Gender Bender

I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often sprout into existence as a form of revenge against the crumbling elites who dictated the old taboos. And I distinctly remember that back then, the idea of a man wanting to become a woman was a societal abomination beyond all others. Neither lynching nor mass murder nor Hitler nor Stalin nor heroin addiction nor devil worship nor curse words nor interracial sex nor hardcore pornography nor even basic bus-station-bathroom faggotry was considered more earth-shatteringly awful, more of a blasphemy against the very order of nature, than the case of Christine Jorgensen, an American guy who became world-famous for embarking on a series of sex-change operations in 1952. And Ed Wood, Jr.’s 1953 trash classic Glen or Glenda? depicted mere transvestitism as such a crime against nature that it caused thunder and dragged Bela Lugosi out of retirement.

But when was the last time you heard someone referred to as a transvestite? Or a crossdresser? Or even a drag queen? Such terms have been swept aside in favor of “trans man” and “trans woman,” which sound like robots from a future I want no part of. The very idea that men pretend they’re women and vice-versa has been eliminated. I believe this is by design. It has everything to do with a power grab and nothing to do with reality.

I haven’t seen official stats, but I would estimate that in the year 2010, perhaps five percent of people believed that male drag queens actually “were” women. But a mere decade later, you face grave consequences for merely questioning whether they’re women. You will have to publicly proclaim that they’re women, and you will be punished—publicly—if you don’t. You will be shamed in the same way they used to shame queers—and more likely than not, it will be a queer who’s shaming you. Or a gaggle of queers, just to load up on the shame.

Now, in 2020, “transphobia” is greeted with nearly the amount of horror that simple transvestites were back in the early 1950s. Being accused of transphobia can ruin your career just as being accused of slipping into an angora sweater and high heels after you take off your business suit could’ve wrecked you in the early 1950s. As with so much of what leftism has “accomplished” in the culture wars, it’s merely a form of morality inversion. What was once sacred is now profane, and ditto for the reverse. The trannies used to be the criminals; now it’s the transphobes.

“A tiny angry minority of sexual misfits has gaslit the world in a breathtakingly short period of time.”

Do we really think the entire world suddenly changed their mind about this in the last ten years, or was it one of the most coordinated coercive brainwashing projects ever? You have a dedicated group of sexual weirdos determined to radically alter a society not for the society’s benefit, but for spite. The aim actually seems to be to PUNISH the society not only for all that childhood bullying, but for refusing to acknowledge their utter fabulousness in the present day and age.

A tiny angry minority of sexual misfits has gaslit the world in a breathtakingly short period of time. It’s truly a case of the freaks having grabbed the steering wheel. They’ve stretched reality to the point where it’s snapped like a rubber band. In their endless hatred for reality, they’ve fashioned a new world where men have babies and need tampons. Where women have penises and five o’clock shadows. Where men who claim they’re women demand the right to have their balls waxed. A world where he is she and she is he and they are all transitioning into walruses.

It’s a world where men, constantly demonized for being men, have been frightened away from acting manly. It’s where the new definition of “being a good man” means “being bad at being a man.” So all these sad men struggle comically to figure out how they can be men without getting attacked for being men. These men are so lost and hapless that they form support groups that only show how clueless they are. These men hang out in all-male groups, lead Peter Pan video-game existences, and never so much as speak to a woman, but are convinced all males outside their group are fags.

It’s a world where tens of thousands of women can march while wearing pink pussy hats without feeling ridiculous. Where women who control more wealth than men and live longer than men and receive shorter criminal sentences than men and give all the dangerous jobs to men still insist we live in a patriarchy. Feminism started out as the idea that women shouldn’t be chained to sawdust floors and forced to pop out babies, but somehow it’s become the idea that women can’t possibly be annoying. Was feminism’s aim to make women undesirable? Do women realize that women are much sexier when they aren’t talking about being women? Instead, we have generations of women who’ve been trained to never stop barking from their vaginas. But if the vagina barks, it will also bite. Will the vaginas ever stop barking unless we muzzle them?

