Dr. Jordan Peterson: New Design + Libertarian vs. Liberal

Dr. Jordan Peterson Design

The Libertarian vs. Liberal debate is confusing for some, but once you understand it, it’s clear as day. While both of these political thought processes have some areas that overlap, you’ll soon understand the fundamental differences between the history, modernization, and 20th century belief systems behind them.

Libertarian vs. Liberal: Economics, Freedom, and the Fight for Liberty


The foundation of Libertarianism is that liberty is the most critical political value to uphold. Liberty means that you have the freedom to make your own choices in your life no matter what. Others are not able to control you or interfere in your life, and you should not interfere in theirs either.

Libertarians believe that this attitude will create a cosmopolitan society united by mutual respect rather than divided by nationalistic belief systems that create ripples in our society.

In a Libertarian world, you’re free to try whatever you want, implement new ideas, live life on your own terms, and live truly free as long as those freedoms do not initiate force against another individual. group, or government.

Since we are all moral equals, no one person has the right to be more powerful than the other. This is where Libertarianism conflicts with the two-party system we have in our American society today.


The modern American Liberal believes in equality and much of that thinking is based off the overall foundation of the ideology and political stance. Liberalism stands for increased personal rights and the general foundation of their beliefs are:

  • Democracy
  • Gender equality
  • Racial equality
  • Internationalism
  • Freedom of speech
  • Freedom of religion
  • More responsibility on the government
  • Less responsibility on the individual

Liberalism grew in popularity during the Age of Enlightenment when Western philosophers and economists started to pull away from traditional Conservatism, promoting free markets and free trade.

In reality, traditional Liberalism is much different from modern Liberalism in the United States. The word “liber” means “free” in Latin, which stands for the free markets and free trade that these people believed in at the time.

This is quite contrasting from the modern-day liberals who believe that the government should have more control and more intervention in the operation of our economy and world markets.

We believe that this article should clear up any concerns you have in the Libertarian vs. Liberal comparison. They are extremely different, and even in areas where their beliefs start to overlap, there are fundamental differences supporting those beliefs. It’s crucial that you understand these factors when developing your own political opinions and stances.



Dr. Jordan Peterson Design


The year was 2016. The nation of Canada was on the verge of passing The Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, which would punish Canadians for using gendered pronouns by condemning them to backbreaking forced labor in the maple syrup mines.

Most Canadians were too busy watching Trailer Park Boys reruns to pay any notice to this assault on their rights – but not Dr. Jordan Peterson. Upon hearing of his government’s tyranny, the clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor stamped out his Du Maurier, chugged his last can of Labatt Blue, and embarked on the long, dangerous snowmobile trip to Parliament Hill where he could publicly oppress transgendered children.

Everyone loved that act of selfless heroism. Dr. Peterson proceeded to use his newfound fame for good: telling young men to clean their rooms, teaching us that our brains are identical to those of lobsters, and totally owning feminists by pointing out that they wouldn’t be so angry all the time if they just had sex with him. Dr. Peterson even convinced Sam Harris to admit God exists by threatening to throw him off the roof of the CN Tower.

Today Dr. Peterson works at The Daily Wire, which puts him in good company with Ben “Truth Bomb” Shapiro, Matt “The Walrus” Walsh, and Candace “Nickname Pending” Owens.

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Author: Libertas Bella

Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty." We chose the name for a few reasons, one of them being that we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. Libertas Bella has been featured on FEE.org, LewRockwell.com, Activist Post, PJ Media, and ZeroHedge.

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May 24, 2023 8:49 pm

Dr. Peterson has a meteoric rise to fame with his book 12 Rules for Life, then curiously disappears from public life for more than a year supposedly for treatment for withdrawl from benzodiazepines, which he started taking when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Now recovered from said benzo issue, he comes up with his own alternative to the WEF, called ARC, except ARC is sure filled with a whole lot of WEF types…https://www.arcforum.com/advisory-board/

It seems Dr. Peterson achieved enough to get invited into the globalist club and then signed on with them for the long haul. He had a point about getting your own house in order before you venture out criticizing the rest of your world, but at this point, he seems to be little more than controlled opposition.

May 24, 2023 9:10 pm

I wonder if that’s why’s he’s allover YouTube now…found it weird that he was popping up everywhere now

May 26, 2023 7:04 am

You mean he wasn’t all over YT, five years ago? (Cathy Newman “interview” etc.)

