.  We start to see eternal truths all around us.  We see the fitting together of history, of science, of human nature, of good and evil.  When you become a follower of Christ, He also changes you.  You will feel that center-of-gravity that was lacking before, as you ponder the plan He has for you and begin following it.  You will have protection by what we call the Armor of God, found in Ephesians 6.  All those fears I listed above would end up ranking about a 2 out of 10 when you are wearing His armor, and aligned to His plan.

People who are walking with Christ daily provide Salt and Light to the world around them.  In other words, flavor, illumination, influence; see Matthew 5.  This inner morality pervading society would have made all the difference – still could make the difference, if enough people turned to Him.  But it seems like we passed that tipping point a long time ago.  What we are seeing now is the result; a long, slow train wreck that will probably not be stopped.

The America we knew is in the past.  To have a new future, I suggest a simple recipe: fix ourselves first.  We do that by accepting the gift of salvation, already paid for at the Cross.  Repent, and turn to Him.  Whatever a New America will look like, it will reflect the citizens’ morality who comprise it.  Gentlemen, we can rebuild it.  We can make it better… stronger… faster than it was before, with God’s guidance.  Christian, it is time to recommit, and repent for time wasted far afield, or chasing after other pursuits.  God’s are the only pursuits that matter.  We know His will is going to be accomplished either way, so why not be a part of it?

There are only a few ways this can end, fast approaching.  Behind Door #1, a bloody revolution.  I think the so-called Q plan was designed to prevent this.  Behind Door #2, the splintering of America into smaller countries, or the re-forming of the country from the ground up.  Do you have the grit for that, Readers?  Seems like blood will be spilled either way, so get ready.  And behind Door #3, a full-blown police state.  I didn’t I stick around to wait for #3.

Choose the winning side, the Army of the Lord’s.  That is my exhortation.  Maybe America will come along with, maybe not.  But there is no point at all in staying permanently Lost, friends.  Not when there is an eternity waiting for you.  God may just have in mind a #4 possibility, in which the cry of His people is heard.  Be one of those people.

In closing, I want to reflect on the Imaginarium, and what may be the single most shameful moment ever captured of America’s state of affairs.  This is a still-shot from the famous video clip; you know the one.  America retreating in shame from Afghanistan after 20 years doing… something, and it is not even clear what.

This video is so surreal that it sparked a serious online debate about whether it was staged.  Hordes of people were analyzing photos, comparing videos, and trying to find answers.  How did so many civilians get onto the flight-line at the base?  Was the plane a giant prop, or computer generated?  Were those people actors?  How could the video quality be so good, and why does the running crowd look like they are in a scene?  People falling from the planes?  It was as if a Hollywood script were playing out before our eyes.  I was expecting Tom Cruise to be hanging on to the side of the plane.

If that were not enough, it turns out one of the CH-46 helicopters used in the evacuation was also used in the evacuation of Saigon in 1975.  A cosmic coincidence?  God having a lark?  Or a signal to all paying attention that these things are Theater, meant to provoke your reactions, to set up future policies or votes in Congress.  If any of you still agree with the 9/11 official story, then these events in Afghanistan probably didn’t raise your red flags.  You’ll carry on as normal, just another day in the Matrix.

But something is off.  Way, waaay off.  For those of you with eyes to see, for those of you involved in this fight for truth, I thank God for you.  For those who are making their way out of the wilderness, or renewing a walk with Christ, then welcome home.  The Swords of the Spirit are in that rack next to the Shields of Faith.  There is no point living in darkness any longer, so let’s crank it up to 11.

What I try to remember and reflect on each day, Readers, is that our lives in this body are just a breath; it is our eternity that actually matters.  If America rises again, it will be because of people who cast aside their fears, and who boldly choose the light.  If not, then I hope America’s story will be a source of inspiration and caution for any future generations.  I’m prepared for either outcome.

Peace be upon you In Christ,

Visayas Outpost

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April 14, 2023 12:06 pm

It seems the answer to the Great Reset is the Great Awakening. And there does appear to be a veil being lifted. The gloves are coming off as secrets are revealed.

April 14, 2023 12:06 pm

First , the enemy WANTS the Generational – Blame – Game. Keeps attention off ‘ them ‘.

Don’t take the bait , we were all bullshitted , even targeted for propaganda manipulation by age.

The big worry of the planners is that in the last 5 years , hundreds of millions began to wake up and are much harder to bullshit now. How many people do you know that disbelieve all major media on its face ? They will never admit how much this has hurt them.

Of All the stories that demand our attention each week , LOOK SPY BALOON ! , there is one that remains off radar, even on ‘ conservative media ‘ for the most part aside from puff pieces ….. why is that ?

April 14, 2023 1:20 pm

It’s moving people from World A (FAKE & LIES),


It progresses much too slow because Americans & the rest of the world are brainwashed or stupid or without GOD,

or a combination………………..

April 14, 2023 1:33 pm

Religion has its place. It seemed to keep society on a level plane for a few decades in the West.

But let us also be clear that it also promotes credulous and unquestioning belief in a higher power.

See the parallels to what we have today? Credulous and unquestioning belief in a higher power, switched from God to State. TPTB just used the same template once they got God out of the way.

