The State of the Electorate

My best personal regards to the commenters from this site that recommended the book, “Germany’s War” by John Wear. Another recommended book is entitled “The South Was Right,” the authors are brothers Ronald and Donald Kennedy. These books reveal the history of the winning side propaganda “truth.” Some of the points I was aware of but most have been quite revealing.

The strength of the “The Burning Platform” is the quality of its’ readers. We are people with a wide variety of knowledge of many areas. There are many sites to read on a daily basis and time is limited. TBP is worthwhile because it has a wide range of subject matter brought out every day which makes it a must read. I also personally enjoy being corrected or harangued if it results in furthering my knowledge or correcting an error.

Why am I rambling? The books above specialize in overthrowing the propaganda that we have been inundated with during our years of education. I pride myself on being quite the badger on new information or views that have been ignored. Unfortunately, much of the status quo historically has been filtered and propagandized to suit the powers in the big chair for centuries. So what?

The internet has opened a communication web that has allowed a large window into other relatively unknown but interesting subjects or points of view. We now realize that we have and are being fed tremendous amount of cozmik debris on a daily basis. It can be in the form of distortions of the facts or most often by ignoring the information that is not in the interests of the boys and girls in the big club.

How does this occur? I believe that around 90% of the media is owned by six families. Their purses are large enough to control every word that you read or hear in the old style communications industry. The newspapers are dying quickly, the cable news crowd is fading to a well deserved slow death so what are the club members and their DC lackeys to do? The censorship of the internet is the last barrier before their visible coup can be attempted.

They have shown their colors with the 1-6 trap, the Scam-demic, the two tiered justice system and the attempts at race wars in the street and the purchase of the president by foreign governments. The domination of the airwaves with Global Warming and DEI trumpets are but the current distraction on a grand scale from the total elimination of the Constitutional Republic.

Think for a minute of the type of individual that is a street rabble rouser for the state. The standard left wing follower is a government employee that files papers for a living, a college student or nerdy professor, or a person with a genetic amygdala issue. Those add up to about 25% of the population. They are easily directed and with the assistance of the media, appear to be a much larger group. If you add in the 13% black population and the excessive estrogen group, about 50% is the most that they can assume will go their way.

Most people who actually produce a good or service for a living are too tired to get out of their chair in the evening or to dig through the internet to find out an opposing viewpoint to the radio driving home from work. Most only want to stay in the background to avoid confrontation. Long term trends are beyond their ken.

What are the results of this lackadaisical attitude? The first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh and eighth amendments are no longer valid unless you are politically connected. We have sent our children to war illegally many times since beginning with Korea. Now we are supplying ammunition for a civil war in which we have no political or actual defense of the United States involved. The basis of our government has been shattered by the current regime.

The politicians are in the business of self improvement financially and socially. For these immoral failed lawyers anything is better than writing wills and getting drunk drivers bail. They will continue to be bribed or blackmailed for the benefit of their wallet and the members of the big club. What can be done to require them to change this trajectory? Nothing! Why would they sacrifice their cash cow? You are easily dropped into the gutter.

The “Convention of the States” plan is dead on arrival assuming enough people get off of their rear to vote for it. The reason why is of course who will be the new delegates? Obviously your current Congressmen will be jostling for a spot at the table and have the money and organization behind them to get in. Do you really believe that with the current elite state ignoring the Bill of Rights something will change?

Both of the books mentioned above show that a propaganda state will do anything to continue their power and justify their actions to the help. That would be you. How much further will the 3% be pushed before the precipice is reached. Desperate people do desperate things.

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July 22, 2023 2:19 pm

Abolish the state.

July 22, 2023 2:35 pm

Abolish the state.

The siren song of idiots?

July 22, 2023 3:08 pm

No refutation, just name calling? What does the state offer to recommend its continued existence? What, the “right” people being in charge of it?

July 22, 2023 5:28 pm

It was a rhetorical question.
Hence the inclusion of the odd symbol “?”.

July 22, 2023 6:07 pm


July 22, 2023 10:50 pm

But you gotta admit “abolish the state”
is an absurd statement.

Who is going to “abolish the state”?

Are we going to organize a group of humans and work together to “abolish the state”?
The group will need organization and rules.
We will need to elect a board, probably should incorporate…….develop a plan or two, coordinate funding, transportation,

July 22, 2023 5:02 pm

Insistence on the indispensability of the state:

The swan song of humanity.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
July 22, 2023 2:48 pm

“We now realize that we have and are being fed tremendous amount of cozmik debris on a daily basis.”
– Madame DeFarge

“Cozmik debris”? Didn’t you mean to say the worst and most monstrous fucking bullshit and lies in history, madame?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Aunt Acid
July 23, 2023 8:11 pm

Auntie – A real lady does not use common street language, but finds a way to convey the message using a unique combination of words. Here in the South, ladies are fond of saying “Bless your heart” when I am more apt to say “You are full of shit.”

July 22, 2023 5:32 pm

Thanks. You’re welcome. I’ll be here all week.

Also required reading:
Gold in the furnace, by Savitri Devi
The Turner Diaries, by William Pierce

Tonight I’m starting to read Hunter, by William Pierce

Because socializing is like hopscotch nowadays. Too much effort and not enough reward. If you step outside the lines of the stupid game you break the rules and prolly have to break someone’s face.

If i need female company, I just shower, put on clean clothes, and locate a target. Pretty person privilege? I’m ugly haha. But man. Even thats not hardly worth it anymore. I always seem to lose more than I gain, regardless of how hot she is…

I can’t wait to get a dog. If the last skank passes her pregnancy test, I’m gonna become best buds with a puppy.

Screw the public. Buncha gay ass retards!

July 22, 2023 6:08 pm

Vax-induced dementia?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
July 22, 2023 6:33 pm

Ben Stein’s father, Herb, summed it up brilliantly back in Nixonian days as his head Econ Honcho.

Reporter: “How long will the economic expansion continue?”

Herb: “Until it ends.”

As George Harrison noted, “All Things Must Pass”.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
July 23, 2023 2:26 pm

Thank you for your personal regards Mademoiselle ( I am sure you are really a young filly) and may I return the compliment, just in case. I too enjoy the barbed comments here on TBP which is so refreshing for a Brit, so used to the subtlety of the British class system (aka PLUs – People Like Us).

I wrote about your wonderful country this week and although the Mafia have taken temporary command, I have no doubts that TBP will win through, given such a giant of freedom and liberty we have in Admin.

CORRUPTION! – Coutts – Elections – Laugh at Them – True GB News – Warmonger – Non-Summit – Energy – Brexit – Holland – NATO – Prices – Amish – We-Were-Right!- Letter from Great Britain – [07-22-23]

I am not desperate yet because I am escaping south to the sun in November which makes me a happy bunny. But if my visit to Texas is anything to go by – you have every reason for an optimistic outcome of this battle of minds. I wouldn’t want to muck with the Red Necks and I am actually experienced in the ways of the Afrikaners: