NO, Bill Gates didn’t fund GM mosquitoes to stop malaria…it’s far worse than that.

Guest Post by Karen Hunt

“…With tears and toiling breath, I find thy cunning seeds, O million-murdering Death.”
Ronald Ross, written in August 1897, following his discovery of malaria parasites in anopheline mosquitoes

If you’ve been reading the news lately, you know this has happened already. In 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved releasing more than 2 billion genetically altered male mosquitoes in Florida and California following a pilot program in the Florida Keys dating back to 2020.

And now, it is all over the news that Americans are contracting malaria in the U.S. for the first time in 20 years. Here’s how you can protect yourself from the deadly disease this July 4.

How many cases of malaria are we talking about? That would be 4 in Florida and 1 in Texas. Okay, that’s not a lot, but still, for the first time in 20 years?

And that’s when social media got flooded with the Bill Gates “conspiracy theories”.

Didn’t Bill Gates fund the company that released those genetically altered mosquitoes—way back when no one was getting malaria, and now people are?

People jumped to that conclusion. I confess I did, too, for a minute. And when we get it wrong, the MSM has a field day pointing it out. Discrepancies can be blown out of proportion to take away from the larger, more alarming issues that are then ignored. It’s an insidious way of conditioning people into accepting lies as inconsequential if the lies support a cause or a belief system that they believe is of more importance.

If you google Bill Gates in connection with this, or ask ChatGPT, you will find article after article debunking these mosquitoes being used to eradicate malaria. Like this one in Forbes:

Malaria Cases In U.S. Trigger Unfounded Claims About Bill Gates, Mosquito Project.

This news also opened the gates in another way—allowing a flood of even more conspiracy theories about billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates to be spread across social media. This included claims that Gates was somehow responsible for these new malaria cases via a project that has released genetically-modified mosquitoes in the U.S. However, such claims really provided zzzzzero supporting evidence and, in fact, detracted from what’s really happened.

There’s no link whatsoever between the Gates funded mosquitoes and the malaria outbreak. That’s because the genetically altered mosquitoes are for other diseases, like Zika. Remember the Zika pandemic of 2015 that pretty much fizzled out, only we are now being told it may be one step away from explosive outbreak.

The facts didn’t matter. The link between Gates and these mosquitoes was too good to ignore. Social media influencers took off with it. Liz Churchill (who proudly calls herself a conspiracy theorist on her Twitter profile) tweeted this to her 269.5 k Twitter followers:

It must be a coincidence that from 2003-2023 there wasn’t one case of Malaria spread by mosquitos…and along comes a company funded by Bill Gates…to solve a problem that didn’t exist…and suddenly in the exact places where he releases mosquitos…there’s an outbreak of Malaria?

Tantalizing! The tweet garnered 60.1 K likes with countless memes in the comments like this one:

It’s easy to hop on board, especially when alternative media pushes you into murky waters like this, time and time again. You have to be wary of all media sources, keeping in mind that conservatives have purposely been lured away from MSM toward social media sites that align with their beliefs so that they can more easily be manipulated. Conservatives love the new Twitter, under Elon Musk. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to corral so many influential ones and their followers into this echo chamber, would he?

So, let’s get the mosquito story straight and use it as a warning to be extra vigilant. We are being influenced to relegate Truth to some unobtainable, pie-in-the-sky, impractical, out-of-date, downright dangerous and cultish concept. A story no longer needs to be accurate to be ‘true’. If the ‘spirit’ of the article speaks to you, who cares if the details are iffy.

Don’t allow yourself to be wooed down this slippery slope. And don’t make the mistake of thinking this only happens on the left side and not on the right. It’s tempting to only listen to what you want to hear. It’s easy, too, because your eyes and ears are being tickled every waking moment. The more we passively eat what we are being fed, the more the algorithms will feed it to us. After a while, truth isn’t something we search for anymore. Not like those long-ago days when we went to the library and had to wander the aisles looking for books and stack them up and read them if we wanted to learn about anything. That was hard work.

We might think we are in the know. But that’s only because everything we ingest reenforces a comfortable feeling inside of us. There is no more argument from dissenters. We are surrounded by people who think the same. Anything that makes us feel uncomfortable, we are being conditioned to identify as false—or disinformation. Both sides now use this term to attack each other.

So, when someone on social media says Bill Gates funded genetically modified mosquitoes to fight malaria most people immediately agreed because this is exactly the sort of thing a monster like Bill Gates does. Even if we then find out that the genetically modified mosquitoes, released by a company called Oxitec and, yes, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are not the kind that transmit malaria, who cares? Gates is a monster, and he does stuff like this. Maybe not this, exactly, but stuff like it.