Yes, we live in a “rape culture,” but not the kind you think. We live in a world where there aren’t nearly enough real rapes to suit women’s fantasies. We live in a world where someone, somewhere will feel raped if you sneeze. We have women walking around in anti-rape bras and anti-rape pants and anti-rape helmets and penis-lacerating anti-rape vaginal condoms who get so disappointed when nobody fancies them enough to rape them that they’ll falsely accuse some poor sod, anyway. False rape accusations are as malicious as rape itself in their ability to destroy someone’s mind and life, yet either the women who do this don’t see the contradiction or they don’t care.

The new normal is extremely abnormal. Real women argue with fake women about who’s the true misogynist. Black women tell white women to shut up while black trannies tell black women to shut up and crippled black trannies tell everyone else to shut up, and somehow this is a recipe for social harmony. Feminists blame men for their misery, and men blame feminists for their misery. Fags blame straights, straights blame fags, and everyone blames bisexuals. Men get shamed for being men, and women get praised for shameful behavior. All the young’uns are at least semi-queer, and they all will need medication eventually.

It’s a world that has lost all touch with reality. It’s OK to flip out about rape, but it’s a crime to mention which groups are disproportionately doing the rapin’. It’s an act of social harakiri to state that when it comes to sports, women suck compared to men. To suggest that child molestation may play a huge role in someone’s eventual sexual orientation. That things such as rape may have a biological basis. That lots of women make false rape accusations; that many others have erotic fantasies of being raped. That domestic violence is higher among lesbians than anyone else. That when it comes to neo-sins such as “sexism” and “homophobia,” your beloved racial pets in the Middle East and Africa are far worse than straight white males could ever aspire to be. That many of these “oppressed” and “marginalized” groups actually have absurdly outsized per-capita political power.

You can’t mention any of those things. But unless you publicly proclaim before the judge and jury that she’s a boy and he’s a girl, they will find a way to make you pay.

But at the end of the day when the sun sets and darkness wipes away the rainbow, it makes no sense trying to make sense of people for the simple reason that people make no sense.

Especially when their genitals are involved.

And the lunatic anti-sex vigilantes who want to smash “degeneracy” are just as perverse as the perverts. There are the psychotic closet cases who are so freaked out by homos that they rape them with rubber dildos and smash their skulls like watermelons. At times it seems as if everyone who isn’t a pedophile wants to kill pedophiles, as if murder is suddenly righteous, and if you dare to note that this is a form of ethical dementia, they’ll either accuse you of supporting pedophiles or, more likely, of being a pedophile yourself.

In their attempt to “fix” things, people often cause massive destruction. So many of these pro-deviancy gender warriors are infantile lunatics with their heads stuck up their crotches. These people ooze imaginary pus and blood from the countless emotional stigmatas they bear, endlessly bullying back against phantom ghosts of the childhood bullies who’ve long forgotten about them, basking in the disgustingly eternal human urge to blame everyone else for their own unhappiness. While they wail about being demeaned, look at how they depict anyone who doesn’t applaud their weird practices as a “subhuman, disgusting piece of shit who needs to get AIDS after being ass-raped by a train of hot black guys.” They will never understand that I don’t care what they do with their assholes; I’m annoyed when they act like assholes.

What’s the first thing people want to know when someone’s pregnant? Boy or girl, right? You’re either a boy or a girl. The GENder you’re “assigned at birth” is based on your GENitals. Dude, you’re not a chick. Chick, you’re not a dude. You can be a feminine boy or a masculine girl—we’ve always had them—just stop playing the mind games with us. It’s a one-way ticket on a runaway coal train to Crazytown.

As Supreme Court justices have said many times, your rights end when your balls smack me in the face. How much modern insanity would immediately vanish if we simply decided once more to agree to what everyone everywhere had agreed to until, oh, about ten years ago—that there are two sexes, men and women, and that one’s “sex” is no different than one’s “gender”?

As my queer luck would have it, I’m typing this faggy little essay on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. But regarding the trannies, I’m pretty sure at the moment I’m typing this, it’s still called gender dysphoria, which means it’s still considered a delusion and is thus classified as a mental illness. Beyond that, the way they’re trying to enforce their delusions on the rest of the public is making everyone crazy. And whether you agree or not, the fact is that men are men and women are women. To deny it is psychotic. And the more fiercely you deny it, the crazier you look.

