Strauss-Howe, the New York Times, and Turchin’s Return

Note: I recommend headphones for this episode as I rendered the audio very low by mistake. It was recorded while Turchin’s Ages of Discord was making the rounds in the summer of 2020.

Over the weekend, the execrable New York Times revisited Strauss-Howe generational theory in anticipation of Neil Howe’s forthcoming (and long-awaited) sequel to The Fourth Turning. The article’s headline invoked Strauss and Howe’s theory as “doomsday” (which the NYT had done before), the article itself described the theory as “cult”and quoted several non-believers (predictable), and Neil Howe was referred to passive-aggressively as “[shying] away from casting himself as a modern-day Nostradamus” (also predictable).

Incidentally, the author of the piece also acknowledged that Strauss-Howe theory has “bubbled into the mainstream.” Gotta throw a dog a bone, I guess.

What’s striking, though? They reviewed Peter Turchin’s Ages of Discord three years ago, with the clear insinuation that Turchin was not a modern day Nostradamus but a modern day prophet. Turchin, for what it’s worth, recently published another book entitled End Times. And yet, the disparity in attention paid to Howe’s forthcoming book promises to far exceed that for End Times. Far as I can tell, the NYT hasn’t even reviewed End Times yet.

Something seems off. Is The New York Times intent on figuring out why America and the world are spinning out of control? Or are they, instead, focused on deconstructing the ideas which are gaining genuine traction among the public, in order to propagate their version of the truth?

Just kidding. You already know the answer.

I had begun to wonder until recently what happened to Turchin. Turns out, he didn’t go anywhere. It just turns out the mainstream media is starting to sense he might not be as useful to them as he once was.

Paul Zimmy Finn

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July 10, 2023 9:23 pm

This ” Turning ” will be unlike all the rest. — Buckle Up Cupcake.

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 10, 2023 9:55 pm

“Thus, whether we see a deflationary depression of “constructive destruction,” a globalist “re-set” conveniently blamed on COVID and Putin, or a massive pivot to unprecedented QE (my opinion),
the global system will be on its knees and no fiat currency will emerge victorious. A few investors already know this. An increasing number of BRICS + leaders and Russian finance ministers know this,
and an increasing number of central bankers (especially out East) know this.
Which is why they are all buying physical gold at record levels.”

  ursel doran
July 11, 2023 2:23 am

What I see is that Tom Luongo’s bullshit from last autumn is now slowly morphing into what I’ve been expecting for 2 years now:
‘The US at some point can only postpone the USD’s collapse by a few more years, by collapsing their vassals’ currencies.’
And this is currently happening in slow-motion, for the EUR.

July 10, 2023 10:18 pm

ursel, please-Powell an angel?

July 11, 2023 1:17 am

The Fourth Turning changed my perspective on modern history and what the future may hold; and brought me to TBP in 2014-ish.

One key point from The Fourth Turning, paraphrasing: The leaders, political, military, and business, have no living recollection of the world in the prior Crises. Ergo they are wont to repeat the same mistakes and make similar decisions as the prior leaders, leading to a gate which we must pass.

The fucktards in charge have lead us to ruin, and at a quickening pace since 2000. A technocratic dictorship seems to be where TPTB are guiding us. Corporatism is the “-ism,” we’ve become.

Fuck that shit, and fuck them straight to the woodchiper. Feet first.

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
July 11, 2023 4:12 am

It was the fucktards more than a hundred years ago that set up the current economic model, where ruin was baked in as the ultimate end point, neverending growth was always going to reach a terminal limit. Regrettably I know of no better solution than the economic system we had.

Mongo Thrapwortle
Mongo Thrapwortle
July 11, 2023 3:54 am

The problem with the ‘Fourth Turning’ as a theory, is that its proponents do not offer any causative mechanism for it to occur. This leaves narrative management by the wealth class, while they fleece the masses with another long planned generational debt cycle, as the most likely explanation.