Except—it isn’t true. And more than anything else right now, TRUTH MATTERS!

We should be sticklers for truth simply for that reason alone. Also, because the truth is so often worse than the lie that everyone is focused on.

According to AP News fact-check:

Oxitec’s work in the US has involved releasing genetically modified, male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Florida Keys with the purpose of combating insect-borne diseases such as Dengue fever and the Zika virus. The intent is to have the modified mosquitoes mate with female mosquitoes and pass on a genetic change in a protein that would render any female offspring unable to survive — thus reducing the population of the insects that transmit disease.

Here’s why the facts are worse than the “misinformation spread by people like Churchill.

  1. They focus on the false assumption that these mosquitoes have been genetically altered to fight malaria when it’s multiple diseases including Dengue fever, yellow fever and Zika.
  2. They focus on the boogieman Bill Gates instead of what is actually happening.

Instead, we should be asking the question, if they kill off one type of mosquito—no matter if it’s for malaria or zika or whatever—doesn’t that upset the balance of nature and cause other types of mosquitoes to thrive? Perhaps malaria-carrying mosquitoes will now multiply. Perhaps other insects will have less competition for food sources now that the disease-carrying mosquitoes are dead, and they will thrive and cause even worse problems.

Another question is where exactly will this “genetic modification” craze take us in the future? We have absolutely no idea what we are messing with when we start artificially tinkering with the genetics of insects, animals, plants, people. A few megalomaniacs have newfound ways to play God and think they know better? It’s not only absurd, but dangerous and should be stopped.

I mean, look at this:

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun

Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming. Opponents believe such science comes with unpredictable risks, including extreme shifts in weather patterns not dissimilar to warming trends we are already witnessing.

And now, instead of stopping this run-away train, and without knowing the consequences of our actions, the US is poised to release 2.4 billion genetically modified male mosquitoes through the year 2024 to battle deadly diseases.

Opponents have “raised questions about the modified mosquitoes’ interaction with Tetracycline, an antibiotic used in agriculture, which can be found in wastewater and works as an antidote, enabling female mosquitoes to develop. They fear the complicated interplay could lead to hybrid mosquitoes that are even more difficult to control”.

Don’t worry, not a single female mosquito will survive, because, you know, things like that never happen. And anyway, even if they did, genetically engineered mosquitoes aren’t being released near “wastewater treatment facilities” or “commercial citrus, apple, pear, nectarine, peach growing areas, or commercial cattle, poultry and pig livestock producers”, or other places where tetracycline would be used, and mosquitoes are known to thrive. I mean, how would these mosquitoes ever get to places like that? It’s not like they fly. Nor do they hitch rides in vehicles or on people or animals…you get the idea.

Looking back at a hundred years of promises to eradicate malaria in Africa, and what do we have to for it? Just a bunch of billionaires like Bill Gates growing ever bolder as they inch closer to death themselves, in their plan to experiment on people everywhere. Nobody gave consent for them to do so. Which brings to mind the thought that no one in Florida got to vote on whether or not they wanted genetically modified mosquitoes in their neighborhood. Will we get to vote on whether or not the sun is dimmed? Somehow, I doubt it.

Will we even get to vote for our next president in 2024? And if we do, do our votes matter? No, they don’t. Did anyone really have informed consent about the Covid vaccines? No, they didn’t.

The WHO assures the world that its rollout of the Mosquirix (RTS,S) vaccine currently underway in Malawi, Ghana, and Kenya is a “pilot introduction” and not a “research activity”. You see, a “pilot introduction” isn’t subjected to oversight and regulations. They are so good at making these legal distinctions.

BMJ study argues otherwise but arguments fall by the wayside. It’s a perfect example of how these corrupt pharmaceutical companies get around rules and regulations even when it’s obvious they are doing so:

If an activity is classified as research, then all sorts of rules and oversight mechanisms are activated. For example, the activity must receive the prospective ethical review. Unless certain conditions are met, human subjects must provide informed consent,” said bioethicist Jonathan Kimmelman in the report.

“The fact that the activity has been registered in [NCT03806465] amounts to an open declaration that this is research,” he adds.

First developed in 1987, Mosquirix is the world’s first licensed malaria vaccine. The European Medicines Agency reviewed its use in children between 6 weeks and 17 months, followed shortly by a WHO recommendation for large-scale pilot implementations in children 5 to 9 months of age despite outstanding safety concerns brought up in previous clinical trials during which children who received the vaccine were 10 times more likely to contract meningitis or had an increased risk for cerebral malaria.