You all have lost your minds. I’m going to go sit by a creek and watch animals mate.

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Author: Glock-N-Load

Simply a concerned, freedom loving American.

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Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
May 21, 2023 7:46 am

Every so often I regret not having children. Now, not so much. I just can’t imagine the mine field parents today, of teen and preteens have to negotiate to try to raise a mentally healthy kid.

  Freddy Uranus
May 21, 2023 8:01 am

I have a 10 and 12 yo boys I show them these freaks and ask them if they want to cut their dicks off and be a queer butt pirate. They so no way José! It is pretty simple, as a REAL MAN speaking to his sons I am having a very easytime navigating this faggot fuck shit.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
May 21, 2023 8:34 am

Uh huh. It may be not be so easy if you send em to a public “school” though. Or if you already did, it will soon no longer be.

  Let the world burn
May 21, 2023 9:27 am

The Boys go to Charter school but have at times got in trouble for saying inappropriate things. OH FUCKING WELL! So they get scolded. I tell them to mind their manners and now they know who the Karens and Todds are that tattletale so they can stay away from them. So what if they have wrong thought, we’re down in FL Land of the Semi-Free.

If you are Worried about what people think of you… You give them supreme power over you… I tell my boys not to give a shit what people think of them. However, They should mind their manners and treat others how you would want to be treated while in public.

anon a moos
anon a moos
May 21, 2023 9:49 am

Bravo. Give my grandson the same messages. He gets sent home as
‘punishment’ and I take him to one of his favourite places, the range.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
  anon a moos
May 21, 2023 1:21 pm

He would learn something actually useful at the range rather than in the mind toilet that they call “public school”.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 21, 2023 8:42 am

Available for arranged marriages?

My kids have a very healthy attitude about the current day insanities. They believe in letting the freaks just do as they please in their own homes, but they want nothing to do with them. It helps that I cut off any contact with insane people, librarians included, upon the first indication that they are trying to convert them. If it means we have very few social contacts, so be it.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 21, 2023 9:28 am

That’s because you are there for them and are involved and are a model for them. There’s too many useless males walking around these days that go along to get along. I just heard the story of a home invasion in Los Angeles where the black males raped the wife over and over and the husband just told her to cooperate and they would be ok. He’s lucky they didn’t rape him too. They are divorced now.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Mary Christine
May 21, 2023 1:40 pm
  Freddy Uranus
May 21, 2023 9:16 am

I’m scared to death for my grandkids.

  Freddy Uranus
May 21, 2023 11:32 am

Yeah. But who is teaching them what?

Sure public indoctrination centers suck, but how many of these homeschoolers are better? I don’t know.

But I do know that very few people I know are critical thinkers or capable of depth of thinking. Most are simple “authority says” mental sponges. “It was said, so I accept” types. No different than “teachers” I have known.

Homeschooling is a good idea IF those teaching are capable. I have met very few I would consider qualified. A couple I know who did homeschool were, in my opinion, not even remotely fit for the task. They raised a copy of themselves, arrogant, ignorant and absolutely immune to logic and reason.

As always, garbage in, garbage out.

May 21, 2023 1:23 pm

It is every parent’s right to raise socially deficient children.
It is a self-solving dilemma.

May 21, 2023 2:10 pm


Sit the Fk down!!!

Even if all the home schoolers were, together, conspiring to create the absolutely most depraved society and aimed to twist every poor soul with whom they come in contact, and wanted to make degenerate the entire American populace,…they’d never have the reach and damage that they could with the public skool system.

It is not solely garbage in, garbage out. It is more who has access to the fresh water system, and how easily they can pump in raw sewage!

Home schooling is only effective to the extent that they create a next generation of leaders who can change the public skool system. If they are all depraved, then they simply do not matter in the big picture.

Don’t worry about home schoolers, and don’t worry about garbage.

Just try to pull your own head out of your ass.