Your average human seems to crave an authority to obey. Best I can tell it is simply because accepting an answer is easier than doing the work to find one.

And soon all their thinking will be willingly handed over to AI, because it is convenient.

I suspect at least half of American saw Wall-E and thought the fat unthinking blob lifestyle looked pretty good.

April 14, 2023 2:26 pm

” SHORT ATTENTION SPAN THEATRE ” was a common phrase used 20 – 30 years ago. The term has been memory holed , but the tactic of mind manipulation surely has not.

This is why every 2-3-4 days a new ” 2 minutes of hate / outrage ” is pushed as new & breaking ‘news’

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
April 14, 2023 1:36 pm

See Romans 12 instead of Matthew 5. Success is possible in the former, failure is certain in the latter.

Matthew 5:20 KJB… “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”


Romans 3:10 KJB… “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 14, 2023 2:21 pm

It isn’t just journalists who are trying to get the truth out there that are getting deplatformed and arrested, it’s honest doctors and pretty much anyone who tries to push back.

April 14, 2023 2:50 pm

What is so odd about afghans running and cheering for america to be leaving and hoping they get the magic ticket to the land of the gibsmedats?

April 14, 2023 3:37 pm

This country is done if you stand up they destroy you ,just enjoy watching the chaos that’s unfolding there’s nothing anyone can do.

The 6,000,000 answer
The 6,000,000 answer
April 14, 2023 5:15 pm

“Gentlemen, we can rebuild it.  We can make it better… stronger… faster than it was before, with God’s guidance.”

Just my 2¢, but See/Hear most likely LAST turning, NOT start of the 4th.

6 Million (Dollar Man)? 🤣

From .gov perspective? NOT Even a For quite some time.

The link: much appreciated, and VERY interesting, Spent some time just checkin’ out the bush family activities in Paraguay.

“Jenna Bush’s private visit to Paraguay with Unicef, which started Saturday, October 7, 2006.”

Bush Family Residence in Paraguay?

“Fresh Water World” variant. Pages & Pages, “Results returned”. algore? he da man!

Seems like You may have mentioned The Bible as well. @ least in passing?

Crime. And Punishment. Seems to be the overarching theme. Especially the Old Testament.

Chock-Full of great promise. Too.

From Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” —-

To Revelation 22:12—- “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”

Good luck, sounds as though many, imho, are on the correct path along with You. Pray for EVERYBODY. Because…

“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

Apparently, MANY different ways ta read The Bible. myself? Pray every day to do “The next right thing”.

Who Knows WHEN it will ‘End’? Read in there somewhere ’bout “Only The Father” or something like that. Not sure if’n i’ll be around WHEN Jesus returns and…

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”

Nor if i’ll be included with…

” Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air…”

IF 👁’m not extant still in existence? Hain’t gonna know until i wake up if’n i got the hang of it or not. hoping i hear the shout. or i’ll know my FINAL time draws nigh. SOON to be Done. Stubble.

‘twixt Daniel & Revelation especially, sure LOOKS like “The END” is getting closer by the minute. But maybe that’s just me.

Sorta fresh outta the gate, (No pun intended) read an interesting ‘take’ on DANIEL, Explanation/Interpretation. Several times. Actual verifiable historical references aside, The u.s.? It’s in there. The catholic church is featured prominently as well, but to my limited understanding, Heaven is gonna be brimming with people of all walks/groups/whateva. Murderer’s included.

WAS kinda hard ta wrap my head around, but here i be! “Grace through Faith” a fervent prayer(s) on a continuing basis. Mostly.

After a (vast bulk of) Lifetime of “wandering in the Wilderness”? 🤣

The Bible (KJV Most acquainted with) ONLY ‘logical’ explanation.

Still, been a lifelong victim of FREE! Association, seems like i heard 6 million a time, or possibly 2, before?

WHAT were ‘the Chosen’ Chosen for/Supposed to do? Their ‘commission’ WAS to Spread The Word of God. Didn’t work out so well for most of ’em. Repeatedly. However God ALWAYS left a remnant.

NEVER saw a “going out of business” legal notice for the sanhedrin. Either.

Too long already.

Twisted ‘logic’ on my part most likely, but it sure seems like “The Nature of the Beast” would NATURALLY ‘Sub out’ his scheme to those who say…

Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.”

Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

Got a little time anyhow, before SOMEONE leaves a mark.

Work in progress. Rest of my life.

Thank You for Your efforts.

April 14, 2023 8:09 pm


April 15, 2023 7:02 am

The diagnosis and process are correct but recovery does not need to be a Christian come to Jesus. Re-moralizing and reinvigorating after the revolution can come with the emergence of smaller nations with good people working together from a place of truth and neighborliness.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
April 15, 2023 10:09 am

You really don’t have a clue about anything.

You God hatred is disgusting, but your Man worship is truly vomit worthy.

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
April 15, 2023 8:35 am

Good luck. You’ll be waiting for Christ Jesus for longer than you can afford in time. Perhaps it is time to rewrite our laws to control the is secular nation run amok. Christianity , and deism didn’t stop the corruption, and evil. Stronger longs against treason, corruption, misappropriations, and general malice in government would be a goods start.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Billy the Kid
April 15, 2023 10:12 am

All you’ve revealed here is that YOU haven’t found Jesus yet.