Time and time again, the cure is worse than the problem. Like the polio vaccine that we are being told is now reemerging as New York Reports First Polio Case in a Decade.

Despite news outlets like NPR announcing in 2019 that polio had been eradicated by vaccines, it has been discovered that the Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio.

[The vaccine] has mutated. It starts circulating again, just like regular polio. But early on, it’s just – it’s still a vaccine. It’s not dangerous. And then slowly, it sort of regains strength. And they’re finding they can actually genetically see this – that scientists can actually trace it back directly to the vaccine. And now these vaccine-linked cases are actually causing more cases of paralysis each year than actual traditional – what scientists call wild polio.

Did you know that in unvaccinated people, “90% of polio cases are asymptomatic. 10% or so develop a mild viral illness with fever, malaise, etc. 1-5% may get an aseptic meningitis with headache, neck stiffness, etc. 0.1% can develop paralysis, usually of one limb.”

The tragedy of the first polio vaccine isn’t widely known, but it should be.

In April 1955 more than 200,000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination program against polio had to be abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40,000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.

And they say it’s impossible that batches of the Covid “vaccine” could have been contaminated. Based on the history of vaccines, it’s more likely that any number of things went wrong with the Covid “vaccine”, which they will do anything to cover up until maybe 50 years from now. That’s about the distance they like to put between the horrors they create and letting the public know about it.

If they really cared about people’s wellbeing, wouldn’t they invest into figuring out how to boost people’s natural immunity rather than destroying it? Why vaccinate billions of people against diseases that most people’s natural immunity successfully fights against anyway? At every turn, we are destroying the natural world and our own bodies along with it.

Even the Gates Foundation (which gave $168.7 million towards the malaria vaccine) admits that despite requiring 4 doses and being only 30% effective against severe malaria, not working very well in older children or adults, requiring a specific adjuvant that limits its supply, and losing most of its protection for young children over the first 18 months, as of April 2022, the RTS,S vaccine had been given to 1 million children living in areas with moderate-to-high malaria transmission, with millions more doses to be provided as the vaccine’s production expands.

And it is full steam ahead, with Africa News reporting that 20 million doses are being administered in 2023.

We all know the playbook by now. Experiment in Africa before bringing the drugs to the West. It’s all being blamed on climate change and the answer is more synthetically manufactured drugs.

CNN tells us that as the world warms, these insects are thriving – and bringing disease. TIME says Europe Faces Growing Risk of Mosquito-Borne Diseases Due to Climate Change.

Does every insect have to be nice to humans in order for us to allow it to exist? Or are these insects just an excuse to make money and conduct experiments with little care about helping anyone? In 2019, Africa was home to 94% of malaria cases and deaths while funding for malaria control and elimination reached an estimated $12 billion per year.

In my essay Once Upon a Fomite, I relate how the World Health Organization opined the tragedy of malaria, using words such as “stalled” “off course” “increase of 5 million cases” “pesticide resistant” “worrying trend” “reducing malaria cases and deaths will not be attained” and so on. Meanwhile, disease experts and the organizations they fund fly to exclusive resorts in private planes and hold conferences to discuss new theories and award each other with prizes for their noble efforts.

Now that they have boldly experimented on all of us with the Covid “vaccine” (even those of us who didn’t take the vaccine were still part of the grand experiment) and no one stopped them nor has anyone suffered consequences, we can see how funding to “eradicate” malaria or zika or Covid or HIV or cancer is directed and controlled by “a small group of elites that favors incomplete results.” Nobel Prize malaria recipient Sir Ronald Ross, who was called “the poet who conquered malaria” warned against this as “research of little value enriching only certain organizations and chemical-based industries outside of Africa.”

Perhaps the real researchers who cared could have conquered malaria if the megalomaniacs, starting with John Rockefeller who Created the Business of Western Medicineand carried on by disciples such as Bill Gates, hadn’t gotten in the way.

It’s vitally important that we insist on the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel. We should not be satisfied with watered-down half-truths simply because they fit with preconceived ideas and make us feel comfortable. It’s tempting to want to feel comfortable in such unsettling times. It’s hard work searching for the truth. It will become harder and harder to find it. If we do not hone these skills now, we will not suddenly have them later on.

Proverbs 14:18 says “The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge”.

Remember, information is a dime a dozen. Knowledge must be searched for; it doesn’t come easily.

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July 12, 2023 6:33 am

“Man made Malaria Pandemic brought to you by the WHO.
Experimenting in Africa, then the world…
Who do these people think that they are that the world is their playground and all people exist for their use and are disposable?