May 21, 2023 6:41 pm

All fucking propaganda. I spend most of my life unlearning the lies my “education” taught me?
My daughter homeschooled after 3 third grade. Graduated Suma cum Laude Santa Clara University.

I’m sorry I paid for that but she had a good enough foundation that she didn’t succumb to the leftist bull shit. I don’t think she would have made it now only 5 years later- it’s so much worse.

How could almost anyone be a worse teacher that the fat butt tranny commie teachers in schools these days. Most people if taught right could learn everything they need to know to be successful by 5th grade anyway. How many more soulless bankers, and software engineers do we need anyway? Whole lot of fucking good they have done us.

Quit after 5th grade and learn a trade- in the coming collapse that will do you better than a degrees in gender depravity.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 21, 2023 6:44 pm

Someone told me a couple of years ago that she believed, the way the public schools are, if you were to pull your child out and have him play video games all day long, he would still be better off than being in school. That gives me comfort on the not so perfect days.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
May 21, 2023 8:39 am

The only phobia I have is thanatophobia, and it is a weakness I am trying to overcome. Not trans-phobic, which would imply I am scared of it/them. Just shaking my head in disbelief, really.

  Svarga Loka
May 21, 2023 2:50 pm

I practice dying daily. It’s called contemplation. I told you about it before. My contemplations all start with chanting the secret and sacred name of God. HU. Divine love is the replacement for any fear.

May 22, 2023 6:05 am

sorry, sounds like an airplane taking off

May 21, 2023 9:07 am

As you sit by that creek watching the animals mate, remember to not drink the water. Fish are making love there too.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 21, 2023 1:42 pm

“I don’t drink water. Fish fuck in it.”

― W.C. Fields

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 21, 2023 9:32 am

tiny angry minority of sexual misfits has gaslit the world in a breathtakingly short period of time.

Those are useless idiots. It is the parasites who think they are elite that are behind this and behind them are the rebels in the spirit realm guiding everything. We, who are allowing this, are to blame, when you get right down to it.

World War Zero
World War Zero
  Mary Christine
May 21, 2023 3:39 pm

The satanic elite morally corrupt the children and infantile adults.

Yet, we are astonished when those children come for us, unhindered by propriety, and our shameful lack of guardianship.

Their being exorcised of rational compassion, they revel in earthly power as tools of domination and damnation. The conflagration, unabated.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Mary Christine
May 21, 2023 7:42 pm

If we’d paid attention to history — specifically the Weimar era in Germany — we’d have seen this coming back in the ’60s or so … 

But, then, we’re not supposed to notice patterns … 

May 21, 2023 10:05 am

When I lived in San Francisco even the faggots hated the transvestites. What the hell happened to the faggots? Fluoridated water probably.

May 21, 2023 10:12 am

What cracks me up is when homosexual couples get divorced.
“We want to be married!! We want EQUAL rights!!”.
Then they go through a nasty divorce and lose the house and half there shit and custody battles over their psychologically damaged kids and are broke and miserable.
You want to be married? Ha Ha! Welcome to hell!… how did your equal rights taste?

May 21, 2023 11:10 am

Can’t say I didn’t warn them about that. Them being generac internet type thing.

May 21, 2023 11:07 am

There is no such thing as a failed painter these days.

May 21, 2023 1:20 pm

Pointers for getting rid of this problem.

You go to a restaurant and a trans is going to be your waiter, get up and leave. If everyone got up and left, they would not be working in restaurants. Trans as bank teller, get in another line or go to another bank. Trans at the bakery, find another bakery. That’s how you do it.

If you work with a trans , keep your distance and if there is no person in your department that will go near the guy, he will most likely quit.

In other words, stop making it socially acceptable, treat this like a plague because it is. You know as well as your name that the vast majority don’t agree with this crap, you don’t have to tolerate this in public and fuel it by handing over your money to companies that encourage this. Social acceptance is what fueled this to begin with. Same goes for movies that push this or print media etc. Turn it off or don’t buy into it.

I don’t care what these trans do behind their doors at home, they have been playing trans dress up for a long time in private but leave it there, don’t bring it into the public domain. Business loses enough money on this plague and they will require decency in their workplace. Ask AB how this is working out for them.