May 24, 2023 9:51 pm

Another educated ijit (or worse) who thinks a hog (statist) is a horse (liberal). He does certainly define Libertarian (note capital L) right. Open borders and free trade and do as thou will. Which sounds exactly like what the NWO is pushing for. In reality, no borders, which taken to its logical conclusion also means no property borders, unless you are willing to violate the NAP to enforce your own property rights. Then congrats, you just reinstated borders. Of course, it will only be those strong enough able to do so.

i forget
i forget
May 24, 2023 11:03 pm

was “the strong” that instated borders (govs, states, tariffs, yadda) ’round the captured feeder cattle. well, “the strong’s” pawns did it ~ to themselves ~ as ordered.

watched some vids on that harvestright today. the biggest one is $3400. so its either you or 501(c)(3) of the freeze-dried church.

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
May 26, 2023 8:34 am

Peterson Sophistry. Liberals/leftists/libertarians both share a fever for the delusional. First, start with a man that has never existed. Then, magic: a society that has never existed.

Its unfortunate how otherwise productive people keep getting hypnotized into these pseudo-intellectual safe spaces of socio-political theory that allows them to rise above the dirty realities of the current year of Progress to retreat into their own version of moral superiority via appeals to the unnatural.

Which conveniently lets them opt-out of the conflict by means of ‘philosophical’ pacifism, while agitating against other grassroots movements that might include nationalism, identitarian, Christian, localism, and kinism.

The only thing that scares Peterson more than forced pronouns are Christian White men self-organizing and advocating for their interests.

“Free Markets” mythology works much the same. While nice sounding, these organizing principles are trapped by their own paradoxical assumptions. So they go round and round while the prog death cult continues to eat our lunch.

Peterson was right about pronouns and his broken window theory of self-improvement (clean your room) but is a Canadian, globohomo/WEF, charlatan. In spite of that he has helped some young men wake up, which is good. But the trade-off seems to be his rise to media influence which has him in position to gatekeep even more effectively.

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
  Dangerous Variant
May 26, 2023 9:32 am


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 24, 2023 11:13 pm

He was OK on human biodiversity 5-6 years ago. I enjoyed him telling the students at Oxford that nothing was really going to be done about climate change. He explained how conservatives aren’t motivated by fear but by disgust – which made sense to me, having a strongly attenuated disgust mechanism. That whole shtick of talking about religion without committing to the existence of God seems like bullshit to me. Atheism or theism. Pick one. “Would that you were hot or cold, but as you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth”. – Jesus to the church at Laodicea, somewhere in Revelation. (going by memory, I don’t feel like looking it up).

Also, for a while he claimed to eat nothing but beef, salt and water. That seems crazy. Is he still doing that?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Iska Waran
May 26, 2023 7:02 am

We seem to be on the same page on this one.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 26, 2023 7:00 am

Since we are all moral equals…

I call bullshit right there! It would take a Libertarian to come up with that sick ass notion.

Tell me to my face that I’m the equivalent of a pederast. See what happens!

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 26, 2023 11:28 am

I’d argue that a better and more accurate version of the concept would be game theoretically equal. We’re all stuck in the same prisoner’s dilemma, we’re all equally capable of shooting eachother, going around and destroying eachother’s stuff, and generally defecting against the other. So, we can both choose to cooperate, and both get stuff that we want, or one of us can choose to defect, in which case either the defector lives it up at the cost of the cooperator, or both sides defect and everything sucks.

Morality isn’t part of the equation, only power.

More specifically, the power to make other people miserable. In this case, libertarianism is about different groups and agents trying to reach a state where both sides decide to cooperate, not because they’re the same, not because they like eachother, but because the world sucks when everyone goes around utility inverting the outgroup.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 26, 2023 12:58 pm

…and while you were explaining this, the Liberal Free Shit Army just stole all your stuff. THAT’S Libertarianism in a nut shell.

May 26, 2023 7:01 am

Can someone explain to me how the article is connected to Dr. Jordan Peterson?

Nothing written in it, is marked as a quote of his.
None of the links point to anything directly said or written by JBP.

May 26, 2023 8:01 am

“Today Dr. Peterson works at The Daily Wire, which puts him in good company with Ben “Truth Bomb” Shapiro,….”
Somebody email Flash and tell him TBP is back up and running fine (thanks to the diligence of Mr. Quinn, Monsieur d’excellence), a photo of “Truth Bomb my ass” Ben is needed post haste.

May 26, 2023 10:10 am

ha ha ha…what an overly polished turd… we are all morally equals, except everyone who is a Deep Shekels pawn….reeeeee

May 26, 2023 10:12 am

Peterson can’t even…reeeeee

May 26, 2023 10:06 am
May 26, 2023 3:31 pm

I went to that site and read Peterson’s poems.
That guy needs help.
But what was sort of funny was what was listed as next.

The Rehabilitation of Ben Shapiro