WHO & Gates Inc announce plans to flood Africa with ultra dangerous malaria “vaccines”

July 12, 2023 6:57 am

Look at Jim Humble’s work in Africa concerning Malaria.

Steve Z.
Steve Z.
July 12, 2023 7:44 am

It’s entirely possible the modified mosquitos are the cause of malaria. It’s just as probable if not more so, the recent illegals from Africa brought malaria with them and it’s spreading naturally.
The illegals are bringing a host of diseases with them.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Steve Z.
July 12, 2023 12:27 pm

I think it’s the latter and they sure don’t want to admit that open border brings in all kinds of diseases, drug resistant TB being another one.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Steve Z.
July 12, 2023 12:30 pm

I recall in the ’70s how one of my doctor friends who was an infectious disease specialist allowed how many diseases we thought were eradicated were brought into the US by our stupid ‘boat people’ project … and how few doctors had any knowledge or experience in either diagnosing or treating these folks.

Invite the 3d world in … get the 3d world problems with them.

July 12, 2023 8:30 am

malaria vaccine=no such thing exists nor has ever existed.

Vaccines treat viruses.
Malaria is parasite.

July 12, 2023 11:41 am

Oops, it’s Ivermectin again!!!

July 12, 2023 8:12 pm

Hooray for Htos1av!



2. CANCER (prevention & treatment)


Also Hated by TLPTB (L=Luciferian)…BIG HUGE PLUS!


Might be something to take and stockpile…unless you gulp the Cool-Aid.

What can I say…Cool-Aid gulpers have evolved from a sip to the needles…Jim Jones was a low level take a sip anti- Christ…our current crop of Death Merchants make him look like what he was, but he wasn’t a piss ant to those he pulled in…to them he was THE WIDE GATE.


July 12, 2023 8:58 pm

Actually the OTHER one,hydroxycloroquin……
Quinine treats malaria…..

July 12, 2023 5:44 pm

Yeah, but are there any viruses at all anywhere? Now that is worth examining first of all, as is “contagion.” The accepted lies at the base of “truth finding” preclude the discovery of what is.

July 12, 2023 7:58 pm

Ideation, IS often the contagion.

July 12, 2023 10:08 am

was any research done in this article? Proof Gates funded mosquito research

July 12, 2023 10:25 am

Of course.
The entire first half of the article consisted of researching what the “fact checkers” say and then reporting that as gospel truth.

July 12, 2023 10:27 am

Author has a valid point on the unknowns factor of messing with nature. That said, the author uses an AP ” fact check ” and then FAILS to show that these bugs cannot carry Malaria. Do we even have all the facts about the project ? Could it be a cover story for undisclosed research. They would never do that , right ? Right ???

If it walks like a duck , Bill Gates is up to something.
Open borders are not helping.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
July 12, 2023 12:51 pm

Bill from the Gates of Hell has already been kicked out of India for experimenting on children there and the 15,000+ of those children that got polio … and he wanted to do his weather modification experiments in Sweden, but that government also kicked him out.

When will OUR government kick him out? And, if not — why not?

July 12, 2023 6:39 pm

If it walks like a duck , Bill Gates is up to something.

lol. A great pithy phrase, suitable for any occasion.

July 12, 2023 10:35 am

Good observations, look at the vaccine, “it’s a slow kill bio weapon” and leave it at that, stopping there. But what if that’s just a beneficial side effect for the PTB, like layers of an onion what if there are several more deeper layers to it ? Very few contemplate those layers or or make those suspicions public.

July 12, 2023 10:35 am

Help me… help me

July 12, 2023 6:41 pm

comment image

anon a moos
anon a moos
July 12, 2023 10:53 am

Maybe someone is releasing biological agents into central america to see what sticks and becomes the next scamdemic, due to climate change of course.

These devices were being found in central america along the darian pass. Wondering where they might have come from.

American UAV releases toxic mosquitoes spreading bioagents

July 12, 2023 11:40 am

No, just the illegal aliens flooding into our country…

July 12, 2023 8:56 pm

Everywhere are rules…
Making my life harder
Bustin my jewels….
Don’t do this
Don’t do that
Don’t you know the rules……….

July 12, 2023 11:05 pm

Oh Dear! I feel so bad! The author of this crap piece has shown me the light.

I will not worry about some billionaire megalomaniac who has had his hands in a dozen other health scandals, weaponizing medicine and its regulatory structure against the little people, because his genetically altered mosquitos, released upon a non-consenting public, may not “actually” spread malaria.

Such a relief!

Tony Ducks
Tony Ducks
July 13, 2023 8:52 am

Gates has outlived his usefullness. Time to go