May 21, 2023 2:15 pm

I agree, but, it is far too late.

A huge mass of the population are “I support the current thing” idiots. The current thing is “tolerance” for freaks with mental disorders. The hypocritical idiots will bleat that you are intolerant if you refuse to deal with them. YOU will be the one who is cast out.

We know they are hypocritical idiots because they will not tolerate your opinion on the matter, while demanding you tolerate theirs. There is no reaching them because even if they would listen, they will ignore logic and reason.

The sane, the traditional, the straight, the willing to defy groupthink? WE are the oddballs and minority now. WE are those who will be discriminated against.

It won’t be more than a couple of years before the laws get passed making any criticism of gender freaks a hate crime.

This, among all the other insanity of current society are why I think there is no fix. I look back at 20 years ago, I could not have imagined where we are today. I shudder to think what is coming (legal kid fucking it seems) in the next 20. And history suggests my worst predictions would fall far short of reality.

May 21, 2023 2:26 pm

It is not too late Anon, otherwise explain the Bud Light boycott to hell for AB? And no, there are not huge majorities out there that love this deviant behavior. Stop with your poltroon head in the sand that nothing can change this. That attitude really chaps me in the ass. it should be easy for men to act, it is not written in stone that this is a new normal. Other countries don’t accept this crap. Musloids would behead this tranny business and they have in history. If you let it continue without push back then you are part of it. You don’t see this trans shit in the country Anon, three guesses and the first two don’t count.

Spend your money accordingly, boycott at every chance.

May 21, 2023 2:43 pm

Not saying don’t try, just that I doubt it will make any difference.

And no, there are not huge majorities out there that love this deviant behavior.

Not what I claimed.

A huge mass of the population are “I support the current thing” idiots. The current thing is “tolerance” for freaks with mental disorders.

Not love it, accept it and go along with, because they are herd animals.

Don’t try to change my words.

May 21, 2023 3:17 pm

Then defund it and shun it to the max, bruh.

i forget
i forget
May 21, 2023 6:01 pm

funding, typical sense, misses most the mechanics.

in a magic show, or poker with a mechanic/heat, its sleight of hand. fluid-smooth speed, maybe some misdirection.

in germans going round an IMaginot line (or “border”) its blitzkreig speed.

on a race track speed finds its own level, in each individual rider/driver.

but on a slot-car track speed is an offtrack rheostat that professional fly-wing-pullers got their twist fingers on.

its the pace. people can’t compass it. & so fight-flight-(but mostly)freeze is the response.

& some try to bring all the speed they got to the attacks. the wild swingers vids that pop up here, for example.

but monetary pumping, velocity, can/does buy a lot of speed, for to put lotsa’ soporific side effect into the muni & well water & bloodstreams.

soma/atic. too fast begets slow-motion. if you’ve been in a crash, maybe you’ve experienced it.

i was passenger in a truck that went over the side of a “mountain” in NC (relative to the real thing here in CO). slo-mo everything. a toolbox opened in the rolling & it was like sugar plum box wrenches & ratchets dancing in air.

May 21, 2023 6:52 pm

Sorry to late Blackwater, State Street and Vanguard control ALL the important corporations including Pharma and media. No one will ever tell the masses the truth about anything. Boycott one beer brand- they don’t care – people will switch to another one they own. System can’t be fixed. Best case scenario is it all crashes down and is rebuilt by the remnant.

May 21, 2023 8:30 pm

Anon- Lame is the only thing I can say about that comment.

"a couple of years before the laws get passed "?
"a couple of years before the laws get passed "?
May 21, 2023 8:38 pm

Well. Clearly, We are Not voting harder, enough.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 21, 2023 1:44 pm

I remember a US Supreme Court opinion from the very early 1900s … a Justice warned, in one of the opinions, of the ‘tyranny by the minority’ that would arise …

How very prescient … we’ve been tyrannized by ‘the minority’ for more than 100 years …

  Anthony Aaron
May 21, 2023 6:54 pm

Yep, since 1913 for sure. But really forever.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 21, 2023 8:10 pm

Was picking up a tub for a friend at Home Depot last week and while I was waiting a the counter in comes this guy with long hair in a ponytail dressed like every other New England woman over fifty; work pants and a flannel shirt featuring a pretty shabby set of boobs. He had some makeup on- poorly done, of course- and it did nothing to hide the acne scars, almost non-existent chin and stubble. It looked about as happy as you might imagine based on that description, that is to say, miserable. Sallow skin, shitty posture, dead eyes. I felt nothing but revulsion and did everything I could to not say out loud, what the fuck is wrong with you?

My son caught it and we both exchanged once of those raised eyebrow moments and slowly shook our heads before we picked up the order and left.

I thought about that for a while, what would possess a man to do such a miserable impression of what they think a woman is and to go out shamelessly in public as if it weren’t full blown crazy. All the employees seemed to have been conditioned not to notice or react, but if you know anything about human behavior, you could tell they were treating it like you would a strange animal, making sure to keep space between and not making any kind of eye contact.

I don’t really know for sure what’s behind this phenomenon, obviously diet plays a part, social conditioning and signaling by authority figures, but I think part of it has to do with how men are treated and perceived in an era where most women no longer feel the need to pair bond with average or below average men and spend most of their time competing sexually for a very small percentage of men who take advantage of a sexually unrestrained female population. I think that this gender bending behavior gives them the illusion that they will in turn, be sought after sexually, like women are. I don’t think the homosexual angle really has much to do with it either, in their minds I think they believe it may be attractive to women. Either way it still gives them the attention they never received before, even if it is negative. The saddest part is watching everyone else having to walk on eggshells around these freaks lest the eye of Sauron falls upon them.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  hardscrabble farmer
May 21, 2023 8:24 pm

“…did everything I could to not say out loud, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

My biggest obstacle in life right there, every single time I go out into the world.

Oh, and I don’t walk on eggshells. They do, when they see me coming. If looks can kill, kind of thing. We’re getting more & more of these freaks in the country.

  Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 8:36 pm

What happens when the trip to Homo Depot finds everyone working there is trans or a goth devil worshiper, what will you do?? Do you suck it up and buy building supplies at Homo Depot or go somewhere else? If it takes you more than 2 seconds to answer, you are beyond help.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 8:49 pm

Uh-oh, it took more than 2 seconds to respond. I’m guessing that question was for HSF, cuz I don’t shop at Homo Depot for building supplies. Now, shopping for clothes & shoes…different story. That’s getting really hard.

Had to buy shampoo recently. Only place around that sold what I wanted was a woke cosmetic store. No surprise that a weirdo fag waited on me. As most retail stores do these days, he/it asked for my phone # to put in the register. I made some stupid joke about me seriously doubting that he wants my phone #. He/it didn’t laugh. Will work on better delivery next time I get in that situation again.

  Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 8:59 pm

Abby- So you will go back to a “woke” store with a creepy weirdo fag to deal with?? You could order the shampoo online? You will live in the world you fund and support with your money.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 9:05 pm

NO! Absolutely will not go back. I’ll figure out another way in the future.

*I also NEVER give out my phone # to retail stores, or any other info. I pay cash for just about everything.

  Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 9:08 pm

Then you have proved my point Abby, folks with decent moral fiber will defund the woke world over time if they stop handing over their money to degeneracy. Amirite?

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 9:18 pm

You are absolutely right, BL.

But I don’t think there are enough numbers needed to make a dent. Convenience is important to people. One of the most important things, as a matter of fact.

  Abigail Adams
May 21, 2023 9:32 pm

Most toiletries can be delivered in a day or two now. 🙂

Works with beer, would work with shampoo.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 22, 2023 6:33 am

I don’t shop there, I was there to pick up an item for a friend who lives out of state and knows I have both a pickup truck and an affable nature. Over the years we’ve learned how to source the majority of what we need by repurposing and doing demolitions on old places to salvage materials. Not everything, but an awful lot.

That isn’t really the point though, is it? Every thing you buy even at your local lumber yard comes from China, India, Viet Nam, etc. You cannot untie the Gordian Knot that is globalism until the walls come down no matter what you may think about shopping local.